#sensei hakase
mysticdragon3art · 10 months
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The kiddie table gets its own turkey, when Kirby sits there. Happy Thanksgiving 2023!
FIGURES: Nendoroid Hakase. Nendoroid Anya Forger, using sitting legs from Nendoroid Japan. Nendoroid Platelet. Nendoroid Kirby. Nendoroid Nyanko Sensei.
PROPS: Felt sheets, safety pinned together as "curtains". Scrapbook paper flooring. Re-ment miniature table. DIY polymer clay turkey with fixings. Okara miniature serving plate. DIY polymer clay mini pumpkins.
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hikoutype · 2 years
i don’t know if someone’s already pointed this out, but something i find ridiculously adorable is that hassel doesn’t call gible “professor gible” in japanese?? instead, he calls him フカマル先輩 (fukamaru-senpai)
hassel refers to the other teachers as 先生 (sensei), but he gives gible seniority and treats him like his mentor..........i love this old man
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lilis-doodle-dome · 1 month
No art attached to this yet, but I’m cooking
Dcmk x p5
Joker is Shinichi; arcana Fool
Ryuji is Aoko; arcana Chariot
Ann is Sonoko; arcana Devil
Shiho is Ran
Mona is Conan (in the form of a small crow instead of a cat); arcana Magician
Yusuke is Heiji; arcana Sun
Makoto is Haibara/Shiho since no shrink; arcana Death
Sae is split between Hidemi and Eri (Hidemi is shiho’s big sister, Hakuba’s coworker and has more direct ties to the conspiracy. While Eri is the prosecutor on the phantom thieves case and the palace where Hakuba joins); Hidemi dies so no arcana, Eri’s arcana is Judgment
Futaba is Kaito; arcana Moon
Haru is ?kinda? Eisuke their roles are pretty different but he is a PT; arcana Strength
Akechi is Hakuba; arcana Justice
Kasumi idk yet
Other characters:
Kogoro is the Tower arcana
Vermouth is the High priestess
Jodie-sensei is the home room teacher and the Empress
Ginzou is who shinichi is living with and the Hanged man
Akako is the Wheel of Fortune
Kazuha is from the same school as Heiji and is the Star
Characters I have less of a plan with:
Detective youths, I think they should be one arcana for all three but idk which one
I’m thinking yusaku could be the emperor, he calls on occasion and is annoying or whatever
Jii-chan and Agasa hakase should be involved, selling guns and medicine respectively (although idk who is selling which) but I’m not sure which arcana to give them
Akai and Burbon should probably be something, maybe one of them could do guns? Then jii-san and agasa could be a combined arcana
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selmasemlan · 11 days
Why some characters are called by their lastname?
I didn't really think I had to post an info page about this, but since there has been some confusion around this, here it is.
So as you watch anime you learn that in Japanese culture, people don't usually call you by your first name. Usually you will be called by your last name and at the end of it they will add an honorific.
And before we get to all the different honorifics, I like to add that my character, Luna was born and raised in Japan, which mean she follows the the tradition of calling others by their last name. Some characters she is closer to, like Bakugo and Midoriya, which means she calls them by their nicknames, Kaachan and Izuchan.
While Todoroki Shoto is still on a learning-to-know-basis, she will call him by his last name, same thing with others in UA or in Japan.
Basically, the way she calls someone shows how close she is to the person or how much she respects the person.
When it comes to her non-japanes classmates, because she is in the international hero course, she will call them the way her classmates have told her to call them.
Now to the honorifics; There are a lot of different honorifics but here are the most common ones:
San (さん) = Mr. / Ms: Adults of equal status, informally and formally
Sama (様、さま) = Sir / Ma'am: Dear customer (o-kyaku-sama), Ladies and Gentlemen (mina-sama), Your Honor (judges), Your Lordship/Your Ladyship (judges of higher courts), Your Grace / Your Reverend / Your Eminence / Your Holiness (religious authorities) Your Omnipotence (deities)People of higher status (including deities, guests, customers)
Kun (君【くん】): Kun is a semi-formal title for a man—primarily men younger or the same age as the speaker.
Chan (ちゃん) = Little: Most frequently used for girls and small children, close friends, or lovers. Occasionally may be used to refer to a boy, but in most situations would be inappropriate.
