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Laravel Framework - Topmost Key Benefits for Web Development
Laravel framework allows us to develop standard web app development. Here, know the top benefits of laravel web development.
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Laravel, the most popular PHP framework for web application development has taken the developer community by storm. With more and more advancements in the framework, Laravel currently is even more robust, faster, and extremely clean and simple. As a leading-edge framework, Laravel helps to create a business-centric & elegant websites.
Laravel offers secure authentication tools, speed up the development pro, and empowers productive use all around. Now the question that arises is that how much Laravel framework is beneficial for business web app development?
The entire business scenario demands a dynamically driven website, where a website is the combination of strategies, expert applications from a business point of view and web application development technology.  Nowadays, it's more decisive to create user-friendly websites and choose the best platform to make excellent business websites.
Let's  discuss in deep the topmost benefits of Laravel framework for business web application development -
Creating an Authorization  & Authentication Procedure
Every business web app owner needs to ensure that the users who claim to be and for confining unauthorized users from accessing the secured resources. Laravel makes the authentication procedure very smooth and manageable. Now, the web developers may provide advanced solutions with the help of them. Approximately everything is configured out-of-the-box. The framework also gives an easy way of organizing authorization logic as well as controlling access.
Integration with mail services
It is not only necessary to create an application but also to make fast &    reliable one. Integration with caching back-end is often considered as one of the main steps needed to increase the performance of websites. So, Laravel helps to allow the application to get started immediately by sending mails either locally or via a cloud-based service with the use of drivers like Mandrill, Mailgun, SparkPost, SMTP, PHP’s “mail” function, Amazon SES and “Sendmail.”
Configuring Error & Exception Handling
On your website, if any small glitch occurred it will effect on the business sales as well your site traffic will get decreased too. That's where Laravel configured default error, and exception handling comes in. It’s inbuilt integrated with Monolog logging library that carries various powerful log handlers.
Every developer currently favors and like Laravel because of the way it promotes Unit testing. Laravel lets its web artisans test their code in the best possible way. Using the Artisan command-line utility, developers can write their multiple unit tests quickly.
Separation between business logic & presentation code
As Laravel is based upon MVC Framework, separation is already provided. Separation provides HTML layout designers to directly enhance the look of a web page without interacting with developers. If all source code of the application has the proper separation at the initial part of the development phase, it will easy for the developer to fix the bugs faster.
See the image source - The full MVC request cycle in a Laravel 5 application.
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                                Image source: Selftaughtcoders
Development of a business web application is a combination of general and productive tasks. Not all frameworks are capable of solving each of the specified issues fairly well. But with Laravel as your framework, for business app development the deliverables are in short span of time and cost-effective.
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designscodesonline · 6 years
If you are an enterprise and you have clients globally, and you want them happy, this blog is for you! You would surely want to create a business application for the enterprise. And for building the app you would need a fitting framework that should address all your pain points.
Let us first list down the challenges that the startups commonly face:
I) Trouble in the handling of errors
One of the most common problems faced by businesses is the configuration of an app for the handling of errors. Take, for instance, the errors in data entry, which are the most commonly occurring errors
Lack of prompt error messages to notify the user if incorrect data is entered
II) No clear divide between the client-side or the presentation code and the server-side or the business logic code
Often times, the developers are encountered with bugs which they are unable to fix. This issues from the absence of a clear divide between logic and presentation
III) Lack of automated testing sessions
This is one common problem among the startups – the automatic testing sessions are difficult to initialize. And the automatic ones are not just time-saving but more accurate too, than the manual testing sessions.
IV) Integrating the back-end caches in order to boost performance
The startups face a lot of problems in the performance of your web app with the cache back end.
V) Fixing technical vulnerabilities
Addressing the technical vulnerabilities, that again give way to security issues, that might creep at the time of development, is a challenge that most of the startups are faced with.
VI) No proper system for scheduling tasks
There is no proper system that addresses your problem of scheduling tasks that can be set on automation.
VII) Configuring the delays in delivery and managing the messages that are in a queue
The startups are unable to create a mechanism or system that should assist in queueing up messages
More  often, the startups are in the need of a mechanism or system that should reduce the risk of losing data
VIII) Routing of URL
This is one of the common issues that the startups today face. There is no proper routing of URL which makes it difficult for the app to understand the intention of the user.
Image source: selftaughtcoders
What is Laravel? – A ready solution to all such pain-points!
Laravel is a PHP development framework and offers an open-source platform for web development. The framework is structured on a system that is component-based, the approach being composer driven.
What is Laravel then? It is the most fitting framework for not just monolithic but also for micro-service apps. It is suitable for all kinds of business applications, starting from e-commerce reaching up to CRM software, and starting from CMS to end in the Saas-based applications.
Apart from all this, Laravel comes with the entire package that is inbuilt. All these features ensure the faster development of web applications.
Let us go deeper into what is Laravel… its features…
Let us take a look at a few of the most prominent features of the framework:
Routing management
Template engine blade that is dedicated
High Security
Eloquent ORM or Object Relational Mapping
MVC architectural pattern
Supported by cache handlers like Memcached, Reddis, etc.
What is Laravel for startups? How are they benefitted on choosing the framework?
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