#seokie speaks
minkyungseokie · 1 month
Also those who keep saying kilometre joke despite Logan clearly showed that he isn’t pleased with it and he has clarified multiple times he knew what a kilometre is. I mean dude has been living in Europe since he was 14/15 yro, of course he knew it but people just can’t let go of this boring joke.
Europeans tend to think that just because the sport is mostly European, that only Europeans that THEY like get to be apart of it.
They think they’re better than literally everyone in the world when their country has just as baby issues as everyone else. But I’m not going to insult them the way I want. I’m not sure if anyone is religious and I don’t want to shove it down anyone’s throat, but God will give them what they deserve for saying such gross things about him after he was crashed into.
God doesn’t like ugly, and all those Europeans being xenophobic and hating on Logan are really ugly right now
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theharrowing · 3 months
Collateral 🗡️ POV: Seokjin
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After a successful day of scheming, Seokjin calls his favorite plaything to join him and Hoseok for a little fun. 
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if you do not wish to perceive any POV that is not the main character, please feel free to skip this one!
🗡️Seokjin x Hoseok
🗡️ word count: 7.2k
🗡️ mafia au, dishonest characters, established relationship, bdsm, poly, smut, angst, fluff, nsfw, explicit, 21+
🗡️ warnings: top Seokjin with mention of bottom Hoseok; top Hoseok & bottom Seokjin; scheming; mention of the use of heroin; use of the word "whore" not meant derogatorily, but not always kindly; allusion to puppy play; talk of manufacturing and selling drugs with the purpose of getting people addicted; shower play; enema play; light humiliation; ass eating & fingering; Seokjin is...morally grey at best.
🗡️ notes: mc is referred to in 3rd person (she/her) pronouns for this chapter! listen: Seokjin is not the nicest person, so please take the way he speaks with a grain of salt. it is hard to put everyone's full intentions into the POV scenes because i still need there to be surprises later on!!! but i feel like this is going to really help to solidify the way many of you feel about this character hehehe. i hope you enjoy!
🗡️ early draft beta read by @blog-name-idk - with minor unbeta'd edits done since.
🗡️ posted march 2024 - originally jan. 2023 | read on ao3
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"She's not going to go for it," Hoseok teases as he reaches around Seokjin's broad shoulders from behind and straightens out his burgundy satin tie. 
Seokjin's tie matches a fitted burgundy Armani suit, which he wears with a cream undershirt. His hair is pushed off his forehead, bringing together the look.
He has a meeting at House of Cards with some investors who are looking to build near the Shin territory just outside Busan, in a smaller port city, and Seokjin wants to make sure those men are on Yoongi's side if push should come to shove. 
But first, he plans to make a stop by the mansion to discuss something with Yoongi's little pet. 
"She doesn't have to go for it," Seokjin responds, watching Hoseok's reflection with adoration swelling behind his lungs. Recently, Hoseok has been letting his hair grow out, and he looks devastating with dark brown waves falling past his eyes and longer bits tucked behind his ears.
Hoseok raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, done with his task and letting his arms hang over Seokjin's shoulders. Seokjin spins on the balls of his socked feet and wraps his arms around Hoseok's waist, pulling him close. 
"I am merely planting a seed. I want the actual idea to be hers when the time comes."
Hoseok grins. "Elaborate."
"Well," Seokjin says, "for starters, the plan is terrible. Shipping her off to Busan for a week—or whatever the span of a vacation may be—is hardly enough time to turn her into an informant. She is smart enough to know that much. But I will pose it to her that way, insisting Yoongi cannot know, which will force her to stew on it. I know she wants revenge for the recent attack on Jimin at Paradise, and if Shin sends any more men to try to shake us up, it will only fuel her fire."
"And you want her to do this, because...?"
Seokjin chuckles. "Because, my love, Ryujin has always responded best to the friendships and authority of women. As sweet and empathetic as Hyunjin is, she has not gotten as close to him as we hoped. Yoongi's wolf cub, on the other hand, is the perfect bait. Not to mention, she comes from the honey bee ring, which Ryujin will sympathize with."
"And if Ryujin recognizes her from Serendipity?"
Seokjin pouts, sticking his lip out and down-turning his eyes. "Seokie, baby, you pretend I haven't thought of absolutely everything, and it wounds me."
With a roll of his pretty eyes and a soft giggle, Hoseok says, "Then humor me, love."
Seokjin rubs the tip of his nose against Hoseok's, then places a soft kiss, making Hoseok smile widely. "All we have to do is spread a rumor that Yoongi has harmed or upset her in some way. Nothing too damaging to his reputation, just a simple whisper. Ryujin may be hesitant, but, given her feelings about Yoongi, I think she will fall for it."
Hoseok leans in and mimics Seokjin's motion, rubbing their noses together, making Seokjin's heart pound just a little bit harder. "And if Ryujin doesn't believe the rumors? We don't think Yoongi was abusive to her at any point?"
"Not abusive..." Seokjin drifts off, squinting slightly while he chooses his words. "But when his parents died, he went off the deep end with drugs. All the voices have to whisper is the word heroin, and her ears will perk up."
Hoseok purses his lips, thinking over what Seokjin says but looking unconvinced.
"And anyway, she's competitive," Seokjin continues, gently kissing the tip of Hoseok's nose, "even if she doesn't buy the rumor," Seokjin kisses the apple of Hoseok's cheek, "Ryujin might still take her in, thinking she can convert her to actually become part of her family."
"Or, she might kill her," Hoseok responds with a pointed gaze.
Seokjin places a kiss on Hoseok's other cheek as he shrugs. "Sometimes, the cat must wet its feet, no matter its dislike of water, in order to eat fish."
A soft, pretty chuckle comes from Hoseok, who presses his lips against Seokjin's and then mutters, "Idioms to describe a human life, Jinnie bear? Tsk tsk."
Seokjin hums, says, "Sacrifices need to be made for the greater good," and licks over Hoseok's lips until his partner parts them, pulling him into an eager but soft kiss. 
Time comes to a halt in Hoseok's arms, and Seokjin holds him tight, kissing slow and deep, savoring each taste, touch, and sound. There is nothing in the world quite like being in his lover's arms. Even the joy of watching the light die in his enemy's eyes pales in comparison. Seokjin thinks that he would do absolutely anything for Hoseok.
"Join me?" Seokjin asks. "She may be more comfortable with you around; you seem to have made a better impression on her, anyway."
"Fine," Hoseok mutters. "But I do not condone a plan that may get her killed, just so we're clear." Seokjin playfully rolls his eyes, and Hoseok smacks him on the shoulder as he continues, "I do like the idea of her running off to Busan for a while. For her sake and for Yoongi's."
"Oh?" Seokjin asks with a curious cock of the head, studying the microexpressions that tug gently at Hoseok's lips and eyes. To the untrained pupil, one would hardly notice these quirks, but Seokjin sees everything. Hoseok is nervous.
"Namjoon thinks he's becoming unhinged again," Hoseok finally says. "Slipping from reality. He's worried about another bender...so your plan to tell the voices about heroin use seems more grounded in reality than you realize."
"And you think taking her away from him won't just make him worse?" Seokjin teases, bending at the knees to smack a kiss on Hoseok's chin. 
Hoseok nibbles on his bottom lip, considering his words. "I think she needs to spend more time out of the house, and out from under Yoongi's shadow. He is still very controlling, despite her willingness to stay, and whenever she's not directly in his line of sight, he gets paranoid and on edge."
Seokjin mulls it over. "I have noticed he is on edge more when we are away from home for extended periods."
"He needs to break out of that loop. We can't have a mad king on our hands. Especially one who could raze the city to the ground."
"So, we need to somehow get him to grant her more freedom, in a way that does not cause Yoongi to completely lose his shit," Seokjin clarifies.
Hoseok nods. "I'll talk to Namjoon about it."
"Good plan."
And with that, Seokjin presses one more kiss against Hoseok's lips, then releases him, linking their hands together as they make their way out of their bedroom, through the hallway, and down the stairs. 
"And what is our excuse for visiting the mansion?" Hoseok asks as Seokjin sits on a charcoal grey chaise lounge beside the front door, reaching for a pair of black wingtip shoes. Seokjin slides his feet into both and begins tying the laces on one after the other. 
"I am either going to catch Yoongi before he leaves for the day and discuss what he would like me to say to the investors this afternoon," Seokjin sighs, "or I will message to let him know that I was trying to catch him before he left, yadda, yadda, yadda."
As Seokjin stands and rubs his hands over his slacks to straighten them out, Hoseok pulls his black shirt sleeve back to reveal an elegant black timepiece. "He should be home for another fifteen minutes, assuming Namjoon is making him punctual and not late."
With a pleased hum, Seokjin offers an elbow and says, "The weather is nice. Shall we walk?"
The weather truly is beautiful, and the two of them take their time, walking hand in hand along the gravel path. Seokjin does not like to be nostalgic, but it is hard not to smile as he remembers the years spend in this secluded stretch of trees with Hoseok, before there were mansions on the property, and they would steal away to be alone.
As timing will have it, Yoongi and Namjoon are just about to leave when Seokjin and Hoseok arrive. Seokjin can hear the two of them laughing on the other side of the bulletproof door and opts to use the large brass knocker rather than scan his retinas, and all that. 
The door swings open to Namjoon's tired but smiling face, and he walks outside, followed by Yoongi. They are in their standard black outfits, and Yoongi wears a cardigan rather than a blazer. Seokjin wonders what the two of them may be up to; Yoongi only mentioned meeting with some people concerning the mess Jeongguk recently made—which, Seokjin thinks, is a very flippant way to address a killing spree. 
"Gentlemen," Yoongi calls with his arms held wide, "to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
"Looking sharp, Jin," Namjoon mutters, making Seokjin grin. 
"My reason to visit today is twofold," Seokjin begins. "I was hoping the chef was in so I could have a plate of his fabulous eggs benedict.
"Of course," Yoongi responds with a smile. 
"And, I wanted to let you know that I will be meeting with the Choi brothers about their desire to open a casino near Busan."
Yoongi hums and then nods. "The chef is in, although, I am surprised you haven't perfected the recipe on your own."
With a shrug, Seokjin lies, "There is something about his hollandaise sauce that I cannot quite nail, but he refuses to give me the recipe." 
The truth is that the chef adds horseradish rather than dijon mustard, and just a dash of dried ginger, giving it more of a bite. Seokjin figured it out almost immediately, but he likes that the chef can whip it up on a whim, saving him the trouble of purchasing the ingredients and doing it himself.
"And the men?" Yoongi asks as he reaches into his front pants pocket, pulls out a metal cigarette case, and opens it, revealing a row of perfectly rolled joints. 
"Shall we offer to buy them, or shall we threaten them?" Seokjin simply asks.
With a smirk and a shrug, Yoongi pulls a joint to his lips, muttering, "Offer first, threaten second?"
Seokjin nods, watching as Namjoon pulls a lighter from his pocket and ignites Yoongi's joint, feeling glad that the two of them are finally able to be together once more. Yoongi needs a lapdog more than anything, and Namjoon is the perfect fit. 
"Excellent," Seokjin says with a small bow, "then I will be on my way to the kitchen. Shall I order an extra serving for the wolf cub?"
Yoongi takes a long drag of the joint, holds it in, and then slowly lets it out, creating a plume of skunky smoke between them. "I doubt she'll be up for another hour or so."
Perfect, Seokjin thinks; he actually was hoping to be fed. "Sounds good."
The front door hadn't been closed completely, so Seokjin enters the mansion easily, stepping aside to remove his shoes while Hoseok does the same. They close the door tight and make their way toward the kitchen. 
"You're so hot when you lie," Hoseok mutters, leaning in close enough for Seokjin to smell his cologne.
Seokjin twists and bends to place a kiss on Hoseok's lips, saying, "As are you, my love."
* * *
Despite having to wait more than thirty minutes on the balcony for Yoongi's darling to wake up, Seokjin considers their little meeting a success. He was certainly able to get into her head and could tell she was not ready to completely write off the idea of taking a trip by the time they made their exit, giving him just enough time to get into town on schedule for his meeting.
House of Cards is a raucous place even in the daytime when fewer men are around to throw away their money. The machines ding and play loud soundtracks, and televisions blare with various sport and fighting events. 
Seokjin enters through the main doors after leaving his sedan with valet, and he walks past all the drunks and coke heads with a straight face, making his way to his decoy office on the main floor to meet with some men whom Namjoon claims are going to be good for business if they can manage to keep him on their good side, and bad for business if they do not. 