Tan (たん) = Lil...Babies
Senpai (先輩、せんぱい) = Senior: Senior colleague and student or classmate
Sensei (先生、せんせい) = Teacher / Master (in the sense of "master and disciple") / Doctor / Professor: Used to refer to teachers as well as people who are experts in their respective fields, whether doctors, artists or lawyers.
Hakase (博士、はかせ) = Doctor or PhD: Persons with very high academic expertise
Heika (陛下、へいか) = Your Majesty: Emperor, Empress, Empress Dowager or Grand Empress Dowager
Denka (殿下、でんか)Your Imperial Highness: Princes and princesses of the Japanese Imperial Family
Kakka (閣下、かっか) = Your Excellency: Used to address non-royal heads of state and government and other high-ranking government officials (ambassadors, cabinet ministers, and other high officials such as the United Nations Secretary-General or generals in an army).
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bokujou-monogatari · 10 months
somewhat personal rambling ahead
I saw a post on reddit asking if you would still play a Story of Seasons game without the farming.
Putting aside the fact that Bokujou Monogatari literally means Farm Story; Yes! I would. But that doesn't come without a little explanation, of course. An interview with Wada revealed his original intent for SNES - that it'd be called 人生物語 Jinsei Monogatari, or Life Story. It wasn't until a little later on in development that the farming aspect was refined and the working title adopted 牧場物語 instead.
At its core, the series was meant to be a life simulation game, built around the community as a central aspect and means to keep playing. In most developer talks (GDC) and game site interviews, Wada was adamant about keeping that small town community feel, where you would grow alongside the town and get to know and be part of the intricacies of everyone's lives.
That also means that getting to know others would come with other aspects - such as dating and marriage. However, that is not the driving force behind these games. I wouldn't call these games a dating sim at the core... All that being said! It is true that the continued success of the series came with the addition of a "For Girl" series (with a female protagonist becoming a staple in one cartridge instead of two). The female audience - specifically speaking, the focus of the female audience: love & marriage - was not supposed to be the be all and end all, though. Wada did concede that statistics proved that was the case, but it was not his intent in making these games. He cites A Wonderful Life and Animal Parade often as his prime examples of a full, enriching "Life Story".
Of course this is just personal opinion but, I think the main problem nowadays is the oversaturation of the "cozy" market. I'm not about to go into deeper conversation about that (or what "cozy" means since it's different to everyone), but a lot of mainstream defined "cozy" games do seem to follow a path outlined after the release of Stardew Valley. This is not specifically against Stardew Valley or any one other game, but it's very evident that a lot of it is following what "works" for the market and what grabs a wider appeal in the same way Stardew Valley did.
Baseline, there's (usually) Farming, Fishing, Romance, and Cooking that make up "core" elements of these games without deeper exploration into these systems and anything that might branch off of them.
There's less and less exploration of more daily life, or day to day aspects. I think the last time I really saw something more akin to those elements was the Boku no Natsuyasumi series. (The Shin-chan games from the same developers are also nice - if you like collabs!)
(There hasn't been a Natsuyasumi game localized in over 10 years though!)
I think developers could do very well to explore games around the Playstation 2 era or even games from the Gameboy Color era - with such games like Boku no Natsuyasumi, Kisakae Monogatari, Konchuu Hakase, Tsuri Sensei, and even Bokujou Monogatari GB2 and GB3 as research points.
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I know a lot of these individual aspects are in games already, and I think that's really neat. But I think the real game changer will come with a game that fully explores things - all in one title! Whether that happens with a game in the Bokujou Monogatari series, or comes from an indie - I hope it's soon.
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jichanxo · 4 months
sunday six! (not kuwagami edition 😔)
poke poke @four-white-trees @passthroughtime @overdevelopedglasses @skysquid22
back onto my itokura writing for senseific! been taking some notes and poking at the wiki to fill in some gaps, thank goodness 🙏 here's a staffroom discussion about itokura's absence from school, pre-canon of course. thank goodness the wiki was there so i didn't have to make up new teacher names just for this one scene.
“Well, she’s still opening her door for you, right?” Kitakata tried to speak. “That’s still something. We should think about if we can do something with that. Maybe that’s an opportunity.” 
Fujita crossed her arms. “So instead of her parents or any authorities, we should be trying to work with her? Is that what you’re saying?” 
She sounded skeptical, though not outright dismissive, which was as kind of a response as he could have expected. 
“Plenty of people tried to speak to her in the lead up to the summer festival. We already know how that went.” Akuta interjected again. Know-it-all. 
