lorddevourer · 1 year
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“’Only something evil would hunt other celestials’ they said. ‘Stars are good, stars would never,’ they said. It’s past time the hypocrisy was dragged out in the open.”
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“Or maybe what’s about to be revealed is that stars just don’t think anything other than themselves count as people.”
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mrfleshwizard · 2 months
World building
Calestials: Aeons, achrons, luminaries, pylónes, chaores, plemoras, heores, ennoeas, ecclessias, syzygies.
a supernatural immortal beings, the highest of the highest beings, they had authority over parts of universe and nature.
a supernatural entity between an human and celestials. Sometimes a evil spirt, sometimes a body of flesh. Can be immortal or mortal, be humanoid, animalistic or none. Most of time are seen as a evil. They can posses, shapeshift and other. Their magical abilities and super power cast destruction, chaos, illness, madness and death.
Devils are like demons but stronger, they are close in power scale with celestials but are weaker.
Eudeamons are like demons, however, they powers do not cast chaos. Eudeamons' abilities are often raleted to nature (but not alyways.)
Titans were created when parts of souls of creatix was mixed with mud and stones. They're know for being extreme tall. They're immortal, but unlike celestials, they don't have authority like they have.
Humans & Neanderthals
Everyone knows what human is. Neanderthals are they cousins. Only thing you need to know is that their greatest power are their soul, spirt, argia and "shadow."
Non humans/neanderthals
The humanoid being what doesn't belongs to no group.
Half humans/neanderthals, half demons.
half humans/neanderthals, half eudeamons.
• Morotosses
Half humans/neanderthals, half non human.
half humans/neanderthals, half celestials.
Half demons/devils, half celestials.
Lesser celestials.
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steakbones · 4 years
the good news is that i seem to be phasing the overuse of sexy as a replacement for good out of my vocabulary! the bad news is that i am apparently replacing it with crisp
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