Frankly, Seokjin could hardly give a fuck about what is good for business—Yoongi has inherited one of the oldest families in Korea, and by far the wealthiest. House of Cards brings in money simply by existing, and he hardly has to do any actual work. The boxing nights were Jeongguk's idea because he likes watching men fight to the death, and the wealth gained from those simply fuels the family's more expensive drug habits. 
The Shins in the east hardly have a stronghold on their own docks, and the Songs in the south are happy to form an alliance when the price is right, showing loyalty to no one but their own pockets.
Rumor has it the Song family turned down the Choi men because they do not wish to be in the business of entertaining tourists, and a casino might bring in the wrong crowds. Let the tourists flock to Jeju, they say, and Seokjin agrees. The Shins, on the other hand, are desperate for anything they can get their fingers on, and more or less offered them a stretch of land. 
All Seokjin has to do is offer the Choi brothers more money and an illusion of influence. Seems like the easiest thing in the world. The only variable he thinks that could possibly make those men want to side with the Shins would be an old family bond or rivalry, and as far as he can tell, these men have neither. So now, all he has to do is meet with them and find out what he can find out. 
Seokjin has a way with men. A look, a gesture, and a veiled threat are all he needs to get them talking. He has no doubt he will be able to make these men sing. 
* * *
Seokjin barely manages to light a cigar before his phone rings. The Choi brothers left mere minutes ago, and Seokjin had been hoping for a moment of alone time, but it is his informant who has been living with the Shin family, which makes this call potentially very important.
"Hyunjin, darling, what's the news?"
Seokjin sits back in his large, black leather chair, listening to the shocks whine as he leans, bending the springs a bit too far. He is in his real office on the second floor, and has a cigar between his teeth, slurring his words around it while he holds his cell phone to his ear. His informant, who works on Ryujin's drug-running team, sighs. 
"She plans to intercept Yoongi's next shipment of pills. Apparently, one of his dock men was bought. A man by the name of Kang Daesung is going to steal the shit."
"Fuckers," Seokjin mutters, spit flying from his lips. He takes a puff from the cigar and holds the smoke in, then lets it out with a bitter huff. It feels lackluster now, and he gently stubs the cigar out on a golden ashtray, then sets it aside to let it extinguish itself the rest of the way. 
Shin has really been coming for the drug operations, which has Seokjin feeling concerned for Jeongguk's safety. And his sanity.
"I am also one of the only people who knows this information, so now that I have passed it along, I have put a target on my back."
Seokjin hums and considers his options. 
"You want to come home, or hop off the peninsula for a while?"
Another sigh comes through the line, and Seokjin gives him time to consider. Hyunjin has been with the Shin family long enough that leaving the country may be his best bet, but he does have a family of his own, which could complicate things. 
When Hyunjin does not respond, Seokjin says, "We can get your little girl into a prestigious American school. Or Australian; there are plenty of Koreans in Australia. And we could assist with getting you and the wife nice jobs." 
"Yeah," Hyunjin says. "Yeah, you're right. I'll think it over and talk to Jisu. Maybe Australia would be good."
"Let me know," Seokjin says as he thumbs through his files, opening a folder that reads "Hwang Hyunjin'' and pulling out documents. "Your passport is current, and I have a burner identity on the books with a line of credit. I can have you on a flight within an hour, any time, day or night, alright?"
"Thank you, Seokjin-ssi."
As they end the call, Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. He hates giving Yoongi bad news. This will also put another man in Jeongguk's crosshairs, and Seokjin really hopes that hunting him down will not also include killing fourteen of this man's closest friends. 
Seokjin dials Yoongi and is surprised he picks up on the first ring. "Jin."
"Yoongichi, bad news." 
Yoongi sighs and hums, and Seokjin continues. "Hwang called. Says Kang is planning to switch teams and sabotage the next shipment of pills."
"She bought him, eh?" Yoongi asks. 
"What about Hwang?"
"I offered him an out, and he said he would think about it. Considering Australia."
"Sounds good. I may call everyone to meet later. Taehyung has an engagement until nine, so it will be a late one if I do."
"Alright. I'm headed home soon. Should have my hands full for a few hours, so after nine is perfect."
"Thanks, Jin."
"No problem."
At least Yoongi's tone was pretty flat; no reaction from Yoongi is the best reaction. Especially if Namjoon is worried about him falling off the rails. 
This bump in the road aside, Seokjin considers the day a win, and he lifts his cigar, fits it between his lips, and lights it back up before locking up and heading out.
* * *
Seokjin My winning streak continues. This calls for celebration.
Hoseok In the pink dollhouse room?
Seokjin Of course, baby. Where else?
Hoseok ETA?
Seokjin 1 hour. Going to make a pitstop. I called Puppy, and he will be there in 20.
Hoseok  I'll be home to get our guest ready.
Seokjin Thank you, baby.
Hoseok  Anything for you, Jinnie bear.
To celebrate, Seokjin calls Hyungwon—his and Hoseok's favorite whore—to join them in one of the dollhouse rooms. Hoseok is home to get him ready while Seokjin stops at one of the boutiques to buy him a white leather muzzle that is shaped to fit a dog, with pointed ears on top and a pretty pink bow in the center. 
The pièces de résistance, however, is a bar inside the muzzle for Hyungwon to bite down on, ideally making a mess of himself with drool. 
One of Hyungwon's favorite toys is an anal plug with a long white tail, and Seokjin wants to see him with a pretty new accessory to match it. And, although Seokjin has plenty of items like this in his puppy playhouse room, this muzzle is a gift specifically for his most special whore. He is feeling rather generous tonight.
The drive home is short and sweet, and when Seokjin arrives, he is pleased to see a motorcycle parked in the driveway and light shining through the sheer white curtains of the first room on the second floor, confirming that Hyungwon has, in fact, already arrived, and that Hoseok must be getting him ready. 
Seokjin always finds it incredible how the man can strip down from all his worn, thick leather and stand in the prettiest pink lingerie, and he laments briefly that he was not home to witness the transformation. 
When Jimin first hired Hyungwon at Paradise, Seokjin thought that, perhaps, the heavens had opened up and shined just for him. He has a cold indifference to him that makes Seokjin want to break him apart and make him sob. And he does.
Hyungwon is the only man who allows Seokjin to do every little sadistic thing he desires, then leaves at the end of the session with a soft kiss and a promise to return. Seokjin treasures him dearly. 
Many whores blacklist him for less. 
Of course, now that Jimin has returned to their bed, Hyungwon may have to take second place, but that is a discussion for another time. Seokjin is eager to make Jimin sob again and again, but he worries about coming on too strongly and scaring him off. Jimin has always been quite sensitive, which Seokjin will never understand, but he does his best to respect it.
Seokjin takes his time exiting the car, grabbing the black paper shopping bag with an expensive monogram on all sides. He knows the men have heard his car pull up, and he wants to draw out the anticipation and make them wait. 
Hoseok, in particular, hates to wait. His temper is as explosive as the incendiary devices he so enjoys crafting, and Seokjin takes pleasure in pushing his buttons.
As he punches the hex code of his partner's favorite shade of sunshine yellow into the door and waits for the device to scan his retina, Seokjin takes a deep breath and allows a hint of a smile to creep over his face.
Things within the family have been a bit of a mess lately, but everything seems to be going fairly well, aside from their drug runner turning heel. Men on the lower ranks tend to chase money, after all; they are no stranger to these types of incidents.
If he can ensure the Choi brothers remain loyal and convince Yoongi's darling to leave town for a while, everything might even be perfect for some time. Seokjin hesitates to dwell on the thought.
Once inside, Seokjin closes the front door as quietly as he can and has a seat on his chaise lounge to remove his wingtips one at a time, placing them carefully beside the rows of footwear. Then, he takes the handles of the bag gently in his fingers and creeps up to the second floor, stalking like a tiger in the hope of catching the men off guard. 
He can hear their voices coming from the room, though what they are saying is difficult to make out. Hoseok has an excited lilt to his voice, and Hyungwon is speaking too softly to be detected clearly. Hyungwon is often quite soft-spoken—another thing Seokjin enjoys about him. 
As Seokjin gets to the top of the stairs, he forgets that the landing step is particularly creaky, putting down his weight as the wood whines beneath his toes. He lets out the breath that he had been holding, dropping his head in a defeated sigh as a tuft of brown hair shoots out from the first door on the right, and Seokjin spots his partner. 
"Gotta get that step fixed," Seokjin complains as he straightens his posture and smooths down his burgundy jacket. 
Hoseok grins from ear to ear, and he stands in the doorway to the pink dollhouse room with his hair disheveled and the top four buttons of his dress shirt undone. The sight of exposed sun-kissed skin has Seokjin's heart thudding behind his ribs, and he lifts a brow, playfully assessing the sight. 
"Did my puppies begin without me?" he teases as he approaches with his shoulders hunched forward to give Hoseok the impression that he is stalking his prey.
Hoseok chuckles, and Seokjin can tell he is feeling shy from the accusation as he bites his lip and shakes his head. "Hyungwon messed up my hair because he wanted you to think we had started without you. But we are being good puppies, I promise."
With a hum, Seokjin stalks further, watching Hoseok become increasingly antsy the closer he gets. "And is he all ready for me?"
"He is," Hoseok beams, taking a step back to allow Seokjin to enter the room. 
Seokjin, however, pounces, pressing Hoseok into the far side of the door frame and caging him in with his arms, giving him nowhere to go. With a hand on the dollhouse room wall and the hand holding onto the shopping bag on the hallway wall, Seokjin towers over his partner and gazes down at him hungrily.
"But are you ready for me?"
A silly question, since a stipulation to being Seokjin's lover is to be ready at all times. Hoseok cleans himself every morning, and he inserts a plug every time Seokjin is expected to be home so that there is very little need for prep and Seokjin can take what he wants. 
Of course, Seokjin is no monster; if they are unable to engage in play, Hoseok simply removes the plug—or gets himself off and then removes it—ensuring that it does not stay nestled up inside him long enough to cause any kind of complications or health risks. 
But Seokjin tries to be very clear about his expectations, and they communicate their schedules in order to make sure Hoseok can be ready for him at the drop of a hat. Seokjin's appetite is insatiable, and it is not unusual for them to fuck five or six nights a week. One of the reasons they invite so many whores to play dress up and join them is to give Hoseok a little extra help. That, and whores tend to come pre-used.
A plus side of fucking Jimin back in the day was when he would come home from the club, already stretched from his clients. Even when he would whine about being sore and sensitive, he would be such a good, pliant boy for Seokjin. Not a day goes by that Seokjin doesn't dream about the sweet sounds Jimin would make, becoming an overstimulated, sobbing mess long before either of them would reach their first orgasm. 
Hoseok's smile falters ever so slightly, and Seokjin already knows what he is going to say. He must have assumed that, because they have a guest for the night, Hoseok would not be expected to be stretched. He should know by now that when Seokjin calls with good news, that a victory fuck is in order, whether or not they are tending to a guest for the evening. 
And this, Seokjin thinks, is the danger of falling in love. Years ago, Seokjin would plot ways to punish his puppy for being so short-sighted and disobedient. But now? Staring into his deep brown eyes, downturned beneath a knit brow, all Seokjin wants to do is kiss him and tell him everything will be alright. His heart has become soft. 
Before Hoseok can excuse his bad behavior, Seokjin plants a soft smooch on the tip of his nose and grins. "I'm kidding," he assures softly. 
"You're not," Hoseok groans as relief paints his face. 
"I'm not," Seokjin admits, taking a step back and allowing Hoseok to breathe. "But I am in too good of a mood to make you cry."
"Lucky me," Hoseok teases with a wink. 
Seokjin leans in and places a kiss on Hoseok's forehead, then enters the room. The walls are all painted cotton candy pink, and there is a large bed on the left with plush pink bedding and a white wrought iron sleigh frame with beautiful spiral designs at the head and foot—perfect for attaching restraints. 
Hoseok's favorite addition to the room is a pale pink sex swing that hangs from the center of the space, with vines wrapped around the long arms that stretch to the ceiling. Seokjin is partial to the vanity with a large mirror that is very sturdy and perfect for humiliation play. 
The wooden furniture and wainscoting are all painted pink with gold accents, the floor is covered in pink carpeting and large, white cloud-shaped rugs, and every light fixture is a giant, white orb. In the corner of the room furthest from the bed is a chair in the shape of a giant pink high-heel, and when Seokjin enters, that is where he finds their guest. 
