#senate bill 514
sticks-and-souls · 2 years
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Off Duty
@foxiyoweek Day 5: Leadership. AO3 link here.
“And so then I said, ‘Actually, your account doesn’t supercede everyone’s here!’” 
Riyo realized belatedly that Senator Drythe believed his comment to be some kind of punchline and she forced out a simpering laugh. 
He was so in her personal space that it was taking a constant, conscious effort to not lean to the far side of her dinner chair. Worse still that her political strategy for the evening dictated that she now tilt her head towards him and ask a follow up question. She had serious reservations that if their faces got any closer the frustrated screaming in her head would verbalize itself. 
The Chancellor’s dinner was a prime opportunity for her to make friends with the swing voters on the relief bill scheduled for next week. If Pantorans were forced to narrow their meager rations again, her people would begin to starve. She needed to convince more senators that the Republic funds were worth the resources to feed her people while the war blocked their supply routes on her outer rim planet. Didn’t Republic politicians understand that saving people from the Separatist control was actually pointless if they died of starvation during the process? Not enough of them did.
Which brought her to Senator Drythe. Wealthy, influential, tenured senator of cush, inner-rim Fenlaith. When she had discovered he would be her dinner partner at the beginning of the evening she had believed herself lucky. More than an hour into forced laughs and batted eyelashes as he monologued his favorite political exploits, inching ever closer to her, and she now wondered if suffering through this would fail to reward her with getting a word in at all.
To just royally top off the entire debacle, the Chancellor had taken precautions against the increased frequency of bounty hunter attacks and ordered that the safety of the dinner guests be overseen by the Coruscant Guard rather than just the Senate Guard. Her “lucky” seating arrangements had her positioned directly across and slightly to the right from where none other than Marshal Commander Fox was standing guard. He and his squad stood unmoving at textbook attention around the perimeter of the cozy dining room but she knew he was taking in every detail. And given that the last time they had both had a moment off at the same time—regrettably more than three weeks ago—they’d spent it entwined in a state of dishabille with one another, she felt relatively confident that at least a portion of his attention was on her and her dinner partner. 
“You know, Riyo—can I call you Riyo?—,” Drythe angled his body towards hers, his knee finally making contact with her own under the table. “I bet there’s more to you than that quiet face suggests.”
She forced her expression from becoming wooden. This is hell, she thought. I have literally died and I am now in hell. Goddess, please forgive me my past transgressions. 
“Please, Senator, I could—”
“—Call me Gerek,” he interrupted.
Do it for your people! She screamed internally. “...Gerek, ” she said aloud, fluttering her gaze at him, “I could hardly have been elected Senator of Pantora without the capacity to speak passionately on their behalf.” Like I literally did in front of you and the rest of the Senate just this afternoon. “Being the voice of—”
“Oh ho! Of course! That reminds me of my own election! It was against the leader of a very vocal extremist group and…”
Riyo closed the door to her apartment gently with a soft click before leaning exhaustedly against it. Three hours, she thought, staring emptily at her ceiling. Three hours of self-debasement and political flattery and for what? 
With a disgusted sigh, she pushed herself from her door and set her keys on the dining table. 
Marris, her handservant, came swiftly around the corner. “Welcome home, Senator, did you have a nice evening?”
“It was...awful,” she responded. She felt exhausted with shame and humiliation. “I’m going to take a shower.” As if water could wash away what she was feeling. I can pretend. 
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear that.” Marris followed her into her bedroom and waited for her to sit at her vanity. “Was no one willing to listen?” she asked, as she began to remove Riyo’s hairpins. 
Marris had been employed by Riyo’s family for years before Riyo had been elected senator and moved to Coruscant and, despite being younger than her own mother, she exuded maternal comfort. The loose outline of her suffocating evening in the presence of Drythe came tumbling out to Marris’s sympathetic tutting. “...and then we were two of the last people to leave because he literally would not stop talking.”
Her dress came off next and Riyo caught a whiff of Drythe’s cologne as Marris helped lift it over her head. “Ugh,” she gagged. “Bag it for dry cleaning.”
Marris was clearly holding in a smile but her eyes remained full of compassion. “That he found you such a captive audience, I’m sure didn’t hurt your goals for the bill. Maybe it will look different in the morning.”
Riyo managed a weak smile before stepping into the bathroom and starting the hot water. She hadn’t mentioned Fox to Marris because she wasn’t sure Marris knew how serious their relationship had become, but having omitted him from her tale made the gnawing guilt when she thought about him that much more noticeable now. As if not even mentioning him meant his feelings really didn’t matter. She wanted to message him. She should message him. But what would she even say? Sorry I flirted with a powerful creep while you were forced to watch for hours? Sorry you must now think I’m a disgusting flake with horrible taste in men? Would he even respond? 
If she had been the one forced to watch him flirt with someone else all night while she held her tongue, she would have been a mess. Every layer that she uncovered of Fox revealed a new reason that he kept distance from the people around him. Her heart physically ached at the notion that she might give him reasons to doubt her too. I’m so, so sorry.
She tried to force her thoughts away from him. Maybe Marris was right and this would all look better in the morning.
The real problem was that Marris was right about all of it and it was her own damn reaction that was what was wrong with the night. She should be thrilled about her evening with Drythe. Through the lens of her career, the evening was a resounding success! Acknowledging this only increased her frustration and she took a slow breath of the steamy shower air to try to ease the tightness in her chest. Building his ego was seventy-five percent of the battle and this was, technically, exactly where she should want him. Some politicians don’t like to talk about work during “social hours” and this wretched evening will hopefully have made him more receptive to her when she could—ugh—talk to him again tomorrow during working hours. Her whole body rejected the idea and she squeezed her eyes shut. I can’t. She wrapped her arms around herself as the hot water beat heavily down on her. Maybe she wasn’t as cut out for this as she thought. 
