#for dating in the game bc she’s literally the worst and a bully
charmixpower · 9 months
@shiningclown69 I just realized I never made a post about any post s1 Briven things??? Crime on my part, truly
Season 2 Briven let's fucking goooooo!!!!
After the Battle of Magix Brandon is very reluctant to leave Riven after the whole jumping off of a building after learning his first real relationship was a lie with extenuating monster circumstances, and the hatred and resentment Brandon KNOWS most of the other specialists are feeling after seeing Riven and Darcy but he literally has to go because of his job but he is NOT happy about it
Erendor bitching about Riven being a terrible influence on Sky and Brandon smiling and nodding while trying not to strangle him
Riven stays on Magix after the battle, primarily because there would be nothing worse than talking to his family after all of that, and Brandon sends him good morning texts even though they're in different planetary timezones
Riven: *having the worst dissociative episode of his life*
Brandon: Goodnight on Magix <3
Riven: I guess life is worth living
I think Brandon would be an amazing texter, he talks about his day, responds regularly and consistently, and that also makes the Darcy reveal easier on Riven
Musa is all up in their business like you cannot imagine. Musa only goes home to Melody for a little bit during the summer before going back to Alfea (she managed to convince her dad it's cheaper and she can get some community service) and whenever she sees Riven she's all like "ooooo what did Brandon send you??" Like at least a solid half of Riven's texts back to Brandon are co written by Musa and it's so obvious neither of them know what their doing
It's okay tho bc Brandon thinks it's adorable and is so happy that Riven is making friends that aren't him. Like half way though summer he starts including things for Musa because he's well aware she's reading all of their texts
Eventually Helia comes back to RF and accidentally runs into Musa who has Riven with her and they chat a bit. Like they're not close and neither Musa or Riven think to mention it to Brandon but Helia has already decided when school starts again he's going to personally protect Riven from anyone who tries to bully him
I can't believe that Brandon is Sky's only body guard in their age group, like if Eraklyon has child soldiers there's probably more than one, so Adrian is trying to figure out who the fuck Brandon is texting and why Sky is bitching about it and Brandon is making a game out of playing keep away
Please note that this entire time Sky is like "dear god Brandon out of everyone on Magix, why him????". Poor guy is like pre exhausted of this entire situation. He's happy for Brandon he promises, but also he's dying. "Why him? Why that one? You could date anyone who likes men and you picked that one. Brandon why?" He is not doing good
When school starts again Riven is all like "hi...<3?" And Brandon thinks it's cute that is ALL
Then Helia and Brandon mert and make eye contact with each other from across the room
Helia: Well Riven doesn't have parents that I respect so you have to impress me and Saladin instead
Musa: me too
Helia: Musa too
Brandon: you literally only met Riven over the summer
Helia: irrelevant, what are your intentions with my son
Brandon: I appreciate that someone is looking out for Riven but MOVE
This gets worse after Helia and Flora start dating, what are your intentions with their son?? Sky is having an aneurysm in the other room. It's fine, everything is fine
Bonus points is Stella giving Riven shovel talk both before they break for summer and after they get back just to make sure it sinks in, no one knows she did this because Riven is too scared of her to snitch. I just need to let you know it happened
Brandon's coworkers also take a looksie at Riven but they're trained spys so it's more stalking over shovel talk. Riven brushes it off as him being paranoid but Brandon definitely notices and gently tells them off. Normal child soldier behavior over here
Sky wants to give the shovel talk but Brandon looks at him with the neutral look of displeasure whenever he even mentions it
(Riven is kinda in tears about how much Musa, Helia, and Flora care about him. He just got something in his eye, it's okay, everything is okay)
Brandon and Riven cuddle after the news of the Trix breaking out of light rock hits the news and it's cute
Riven watching Sky and Brandon go off on a mission to infiltrate a devil bird's lair without magic to fall back on: this is fine, I'm fine, I'm not sick with worry at all
Riven was brooding in the Winx's dorm without Musa so I'm just assuming Flora let him in, she makes him tea while he worries about Brandon. Musa eventually joins bc the cute girl she just met is already going on another dangerous mission and what the fuck!!!
Brandon doesn't mention the Amentia nonsense to Riven aside from "I was kidnapped into a arranged marriage.", Riven ends up hearing about it from Chatta
Riven: if you ever wanna go back to fight her I'm always down
Brandon: aw that is so sweet of you <3, I would rather die than see that woman again
Riven: understandable have a nice day
Brandon tells Riven about the stupid shit Sky is getting up to and they BOTH rag on Sky for being in the tree and being creepy, getting Timmy and Helia to join in, but unfortunately for Brandon, Riven strongly agrees that Avalon is so fucking creepy
On one hand Riven and Sky are holding a civil conversation, on the other hand its because they're planning a murder of the new Alfea teacher
Brandon watching Helia and Flora talk knowing he's gonna have to deal with MORE people meddling in his relationship: (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
Riven watching Brandon flirt back with everyone who flirts with him: don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous don't be jealous
Brandon tones it down bc he knows his bf is insecure but he physically cannot stop the manwhore behavior, it's an important part of him
Riven getting freaked out bc he's SO sure he can sense Darcy and no one believing him except the squad while they drag him to Saladin to warn him
People are kinda pissed that Sky and Riven shucked the match at first and Brandon bodily shoves them out of his way godbless
When Timmy goes to Brandon for relationship advice Riven is there and asks Musa for advice on Timmy's behalf, and it's STILL horrible. Sorry there is not a single brain cell between them Timmy you are not getting any help with your love life
Flora: anyways now Tecna is on the Avalon is evil train and we think she has a point
Riven: VINDICATION. I'll text Sky
Brandon, who took the phone out of Riven's hand: I understand what your all talking about, but please make a real plan. don't just rush in and attack him
Flora, watching Tecna rush in and attack him: too late
Brandon's time with his boyfriend keeps getting interrupted by Sky bitching to Riven about Avalon, he's almost impressed with Sky's inability to read the room
Riven doesn't try to set Musa up with Jared bc she has a thing for Aisha, but does accidentally talk her up to Jared in a way that sounds like it and doesn't realize until Brandon tells him how Jared is likely gonna take it and Riven immediately starts sending Musa apology texts
Musa and Aisha get together and Riven spends an hour trying to figure out what the fuck Musa's texts mean
Riven is not pouting that his best friend's girlfriend dislikes his boyfriend, he is not bothered by that at all, he is a bastion of composure (it makes him just a little sad)
Brandon watching the mess that is Sky trying to introduce Bloom to his parents and Erendor and Samara intentionally letting Diaspro stay kidnapped to make Sky save her: I am so never even breathing a word about my boyfriend in this palace
Riven getting two texts at 3am. One from Musa with a selfie of her beaten up with the caption "kicked Stormy's ass let's go!!!" And one from Flora asking Riven if Brandon ever mentioned his time being held hostage. He wakes up so fucking fast
Riven cheering for Brandon and his fire stick dance, like that's my boyfriend everyone clap or die
Brandon in the back after his part in the talent show getting a bunch of videos of Musa and Stella singing: <3
Brandon when the texts suddenly stop: ???? Everything good?
Riven: sorry, Stormy's gone now
Brandon: ?????Stormy??????
Riven: *sends another video of Musa, now singing in her magic form*
Brandon watching Riven forcefully stop himself from being insane and competitive with Sky to board next to Brandon. It only lasts like a few minutes
They all go camping!!! Fun times in the wilderness and by that I mean Sky is physically sitting in-between them because they won't stop flirting and it's getting on his nerves, they are banned from sharing a tent. Riven isn't super huge on pda but Brandon is. I would say everyone is sick of them but Stella and Bloom haven't stopped making out since they got here so
Listen Riven literally specializes in wilderness survival, it's literally his consecration. Watching his boyfriend get excited about plants with Flora is CUTE and Brandon will not apologize for kissing his boyfriend when he's cute
Riven gets really cagey about running off and Musa is like "what's wrong?" And he lashes out :(, Brandon and her have a little chat about him and then Riven comes back like "THE TRIX ARE HERE EVERYONE PANIC!!!"
Their conversation is different bc they've almost swapped roles but I think Musa and Brandon making eye contact whenever Riven does something™ is really funny and good
When Helia shows up in the ship he and Brandon look at each other and Brandon just knows Helia is trying to figure out what is the funniest joke to make about the situation, and then the "me too!" Thing happens and Brandon will NEVER let him live it down
Riven sacrificing himself for Musa still happens, they are besties, and Brandon literally can't move during this so that's fun for him (it's literally only his training that keeps him from panicking out his fucking mind)
Musa, Brandon, Flora, and Helia all in a cuddle pile in a hospital room watching Riven's heart monitor
Of course there's a cute reunion and kiss when Riven wakes up and also "never do that dumb shit again, your not allowed to get hurt next year I need a break from being worried if your going to make it or not" and Riven is like (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠)
Brandon is dragged back to Eraklyon and he's even more mad about it this time
Riven texts more often bc he misses Brandon so much, and Brandon sends gifts IF YOU EVEN CARE
That's my thoughts on s2 Briven, tune in next time for s3 Briven where I try not to get distracted by Stella instead of Musa and Flora like this time XD
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kyodzuken · 4 years
boyfriend headcanons - soul evans
a/n; my soul evans inspired playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YntdhOZPg1wMzYBwymwWR?si=JnHvKUWRSKGghG_dDakXGA
- you and soul started off as friends
- you'd joined the dwma halfway through the year and immediately hit it off with liz and patty
- and inevitably the rest of the group
- you're shy; so seeing this big group of loud - and very talented - weapons and meisters threw you off a bit
- but don't judge a book by its cover bc they were acc vvv warm and welcoming
- 'any friend of liz and patty is a friend of ours!'
- your partner was the first to realize tbh
- you and the gang were playing basketball
- or rather you, patty and your partner sat and watched as the rest played basketball
- when they caught you staring at a certain white-haired weapon a lil too long
- and patty;; being the girl she is;;; brought it up instantly when your partner nudged her shoulder.
- '(y/n)-chan!!! i never took you as a lovey type!'
- you rolled your eyes and denied it
- but they knew
- and so did you
- that night,, maka invited everyone over
- and ofc luck was on your side
- and you were squeezed next to soul during the movie marathon
- and it didn't help your case when he put his arm behind you, resting it on the couch.
- you thanked god it was dark because liz would definitely bully you for how red you were lmfao
- you excused yourself to the bathroom
- nearly shat your pants bc ????? uh????? you were just next to ur crush???
- and he smelt rlly nice wtf y/n snap out of it
- so after composing urself and one too many splashes of water on ur face;;
- you exited the bathroom to see the group sitting down in a game of 7 minutes in heaven
- and you wanted to cry
- you either got stuck with death the kid, literally the worst dude in the entire group (blackstar), crona, or your crush.
- lose/lose situation,,, maybe except crona bc theyre a cutie
- and lowkey you were wishing you picked up a specific hairband
-  and u did lol hahahah
- so u were stuck in this small cramped closet
- and u were so deep in thought
- u barely heard when the poor boy called ur name
- ' uhh,, listen,, this is so uncool of me to say here but,, if you say no i'll just kick you out of my house.'
- jeez ok albino
- 'i like you.'
- you swore you stopped breathing
- wtfwtf????
- did he just???
- nawl
- 'uh... i like you too..' you muttered
- which ended with a 2 minute long makeout session
- his hands travelling somewhere they shouldn't
- before blackstar slammed open the closet doors
- exposing the two of you; lips puffy and hair messed up
- the teasing didn't stop for months lol
- but das okay bc deep down they knew yall were couple goals PLS
- soul has a playlist
- filled w bangers
- and everytime he's over and the playlist starts....
- whew heated makeout sesh
- he definitely has some led lights in his room
- set to red
- wink wonk
- he's the type of boyfriend to always have his hand around your waist
- and y'all are best friends doe
- cue maka getting jealous / mad bc soul started ignoring her lowkey<//3
- deserve
- ANYWAYS you guys are literal SOULmates (hehe)
- you have so many inside jokes
- the group is honestly surprised bc they didn't think you two would get along at first
- soul is the type of boyfriend to have sm memes on his phone
- like you'll text him the most specific scenario ever and he'd have a wendy williams meme for it
- and he teases u,, sure
- but it always comes from a good place yktfv
- soul is the type of boyfriend to hold ur head and give you forehead kisses
- he'd give the best hugs too
- he'd wrap his arms around your torso and place his chin ontop of your head
- whenever ur sad just text him a lil frown face
- he's at ur door in record time
- w takeout, some snacks he possibly stole from maka's stash, and his netflix password
- sometimes you guys just lie there
- basking in each other's presence
- u might hold hands but
- mostly just enjoying each other
- soft rnb or indie playing in the background (peep my soul inspired playlist juicyoh)
- soul isn't good at doing ur hair
- but he'd try
- stupid little braids while u two are watching a movie
- netflix and chill except yall acc chill
- like he literally falls asleep in ur arms awe
- and you'd sometimes ask to do makeup on him if u wear makeup
- put his hair back w a lil hairband as he mutters some shit like
- ' this is SO not cool '
- shut up white boy you love it
- expensive dinner dates are few and far between
- but thats just bc yall are not that kind of couple
- you'd rather just get takeout and watch a good comedy or horror
- you'd be the couple to start a youtube channel
- and it'd be acc funny content like,,
- people would subscribe for the couple and stay for the content
- once you did a fnaf lets play
- soul literally left halfway through bc he got scared
- cue the 'bestfriend vs girlfriend tag w/ maka and y/n'
- if ur a meister
- you've probably tried wielding soul in his weapon form
- let's say,, it didn't go too well,,, and now theres a big mark in a wall in the city
- you and soul would 100% play pranks on blackstar and death the kid
- especially death the kid
- with help from lizzy and patty you'd make the poor boy regret ever introducing you two
- but it's all in good fun and the black haired boy has gotten y'all back multiple times too
- soul loves it when you wear his clothes
- like just seeing u in his hoodie makes him ❤️ 💓 💕 💖 💓  💖💕 ❤️
- one of ur biggest pet peeves tho
- is hes constantly undermining his struggles
- and you sit him down like
- 'babe,, youre important to me,,, you need to tell me if somethings wrong okay???'
- baby bursts into tears
- you and maka are some of the only people he's open to.
- he'd definitely play you piano
- or teach you if you don't know how
- maybe you'll sing along a few times
- when you fight it's usually over silly things
- like maybe maka was being maka and he's stressed so he lashed out
- or you didn't kill the kishin you were meant to and got told off by lord death
- it always ends in apologies;; you two don't really let it get between you
- soul is the type to tuck ur hair behind your ear when making out
- or the type to give u hugs from behind
- like imagine omgomg
- you're just chilling in the hallways at the dwma
- talking to patty
- when soul just
- he just
- ugh hugs u from the back, his head on your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he kisses your cheek.
- cutie asf y'all r cute cute cute
- all in all
- he rlly does care ab you and you just
- "right back atcha babeyy!!"
- fr though
- y'all are bestfriends but also lovers
- goals af
- manifesting a relationship like that brb
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save-the-spiral · 3 years
PLS PLS LIST THE SWAPS!! TELL ME ABOUT THE SIBLINGS AND ALSO HIFUMI BECAUSE I LOVE HIM (IF YOU WANT!) I will also send more questions in the morning too, excited to see what you’ve been working on!!
OK OK OK !!!!! AHH! So, before assigning talents, I swapped the pools, so for the first game, I use the talents from the second game, and vis versa! For some i listed gender, sexuality, or neurodivergencies, though this isn’t all of them, and I haven’t developed them all to the same level!
This is SO long. I didn’t even bother mentioning things like my plans for the killing games. (I have DR1 planned out in full, but only parts of DR2 and the v3 anime)
Trigger Happy Havoc (first game)
Kyoko Kirigiri- Ultimate Luckster- Mastermind (: Sometimes lesbians can be evil okay! was trained as a detective like everyone in her family and didn’t get the ultimate :) she’s definitely not mad about that :) her luck cycle depends on how far she plans things ahead. her good luck is when she’s spontaneous! She hates when ‘normal’ people are accepted by ultimates.
Makoto Naegi- Photographer (Mostly wildlife and nature photography, with Sayaka helping him for some animal photography (: trans and bi <3 One of sayaka’s birds nests in his hair like all the time)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Ultimate Swordsman (AUTISTIC ICON, has trained in kendo since he was a kid, then was essentially given away to the Fujisaki clan by his very stressed dad. Semiverbal, rarely speaks.)