Hyungwon is breathtaking in sheer pink babydoll lingerie with little ruffled sleeves that hang from his shoulders, and a skirt that falls just above his thighs. He reclines on the shoe chair with one knee bent, bare foot adorned with pretty silver chains and rings, perched delicately atop the chair, and the other leg down, spread slightly to accommodate for the chair's width. His hair is long enough to be styled behind his ears—straight and black as a raven's feather—and he wears a thick silver choker of shimmering zirconias and a glittery lip balm.
"Master Seokjin," Hyungwon states as he moves from his reclined position—which Seokjin assumes he only sat in to be a tease, in the first place—and slowly lifts his leg, leaning forward and getting onto his hands and knees. "You look ravishing tonight, sir."
Seokjin turns to Hoseok with a puzzled expression, then back to Hyungwon, "Baby, did you give our pet permission to speak?"
"I did not, sir," Hoseok responds simply, standing near the wall with his arms flat at his sides. "But you do look ravishing tonight, sir."
How in the world Seokjin wound up with two disobedient puppies, he will never know, but he cannot bring himself to be upset when they are so devastatingly pretty and so good to him. Seokjin reaches to tap the underside of Hoseok's chin with the pad of his finger—a playful gesture that also tells him to keep that gorgeous fucking mouth of his closed unless he is asked to open it.
Hoseok smiles, winks, and does not say another word.
"I got you something," Seokjin beams as he turns back to Hyungwon, closing the gap between them. 
He reaches into the bag, pulls out the leather dog muzzle, and holds it up. Hyungwon's eyes widen, and a soft smile plays on his lips. If the man truly is excited, Seokjin has no idea; all he cares about is that he acts the part, as he is paid to do. And Hyungwon, as always, is a brilliant performer.
* * *
The shower down the hall in the guest bathroom runs as Seokjin pushes a hand through his hair, walking from the dollhouse room to his bedroom. His cream shirt is unbuttoned and hung open, burgundy pants are undone, and he is covered in a sheen of sweat. 
Hyungwon practically needed to be carried away when Seokjin was finished with him, and Hoseok is currently assisting with washing him and tending to his various marks with creams. Seokjin was not too hard on him, but his nails did break skin a couple of times, and he spanked him until both cheeks were tomato red. 
Although it is getting late, Yoongi has called to request everyone to congregate at the mansion at the top of the hour. It gives Seokjin thirty-five minutes to change into a black dress shirt and slacks and see that Hyungwon is able to get home on his own or has a suitable bed to sleep in for the night. Ordinarily, Seokjin is not as kind to his whores, but after what he did to the guy's ass, he takes pity on him for driving out on a motorcycle. 
The sound of the shower shutting off is followed by muffled voices, and Seokjin shrugs out of his shirt, dropping it into a hamper near the closet door, and grabs a black shirt from a hanger. He attempts to listen for the men—to get a sense of whether or not Hyungwon will need to stay—but all he can make out is Hoseok's bright, happy laughter. 
Seokjin loves it when Hoseok laughs loud and unabashedly. It rings like music to his ears. 
"Baby?" Hoseok calls down the hallway. 
Seokjin takes a step out of the closet as he buttons his shirt and shouts, "Bedroom," then returns to the racks of clothing and wiggles out of his slacks, picking them up and placing them into the hamper, and then reaching for a black pair to slide into.
"Ah," Hoseok says as he rounds the corner and finds Seokjin dressed in all black. "Yoongi called."
"He did," Seokjin responds. 
"For all of us?"
"For all of us."
"Hyungwon should be good to drive, but I'll go check on him."
Seokjin flashes Hoseok a smile. "Thank you, love."
Once he is ready, Seokjin switches off the light and exits his and Hoseok's massive closet, then he leaves the bedroom and makes his way down the hall, to the pink dollhouse room. The dark wood wainscoting and blood-red walls adorned with pretty brass sconces is such an abrupt change of scenery compared to the pink playroom, and from time to time, it makes Seokjin chuckle softly when he leaves one atmosphere for the other. 
Hyungwon sits on the edge of the bed dressed in blue jeans, a blue and white flannel shirt, and a black leather jacket, with his hands in his lap. Hoseok stands before him, dabbing a salve to his lip, which Seokjin split from slapping a little too hard once the muzzle came off. To Seokjin's credit, Hyungwon was the one who begged him to hit him harder. 
As Seokjin enters, both men turn to him with smiles, and Seokjin leans against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. 
"How is our puppy feeling?"
"Amazing," Hyungwon responds, always saying so no matter which state he seems to be in. 
"Good. And I take it your ass isn't too sore for the bike?"
Hoseok shoots Seokjin an incredulous glare, which he pointedly ignores. 
Hyungwon chuckles quietly. "No, sir. Not too sore."
"Good. I will be downstairs, then." He turns his gaze to Hoseok. "Join me soon?"
Hoseok nods and screws the cap on his balm, then leans to place a soft kiss on Hyungwon's forehead as Seokjin takes his leave and goes downstairs, to the kitchen, to have a few shots of whiskey before heading out to Yoongi's place. 
It does not take long for the others to join him, and they bid Hyungwon farewell with kisses to his cheeks and forehead, then link hands and take the long way to Yoongi's property, up toward Taehyung's place and cutting through the gardens. It is eerie out here at night with low lighting and tall, dark shadows. They walk all the way around the mansion, to the front door, and find Taehyung and Jeongguk on the stoop, smoking a cigarette.
"Fellas," Seokjin calls, and everyone lifts their hand hello.
"Is it just us?" Hoseok asks, and Taehyung shakes his head, saying, "Jimin is inside."
Seokjin takes a puff from Taehyung's cigarette, then goes inside, happy to find Jimin and Namjoon seated on the couch as he takes his place on the far end. Seokjin assumes Yoongi would be upstairs and is surprised to see him enter through the front door with Taehyung and Jeongguk. Once they are all seated, Yoongi begins. 
"We have two orders of business, which are somewhat related. The first is that Jeonggukie has been working with a team to formalize a new type of ecstasy that contains amphetamines, to give the user more of an upper-type high. It will be smoother than the shit the Americans sell, which contain meth, and the users will crave the experience, ideally getting them hooked on it."
This news comes as somewhat of a surprise to Seokjin, but he does not show it, keeping his expression stoic. He is curious when Yoongi decided to pivot into selling drugs for the purpose of creating addicts, and thinks perhaps the man really is losing his mind. He sounds like his late father, which is no compliment.
Yoongi continues. "So far, the trials have been pretty positive, and we should have those on the streets within the next month, or so. Let Jeongguk know if you would like samples."
Yoongi sits up and sighs, "And for our second order of business, it seems our main dock man Kang has been bought, and he plans to fuck with our next shipment of pills. I will be orchestrating a hit some time this weekend."
"I can go," Jeongguk offers, and Seokjin is pleased when Yoongi holds his hand up, turning him down.
"I need you to stay here this weekend. I want us to start going to the range again, and there are some other things I want you around for. I'll put Changkyun on the job."
Jeongguk opens his mouth to complain, and Yoongi cuts him off. "Ggukie, we have men hired to carry out hits. Let me utilize them."
Silence falls, then Namjoon clears his throat. "Is there anything anyone else would like to share?"
Seokjin cannot believe everyone was called over for this, and he crosses his arms over his chest and glances around. When nobody says anything, he shrugs and says, "Guess that's it."
"Alright," Yoongi says as he slaps his palms over his knees and stands with a sigh. "I thought this would be more of a conversation, but it seems pretty cut and dry. Thanks for coming by."
Seokjin studies Yoongi as he stands, curious about what Namjoon sees that makes him so paranoid. There are bags under his eyes, and he seems quite tired, but he does not seem jittery or pale, or any of the other symptoms Seokjin tries to remember from his last bender. 
It could be his more recent shift in seeming colder than usual. Prior to the pet moving in upstairs, Yoongi even went so far as to have a nasty little violent streak. Still, violence is not an indicator of drug abuse.
Yoongi has always been good at hiding shit until it is really bad, however, and he has always been quite unreadable, wearing parts of himself on his sleeve while keeping the rest locked away. He hopes that Namjoon's suspicions are false, but nobody would know better than him.
With that, everyone stands to leave, including Yoongi. In fact, the only person who seems to hang back is Namjoon. They say good night, everyone begins to head back to their homes, and Namjoon locks up the mansion as Yoongi slides his hands into his pockets and sets off in the direction of Namjoon's home.
Something is definitely amiss, but Seokjin does not feel like asking. The warmth of Hoseok's hand pulls him from his thoughts as he is tugged in the direction of home.
When they return from the meeting that could have been a conversation via group text, Seokjin sits with a huff on his chaise lounge. He bends his leg to lift it in order to untie his shoe, but Hoseok drops to his knees and places a hand on Seokjin's foot, guiding it to the floor. 
"You seem off, baby," Hoseok mutters sweetly. "Let me take care of you."
With an affectionate smile, Seokjin crosses his arms over his chest and lets his posture droop in a sigh. "Always taking care of others."
Hoseok's eyes shine as he mutters, "I live to serve."
Seokjin chuckles and sits up straight as Hoseok removes one shoe, then the other, and places them neatly aside. "We both know that is untrue."
"Yes," Hoseok responds, also laughing. 
Seokjin leans forward, takes Hoseok's chin in his hand, and pulls him close. Hoseok strains to get near enough, sitting high on his knees, but Seokjin stays just out of reach as he says, "You can still take care of me, though."
He revels in the way Hoseok's tone drops as he asks, "And how would you like me to do that, baby?"
Seokjin begins to think of all the ways he would like to make Hoseok whine, but Hoseok continues, "It's been a while since you've submitted to me and completely let go of control."
It has been a while. Probably months. Seokjin mulls it over with a squint of his eyes. There is nothing in this world that he likes more than pulling sweet sounds from Hoseok's lips, but he knows that Hoseok also enjoys being in control. However, relinquishing power does not come easily to a man like Seokjin.
"You are correct," Seokjin finally responds. "It has been a while."
Hoseok's eyes glimmer with mirth, and even if Seokjin had not been considering it before, he would certainly cave now. With a nibble of his bottom lip, Seokjin leans close enough to kiss Hoseok. 
"I'll let you fuck me tonight. Give me twenty minutes to get ready?"
With a pout, Hoseok shakes his head. "I want to get you ready."
"Enema play, Seok? Really?"
Hoseok shrugs. "I want to watch you tremble and whimper as the water falls out."
Seokjin, admittedly, gets it. "Alright, let's go."
Hoseok is gentle as he takes Seokjin's hand and leads him up the stairs and down the hall to their master suite. He is gentle as he undresses him and leads him to their shower. Gentle when he bends Seokjin over—hands splayed on the white tile bench that runs along one wall—and inserts the nozzle of the enema. Seokjin gasps from the sensation; he hasn't done this in quite a while.
When Hoseok takes Seokjin by the hair and lifts his head, pulling him into a standing position, he is less gentle. Lifting the bag, which is full of tepid water, so that it can enter his body makes Seokjin gasp, sending a shudder through him. 
Hoseok holds his chin, firm and not very gently as he says, "Eyes on me," and slowly pulls the nozzle out, releasing the water to the floor of the shower. 
Seokjin keeps his eyes on Hoseok as the water rushes from him, a sensation that he thinks should not be in the least bit erotic. Hoseok knows that this is mildly humiliating, which, Seokjin thinks, is the reason he is insisting on it. 
Hoseok inserts the nozzle two more times, sending water rushing from Seokjin's rectum, holding him in place while they stare into one another's eyes. Warmth covers Seokjin's face in a mix of embarrassment and arousal, and when Hoseok bends him back over right there in the shower to eat him out, Seokjin practically blacks out. 
"Fuck, feels so good," he whimpers as Hoseok teases his hole with his tongue, circling the rim and prodding inside. 
"You like it, baby?" Hoseok groans, biting Seokjin's buttcheek and circling a finger over him, gently pushing inside and pulling out, making Seokjin sigh and tremble from pleasure-pain. 
"You know I do," Seokjin whines.
Hoseok groans. "Too bad I won't let you cum until you're begging and sobbing."
Evil. Pure fucking evil. Hoseok loves making someone like Seokjin beg. He whimpers before he can stop himself, and Hoseok chuckles and crashes a hand over his ass with a loud, wet smack.
"Come on, big boy," Hoseok sing-songs "Let's tie you to the bed and make you scream."
Seokjin already fears for his life, knowing that Hoseok will edge him for hours. But the earth-shattering orgasm that tears his world asunder, followed by Hoseok's sweet, pretty smile, makes everything worth it. How could he possibly resist?
