rui-drawsbox · 8 months
Step 3 posting!
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Ik step3 bax wouldn't say *matching* rings but i had to get the joke in two panels (him getting all soft for a second when he notices the mc still wearing smth they bought together or smth)
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Ruri is based off me (duh) but i wanted to give her a little more of her own stuff so she paints murals and stuff in walls
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We can have a full telescope in our room and I WANT TO USE IT so late night date watching the stars in the poppy hill (+i put the same outfit as ruri the other day and I wanted to make sure i was different than her)
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cleabellanov · 9 months
Warning, Loki likes to steal jobs (and is good at it)
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season 1
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season 2
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yoroshiu · 7 months
"Ven was drifting through his own darkness when he heard a familiar voice. Exhausted from the long journey, Ven's heart decided he belonged with the voice's heart. He was going home."
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
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tinybitofhope · 8 months
bro really? thats crazy i want to know everything about you
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befooremoonrisee · 3 months
i think that what your choice between the witches of the blackfyre rebellions says a lot about what type of asoiaf fan you are
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beyourownanchor6 · 1 year
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thanks for the tags loves @putijeansdiaz-ronordmann @eddiescowboy @spotsandsocks 💙 i’ve been working away on army!eddie/babysitter!buck (we’re at 21.7k now!) here, have 2 snippets bc i’m excited and forgot how to count today <33
Eddie: Hey Buck. We’re going to the zoo tomorrow. Chris wanted me to invite you. Hope you can make it 🦒
Buck stared at the giraffe emoji, unsure of what to make of it. It probably had to do with the zoo, right? He read the text over again, trying to take it all in. His heart sank a little, knowing Eddie had only invited him via Chris.
Even so, it made his heart swell, knowing he’d made such an impact on the kid that Chris still wanted to spend time with him even though he no longer had to.
He considered leaving the text for a while longer, or not responding at all, but that seemed unfair to Chris who was just a kid and had no control of his dads’ feelings—or lack thereof—for Buck.
Buck: tell chris that i’ll be there. wouldn’t miss it. also, are giraffes your favorite?
Eddie: Maybe. They have long ass legs like you.
Buck: see you tomorrow 🦖
Eddie: Buck, you know there’s no dinosaurs in the zoo, right?
Buck: yea but they’re cool. plus this ones green like your eyes are sometimes
For a change of topic, Eddie motioned toward the DVD case on the table.
“So, what’d you think of the movie?”
He’d noticed Buck watching like it’d been his first time, laughing hysterically while also getting a little teary eyed at some parts. Eddie had seen it enough times to be a little desensitized to certain parts. He will forever be traumatized by the intro though, Eddie often skipping it when Chris was a little younger.
“It was good, really good. The sea turtles were cool, but I think Dory was my favorite.”
Eddie set his beer on the table, looking back over to Buck.
“Yea? Why’s that?”
Buck fiddled with his bottle again, tapping on it a few times before answering.
“I guess I just—I kind of resonate with her.” Buck let out a sigh, sitting up a bit. “She’s lost, doesn’t—doesn’t know where she belongs. I feel like that sometimes.”
“I guess it’s a good thing we found you then.”
tagging: @swiftiediaz @redlightsandicedtea @confetti-cupcake @justsmilestuffhappens @loveyourownsmiilee @onward--upward @honestlydarkprincess @monsterrae1 @buddierights @jacksadventuresinwriting @elvensorceress @alyxmastershipper @swiftiebuckleys @stanningsky
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resuri-art · 1 year
One of the biggest choice when you are a fic writer and write in English despite it not being your native language: Do I write in US English, UK English, or do I go for a weird mix of the two?
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anubisthe1 · 1 year
Call me kakashi hatake cause if I ever sat on that dick I'm never getting up again.
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dr-shortsighted-owl · 2 years
Seven sentence Sunday
Happy New - and first Sunday of the - Year!
Tagged by the wonderful @spotsandsocks @rogerzsteven and @jobairdxx - thank you all!
Slightly more than 7 sentences from my 6b!lightning storm spec fic 🚒⛈⚡️
This ritual is theirs alone.
Eddie, handing Buck each piece of the harness, keeping an ever watchful eye as Buck steps into the loops, hikes the belt higher under the constant downpour.