Chihiro Fujisaki- Ultimate Yakuza (Taka is her bodyguard! His family is in debt to hers, the Fujisaki clan is the most powerful in Japan. trans icon, of course, dates Sayaka! Very direct, though she’s far more delicate and polite when talking to taka, her best friend)
Sakura Oogami- Ultimate Nurse (Works as an EMT- her clan still is in martial arts, so she’s still very buff, she assists in injuries at the family dojo. Autistic Icon)
Asahina Aoi- Ultimate Gamer (ULTIMATE ADHD. streams and has a ton of fun, will ramble while breaking records, demigirl who loves her girlfriend sakura :)
Mukuro Ikusaba- Ultimate Chef (Works best with ‘cheap’ food, and making them taste good. a byproduct of growing up on the streets with junko, and junko being bored of the same old food they dug out of the trash. now works closely with junko for her teams’ nutritional needs! autistic and sapphic.)
Junko Enoshima- Ultimate Team Manager (there are SO many sports she can never get bored, and the professional scene is always changing! prefers coaching womens’ teams, because being an ultimate brings them more publicity and usually higher pay :)
Mondo Oowada- Ultimate Prince (OH MY BOY. trans adhd icon. now the crown prince of Novoselic, with a reagent in his place until he comes of age. His service dog Chuck is a maltese and an absolute sweetheart. Chihiro takes him under her wing to teach leadership. also dates taka later OF COURSE, though they’re poly and I may add more ppl to their relationship later.)
Celestia Ludenburg- Ultimate Musician (specializes in violin, most strings, though she can play any instrument. grew up poor, dedicated herself to an instrument and persona to cope)
Byakuya Togami- Ultimate Musician (Yep. two musicians. two catty trans gay icons about to throw down. they HATE each other and grew up as rivals. specialize in classical, they literally tore a professional orchestra full of grown adults apart trying to make them side with who was the best musician. they’re so good that they’re matched, and Hope’s Peak accepts them as one student and combined ultimate. they room together. they fight. Literally if one of them gets expelled, the other does too, so they’re STUCK. eventually they become literally inseparable and insufferable together like the WORST siblings. I love them.)
Sayaka Maizono- Breeder (animal handler) (Specializes in birds!!!!!! has songbirds on her shoulders all the time. will give unsettling animal facts without realizing they’re unsettling. sends her songbirds to serenade chihiro when they start dating <3)
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Gymnast (you see this tall goof who acts like an older brother to everyone and wonder HOW he’s a gymnast. he’s completely different in competitions, though still lighthearted. becomes a big brother figure to mukuro and junko especially <3 also trans bc i say so.)
Leon Kuwata- Traditional Dancer (he just. kinda hates it. it takes SO much work and effort but he takes to it naturally. his cousin kanon is NOT like in canon, instead she’s helpful. he’d literally rather be doing anything else. doesn’t know how to do anything like... basic either. can’t cook. cant do his own laundry. everything was dedicated to traditional japanese dancing before he attended HPA.)
Toko Fukawa- Engineer (writes schematics and is very good at it. gets VERY upset when her plans go wrong. her notes are orderly and perfect. host for their system!)
Syo- Mechanic (a factive of genocider syo, NOT an actual killer. she’s a protector mainly, and also is more adept at hands on skills when it comes to fixing things, her hands are less shaky. Her notes are a disaster and she does it to spite Toko.)
Hifumi Yamada- (???) (reserve course) Protagonist! My BOY. HIFUMI IS GOOD OKAY. He’s autistic and loves anime and gaming! he’s not particularly ultimate-leveled at them, or anything else! Attending Hope’s Peak as a reserve course student! At one point he joins the student council as a reserve course representative even if he’s only a freshman :) He’s also a moderator in Hina’s livestream chat, under the username of JusticeHammer, fastest ban hammer this side of the internet. He's internet friends with hina and sakura, and doesn’t realize Oh We Go To the same SCHOOL until he bumps into them. and realizes hina doesnt know what he looks like. but sakura does. its hilarious. he’s aroace, and during the year they’re locked in HPA, is in a queer platonic partnership with Hina and Sakura, while they’re dating each other. it’s great.)
Goodbye Despair! (second game)
Peko Pekoyama- Lucky student (ohohoh. her luck relies on her conviction. if she has doubts her bad luck strikes HARD. trans!, was taken in by Fuyuhiko’s family when she was a baby, grew up as just another kid in the family. They all expected Fuyu to go off to HPA on his own and then BOOM acceptance letter)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- Programmer (He. gets so angry while coding. He has an array of rubber ducks to talk to and work through his coding issues with. trans of course. Very protective of Peko when people say she doesn’t have a ‘real’ ultimate. ADHD and Autistic)
Sonia Nevermind- Writer (Literary Girl) (Her family immigrated to Japan when she was young! She writes a lot of serial killer novels, murder mysteries and horror and all that! Trans and bi :)
Gundham Tanaka- Detective (YEAH my guy is a detective. still talks Like That. Trans and bi and he and Sonia were kinda-dating (t4t autistic power couple in the making) when things started happening. He spends some time with his cool older sister who he looks up to a LOT. He and Sonia talk through things together a lot, they both have those red string walls, one for murder cases, another for a fictional plot lmao.)
Mahiru Koizumi- Moral Compass (my GIRL. autistic. Her morals rely a lot on people taking responsibility and being reliable, and she ends up having to work through some biases she didn’t realize she had when she arrived at HPA. Is still protective of Hiyoko, though that protectiveness is spread a bit thinner to extend to the rest of the class.)
Hiyoko Saionji- Clairvoyant!!! (HI YES I COULD TALK ABOUT HER FOR DAYS. Has actual visions in dreams and when she suddenly faints, but doesn’t really realize they’re uhh Real Visions for a WHILE. uses her status as an ultimate clairvoyant to trick and bully kids when in school for a LONG time, though her homelife wasn’t great with her grandmother trying to find ways to make her visions more consistent. SHES ALSO 12 WHEN SHE JOINS THE 77TH CLASS. she’s just so advanced in academics and her ultimate is so interesting hope’s peak cant HELP but scout her early. she has SO many issues guys no one appreciates hiyoko enough, autistic gifted kid hiyoko my beloved.)
Akane Owari- Gambler (started gambling to help out her family and Got Good at it. is very very conscious of money and food like all the time. Runs the hope’s peak betting pools once she arrives. these ultimates bet on a lot of things. she ALWAYS wins. until she doesnt!!!)
Mikan Tsumiki- Martial Artist (ohhhh Mikan. Still anxious and clumsy (though not like THAT in canon) and literally no one looks at her and thinks Oh The ULTIMATE martial artist?? it isn’t until you see her in the ring that you understand. She started learning self defense as a kid because her (bad) parents essentially said she had to rely on and protect herself and no one else would help.)
Kazuichi Souda- Pop Idol (OH TRANS ICON? he’s nervous and paranoid about Everything still, though now it’s like. oh the entire world is always watching my every move this is Okay (: has the brightest neon album eras. he literally keeps up a like. weird chad persona when interacting with people because he’s masking how hard he’s constantly just internally screaming.)
Nagito Komaeda- Soldier (AHAHAH my mans got issues problems disorder he’s a messssss, this trans guy, this absolute gay. this boy leveled a city of thousands of people with his own hands and some bombs. Still has medical issues, but most of his like. treatments and medicine is hold hostage as long as he stays in line. believes the ends justify the means and anyone who dies to him is obviously weak, because look at him! he’s weak, but that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t have to be the strongest, he just has to be stronger than the weakest scum.)
Chiaki Nanami- Heir (OOF. Agender, uses any pronouns. Doesn’t really. enjoy being the heir. grew up with Byakuya in the same circles. she treats the economy and stock market and stuff like games. enjoys gaming but isn’t good at them. collects so many things. has halls full of collections. Her parents stopped controlling her once she was able to prove she had more money than them and could literally bankrupt them if she wanted.)
Hajime Hinata- Baseball Star (Chiaki’s best friend, his family was upper middle class until he hit it BIG as a baseball star. wants to do BIG things and wants to attend hope’s peak more than anything!! Doesn’t really think of baseball as his THING, just a means to an end! trans :)
Teruteru Hanamura- Biker Gang Leader (started with shaking down some jerks who didn’t pay their food and drink tabs at his mama’s restaurant. now he RUNS their tiny town. His siblings are essentially gang mascots, he works hard to keep them out of trouble (while bringing them to like. meetings where he ends up beating a dude almost to death. its fine). most of what he does it to get more money to keep the restaurant afloat and care for his mama with her health conditions.)
Nekomaru Nidai- Fashionista (the drama. the CHAOS. most people are like ohhh we can never understand this artistic genius when he’s literally just. vibing and has ADHD and a love for coffee. Works a lot on accessible clothing lines for disabled people! Also he and Kazuichi work together sometimes, Nekomaru is good at calming Kaz down and seeing like, the root of whatever problem and making it better. ALSO A TRANS ICON and just flaunts it.)
Imposter- In the hope’s peak days they are impersonating Ryota Mitarai, as a part of the 77th class. In the Killing Game they impersonate Mondo Oowada as the Ultimate Prince. They’re doin’ their best.
Ibuki Mioda- (???) (Izuru Kamakura) Protagonist! Gundham Tanaka’s older sister (though they’re in the same school year). Nonbinary and using just. an array of pronouns alongside she/her, and jokingly fights with gundham for neopronouns like MOM said it’s MY TURN on the rawrself pronouns. She attends the reserve course to stay at her brother’s side. She dresses loudly and acts even louder because !!! she wants to stand out!! in the middle of this drab reserve course hell!!  but when things go down, she wants to be someone, to be worthy of being her amazing brother’s big sister. so she accepts some offers.
Ryota Mitarai- Ultimate Analyst (stays in his room. He’s terrified of the outside world but fascinated by it. watches hope’s peak academy through security feeds, picking up on little details. he just wants to understand things but never looks at the big picture.)
Chisa Yukizome- Ultimate Boxer (Homeroom teacher!! She’s working really hard and believes in everyone! Some are intimidated by talent, but she’s never hurt anyone outside of the ring! Dating Kyosuke)
Juzo Sakakura- Ultimate Student Council President (Has anger issues, though his work at reigning them in assisted in becoming an Ultimate. Was responsible for security and the Hope’s Peak student council. Dating Kyosuke)
Kyosuke Munakata- Ultimate Housekeeper (Meticulous, works himself to the BONE even if he’s good enough to not have to do that. Is working on establishing another Hope’s Peak! Dating Chisa and Jozu!!!)
Seiko Kimura- Ultimate Blacksmith (GIVE MY GIRL KNIVES!! She’s an anxious gal, always wearing a facemask that filters the air in her forge because she has some respiratory problems. she prefers making more decorative pieces like an artist, but sometimes can create utilitarian pieces or tools to fit specific needs. Still a doormat)
Ruruka Ando- Ultimate Pharmacist (She constantly asks Seiko for new tools for her developments in medicine, saying its all for the advancement of humanity, so Seiko denying any request is SELFISH, though she never thinks to make anything for seiko’s health issues. Dating Izayoi. Specializes in medicine for mental health. Not Doing Great :)
Sonosuke Izayoi- Ultimate Confectioner (He loves sweets. LOVES them. Creates things that look plain, ordinary. but taste so GOOD you CRY and maybe ascend for a little bit. sometimes Ando makes cool new drugs to put in the sweets, who knows! It’s a mystery! He always has like. a huge refrigerated case of fresh cakes, and constantly has a lollipop in his own specialty recipe in his mouth.)
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varusai · 3 years
who do you think is the most dateable dark matter thief?? i know you have an opinion and i need to hear it
sorry for the late response anon i honestly had to think abt this one for a few days lmao, but yeah i have opinions. below the cut bc fr i have opinions, all of them have major pros and cons (based on my characterization at least) and really i just have to break it down for u
Boros, everyones obvious first choice, but certainly not mine.
Pros: rich, tall, pretty, fun af, passionate, will kill for you np, give you anything you want, literally anything.
cons: has a god complex, doesnt respect you, not his number one priority at all, will forget about you once its not interesting for him anymore, probably argumentative/combative af, is very very smart and has no problem manipulating you in all the worst ways, is very entitled so he will never feel bad about anything, cant win arguments either bc he’ll want to settle it with combat, will get offended over little things just to argue bc he thinks thats fun
this is a relationship you’d get into if you literally have nothing to lose and dont care about your mental health. like hes hot but this shit would be toxic af and he will ruin your life and leave you to go fuck around and fight someone on the other side of the universe. this will be the best of times and the worst of times for you and you will never be the same afterward mentally or emotionally. the only way i would even consider it is if i lost my damn mind. The only way a relationship with him would ever work long term is if you were physically stronger than him and were capable of putting him in his place OR you were smart enough, suicidal enough, and interesting enough to him to engage in some psychological warfare and reject him if he asked you. Make him chase you for years, say yes, then decide that /he’s/ boring /you/ and leave him for another member of the squad to just destroy their established hierarchy and humble him to the point that he’s obsessed with you.
i dont have the energy for all that, so i’ll just smash and pass.
0/10 completely undateable
Geryuganshoop, also a probable second choice for many:
pros: cute, nice, tentacle alien (obviously), will respect you np, will also give you anything you want, not antagonistic at all, telepathic communication so no risk of miscommunication, emotionally intelligent and available, loyal to a fault,
cons: horrible boss/best friend that you will have to listen to him vent about for at least 3 hours a day, complete yes man as well so he will not tell boros no or cut him off and you will be stuck dealing with this no matter what, severely mentally ill and wont go to therapy bc he thinks hes handling it well, workaholic, needs a lot, and i mean A LOT of attention
this relationship would be great if not for boros lol. boros sabotages his social and romantic life but geryu has been friends with him too long to either cut him off or establish boundaries. he has no backbone (figuratively and literally) and wouldnt even consider it. he’ll ignore you in favor of his job too, to a massive degree. also i think that while the telepathic communication would be a major plus in most cases, here i feel like i’d have no less than 16 different, never before seen on earth, mental illnesses projected right into my brain just from being within a certain radius of him.
im already fucked up enough in that sense so pass unfortunately.
it would be a yes without boros in the picture tho lmao
so prob like 4/10 iffy datablillity, 1 level increase with each decade of therapy he gets tho so a lot of potential :D
Groribas, my fav girl:
pros: straightforward, realistic, very clear expectations, will not fuck around with you whatsoever like there is no mind games or anything here, will kill for you, rich and non materialistic so she’ll basically just let you do whatever with her money since she doesn t care about it, cares about her job but like...a normal amount. she absolutely has a good work/life balance, highly organized so she will not forget important dates, loyal af and will defend your honor under any circumstances, mean but in a funny way, a ton of fun to hang out with if you’re into that, no eyes so i dont have to worry abt eye contact ever
cons: extremely high expectations, like exhaustingly high, and not even a bit of flexibility there, if you dont meet the cut its a no, she’ll let you know and leave same day, she will also bully you, you need a thick skin and great sense of humor to survive, bad at feelings if you need emotional support???? go elsewhere, shes mega emotionally unavailable, will probably want to share bodies as a form of intimacy
overall its a solid 6.5/10 dateability for me i love the directness and no bs approach, we would def get along well. however, while im not sensitive, shes def gonna hit on some insecurities at some point and it will cause an argument lol. but i mean whatever. it happens. the body sharing would be an issue though, same reason i wouldnt be chill with having a symbiote despite being a major venom fucker. i need my space i cant deal with that. so thats a possible deal breaker if she couldnt get over that lol. and she wont, so we wouldnt work out. i wish it fuckin would tho😭😭😭 i would take whatever crumbs of attention she would be willing to give me
Melzalgald, my fav they/them bastard:
pros: amorphous and shapeshifting aka extremely attractive according to my taste in monsters, tall af but could chose to be a more reasonable survivable size lol, self contained and self-entertaining so they dont need a ton of attention to be happy, funny af, rich, will give you whatever you want and probably a bunch of shit you didnt know you wanted, very fun, built in friend group if you didnt already have friends, extremely emotionally intelligent and great people skills due to living in a collective, stupid af by choice, like some of em are very smart, but they dont claim that, will say fuck work and tell boros to eat shit to spend time with you, will kill for you as well, but only if you ask them to bc their first inclination is to just bother someone to death, very loyal, once they like you they like you really forever, it would take some pretty extreme circumstances to make them dislike you
cons: annoying af and its unavoidable, will talk over you, all of them at once will talk over you and do so loudly, no respect for personal space, they dont even know what that is, will probably accidentally manhandle you, they act stupid but arent so they can be manipulative, even if it isnt bad and they dont really mean to be, impulsive, forgetful of the needs of organic creatures so they will bother you at all hours of the day and night if you arent firm with boundaries, disgustingly extroverted and will bring randoms to your place without asking, or just...make new cluster members and you have to roll with it, will eat or absorb literally anything you have, will antagonize and bother you for fun, major jump scare risk since sometimes the forms are....fleshy
this ones hard for me like theyre hot af and i feel like they’d be super fun and good partners, but god....the noise. idk how long i could deal with that lol i dont like people in my house. it would drive me up the wall, but then again...i can simply kick them out when ive had enough. they arent projecting mental illness directly into my brain or requiring me to share a body sintelligento major plus. creepy thing/symbiote style hot monster without any of the invasiveness so tbh 8/10 dateability
some people date loud annoying extroverts who dont understand personal space that /arent/ rich, loyal, or emotionally intellegent so i’d be winning on a few different fronts lmao
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sucker-for-minyard · 4 years
When i say that "All For The Game" is important to me and helped me undestand my personal limits, i mean it.