Kitakata bit back. “Well, yeah, but she would’ve been so stressed in the lead up to the festival, of course she wouldn’t be responsive to—” 
“I think it’s good to think about how we might be able to approach Itokura-san.” Sawa interrupted, calm voice easily silencing him. “We’ve been giving her nothing but schoolwork, and she has no reason to enjoy coming to school. Of course she’s been absent. It’s that mindset we need to think about.” 
“Incentive. I ought to remind her of her scholarship. The chairman has been asking me about that...” Fujita sighed.
“Yes, but for a student, that’s not going to be her priority, I think. Something more...” Sawa trailed off. 
“Something simpler than that, right? A way to remind her of the joys of schooling... Friends and hobbies. Addressing her social needs...” Ara sounded like he was thinking out loud. “She has wounds on her heart. Counselling sounds like the natural suggestion...” 
Everyone turned to look at Hakase-sensei, the new nurse. She hadn’t even been here that long. 
Murmurs went through the room. 
“Perhaps not.” Fujita said decisively, and nobody was interested in fighting it.
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theomnicode · 1 year
Saigenos imprints
Genos gauges how pleasurable sex act is to Saitama depending on how deep imprints Saitama leaves on his metal and he feels stupidly proud whenever it's a large dent. Saitama feels apologetic but Genos just tells him he analyzes what makes Saitama-sensei lose control of himself the most and endeavors to do just that and Saitama just leans into his fist on the side of his mouth, frustrated (and flushed) beyond belief. He just can't with Genos.
What will doctor Kuseno even think?
Genos points out he's been very understanding of the situation and Saitama explodes and wants to crawl somewhere and die from embarrassment.
Genos just smirks how he keeps close tabs on what he can do to bring the most pleasure to sensei and Saitama is not sure if he should be very aroused or very scared and mentally decides that it's probably both because Genos is very intense in everything he does.
Slowly Saitama starts to realize that yes, it includes sex as well and his imagination goes into overdrive and the redness on his face reaches the tips of his ears.
Saitama doesn't pay attention when Genos moves to sit next to him, but he definitely hears Genos' husky voice in his ear telling him that “sensei only needs to say a word. I will make certain it happen” and Saitama forgets to breathe for a moment.
“Oh fuck me,” Saitama says.
“If that is what you want sensei, then certainly,” Genos answers playfully.
“NO- I mean Yes, I mean- FUCK!”
Saitama takes a moment to calm down and then turns to Genos, pulls at his top and decides to wipe the smug smirk off his face with a kiss.
“No time like present I suppose. You're such a dang tease…” and guides Genos’ hand to the very prominent bulge on his sweatpants.
“Sensei…” Genos groans into the kiss, pawing at the noticeable hard-on Saitama sports.
It is Saitama's turn to smirk. “Make good on that promise of yours. Go crazy, make me go wild. And drop the sensei when we're doing it, would you?”
“Yes, sen- Saitama!”
The next day Genos goes back to Kuseno with more imprints than ever before. Kuseno is not amused.
“I see. Did you goad him to do this?”
“Yes Kuseno-hakase, it was entirely my fault.” A beat. “But I enjoyed it very much.”
Kuseno sighs and shakes his head. “Kids these days...”
Saitama is still snoozing back at their apartment blissfully because Genos didn't bother to wake him up, but when he finally wakes up at 10am he blinks sleepily. “Wow. I slept like a log. I guess Genos already left to Kuseno's place.” He stretches and pops a joint.
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OK BUT does anyone else think there was a heartbreaking moment between Aso and Kyoko when they stopped being “Aso-ji-chan” and “Kyoko-nee-san” to Ryoken and Spectre? Like I’m personally a hundred per-cent certain that prior to the formation of the Knights of Hanoi, those are the likeliest monnikers that Ryoken (and also maybe Spectre) used for them so Ryoken and Spectre calling them “Aso-san” and “Taki-san” would have been a despair horizon for them both? Like Genome is absolute Doctor/Hakase/Sensei regardless but for the other two? This feels very likely, especially since they were shown to have been close to Ryoken when he was a child so the moment he forsaked them as familiars to become peers was like. A big deal for them? Like the Moment It All Changed, the Moment We Can’t Look Back On if that makes sense?