Stepping closer and dropping heavily to one knee, Eddie can almost feel the heat of Buck’s breath ghosting the back of his damp neck as he tilts his head down to start pulling at each strap in turn, starting from the left hip, left thigh…
“Come over.” His own voice nearly startles him, definitely catching Buck unaware if the speed of his neck snapping up to look him in the eye from where he had been aimlessly staring over Eddie’s shoulder into the ever-growing puddles is anything to go by.
“Eddie.” Buck’s voice cracks round each syllable of his name, a warning, one that Eddie won’t heed right now.
He brings his hands round to Buck’s right thigh, slipping a finger between the coarseness of the loop and the slickness of his turnout pants. Tugs once, twice, three times.
“Look, you weren’t going to come to me and I wasn’t going to push, but this, I can’t take it, even Chris can see somethings up with you and you’re saying your fine?”
“I am.” A lie. Another damn lie.
“Not, not now, not here. We go in, we get the job done, you come home, we talk - me and you.”
His stomach twists as a plethora of emotions vie to settle on Buck’s face, before he shutters, facade-like.
Eventually, as Eddie’s hands leave his right hip, Buck’s voice cuts through the rain, small and tired, diminished.
“Home… yeah, yeah.”
Tagging: @hippolotamus @mellaithwen @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @elvensorceress @two-cut-lines @thosetwofirefighters @ajunerose @monsterrae1 @amberlyinviolet @the-likesofus
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A curious ask for a criminology student. Which is worse: a guilty man going free or an innocent man being sent to prison? Why?
oh anon i will never shut up now i love this question. prepare for the biggest word vomit you have ever seen lol
okay so first, this question is very vague, because what is the guilty man guilty of? stealing something once isn't as bad as murdering hundreds of people for example (to give an extreme example lol). same goes with the innocent man, going to prison for a couple of years is far less severe than being sentenced to life for something they didn't do (not gonna include the death penalty because firstly my country doesn't have it and secondly im fundamentaly against it)
however, if we take a general view grounded in ethics and principles of justice, many legal scholars and philosophers (such as William Blackstone who famously said "it is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer") argue that sending an innocent person to prison is worse. i tend to agree with this because i think the legal system should prioritize protecting the rights of individuals, especially when it comes to something as severe as taking away someone's freedom. the foundation of justice should be built on the principle that it’s more important to avoid harming innocent people than to ensure that every guilty person is punished.
a wrongful conviction doesn't just harm the individual, it also weakens the moral authority of the justice system itself. when the system makes such errors, it undermines public confidence in its fairness and reliability, which can have a ripple effect, causing people to doubt its ability to deliver justice in future cases.
on the other hand, allowing a guilty person to go free could endanger public safety. it can also lead to a sense of injustice for the victims and society as a whole, who expect the legal system to hold wrongdoers accountable. additionally, when a guilty person is not punished, it could send a message that criminal behavior doesn't always have consequences, potentially encouraging more lawbreaking. in this sense, the legal system fails to fulfill its duty to maintain order and deter future crimes.
ultimately, i think it depends on the values we prioritize: protecting society at large or protecting the rights of individuals. both outcomes are harmful in different ways, but for me, the wrongful imprisonment of an innocent person strikes at the heart of what justice is supposed to stand for. a justice system that fails in this regard loses its legitimacy, and without that foundation of fairness, the system itself starts to break down.
if you take both extremes, so a mass murderer going free against an innocent person being put in prison for life, then i think it's definitely the innocent person going to jail that's worse. after all, in many legal systems, the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" emphasizes that it is better to err on the side of letting a guilty person go free than to risk imprisoning the innocent. but if you start thinking about a mass murderer going free vs someone being put in prison for idk 6 months, then the situation becomes more complex. while the mass murderer being free clearly represents a greater immediate threat to society, the question still hinges on how we value individual rights versus collective safety. i think most legal professionals would argue that collective safety in this case is more important. like Jeremy Bentham said "the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation." from this view, allowing a mass murderer to go free would be a serious failure of the legal system, as it would likely lead to more harm to society and further endanger innocent lives.
which is true of course, but a justice system that consistently prioritizes security over fairness risks becoming oppressive. if the system starts to wrongfully imprison individuals, even for short periods, in the name of protecting the public (the "better safe than sorry" argument), it could create a dangerous precedent. this could lead to abuses of power, where innocent people are routinely sacrificed for the perceived greater good, eroding public trust in the system over time.
so yea i believe that prioritizing the protection of the innocent is critical. if a legal system loses sight of that, it risks sacrificing its moral authority in the name of safety, leading to deeper systemic problems in the long run
disclaimer: this is just my opinion, you dont have to agree with me. i would love hearing other point of views but please be respectful about it
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sotiriabellou · 11 days
caved in and asked my parents for help but all they did was irritate me nothing helps
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unityrain24 · 4 months
help i'm doing some loki fanarts in the colour palettes of their pride flags for pride month and i'm on the pan one and i couldn't decide wether to do their jotun markings in yellow or pink even when i made a mock-up i just couldn't choose so the n i decided to do a gradient of the two maybe but to do that i put down white fist and now the WHITE looks really good and now i'm in any even worse state than before i'm so indecisive ToT
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pollyna · 1 year
Make Me Write Tag Game!
