asherthehimbo · 9 days
Do u know I love u
Idk who you are but thank you🫶🏻
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w0lfbite · 2 years
 @0ldwest​​   :    I’M   GOING .   ARE   YOU   COMING   WITH   ME   OR   NOT ?     &.      ARCANE .
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skin    and   hair   scrubbed   clean ,      days   worth   of   dust   and   dirt   long  gone   in   lieu   of   his   new   scent .    clean   and   musky   like   the   pinetrees ,   far   too   fancy   but   that’s   what   the   job   required   ( or   so   his   mentor   said   before   sending   miss   grimshaw   armed   with   a   bucket   of   clean   water   and   tonics   storming   his   way ,   a   sight   far   more   terrifying   than   any   amount   of   bounty   hunters . )     his   dark  hair ,   usually   a  tousled   curtain   obscuring   his   face   was   clean   and   pulled   back ,   combined   with   his   clean   shaved   features   all   too   exposed   for   his   liking .  
   ❝   i’m   comin’  ,   alright ?    just . . .    ❞     he   groaned ,   dragging   his   feet   behind   dutch  .   despite   his   elegant  ensemble   cotton  and   silk ,   his   slouched   posture   and   clear   discomfort   adorning   scarred   features  made   him   look   more   like   an   animal   forcefully   dragged   on  a   leash   when   compared   to   the   man   clad  in   a   stylish   mirrage   of   black ,   red   and   gold   striding   pridefully   before   him .     
❝    dunno   why   didn’t   ya   take   hosea  on   this   job .   the   two   of   ya   seem   to   love   this   playactin’   business .    ❞    john   tugged   at   the  tie .   the   material   felt   more   like   a  noose   and   it   made   john   shift   unctrollablly   as   the   other   man   helped   to   tighten   it over   the   white ,   cotton   shirt   that   seemed   to   scratch   his   suncut   skin   with   every   move .     ❝    hell ,   even   arthur   would’a   been   fit   better ,   dumb  an’   ugly   as   he   is   at   least   his   face   don’t   look   like  it   went   through   a   meat   grinder   or   somethin’ .    ❞     a   fancy   colar   didn’t   make   a  coyote   into   a   poodle  just   as   a  suit   and   tie   didn’t   make   greasy   johnny   marston   fit   to   act   a  businessman .  
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eyewatcher9 · 23 days
It sucks to see "anas/mias" being agressive to you, you seem like a sincere person, but I can also see where they're coming from. Whenever I eat the amount of food I should, I feel hungry (still), sick and look bloated, when I eat under that, I feel hungry and weak.
I can only assume I have a currently undiagnosed medical condition that makes it psychically and mentally difficult to eat, which leads to binge restrict cycles. I don't know a healthy relationship with food, I have never had one. I don't mean to trauma dump. But it's so frustrating to have people tell me "Don't starve! Just eat protein and do exercises, you'll be happy!" I've tried that before, it didn't work! This comes from a very personal place, I hope you understand that the things you write makes my (and others) issues seem black and white though.
i know it's a grey world, nothing really fades into the things you want, Also, yes, that is right; the methods i recommended could fail, not everyone is the same, but it was so for the fact that they didn't even try it the first place, rather just attacking me and treating me like this enemy to them, as if i wanted to suffer. Anorexia is one of the worst conditions a human being can have in manners of mental health, not just because how it isn't seriously due to the overall social media view of "skinny is better" that started in the 1920s, but also because of the way it works, affecting the metabolism and behavioral patterns of an individual. The reason why most of these people come with attacks towards me, it's mainly due to me touching a personal subject, although hypocritical due to their need to post about it on the internet but sure, personal. It does resonate, having the semblence of an unfed dog, not inferior but miserable, too hungry to fight yet too anxious due to lack of self nutrition to be calm and rational. Eds on the other hand, are the psychological response to food and the brain chemical out-come of such, since most individuals enjoy most meals of their desired taste without any problem, they feel left out and somewhat ignored with this particular issue, as it makes them feel that their need for something that they considered "sweet" or "greasy" can't be met due to selfdeprication of their body image (this is actually the reason why i originally shared recipes, like low sugar peach melba and low oil tray pizza for them). In quick mention, the combination of these 2 conditions create an emotionally hurt individual that can cause acts of damage to their own bodies in response of realese, and often find themselves in the defensive of their own view, to egotistical to take advice or critic, only their own and their own reflection double crosses them and backstabs them each time.
I give up, to the ed and ana tumblr, you won. Hope you enjoy the bowl of ice and rocks, everyone <3
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caffeine-high · 7 months
i had a whole selfdepricating rant typed out, but lets not do that actually
i did about two hours of uni this morning and now my head is killing me, but i did do those two hours!
so now i deserve to be home and take a nap
i will try some more this afternoon
everything will be okey and my body is currently not up to the harsh schedule ive been demanding of it for so long i should respect that and listen to it
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Remember when I said he had two roads to choose from? // I belive he chose a path of laying very low (last projects didn't do well - Lightyear, Gray Man, Ghosted and now Pain Hustlers - all those projects don't have exiting reviews). We know that he has sceduled only 2 projects for the 2024 - Red one and Scott Pilgrim, but all work was done this year. I believe we will have confirmation of this trajectory in October when it will come for him to be in NY Comic Con, because I doubt he will show up based on what is going on right now among his fans (but we have to wait and see). I just feel very very sad for him. I know a lot of people are gloating right now and throwing shit to his face and are downplaying his acting abilities, but he is truly talanted actor. I just feel like he doesn't believe enough in himself and he is very selfdepricating in a bad way.
I can't understand what is going on with him, the only thing I have in my head right now that it all will end bad, and it will end bad first of all for him. Fans are leaving (Tumblr blogs, twitter fan accounts and even Instagram fan accouts)...