[Tw: harassment]
When i was 10, i started to study in a school called "CEN". There, i made incredible friends, but also not so great ones.
From my first year there (10yo) to my last year there (13yo), i was basically in a school were the people, specially the older ones, had NO CONCEPT of CONSENT AND PERSONAL SPACE.
I lost the count of how many times teenagers would lift my skirt or my shirt, take off my bra, touch my breasts or kiss me without warning.
I was 10!!!! Starting to learn about my body, entering puberty, and i had the worst example possible.
Eventually, i just thought it was normal. It was ok for a friend, who was 16, to grope me, 11, when we passed through each other in the corridor.
It was ok for me to have these older guys hitting on me and talking openly about sexual stuff.
it was ok for people that i DIDN'T EVEN KNOW to touch my body. to kiss me.
it was ok for a friend to grope me and disrespect my body, because that's what people do when they like you. right? right?
i had no idea how much i was disrespecting myself, and how everything that happened would impact my relationship with others in the future.
Fast foward to when i was 14, and moved to another school for X reasons.
I legitimately thought that everyone hated me. I cried to my parents bc i thought that no one wanted to be friends with me.
Guess why.
Because in months there, no one touched me in a weird way. No one disrespected my body. No one forced themselves into my personal space.
I was devastated, and was always on edge, thinking that my friends would go away in any second.
At the same time, i met a guy that I'll call "Adam" bc i don't need his name here. He was the boyfriend of one of my friends from CEN. And we became friends really quickly.
We would call each other for HOURS. He was two years older.
And one day, he started to flirt with me.
I had NO EXPERIENCE dating. I never had someone that i was in love with, and the thought of someone older and pretty and interesting would like ME was just too much. I fell head over heels for him. Not in love. Just, emotionally attached.
He kept flirting, initially nothing much, but then he started to talk about sexual things. Things that he wanted me to do to him and with him. What he wanted to do with me.
And one day, he just called me while jerking off.
I was terrified. I didn't knew how to tell him to 'stop'. That i didn't liked that kind of friendship. Because i didn't want to lose him.
So i just kept letting it happen. Until he decided to grope me in front of his girlfriend and i just had too much.
I went home and cried for hours with my mom on the phone. You know what she said? That it was my fault, since i gave him so much liberty.
That sentence really stayed with me.
And then the year was ending, and i was waiting for my friends from school to finally walk away and stop talking to me.
But they didn't. I did.
And the next year, when i was 15, i was in a new school.
I spent one year there with no problems. Didn't really bond with anyone but was starting to make some friends. It was nice, even tho i was basically being bullied by my classmates. I could ignore it and so i did.
Fast foward to Last year, 2019. now i had 16. Most of my year passed normaly. I never liked studying but i did the minimum to not fail.
And then, in September, i met someone in a party. I'll call him "Dave" because i don't want to put his real name in my blog.
Dave was clearly a 'rebel without a cause'. He smoked and drank without caring about his health. He was cool and everyone wanted to hang out with him. He painted his nails and played the guitar.
And for some reason, he wanted to hook up with me. Not date.
And i fell for it. I kissed him once and was already in heaven. How the fuck someone so cool wanted ME? I had no idea but i was loving it.
Soon we became best friends, we hanged out literally everyday and shit.
And then we became "friends with benefits" lmao. I was in love with him, and he couldn't choose between me and another person (that i won't say the name. today he is one of my best friends).
All of my close friends at the time warned me about Dave. How he treated me badly, how rude he was with me, how he was using me. But i thought that i was in love and ignored everything.
And two months passed like that. I slept in his house 3 times a week. I spent all weekends with him, i drank too much and i started smoking like an idiot.
And one day, after a huge fight me and Dave had, my dad said that my family was going to move to another state.
I called Dave immediately, and went to his house.
Only then we started dating. Because i was going away in two months, suddenly he was ok with dating me.
Adam was terrible and i was so unhappy.
Before we started dating, and even after that, i never had the right to say "no".
It was never about me. What i wanted. What i could give. What i was able to give.
I would come to his house, drunk, and he would ignore that i could not truly give consent and make me do whatever he wanted me to do.
I never felt loved.
My body was not mine. I had no right to control my own body.
I was with someone that would not accept a "no". I was with someone that would threaten to kill himself if i hurted him. I was with someone that said that he would kil me, and beat me, if i didn't do as he told.
He hit me once. And even after that, i didn't break up with him. And as always, he never, NEVER, apologized.
I was, again, in a relationship that taught me nothing about consent, respect and limitations. And it was destroying me without me noticing it.
But two months later, the day came and o moved. Even so the abuse didn't stop there.
He kept emotionally manipulating me, making me feel guilty for not being there. He said that i wasnt the person that he thought that i would be. That i never helped him and never made him happy. He said that i didn't truly love him.
Eventually, we parted ways. He stoped sending me messages and i stopped trying to be there.
I felt empty, and loveless, and it was like i had failed. I felt like i wasn't enough. I failed because i wasn't able to give enough of myself to him.
And now, a couple of months ago.
Someone on twitter mentioned AFTG and i didn't have anything better to do.
I fell in love with the book. I did. But there were so many triggers and had to take it slow.
I KNOW it sounds like I'm reading too deep into it, but please understand.
When i saw the way that Andrew and Neil interacted, as two different individuals, with different needs and different limitations, i was devastated.
I could not handle seeing how respectful and caring they were about each others triggers and traumas.
How Neil respected every single "no".
And how Andrew was able to say "no" without caring about what Neil would feel.
Because, when you say "no", it's for you, you're respecting yourself. And if your special someone can't undestand and respect that, they're not worth it.
I didn't understand that. To be honest, I'm still having a hard time to think about everything that happened to me like it was "harassment" or "assault".
I didn't say yes, but i also didn't say no
And, again, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm reading too deep into it.
Andrew and Neil have this "yes or no" think that left me speechless.
How can someone just respect you so much that they won't touch you unless you give clear permission?
I cried too much, and had enough panic attacks while i was reading the books. There were too many triggers but i kept going because i felt like i needed to.
I never had thought that, when you're drunk, you can't give consent. I never worried about that because no one worried about me when i was drunk. No one asked me anything.
The idea of having someone that will understand if you don't want to be touched, somone that will stay there and wait inutil you're okay, someone that loves you enough to respect if you're not ok... it was too much. Really.
Suddenly all of my relationship with my ex was passing in front of my eyes and i finally saw how abusive it was. How much he didn't care. How i trusted someone that couldn't give a shit about what i was feeling.
It's not that i didn't knew it was abusive. But seeing a relationship so opposite, like Andreil, was a chock.
"All For The Game" brought up things that usually are ignored.
Even if the trilogy is not focused on Andreil, the amount of importance that it puts in "consenting", is amazing.
I started to think about me and my body and how i was treating myself.
And how much i wanted someone that will respect me and love me and take care of me.
It sound dumb but I'm truly grateful. All For The Game is just fiction. But it talks about serious matters with a respectful and realistic approach.
It's "just a book" but it showed me a kind of relationship that i never saw. It affected me.
This is a huge vent because i had a panick attack during my therapy session and i needed to write it.
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ziracona · 4 years
The tendency in fandom to take every white girl with short hair, regardless of the status of their canonical interest or lack of interest in women and explicit interest and/or sexual history with everything but, proclaim them a lesbian queen, and then ignore or absolve them of every single horrific act they take in fiction because of this. Is not doing feminism. Women. Lesbians. Or anyone. Any favors. It’s just bad.
Somehow. Some people really do apparently need to hear that...being any specific sexuality...is not a personality trait.
And also. Women aren’t inherantly less vile than men (or anyone non-binary, agender, fluid, etc, else), and whatever bad deeds they do should be judged based on just that—on the deeds, and their context. Not their sexuality, imagined sexuality, or their gender. Becuase none of those things effect whether committing murder is bad. At all. Not even a little. And none of them. Is even a personality trait. Affecting the character’s value as a person.
It’s cool, and good, to see characters with minority identities. And it’s real nice. When it’s whatever you are. But them being whatever. Is not a personality trait. Just a fact. And sometimes. People of any type. Are not good. Pretending any minority status—gender, sexuality, race, disability, neurotype, etc—is a get out of jail free card? Is not. Doing them. Or anyone. Any favors. Personality disorder. Doesn’t make you bad. Also doesn’t make you good. Your actions do. Acting like Amy from Gone Girl did nothing wrong when she date rapes her boyfriend & then frames him for doing that to her & ruins his life, then blackmails her husband who is terrified of being murdered by her into staying with her for the sake of the child she made at a fertility clinic with his sperm without his consent, bc she’s a woman. Isn’t good. Men aren’t more deserving of violence than women. Neither is anyone else. Jane. Left an infant child in an unheated car in subzero weather in a snow storm with zombies around that easily would hear it cry and go eat it. So she could lie and say she already let zombies eat it to bait a man with easily triggerable PTSD who had just lost his family to zombies for the second time into starting a fight. Because he was injured, unarmed, weak, down an eye, and 50, while she was fit, mid 20s, healthy, and armed with a hunting knife. Because she wanted an excuse to kill him without looking bad, because she wanted the 11 year old girl she was co-parenting with him, all to herself. And her immediately responding to the dude throwing a punch by stabbing him in the stomach to escalate the fight from brawl to life or death, then losing her knife, and instead of telling him the baby was alive & she’d made it up to start a fight which could have at any point ended the fight, begging the 11 year old child to gun down her oldest surviving friend with her own hands in cold blood so that she’d get what she wanted? Is evil. As is crying on the 11 year old and using pity as a weapon to get her to stay with her if she gets mad and wants to leave when she realizes Jane staged the whole thing for an excuse to murder, and so is after realizing like a month later that she is pregnant, committing suicide, and leaving the 11 year old that she just manipulated into killing her oldest surviving friend/completely isolated on purpose so she could have her to herself, totally alone in the apocalypse to care for an infant. Jennifer’s Body? Is a fantastic film. And Jennifer didn’t deserve any of what happened to her. But not one single boy she kills during the course of that film deserved it—and explicitly so. Even the guy who could easily have been a meathead jock bully is outside alone crying becuase his best friend just died and he loved him before she decides to lure him off and eat him alive. And acting like it’s totally fine & Needy should have just let her keep eating boys instead of killing her? Is fucked up. None of them deserved to die. And no one deserves death innately more because they are or are not something that is just a factual designator of their makeup as a human. The exchange student was scared and alone and nice, the catholic kid was sweet and Needy’s friend, Chip is a bad boyfriend but he meant well and being stupid doesn’t mean you deserve to die. And this girl ate them alive. That’s not funny. Or cool. Or fine becuase they were dudes. Gertrude Robinson? Chose again and again to betray people who loved her, or trusted her—sold out victims of awful trauma to their worst nightmares. Killed friends in the worst possible ways, like it was nothing. Michael loved her, and trusted her, and tried to care for her, and she without faltering fed him to his worst nightmare and forced him to become it. There is nothing excusable about that action.
Jude Perry? Has 0 redeeming features. Didn’t even stay faithful to her poor gf & was creepy obsessed w Agnes. Literally murdered her co-worker friend just because he was happy, and she wanted to destroy things: that’s it. She didn’t even dislike him. Murdered him because he had a wife and kid and house and it seemed fun, then burned down his house, took his wife’s money, and now checks in on his kid every so often in case he ever recovers from the trauma she inflicted enough to be fun to kill. There is literally nothing good about this woman. Yes. I mean that. Because being a lesbian? Is just a thing. There is no g/b tag, there is no tag at all. Amanda Young? Got kidnapped and tortured and forced to choose between killing a man who couldn’t resist but was conscious to watch her, and letting herself die, and she killed him. Then, instead of responding to that trauma with guilt or responsibility or anger at her captor, joined up with him and started helping him kidnap people just like her. She was not forced, she was not lied to. It does not matter if John was manipulative; she is a grown ass woman and like all grown ass adults, responsible for her own actions and choices. She did not get manipulated pitifully into this—she did not go unwillingly. She volunteered, with a happy vengeance, became obsessed with John and in love with him, despite his complete lack of interest. And she did not even just do what he did. She decided on her own that no one deserved redemption, & she killed them for fun in traps that wouldn’t let them go even if they did whatever awful thing the trap demanded as a price for life, just for the fun and power trip of watching them die helpless & in agony. That was all her, & her alone. She sat in a house full of people slowly dying from organ decomposition over the course of a few hours, for no crime worse than drug addiction—the thing she of all people should have been most sympathetic to—knowing full well at any time she could have saved them and stopped the game, and did nothing. She held a woman in her arms and stroked her head lovingly while she let her die in one of the most inhumane ways possible for the crime of having not been able to break an addition. She got saved by a 16 year old child multiple times, who had done nothing more than shoplift, and stood by while he had to watch a man get his brains blown out, another burn to death in an oven. As his organs slowly dissolved too. Watched the kid kill another human being & massively traumatize himself to save her life. And responded to that by attacking & knocking him out, tying him up, locking him up for days in a tiny safe bound and gagged with an oxygen supply to keep him alive, to be a piece in another game. Left his father, who had shown up to try & save him, to starve to death in chains in a horrible abandoned rotting room, & never even told him his son was alive. Let every other addict die horribly, let that kid sustain permanent damage to his organs that will kill him young, antidote taken or not, took his dad from him, & went back to torturing without a second thought. Kidnapped a woman whose worst crime was being a doctor & dating someone while maybe separated instead of divorced from her husband, put her in a trap that would take her head off with shotgun blasts, threatened her for fun, & then killed her even after she did everything she was asked, because it was more important to her that the old man she was obsessed with think she was special and great, than for the other woman to get to stay alive another day & go home to her daughter. There is nothing sympathetic about Amanda. She’s just not only evil, but too spineless to take responsibility for her own choices & actions, & tries to hide behind a “UwU I am sad & lonely & damaged & having trauma means I can literally torture people to death to feel special & it’s really tragic and sympathetic about me, not evil. Uhm. Some people??? Commit torture-murders?? To cope??” And acting like she’s somehow a victim in this becuase she is a pretty white girl with short hair? Is fucked. Up.
But every. God damn. Time. I see this. Please. It needs. To stop. People go: “UwU pretty girl short hair want” & I go “Ok. I see where u. Come from. Indeed.” But then. They go. “Girl pretty I like. So she was blameless. For this atrocity.” Those words...