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i didn't give Hyungwon a relationship tag since he's not a main character in the story, nor does he appear again. for those of you who aren't monbebe, this is the man i was talking about:
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i also remember being too exhausted to write a smut scene when i was putting this POV together, which is why we don't get to experiencing these three together hahaha. i think i wrote Hoseok and Seokjin back to back.
tag lists will be on separate reblogs! they’ve gotten too big to contain as one! if you would like to be tagged in this fic, please let me know!!! 💜💜💜
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Collateral is copyright 2022 - 2024 theharrowing, all rights reserved. no translations or reposts allowed!
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btshoseong · 10 months
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ how has it already been just over a week since the last post bro 💀 sorry about that, just got a lotta uni enrolment stuff to get through and it’s been stressing me out <\3 anyways enjoy !!
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Members are currently getting ready in the makeup room for Hoseok’s Listening Party.
J-HOPE: *making a noise of approval* “Yahhh… look at my bro! Seong-ah, is this really you?” *coming up to rest his hands on seong’s shoulders as he gets his makeup done*
SE3OUL: “Oh, the star of the show came back here to see me?!” *going in for a high-five and holding his hand, looking at each other through the mirror*
J-HOPE: “Aish, of course I had to come see you,” *dramatic disappointment that seongie doesn’t know this already* “You’re my brother since day one.”
SE3OUL: “Joon-ah, I hope you’re hearing this.” *laughing rn*
RM: *shaking his head* “Traitor of the century. Twelve years of history down the drain.”
J-HOPE: “Yah, you think I’d invite you to this event if you didn’t mean anything to me? He just wants to hear intimate sentiments from me.” *pointing over at joon*
JUNGKOOK: “Hyung, are we all gonna sit down and listen to the music?” *curious wide eyed bunny looking at seokie through the mirror*
J-HOPE: “No, you’ll get it when you see it.” *excited to reveal the surprise soon*
SE3OUL: “Either way Seok-ah is having a dance off with me. Yah, promise me right now.” *holding his pinky up*
J-HOPE: *rolling his eyes with a laugh* “This guy seriously wants to embarrass me at my own party.”
JIMIN: “I think Hoseok hyung has a waaaay higher chance of winning though.” *teasing seongie to the max*
SE3OUL: “And whose side are you supposed to be on, huh?” *playfully narrowing his eyes*
V: *raising his hand* “I will be joining the dance off too. Winner has to buy everyone chicken.”
JIN: *can’t contain the chuckle* “Wait, the winner? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”
SE3OUL: “He just has that unique perspective with things.” *nodding as if it weren’t a mistake*
JIN: “Ah, but Seok-ah…” *gaining hobi’s attention immediately* “I feel uncomfortable meeting new people. Do I really have to do the meet-and-greet?”
J-HOPE: “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” *waving it off*
SE3OUL: “Ooo our shy, introverted hyung~ oldest of Bangtan.” *singsongy voice and all*
J-HOPE: “Really, if you don’t want to, then after the event is over, you can just say you enjoyed the music.”
JIMIN: “I’m seriously way more nervous!” *laughing as he pats jin*
JUNGKOOK: *first to finish hair & makeup* “Hyung, how are you gonna say hello?”
J-HOPE: “Me? It’ll be like ‘Hello, I’m J-Hope.’”
J-HOPE: “By the way, Seongie you have to lead us well.”
SE3OUL: *finally finished with hair & makeup also* “Oh me?” *pointing at himself*
JIMIN: *grabbing his finger* “No, he’s going to stay in the bathroom with me all night to keep me company.” *ensue eye smile*
J-HOPE: “No, he has to lead us through. You as well.” *pointing at both of them*
JIMIN: “I’ll jump around a lot.”
SE3OUL: “We’ll do the iconic Black Swan performance with the spin.” *patting jimin with a smile ( p.s for context: seongie takes jk’s place during the black swan mma performance )*
J-HOPE: *smiling and satisfied*
JIMIN: “Okay, let’s go then.” *grabbing both seokie and seongie’s arms*
J-HOPE: “Ah, I wish Yoongi hyung were here too.” *tsking*
SE3OUL: *leaning into the camera* “Everyone, for those of you that don’t know, our Yoongi hyung has a fever. He couldn’t make it.”
JIMIN: “I heard it was around thirty-eight degrees.” *speaking in worried pout*
Soon Hoseok heads to the venue first in order to greet guests.
The rest of the members are still gathered in the makeup room.
JIMIN & SE3OUL: *playing around with jinnie’s outfit*
RM: “Thank you for coming.” *pacing + laughing nervously + practicing what he’s gonna say*
JIN: “Yah, Namjoon-ah, how do you say hi to celebs?”
SE3OUL: “Hyung, do you know what to do? You just go to the celeb right, and say…” *dramatic pause* “Bang to the Tan to the Jin!” *ensue cringey pose here*
RM & JIMIN: *giggling amongst themselves*
JIN: “Aish… who thought bringing this guy here would be a good idea?”
SE3OUL: “I know. Your love for me is so real.” *hand on heart, feeling touched*
After all of the fun and games in the makeup room, the members arrive at the party’s venue before the event officially begins, to look around.
Bang Shi Hyuk is also present so the members pose with him, all holding drinks with a huge smile.
JIMIN & JUNGKOOK: *feeling shy so decided to hide in a corner*
SE3OUL: *can never stray too far from his babies* “Yah, what are you doing? The party’s barely begun.” *caressing jk’s hair + looking at jm*
While the members get into the mood, Hoseok is getting ready to start the event.
J-HOPE: *styling his hair rq* “I’m sweating like crazy.” *begins moving to the groove of the music*
J-HOPE: “After introducing the DJ, I’ll say ‘please enjoy the drinks and enjoy yourselves today.’” *nodding along to what the staff is telling him*
After some time, Hoseok begins to make his way onto the main stage, waving and introducing himself.
J-HOPE: “I wanted to show you that this is the vibe that this guy has, so I invited you all here today. I hope you all enjoy this event. Let’s open the box now. Open the box, let’s go!” *finishing his speech before heading off stage*
All members are endlessly enjoying listening to Hoseok’s new album and vibing with the guests. Hoseong attempts to help his babies introduce themselves and get out of their shells.
Soon the members then reunite at the photo wall. Hoseok hugs everyone tightly one by one as they begin to take individual photos with Hoseok first and then a group one.
SE3OUL: ��Go Jeongguk, go Jeongguk, go Jeongguk!” *hyping his baby on the dance floor lmao*
V: *joining in with jk and dancing together*
SE3OUL: *feeling very satisfied as he takes a sip of his drink and joins in as well* “Where’s Jiminie?”
JIMIN: *speak of the devil and he shall appear* “Yah, you all just left me by myself!”
V: *grabbing jimin’s arm and guiding him* “Let loose, Min!”
SE3OUL: “Aye! Aye! Aye!” *dancing in time with the rhythm, making the rest of the boys laugh and ease up*
SE3OUL: “Yah, I think the alcohol is getting to me, dude.” *still jamming tho + encouraging taekook too*
The boys dance for quite a while, enough to leave some of them sweating so they take off for a break. But Hoseong is an undefeated dance machine!
JIMIN: “I can’t believe he’s seriously still going.” *enamoured by his bubba on the dance floor with hobi*
JUNGKOOK: “Hyung’s stamina is really no joke.” *also watching him with jm*
Soon Jin is the first to make his early departure and decides to say goodbye to Hoseok. The members all enjoyed the listening event in their own ways, and those who could, stayed until the very end.
J-HOPE: *sat out in the hallway* “I don’t know how to express how honoured I feel. Lots of people came to congratulate me, and it was such a meaningful moment. It’ll definitely go down as a great part of J-Hope’s music career.”
J-HOPE: “Please look forward to my music. Now that the event is over, there’s a vlive tomorrow and the Lollapalooza performance. There are so many things to do, and so many things to show you, so please stay excited. Thank you!” *peace-ing out*
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @bts-dream , @fairiepoems , @kaitieskidmore97
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euphoricsunflowers · 2 years
i literally love seokmin so much hes my babygurl <3 :(
angel!seokmin who was told to ignore and avoid you if he ever saw you after the incident, but he cant do that! you're too beautiful.. even if he cant speak to you he never stops staring at you, dreaming about you (possibly a wet one..). when you finally notice his constant gawking and try to approach him he freezes up in shock that his little forbidden crush actually noticed him! doesnt even notice when you're trapping him in your arms until your significant perfume/cologne hits his nose. he snaps out of his trance and goes absolutely beet red trying to think about what you wanted with him..
" you must have a staring problem, angel. "
; EWWWWWWW this is so cringe sawry for whoever read that hopefully this is good tho angel!seokmin got me going crazy
seokie is my babygirl!!! i love him too <33
him being unable to avoid you because he sees you even in his dreams. he needs you that bad. the thing about your specific scent having him hooked >> love that concept. he can’t look away, almost in a trance-like state looking at you.
“what’s wrong, angel? can’t stop thinking about all the things i could do to you if you just let me make you mine? just let your purity go; you know pleasure is worth the sacrifice,” you say, pulling him in for a kiss, ready to bite his lips and leave an unforgettable scar. a mark of his owner and the lover that made him fall.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Go to sleep, my depressed sack of marshmallows. We will speak in the morning. Or more like before and after work. Have the sweetest dreams and make sure to actually go to sleep. Because I know that sometimes you say you will go to sleep but then you’re still up on Tumblr and I can see it
Hugs and kisses
- 💀
I will, like I actually will, im falling asleep holding my phone and I don't even know what im typing but the autocorrect seems to be fixing it for me 😪😪
Good night, Seokie~!! Hopefully, you'll have nice sleep as well ☺☺
I check tumblr sporadically when I post something because im too anxious 😬
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namgiseoker · 5 years
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my lil hypebeast
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dejayoonw · 3 years
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— More
recently divorced & looking for a new producer you’re inroduced to the seemingly stoic and hardworking min yoongi. at first it seems like he hates you but slowly he begins to warm up, showing you who he really is. how could you not fall for the caring, talented and amazingly devoted father?
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pairing: idol!reader x producer/dad!yoongi
genre: S2L, angst, fluff
type: social media au
mood: pinterest board & spotify playlist
side pairing: taekook
status: completd
a/n: disclaimer! baekhyun is an absolute dick in this but i in no way think that’s how he really is or that he would do anything i’ve written! i use people i like as side characters. also, there are mentions of infertility & it’s a fairly major plot point but there are no mentions of miscarriage apart from one of the songs implying it.
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part zero: profiles
part one: divorce selfie!!
part two: maybe: suga
part three: killing boys
part four: min barks
part five: we drank
part six: seokie best manager 
part seven: without me
part eight: celebratory dinner 
part nine: don’t speak 
part ten: drama queen 
part eleven: saving grace 
part twelve: dinner guest 
part thirteen: lady bits check up 
part fourteen: ahead of the hype 
part fifteen: sleepover 
part sixteen: suga prod. yn album 
part seventeen: mystery gang
part eighteen: the ol’ razzle dazzle 
part nineteen: confessions
part twenty: stuck with you
part twenty-one: hedric
part twenty-two: rapper suga 
part twenty-three: album release pt1
part twenty-four: album release pt2 
part twenty-five: lets talk about it
part twenty-six: no second guessing 
part twenty-seven: epilogue 1
part twenty-eight: epilogue 2
part twenty-nine: epilogue 3
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excusemin · 4 years
hyung line reaction to s/o with a curvy body
Pairing: Seokjin x female reader, Yoongi x female reader, Hoseok x female reader, Namjoon x female reader
Rating: 18+, M(mature)
Genre: established relationship, fluff?, smut
Warnings: softish dom! hyung line, sub! reader, slightly whiny reader (bratty ones too lol), heated make outs?, daddy kink, unprotected sex (pls play it safe bro), slight overstimulation, creampie, teasing, hickeys 
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary/ Request: “Hello!👋🏼 can I request Hyung line reacting to their s/o with a curvy body, like hips and thighs. smut or fluff or both teehee 💜”
A/N: Hello, here’s another request I was able to finish. I hope you enjoy it anonnie, thank you for requesting this, it was really fun. Requests/ asks are still open, so feel free to request something :)  Huge thank you to @dontaskshhhhh​ for reading this for me before I posted it. (beta reading or whatever it’s called lol????) Also, if there’s any other warnings that need to be added, please let me know. I’ll be happy to add them for y’all. Hope y’all enjoy, any feedback would be appreciated :) 
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It was pitch black, the only light source present came from the television right in front of you. The movie had been long forgotten. Seokjin’s plump lips were locked with yours. One small kiss had led to a heated make out. Passionate tongues fighting for dominance but you both knew who had the upper hand. 