Yeah with the way things are playing out right now it does look like he is going down the path of quitting. Sucks for him because his leesons will be harder to learn and we all know how stubborn he is.
I don't feel sad for him. A lot of people don't realize how calculated this man is. This is the same man who has a laugh he only does when he's on camera and one that's his actual laugh. I'm not surprised by his behavior or hers. I guarantee you that he strongly believes that his "real" fans will stick around and show up for him whenever he has a project. Ego is a hell of a drug.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Yellow time :D I’m watching Aimsey
I’m so excited for this team you guys, I love them all so much
“I love being the token lesbian” that’s my streamer!!
“‘Say gay rights’ no I hate gay people, I just don’t agree with that mindset” he was so deadpan I’m dying
Yellow and red teams are holding hands, I love my ketchup and mustard alliance 💛♥️
Aimsey’s popping off!!!
The skins are so cute and queer <333
Aimsey and Lily <3333
“Don’t get shot!!” “Yeah I won’t- … I got shot!!!” Shelby and Aimsey my beloveds!!!
Aimsey’s parkour has improved so much!! She’s doing so well!!!
The chat exchanges between Aimsey and Scott 😂
“Glowduo enjoyers” that’s me!!!! I’m a Glowduo enjoyer!!
Jojo queen of gay parkour!! We ignore Pete, straight men don’t count /lh
I’m so ready for them to pop off, you don’t understand
Their comms are so good!!!
They’re popping off!!
Aimsey is such a good runner!!
2nd place!!! Them!!!!! <3333
Jojo just improving Aimsey’s opinion of literally everything is so real
Bingo but fast logo <333
Jojo taking charge so real, every friend group needs a designated decider
The comms are so chaotic but they’re so good at listening to each other <3
Shelby mvp!!!!
Warm colors win these!!!!
Tgttosawaf antis (/lh) win these!!
The randomizer is so based
Jojo thirty-somethingth to first in one round!!!!
Shelby 😂
You’re doing great False, that one’s always rough
Aimsey popping off!!!!!
“Don’t die, don’t do that, it pisses me off” Jojo 😂😂😂
Women supporting women <333
Parkour Tag
The gay gods favor my streamers
False just standing there as everyone goes on about how much they suck lmao
Why are my girls bashing on my guys /neu??? H and Ran my beloved
Aimsey absolutely annihilating xeir girlfriend my beloved
They’re popping off!!!!
Aimsey’s doing so well 😭😭😭
Ace Race
I don’t know if this race is ace enough tbh
It still has the alternate routes right?
The vod is muted 😂😂😂
Jojo has never been wrong!!!
The power of having an ace partner <333
Ran and Aims <3333
Aimsey immediately spilling the deets on his girlfriend’s studying technique
Sands of Time
Aimsey, my love, my life, why did you flick all those levers and not kill any of the mobs
They’re all so on top of everything and calm, it’s so nice :((
Aimsey is such a good sandkeeper I could cry
I don’t feel like I’ve ever seen everyone in the middle at once in the middle of sot before, it’s nice but it’s kinda freaking me out
The panic 😭😭😭
Gay on gay crime: the tournament 😂
Jojo does a lil IGL-ing
False taking charge my beloved!!!
Aimsey and Jojo 😂😂😂
They’re sticking together so well! The lack of male hubris is coming through
Oh cyan swept, holy crap
That hot potato heater swap was so funny
They’re doing so well!!!
Awww rip :/
“You got this angel” Aimsey and Guqqie my beloved <333
The only two 4/4 lgbtq teams being the ones making it to dodgebolt!!! Might be calling it early but I believe <3
Battle Box
That first round was so close!!!
“Ten extra points to whoever gets Grian” False 😂
Their comms <333
Ranboo and Aimsey 😂😂😂
They’ve done so well start to finish, this team was insane <333
Switching to Guqqie’s vod at their girlfriend’s insistence <333
“It’s the power of gays getting us through this” so true Guqqie!!!!
Coming down to the fifth round <3
Shelby and Harvey hunger games finale <3333
I can’t believe my predictions were correct and yellow won!!!! /j
Great vibes, great times <333
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carronpatrick · 2 years
is that you in your icon 👀 you're so pretty !!!
It is me! But I am not that pretty, lmao. I was helped very much by a Snapchat filter. 😂😅 It gave me straight hair and makeup which dramatically helped. If only it helped my poor giant forehead instead. 😂😂😂😂
No, but, joking and selfdeprication aside, thank you so much. 🥺 You are very very sweet and I appreciate it! I am sending a big ol hug your way! 🥰🤍
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frankthesnek · 6 months
I'm gonna that fuck that man till he stops being sad and selfdepricating.
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dimajuststfup · 7 months
A selfdepricating drag queen who's name is Jack Shit
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butkara · 6 years
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warped-candy · 7 years
So I’m gonna tell you this darling, every time you tell yourself that you’re not worth it, every time you tell yourself that you’re worthless, you’re being lied to. And in that case, the liar is you.
Hotel Books
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pigeonriot · 2 years
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NOT ME PROMPT MONTH - Day 3/31: Sean | Fall
Falling - Florence + the Machine // A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" - Fall Out Boy // Falling - Andreas Simic // Free Fall (Kinnporsche OST) - Slot Machine
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cheereio · 5 years
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Me in my natural habitat
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122 The One With The Ick Factor
She's excited to tell him that others find him hot because she knows it will boost his self esteem. Also rachel thinks hes sexy. so there.
Not that I ship anything but mondler. But it's nice that there are moments before Season 5 where Chandler is valued by the group.
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khiita · 3 years
i played e and sabine's routes today and they were both rly rly good.... for elle in particular there were some lines that had me so emo 🥺.... However...
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(shakes my fist) him
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