Every day. I wake up. Thinking of Janic saying. Iconically. “At least me and Regina George know we’re mean,” and I weep inside. Because I cannot fathom. Or stomach. The lack of responsibility. I will kill. Characters who cannot admit they are bad. Myself. But somehow. They become. Flames. To moths. Of the “UwU pretty white girl short hair. We stan. Victim. Queen. Love her. Never done wrong.” Boy. We all done wrong. Even all my faves. At least once. I think. ...not if we count dogs probably, but people, yes. Ok. Anyway. All this is to say. Characters. Should be judged. Based on what they did. And why. And the aftermath. Not a grouping tag. I don’t mean any of these. Make bad characters. At all. Amy is a great character. So is Jennifer. So are most of them. I have quite affection even. For Jeneffer specifically. But you can like. Character. Without proclaiming. Them perfect humans. Who never did a thing wrong. Or their acts somehow. Justifiable. And ok. And you better stop saying. Ok. Because done. To men. Men do not. Deserve violence. Any more. Than anyone else. No one deserves violence defacto for factors. Outside their control. Wtf. Really people. It’s ok too. For character. To do much bad stuff. And still like character. Villains. And often just complex characters. Sometimes just characters. Do stuff. That is bad. It’s not supposed to be not their fault. Or ok. Also. Women are not a sisterhood. Of flawless beings. Who never hurt anyone or do any bad stuff. They can. And are. Often purpotrators. Of awful acts. And when they are. It is still. Very bad. Still. An awful act. Same level. Even. Of awful. Wild.
In conclusion.
Having short hair. While a girl. Doesn’t make her a butch queen. Who is absolved of all responsibility for that murder she committed. It just makes her a girl with short hair. That did a murder. I’m gonna. Kill someone. Too. And if I chop my hair off. I guess I can get away with it.
#personal#*dances wildly to abba music while delivering speech*#some of you all apparently really need a girl to come fuck up your life bc the lengths to which some of y’all so devotedly seem to believe#women are less evil is astronomical. and let me tell you. from personal experience? a girl can ruin your life. just as easily. and with as#little pity. guilt. remorse. or afterthought. as a man. and it aint any more ok. & you know what? so can a fluid person. or a nonbinary#person. legit anyone. can be bad. or good. and do bad. or good. theyre not defacto worse for coming from X starting point. and theyre also.#OuO not. better.#not everyone who likes or is sympathetic to these specific characters even be like that either like u know what? its possible to both be#sypathetic to a character & not excuse & atand their actions. I like & feel bad for Jennifer. a lot. one of my bros in college loved Jane#from twdg. Not bc she thought it was totally fine she’d been super evil though. its *dances* not that hard actually#also nothin against lovin evil lady characters or evil characters in general. just me or anyone else loving them does nothing to make their#evil deeds suddely ok or vanish into the mist#people have some real trouble w nuance huh. folks like a character & assume that means stanning everything theyve ever done. hate a charactr#and suddenly forget how to factor any outside factors into their view of said person’s actions. its a wild bad ride yo#like i get it. im a girl & ive had plenty of men ruin my life i truly get it. but is there anything truly more detrimental to feminism & to#just treating people decent in general than the WomenDoNoWrong mindset & apologism thrown up like its actually a decent counter t patriarchy#? probably actually yeah im sure there are worse. but its still REALLY not good!! feminism is just a stance that all people deserve equal#treatment & an investment in pursuing that reality. if youre excusing people of horrible actions bc girl & treating violence against non-#women as fine youre not a feminist u actually just suck generally as a person#i also lose my mind how half the characters i see get this treatment aint even lesbians & often explicitly like men yet get both assigned#that & treated like that sexuality is a hall pass for human rights violations. im dyin#this entire thought rant was prompted by reading a post earlier today about bi-phobia & gettin mad about how bi people get treated idk how#spagheti brain exactly went there to here so /fast/ but anyway. same brand of problematic. & i am v tired :] of this :] specifically :]#every time i see that post abt women killers in horror i am like ‘OP hiw are your points so good but all your examples so /terrible/.’ rip#i guess this is just life. and i feel excessively better after screaming jnto the void of my blog#also i get it gertrude robinson wanted to stop the apocalypse but fuck gertrude robinson she has no excuse. nothing could justify what she#did to people who loved her. and shes a well written and layered character whonisnt like just pure evil but she is VERY bad and i WILL kill#her (again) myself if given the chance & i have every right to.#spoilers#again. great charcters. amanda an iconic saw villain. gertrude fascinating. etc. but also. they be doing mad evil deeds & tis not ok
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whoree321 · 4 years
Bike Lessons (s.r.)
Request: i was wondering if you could write a spencer reid x reader where instead of him getting shot, him and the reader are on a date, riding their bikes and spencer is learning or sumn (bc i kinda get the feeling that he didn’t as a kid), and they are in the park, and spencer looses control and ends up falling with the reader, and you know, he dislocates his knee and the reader her shoulder ( :’D ), and idk maybe emily, penelope, or hotch could be i’m the park at the same time talking to morgan or idk in the phone and they’re like “hold on, some idiot just fell. let me check if they r okay.” and they go and it’s spencer n the reader?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None, really. Minor bike accident, dislocated shoulder and knee but nothing described too graphically.
Word Count: 1.6k
Category: Fluff
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“What do you mean you don’t know how to ride a bike!?”
Spencer Reid was many things, but a proud man he was not. Years of school bullying had been combatted by more years of relentless, loving teasing from his coworkers and closest friends, and resulted in a man who could take criticism and jokes at his expense rather well. That did not, however, do anything to stop the burning shame he felt at his girlfriend’s revelation about his biking abilities.
He gave her a sheepish grin before replying, “It’s not that I don’t know how to ride a bike, necessarily. When I was in college, biking was my primary form of transportation as the state of Nevada wouldn’t issue me a license at 14. But I haven’t ridden a bike in almost 15 years. You know, despite the common saying that you never forget how to ride a bike due to muscle memory, studies have shown that…”
As much as she would have loved to listen to what studies had to say about the longevity of muscle memory, Y/N had more pressing information to gather.
Interrupting him, she asked, “So you learned how to ride a bike, you just don’t think you remember how to since it’s been so long?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying”
Y/N nodded, a plan for the day quickly forming in her mind.
“Alright,” she said decidedly, “well, good news! Today you’re gonna learn again!”, a cheery grin overtaking her face.
Spencer groaned and hung his head. This was so not how he wanted to spend his rare day off with his beautiful girlfriend. They were always off on gruesome cases, too weary and focused to truly enjoy each other’s company. He had hoped for a calm day inside, maybe read or binge one of their favorite shows and just be with each other. But he recognized that gleam in Y/N’s eyes, could practically feel the excitement radiating off of her, and he knew he’d never in a million years be able to say no and risk being the reason that bright smile faded.
Looking back up, he replied resignedly, “Fine. But I get to choose dinner tonight.”
“Deal!”, she squealed, leaping off the couch and bounding to their shared bedroom.
Laughing lightly at his girlfriend’s childish antics, he got up and followed her, watching as she dug around through her drawers for a pair of leggings. Soon, they were both dressed in casual athletic wear and made their way to a bike rental kiosk that Y/N had found near the park.
Walking their newly rented bikes to the trail, Y/N glanced over at Spencer to see him anxiously chewing on his lip. She could tell he was nervous, probably not wanting to embarrass himself in front of her, but she thought that once he got the hang of it he would really like it, and it would be another activity the two could enjoy together. Smiling at the idea, she stopped once they had gotten to the trail and put the kickstand of her bike down.
“Ok, why don’t you just get on and do your best to ride it like you remember doing before. I know your big ole brain is still storing that info,” Y/N said with smile. Spencer looked between her and the bike a little uncertainly, before she gently added, “I’ll walk next to you just in case things go south.”
This convinced him, and he tentatively got on the bike and started pedaling. His balance was a little off at first, and she could tell that his hand-eye coordination (or lack thereof) was always going to be an issue, but he got the hang of it rather quickly.
“Ok, I think I got it! You can stop walking next to me now, I think there might be one or two people left in park that haven’t seen a grown man being taught to ride a bike like a child,” Spencer told her teasingly, though the triumphant look in his eyes told her how happy he was at catching on with minimal difficulty.
Y/N giggled at his remark. “Ok hot shot, lets take a lap around the park and see if you’re still so cocky.”
The two rode down the trail nearly side by side, Y/N slightly ahead of him but close enough that they could still talk. They made their way smoothly, chatting and laughing, but the peace was not to last.
Looking back at it later, Spencer concluded that it was entirely that damn squirrel’s fault. If that squirrel hadn’t run out onto the sidewalk, he would not have violently swerved into the back wheel of Y/N’s bike, causing them both to lose their balance and harshly crash to the ground, a tangled mess of bike and limbs.
To make matters worse, their misfortune was not without witness. As luck would have it, the BAU’s resident tech genius Penelope Garcia happened to be on an uncharacteristic trip to the park, stuck on a picnic date that that was currently going from bad to worse.
“Derek, I am telling you, this guy is bad, I mean capital B-A-D bad, and not in the good way. He spent 25 minutes telling me about the benefits of intermittent fasting! Fasting, Derek! I couldn’t fast if my life depended on it! I mean, don’t get me wrong I totally respect people that fast for religious reasons, oh my goodness I mean those people are so strong and dedicated I couldn’t imagine doing that! But to fast for literally no reason at all and brag about it on a date!”
Morgan chuckled on the other line. “Where is he now, sweetness?”
“He saw some guys that he knew playing frisbee and went to go say hi and he joined their game and that was like 10 minutes ago. So not only is this guy the most boring conversationalist ever, he’s just straight up rude! I mean, could you imagine taking a girl out on a date and- oh my gosh, these two people just got into a bike accident over on the hiking trail! Oh wow, that did not look pleasant, I would hate to be those two idiots right now.”
Watching the fallen bikers slowly start to move, Garcia gasped as she recognized the brown curly head and the Y/H/C ponytail sticking up from the crash.
“Oh my goodness, Derek I have to go, those are our idiots!”, she exclaimed as she hung up and ran over to her coworkers.
“Reid? Y/L/N? Are you guys ok!? I saw you fall down, are you hurt!?”
Y/N groaned as she sat upright, her shoulder sharply aching. “Penelope, what are you doing here?”, she asked.
Penelope huffed before she answered, “I’m hopefully escaping the worst date in the history of dates, now yes or no, are you ok?”.
“Yeah, Pen, I’m fine, I think I busted my shoulder a little though. Spence, how about you?”, Y/N asked, directing her attention to her grimacing boyfriend.
“I’m ok. That stupid squirrel got in my way and I didn’t want to hit it, I’m sorry,” he replied sheepishly, staring guiltily at Y/N as she attempted to assess the damage to her shoulder.
Garcia helped the pair stand up, and Spencer nearly collapsed again once he put weight on his left leg. Gasping in pain, he looked down to see his knee bent at an angle that could not have been right.
Averting her gaze from his clearly dislocated knee, Garcia helped steady him before declaring, “I need to take you two to a hospital because clearly neither of you are actually fine.”
The two agreed, following Garcia to her car and getting into her backseat. Spencer kept his eyes trained on his hands, guilt at hurting Y/N ailing him far more than his searing knee. He finally looked at her, however, when she reached over and grabbed his hand. Flashing him that dazzling smile from earlier, she leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“Maybe you should have let me walk next to you a little longer,” she offered with a wink, eliciting a chuckle from her boyfriend that warmed her heart.
“Wait, wait, wait, so you’re telling me that the two of you manage to hunt serial killers generally unscathed for a living, but Pretty Boy here tries to learn how to ride a bike and you walk away with a dislocated shoulder and knee?”, Derek Morgan teased as he watched his two friends enter the bullpen, clad in their respective braces and Spencer hobbling on his crutches.
“Oh I could just kill Garcia! I told her the story she was supposed to tell you all was that we got injured stopping the mob from robbing a bank,” Y/N replied dejectedly.
“Sorry kitty cat, I just happened to be on the phone with her when it happened,” he explained bemusedly.
“Besides, Y/N/N, it’s pretty unrealistic that any mob would be robbing a bank in broad daylight, and statistically improbable that we would just so happen to walk into it and be capable of stopping it,” Spencer chimed in cheekily, knowing how much his logical debunking of her story would rile her up.
Y/N glared at him before answering. “You know what, I’m glad the squirrel did this to you. I might have been collateral damage, but you deserved it.” She sat at her desk, but not without giving him a small glance and playful grin to let him know she was joking.
Spencer simply rolled his eyes and took a seat at his own desk, although he couldn’t help but feel pretty good about how things had turned out. He may have been bested by a squirrel and a bike, but he would get to spend the next few weeks on desk duty with his favorite person. And Y/N would probably never make him ride a bike again.
It definitely turned out pretty good.
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aqvarius · 4 years
What are your top 5 worst voltage routes?
oh damn this is a tough one haha. i’ve definitely played routes that i find average/forgettable but it’s hard to think of 5 routes that i thought were actually bad. except for one which i’m sure anyone who has followed me for a few years knows about lmao
i was just gonna give brief reasons but then as i was typing this out i couldn’t stop my loudass brain from rambling so... sorry for all the commentary lol. i do want to preface this by saying that these are more critiques of the writing than the characters (except shinobu haha i despise him). i love many of these characters and have enjoyed their epilogues/sequels/substories. my main gripe with most of these is just underdeveloped, jarring or flimsy character and relationship development, which to me makes the process of falling in mutual love unconvincing. that’s why all of these are main stories because they are about the critical moments of falling in love (rather than future developments such as tackling conflicts together) which i think are the foundation to any further growth. so please don’t take any of this personally if any of the guys i’ve mentioned here are characters that you love!
5. main story: takane momochi - destind: mr almost right
so this is more a case of “love the guy, don’t love the route”. i have to admit that i really wasn’t big on takane at first and then i got to the end of the route and realised that i actually didn’t love the mc. i actually quite like the destind mc in rei and araya’s routes but omg takane’s route is weird. i have no problem with takane kind of being a jerk and i actually really like him but i have a couple of issues with this route. the first is that i don’t really understand nor buy into the reason that they keep seeing each other. the mc learns about takane’s true nature and finds him kind of despicable but then decides that she’s definitely gonna make him fall in love with her, which as a plot point on its own i’m fine with but the way thy go into that discussion is really weird because it arises from the mc being appalled that takane had an affair with some teacher when he was a teenager and somehow leads into that discussion. basically i don’t think that the whole “i’m gonna make you fall in love with me” vs “i’m gonna make you sleep with me” challenge is set up particularly organically. 
it also occurs about halfway through the route which i don’t really think works in term of the pacing because within the shape of the narrative i would call it the end of act 1. act 2 would be them genuinely getting closer and then act 3 would be the conflict that develops between them which results in their breakup. with the structure of takane’s route, acts 2 and 3 essentially become crammed into the remaining half of the chapters, which makes the conflict in act 3 feel confusing and abrupt. i think it would have been more effective if they had set up the personality reveal earlier on in the route and then spent more time developing the budding incompatibilities which lead to the breakup-inducing argument.
the second issue that i have with this route is the mc’s lack of development/not addressing the actual mistakes that she makes with regards to how she sees takane. the mc suffers from idolising syndrome because she’s built takane up into this perfect prince in her mind (i guess kind of like with hiroki from mlfk) even though he’s a regular old (substantially) flawed dude who struggles with the pressure of external expectations bc people don’t see the ~real him~. this is all well and good and is set up to allow the mc to accept his flaws and see him as a real human being but instead she’s just like “your flaws aren’t really flaws, they’re just another example of why you’re perfect bc you engage with them!” SIS. he’s not a character that needs validation in that way bc everyone already thinks he’s perfect. he needs someone who can see that he’s FAULTY and help him through it, not just pass off his flaws and the way he deals with them as another point of admiration. destind mc isn’t even like old school perma-optimistic voltage mcs either, she’s a little more prone to judgement so i wish she (and the writing) engaged a little more with takane’s flaws and accepting them rather than just jumping straight to YOU’RE MY HERO. 
as a character i actually prefer him to araya but the fact that i was more convinced to love araya aka mr possessive liar himself is saying something about the story. 
4. main story: genji higashiyama - in your arms tonight
i don’t have much to say in detail because it’s been like 6+ years since i played his route and frankly i don’t remember the details, but i just remember that he was kind of a jackass and i expected better. i love ex-boyfriend/hatsukoi love interests but just didn’t really like his route. 
to quote from an old comment i once made: 
“omg i thought genji had so much potential bc hot exboyf soccer player hellooooo but he was just such a jerk, he really p-ed me off :<” 
“i kind of don’t like genji because he is a bit of a doucheypants and like really arrogant and a bit of a bully :/”
i remember the mc slapped him once after they made out which i don’t remember the context for but he probably deserved it. i was extra sad because i actually really liked him in soji’s route but he’s the team B guy in that one so......... thanks voltage. also he was a dick to everyone’s sweetheart aiba. i actually like him way more after his ms lol? conceptually i love him but his main story made me sad. 