She had been raised to be a politician nearly her whole life and few circumstances had penetrated the thick skin she had developed, but this felt different and she suspected it had everything to do with Fox. In fact, she’d never had a problem with the social maneuvering required of being a politician until she’d begun falling—really falling—for Fox. She just so strongly admired how he was so direct and steadfast and action-oriented that she couldn’t help but look at her own world of manipulation, subterfuge, and endless talking as shameful by comparison. She’d seen firsthand how the meandering crawl of Senate productivity directly disadvantaged the very soldiers that allowed them to maintain this body of government. For her to then participate in lavish dinners that encapsulated the entire wretched process in full display of said disadvantaged clones, who were her personal friends, made her entirely complicit. The shame she had been experiencing all evening piqued as she was finally able to name it.
She shut the water off, still undecided on whether to call him, and wrapped her massive, fluffy towel around herself. My duty is to my people, not to my heart, she reminded herself. She could hear her mother’s sternly practical voice echoing in her mind, “Love is a luxury, Riyo, and your actions always need to serve those you lead before they serve yourself.” The sigh that issued from her lips was lonesome, leached of the frustration that had dominated her evening. If betraying Fox and betraying my heart saves the life of even just one of my people, I must do it. Whether she felt good about it didn’t matter; her feelings, hanging in the balance of the lives she advocated for, couldn’t tip the scales. 
From the bathroom counter, her comm blinked with a message waiting. The banner notification only informed her it was from Fox and she felt a nervous jolt pulse through her.  Rip the band-aid off, Riyo, she steeled herself. Delaying the inevitable doesn’t change it. 
See the full post
45 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Nemik and Skeen, Cassian’s shadow selves as Clem and Kassa, died at the same time.
I love me a good foil character, and Skeen was set up nicely as one to Clem. Clem, Andor’s mercenary self, exhibiting many of the traits we see in Skeen that can all be summed up with the line “Everyone’s fighting their own rebellion.” We’ve seen this side of Andor in his exhausted oppression under the empire, his flight from Ferrix, his need to survive, and in doing this mission for the money.
But we’ve also seen him as Kassa, a member of a community, and a loving protector of his sister. And we see Kassa’s very real anger against the colonialism of the Empire as he shatters the pristine console of the ship on Kenari. Cassian is the perfect audience for Nemik’s manifesto because he’s lived that state of oppression his entire life until he became Clem out of sheer mental survival. “Do I look thankful to you?”
Skeen and Nemik die at the same time, and Cassian finally merges his two shadow selves within him. Killing Skeen, to protect himself but also to protect Vel, Nemik, and by extent Luthen’s rebellion; and then leaving with his share in order to survive, while also accepting the manifesto. Cassian is neither fully Clem nor Kassa but he is both of them, and this is the first glimpse that we see of that fully realized version of himself that we know from Rogue One.
150 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
I am completely moved by the fact that Nemik’s description of how both oppression and rebellion manifest are effectively the same despite being at opposite ends of the spectrum. I’m talking about control versus freedom and the comparison of these two lines:
“It’s easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than a single incident.”
“Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy.”
In the first, it is the deluge that is numbing and exhausting but in the second, the deluge becomes a movement. Every act of rebellion inspires more and more acts, and the true beauty of Nemik’s vision of rebellion is that it’s not coordinated. It’s entropy, it’s the call of freedom inside every individual, it’s every individual that becomes a collective. The constant rain becomes a flood that lifts all ships.
Oppression is exhausting but rebellion can exhaust oppression right back. And Nemik’s vision is so inspiring because he specifically identifies why the collective is the more powerful force.
For the Empire to have such tight control, it has to act as a single entity, but we’ve seen the internal discord in trying to exert control throughout the entire show, from the rivalry between Dedra and Blevin, all the way down to Dedra having to constantly repeat to the Ferrix ground unit that she wants Andor alive. These are the leaks and breaks that Nemik refers to. Oppression is constant effort; freedom is innate. And where the Empire is a single entity, the frontier of the rebellion is everywhere.
And what a message for a show to have in this era.
168 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Wa(te)r Born
Inspired by this post by @cobaltbeam. AO3 link here.
Rex isn’t unfamiliar with water. None of the clones are. Water is the only world they know until they’re conscripted into the war. But he’s never seen it quite like this. 
On Kamino, water is an angry thing. The drumming waves and unyielding typhoons of the surface beat the song of a vengeful god hellbent on destroying those who defy it. Under the surface is no better. If the dark waters pull you beneath the violence of the waves, then the cold, the pressure, or the demons of the deep will each try to claim you before the water itself invariably takes you as its own. Water is a force to be survived. 
But here, standing on the beach of a lagoon worlds away from Kamino, Rex thinks maybe he doesn’t know water after all. The ocean is as blue as a jewel and the way it glitters with the sun might be the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. The sound it makes as it laps gently against the white beach is a sigh that uncurls something in him he hadn’t realized he had been clenching.
Before he realizes what he’s doing, he has snapped off the armor below his knees and is rolling up his blacks. The sand is curiously soft. He didn’t know sand could be anything except gritty and coarse. Wiggling his feet further into it brings more revelations; it’s cool just an inch deep. He lingers a moment just sliding his feet back and forth, enjoying the orchestra of sensations moving around his toes and the cautious smile playing at his mouth.  