Along with the movie, both of your clothes have been long forgotten on the floor. His large hands explored every inch of your body with fervor. They lingered longer over your freshly exposed thighs.
He’s seen you completely bare so many times but he swore every time felt like the first time. Seokjin’s cock twitched when your thick thighs pulled apart to reveal your glistening pussy. A groan left his swollen lips as his slender fingers parted your lips to reveal your sopping core. The cool air causing you to clench around nothing.
“Baby, come here. Sit on my face.” Your face flushed with more heat as you processed those words. Noticing your hesitation, Seokjin’s fingers gently tilted your chin as his eyes searched for yours. 
“Baby, do you trust me?” You nodded once you met his softened eyes. His gaze comforting you immediately.
“Just wanna make you feel good baby.” His lips brought yours into a passionate kiss as he pulled your body back with his. Large hands tracing circles on your hips. Barely pulling apart, he held your hips firmly to grind himself into your needy core. The friction easing both of you into pleasure but you needed more and he was more than glad to give in.
“Wanna taste you. C’mere baby.” He mumbled against your swollen lips as you started shifting yourself over him. Seokjin’s hands were on your hips to help guide you where he wanted you. Once your body was settled, you looked down in between your thighs to meet the lustful glint in your boyfriend’s eyes. The lust in his eyes sent a new wave of arousal down your core. 
“You’re so beautiful baby, you look so fucking good.” Seokjin took a good look around how you looked right on top of him and he felt his cock twitch. Not wanting to waste any more time, he placed his hands on your thighs and brought you closer to his mouth. Your boyfriend’s tongue immediately licked a bold stripe up your slit and groaned once he tasted your arousal. 
His hands burned into your skin as his pointed tongue traveled up and down your slit. His tongue toyed around your seeping hole in circles, greedily taking in all the arousal that slipped out of your clenching hole.
Seokjin wanted to play along for much longer but he needed you on his now throbbing cock. He looked up at you to find your eyes shut tightly with your bottom lip caught in between your teeth. Smirking, he immediately brought his honeyed tongue up to your throbbing clit and placed bold licks on bud until he heard those sounds he was craving for. Once your moans flowed freely from your mouth, Seokjin’s tongue prodded itself into you. His hands firmly against your hips, helping you ride his tongue. 
The feeling of his tongue inside of your brought you closer to your high than you both expected. Pure bliss flowed through your veins as your boyfriend moaned against your core, the vibrations pushing you to where you needed. He aided you in drawing out your high and took in all of your release. Feeling you twitch against him, Seokjin placed a gentle kiss on your mound before he pulled away.
“Feeling okay baby?” Your body molded into his as soon as he helped you lay on top of him. 
“I’m feeling good daddy.” You closed your eyes and shyly mumbled against his chest. 
“Good, cause the fun has just started.”
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Tonight was a night to celebrate. Who wouldn’t want their anniversary to be celebrated? 
You had planned to make a small dinner at home for your beloved boyfriend but Yoongi being Yoongi, he wanted to go all out. Before he left out to work today, he had left a lavish box on top of your shared bed. When you opened the box, you discovered a beautiful cocktail dress along with a handwritten note. 
‘Wear this tonight sweetheart, can’t wait to see you in it. -Love, your genius boyfriend.’
Standing in front of the mirror, you softened out the black silky fabric that hugged every curve in your body. The black dress complimented your curvy figure quite nicely. Turns out that Yoongi had been paying attention when you tried on clothes in the fitting rooms of stores.
Too lost in how you looked, your boyfriend peered out of the restroom dressed up in a suit, struggling to adjust the tie. He froze at the sight of you standing in front of the mirror. His eyes trailed over your figure as he neared you, you looked beautiful in his eyes and he was going to make sure you felt it. His arms curled around your waist and pressed your body against his front.
“You look so fucking perfect sweetheart.” You blushed as you felt him talk lowly against your ear. He pressed his growing bulge against your round ass as he placed open mouthed kisses on your neck.
“You know, we still have enough time. I really fucking need you right now.” Arousal slipped out from your core, slowly trickling down your thick thighs. Yoongi walked backwards to the edge of the bed with your body against him. 
He bent you over the edge of the bed causing your breasts to be pressed into the mattress. His hands trailed down to the hem of your silky dress and picked it up to uncover your body. He hummed at the sight of your bare ass on display for his eyes. 
“You’re really out to kill me today sweetheart. I’d take all my time with this but I can please you all fucking night long when we come back home you little minx.” He growled in your ear as he released his hardened cock from his restricting slacks. The tip of his length rubbed deliciously against your slick pussy. You both let out sighs of relief as Yoongi’s cock entered your tight hole. Waiting for a few minutes as you adjusted around his length, Yoongi trailed his fingertips over your thick thighs and whispered sweet words against the nape of your neck.
You pushed your hips into Yoongi’s to let him know you were ready, the movement causing the tip of his cock to be snuggled in deeply into your warm walls. Placing a kiss on the nape of your neck, your boyfriend pulled his body back to take in the sight of your body underneath him. His hands settled on your curvy hips and pulled out his length slightly before thrusting his hips into you. 
You felt all of his cock deliciously thrusting in and out of you. You felt every vein and the tip of his cock as he thrusted deeply into your heat. You felt all of him, you felt full and you felt loved. 
The pulsing feeling in your core was crystal clear as you tightened around Yoongi’s cock. Groaning, he brought his torso down to your back and rested his forearms on the bed as he picked up his pace.  His hips stuttered as he neared his high but he never faltered his pace. He was entirely focused on making sure you got your pleasure first. One particular snap of his hips pushed you into a state of bliss as you released all over his throbbing cock. 
The sweet sounds that rolled out of your lips and the tightness of your walls together pushed Yoongi over the edge. His hips pressed tightly against your ass as he painted your walls white. 
Once both of your highs were slowly drawn out, Yoongi placed sweet kisses along the parts of your body he could reach up until he reached your ear.
“Happy anniversary sweetheart. I love you.”
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Hoseok had just gotten out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his hips as he dried off his body with another. Making his way to your shared bedroom, he was expecting you to still be sound asleep over his pillow. 
“Seokie, you’re home.” He jumped at the unexpected sound of your voice. His eyes flickering over to you and he choked when he saw your ass peer out of his shirt that you were wearing. The covers were right below your round ass. 
“Hello baby, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” His eyes looked into yours nervously as he sat down on the bed right next to you. Hoseok’s fingers moved to remove the loose strands that were covering your face and placed a small kiss on your forehead. You pressed your face closer to his pillow and you made sure you arched your back, knowing exactly that’s where his gaze was going to be. While his gaze was on your exposed ass, yours was on the tent forming against the towel wrapped around Hoseok’s waist. 
“You’re not fooling me princess. Tell me what you want.” He straddled the back of your thighs as his palms smoothly ran up and down your curves.
“I want you Seokie.” You felt his hardened cock pressed against your behind as he brought his lips closer to your ear.
“You have me princess. All of me.” The mixture of his warm breath hitting your skin and his low voice speaking right into the back of your ear, instantly ruining your panties. 
“Take your shirt off and get on all fours princess.” Once his weight was off from you, you quickly scrambled up on your knees to get the fabric off from your body and settled back exactly how he wanted you. You arched your back, your bare breasts making contact with the bed sheets as your panty clad ass perked up. The damp patch on your panties was enough for your sweet boyfriend to lose all his self restraint and ripped up your panties. Another pair of panties now long forgotten as the cool air hit your weeping core.
Thighs quivering as Hoseok’s cock slid inside of you, filling you to the hilt. His hands gently moved up and down from the arch of your back to the sides of your thick thighs to help soothe your aching core as you adjusted around him. 
You let out a small whine when you pushed your hips back only to get Hoseok’s large hands firmly holding them in place. 
“Not so quick princess. We have all night to have fun.” The tone of his voice sending a fresh wave of arousal down to your core. Hoseok relished in the fluttering of your pussy being stretched out by his cock. Finally giving in, he rolled his hips slowly into you giving you both the pleasure needed. 
His length slid in and out of you with ease. The feeling of his length in you, rubbing against your walls, satisfying your desire for him but always leaving you wanting more.
Hoseok’s pace picked up and delivered more toe curling thrusts. Each thrust making moans slip out from your mouth as you gushed around him. The feeling of your high was dangerously near.
“Hold it just a bit longer princess.” Your moans turned into whimpers as you desperately tried to push back your high. The stutter of his hips letting you know he was close. His body was now as close as can be and he delivered the last few thrusts that pushed you both over the edge. Contentment flowed throughout your veins as Hoseok filled you up with his release. 
Breaths finally into its normal state, Hoseok pulled out of you and laid your bodies against the comfort of the mattress. Tiredness in every part of your body was overruled with love when your boyfriend placed sweet kisses on your lips.
“Good night princess.”
“Night Seokie.”
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Your anniversary dinner with Namjoon was simple yet romantic. Dinner by the shore. Everything was perfect from the delicious food to the white noise of the waves hitting the sandy shore. Everything was perfect until grey clouds covered the sun and poured droplets of water over anything that was uncovered. 
Unluckily, you both decided to walk to the restaurant since it was close and the weather seemed nice. It seemed nice.
You both rushed back home as the rain seemed to pour harder. Locked hand in hand, Namjoon’s long legs helped you get in the safety of your shared home rather quickly. 
Kicking off your soaked shoes by the front door, you both finally took in the damage the rain has done to your clothes. The drenched fabric very present on both of your bodies. Letting out a laugh at your small misfortune, your boyfriend’s eyes snapped towards you and took in the image of the damp fabric clinging on to your body. If he thought that the dress made your body look ravishing before, right now you looked utterly alluring. The droplet of water slowly dripping down your collarbone had made your usually calm and collected boyfriend snap.
His body immediately flushed against yours as he brought his lips to yours and kissed you with fervor. He guided your bodies to the couch in the living room. Every step you took, had clothes falling to the wooden floor. Without pulling away, he settled on the comfy couch and had you straddle his lap. The rest of the damp clothes on the couch would be a tomorrow problem.  
“Fucking need you baby.” Namjoon mumbled against your lips as his large hands held on to your hips as you grinded on him. The arousal from your core aiding you in easing his thick cock in you. 
Sighs of relief left your swollen lips as you settled into adjusting around his length. Namjoon’s lips were back on yours and he cupped your round ass. A moan escaped your mouth as he gave your behind a firm squeeze. Never one to miss an opportunity, he slipped his honeyed tongue past your lips and thrusted up into you. 
Your hips automatically moved to ride him in the way you both loved. Every roll of your hips was aided by his hips thrusting upwards. The tip of length nudged your cervix and it had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. The perfect fit of his length in you had you feeling so full. You felt every inch of him, every vein, snuggled deeply into you. The thought of how good he felt inside of you had you clenching around his cock. 
“You feel so good baby. I won’t last long if you keep on doing that.” You smirked as you picked up your hips, sliding almost all the way off from his cock but slammed your hips down and repeated the action in between the rolls of your hips. Namjoon let his head fall back on the couch as his hands attempted to aid you on his cock. Very eager to get him over the edge, you ignored the ache in your core and placed open mouthed kisses on his exposed neck. Leaving blooming petals on his neck until you felt satisfied. He peaked his high at one particular suck on the sweet spot on his neck. 
He filled you up to the brim and worked on steadying his breaths immediately. Once he settled in for regular breaths, his hold on your wide hips tightened and he looked into your eyes with a hungry gaze.  
“You’re in for it tonight baby.”
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bangtaninink · 3 years
You have me saved on your phone as what?! With Koo please!
DRABBLE NUMBER......... 007 MEMBER............................ jeon jeongguk (jungkook) AU......................................... hybrid
"i'm hungry," taehyung whines, rolling around on the grass, ears twitching under his newly dyed blue hair, orange and black striped fur stark against the strands.
"so... go eat?" jeongguk suggests, eyebrows furrowed; you chuckle quietly, not lifting your head off his lap. "correct me if i'm wrong, but when you're hungry, the best solution is to go get food and eat it, correct?"
"that sounds right to me," you say, the warm summer breeze tickling the fur of your tail. "can't think of anything more logical."
"why can't you two let me complain in peace?" taehyung says, sighing and sitting up, tail laying flat on the grass. "better yet: why do i let my twin sister date a rabbit?"
"what's wrong with me dating jeongguk?" you sit up, frowning.
