#send redraw suggestions!
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A Sleepy Boi
(and Impending Danger)🧯
It's been AGES since I last drew and I haven't drawn anything from AA before, so here's a quick redraw!
I might do some more redraws, so if you have any favourite pics of Phoenix or Miles from the series, send them and I maybe I'll use it for my next one!
(Below without shade and highlights because I also like this version.)
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I remember being very pleasantly surprised to see artwork of Phoenix outside of the courtroom and without his jacket on when I first watched a playthrough of The Lost Turnabout (little did I know how much more great art and animation was to come in later games~).
Also my poor boi is always having to run around in the one day he has (at most!) to prepare for cases, but I feel like this case would've scarred him from ever catching some rest in the courthouse again.
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loopscereal · 10 months
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i love redraws sm rn
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honeydots · 1 year
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doodle day 4: laslow!! as, uh. uh...... vampire bite victim. hello everyone
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selachiihook · 10 months
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this is a redraw of an old sketchbook page. it is also now my desktop wallpaper.
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I was in my junior year of high school. I remember finishing this piece in my biology class.
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khytal · 2 years
What is apollo and clays relationship in the assistant clay au? And then by extension what’s clays relationship with klavier?
I think I touched on this briefly a bit ago but while I see the au as claypollo -> claypollier, romance isn't really the point of it
so you could still read it as platonic. but it is claypollier
as for dynamics clay and apollo have known each other for so long that a lot of their banter is just teasing. also they get really into debates about stupid things ("hey AJ check out this cute dog" "clay, that's literally an alligator" "technically speaking it's an alligator. but it's still classified as a dog" "how-")
which, combined with their loud voices, has earned them a noise complaint a few times
clay and klavier are literally the "I made you a sandwich" video ("*klavier, crying* you made that for mE??"). they have a bromance that's annoying (affectionate) to apollo
generally clay's a pleasant person to be around, if a bit loud--people meeting him briefly or for the first time see him as :D but the people he's close with know he's actually more like >:]
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sang8262 · 1 year
what i REALLY need to do is redraw WWDITS scenes with JP
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troubleshade · 2 years
„It’s dangerous!“
„Well you could made it a little bit more clear!“
The warning signs:
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Redrawing a saved screenshot because…
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lastoneout · 2 years
I’m always like damn I can’t wait to have time to draw my ocs and then the second I open up csp my brain empties and I forget every single pose or activity I could draw two people doing that has ever existed
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lvl1cat · 7 months
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its fun doing these screenshot redraws (if you have some as suggestions for me to draw then please send<333)
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I decided to redraw one of my earliest Tintin fancomics! I've been drawing Tintin fanart for a bit before I started posting online.
I can imagine Tintin having a tumultuous relationship with his editor, hardly ever being in the office and having a very low rate of writing articles. Tintin's increasingly liberal politics also clash with the newspaper's conservative values. Tintin and his editor frequently argue over this but Tintin almost always wins out, as he is aware that it is his articles that sell the paper. His editor is reluctant to let go of his golden goose.
More headcanon under the Read More! It's background stuff and things about his editor.
Tintin started his journalism career at just 14, and seeing the dangerous situations he is sent into in his early stories suggests to me that whoever hired him didn't have his best interests at heart. I can imagine his editor taking advantage of Tintin's ambition and naivety, while styling himself as a sort of father figure to the newspaper he runs. I based him off of the editor we see at the very start of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets!
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His editor hires him after Tintin demonstrates remarkable skills in investigative journalism, uncovering local corruption for his school paper. He takes advantage of Tintin's naivety, sending him off to various countries to write conservative propaganda pieces for the paper. He hopes Tintin will be easy to groom into a conservative pundit, but after witnessing atrocities and coming into contact with people from different walks of life, Tintin finds himself unlearning a lot of harmful beliefs he was raised with. After he earns global recognition in Tintin in America, Tintin leverages his star power to ensure less editorial interference with his work. His journey away from conservatism is kickstarted upon befriending Chang, who directly challenges a lot of his preconceptions.
Tintin stays with the paper under the misguided belief that he can steer the publication in a better direction with his influence. Deep down he also feels he owes his editor, as it was him who gave Tintin a platform and an oppurtunity to escape his situation, being raised in an orphanage and being deeply unhappy in school. His editor also frequently points out that other papers will not be as lenient with his low turnover rate of articles, and that he's lucky he's still with them.
After Tintin gets Chang a job there as his photographer, Chang ends up befriending a lot of the staff. He's one of the few non white staff members there, which causes quite the stir. While Chang is grateful for the job, he becomes increasingly uncomfortable with working for them the more he learns about the paper. He tells Tintin that by staying there, he's only legitimising the publication.