The sigh beckons him again and he looks up at the brilliant water before him. In five steps he’s at the edge of the surf and the next wave brings a shallow layer of water running up over the tops of his feet. He inhales sharply at the new sensations but the breath leaves him slowly, deliberately, as his tension uncurls another inch. The water is cool but not cold, and so clear he can see individual grains of sand swirling in the eddies around his ankles. The next wave whispers quietly over the beach and he realizes the water is burrowing his feet in the wet sand, asking him to stay. His toes are already submerged. 
The water is shallow and he wades out a few more steps. It burbles companionably at his progress. The uncomfortable humidity trapped under his armor wanes with each inch that the water climbs his exposed calves. He feels clean. With the susurration of the waves all around him now, the sounds of their camp back on the shore have muted rapidly. He can hear his own breath mingled with the sigh of the tide far easier than any voices or activity behind him. They’re a world away, too. 
Rex closes his eyes and lets his mind float. The air is salty, the sun a happy beacon, and he’s more at home in water than Kamino ever warned him he should be. 
Tomorrow they’ll pack up their camp and head to the next rendezvous. But maybe someday, when it’s all over, he could come back here. 
Maybe…maybe there is such a thing as water without rage. 
216 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The ISB is objectively evil but damn if they don’t do a good job of sprinkling in moments where you feel Dedra’s own struggle against oppression. Misunderstand me correctly, I do not condone anything she lives for or acts on, and her own privileges are aplenty.
But her genuine unease and fear when Syril stalks and accosts her? Real.
Her mentorship from a high-ranking male boss who sees her value in the workplace and lifts her up with his power? Real.
The subtle twist in her expression when she realizes her aide may be trying to usurp her? REAL.
She is a villain. She uses her own privilege to oppress many many others. But damn if you thought this show about oppression would let you out without an overt example that privilege is never all or nothing.
377 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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dykestache · 3 years
hey i think youre in nc too? have you heard about that senate bill introduced a week ago-ish that's trying to cut off any and all tran healthcare for people under 21? its so scary and infuriating
yes i am in nc, it’s absolutely horrific and it’s angered me to my core that once again our rights are up for debate. and also if anyone is near raleigh like i am or is near the area and interested, there’s a protest being organized at halifax mall downtown on 4/17 tht u can read more about here, and you can read more abt senate bill 514 here. the fact that HB2 taught state legislators absolutely nothing is disappointing but unfortunately not surprising
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just-gay-thoughts · 2 years
The 'Dont Say Gay Bill' and other bills like it are bullshit and heres why, and essay by me pt. 1
Okay gonna preface this by saying 2 things:
1. The actual focus of this will be the numerous other Bill's in other states that are trying to do similar things to the Dont Say Gay Bill in Florida
2. There is a lot of bullshit in these bille, as well as homophobia and transphobia, so please make sure you look after your mental health and scroll past this if you think that might be a problem for you.
Alright so thus all started when I decided to do some research into the Dont Say Gay Bill but then got sidetracked by an article about similar bills. And the thing that irked me the most was how none of them have gotten any attention despite how blatant some of them were with their homophobic intentions. So I'm gonna draw attention to them, because even the lesser of these evils sets the groundwork for worse and worse bills. I'm first going to name the state, bill id, a small excerpt/summary from the article I read, then what I found reading through the bill itself for any additional context. I will then give my opinion on the bill. Sorry in advance for the long read, I might break this up into multiple posts.
Let's get started with Arizona HB 2011. HB 2011 would force students to seek parental permission before joining any school club "involving sexuality, gender or gender identity" according to the article I read.
The bill states it would "prohibit the school district from allowing any student to participate in any school student group or club involving sexuality, gender or gender identity unless the student's parent provides written permission for the student to participate in the student group or club."
So yeah, no exaggeration. This, like many of the bills I'm about to address will mainly effect kids with queerphobic parents, and ultimately will leave queer kids without many safe places to go with questions about their identity or to simply safely explore their identities. It's also setting a precedent for schools regulating who can or cant join student led clubs, which really doesnt sit right with me.
Warning: Tennessee's actual wording from the bill is homophobic
Tennessee is considering a bill that would prohibit schools from using any books or instructional materials that mention "gay, bisexual, or transgender issues or lifestyles" in any way. HB 800.
Actuall wording from its summary: Oh God it's worse than I thought
"Prohibits..... from adopting or using textbooks and instructional materials or supplemental instruction materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender issues or lifestyles."
So essentially Tennessee school districts cant use or have any textbooks that contain anything queer. Because God forbid we acknowledge people are gay. Sorry, theres not much I can say about this one while staying semi civil.
North Carolina S 514 would require teachers and college faculty to report to a parent if their child displays signs of "gender non conformity". Apparently is stalled in the state Senate but remains live.
Bunch of transphobic nonsense, does state that a "government agent" with knowledge of a minor "exhibit[ing] symptoms of gender dysphoria, gender non conformity, or otherwise demonstrates a desire to be treated in a manner incongruent with the minor's sex" must tell the parents or guardians of the minor
Yet again, endangering queer kids with queerphobic parents and does no actual harm. The majority of the bill was talking about medical transitioning in a very transphobic manner, and the above bit was tagged on near the end.
Okay there will be 2 more parts coming in the next couple days, one more to touch on 3 more states, and a final part to touch on Oklahoma.