Thank you @derpinathebrave 🌻 (I appreciate your confidence in me finding ideas about stuff I'm actually going to write)
no pressure tag: @semperhuggs, @bearsinpotatosacks, @blazingstar29, @mintcaramelhazel,@the-ace-with-spades and everyone who wants to give it a try :)
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @rogerzsteven thank you love 💕 and @like-the-rest-of-la thank you too 💕
For a bit of variety from my Prince AU I’m also working on ‘The Hands On Method’
Here’s a little snippet. To set the scene Chim fancies himself a matchmaker so he drags Ravi into a plan to get Eddie &Buck together. It does not go well. Here Buck is reflecting on the moment he’d worked out what his friend was up to.
Buck had been exasperated but not suspicious; it's why he’d fallen into their trap.
“Ive got it!” Chim had said.
Three words, innocent enough but Chim held onto his eyes for a moment too long, it was a “look” ™ and it had sparked a small flicker of fear.
It was then, far too late Buck had started to suspect something. Chim’s gaze had shifted to the other end of the table.
“Eddie can be the date this time.”
That’s when he’d known. It was a set up.
Tagged @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @the-likesofus @ajunerose @bekkachaos @fiona-fififi @loveyourownsmiilee @lostinabuddiehaze @buddierights @dickley-buddie @swiftiediaz @loveyourownsmiilee @spaceprincessem @jobairdxx @thekristen999
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moonrpg · 1 year
I need time 2 draw I suddenly got so much drive to start comix for my ocs lol
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beyourownanchor6 · 1 year
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thanks for the tags loves @alyxmastershipper @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 💙
here’s some seven several sentences from my new wip that we’re gonna unofficially call ‘platonic fwb’ aka @mansikkaomenabanaani fault 😂
“I uh, I was kidding Eds.  I mean, you just said that…and then with what I said, and um…” Buck shook his head, sitting up as he scrubbed his hands down his face. “Let’s just chalk this up to another stupid thing I said, yea?”
“I didn’t think it was stupid.”
Buck froze as Eddie looked to him. If it wasn’t for it being night time with Eddie right in front of him, Buck would’ve thought he was back in his coma dream.
“Uh you-you didn’t?”
Eddie looked to him, soft smile spread over his face, sincerity in his voice.
“I think we could be that to each other. Don’t you?”
Buck had no idea what he was thinking about.
 “So, you want to like…be intimate but not intimate friends who date—or just friends who don’t date but are…intimate?”
Eddie wrinkled his nose. “Well, when you say it like that…” Another laugh slipped out of Eddie, the man turning his entire to face Buck, his knee pushing right into Buck’s thigh.
“There has to be a better name for it.”
Buck puffed out a breath as he thought it over. This was ridiculous. Eddie didn’t seriously want to date-not date him, did he?
“What about—platonic friends with benefits?”
 Eddie arched a brow. “Ok, and what does that mean?”
How the hell was Buck supposed to know? He’d only made it up in his head three seconds ago.
“Uh, well we could be—intimate, in um a platonic way, but only as friends. Buck paused before quickly adding, “and-and we don’t date other people or anything, just-just each other.” He didn’t dare to look up at Eddie.
 “Ok, I think that could work.”
Buck did look up to Eddie then, a little incredulously.
“You’re serious.”
It wasn’t a question, Buck completely dumbfounded.
“Well, it was your idea,” Eddie quickly pointed out.
Fuck. Was it?
Buck was so confused. How the hell did their conversation go from him being tired to them platonically dating-not dating?
tagging: @swiftiediaz @justsmilestuffhappens @loveyourownsmiilee @onward--upward @honestlydarkprincess @buddierights @elvensorceress @swiftiebuckleys @eddiescowboy @wh0re-behavi0r @putijeansdiaz-ronordmann @jacksadventuresinwriting @stanningsky
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