3. main story: satoru kamagiri - 10 days with my devil
i mean this one was bad but i’m weirdly fond of satoru? i have no issues with sadists and i kind of like him (after having read substories). but this route was weird and the pacing felt a bit off to me. basically i have no idea what made him fall in love with the mc?
because i guess he starts being nice to you when he has to nurse you when you get sick and he genuinely feels bad and cares about you but do you really expect me to believe he was already in love with you when he made a date with you but decided to go hang out with other women leaving you standing in the rain for 6 hours? nah fam.
i also don’t remember what the climax of the story even is because i’m still hung up on being left waiting for him in the rain for 6 hours while he goes other women so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. main story: seiji goto - my sweet bodyguard
i’ve talked a lot about the issues i have with this route (including a couple thousand words of review here) but i’ll just summarise. this is definitely another case of love the guy, don’t love the route. in the GREE version, you meet him from the first time at the beginning of his route and gradually learn about his past, but in the standalone app version, you basically get thrown into the route with no exposition, meaning that you have to already have prior knowledge of goto and his backstory. i had known about it so it wasn’t as confusing as it could have been, but you really just get tossed into the mix expecting to already know about kazuki (goto’s dead ex). plus he’s already nice to you from the start because you’ve known each other for a while so there’s less of the actual seeing his behaviour change bit (which is my favourite part of all main stories - in case you couldn’t tell because all of my criticisms about routes are about lack of proper relationship development). kazuki and goto’s relationship is basically the thing that underpins the entire narrative of the route which is why i find it an issue that you don’t get much insight into it going into the route blind. 
it’s difficult to feel like goto and the mc are actually gradually getting closer in the route because it doesn’t feel like there’s one narrative line that’s building throughout the entire route as much as separate events, more or less. she just... looks after goto a lot? also basically goto is interested in you because you remind him of kazuki and when he starts to like you, it’s not actually very evident in his actions - you find this out because kurosawa basically tells you lmao. 
i actually wanted to leave him and date subaru because honestly subaru in goto’s route especially reads like a much healthier relationship option, but then goto runs in and interrupts a date with subaru and drags you straight off to kazuki’s tombstone and then... it’s a happy ending? his confession feels like it comes out of nowhere because his behaviour towards you doesn’t explicitly change but you just have to believe he likes you now as he confesses in front of his ex-gf’s grave and tells her he’ll see her soon. come on bruv you can do better than this lol. 
1. main story: shinobu narita - serendipity next door
this guy fucking sucks, dude. i can’t think of even one single redeeming quality he has. he’s the reason i stopped playing voltage games for like years and went on hiatus and more or less abandoned my blog until i discovered scm. i know there was a lot of controversy about whether or not he could be considered abusive and i threw that word around a lot back in the day when i liveblogged his route but DAMN at the very least he is just the WORST. the mc wakes up in his bed after getting wasted at a rooftop party and he convinces her that they had sex when she was drunk and then blackmails her into being his girlfriend by threatening to tell the entire apartment block that they slept together. he proceeds to snoop around in all her business, maliciously making fun of her and her work at every single chance he gets (he literally RIFLES THROUGH HER BAG to find her work and mock her about it) and then she looks at one document or picture of his and he gets all uppity about it because he’s a big ol hypocrite. basically he hates the mc because she’s so pure and he’s jaded because one time he confessed to someone and she ghosted him? so he deliberately acts nice to her sometimes so she’ll let her guard down and then follows it up with a common or action so malicious i wanted to choke him. all i’m saying is that there are a number of relationships that i never got closure on and it’s never made me want to blackmail a drunk person into dating me so i can mess them up emotionally  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the thing is, i have played other guys who are a bag of suck at first and then get so much better because of character development. and this is what is totally lacking in shinobu’s route. the mc falls in love with him bc of stockholm syndrome... and basically bc omg he’s so sad and damaged and she wants to heal him i guess? it sucks. they literally have no bonding moments where they genuinely connect except for the times when he’s super mean and manipulative to her and and she’s like omg but he’s so saaaaaad uwu. throughout the route, there is absolutely no character development on shinobu’s part, he’s just the same sadistic bastard who enjoys seeing his mc being hurt the whole way through lol but SUDDENLY you guys are in love? but literally at the end the mc tries to escape from him by moving out and instead of letting her go because he’s the worst, he chases her moving truck down? also he’s weirdly possessive even by voltage standards. 
btw this isn’t even just sadists not being my type - you know i adore kaga and eduardo and even people who take ages to warm up (cough shinonome). and you know i love men who tease and manipulate you a bit (because they’re doing it out of a d o r a t i o n not spite) . i also have no problem with outright assholes as long as we see them change, develop and genuinely fall in love. my biggest issue with this route is that i don’t think pity is the same thing as love, or that someone with his personality can get his happy ending without genuinely changing and redeeming himself in some way. i’m not a fan of romanticising guys who are mean to you because they’re so dAmAgEd and want to take it out on you. (the reason i love people like hue is because even though they’re riddled with grief and trauma, they’re mature enough to handle their emotions and you don’t need to fix them!!!) i genuinely think voltage bombed it with this route lol. it almost makes me want to go back and replay it just to see if it was really as bad as i remember but (1) i never transferred it to love 365 (2) it was on my old iphone and i use android now (3) i don’t want to spend money repurchasing a route that i’m 85% sure i’ll feel is a waste of money (4) i spent £2.49 on the route back in the day when voltage was cheaper and i don’t want to spend almost double that now lol. 
also the last time i read his route i abandoned this blog and stopped playing all otome games for a really long time lmao so................................ 
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caws5749 · 5 years
This took SO LONG thanks @natthisback
1: Name Madison
2: Age 21
3: 3 fears spiders, not becoming a doctor, becoming like my parents
4: 3 things i love marvel movies, my blanket (whoops), and scrunchies
5: 4 turn ons compliment me, be chivalrous, (idk if this means sex turn on too or not but) moaning my n- ANYWHO uh and the last one definitely like showing you want me
6: 4 turn offs someone who only talks about themselves, being like wishy washy, being arrogant/cocky, complaining about the same things
7: my best friend that would be shea @cloversofshea
8: sexual orientation lesbian
9: my best first date okay SO this like isn’t a first date but it was my first like nicer dinner date so I’m gonna count it. It was just this past weekend actually and i just i loved it so much it was amazing
10: how tall am i 5’2
11: what do i miss honestly, feeling like i was good at things
12: what time were i born 11:14am
13: favorite color purple, although it’s slowly been turning to like a baby light pink
14: do i have a crush yes yes i do and i likes her a lot
15: favorite quote “Truth is a matter of circumstance. It’s not all things to all people all the time. And neither am I.”
16: favorite place Chicago or New York City
17: favorite food SALMON
18: do i use sarcasm yes, but i feel like i don’t use it as much as i used to
19: what am i listening to right now Christmas pop playlist on Spotify
20: first thing i notice in new person whether they only talk about themselves
21: shoe size 8 or 8.5
22: eye color blue
23: hair color right now, it’s a brown that goes to blond at my ends
24: favorite style of clothing so if this means like fav style to wear daily, definitely athleisure. If it means in general, i love love love preppy looks? But not super preppy.
25: ever done a prank call? Absolutely, many times
27: meaning behind my url i explain this in my about me page (linked in bio!)
28: favorite movie captain America winter soldier
29: favorite song i don’t really have favorite songs but rn it’s prob December night by Michael buble
30: favorite band i don’t really have fav bands
31: how i feel right now it’s really hot in here, so warm. I feel okay
32: someone i love i love lots of people but ill stick with @cloversofshea
33: my current relationship status I’ve answered this so many times literally just look at the ask game tag
34: my relationship with my parents um yikes
35: favorite holiday Halloween
36: tattoos and piercing i have i have 6 tattoos! “Breathe” on my right inner ankle, a heart on left shoulder, heart w equal sign in it behind right ear, basically an ecg on my left inner ankle, Aquarius symbol on right bicep, and caws 5749 on my left side. And my ears are pierced.
37: tattoos and piercing i want definitely the black widow symbol in the same place Scarlett got her og6 tattoo, an amino acid tattoo that spells out “wah” , definitely more little tattoos! And maybe more ear piercings idk
38: the reason i joined tumblr so, I’ve had a tumblr for many many years. I originally joined bc my best friends at the time had them, and i was like sure! Ive deleted that personal blog since, and started my new personal blog a few years ago. I also have a studyblr that i started i think back in high school, and i just started this blog back in the end of July!
39: do i and my last ex hate each other no, I’d say far from it bc i likes her a lot
40: do i ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts yes from her and i fucking love it, it used to be a bigger thing almost every day and i loved it
41: have i ever kissed the last person i texted lmao no and for those who were wondering it is @cloversofshea
42: when did i last hold hands LMAO WITH @michelinaamour WHEN I WAS STUMBLING HOME DRUNK IN HIGH HEELS
43: how long does it take me to get ready in the morning it depends, anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half
44: have you shaved your legs in the past three days no! I am super lucky and have really light colored hairs on my legs and so i dont’ have to shave very often. Also i just want to say that i personally love shaving my legs and it is my choice to do so.. girls, you do not need to shave!!
45: where am i right now so i started answering this in the research lab, but i am currently sitting at one of the dining places on campus finishing it
46: if i were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me LMAO DEFINITELY @michelinaamour because she’s done it ALREADY FOR ME MULTIPLE TIMES
47: do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level it depends, in car trips, definitely blast it. But just driving around or listening in doors, definitely reasonable level
48: do i live with my mom and dad nope i live with @michelinaamour
49: am i excited for anything yes, I’m excited for lots of things. I get excited easily
50: do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to no. I used to
51: how often do i wear a fake smile this is a really interesting question. I don’t consider smiles i give to random people like ordering food or something to be fake, so i would say fake smiles are when I’m not okay and trying to hide it. Which happens less often now bc I’m just much happier of a person
52: when was the last time i hugged someone I think it was @michelinaamour two days ago but i think i hugged @cloversofshea that day too so
53: what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me I’d be heartbroken tbh
54: is there anyone i trust even though i should not yes, certain adults in my life
55: what is something i disliked about today my hair won’t do what i want it to :(
56: if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be probably Chris Evans or Scarlett Johansson
57: what do i think about the most tumblr and everything with that, or probably her or school stuff definitely
58: what’s my strangest talent i don’t think i have any lol
59: do i have any strange phobias yes definitely haha, I’m terrified of stepping on worms
60: do i prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it i think a few years ago i would have said behind, but honestly I think I’d love to be in front of the camera now
61: what was the last lie i told i actually don’t know. Maybe this past weekend as to like the fact that i was going out on a date instead of just going out with a friend
62: do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online I’d say talking on the phone bc then they cant’ see me lmao
63: do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes
64: do i believe in magic? Yes, or at least, that’s what i tell myself
65: do i believe in luck yes
66: what’s the weather like right now snowy!
67: what was the last book I’ve ever read The Butchering Art, it’s about the history of surgery
68: do i like the smell of gasoline omg yes yes yes yes yes yes
69: do i have any nicknames yes, madz, madi, girl who lives by the kitchen, queen (a new one) and clown (also a new one) thanks @natthisback
70: what was the worst injury I’ve ever had back in freshman year of college, i did something stupid and my foot swelled up like hell and hurt so bad. There were no fractures detected but the swelling stayed for a really long time, as well as the bruising and pain, and it never returned to normal
71: do i spent my money or save it SPEND IT BABY
72: can i touch my nose w my tongue no I’m not that talented
73: is there anything pink in 10 ft from me. Hmm part of my backpack? And my rings are pinkish bc they are rose gold. Oh and my scrunchie is pink, as well as my iPad
74: favorite animal cat
75: what was i doing last night at 12am i was still at work In the emergency room!
76: what do i think satan’s last name is uh honestly Jim lmao (it’s demons Jim! @cloversofshea )
77: what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it so good by dove Cameron
78: how can you win my heart suggest we watch a marvel movie, and I’m prob straight up in love. There are other things too but they’re pretty general, like compliment me, show you want me ya know
79: what would i want to be written on my tombstone haha, as a joke, “so realy its very thing. Just to keep everyone guessing.” But idk something funny
80: what is my favorite word i have no idea, maybe like sophisticated or something like that or aesthetic , champagne is a good one too
81: my top 5 blogs on tumblr ooh! Okay so @markiplier @lesbian-deadpool @americasass-romanoff @lesbianmariahilll @shining-rey-of-sunshine but i love so so so so so many more, and i have a lot of top blogs
82: if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say fuck trump also I’m gay as hell and I’m growing tired of hiding it from people
83: do i have any relatives in jail not that i know of
84: i accidentally eat some radioactive vegatables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super power of my choice! What is that power lmao this question is great. Prob same powers as Wanda
85: what would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on any weird fetis- JUST KIDDING. Do you still think about them?
86: what is my current desktop picture so on my laptop, it’s fall flowers. But since that’s broken af, i use my iPad and that background is one of the apple ones. It’s just a beach idk why but I’ve never changed it
88: bought condoms nope i am gay as hell bye
89: gotten pregnant nope i am gay as hell bye
90: failed a class nope, definitely come close though
91: kissed a boy yes
92: kissed a girl yes
93: have i ever kissed somebody in th rain honestly, probably at some point, but I’ve never had one of those romantic kisses in the rain. I really really want to though and i think about it a lot
94: had job yeah, I’ve had three true jobs
95: left the house without my wallet probably
96: bullied someone on the internet no bc I’m not a fucking douche
97: had sex in public not yet
98: played on a sports team yeah, played softball and basketball in middle school
99: smoked weed yeah, but i didn’t get high
100: did drugs nope
101: smoked cigarettes nope, i think i asked drunk once if i could smoke, but my friend was like “really?” And i was like uhhhhhh just kidding haha
102: drank alcohol lmao i drink fucking all the time i mean. I literally have drunk writing nights , I’m drinking tonight too
103: am i a vegetarian/vegan i was a vegetarian for a while, and then an aspiring vegan, and then vegetarian, and then pescatarian now!
104: been overweight no
105: been underweight yes
106: been to a wedding yeah, but like not for a long time. I was like 4 and the flower girl. Oh WAIT. Does playing a wedding count? I played cello at a wedding so i was there???
107: been on the computer for 5 hours straight hell yeah, how would i function not doing this with class and relaxing
108: watched tv for 5 hours straight lmao definitely
109: been outside my home country yeah
110: gotten my heart broken yeah
111: been to a professional sports game yeah. I don’t really do sports though , so when i go it’s usually in suites and I’m just there for the food
112: broken a bone nope!
113: cut myself this is...a. Really deep question but bc i want to be able to speak about mental health on here, the answer is yes.
114: been to prom yes! I went to my junior and senior proms!
115: been in airplane too many times
116: fly by helicopter no, I’m not sure if i want to do this or not
117: what concerts have i been to I’ve been to lots. So first off, I’ve been to hundreds of classical concerts (and performed in them). As for pop, Bruno mars twice, maroon five like three times. Selena Gomez. Josh groban. American authors. Definitely others that i don’t remember
118: had a crush on someone of the same sex yes I’m fucking gay
119: learned another language so if this means fluent, no. I took a decent amount of French and am learning Russian right now!
120: wore make up absolutely. When i choose to wear makeup, its because i fuckign love makeup haha. Most days I’m lazy though and like to let my skin breathe and be natural
121: lost my virginity before I was 18 no
122: had oral sex yeah
123: dyed my hair many times
124: voted in a presidential election okay i think so but honestly can’t remember. But I’m pretty sure i did.
125: rode in an ambulance no and i never want to.
126: had a surgery no and i never want to haha. Well i cant say that. Depending on how my life plays out, I might freeze my eggs or something.
127: met someone famous yes, several I think, but probably Henry winkler was the one I remember most.
128: stalked someone on a social network yeah
129: peed outside nope don’t think so and definitely don’t want to
130: been fishing yes I have been ice fishing and regular fishing
131: helped w charity i have!