"have you forgotten about all that 'prey-predator' mumbo jumbo? we're tigers, in case you've forgotten."
"...you're literally dating a squirrel!"
"yeah, but... hoseok hyung is cute."
"are you saying jeongguk isn't cute?! i will rip you to shreds."
"hey, hey, hey," jeongguk coos, chuckling softly and stroking your hair, fingers brushing against your ears. "don't kill your brother."
pouting, you sit back against the tree with jeongguk, arms crossed over your chest as you shuffle closer to him, letting him drape his arms across your shoulders while you glare at taehyung.
"better work on your attitude, sis," taehyung jeers, smirking.
"better watch your back, bro," you retort.
"there is so much bad energy in the air right now."
all of you turn to see hoseok approaching you, jimin and yoongi not trailing far behind.
"why does it feel so tense around here?" hoseok asks, nose twitching as he takes a seat next to taehyung, scratching the back of his ears with a smile.
"your boyfriend was being a dick to my girlfriend," jeongguk says, scoffing.
"i was not!" taehyung cries.
"you better hope hoseok oppa lets you sleep over at his place tonight because i will--"
"please don't finish that sentence," jimin says, laughing. "i know a majority of this group here right now are cats, but we don't need the finer details of how you plan to murder your twin brother like a gazelle."
"speaking of gazelles: where're seokjin hyung and namjoon hyung?" hoseok asks.
"their busy doing some shopping for their wedding," yoongi answers, stretching out along the grass on his side with a yawn, ear twitching as the sunlight warms his back. "again."
"i can't believe they're getting married," taehyung says, smiling. "feels like it was just yesterday that namjoon hyung was tripping over nothing on his way to give seokjin hyung some flowers."
"that was yesterday."
"who do you think's gonna get married next?" jimin asks, rubbing yoongi's back as he starts to doze off.
"me," you and taehyung end up saying at the same time.
"please," taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes. "you're high on jimin's catnip if you think you and your bunny are gonna get married before me and hoseok hyung."
"wow. just for that, you're not invited to our wedding," you say, scowling.
"how dare you."
"stop trying to fight me. i know me and jeongguk are gonna get married before you and hoseok oppa because i have jeongguk saved in my phone as 'future husband, bunny emoji', while you only have hoseok oppa saved on your phone as 'seokie hyung, squirrel emoji, heart emoji'."
"wait, wait, wait. you have me saved on your phone as what?!" jeongguk asks, eyes wide as a disbelieving laugh slips from his lips.
you pull your phone out from the pocket of your shorts, scrolling through your phone contacts until you reach jeongguk's number, turning your phone his way to show him your screen.
all of a sudden, jeongguk is laughing heartily, one arm still around your shoulders, his other hand pressed to his stomach. when he settles, laughter reduced to just breathless giggles, he takes out his phone, blinking through the tears to scroll through his own contacts to find your name, turning it to show you.
completely overtaken by endearment, you look at him with wide eyes and a pout, forgetting entirely about the rest of the group.
"really?" you whine; jeongguk throws his head back and laughs at the look on your face.
"yeah. really," he replies, pressing a kiss to your temple.
("wait. what does jeongguk have _____ saved as on his phone?" jimin asks, leaning up against the counter as he waits for the food.
"judging from _____'s reaction earlier, i assume he hasn't changed it from 'tiger emoji, wifey, heart emoji'," yoongi answers, rubbing his eye sleepily.
"that's... disgustingly cute. i might actually throw up on my fries. wait, what do you have me saved on your phone as, hyung?"
"'park jimin'."
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crushxiu · 5 years
kayla reblogging minseok: "look at him! look at that FACE! that's my mans!" kayla reblogging chanyeol: "look at him! i wanna sit on his FACE! that's my side hoe!" 🤪🤣🧐🙈 - dia 🐝
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0 notes
minkyungseokie · 2 months
Angry rant no swearing: For nearly 7 years I've been sick of death threats and deathwishing in Formula One. Since Belgium 2017 (Ocon). Since Abu Dhabi 2021 (Latifi). Like seriously, these idiots who sent death threats, deathwishing, blatant hate, and all of that - accomplish absolutely nothing and will never, ever accomplish anything in their whole life. Cheers.
This is a free place where anyone is free to want as long as it’s not hatred towards the drivers.
I don’t understand it either, but it seems like some people make it their life mission to make other people see how much they hate someone or how miserable their life is
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theharrowing · 2 years
A Taste of Paradise
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A handsome stranger helps take your mind off of all of the drama that awaits you back home. It is bittersweet, isn’t it, how a chance encounter that makes you feel so good can also just leave you craving more.
🌴 Hoseok x Female Reader
🌴  word count: 8k
🌴  strangers to lovers au, chance encounters, smut, unprotected sex, nsfw, 18+
🌴  warnings: light angst, masturbation, oral sex (m & f), fingering, squirting, multiple orgasms, degrading language, praise, light bondage, blindfold, sensation play, use of vibrator, rough sex, cock-warming, cuddling, aftercare, Seokie has a big dick. 🌴  beta read by @neoneunnajimin 🌴  posted feb. 2022 | read on ao3
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You close your eyes and sigh heavily, trying to send with that single breath all of the tension and annoyance built up in your body. As the sun beams down on your skin, you focus on the sounds of the ocean and the various other voices on the beach in an effort to block out the rest of your thoughts.
This vacation was supposed to be your honeymoon, but rather than coming here as a newlywed with your new husband, you're here alone, trying your best to forget about the ex-fiancé who cheated on you with your so-called best friend (who was also your maid of honor) mere days before the wedding. The brightest light at the end of that shit show of a tunnel was that this tropical getaway was a gift from your parents, so once you broke off the wedding and threw all of the exes shit to the curb, you were able to get onto a plane and leave home for a while.
And so you lay in the sun with a large umbrella angled to shade just your face while wearing your favorite two-piece bathing suit and oversized black sunglasses. You have a book and a daiquiri on a small table beside you, and you're one of several people on identical chairs all laid out in a row along the sandy beach of this resort; you're perfectly alone while surrounded by others in a nice blend of not having to be bothered with speaking to anyone, but not feeling truly isolated. For a moment, your thoughts are empty of the drama back home, and everything feels serene here in paradise.
When the sound of shouting is followed by your ice-cold blended drink getting knocked over and abruptly splashing all over your right side, you're shocked, sitting up and yelping loudly from the sudden intrusion. A couple of men come running over, swearing and apologizing profusely, and you move your sunglasses from your nose to see who these buffoons are that caused this mess.
"So sorry, so sorry," one of them shouts as he comes to gather a volleyball that had rolled behind your chair after knocking into your drink. Thankfully everything splashed onto you, missing your book entirely; this lucky man almost had a war on his hands.
You don't say anything, just grab the towel out from under yourself and begin to wipe the wasted daiquiri off of your skin. The man seems to catch your drift, and rather than annoying you with more empty apologies, he runs back to where his friends are headed, further down the beach. Although you'd love to wring his neck, you do silently admit that he seemed pretty cute.
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After the daiquiri incident, you had moved your relaxation into the resort's outdoor swimming pool for a quick dip, then went back to your suite to shower and decide on what to do for dinner. Although there's excellent room service here, you promised yourself that you would go out and explore rather than stay in the confines of your room; the less time you spend in this spacious honeymoon suite, the less opportunity you have to feel depressed and angry. So you put on a little black dress and tie your hair back just as you would have for a candlelit dinner as a newlywed, slipping into strappy little heels and putting on just enough makeup to brighten your eyes, and you make your way down to the hotel's steakhouse for a lavish dinner for one.
The restaurant is bustling, but seating one in the corner is simple enough, so you don't have to wait too long. You order a sidecar to drink and the most expensive dish on the menu, and you watch people come and go, eavesdropping on conversations from time to time and trying to figure out what sports game is playing in the restaurant’s bar on the TV. Although your phone is in your handbag, you avoid it. Your social media is still full of him, your inboxes are full of questions and comments about him, and you're too exhausted to deal with it, so you don't.
Partway through your meal and second sidecar, something exciting in the sports game happens, and a small group of men become loud. At first, you find the noise annoying, but as you turn your head to glare in their direction, you see, sitting amongst them, the same guy from the beach. Or, at least, it looks like it could be him; you're almost sure it is.
You tear your eyes away and continue eating, but something keeps tugging at you to look over once more, so you turn your head again, and this time your eyes meet with his. The man's mouth upturns into a shy smile before he tears his gaze away and goes back to watching the sports on TV. You, too, tear your gaze away. The noise from the bar begins to die down, and you finish your food without looking back again.
Once the busboy has cleared your table, you consider flagging the server down and asking for the check, but the man from the bar sits down in the booth in front of you, confirming that he is, in fact, the same guy from the beach. Your breath hitches, but you tug your mouth into a smirk, hoping to seem unaffected; cool as a cucumber.
"What's a beauty like you doing in a place like this alone?" the man asks in an accent that rolls off his tongue playfully and bright.
You scoff, trying not to laugh too hard, to which the man cocks his head to the side with his eyebrows knitted in confusion. He's quite adorable.
"Does that line really work for you?" you ask.
"Line?" he asks in return.
"Pick up line," you clarify. "Don't you think that was a little too cheesy?"
The man chuckles and shakes his head. "Not a pickup line," he said. "I meant it. Why are you in a place like this alone?"
You stare at him for a while and take a sip from your drink, noticing that he's brought a drink of his own with him. Whiskey or scotch by the look of it. Yours, however, is just about empty, so you flag your server down to order one last libation.
"Another sidecar please," you tell the server.
"On my tab, though," the man interjects, telling his room number to the server as you throw him a look.
"I owe you from before," he says, so you concede, agreeing that he does owe you one.
You chat with the man for a little while, weary of how intoxicated this third drink is making you. In the fog of cognac and excitement of meeting someone new, you learn that his name is Hoseok, but he tends to go by Hobi or Seok. He's around your age and is from South Korea, and he's here with some close friends on a group vacation. You tell Hoseok that you were supposed to be here on your honeymoon and that the wedding was called off, but spare him the dramatic details. Judging by how uncomfortable the topic makes you, he doesn't seem interested in pressing, which you appreciate. Then, after some time, you excuse yourself and wish Hoseok a good night.
"How long will you be here?" Hoseok asks, stopping you from walking past.
You pause. "Until the end of the week."
"I hope to see you again," Hoseok says with a sweet, drunken smile.
"You too," you respond with a small smile of your own and make your way back to your room.
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You find it hard to sleep, thoughts circling back to Hoseok. His round, kind eyes, his dark hair that hangs messily over his forehead, and his cute, heart-shaped smile. It had crossed your mind to invite him to your room, and now you lay here wishing you had. Although you don't usually take such risks with strange men, you liked his vibe and his sincerity. But you were drunk and decided you'd rather wait for a better moment.
Still, your mind is clouded by thoughts of Hoseok, and you slide your hand down over your clothed pussy, slowly dragging your fingers along your slit as you imagine Hoseok in bed with you. Would he be gentle, slowly sliding in and out of your pussy, feeling each squeeze of your walls clenching around him, kissing your shoulder blades softly, and telling you how good you feel? Or would he be rough, slamming his hips into yours furiously, pressing your legs wide open until you feel the muscles stretch, his fingers bruising your skin as he calls you degrading names? You gasp as your fingers trace quick, sloppy circles over your clit, the soft fabric of your panties becoming wet with your arousal.
You wonder if Hoseok has someone else back home; he didn't mention it—maybe he would like to spend the rest of the week with you. You get yourself off, gasping loudly into the dark empty room as you imagine Hoseok between your legs, tasting you, teasing you, fucking you the way you need to be fucked.
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During the second morning of your stay, you put a little more effort into your appearance, tying your hair back with care and putting a bit of eye makeup on. You wear a floral romper that accentuates your curves with thin straps, a deep v-neck, and short shorts, along with matching strappy flat shoes, and make your way out towards the beachside chairs where you were splashed with daiquiri in hopes of another encounter with Hoseok, minus the mess. You're not sure why, but you feel a little nervous. Or maybe the feeling is giddiness? Whatever it is, you're equal parts annoyed and excited by it, finding the butterflies that have been awoken inside of you are swirling your guts into a shallow pool of nausea.
Once outside, you remove your strappy shoes and sink your feet into the warm sand, smiling to yourself from the feeling, but the smile drops when you look up and notice legs sticking out from under the umbrella that you took partial cover under yesterday, as well as under every umbrella in the row. Great, you think, now you'll have to go elsewhere to try to find Hoseok. 
