#sending so much love to Brazilian Swifties
alltoowsll · 10 months
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hopefully everything will be ok at tonight’s show 💞
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shortnsweetgf · 10 months
sending so much love to gabriel’s family and friends and ana’s family and friends and taylor and her team and sabrina and her team and carioca swifties and brazilian swifties who are in rio for the show and latam swifties who are in rio for the show. i truly hope it gets better.
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ifellforittwice · 10 months
According to Ana Benevides' friend, the same one who first broke the news of her death and the one who helped organize the fundraising and posted the thanks video from Ana's mother, Taylor's team has not yet tried to contact the family. What hurts me the most about this is really the disappointment... I expected SO much more from Taylor.
There's a lot of messages in my inbox from people saying I should be directing my anger at TF4 and, believe me: I am. Every last ounce of fury and rage that I have in me is directed toward this criminal and negligent company. I will keep following this case the best I can and I'll also do what I can to help other brazilian swifties to put pressure on our authorities so that T4F faces legal consequences for their actions. But just to be clear: T4F wasn't the one that I had an emotional connection with. It wasn't T4F that I loved, it wasn't T4F that I thought that cared about me and other fans. It wasn't T4F that Ana worked so hard to see and cheer on.
At my show, I stood in line too. I suffered from the heat. My friend, who was with me, got very dizzy. Another colleague, right next to me, fainted. They're both fine, but either of them could easily have been Ana. Christ, I could have been Ana. I could have been the friend organizing a fundraiser and being forced to make the economic fragility of people I love so public. Or it could be my mother crying desperately on TV and asking for help. It's devastating to know that neither I nor anyone else would receive even a word of comfort. Some of you keep telling me that Taylor "can't", that there are "legal implications", but honestly, I don't see how a case against Taylor in this situation would hold up in court. I don't see how she (a billionaire) couldn't hire the best lawyers to help her. And, more than that: I do not believe, not for a second, that sending a message directly to the family saying how much she feels for their lost would be considered an admission of malpractice. I don't believe that telling the grieving parents that she also loved their daughter and that said daughter will be missed would be the equivalent of admitting guilt. Not trying to ease this family's pain even a little (not trying to make sure they know that Ana died loving someone who loved her back) is a choice and it was the choice Taylor made. And to be honest, I'm not sure if the same choice would have been made in the case of the death of a north american fan -- every evidence I have indicates that no, it wouldn't.
I'm not so caught up in my hurt to say Taylor doesn't care at all. I know it's not true. But I just found out that she doesn't care enough. Not nearly enough. And that's a painful thing to know, I'd say.
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Thank you for your always so kind words. I truly felt hugged. It's been the most painful day for all brazilian swifties, and reading this really calmed me down. Sending much much love to you Sarah ❤️
Thinking about you with such tenderness today friend. It’s been such a heartbreaking string of affairs and I’m so sad for everyone. It’s a lot of feels that I’m also sure are being exacerbated by the temperature there that I don’t doubt is putting people through a physical ringer.
Take time for yourself - be gentle to you and others.
Love to you. 💚
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bisluthq · 3 months
"every action has an equal opposite reaction"
Swifities from Argentina and Brazil behave the worst because Joe has an actual fandom over here and american swifties keep questioning latam swifties loyalty (?) for some fucked up xenophobic reason, so they accuse any joe stan speaking Spanish/Portuguese of widowing on main, so latam swifties end up doing THE MOST to separate themselves from joe stans.
That's mostly it.
(there's another reason but it's really gossipy so I'm gonna send in another ask just for you and no one else 🫢)
TELL ME THE GOSSIP but also yea I thought he had a fandom in South America. Pre breakup he for sure did. And No Context is Brazilian, right? And I think gets a lot of curiouscats in Portuguese which I always leaned to also mostly being Brazilian but maybe if the Italians love him so much, the Portuguese do too I really don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️💀😂
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ohbutweweredancing · 5 years
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Hi Taylor. I wanna tell you a story about how time is funny thing and how one person can change so many lives. Our story begins about 12 years ago when a little girl (mini me) saw a video on tv of a young blond girl sing about teardrops on her guitar. Little did I know by then that your songs would be my anchor and source of happiness for years. That’s when the dream started, the dream of seing you live someday. So Fearless Tour, everything was okay cause I was sure I would see you soon. Then Speak now..  this is actually embarrasing but the fisrt time I saw the Speak Now World Tour Dvd and reached the part where you go to fans and touch their hands and hug them I cried so hard (I’m talking about ugly crying here), it hurted me so much that I wasn’t the one hugging you there that I had to stop watching it and I could only bring myself to finish it on the next day. But it was okay cause I was pretty sure I was gonna see you soon. But I’m from Brazil so you know how this story ends. You never came (let’s not count that moment on red era cause it was a private show so I couldn’t see you and I was devasted). 