132: been rejected by a crush I’ve been not liked back but i don’t think I’ve ever made like a move on a crush and been rejected
133: broken a mirror ooh i don’t think i have actually
134: what do i want for birthday nothing bc i dont’ like my bday
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it’s time for ~a year in review~
ya bitch went to paris and became like good, like REALLY good friends with my current roommates!!! we got to see some really beautiful sights, do some STRANGE things like watch a french indie movie and get fucked up at a french gay party club in the basement of our hostel. i apparently shaved my head again (per the use lets be real)
accidentally started my Com capstone like a total moron but took it like a mf champ. got to party at a friends place and watch all of “dont hug me im scared”. made a friend try a grap for the first time (he was a sophomore in college). studied a lot with kelli -- and by studying i mean we mostly bullied each other. WENT TO SEE WATSKY with a super dope friend (sad we fell out of touch but she’s living her best life and im happy for her). also like got to meet george watsky uhm WHAT wild. bullied my college in the snow and also manically shoveled the walk. was a bootlicker for the college and dressed in a taco suit
WOOF i got pretty fucked up for capstones cast party and this is where the beginning of the end was for some of my friendships. however, other friendships were being built so im grateful for that. ran lights for a really awesome slam poet. FOUND THE KEY THAT WAS MISSING FROM THE THEATRE (turns out it was Sab whoops). spent a lot of time with someone who is no longer a friend -- her choice, certainly not mine. went home for spring break and took so many pictures of my cat. got selected as stage manager for comedy of errors which was a nightmare of a production but certainly not the worst.
became a vegetarian!!!! joined/started the flat earth cult because of comedy. helped randi film her weird videos, which was so much fun! the bat came back to the theatre and Basil and I both saw them. comedy of errors opened and it was intense and i really hated every second. ranted about being in a scene for directing, which means i’d been in it for a second. that shit sucked bros oh my god????? he was never on time, he was so disorganized and didn’t understand his own character. organized a dinner for the cast because they had missed a campus dinner for the show. celebrated my best friends birthday!!!! “I can read!” was on the news with two others for comedy. also presented my capstone research for academic showcase day (i still can’t believe people listened to me rant about birth order)
more videos! this one was zak bagel bites with again my best friends. was elected president for APO and i couldn’t be more grateful. did a research proposal with a friend and i cannot BELIEVE we’re still friends after it because we really could have killed each other. physically fought the MONSTER that is jess (didn’t actually, really should have). helped two friends fall in love on accident/purpose. was elected as KPY president (damn) and forcibly elected as parliamentarian for LPH. ended my junior year. started work immediately after going home for my dad. mostly answered phones, worked 7:30-5 every day for the whole summer yikes. managed to pass junior year with a 4.0!!!
 learned a lil how to quote and did NOT enjoy it. went to PRIDE with my wife and bought my first ace flag. it was actually petrifying to buy and wear, but i have one now which is awesome. holy shit got my first tattoo!!! it has faded a bit now but still looked awesome. it was the beginning of an addiction. picked up an internship at my old theatre company and... deeply regretted it as it pushed my 12 hour days to almost 18 hours. literally fell in love with the music director. 
a random woman complimented me??? so that was fun. watched after my old band directors kids (they were a nightmare i literally never want kids). got to hike and do all that fun stuff. went to the local county fair
my mom admitted to loving brooke more than me on her birthday (fair). got a card from my office team to celebrate my 21st a lil early. went back for SENIOR YEAR BOYS. got drunk at an old friends place. did marching band. moved in with two of my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. took improv with friends which was lit. we even did a whole performance. met a new friend! my other roommate brought in a new kitten (which became a whole thing holy shit). used school sanctioned ipads to dick around. shaved my head againnnn. was sober at a party (woof why). got the drunkest i have ever been and puked everywhere and passed out on the stairs. have not ever reached that level again. also cracked my phone. fully assumed position as president of two clubs. started rhetoric (yucky) and theatre and diversity (also ick but for different reasons)
became NOT sober literally the next day nice. started the MASH group i think??? which is like the only thing im proud of. it was around here. had to pick up a friend whos car broke down. went to pride in a local town with friends!!! that was fun. turned 21!! couldn’t celebrate bc school and stage management, but my two roommates still made sure i had a good time. marching band boys! we did a LONG ASS parade with my cute lil section. did mixers for KPY and APO! had our first football game. held a band rehearsal in the dark because the lights didn’t work which was funny and SO weird. walked to the trains with some really awesome friends. broke into the cemetery and stole a traffic cone and put it on a statue on campus bc mania. went to a friends musical career takeoff and ran her merch table bc the person who was supposed to run it showed up almost an hour late. someone showed up at the lib while i was closing with a friend asking for a place to stay. i hope hes good now. tried omegle again for whatever reason. tried to go to a local diner and was DENIED bc they went from 24 hours to closing at 10pm so i had a mental breakdown in my car at 2am in a McDonalds parking lot. FINALLY got to celebrate my birthday and go to the bars!!! well bar singular. but had a really good time even if those people aren’t really my friends any more
homecoming boysssss!!!! also ace pride. worked the WORST thing I have ever had to operate in the chapel but the people were nice about it so i was kinda okay. also got to be a part of the dopest percussion show and ran lights and sound for it. rhetoric ended thank christ and i never want to talk about anti-war messages in MASH ever again. finally learned that my best friend has a partner and was ECSTATIC. worked a haunted house which literally sucked so hard but we made bank on it so im okay with it. were robbed (i still have suspicions who did it but ill keep my mouth shut). dressed up as a newsie for halloween, and my roommates and i all took pictures which was awesome. started my internship and movement and stage
LAST FOOTBALL GAME got drunk too often probably lol. got an impulse tattoo with my roommates. went to a soccer game. went to the trains drunk and also olive garden. did trauma training so i got to act hysterical (act?). did some KPY bonding. had a hella long saturday with a concert and everything. shot my shot and MISSED. did greek thanksgiving. played DD for someones birthday bc expired license. got my NEW license. had a horrible time driving to and from thanksgiving break. got to hang with my WIFE
made it home somehow?? did box office for the children’s show as well as publicity which was a lot of work tbh. went on a double date with my roommates and their partner. did the filming for the college christmas card. had an awesome party at our place and i regret nothing. celebrated the moving out of our 4th roommate. worked my last gig at the museum. managed to scrape by again with a 4.0. threw a great party at my place for like 5 days straight (jesus christ). did a horrible puzzle. tried an edible (suffered for it). hiked in the mountains a lil. caught up with high school friends by drinking which was AWESOME. saw Frozen 2. went out with my fam bam. had a great christmas. also threw a new years party (what??? that just got over) and felt like a pretty good hostess (i just provided alcohol lol but it worked) and got to catch up with some great great awesome friends and keep people safe and off the roads for new years. 
all in all a damn good year. its crazy how quickly things change, but im grateful for the place that i am in. can’t wait to graduate this year and see what happens next!!!
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rogue-rook · 7 years
many highlights from The Eleventh Hour from a first-time TAZ listener
featuring bits from Lunar Interlude III: Rest and Relaxation
oh god is this lunar interlude a goddamn ASMR experience
are carey fangbattle and killian dating?
i’m almost 100% sure griffin said “fisticups” instead of “fisticuffs”
griffin: “okay, you spend the next few weeks learning from carey” oh, okay griffin, i see, we’re taking the LAZINESS route on this campaign now. maybe there were some good snorlaxes to catch on that route or something, but now we’ll never know!
a semi-incomplete list of words that griffin has made up during TAZ: “cruft, geezers creezers, and scrumbled” except scrumbled was stolen from justin
my first thought when i realized taako and sweet ango were going to be spending this interlude together was “oh no taako is about to just bully the goddamn earwax out of sweet ango”
I JUST REALIZED ANGUS MACDONALD IS 10 GODDAMN YEARS OLD. where are his parents??? he had a grandpa who died, right? who’s taking care of him? did lucretia kidnap him to illegally “employ” THIS LITERAL CHILD at the bureau of balance??
taako just called sweet ango “agnes”
the Hole-Thrower is a goddamn genius object but i wish it wasn’t just for “non-magical, non-living” things bc i wanna see taako throw a hole into an enemy
magnus: “i want a black mastiff” griffin: “but you know, theres’s no dogs on the moon!”
the grubby grifters went over budget at the fantasy costco and griffin's voice like animorph-style changed into garfield the deals asshole‘s voice and im like. uncomfortable
travis: “i’m now a level 8 fighter and a level 2 rogue” “which i think makes sense for magnus bc you’re a protecting guardian but you’re also kinda a nasty boy on that battlefield”
the grubby grifters are the only bureau employees not to be super choked up about boyland’s death and im like “hey maybe you assholes shouldn’t have tried to desecrate his crystalized corpse”
if the voidfish is either nice or neutral, then it singing to magus is adorable
if the voidfish turns out to be evil, then it singing to magnus is super super ominous
the director: “avi had to miss boyland’s rites of remembrance” merle: “i didn’t know that was an option"
names suggested for the woven gulch before griffin decided that: dry bones, gucci gulch, the taint, the devil’s taint, ravine, gulch, the blasted lands, the not-blasted lands, the flavor-blasted lands, the grandd canyon (not a typo), the taco bell grande canyon, the arid waste, tattoine
all the grubby grifters: “SUMMER LOOKS! SUMMER LOOKS! SUMMER LOOKS!”
taako: "thanks garfield, can we leave now?" "I WISH YOU WOULD"
sweet ango has to launch the grubby grifters down to the woven gulch and he’s so terrified and im like ango, they should be more nervous, they’re yOUR BULLIES!!
magnus: “we don’t have to mean EVERY time!” okay, magnus, that’s rich coming from you, seeing as you’ve been the worst to angus
travis: “you as the DM didn't remind your players” griffin: “oh i didn't know this was a baby game for CHILDREN”
magnus: “what it we just didn't attack them this round and just saw what they did?” merle: “WHO ARE YOU??”
griffin: “it's kind of rustic” magnus: “FINALLY, MY RUSTIC FOLK HERO THING WILL WORK AND PEOPLE WILL LIKE ME!!!”
“by their sacrifice, our home is made safe” WHAT THE FUCK!
griffin: “where the robe it, it has been stained or oxidized, turning it a bright crimson red" "oh.....like...the bad guys...” YALL THAT’S SO. THAT’S SOME SHIT. THAT’S SOME MYSTERIOUS SHIT
taako: “okay, cool, I’m not into labels either” yooooooo 
i googled the map griffin made for the town of Refuge and hot damn, that’s a well made map
magnus: “i rolled a 10 [on a perception check]” griffin: “you're in a prison cell with bars on it” merle: “i rolled a 1″ griffin: “you are in a cube shaped place”
griffin: “and then all three of you, have died” WHAT IN THE FUCK????? WHAT THE HELL??? WHAT????
the fact that paloma sounds like bjork tells me that griffin is just straight up running out of different accents
[merle continues to sing to the tune of book of mormon] travis: “clinton. you just got clocked by a shovel”
justin: “i’m gonna delete the video i was making about how to do an infinite diamond glitch in the adventure zone”
griffin: “there are many rocks piled up” justin: “mini rocks are actually called pebbles, griffin”
griffy set up this quarry locker room tripwire puzzle exactly like a fucking game of hangman! the most deadly game of hangman ever
griffin: “lemme just say that diamonds are the currency of this town. you wouldn’t go to the US treasury to get dollars fresh from the printing press” justin: “what, you want me to get a part time job??” griffin: “i wouldn't hate it”
griffin: “i just agreed to what dad said without really processing what it was that he said, and what he said was the name "bjork" as bork” clint: “you gotta watch that shit, griffin” griffin: “i was almost an accomplice to that heinous act”
the grubby grifters just unquestioningly trust paloma the bjork witch without any sort of investigation checks or ANYTHING and im like what if she’s evil, my dudes. what if she’s leading you astray
griffin: “the human spell library, clint mcelroy”
griffin: “if you can just instantly bring back any dead person to life, it may reduce the narrative stakes of the adventure zone podcast A BIT!” AH SHIT SON!!
magnus: “im gonna....cut his arm off” griffin: “OH MY GOD!! YOU LOVE THIS SHIT! YOU’RE A PERVERT! YOU'RE EXPOSING EVERYONE TO YOUR FETISH!!”
istus is cool and awesome and she knits but all this shit she’s talking about it is just context-less gibberish
hot damn yall. this time chalice is trying to PERSUADE the grubby grifters and my evil bullshit meter thinks this is SUPER HELLA SUSPENSEFUL
damn this chalice is so tempting. i can’t even imagine
these backstories are heartbreaking. im blown away by the way the mcelroys have crafted this part of the story, and so so sad. especially about magnus
“its not what julia would want” travis stop making me feel these things
magnus: “noelle ended up with a new shiny robot body!” taako: “an unkillable robot! I'd call that an upgrade!”
oh no the chalice is forcing them to watch the destruction of phandolin, what an asshole
magnus: “i’m gonna throw a whole bunch of robot arms into him” griffin: “okay, so you just have a hefty bag full of roboid arms??” 
merle: “we owe a big one to penumbra" magnus: "paloma"
magnus: “we gotta jump” roswell: “this is a shitty shitty shit shit plan, i hope you know that” i love roswell’s instinctive reaction when presented with a dumb idea, which is to respond with pure immediate honesty and tell the grubby grifters that their ideas are dumb as hell
this worm fight is bizarre as fuck, what the fuck are they even DOING???
aw the weird worm just wanted to escape the bubble so it could get back to its babies! that’s...almost adorable. if it wasn’t a giant fucking worm
oh good. the red robe is back. cool cool cool cool cool
magnus: “you’re proud of us? what? you’re a red robe, you’re one of the bad guys?” the red robe: “who told you that?”
the red robe said “lup, they don’t trust me. lup i can’t do it anymore” and “the next time we meet, i’ll need you to trust me completely. the hunger is almost here, and all this could be lost” YALLL IM CONFUSED ASSSS FFFUCKKKK BUT IM SO EXCITED ABOUT WHOEVER THE FUCK THIS PARSELTONGUE MOTHERFUCKER IS!!
well taako got a prophecy saying he would one day get power from “the man wreathed in flames” so like im pretty goddamn sure the parseltongue motherfucker is barry bluejeans. there’s a lich around, barry got blasted to hell by gundren rockseeker, and the red robe wants the grubby grifters to trust him, so like 2+2+2 probably equals barry fucking bluejeans here
the fact that they got to watch over the town of refuge for 7 years was soooooo sweet!!!!
hot damn the red robe’s been protecting magnus this whole time???
travis asking istus why there’s long gaps in their memories like hey trav griffy doesn’t want you or me or anyone else to know yet, but good try!
magnus: “if you get bored, there's this half-moon thing in the sky, you can come hang out with us” taako: “yeah most birds can fly to the MOON!”
kravitz!!! anytime kravitz shows back up is a GOOD GODDAMN TIME!! because i love kravitz
the red robe in the statue in Refuse HAS MAGNUS’S FACE!!!