However, the moment you start to turn and look around to find him, Hoseok is approaching from the other direction in the sand wearing a button down shirt with some elaborate design that almost looks like a pile of condoms, along with denim pants, and sandals.
"Hey beauty," Hoseok says with a warm smile, “glad I found you!”
"Forgot my name already, Seokie?" you chide.
Hoseok chuckles. "Nah, I just like mine better."
You roll your eyes but accept the compliment, then look around for a place to sit. Hoseok also looks around but ultimately finds you back in his gaze.
"I was hoping we could talk more," Hoseok says with a playful grimace as he scratches the back of his neck.
You hum in agreement. "Me too, but it's crowded out here."
"Is it too early for a drink?"
At 11am, it probably is too early, but you are in paradise after all, so you shrug.
"On vacation, it's never too early," you respond with a grin as you turn toward the resort entrance and make your way toward the door, stopping briefly to slip your shoes back on.
Hoseok follows, staying at your side as you lead the way to one of the hotel bars. He hums to himself as he studies the people around him, which you find incredibly endearing. Once at the bar, you find a quiet booth and sit across from Hoseok as you wait for a server to come take your order. You talk about this and that, never going too deep with your conversation; you'll probably never see each other again, so there's no use getting into the nitty-gritty, but you talk about what you do for a living, and you're enticed by the fact that he is a professional dance instructor; cute and good with his hips.
Once the server brings you both a glass of whiskey neat, you sip at it, scrunching your nose slightly at the taste, which makes Hoseok giggle. Hoseok added these to his room tab, and although he no longer owes you, you don’t argue. About halfway through your drink, you decide to be bold and say what you were thinking about while you were unable to sleep last night, deciding it may be now or never.
"So," you begin, suddenly feeling nervous again, "are you single, Hoseok?"
Hoseok's eyes widen, his lips tugging into a surprised smile. "I am," he replies.
You take a quiet, deep breath. Here goes. "How would you feel about coming back to my room after this?"
This time Hoseok's mouth falls open into a perfect O shape, and you try not to laugh at how cute he is. It takes him a moment before he seems to shake himself from some kind of trance, and he smiles, licking his lips. You watch the movement of his tongue and feel goosebumps cover your body.
Please say yes, please say yes.
Hoseok downs the rest of his drink and begins to scoot out of the booth, which takes you by surprise and makes you chuckle. You, too, down the rest of your whiskey and follow suit, scooting along the leather seat. You take Hoseok's hand in yours and tug him toward the elevator, and you're sure that you are definitely both giddy and nervous this time.
Once the elevator doors close, you consider tugging Hoseok into a heated kiss like they do in the movies, but instead, you stand, watching the numbers above the door go up and up, dinging quietly each time. In the hallway, you wrangle the key card out of your handbag quickly, unlocking the honeymoon suite, and pull Hoseok in the doorway, pushing him against the door with a loud thud.
"You're sure about this?" Hoseok checks as he kicks his shoes off, his hands finding your waist.
You reach down, bouncing slightly as you work your shoes off too. "Absolutely," you say.
Once everyone's shoes are free, you place both hands on Hoseok's chest, standing on your tippy-toes to reach his lips. Hoseok bends down slightly, wrapping his arms around your waist, and meets you halfway, moaning quietly the moment your lips make contact. Hoseok's mouth tastes sweet, light traces of whiskey found on his lips, and you wonder if you could get drunk from this, too.
Rather than deepening the kiss against the door, you pull away, smiling softly as Hoseok whines, his lips searching for yours. You take him by the hands, pulling him past the heart-shaped jacuzzi toward the bed. Red rose petals that had been on the bed when you arrived had been shaken unceremoniously to the floor, and Hoseok giggles at the sight of them.
"All of this for me?" Hoseok jokes.
You nod, playing along. "Only the best for you, Seokie."
Hoseok sits on the edge of the bed and gently tugs on your hand, and you stand with one of his legs between yours, once again placing your hands against his chest. You lean in and kiss Hoseok softly, smiling against his lips as his hands find your waist once more. He seems a little hesitant, albeit eager, which you find endearing.
"What do you like?" Hoseok asks against your lips.
You lick into Hoseok's mouth, listening to how he melts, his mouth falling open to let you explore.
"I like it all," you respond between chasing his tongue in circles. "Like it soft, like it rough."
And this is only partially a lie; you'd never truly been fucked roughly, the men in your life being a little too vanilla to explore beyond light hair pulling and holding your hands above your head. But you'd seen rough sex in porn and figured maybe now was the time. Though it’s a risk, something about Hoseok feels safe. 
“What do you like, Seok?”
Hoseok grins, and you suck on his bottom lip.
"Like it rough," Hoseok purrs. "Maybe a little rougher than some. Like it fast."
You bend forward a little more, nibbling and sucking your way to Hoseok's throat. Hoseok lets out a shuttered breath, fingers gripping onto you a little tighter.
"Don't know why, though, but I wanna get gentle with you," Hoseok whines, "wanna handle you like a delicate flower, wanna take it slow, take all day."
You grin, shoving Hoseok by the shoulders, and he gasps as his head meets the comforter. You straddle Hoseok's hips and lean down to nibble on his bottom lip.
"I don't want gentle," you rasp, "want you to fuck me until I forget about anyone who's ever fucked me before. Can you do that for me, Seokie?"
Hoseok groans, but you could swear it sounded more like a roar, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist. Hoseok sits back up, taking you with him, then lifts you, spinning the two of you until you're being tossed onto your back. The yelp you let out brings a smile to Hoseok's face, and he tugs his shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly toned chest and arms as he tosses it to the ground and leans down to kiss you more aggressively than before, his teeth nipping gently at your lips. Hoseok's fingers find the straps to your romper, pulling them down your arms, tugging the fabric past your breasts, which lay bare. Hoseok takes one of your breasts into his hands, gently pinching and twisting your nipple between his fingers, and you moan into his mouth, back arching from the sensation.
"What kinds of rough things do you like?" Hoseok asks before sucking your bottom lip into his mouth, pulling a whimper from your throat.
"Slapping," you lie against Hoseok's lips, "hair tugging, light choking," another lie, never having experienced it but always wanting to.
Hoseok hums a deep, satisfied sound as he leans down and flicks your nipple with his tongue. "Anything else?"
You mewl, arching further as Hoseok takes your breast into his mouth, sucking and nibbling on your swollen bud. You imagine all the things you want to do and have done to you for the first time.
"Treat me like a doll, call me your whore" you suggest, voice sounding more breathy by the minute. "I promise you I won't break."
Hoseok groans, pleased with your words, his mouth sucking a little more harshly at your breast, and you gasp, grabbing him by the hair tightly with one hand until you hear him hiss. Pleased with yourself, you tug Hoseok by the hair until he complies, allowing you to pull his face back to yours so that you can crash your lips into his. Hoseok's tongue takes the lead, probing and tasting your mouth as one of his hands travels down your body.
A cute, surprised sound leaves Hoseok's mouth as his hand searches the area near your waist and hips, trying to find where your shirt and shorts would part, and you chuckle, pulling out of the kiss.
"It's one piece," you tease, satisfied with the way Hoseok goes from sexy to silly in a matter of moments as he breaks into embarrassed laughter.
You release Hoseok's hair as he stands and begins to shimmy you out of your romper. You assist by propping yourself onto your elbows and lifting your ass when needed, watching with a playful smirk when Hoseok reveals a tiny black thong that just barely covers you. Hoseok drops the romper to the floor then reaches to grab your face, gently squeezing at your jaw and mouth, forcing you to sit up at the edge of the bed.
"Were you hoping I would see you like this while you were getting dressed this morning?" Hoseok growls, his voice deeper than you've heard yet. A shockwave travels to your core, switching on a new fuse of arousal.
"Yeth," you mutter through squeezed lips.
Mirth and excitement play across Hoseok's face, his eyes widening, pupils already blown out. Hoseok's free hand reaches down, touching you gently over the thin fabric, and you gasp. Hoseok slowly moves his fingers along your slit, up and down, teasing you with the gentle touch and you can feel drool start to pool at the sides of your mouth as whimpers escape you.
"Dressed like a perfect little whore, all for me?" Hoseok asks.
You hum in agreement, and Hoseok slaps your pussy with his fingers, unsatisfied with your answer. A yelp flies from your lips before turning into a moan, and Hoseok learns forward, spitting into your mouth.
"Use your words and address me properly," Hoseok demands.
"Yeth...thir," you respond.
Hoseok grins, growling, "good" before letting go of your mouth and grabbing onto the back of your hair. Gently, Hoseok keeps your head tilted so that you have to look at him.
"Hands at your sides and eyes on me," Hoseok commands. "If you look away, you're punished. Understand?"
"Yes, sir," you rasp obediently.
Hoseok's fingers work you over your panties roughly, the cloth tugging between your lips and causing friction over your clit. You moan, eyelids fluttering as you watch Hoseok's face, doing your best to obey. Without warning, one of Hoseok's fingers slides behind the fabric and enters you, gliding with ease from how wet you are. You moan, widening your eyes, desperate to keep them open. Hoseok adds a second finger, this time stretching you around him, and he begins to finger you quickly, fucking into you and teasing the spot inside that drives you crazy.
Your hips tremble as Hoseok fucks his fingers into you, and you wonder if you can come from this, but before your thought is answered, Hoseok pulls his fingers out and begins to circle over your clit. With his fingers coated in your arousal, they feel like heaven, quickly building up a wave of climax inside of you, making it harder and harder to keep your eyes focused on his more it builds.
"F-fuck," you whimper, feeling yourself inch closer to breaking.
Hoseok's fingers plunge back into your pussy, bent even more to hit that sweet spot, and you begin to melt, your orgasm on the precipice of crashing. You lean your head back against Hoseok's hand, and, just as the wave is about to crash, your eyes flutter closed. Hoseok pulls his hand away, leaving you clenching around nothing, your orgasm slowly petering out, and your eyes blink open.
"No, wait," you beg, "please Seok, I was so close."
Hoseok squeezes your hair tighter, tugging your head a little more. "Please, what?"
"Sir!" you shout desperately. "Please, please, sir. Please make me come."
Hoseok slaps your pussy and you yelp, your walls clenching as a shiver runs up your spine. You want to come so badly it's driving you mad, and your eyes begin to water. You reach out desperately towards Hoseok, but he tugs your hair a little more, commanding you to keep your hands at your sides.
"I told you," Hoseok teases, "if you look away you're punished."
"B-but I didn't look away!" you plead.
Hoseok scoffs. "You closed your eyes. Looking at the back of your eyelids counts as looking away, kitten."
The word kitten gives you goosebumps, and you love the sound of it on Hoseok's tongue. You wonder what else he would come to call you if your lives could continue to blend after this week before pushing away the thought; you don't want to be reminded that this chance encounter has an expiration date.
"Sit against the headboard," Hoseok commands, letting go of your hair, and you obey, standing momentarily before getting onto your hands and your knees and crawling to the headboard of the bed. You hope that the view will entice Hoseok to touch you, but much to your chagrin, he stands firmly planted, waiting for you to get situated.
Hoseok unbuckles his belt and tugs, slowly letting the leather slide through the belt loop after belt loop, his eyes intently watching you as you watch the movement of the leather. The anticipation of what he may plan to use his belt for makes you shiver with excitement. With the belt free, Hoseok puts the end through the buckle, slowly tugging it into a small circle. You watch as he continues to loop the belt around three more times, creating two holes perfect for your wrists to fit inside. Hoseok approaches you and holds the makeshift handcuffs out, and you reach out with both hands, sliding them into the holes.
"I need a scarf or something similar," Hoseok muses, "may I look through your suitcase?"
"Sure," you say as you sit pretty with your hands bound and wait.
Hoseok turns and finds your open suitcase near the end of the bed and rifles through it, humming cutely at various clothing items he discovers. You wonder if he'll find your vibrator when his hand stops on something in one of the pockets and slowly pulls your trusty purple bullet out. Hoseok examines it, turning it on at full power before nodding with approval, shutting it off, and sliding it into his pocket. Then he searches a moment longer before producing two scarves and returns.
At the top of the headboard, there's an elaborate metal design with a heart shape and lots of swirls, and Hoseok tugs your arms above your head, sliding the scarf through your belt cuffs before securing it to one of the loops of the headboard. Then Hoseok folds the second scarf until it's a nice long strip and holds it up to your face.
"I'll be gentile," Hoseok promises, "but if you get uncomfortable, just say 'red,' and I'll stop. Okay?"