Tensions at the paper start rising as political tension rises in Europe. Tintin, Chang, and a lot of staff notice their editor acting erratically and making strange demands...
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peachyhoolagan · 7 months
hiii here's my submission for screenshot redraw thingy :)))
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ONE YEAR LATER!! I’m catching up! This one was so much fun. If anyone has any other suggestions pls send em in!!
Toby I love you when’s our wedding
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bonez-yard · 28 days
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"Thank you Steven!" "No prob Bob.." "It's... Lapis-"
Waaahhhh Lapis come back, I miss theeeee. Anyways, I was supposed to have this done back in April? May?? It was suggested by my coworker cause I ended up pausing on this scene right when we opened and he was like "Oh! That's actually a good scene to redraw right there!" So he ends up taking a picture for me (cause ya know.. I can't screenshot on Max lmao-) and sends it to me
Dont,,, don't mind the cracks, that was on my old phone-
I'm kinda quite proud with how this turned out, especially once I actually fixed the sketch cause the other one just turned out grody looking xnncbd
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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feudalconnection · 20 days
Get Ready...!!
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It's the start of the 3rd Term 2024 Inuyasha Fandom Awards!
We hope everyone has had a good start to the year! A huge shout-out to everyone who participated last term and made it such a huge success! We look forward to all of the amazing new fanfiction and fanart to be shared with this beautiful community! (If you have not received your award banner for last term, please reach out to one of the mods asap!)
At the end of last term, the voting form also included the possibilities of the Roulette Categories for this term, and we have taken the top choices for both Fanart and Fanfiction:
The Fanfiction Roulette Category for this term will be Best Friendship Portrayal. This is defined as: A story that has a primary relationship between two characters that have qualities of trust and intimacy. Revolves around a strong bond and mutual affection.
The Fanart Roulette Category for this term will be Best Improved Artist. This is defined as: Two illustrations of the same artwork that showcase the improvement an artist has made. The most recent image of the set should be posted within the last three years, and it must be a redraw of one of the artist's older works.
In addition, we added a Roulette Romance category for both Fanfiction and Fanart. This term the pairing chosen will be Best MirSan Romance (Miroku x Sango). This will be a category for both Fanart and Fanfiction.
For Fanfiction, it will be defined as: Stories that have developed a believable romance between Miroku and Sango. "Believable" is subjective, and it is up to those nominating/voting to draw their own line on that quantifier and vote their "Best". This includes canon universe and AU/AR settings.
For Fanart, it will be defined as: Any romantic depiction of Miroku and Sango.
The original Best Romance categories will remain, so all non-InuKag or MirSan pairings, including LGBTQ+, can be nominated into that category. All other pairings will be up for voting again next term.
If it wasn't mentioned above, chances are it hasn't changed. Please be aware that the moderators always take suggestions regarding how the awards are run and category changes into consideration, and each new term may bring about new changes. You can read up on the most recent FAQs, Rules of Eligibility, and Categories for more information [these links are only available on desktop].
For ease of access on mobile, the FAQs, Rules of Eligibility, and Categories can be accessed through this link.
As nominators, please make sure that each term you take a peek at our list of creators who can’t be nominated to make sure you are staying current with who is eligible to be nominated.
Here you can find the mobile-friendly link for all current nominations for this term.
The 3rd Term 2024 nomination period will begin on September 1st and go until the end of the day September 15th. Please send your nominations in through the submit button! If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send in an ask or reach out to one of the mods! We are also frequently available on the FC Discord!
Mods: @classysassy9791, @ruddcatha, @dchelyst, @the-lone-huntress
Please reblog to spread the word of the start of the new term!
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y3llow-hoodie · 10 months
For the art requests, would you be amenable to making image redraw memes? I have quite a few funny templates in case you need them :)
otherwise, I would suggest Jon and Martin baking bread or cookies together, or alternatively doing arts and/or crafts and giving the finished pieces to each other as presents :>
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I had to make it a bit rushed but fantastic idea op, also if you have templates send them!!! Please and thank you!! :D
(Im still finishing the art requests dw!!)
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theguildawards · 5 months
Term 1 2024 Winners!
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the first term 2024 hosted by The Guild Awards! The mod-team is excited to see so much amazing fanwork and their creators recognized, as well as the love shown for this fandom!
Without further delay, here we are!