But the thing is I never got used to the idea of you not coming to my country. Every single era and every single tour I waited for you. And I prayed and I hoped. I even have a little joke that every era has this special day where someone starts a rumour so strong that you’re coming that I believe with all heart and I feel sick to my stomach and cry myself to sleep with anxiety and then it’s nothing, just a rumour. One time during the Red Tour the rumour was so strong that tn even made a contest to win a poster cause they felt bad for us (ask them if they remember this lol). So I cried a lot.. and I kept dreaming. Every era I would be a little (a lot?) jealous of people who could see you and go to the concerts with their friends and had the time of their lifes. I always thought that if you came here it would be magical but I wouldn’t have anyone to share it with cause I always felt kinda isolated in the fandom. I mean I know a lot of nice people but I wasn’t close to anyone. Until a few months ago when a nice girl send me a dm and asked me if I wanted to be on group chat. I said yes and little did I know what would happen next. I met a group of swiftie brazilian girls. But they are not like any other groups I had been before. They were so welcoming and I felt so safe so fast. We connected over you first and over a lot of things later. Turns out all of us felt alone somehow (not just in the fandom but in college and you know, in life). We shared our stories and we found a place where we could be ourselves and share our hopes and dreams and our passion for you. And now our story has an important moment, about a month ago, when the lover secret sessions started. As you can imagine it was hard for us, and again I mean ugly crying (oh yes we shared a lot of crying pictures cause you know, why not). We hit our lowest point, it was that feeling of ‘’somebody else gets what you wanted again’’. But the beautiful thing is we were super sad and depressed but we wouldn’t let each other be sad so it was like ‘’I wanna die, I’ll never see her, it will never happen for me BUT DON’T YOU DARE BE SAD YOU WILL SEE HER SHE LOVES YOU’’. And you know what happened a few days later? One of our friends, Mari (that is now studying in the US), got picked to meet you at Sirius Radio. She got to finally hug you and as a little angel that she is she gave you this notebook with letters from all of us. We didn’t write too much cause we didn’t want to give her too much trouble but we shared some very personal stuff with you. 
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And now a month later we got THE news. You are coming to Brazil. We’ll finally have our concert. And remember when I said this was a story about timing? Well, I will finally live the whole dream. I will not only see you but I will see you with my best friends. I’ll get to travel with them and plan every single thing (I mean we’re already thinking about our nails and hairs). I’ll get to see them living their dream. So this is a HUGE thank you. Thank you for being there for us with your music and thank you for our friendship. Because of you we are now stronger, we have each others backs and I don’t know a better feeling. So if this post ever get to you please take a little time to lurk and learn a little bit about each one of them. These girls are so kind and generous and strong, I’m sure you would be so proud of them, as I am! You got to hug Mari, and I hope you get to hug all of us cause I swear you would feel as loved as possible. 
We’re waiting for you in Brazil and we can’t wait to see you! We loved you from the very start and we will love you (and each other) to the very end. See you soon!
@thalovestay @soitgoes23 @areweoutofthewoodss @me-taylor-swift @onlyoneofali @onlyloveletterstotaylor @out-of-13-woods @speaknowni @hityoulikebangx @wearetayfoxes
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rightwhereuleftme · 5 years
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Today, one day before Lover (the song), I’m turning 24.
I don’t actually remember my life without @taylorswift in it and that pretty much sums my personality. I never feel alone because I know that she’s just a song away. She’s my best friend. She’s my ride or die.
My family gave me this cake to show how much they hope that this is going to be the year that I’ll finally see her live! Being a brazilian swiftie can be really hard sometimes, but I’m a lucky girl and my family always suports my dream.
Taylor, thank you. I owe you who I am today, and I hope that, wherever you are, you feel all the love that I’m sending you every single second. I love you so so so much.
And... for a healthier option, Lover (the album) will be out August 23. 💞
@taylorswift @taylornation
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reputatior · 7 years
I came in the name of the Brazilian swifties, to ask for help to swifties from the rest of the world. 
All the swifties want to get Taylor's attention somehow, do not they? Obviously! But no matter what we do, she does not notice us, and we understand because Taylor is the most biggest popstar on the planet, many people send several messages a second to her! But it's hard for us Brazilian swifties! She only came to Brazil in 2012. One time. For a pocket show.
#TaylorSwiftComeToBrazil! We love you so much and we would love to have you, the same experience that fans from other countries have! Brazil misses you so much! Brazil loves you so much! We’re waiting for you! ♡
Love, Brazilian swifties.
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the tag is now in #3 in Brazil!
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bisluthq · 2 years
She'll be at nyu in four days (hopefully it won't be a white wall vid💀) and will definitely say 'i love my fans' in her speech. Watch those clowning angry cupcakes mock her for that. It's hideous lmao do they have any sense of the real world???
She does love her fans though 😭😭😭😭 I fucking hate this idea that if she’s not literally sucking the dicks of strangers she’s ungrateful. She does SO MUCH for fans. She sends merch, she writes personalized letters, she contributes to GoFundMes, she’s bailed out fans out of legit sticky situations, she does fan exclusive events FOR FREE instead of charging like every other pop star (most recently ATW premiere - it literally wouldn’t have been unreasonable to charge for that especially since she hasn’t toured and she had expenses with the event right like you can easily just charged idk fucking $20 a head even just to help offset expenses but she didn’t), she dedicated Love Story TV to her fans, she REMEMBERS fans from multiple encounters and talks to them as people rather than like abstract concepts!!!!
Not to also cupcake on main in solidarity with he cupcakes who are so far up her ass they bought the shitty Swiftie™️ merch but like if you claim that woman DOESN’T CARE ABOUT FANS you yourself are not a real fan or you’re selfish as fuck idk and want that to happen to you and it happening to other people isn’t good enough for you.
The ONLY time I can see justification in criticizing her re responses to fans is that she didn’t help Brazilian fans get their money back for LoverFest. Like that was a bit let them eat cake of her.
But claiming she doesn’t love her fans is utterly bonkers. She genuinely appreciates her fanbase and I think as her fanbase we very much feel that and don’t require our dicks sucked in order to feel that way.
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