i have literal goddamn chills. that is so good
this was a very odd meandering arc and i didn’t know what the hell was going on half the time but it was super super super enjoyable and some of the plot shit got me HYPED AS HELL
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platonic-bellarke · 6 years
Do all of the number asks
Wow ok 1: Full nameSarah Abigail Large 2: Age163: 3 FearsDrowning, being considered an annoying friend, being ignored 4: 3 things I loveMusic Frank iero Art5: 4 turns onTattoos Dark hair (on guys on girls anything)Blue eyes Being able to listen to me rant and talk about things I love 6: 4 turns offRepublicans Homophobic people Ignoring me Hypocrisy 7: My best friendShe goes to my school 8: Sexual orientationBisexual9: My best first dateI have never dated anyone lmao10: How tall am I5’4 and a half11: What do I missMy Chemical Romance and my best friend in elementary school and middle school 12: What time was I bornI think around 12:35 in the afternoon 13: Favourite colorAnything blue tbh (pretty much cool colors)14: Do I have a crushYes, I actually have 2 lmao here’s this girl and my school and this guy at this other school 15: Favourite quote“Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself and become a better person” or “All your quirks, all your problems-even your depressions and your failures-it what makes you, you” both by Gerard Way (or just “keep running” from danger days) 16: Favourite placeMy bed with my dog and cat listening to music 17: Favourite foodI love banana and grapes 18: Do I use sarcasmOccasionally 19: What am I listening to right nowThe white album by Weezer (specially the song L.A. girlz)20: First thing I notice in new personEither hair and facial features or, if I talk to them, their personality 21: Shoe sizeLike 8-9 (in US women’s)22: Eye colorLike blue, green, grayish 23: Hair colorbrown with some natural blonde highlights 24: Favourite style of clothingI love flannels and black jeans and beanies and hoodies (idk just like that aesthetic)25: Ever done a prank call?Yep27: Meaning behind my URLThe joke of bellarke being platonic and “platonic bellarke” being an oxymoron 28: Favourite moviePretty much any marvel movie (mcu) especially winter soldier or Ragnarok 29: Favourite songFamous last words, mama, the ghost of you, bulletproof heart, literally any thing by My Chemical Romance A Rush of Blood to the Head and Clocks by Coldplay Knights of Cydonia by Muse Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day Say it ain’t so and My Name is Jonas by Weezer Ode to sleep by Twenty One Pilots (I couldn’t narrow it down to one sorry)30: Favourite bandMy Chemical Romance (coldplay and Muse and close seconds)31: How I feel right nowAnxious (over nothing) tired, a little sad32: Someone I loveFrank iero, my best friend, my family 33: My current relationship statusSingle (hmu)34: My relationship with my parentsReally good 35: Favourite holidayHALLOWEEN 36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNone :(37: Tattoos and piercing i wantI want my ears and nose pierced. I want a My Chemical Romance, Coldplay, and muse tattoo (and many more)38: The reason I joined TumblrI made my first account in 2013 because my friends had tumblr and I want to blog about bands and tv shows. I made this one in 2016 because I want my tv shows and movie posts to be separated from my band blog. My band blog is less active now and has less followers lmao39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?Don’t have an ex. Never dated anyone 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Nope :/41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?No42: When did I last hold hands?My sister will grab my hands randomly haha43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?For school like 10 minutes but like if I’m going out and actually care about my appearance like an hour to an hour and a half 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Nope45: Where am I right now?The bath46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?I have never drank (and tbh don’t plan on it) but probably my friends (?)47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?In my headphones: loud. In a public area: reasonable bc I don’t want to bother anyone 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yep I’m only 1649: Am I excited for anything?YES I AM MEETING AND SEEING AWOLNATION, JUDAH AND THE LION, AND DAN AND PHIL 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?nope. I have 0 guys friends bc I go to an all girls school 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?Lmao when ever I talk to someone who talks for too long or when I’m talking to teachers 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Like 2 weeks ago not sure 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I never kissed anyone lmao54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Haha yep55: What is something I disliked about today?My body 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Frank iero (or Gerard Way or Chris Martin) 57: What do I think about most?How much i hate my body and how much I miss my Chemical Romance 58: What’s my strangest talent?I don’t really have any talents (I can whistle really well) 59: Do I have any strange phobias?Ladybugs60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Either (I want to become a film maker or an actor so)61: What was the last lie I told?Told my friend I was busy the other day when really I just wanted to be alone and watch Lucifer and runaways 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Depends on the person but usually phone 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?No for ghost yes for aliens 64: Do I believe in magic?Nope65: Do I believe in luck?Nope66: What’s the weather like right now?Super cold but I like lt (like 33 degrees and sunny) (0 degrees if your a Celsius person)67: What was the last book I’ve read?I am reading the umbrella academy comic by Gerard Way currently but for a book... I don’t really like to read books (for school I just read summary’s lmao) so the last full book I read was probably the hobbit in middle school (I love that book)68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yes 69: Do I have any nicknames?Abea, Dabby, anby70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?I got a cut on the top of the head when I was little and my dad had to stick it back 71: Do I spend money or save it?I try to save it but it usually doesn’t happen 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?No 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?Yes, a shampoo bottle 74: Favourite animal?CATS75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Watching Stephen Colbert 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Either trump or Morningstar (I have been watching too much Lucifer Help)77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Vampire money, famous last words by My Chemical Romance Mr. Brightside by the Killers 78: How can you win my heart?Liking the same music or shows and movies as me/Being able to listen to me rant about things I either love or hate 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Idk something meaningful not sure yet 80: What is my favorite word?Idk I like the word nonchalant81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrI refuse to narrow it down to 5 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Listen to conventional weapons by My Chemical Romance 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Nope84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Either teleportation/Shrink and grow at will/or change my appearance and look like whoever I want 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Why I am sad86: What is my current desktop picture?I have like 10 back grounds but my main ones are my meet and greet with 30STM, a pic of frank iero I took at his show, and a pic of Matt Bellamy I took at a muse show 87: Had sex?No but I would like to 88: Bought condoms?Nope89: Gotten pregnant?Nope and hopefully I never will90: Failed a class?Nope91: Kissed a boy?Nope, but I would like to 92: Kissed a girl?No, but I would like to93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Nope94: Had job?Nope95: Left the house without my wallet?Yep96: Bullied someone on the internet?No97: Had sex in public?Nope98: Played on a sports team?Yep, I swam and played soccer when I was younger 99: Smoked weed?Nope but I would like to100: Did drugs?No101: Smoked cigarettes?No and I don’t want to102: Drank alcohol?Yes, my parents will let me try their drinks. I have never liked them 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?I don’t eat any meat besides occasionally chicken 104: Been overweight?Yep105: Been underweight?Nope106: Been to a wedding?Yep107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Yep108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Yep 109: Been outside my home country?Yep110: Gotten my heart broken?Kinda, one of my friends told me some pretty awful shit that made me hate myself and convince my self I have no friends so I hate her now and we used to be very close but whatever 111: Been to a professional sports game?Yep112: Broken a bone?I broke my finger once113: Cut myself?No but I have tried 114: Been to prom?No but I will this year !115: Been in airplane?Yep (was actually on one yesterday haha)116: Fly by helicopter?Nope117: What concerts have I been to?Boi so many. I have been to over 15Including Fall Out Boy Three Times Panic! At the Disco 3 times Twenty one pilots 3 timesWeezer 3 times (a 4th this summer)PVRIS 3 timesMuse30 Seconds to Mars Coldplay Frank iero and the Patience Bastille twice Judah and the lionBlink-182Green DayMaroon 5 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yep, I currently do119: Learned another language?Nope 120: Wore make up?Yes, I love makeup 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Nope, I’m only 16 though 122: Had oral sex?Nope123: Dyed my hair?Yep124: Voted in a presidential election?Nope125: Rode in an ambulance?Nope126: Had a surgery?I got my wisdom teeth removed does that count (?)127: Met someone famous?Yep, 30stm(Jared Leto), Tyler Joseph of twenty one pilots, panic! At the Disco, misha and Jared and Jensen from Supernatural, and Victoria justice 128: Stalked someone on a social network?Yep129: Peed outside?Yep130: Been fishing?Yes I hated it 131: Helped with charity?Yep 132: Been rejected by a crush?I have never asked anyone out 133: Broken a mirror?Nope 134: What do I want for birthday?Concert tickets, a s.o.135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?I never want kids omfg 136: Was I named after anyone?I don’t think so 137: Do I like my handwriting?Hahah no 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?I loved Thomas the train shit139: Favourite Tv Show?Either the 100, sherlock, or Gotham 140: Where do I want to live when older?I would like to live in Europe for some time in my life but I’ll probably stay in Tennessee for most of my life but I would love to travel everywhere 141: Play any musical instrument?No but I am trying to learn bass 142: One of my scars, how did I get it?There’s a scar on my knee from when i was climbing rocks to get to a rope swing and I scraped my leg on a rock 143: Favourite pizza toping?Extra cheesy haha (also cold pizza is better)144: Am I afraid of the dark?No I love the dark145: Am I afraid of heights?No I LOVE heights omg 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?No bc I don’t really like doing bad things 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yep haha148: What I’m really bad atTalking about my feelings 149: What my greatest achievments arePassing some hard classes, swimming a 50 freestyle in under 30 Seconds 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meOh boy that “friend” to me that:-no one cares about me-I have no close friends -I’m selfish -I take what I want from others -I pride myself on being nice 151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryUse most of it to have a safe future but some for concert tickets and band stuff 152: What do I like about myselfTbh nothing, maybe the fact that I am ok at makeup (?)153: My closest Tumblr friendDon’t really have any close Tumblr friends. MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT TO 154: Something I fantasise abouta My Chemical Romance reunion, what it would be like to be in a relationship 155: Any question you’d like??
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goodestboyryuji · 7 years
Phantom thieves and hogwarts houses GO
YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. HERE WE GO FAM (I’m not finished with the game so since I don’t know much about Haru we’re just gonna go through Futaba)
Starting with my best boy Ryuji Sakamoto IS A HUFFLEPUFF AND THERE IS NO ARGUMENT AGAINST IT. I will accept that Ryuji has Gryffindor qualities (bravery, not afraid of confrontation, risk-taker, etc) but that boy is NOTHING if not LOYAL. Ryuji is sunlight incarnate I will accept no other metaphor. He cares about literally everyone before he cares about himself. He literally offers to be beat up if it would make his old team feel better (pls). He is relationship-driven and his risk-taking behaviors, his confrontations, his passion for justice all come from helping out someone else. Definitely the kinda dude that would consider the house elves in a dire situation. He’s so aggressively selfless that it’s almost like “pls care about yourself first just once.” Ryuji time and time again puts other people before his personal needs and safety without a single second of hesitation. He just DOES it. And he’ll do it fifty times if you need him to. If you call him at 3am crying he’s showing up in your room, sneaking you into the Hufflepuff common room for snacks.  If you don’t have a pencil in class, he’s giving you his without mentioning it’s his only one (s’not like he was gonna do nothin’ with it anyway). You about to head into a fight he’s got no stake in? Doesn’t matter, he’s got your back. He once punched a student for making snide comments about another student’s sexuality and he has no ragrets about it. A blushin’ fool whenever someone is tender towards him cause he’s so busy being that/doing that to everyone else he doesn’t think about being on the receiving end. He’s just happy to make someone else smile, ya know? HE IS KIND. HE IS TRUE. HE IS A HUFFLEPUFF.
Akira Kurusu is 3000% a Slytherin. Dark, mysterious, smug ass mofo. A leader of his in-group (teenagers being the in-group, adults being the out-group) and thus inclusive in the sense that anyone who joins the cause can be a Phantom Thief. Where a Hufflepuff (Ryuji) might do anything for anyone they care about impulsively, a Slytherin pauses for a second, calculating–instead of diving headfirst to save Ryuji in the first palace and ending up with nothing, he hesitates and that’s when Aresene is like “so u gonna let the boy die??” and akira is like “no gimme a second there’s a fucking mask on my face.” His persona is all about MAGIC and DARKNESS if that’s not obvious enough for ya. This boy is snakey sneaky, all cunning eyes and cocky smiles and deep, mocking laughs. He knows he’s powerful and he’s not afraid to show you that he knows it. What’s wrong with knowing your own strength? Let’s not forget he is a master of interrogation. The ultimate trickster, he’s not above pulling dumb pranks on you and blaming it on a Gryffindor for its lack of complexity. He a good dude, tho, because obviously Slytherins aren’t bad. He gives his plant nutrients to make it stronger bc he likes building something up to be more than it started (most ppl would just water it but aiight dude). He’ll casually walk up behind you while you’re getting bullied, sling his arm around your shoulders, and be like “something the matter?” Totally threatening without a single verbal threat. Secretly loves bubble baths, will give you a scathing look if you even try to tease him about it tho. 
Ann Takamaki, Gryffindor extraordinaire. She starts out kinda timid but she’s actually daring af. She keeps a relationship with Kamoshida who is the worst man alive just for her friend’s sake, but she also isn’t afraid to ignore Kamoshida’s calls (hesitant =/= afraid, ok). Fiery af, Ann is liable to go off on you at any time for a bunch of really good reasons (and some just ok). Ryuji, stop being a dick. Akira, enough brooding. Morgana, shut up for once. Just as spirited as Ryuji, but his light is like warmth and hers is like scorching. Like…literally, her specialty is fire these things write themselves i swear to god. Extremely passionate, especially for the things she believes in like The Phantom Thieves, Shiho (obviously), and giving people courage to stand up for themselves. She really wants to prove herself, seen esp in her social link, and be strong for herself and others. She’s headstrong, kind to the little guy, scathing to the big guy. She’s incredibly competitive and gets into eating contests all the time in the Gryf common room (she also wins every time, especially if the food of choice is crepes). She knows she is beautiful, and is thus confident, but avoids being vain by reminding herself how each person she comes across is also beautiful (”pretty eyes, biggest heart”). Feeling insecure? Call Ann, she’ll hype you up in under ten seconds. Spend an hour with her in a crowded room and you’ll swear it was just you two the whole time. Ann is giving, courageous, and ready to fly off the handle if need be. 
Yusuke Kitagawa, my darling painter boy, is a Ravenclaw. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!!!!! Yusuke is a Ravenclaw through and through. He wants to know more, wants to expand his understanding. He’s not afraid of doing whatever it takes to achieve these things: he’ll spend hours watching the river, waiting for something to come to him, or he’ll awkwardly approach a couple in love and ask them what their love life is like (he needs to know for a painting ok it’s not a sexual thing). He is elegant and fluid and his definition of “the finer things in life” EDIT i’m dying i accidentally wrote “finger things in life” the first time depends on how much he knows about it and how much value he sees in it (for example, a cup of coffee brewed by Akira is one of the most delicious things he’s ever known, much finer than any rich person food, purely for the effort it takes to think of the beans, to make sure the water is the right temperature, etc). Gets lost in his head all the time. Has an understated air of haughty in certain situations, like he’s fully aware he’s better than u but only mentions it to remind you when it seems you’ve forgotten. Uses way too many words to describe a sneeze just because he can.  Yusuke doesn’t give a shit who you are: if you came out to him, he’d nod solemnly and then ask if he could interpret your emotions into an abstract painting (that he would then gift to you, of course). He’d ask you on museum dates, historical bus tour dates (why yusuke why), planetarium dates *cough*, even if things between you two were totally platonic. He just likes discovering, especially with someone he can bounce ideas off of. 
Makoto Nijima is, brace yourself, a Gryffindor. WHAT. yes. trust. Dis girl is POWERFUL. And you can be Ravenclaw and powerful too, no doubts about it, but just because she’s top of her class doesn’t mean she’s Ravenclaw. She studies cause she’s competitive. She’s student council president because she likes the status, the power associated with it (power to protect, to serve, not corrupt power). Makoto is also fiery like Ann, but in a different way. She doesn’t fly off the handle like Ann can; Makoto calculates first, strategizes, and then fuckin’ GOES FOR THE KILL. She’s a headshot kinda girl–take em out simply, easily, quickly (metaphorically speaking obvs she doesn’t go around killing ppl). Queen is a very apt codename because Makoto’s path is a fiery blaze of ambition and strength. She’s gonna get what she wants because she’s been working very hard for it and don’t u take that away from her u piece of shit. She’s not terribly confident though, and this sometimes makes her feel uncomfortable in the Gryf common room when everyone is talking about their achievements. She’d rather just show than tell. Not really a master of stealth (lol), Makoto is your big sister in the hallways always looking out for you. If someone breaks your heart she will literally punch them in the face (and apologize profusely afterwards, but you know she’s secretly p pleased with herself). She likes learning new things about the world, always turns it into a competition with you even if it pushes her boundaries (you two went to a strip club once and even though you put a dollar on the stage, she one-upped you by putting it in a thong, face blushing so hard but determined to overcome). Her drive and determination are her biggest, most redeemable, wonderful qualities. The rest is just the happy byproduct. 
Snarky is as Slytherin does for Futaba Sakura. This girl is a nightmare in all the best ways. Somehow she figures out your weakness just by looking at you and has the ability to absolutely destroy you in just a few words. What she doesn’t show is the literal hours of research she did on you beforehand: she bugged your robe, your wand, set up a camera in your common room…a girl’s gotta have intel, alright? Futaba is an actual mastermind of everything, but the Hat settled on Slytherin because of how Futaba intended to utilize such knowledge. She doesn’t love it for the sake of knowing it, she loves it for what power it gives her. Futuba loves the upper hand and having full view of the whole picture, so Slytherin’s innate ability to lead a situation and turn tables was a huge calling point for her. If Akira is the dark mysterious Slytherin, Futaba is the loud and out of control Slytherin who nobody messes with because she’s got dirt on everyone and the means to release it widely. She prefers to stay in her room than gather with her house or other classmates, often completing assignments from there, but no one minds because it’s not like she’s really gone. She conjures up stand ins for her and speaks through them, engaging without really engaging. Watch out for when Akira and Futaba team up tho–they’re the Slytherin version of Fred and George, conniving and ruthless when it comes to playing tricks on you. Like Akira, she’s still a good girl: she understands anxiety better than anyone and is well known for comforting students who fall into a panic attack. She struggles with social situations sometimes and no one makes mention of it, this time not because they’re afraid of her but because they care about her and they know she’d never cross a line with them, so why cross one with her? She just likes to wield information like a weapon. That’s all. >:)
I forgot Morgana lmao so you can find that here
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too-many-loose-ends · 7 years
All of the questions and 155- what should we carve in our pumpkin this year for Halloween?