Winners of The Guild Awards for Term 1 2024
Best Action/Adventure Fiction: "Molten Steel" by @mavikiu (tumblr/AO3) Best Alternate Universe/Reality Fiction: "Bull In a Crystal Shop" by Buniibebe (FFN) Best Canon Fiction: "Taming the Beast: Living Nightmare" by @dawnwynters (tumblr/AO3) Best Angst Fiction: "Finding Hope" by @creaticare / ChaoticKori (AO3) Best Dark Fiction: "Power of the Underworld" by @genavere (tumblr/AO3) Best Drama Fiction: "Even the Dragon King Has Feelings" by Don_Cheadle (AO3) Best Humor/Parody Fiction: "Fairy Tail Textfics" by @multi-verse-mania (tumblr) / Multiverse_Mania (AO3) Best Oneshot (tie): "what does it all come down to? (love? love)" by @forwantofacalling (tumblr) / Fireflower34 (AO3) and "once upon a time, five" by Ostensibly_Functional (AO3) Best Character Portrayal: "Making Friends" (Gajeel) by FairyDell (AO3) Best Romance Fiction: "All Treats, No Tricks" by Be_dazzled06 (AO3) Best LGBTQ+ Romance Fiction: "Every Good Thing in Life (Leads Back to You)" by allayrose (AO3) Best Serial Fiction: "Heart Shaped World" by Myahud (AO3) Best Ficlet: "untitled" by @caissa-scribbles Best Friendship Portrayal: "once upon a time, five" (Team Shadowgear + Gajeel) by Ostensibly_Functional (AO3) Best Completed Fiction: "The Era of Shadows and Sunshine" by RomanticHawthorn (AO3) Best Action/Adventure Artwork: "Super Late But Happy Gruvia Day!" by @hollie-artz (tumblr) Best Alternate Universe/Reality Artwork: "It's Lisanna's turn to be badass" by @pencilofawesomeness (tumblr) Best Canon Artwork: "dan lucy your bobbies" by @boxonarock (tumblr) Best Angst Artwork: "manga redraw🫣" by @azriaann (tumblr) Best Dark Artwork: "rogue on the battlefield" by @celestialrayna (tumblr) Best Humor/Parody Artwork: "Happy Valentine's Day!" by @riveluart (tumblr) Best Kiss Artwork: "happy february to them" by @lav3nder-bees (tumblr) Best Romance Artwork: "Untitled" by @bakutenshi (tumblr) Best LGBTQ+ Romance Artwork: "untitled Fraxus Week prompt" by @bluessom1 (tumblr) Best Character Artwork: "Levy bout to fuck shit up" by @phoenix-before-the-flame (tumblr) Best Duo/Pairing Artwork: "Gajeel + juvia = besties" by @anniechuuu (tumblr) Best Group Depiction Artwork: "Levy and her boys" by @riveluart (tumblr) Best Manga Coloring: "Fire & Lightning" by @fairy-edits (tumblr) Best Redraw Artwork: "Screenshot Redraw of the Raijinshuu + Laxus" by @sheltered-uno (tumblr) Best Overall Artwork: "Levy all soft and glowy" by @mavikiu (tumblr)
Congratulations to all the winners! Your awards are ready! Please send one of the mods or our ask box your preferred email address so we can send them to you!
And thank you to those who voted for the Roulette Category for next term! The Roulette fanfiction category for next term will be: Best NSFW Fiction. This will be defined as: Sexual Content/Smut with plot. Both one-shots and specific chapters from multi-chapter fics are accepted in this category. If coming from a multi-chapter fic, a link for that specific chapter is required and must include content depicting an act of sexual nature. (i.e.: intercourse, masturbation, heavy petting - etc.
As this term comes to a close, The Guild Awards will be taking a short hiatus. This time is always spent reviewing the process and seeing what can be revamped for the next term. We also love hearing from the fandom (ie: YOU!) for suggestions regarding any changes or additions.
We will officially be back in full swing on October 1st! We will still be around in case you have questions or concerns, but please take this time to read new fanfiction and find new fanart.
Want to stay immersed in all things Fairy Tail? Join our Discord! It's open to everyone!
You can also keep up-to-date with all current fandom events by checking out the @ftguildevents page!
As the day gets closer to the start of the next term, we will be keeping everyone in the loop when it comes to changes and updates. We hope everyone has a lovely summer! Thank you again for making this such a fun experience! See you soon!
~ The Guild Awards
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milo-0969 · 9 months
Babtqftim Comic Redraws :3
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I had some time to finish them finally. I was sick for a week and busy with school. But i just have 3 last days of school and than winter break so i might draw more.
If y'all would like some scenes then you guys can send them in the ask box or if you would like me to draw something like an oc, Oc x Canon or Oc x Oc, i'll do it. - I won't any NSFW art, only slightly suggestive art!
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