#sensei G
night-invader · 4 months
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Local resurrected man got himself together and back into human form again.
Unfortunately, he found out that his son ain't doing so well in the mental health department.
Fanart for my fic: here the link
Premise: show Lloyd meets movie Lloyd and shenanigans ensue. Along the line, Sensei G comes back and joins.
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razzledazzle247 · 1 year
Sons of Garmadon au where when Harumi summons Lord Garmadon, she ends up summoning all of Garmadon, but because she was looking for specifically “Lord” Garmadon, it ends up splitting him in two, with Lord G having all the evilness and the arms, and Sensei G having basically everything else, including memories
So when Lord G breaks Harumi out of prison, Sensei G is looking for Lloyd and the Ninja confused about how he’s alive and where he is because Ninjago City didn’t used to look like that. When Harumi starts the broadcast in the prison, he sees it and hightails it to save Lloyd from his emo- sorry- Evil years personified.
When he gets there, there’s a lot of confusion going around because why is there two of them and why do they look so different???
Sensei G kicks Lord G’s ass no questions
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howuart · 2 years
Crystalized spoilers??
ok but what if the reason Lloyd's so willing to try and give Haru a second chance is because he sees himself in her, he seen his young naive self who just wanted someone to hate and be angry at. Lloyd looks at Harumi and sees a lost kid someone who's hurting and need a hand in the right direction and he want to help her wants to be what Kai was to him to her.
And the reason he's so not willing to hear Garmadon out is cause he sees someone he can become, he looks at his dad, and sees what will happened if he gives up if he let's himself be to angry if he hates. and he doesn't want that, so even if Garmadon gets better is better, lloyd can't except that because that means maybe just maybe he'll be bad one day and hurt those he loves.
that or this is just me rambling, I've only watched to episode 12 (13?) and none of the other stuff so technically I haven't seen how he interacts with Garm but here's some thoughts I had
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Misako: Wu how do I get revenge on my enemies?
Wu: The best revenge is letting go and living your life to the fullest.
Misako: Garmadon, how do I-
Garmadon: Knife.
Wu: NO!
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garmabawls · 2 months
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what would YOU do if this played at the beginning of every episode ⁉️⁉️
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cassettemoon · 1 year
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Brothers and fathers and sons
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ginniesfangirllife · 18 days
"You are the one that is unexpected." 🙄 - Saitama to Genos
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Yet he always spares a soft spot for his disciple 😌
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friendlyfoxpal · 9 months
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Natsume experiences a very big curse. will he ever return to normal size before he freaks out his friends or found family? Nyanko Sensei is amused though regardless of Natsume's frustration.
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namelysane · 1 year
Gotta love the fact this is Lego's way of saying think twice before getting a tattoo.
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diddyvelvet · 8 months
It's already 24th of October In my timezone so I decide to post this 18th Anniversary drawing made by me:D
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favesgrave · 6 months
hey so what kind of effect would having only half of your soul revived when the other half is left behind in the departed realm cause
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night-invader · 3 months
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Precious memories, now tainted.
I wanted to draw younger Lloyd and Sensei G
Possible scene for my au "Meeting.... Me?" As well.
Link for fic: here
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kunshokunsho · 1 month
rebooted is so much worse that crystalized and HOT.
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howuart · 2 years
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My entry for @emisnt2 's diys! I had a lot of fun with this one.
Speedpaint below the cut
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Garmadon: I asked my son what he wanted for dinner and he said, "Not a burned quesadilla" because in the summer of 2019 I overcooked one side of his quesadilla.
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graceful-not · 7 months
Can't stop thinking Abt the fact that Harumi had to be the one to tell Garmadon who his son was. The fact that he didn't recognize himself in old photos. He doesn't know who he is!!!! He doesn't know who the fuck these people are!!!! He adopts Harumi because in his heart he needs to be a mentor a guiding figure a father, and he can recontextualize their previous relationship easily, when before, he hadn't seen her like that. And he still cares for his son!!! but he doesn't remember him or himself and he doesn't remember how to love or what it feels like because he can't! feel it!! right now!!! I'm insane. You come back to life and you're fundamentally changed and all these people know you as someone you don't fucking remember but that person still lives.. in you? Except for how they look at you like theyre searching for a demeanor or glint in your eyes that isn't there, like they're looking at someone else. because you aren't that man anymore. there's nothing left there. but you are him to these people, and so you must relearn how to be him before you can be what is left of yourself. Will you ever feel right again? Will the identity of this Man You Were ever feel like You? Because it doesn't feel like He was ever you. You feel like something else, something new, something barely living because there are so many pieces missing. What could be more important than survival?
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