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idolaxhcrt · 1 year
Aoi Kiriya
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★~ Name: Aoi Kiriya ★~ Age: 16-17 ★~ Birthday: January 31 ★~ Blood type: A ★~School : Starlight School ★~ Occupation: Idol, Actress ★~ Idol group : Luminas and STAR☆ANIS ★~ Hometown:Tokyo ★~ Series : Aikatsu
Tagged~ StarlightAoi
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Interesting Facts:
★~Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.
★~Her favorite food is sandwiches and she dislikes hot food because of her sensitive tongue.
★~Her special skill is to never forget an idol she's seen.
★~Her catchphrase is "Odayaka janai." (穏やかじゃないわね), which is frequently borrowed by other characters in later episodes. The phrase has multiple meanings depending on the context, but literally, means "This isn't normal/common." with Aoi's use of it.
★~Aoi considers herself to be Ichigo's number one fan and has said it several times in the series.
★~She is the third idol to get her second Premium coord.
★~Aoi is 157cm tall.
★~When she was young, she learned how to play the piano, ride horses, write calligraphy, and play the violin. This makes her the first known idol to have participated in the classics during her childhood.
★~Kiriya (霧矢) Kiri (霧) means fog and Ya (矢) means arrow. It's considered that surname Kiriya takes from Hiromu Kiriya (霧矢大夢) a top star of Takarazuka Revue.
Aoi (あおい) is the Japanese name for hollyhock (written as "葵" in kanji). It also the adjective form of "ao" which means blue.
Aoi and Ichigo have been best friends since they were young. The two first met at a festival where the latter was dancing to Guppy, an idol.
She's highly knowledgeable about idols and the entertainment industry, but before that, she studied many cultural arts such as the violin, horseback riding, the piano, etc.
As a result, she is often referred to as the “Idol Professor” (アイドル博士 Aidoru Hakase) or Aoi-sensei (あおい先生). After the two joined Starlight School, it was revealed that Aoi got the best score out of around 1000 people on the test about past idols for the entrance exam, having answered every question correctly.
At the end of Episode 2, she became Mizuki Kanzaki's temporary manager after winning an audition against Ichigo. Her favorite brand is Futuring Girl and her stage color is blue.
Aoi is a calm and bright girl. She is very intelligent, possessing an encyclopedic knowledge and excellent analytical skills. She is highly determined towards her goals and approaches them very seriously.
Aoi makes sure to plan ahead and research as much as she can for a situation. She is hard-working and has a bit of a perfectionist streak.
As a child, Aoi quickly became interested in idols after discovering the freedom and excitement of it, which was a strict contrast to the traditional arts she partook in.
Since then, she has dedicated herself to idols and has studied idols ever since. She appears to be quite lucky as she is seen throughout the series meeting several idols she is a fan of.
She is known for being much more mature than Ichigo and tends to keep her on the right track, but has times when she can get very excited.
While normally she seems confident and in good spirits, deep down Aoi is afraid of the fact that she knows it's possible she and Ichigo won't both rise to stardom together as planned.
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chapsuidepollo · 2 years
idea for a silly nichijou movie
so like, there is sakamoto talking about how hakase and yukko are so clumsy and there is that joke like is behind me isnt she? so then hakase leaves sakamoto in the street and then nakamura sensei sees him but now he talks and stuff so he stays with her then there is the dillema of who is better and at the end of the movie he desides,meanwhile hakase looks for him all the movie
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zorkaya-moved · 6 months
alright, r1999, I get it. zarina core. zarina hakase/sensei... I see you...
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ao3feed-izuku-midoriya · 11 months
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mothervvoid · 1 year
this might b me showing my lack of knowledge but i headcanon yuta addresses shoko as "shishou" (master) rather than "hakase" or "sensei" bcos she specifically taught him how to master his RCT
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pizzahatt1 · 5 years
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Professor Doctorate!
Super obscure character, but I was trying to give the RS sirens unique faces and ended up finding my design for Hakase really cute, so now she’s one of my go-to characters for doodling.
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mysticdragon3art · 2 years
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Quick cat pic for #FigureFriday, since I'm still watching let's plays of Stray.
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
A selection of Genos smiles
Been gathering images for an essay on expression but in the interim, a selection of smiles.  For the folks who think that he never smiles
Happy Smiles
His teeny smiles like that of a traditional Korean doll.  It’s so cute.
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Proud Smiles
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Smug Git Smiles
Has never been accused of a pleasant personality.
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Evil Bastard Smiles
No, it’s not a bluff. No, he won’t have trouble sleeping at night afterwards. At least, no more so than usual.
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