Stay safe, and do something that makes you happy, because I only wish the best for yall!
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whateverthebeeswant · 3 years
North Carolina "Youth Health Protection Act" That Would Legally Require Teachers to Report GNC Students
I haven't seen much about this in the news recently, but NC Republicans have introduced what is possibly the most oppressive transgender legislation in the US to date.
This bill would ban gender-affirming hormones, surgery, even fucking puberty blockers for all individuals under 21.
That's right. Let's say you're a young trans kid who is finally out of the house at age 18. You still have to wait three years until you can't start to medically transition.
Furthermore, teachers will be legally required to report GNC kids to their
"If a government agent has knowledge that a minor under its care or supervision has exhibited symptoms of gender dysphoria, gender nonconformity, or otherwise demonstrates a desire to be treated in a manner incongruent with the minor's sex, the government agent or entity with knowledge of that circumstance shall immediately notify, in writing, each of the minor's parents, guardians, or custodians."
Youth Health Protection Act § 90-21.143. Protection of parental rights. P. 4, Lines 16-21.
I'm from the South, but I live in one of the most liberal areas in my state by far. When I meet kids from bigger cities with liberal families they're shocked when I say that my father said he would cut me off if I was trans. But compared to other adults in my state, my father is tolerant.
For a lot of young LGBT kids raised in conservative environments, school is the only place where they can express a bit of their true selves. This bill would take that away-- teachers literally couldn't support their trans students even if they wanted to. And this wouldn't just hurt trans students-- gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals acting GNC would be targeted too. Even straight people who don't completely conform to their gender.
The bill bases it's reasoning on this:
."...numerous studies have shown that a substantial majority of children who experience discordance between their sex and identity will outgrow the discordance once they go through puberty and will eventually have an identity that aligns with their sex
Youth Health Protection Act, P.1, lines 15-17.
This is a common line parroted to discredit and disparage trans people, usually in reference to this infamous study titled "Factors associated with desistence and persistence of childhood gender dysphoria" by Steensma et al. However, this study included many kids who wouldn't meet the standards for dysphoria today-- kids who might have just been slightly gender non conforming. Furthermore, the study counted the 28 percent of subjects who didn't return their questionnaires years later as desisting. There is no scientific basis to justify classifying unknown variables according to your hypothesis. The author of this study has even said that the study shouldn't be used as a grounds for desistence, because in many kids they did find strong evidence of persistence.
This bill is government-sanctioned oppression, pure and simple.
Bill: General Assembly of North Carolina, Youth Health Protection Act, S.B. 514 (Apr. 5, 2021).
Want to contact the bill's sponsors?
Senate Deputy President Pro Tempore Republican - District 47 (Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, and Yancy Counties).
Office Phone: (919) 733 - 3460
Mailing Address: 300 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 300-A, Raleigh, NC 27603
Twitter (@RalphHise) and Facebook
Senator Warren Daniel - District 46 (Avery, Burke, and Caldwell Countis)
Office Phone: (919) 715 - 7823
Mailing Address: 300 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 627 Raleigh, NC 27603
Twitter (@DanielforSenate)
Senator Norman W. Sanderson - District 2 (Carteret, Craven, and Pamlico Counties)
Office Phone: (919) 733 -5706
Mailing Address: 300 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 309 Raleigh, NC 27603
Twitter (@normsanderson) (looks inactive)
Live in NC?
How do I find my state representatives?
Video by State Senator Jeff Jackson on why this bill is terrible. (Side Note: This guy is awesome. He posted videos and informative posts about NC covid policy on many major NC subreddits.)
More news: "North Carolina Bill Would Force School Staffers to Out Trans Kids" From Trudy Ring at Advocate
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meret118 · 3 years
A North Carolina bill attacking the state's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and especially transgender and queer or questioning youth and young adults violates their right to privacy and places tremendous power in the hands of any person – regardless of training or expertise – who is employed by, contracted by, or is even a volunteer to any school district, court, or child placement agency.
Senate Bill 514 makes it illegal for any teacher, school administrator, contractor, and even volunteers, among other "government agents," to not "immediately" inform, in writing, the parents or legal guardians of any child or young adult – up to the age of 21 – if that "minor under its care or supervision has exhibited symptoms of gender dysphoria, gender nonconformity, or otherwise demonstrates a desire to be treated in a manner incongruent with the minor's sex."
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dispatchesfrom2020 · 3 years
Week 13: March 23-29
23: Boko Haram kills 92 Chadian soldiers and 70 Nigerian troops in brutal attacks. The United States senate votes down another coronavirus relief bill - it won’t be the last time I write that sentence. But the day has positive news: Colorado abolishes the death penalty and Cuba sends doctors to Italy to help the country combat coronavirus. Cuba operates a large international medical corps that are frequently deployed to other countries to fill shortages and respond to medical emergencies - it’s an important source of income for the country, which boasts the highest ratio of citizens to doctors in the world. Cuba has 28,000 medical professionals stationed in 60 different countries.
24: The Donald insists the US will be reopened by Easter. They won’t. The Olympic Committee officially postpones the Tokyo games. In Spain, an ice rink in Madrid is converted in a temporary morgue as they report 514 deaths in one day. The Detroit police department is experiencing an outbreak and Vice President Mike Pence states that FEMA will be sending 4,000 ventilators to New York, where cases are exploding. In Edmonton, gas prices bottom out - a mere 66¢ per litre. I’ve literally never paid so little for gas in my entire driving life - I fill my car even though it is nearly full already. It’s the last time I’ll fill it in weeks.