1: Full nameConnor Edwards, I've probs done it before, but I'm leaving out my middle name from now on2: Age203: 3 FearsSpiders, failure, being alone4: 3 things I loveSarah, fitness, and pop punk5: 4 turns onSarah, being rough, cute lingerie, doing things at inappropriate times and places6: 4 turns offI can't think of any, pass7: My best friendSarah8: Sexual orientationStr89: My best first dateWhen Sarah and I went to the art museum and Kings Island, it was really cold and I was kinda sick but it was soooo worth it10: How tall am I6 feet 3 inches or 1,91 meters11: What do I missSarah12: What time were I bornI think around 5 AM13: Favourite colorPurple14: Do I have a crushYes obviously15: Favourite quote"Existence is pain"- Mr. Meeseeks16: Favourite placeAnywhere with Sarah17: Favourite foodPizza18: Do I use sarcasmAll the time19: What am I listening to right nowMy fan spinning20: First thing I notice in new personTheir voice21: Shoe size10.5-11, depends on the brand22: Eye colorBlue-green23: Hair colorBlond24: Favourite style of clothingPop punk or athletic wear25: Ever done a prank call?Yes27: Meaning behind my URLIt's sort of from a Real Friends song called loose ends and when I made it I didn't really like myself so I thought I had too many loose ends to fix28: Favourite movieEither the new Power Rangers movie or Clockwork Orange29: Favourite song19 Seventy Sumthin' by Neck Deep30: Favourite bandNeck Deep or Knocked Loose31: How I feel right nowI miss Sarah32: Someone I loveSarah33: My current relationship statusTaken34: My relationship with my parentsIt's alright35: Favourite holidayHalloween bc I love much Sarah gets excited for it, it's adorable36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNone37: Tattoos and piercing i wantI have a whole list lol38: The reason I joined TumblrAll my friends were doing it, now I'm like the only one left lol39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?I don't hate her, I just think she's a bad person 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Yes41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?Yes42: When did I last hold hands?Earlier today43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?Depends on if I shower or not, an hour without, an hour and a half with44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Nope45: Where am I right now?In bed46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Sarah47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Loud af48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yeah but I wish I didn't49: Am I excited for anything?Seeing Sarah50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Yes51: How often do I wear a fake smile?Whenever customers tell shit jokes52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Earlier today53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I would be v upset54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Nope55: What is something I disliked about today?Sarah having to leave56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Neil deGrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking57: What do I think about most?Sarah58: What’s my strangest talent?I don't even have any normal talents lol59: Do I have any strange phobias?Nope60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind61: What was the last lie I told?I don't know lol I don't keep track of them62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Video chatting63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?No, yes64: Do I believe in magic?No65: Do I believe in luck?No66: What’s the weather like right now?I think it might be cloudy but I don't feel like checking67: What was the last book I’ve read?From start to finish? Idk lol68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yes69: Do I have any nicknames?I don't really have any70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?Torn labrum/dislocated shoulder, I had to have 5 anchors put in my shoulder to fix it71: Do I spend money or save it?Spend lol72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?Yes73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?Yes74: Favourite animal?Fennec foxes75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Getting ready for bed76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Satan doesn't exist so he has none77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Gold Steps by Neck Deep78: How can you win my heart?If you're not Sarah there's no chance of it happening79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?I'm not sure80: What is my favorite word?Sarah81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrI literally only pay attention to Sarah's so I don't have 4 others lol 😅82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Can we please do something about the Nazi problem we have83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Not that I'm aware of 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Regeneration85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Idk???86: What is my current desktop picture?The default one87: Had sex?Yes88: Bought condoms?Yes89: Gotten pregnant?No90: Failed a class?Not technically but I have to retake some for my major91: Kissed a boy?No92: Kissed a girl?Yes93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes94: Had job?Yes95: Left the house without my wallet?Yes96: Bullied someone on the internet?I don't think so?97: Had sex in public?No but we've done stuff in public98: Played on a sports team?Yes99: Smoked weed?No100: Did drugs?No101: Smoked cigarettes?No102: Drank alcohol?No103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?No104: Been overweight?No105: Been underweight?Technically speaking yes but I've always been a healthy weight106: Been to a wedding?Yes107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?I don't think so108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Probably109: Been outside my home country?Yes110: Gotten my heart broken?Yes111: Been to a professional sports game?Yes112: Broken a bone?Yes113: Cut myself?No114: Been to prom?Yes115: Been in airplane?Yes116: Fly by helicopter?No117: What concerts have I been to?Warped tour '13-'17, back to the future hearts tour, apollo x tour, overdose tour, okay usa tour, and I saw Beartooth with Silverstein in early 2015 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Nope119: Learned another language?Yes120: Wore make up?Nope121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Nope122: Had oral sex?Yes123: Dyed my hair?Nope124: Voted in a presidential election?Yes125: Rode in an ambulance?Yes126: Had a surgery?Yes127: Met someone famous?Yes128: Stalked someone on a social network?Who hasn't?129: Peed outside?Yes130: Been fishing?No131: Helped with charity?Yes132: Been rejected by a crush?Yes133: Broken a mirror?No134: What do I want for birthday?Money135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?None136: Was I named after anyone?Nope137: Do I like my handwriting?Sure but it's sloppy af138: What was my favourite toy as a child?I really like Lego sets 139: Favourite Tv Show?Rick and Morty140: Where do I want to live when older?I'm not sure141: Play any musical instrument?Not anymore142: One of my scars, how did I get it?I have a scar on my right knee from hitting a hurdle 143: Favourite pizza toping?My fav is plain cheese144: Am I afraid of the dark?No145: Am I afraid of heights?Sort of146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yes148: What I’m really bad atA lot lol149: What my greatest achievments areGetting onto a D1 track team, re-earning my scholarship after losing it, dating Sarah150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meI'm not sure151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryPretend like I didn't152: What do I like about myselfFor someone so scrawny I'm pretty strong153: My closest Tumblr friendSarah154: Something I fantasise aboutLife with Sarah once were both done with undergrad155: Any question you’d like?To answer your question, I'm not sure, that's up to you since you like it so much, I just like getting to do it with you 😘
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What's wrong with PLL Masterlist--- this will be long
includes spoilers from tonight's episode 5/9 1. okay so for starters let's just talk about the ships. so we're really going to pretend like it's okay for spoby to only date because yvonne died, emison to only date because allison was impregnated against her will with emily's eggs (dafuq even is that i swear i thought that was a joke theory people made up), and ezria is really going to get married when his "dead" fiancé literally just returned after having been kidnapped for two years. okay can we just think about that for a second. these poor side characters. i know there's a lot of hate on paige and yvonne and probably nicole too but do they really deserve all of this? do even the main characters even deserve all of this? i mean kidnapped for 2 years. that is intense 2. okay im kind of sort of all for charlotte and lucas having been friends because connections but not really because allison was a b-tch and she would call lucas hermie... can't we assume charlotte knew about that... and yet she was still obsessed with allison???? why? idk maybe that's just me. 3. i was probably one of the biggest contenders for the aria being evil plot line because let's be real she's got nothing else going for her. (sorry ezra) but you're trying to tell me that she's going to just turn evil???????? just cuz she doesn't want to be on the "losing team?" and now poor hanna has to face the consequences. hasn't aria already done enough to hanna? --- to be clear i'm talking about when ali came back and hanna went through this like intense hard time because ali was the worst to hanna like caused hanna psychological issues and aria knew about this and everybody knew about this but instead of talking to her about why she was drinking and acting out, aria got mad at her when her mom's fiancé was super ultra inappropriate with hanna.--- anyways back to the point, if arias going to be evil, why can't she have been evil from the start? it makes no sense for her to turn on her friends now when they're supposed to be loyal best friends. 4. oh and what bs was that? sydneys on the A team because it's nice being on the winning team my butthole. sydney wasn't on the losing team! sydney wasn't even on a team??? like A wasn't going after her, the girls weren't going after her, she's the one who brought herself into the game. don't give me this bs. also just why are all of these irrelevant people coming back... and onto my next point 5. Pastor Ted??? really? you HAD to go there? i don't even understand what happened in that entire scene. he's charlottes dad? i don't even know. i mean i love ted but he's not supposed to be involved. again with unnecessary involvement of irrelevant characters. 6. oh yeah and i just have to throw this out there- ezria is f-cked up! like i can't begin to describe it. first of all- student teacher relationships are gross, but even if u get passed that- the stalking? like sorry guys, season 4 happened and ezra was like super dangerous and now aria just acts like it didn't happen. not only did he stalk the girls and purposely hook up with aria when she's underage, but then when spencer found out, he snuck into her reports and inappropriately handled the situation by telling aria? he's a teacher! if he finds that out tell her parents!!! whatever ezra is scum and people need to face it. 7. onto another character that i don't understand why people like... Allison dilaurentis!!! ok, emison shippers, hold on. hear me out. if it helps, i hate all of emily's other love interests too- except maya because maya was sent from heaven above. but you mean to tell me that allison dilaurentis would "help" hanna marin puke, constantly tell her to watch her weight or stop eating or whatever, lead emily on like a puppet, threaten aria and her family, bully lucas, bully mona, bully jenna, bully everybody in the school... and people think she has redeeming qualities? ok and that's not it. bc i know what you're thinking- "oh but her character developed soooo much!" don't even give me that. her character didn't develop. her character went from being the worst to magically being good. except even now that she's good, she's never once apologized to anybody. in fact she's still a b-tch to paige. she never even mentions that she gave hanna an eating disorder. oh and then in this season when she says addison is worse than her just bc addison looks at her phone while talking to teacher? please tell me nobody believed that crap. i mean seriously please tell me that, because allison was 100x worse. also ik some people will disagree that she led emily on but i mean what else would i call it's she clearly knew emily loved her and then "just for practice." even if it wasn't just for practice, saying that screwed emily up and we know it. and now allison claims territory over emily like a dog anytime paige is near. when paige is gone, allison couldn't care less what emily does 8. so many plot holes i don't have time for that 9. sorry but again, they REALLY went with the storyline of allison being impregnated with emily's eggs. no. N.O. 10. mona deserves better. mona deserves better. mona deserves better. MONA DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER SAY IT WITH ME PLEASE! 11. but where are the actually relevant characters... melissa, wren, jason, idk there's definitely way more but i'm done rn I mean we all know there's so much more but this was really just inspired by tonight's episode specifically because my mind was blown by all of it and that they really went there over and hover again. sorry if people love ezria or emison and i offended u. i don't exactly have something against the ships it's just that when u really think about it, it's pretty messed up. but sorry this is long, i guess i had a lot more on my mind than i thought.
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kitjoy · 7 years
This could be fun or extremely sad
1: Name: Jess 2: Age: 17 3: 3 Fears: Wasps, Small spaces and idk 4: 3 things I love: My dogs, My cats and movies 5: 4 turns on: Hair pulling, Dry humping, Kissed against a wall, Moaning lol 6: 4 turns off: Dirty Talk (not a big fan), Feet, Cockiness, Guys who STOP TALKING TO YOU STRAIGHT AFTER YOU GOT OFF WITH THEM  7: My best friend: Meg and Emily  8: Sexual orientation: Um probs like Bi or something but 90% attracted to boys 9: My best first date: Aint had one tbh 10: How tall am I: 5′5 11: What do I miss: Not having responsibilities  12: What time were I born:  3pm 13: Favorite color: Yellow 14: Do I have a crush: Nah 15: Favorite quote:  A lot of movie quotes 16: Favorite place: Home 17: Favorite food: Italian food 18: Do I use sarcasm: No(!) 19: What am I listening to right now: Hold on- SE22 Mix 20: First thing I notice in new person: Usually mouth or eyes 21: Shoe size: 7 22: Eye color: Hazel 23: Hair color: Naturally Blonde/Brown but Grey atm 24: Favorite style of clothing: Oversized jackets are my shit 25: Ever done a prank call?: Yeah when I was like 12 27: Meaning behind my URL: Just liked the sound of it 28: Favorite movie:  Die Hard 29: Favorite song:  Changes all the time 30: Favorite band: ^ 31: How I feel right now:  Eh 32: Someone I love: My Momther 33: My current relationship status:  Singleeee (and have been for abt 4 yrs??) 34: My relationship with my parents:  Ok I guess 35: Favorite holiday:  Either Halloween or Christmas 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Arrow of my hip, Something to do with my zodiac of my ankle, Ears pierced 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: A drawing my mum did when she was my age (The dragon on a The Clash CD cover) 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Don’t remember 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?:  Barely remember him tbh 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: Nope 41: Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Nah 42: When did I last hold hands?  Agesss ago 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?  Depends if im late or not 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?  No but I need to goddamn 45: Where am I right now? My bedroom (as always) 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Myself I’m pretty responsible when drunk imo 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Fuckin loud hell yeah 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yep 49: Am I excited for anything? V festival and a J Cole concert I’m going to :DD 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? FUCK no 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Not so much nowadays 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Last weekend 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Wouldn’t care lmao 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yup 55: What is something I disliked about today? Nothing yet but it’s still early 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ri Ri or Chance the Rapper I lov them 57: What do I think about most?: Probs my future 58: What’s my strangest talent?:  Can crack almost every joint in my body 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Nah I think they’re all valid 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind 61: What was the last lie I told?: That I didn’t have weed on me lol 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Who even talks on the phone anymore 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes to ghosts, idk to aliens 64: Do I believe in magic?: Nah 65: Do I believe in luck?: Not really 66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny but windy 67: What was the last book I’ve read?: 1984 (and still haven’t finished it) 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: Only when I have a full tank in my car  69: Do I have any nicknames?:  Used to be called Jep 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?:  Ripped my toenail half off once (: 71: Do I spend money or save it?: Try to save it 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: Yeah 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: Yeah my candle jar 74: Favorite animal?: Hmm dogs and cats are cool but I love leopards 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Playing Sims 4 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?:  Probably Trump or something 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Freedom By George Michael 78: How can you win my heart?: Be attentive to me and don’t be fake  79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Baddest bitch there ever was 80: What is my favorite word?: Goiym 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr:  Don’t really have a top 5 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Waddup wanna hang? 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?:  Apparently I do I found out recently 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Either invisibility bc I’m a nosy bitch or levitation 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: How are you feeling? 86: What is my current desktop picture? Deadpool 87: Had sex?: Nah 88: Bought condoms?: Nope 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: not yet luckily 91: Kissed a boy?: Yah 92: Kissed a girl?: Yah 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Nope 94: Had job?: Yep 95: Left the house without my wallet?: I do it all the time 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No way 97: Had sex in public?: Nope 98: Played on a sports team?: Does a school team count 99: Smoked weed?: Hell yeah 100: Did drugs?: Only weed 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yeah 102: Drank alcohol?: Ofc 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No way couldn’t like without bacon 104: Been overweight?: Nope 105: Been underweight?: Yeah but that’s just my body type 106: Been to a wedding?: Yep 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Literally everyday :/ 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Probs when I was younger 109: Been outside my home country?: Yah 110: Gotten my heart broken?: No 111: Been to a professional sports game? Don’t think so 112: Broken a bone?: Luckily no 113: Cut myself?: Yup 114: Been to prom?: Yeah 115: Been in airplane?: Yeah 116: Fly by helicopter?: No I wish 117: What concerts have I been to?: Olly Murs and JLS concert (I’m cool), and V festival 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Nope not yet 119: Learned another language?:  I’m ok at German I guess 120: Wore make up?: Yep 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Not yet but I’m working on it lmao 122: Had oral sex?: Nah 123: Dyed my hair?:  Multiple times 124: Voted in a presidential election?: No 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yep 127: Met someone famous?: Nah 128: Stalked someone on a social network?:  Who hasn’t 129: Peed outside?: Yah :/ 130: Been fishing?: Yeah 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: Not directly 133: Broken a mirror?: Nope 134: What do I want for birthday?: Erm probably like money or a sick 18th party when I can then drink (legally)
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