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25: Egypt disinfects the pyramids of Giza - India, meanwhile, enters a nation-wide lockdown. Spain, recording 738 new deaths, overtakes China’s death toll and becomes the second hardest-hit country after Italy. Kosovo’s government crumbles after a vote of non-confidence. Liz and I hold a West Wing and facials night to pamper ourselves.
26: Mali’s leader of the opposition, Soumaïla Cissé, is taken hostage in a violent ambush that leaves a member of his security detail dead. Cissé, a computer engineer by trade, is released in October and dies of complications from COVID in the closing days of 2020. The United States imposes new sanctions on Iran - and the Justice Department announces charges against Venezuelean President Maduro for drug trafficking, offering a $15m award for his arrest. Brenton Tarrant, the right-wing terrorist behind the Islamaphobic Christchurch Mosque attacks, pleads guilty of 51 counts of murder, 40 counts of attempted murder, and one terrorism charge.
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Crematoriums and funeral homes in the Bergamo region struggle to keep pace with the deaths in Italy - the country’s army and military police are brought in to help redistribute the deceased to other less heavily impacted cities.
27: North Macedonia joins NATO (... is it even on the Atlantic? Do we even care about that anymore?). A New York subway catches fire, killing one person and injuring over a dozen others. A volcano in Indonesia erupts. Coronavirus continues to rage. A two trillion dollar stimulus package was passed in the United States. Italy, with 86,498 cases of coronavirus and 9,134 deaths, remains the country with the largest losses of life. Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus - as does his Secretary of Health and Social Care. He will, over the course of the next few days, be hospitalized. And then put on oxygen. And then transferred to the critical care unit where he nearly dies. 
28: New York joins a long list of states to postpone their primary elections - this is obviously a bigger issue for the Democrats, who have not decisively selected a nominee for the November election. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Former Vice President Joe Biden remain - though the latter enjoys a slight lead among delegates.
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29: Cuban doctors arrive in Andorra to help with COVID relief - the European country, with its small but elderly population, is experiencing one of the highest death rates per capita in the world. By the end of the year one in eleven residents will have contracted the illness. North Korea, never missing a chance to be a raging asshole, launches a pair of missiles into the ocean in either a show of strength or an attack on salmon.
photos: (1) Atul Loke/New York Times | (2) Fabio Bucciarelli/New York Times | (3) Juan Medina/Reuters
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sarcasticcynic · 5 years
CAVEAT #1: At least six other states have tried this so far: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New York. and Rhode Island. None ever became law.
CAVEAT #2: In U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779, 115 S.Ct. 1842, 131 L.Ed.2d 881 (1995), the U.S. Supreme Court held that states may not impose conditions on candidates for Congress beyond those expressly listed in the U.S. Constitution, Art. I, § 2: “Neither Congress nor the States should possess the power to supplement the exclusive qualifications set forth in the text of the Constitution.” (Id. at 827.) Presumably a similar rule would apply to candidates for president and the qualifications listed in Art. II, § 1...
CAVEAT #3: ...but not necessarily, because the Electoral College makes presidential elections distinct from those for all other federal offices.
In the oft-criticized Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 121 S.Ct. 525, 148 L.Ed.2d 388 (2000), when the U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 to overrule the Florida Supreme Court, halt all recounts, and in essence declare George W. Bush the winner of Florida’s electors--and thus of the 2000 presidential election--it based the ruling on recognition of every state’s absolute power to control the selection of its own electors:
“The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses a statewide election as the means to implement its power to appoint members of the electoral college. ... the state legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself. ... The State, of course, after granting the franchise in the special context of Article II, can take back the power to appoint electors.” (Id. at 104.)
By this reasoning, because individual citizens have no constitutional right to vote for electors, logically a state should have the power to preclude its citizens from selecting any electors who support a particular presidential candidate, by excluding that candidate from the ballot. Guess we’ll see whether the conservative majority still feels the same way now that the state wants to preclude electors who support their guy.
CAVEAT #4: And if they do, we could be in more trouble than we realize. Picture one of those heavily gerrymandered states in which both houses of the legislature are basically under the permanent  control of a single party. Now imagine that legislature passing a law excluding candidates from any other party from the presidential ballot. Or a law eliminating the popular vote for president entirely, and guaranteeing the automatic selection of electors who support their party’s candidate. All permissible, according to Bush v. Gore.
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gravitascivics · 3 years
This posting continues the timeline that the last posting began.  Starting with the year 1824, this timeline continues here with the span of years, 1837-1840.  Until this point, the Whig Party has, despite challenges, been able to nationally organize a loose party structure.  Internally, though, it had deep divisions between its northern and southern contingencies with opposite views as to the advisability of re-chartering a national bank and tariffs.
After setting up a divisive strategy in the 1836 election, Whigs failed to deprive Jackson’s hand-picked successor and Democratic nominee, Martin Van Buren, from winning the White House.  They faced on election day a healthy economy and a popular Jackson leaving the presidency.
The American public was not apt to shift to a new party even if the Whigs were able to gain control of the Senate in 1833.  In 1836, they lost to Van Buren who garnered 51 percent of the popular vote but 57.8 percent of the Electoral College vote (170 out of 294).  The unavoidable message was that the Whigs needed to find a way to unite if they wanted to capture the presidency – the ultimate prize.
1836-1840 (continued)
         Van Buren had barely enough time to learn his way around the White House before his fortunes took a serious turn against him. As is often the case – and little understood at the time – the economy was carrying various price bubbles – that occurs when prices of assets are significantly higher than their financial conditions justify.  Specifically, land and cotton prices were too high, and they collapsed, meaning many lost a great deal of money once those prices fell downward.  Conditions were further contractionary when British lending firms became restrictive in their policies.[1]
         Upon reflection, many blame President Jackson’s anti national bank policy and the resulting inability to regulate governmental spending as a factor greasing the way toward panic among investors.  This all led to bank runs that hit their peak on May 10, 1837, when New York City banks announced they were depleted of gold and silver.  That meant specie (coin money) could not back paper money (commercial paper).  Despite a brief recovery in 1838, the ensuing depression persisted, from start to finish, for seven years.
         So severe was the downturn, that half the banks in the country had to close.  Real prosperity didn’t reestablish itself until the California Gold Rush (1850) provided enough gold to allow enough specie to flow.  During the depression, land prices plummeted, industrial workers lost their jobs, and as already pointed out, mass bank failures took place. Such an economic debacle did not reoccur in the US until the Great Depression of the 1930s.  
Van Buren reacted by starting an Independent Treasury system that did little to meet the crisis.  Led by William Cabell Rives, a good number of Democrats sought a more aggressive federal government response and found themselves attracted to the Whig Party. As indicated in previous posting, Calhoun, a Democrat, was a lukewarm member of the party and the Whigs were able to unite behind William Henry Harrison (Tippecanoe), the war hero, in 1839. But this was not an automatic choice.
As late as 1838, Henry Clay was the frontrunner among the nationally known Whigs. He led the criticism of Van Buren’s policy regarding the depression.  But as mentioned above, the economy took a brief upturn in ’38 and Harrison gained support around the country including the South.  
It took five ballots for Harrison to win the nomination at the Whig convention. To gin up support in the South, the convention also nominated the states’ rightist, John Tyler, for vice president.  That ticket – “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” – won 53 percent of the popular vote and a healthy majority (234 out of 294) of the Electorate College vote.
         Even though Henry Clay’s ambition to become president was frustrated, he saw a Whig presidency, as Harrison was to be inaugurated, to be an ideal development.  He in the Senate could push for a national bank, institute a program by which to distribute federal land sales moneys to the states, legislate a federal bankruptcy law, and increase tariff rates.[2]  But all this planning came to naught when, as already pointed out in this blog, Harrison fell ill and died one month into his term.
           This, of course, elevated the Southerner, John Tyler, and he will be against a national bank and raising tariff rates.  This was most noted when Tyler vetoed a national bank bill in August 1841, relying on the argument that the bill was unconstitutional.  Congress passed a second bill tailored to meet Tyler’s objection over the first bill, but he also vetoed it.  
This was too much for the Whig leaders and they expelled Tyler from the party and even considered impeaching him.  This last proposal was abandoned from fear it would harm the party.[3]  Tyler’s whole Cabinet resigned and that included Daniel Webster.  This in its way forced Tyler to look for Democrats to fill the vacancies in his Cabinet and in other key positions.  
And with that political stew and the ongoing poor economic conditions, it could not be a surprise that the Whigs were anxious to look elsewhere for a presidential candidate.  This time, Clay was well situated to take up the mantle to challenge Tyler.  In addition, Tyler was not shy in adding to his anti-Whig biases and policies.  
The resignations from the Cabinet took place in May 1843.  This move occurred just after the Webster-Ashburton Treaty was ironed out and settled border disputes with Britain.  Tyler, with that treaty, decided he would push for the annexation of Texas.  This was seen as adding a slave state to the Union.  Such a move discomforted leaders of both parties since it would bring the slave issue to the fore.  
This was the next step in the confusing history of how Texas landed up being an American state that even involved, at this point, the British.  For purposes here it need be only cited that Tyler issued this annexation proposal that further antagonized his former Whig colleagues.[4]  And with that, enough was enough, and the Whigs nominated Clay for the presidency in 1844.  The next posting will start with the that campaign.
[1] Jane Knodell, “Rethinking the Jacksonian Economy:  The Impact of the 1832 Bank Veto on Commercial Banking,” The Journal of Economic History, 66, 3 (September 2006), 541-574 AND Richard H. Timberlake, Jr., “Panic of 1837,” in Business Cycles and Depressions:  An Encyclopedia, David, eds. Gasner and Thomas F. Cooley (New York, NY:  Garland Publishing, 1997), 514-516, accessed July 26, 2021, https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/143687 .  
[2] Michael F. Holt, The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the Onset of the Civil War (Oxford University Press, 1999).
[3] Norma Lois Peterson, The Presidencies of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler (Lawrence, KS:  University Press of Kansas, 1989).
[4] It should be noted, Texas claimed its independence from Mexico in 1836, but Mexico did not recognize that status.  Instead, Mexico identified Texas as a state in rebellion.  That did not inhibit the Tyler Administration, through its Secretary of State, John C. Calhoun, to work out an annexation agreement with Texas in 1844. The Mexican-American War did not begin until 1846, but Texas became a state in 1845.  As stated in this posting, this development is complicated.
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planetransgender · 3 years
Denial of medical care to minors is a hate crime
Denial of medical care to minors is a hate crime
 A bill in the North Carolina House of Representatives would ban healthcare to minors diagnosed with gender incongruence. While other states focus on those under 18 like the law just enacted in Arkansas, North Carolina extended that age until 21 with Senate Bill 514 . If this enacted it would force doctors to refuse treatment to trans people under the age of 21. The doctors and therapists who…
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anctilbrayen · 4 years
stolen car insurance claims
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insureforeverybody.info
stolen car insurance claims
stolen car insurance claims for a car loan might be an interesting option. Because the car loan was so cheap and no one was going to be paying anything, it wasn’t a good idea for anyone. So, in this post, we’re going to give you an insight on how to go about finding the most reasonable auto car insurance for car loans. Let’s start with this list of common examples: You see that in the following are examples of the different types of car insurance you can find. So, don’t be afraid to do your homework. Just don’t forget to give the insurer the information you need to help you get the best car insurance   it can possibly get. You can contact insurance.com/marketplace for a free quote on a $7500 and give us a call or the number is at (800 528 8200). There are a few major insurance companies that have an A rating with the Better Business Bureau (BB. stolen car insurance claims can also affect your annual premiums. Because of the many variables involved in auto insurance, a higher can have a significant impact. In 2017, the average cost of car insurance in Washington was $2,856, compared to a national average of $1,568. While some states require drivers to carry insurance at some level, Washington doesn’t require that drivers purchase it. Drivers who don’t, however, are prohibited from shopping for insurance on the voluntary market. In addition to the legal requirements, Washington is also in violation of the Fair Labor Act, which forbids an employer from providing workers’ compensation insurance to its employees; an insurance company must give employees an annual incentive of $130,000 for continuous coverage; and there can be no coverage of the employee for injuries. The Washington State Senate passed Executive Order 10480 on June 23, 1990, to ensure that any executive actions taken by the state’s chief administrative authorities concerning workers’ compensation insurance are communicated. stolen car insurance claims are common. Insurance experts say insured drivers might have on their vehicles, which means you can be compensated for lost wages, up to $10,700 in medical expenses. » MORE:   More about car insurance Website: You can find the information and services provided by insurance brokers and agents; a website for reviews and answers to frequently asked questions; and a website that is free to you. Download our . Website: The Insurance Brokers of Texas is the official website of Texas’s Automobile Insurance Plan. Mobile app: The Insurance Brokers of Texas has partnered with the Apple and Android apps for easy and seamless access to your insurance ID card, as well as emergency roadside assistance. It’s a great convenience for drivers who don’t drive very much, and driving safely can often mean avoiding accidents, being reliable and finding cheap car insurance. Here’s our summary of how the app works, along with some reasons.
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oldguardaudio · 5 years
New Hampshire’s Senate Judiciary Committee Ignored Gun Owners
New Hampshire’s Senate Judiciary Committee Ignored Gun Owners
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Urge Your Senators, Gov. Sununu to vote NO on gun control
Urge Gov. Sununu to veto HB 109, HB 514, HB 564 and HB 696 should they arrive at this desk. You can also call Gov. Sununu at (603) 271-2121.
We have been warning you about HB 109, HB 514 and HB 564; a trifecta of anti-gun bills:
HB 109 will send you to jail for selling, loaning or giving a gun to a friend or family member. 
HB 514 will…
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breakingnewsalert1 · 5 years
Maryland, New Hampshire Advance Gun Control Bills
Democrats in Maryland and New Hampshire were able to progress a host of anti-gun bills that would take aim at private gun sales, among others. (Photo: Chris Eger/Guns.com)
Lawmakers in two states this week advanced gun control measures that would expand mandatory background checks on gun transfers and add new restrictions to others.
In New Hampshire, the Democrat-controlled state House approved HB 109 and HB 514, sending them to the equally blue state Senate. The bills, respectively, would require background checks on a wider pool of gun transfers and add a seven day waiting period to firearm purchases.
While anti-gun advocates that support the background check expansion argue it impacts commercial sales only, the bill’s text defines such a transfer as one that takes place “at a gun show, or pursuant to an advertisement, posting, listing, or display.” Second Amendment groups describe this as a thinly-veiled ban on many otherwise private sales unless they have a licensed firearm dealer first perform a background check.
Should the bills pass the New Hampshire Senate, they would have to earn the signature of Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, who signed a constitutional carry measure into law in 2017.
On Monday, the Democrat-controlled Maryland House approved HB 740 and HB 786, sending them to the state Senate. The bills in tandem would require person-to-person private sales of longarms such as rifles and shotguns to go through a licensed dealer for the purpose of a background check and establish a ban 3D-printed guns. Private sales of handguns and “assault weapons” already have to be processed by FFLs.
Second Amendment advocates contend the moves will do little for public safety while unjustly targeting lawful gun owners. A recent U.S. Department of Justice survey of armed criminals found that most obtained their guns on the street or via illegal means such as straw purchases.
Local Maryland pro-gun groups and Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis gathered at the House of Delegates this week to oppose the bills, vowing noncompliance should they become law.
The post Maryland, New Hampshire Advance Gun Control Bills appeared first on Guns.com.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/united-states-of-america/a-record-5-7-billion-was-spent-on-the-2018-elections-for-congress/
A record $5.7 billion was spent on the 2018 elections for Congress
Last year’s spending by candidates, parties, political action committees and outside groups even shot past the $5.3 billion spent during the then-recording breaking 2008 presidential election, according to the analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks political spending.
To put that eye-popping $5.7 billion figure in perspective: That’s the amount of money President Donald Trump sought for his border wall in a confrontation with congressional Democrats that partially shut down the government for a record 35 days.
But it’s far less than the $20.7 billion that the National Retail Federation predicts Americans will spend next week on the flowers, greeting cards, jewelry, dinners out and other romantic gestures to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Other key takeaways on midterm spending:
The blue wave of money was real. In House races alone, Democrats outspent their opponents by $300 million.
While a record 793 women ran and raised money in the 2018 congressional races, female donors also contributed to campaigns in record amounts and accounted for $514 million of donations larger than $200 to major party candidates. About three-quarters of the money contributed by women went to Democrats.
The Florida US Senate race in which Republican Rick Scott toppled Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson was the most expensive contest of the midterms. Candidates and groups spent $209 million to shape that race, with Scott pouring more than $63 million of his personal fortune into the contest.
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Senate Passes Bill to Provide Additional Investments in Affordable Housing
Thanks to your advocacy, the Senate passed by a vote of 84-9 a four-bill spending package for fiscal year (FY) 2020 that includes additional funding for affordable housing and community development at HUD and USDA, as well as several key amendments.
The Senate spending bill provides modest funding increases for affordable housing programs, clearly rejecting President Trump’s call for deep cuts to and even the elimination of affordable housing investments. Overall, the bill provides HUD programs with more than $11.9 billion above the president’s FY20 request and $2.3 billion above FY19 enacted levels – an amount likely sufficient to renew all existing rental assistance contracts and to provide level funding or modest increases to most other programs. For more information, see NLIHC’s
of the Senate bill and
updated budget chart
The bill includes a package of amendments with bipartisan support, including several that support affordable housing in rural areas and manufactured home communities. An amendment offered by Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) would allow USDA to extend rental assistance agreements for projects financed by existing Section 514 or 515 loans for up to 20 years, ensuring residents in these properties can remain affordably housed for a longer period of time.
The package includes another amendment from Senator Smith that prioritizes maintenance of USDA rural housing properties through capital repairs, staffing provisions, and enforcement. The Senate also agreed to Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-NH) amendment calling on Congress to create a tax incentive to encourage owners of manufactured home communities to transfer properties to nonprofit organizations and residents to help preserve the homes’ affordability.
The Senate bill does not include important provisions approved by the House that would stop harmful proposals by the Trump administration. The House bill contains language that would prevent HUD from implementing its harmful “
” immigrant-family rule and would stop HUD from rolling back protections for LGBTQ people, including the agency’s
Equal Access rule
ensuring transgender people have access to emergency shelters and other facilities that match their gender identity.
Passage of the Senate spending bill is an important step, but the House and Senate still need to reach an agreement on a final FY20 spending bill to ensure continued funding for federal programs and avoid a government shutdown. The government is currently operating under a stop-gap continuing resolution through November 21.
The National Low Income Housing Coalition is dedicated solely to achieving socially just public policy that ensures people with the lowest incomes in the United States have affordable and decent homes.
Contact Us:
National Low Income Housing Coalition
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 500, Washington DC 20005
202-662-1530 x247
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leavetheplantation · 5 years
Family physicians group urges passage of gun violence prevention bills
LTP News Sharing:
Two weeks ago, the New Hampshire Academy of Family Physicians sent Gov. Chris Sununu a letter that implored him to sign three gun violence prevention bills, House Bills 514, 109, and 564. Instead, the governor vetoed all three. At this point, we urge the House and Senate to overturn his veto and pass these critical bills into law. After the governor’s veto of these bills, we feel the need to write this piece to illuminate why we think these measures are so important to our state and nation. As family physicians, we see the consequences of gun violence every day…
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alicecpacheco · 5 years
Clarification of New Opioid Prescribing Recommendations for the State of Missouri
  Attempts to curb opioid and opiate prescribing across the board are being pursued by both states and the federal government.  While dentistry has not been a major source of the opioid problem, mainly because we deal with acute rather than chronic conditions, it’s still smart to examine every source.
Along those lines, the State of Missouri (which is where my practice is located) recently passed some new legislation to help deal with the pain pill epidemic.
Unfortunately, the news cycle being what it is, there was almost instantly confusion and media reporting was both confusing and in many cases incorrect.  To help all doctors in the field understand exactly what is required, the Missouri Dental Association published the following statement to members in order to clarify the situation"
Since Governor Parson signed Senate Bill 514, media outlets have been saturating the public with how they perceive the statute to read. Also since then, the MDA has received many emails and calls expressing concerns and questions regarding the prescriptions of opioids by dentists. As you know, the MDA supports efforts to address the opioid epidemic in Missouri and nationwide. Therefore, the MDA worked with the Missouri Dental Board on its language addressing the opioid crisis and offered our full support on its legislation. There are some common misconceptions that the MDA feels need to be addressed given the large amount of concerns and inquires. The statute does not limit the specific medication that a dentist can prescribe. The statute states that long-acting or extended-release opioids shall not be used for the treatment of ACUTE pain, UNLESS it is necessary in the professional judgement of the dentist. It then requires that you document that necessity. The language also states that dentists should avoid doses greater than 50 morphine milligram equivalent (MME) per day for treatment of ACUTE pain, UNLESS in the professional judgment, and again the dentist shall document. The Missouri Dental Board will be posting an MME conversion chart in order to help dentists with other alternatives for acute pain management outside of the use of opioids (and we will alert dentists once this is posted). The purpose of this legislation was to address the opioid crisis plaguing the country from a dental front while not tying the hands of dentists from properly treating patients, and to give dentists an avenue for other options for acute pain management. The purpose of this language was NOT to put dentists in a position to have their license removed by the Missouri Dental Board for prescribing any opioid, as many of the articles are portraying. Please feel free to reach out to the MDA Legislative and Regulatory Director, Shantel Smith, with any questions or concerns you may have at [email protected].
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