"Okay," you respond, and although you are very nervous about trusting a stranger to bind and blindfold you, you're thrilled to find out what Hoseok does next.
With the scarf around your eyes, Hoseok takes his place in front of you on the bed, spreading your legs so he can get between them. You can't help but pant in anticipation, and you rest your head against the headboard as you wait. You hear the sound of your vibrator turning on.
"As a punishment for closing your eyes," Hoseok taunts, touching the toy gently to your inner thigh, "you have to beg me to make you cum."
The vibrator tickles against your skin, and you tremble as Hoseok slowly drags it closer and closer to your core, stopping just before your groin. Your head must have lifted from the headboard while Hoseok teased you because it falls back against the sturdy surface in frustration.
"Please," you whisper.
"Please, what?" Hoseok responds, touching the vibrator to the top of your pubic mound sending the lightest vibration over your clit through the cloth barrier.
Your hips jerk, a shattered breath leaving your lips. "Please touch me, sir. Please make me come."
The vibrator drags slowly over your clit, and you mewl, tilting your hips toward the sensation. Hoseok continues to tease you as the vibrator travels the length of your slit and back up before leaving you to tremble and whine without its touch.
"Please, please, sir" you whine.
Gently, the vibrator touches your inner knee, and Hoseok drags it along your inner leg to your thigh, slowly down, then quickly back to the knee, and slowly down again, causing you to whine both in frustration from the tease and from the tickle. He passes the toy over your entrance, and you tremble as it moves to the next thigh only to travel to your knee, then down to your thigh, and up to your knee again.
"Please, sir," you beg.
Hoseok moves your panties to the side and holds the vibrator over your clit, and you gasp, your mouth hanging open as you whimper "thank you, sir, thank you."
Hoseok enters you with two fingers and begins to finger you as harshly as before, and you moan loudly, your legs quivering as he brings you back to the euphoric feeling of wanting to come. The build, however, crashes as Hoseok pulls both his fingers and the toy away, and you feel desperately needy once more.
"Please, sir, please," you cry, "you feel so good, please make me come. I need you, sir please!"
“Such a greedy whore,” Hoseok growls, “but you beg so nicely for me."
Once again, Hoseok's fingers enter you, and once again, he puts the vibrator against your clit. This time as he finger fucks you, he draws circles over your clit, and you moan loudly as your orgasm builds quickly.
"Thank you sir," you whimper. "Thank you, thank you."
Your arousal builds and builds, and this time it crashes deliciously, and you dissolve into pleasure, words, and moans falling haphazardly from your lips as you come. Your head lolls against the headboard as Hoseok pulls more and more pleasure from you, and once you think you've had enough, he keeps going.
"Fuck, fuck!" you scream as your orgasm starts to build again, your clit swollen and overstimulated.
Hoseok takes the vibrator away, shifts in front of you, and takes your clit into his mouth, sucking and lapping hungrily as you unravel once more. Hoseok's mouth feels like fucking heaven, his tongue taking long, greedy laps only to switch to quick flicks, and you think you could drown in this feeling.
"Thank you, sir, thank you," you cry as you come once more, your whole body feeling overstimulated and on fire.
Hoseok changes the direction of his fingers, pressing up and down rather than in and out, hitting your sweet spot in a new way, and you squeal from the sensation. Tension builds almost like pressure, and you squeeze your hands shut, your mouth hanging slack though only hints of sound make their way out.
"Relax," Hoseok mutters before sucking your clit gently between his lips.
You do your best to relax, allowing the sensation to build, overwhelming as it may be, and you focus on how Hoseok's mouth feels. Then, as if a dam bursts, you come hard, screaming out as you feel the spray of liquid on your thighs.
"Holy fuck," you whimper, breathing heavily as you ride out the rest of your high.
“Pretty little kitten is such a good slut for me,” Hoseok purrs as his fingers finally slow to a stop and his tongue licks one last stripe over your core.
Your entire body slumps, feeling absolutely spent as Hoseok slowly removes the scarf from over your eyes. As you open your eyes, you see the imprint of mascara left on the cloth and wonder if you look a mess. Hoseok smiles as he drops the scarf onto the floor, swiping his thumbs under your eyes.
"You're amazing," Hoseok whispers softly, pressing his lips into yours. "So perfect."
You breathe into the gentle kiss, smiling weakly against Hoseok's lips. "Thank you," you coo. "Thank you, sir."
"Do you need a break?" Hoseok asks as he unties the scarf that binds you to the headboard.
You shake your head, feeling dazed from how hard you came but eager for more. Hoseok releases your hands from the belt and gently rubs the skin around your wrists.
"Need more," you finally say. "Want to suck your cock."
Hoseok grins, tossing the belt and second scarf to the side before kissing your forehead and backing away. Hoseok stands next to the bed, and you notice the sizable tent in his shorts, licking your lips in anticipation. Hoseok undoes the button and slowly drags his zipper down, watching you watch him. You look up to his eyes to find him smirking, and you shift your body so that you're laying on your tummy, elbows propping you against the edge of the bed inches from his cock.
You gasp as his jeans are pulled down; his thighs are chiseled like a Greek statue, and his cock tugs heavy against his briefs. A small pool of precum can be seen just under the waistband. An eternity seems to pass before Hoseok pulls away the waistband of his briefs and reveals his thick, heavy cock. You can feel your mouth water.
"Open, kitten," Hoseok softly commands, which you obey, opening your mouth and pushing your tongue out.
Hoseok steps forward and places his cockhead onto your tongue, pushing it slowly before pulling it completely away. Though you want to reach up and grab him and swallow him down greedily, you sit with your mouth open, allowing him to use it as he pleases. And with a cock this thick, it’s best to take it slow as you feel how stretched your lips become around it. Drool begins to pool up and drip from your tongue, and each time Hoseok presses forward, his cock slides a little further back.
Gently, Hoseok takes you by the hair then pushes himself as far as your mouth will let him, stopping as soon as you begin to gag. Then, Hoseok's hips still, and he crosses his arms over his chest, looking down at you. You take his invitation and start to bob your head, closing your lips around him. You can't take Hoseok's entire length, but you do the best you can, using your tongue on the underside of his cock and squeezing your cheeks in to give him the best possible head.
The noises Hoseok makes are delicious, from low hums to high gasps. Hoseok's hips spurt from time to time, gently rocking into you, but otherwise, you have full control, and you take it, gently grabbing him by the hips and pushing him further and further into your throat, allowing yourself to breathe through the gagging feeling. Tears stick to your eyelashes, and you revel in the way Hoseok looks as his head lolls around, bottom lip dragging between his teeth.
"Not going to last," Hoseok warns, looking down at you cautiously, and rather than slow or stop, you speed up, sucking Hoseok down faster than before, slurping loudly as you take his length; letting him know without words that you want him to come.
Hoseok's hips jerk as his hot, musky release sprays into your mouth, and you hum graciously, allowing it to seep down your throat. The sensation makes you want to gag, and you swallow it down as best as you can while continuing to milk the last of it out. Hoseok takes your face gently in his hands as he pulls his cock away, and you look up at him through your eyelashes with a satisfied smile.
"Thank you, sir," you moan.
Hoseok melts, dropping to his knees to kiss you deeply, his tongue exploring yours and you wonder if he can taste himself on you. Hoseok pulls out of the kiss and watches you for a moment as if he has something he wants to say. But when he says nothing, you break the silence instead.
"Please fuck me, sir," you whine.
"As you wish, Kitten," Hoseok replies softly, standing back up.
You follow Hoseok's lead and get up onto your knees, watching as he seems to be deciding what to do with you next.
"There's so much I want to do to you," Hoseok groans, taking his cock into his hand and pumping it as it becomes erect once more.
"I'm here all week," you remind Hoseok. He smiles in response but says nothing, approaching the bed instead.
Hoseok puts his hands down on the mattress, patting the surface as he whispers, "lay down," and you do so, sitting on your butt and scooting to the edge with your legs spreading around him. When you get close enough, Hoseok scoops both of your thighs under his forearms and pulls you to the edge, causing you to squeal and giggle, your arms flying above your head.
With your legs still in his hold, Hoseok bends forward, lazily licking your pussy with his tongue outstretched, wetting the entrance for himself as drool runs down his chin, dripping off of you and onto the comforter. You throw your head back and arch your back, moaning softly as he tastes you once more, if only for a moment. And you're glad; knowing firsthand how big Hoseok's cock is, you're going to need a little saliva to help it fit.
Hoseok stands straight, hooking one of your legs around his shoulder so he can reach down and line his cock up with your entrance. You hiss between moans and wonder if two fingers were enough to prepare you as his head pushes into you, stretching you almost painfully around him. Slowly, Hoseok works himself into your tight, eager cunt, pulling out and pushing back in every so often, dragging moans and mewls from your lips until he's all the way in.
"Fuck," you whine, adoring the haze that's fallen over Hoseok's features as you squeeze every inch of his cock. "You're so big."
Hoseok pulls out and hisses, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before slamming his hips forward. You scream in pleasure and pain, throwing your head back once more, reveling in the groans and moans coming from Hoseok as he pulls out and thrusts forward once more.
"So fucking tight," Hoseok growls.
Hoseok begins, fucking you at an unforgiving pace, barely giving you time to adjust, and you hold onto the comforter with your hands still above your head, watching Hoseok as he punishes your pussy. You love how vocal Hoseok is, moaning and hissing loudly, swearing and praising you for being so tight, for being so good for him, such a perfect whore. You take what Hoseok gives you,  relishing in the noises he makes, crying, "thank you, sir," wanting to stay so good for him.
Hoseok nods to the mattress above your head, to the side, and you look, seeing your vibrator resting there. "Use it," Hoseok urges, "make yourself come on my cock."
You reach for the vibrator and switch it onto the highest setting, moving it down to your clit. The feeling of your vibrator and Hoseok's cock is euphoric, and your eyes roll back as you assist him in building yet another orgasm. Hoseok holds both of your legs in his hands, using them as leverage to fuck you even harder and faster, and you moan loudly, wondering how much longer you can handle his brutal pace as you move the vibrator just enough to encourage the orgasm that's been building to come crashing down.
Nothing can prepare you for the wave of pleasure that pulls you under, drowning you in its undertow as Hoseok's thick cock tugs along your walls deliciously. You continue to hold the vibrator in place despite how sensitive your clit is becoming, the sensation making you practically speak in tongues as you alternate screaming and uttering nonsense. You feel more come splashing out of you, covering your thighs and the bed with your release.
Hoseok slows his hips, rolling them in a way that hits every spot inside of you just right, sending you over the edge once more. You hadn't had a chance to feel this orgasm build before it overwhelms you, and you take the vibrator off of your clit as Hoseok's hips pull wave after wave of pleasure from your dripping pussy.
"Holy fuck," you cry, thumb fumbling to switch the toy off before you drop it onto the bed and grab handfuls of the comforter. "Your cock is fucking magic."
Sweat drips from Hoseok's forehead as he fucks you in a perfect rhythm, his hips rolling at a steady, deliberate pace. You savor every inch of Hoseok, closing your eyes as you focus on nothing else, only him. And just when you think you can't get enough of this feeling, Hoseok picks up the pace once more, leaning forward while holding your legs open. Your ass lifts from the bed with each thrust, and from this angle, you feel his cock impossibly deeper than before.
Hoseok looks angry with his brow squeezed together tightly, which is appropriate considering he's absolutely destroying your pussy. Once again, you hardly feel your orgasm build before there's a pressure followed by a release so intense, Hoseok actually pulls his cock all the way out. Hoseok rubs your clit with the tip of his cock, stimulating you just enough to squirt come all over him and yourself. Your voice is rough as you loudly moan and cry out. Never before have you come so hard, much less several times in one session, and you'd be damn near considering the logistics of packing up and moving to South Korea immediately if you weren’t so fucked out.
With a shove to your legs, Hoseok urges you to roll over, and you do so haphazardly, your limbs bumbling as if your bones have been replaced with jelly. Once you're on your knees, Hoseok tugs you into position, spitting on your already-wet-enough cunt before shoving his cock back in. With one hand, Hoseok grabs your hair while the other snakes around your throat, holding you just tightly enough to make you dizzy and pliant from the pain on your head and the pressure on your throat. Hoseok's hips slap harshly against your ass, the sound filling the room, mixing with your shared cries and moans for a lewd chorus of debauchery.
"So perfect for me," Hoseok growls, and you feel a bubble of pride burst and spread inside of you.
"S-so good t-to me, th-tha-ank you, s-sir," you mutter as Hoseok's hips rut into you.
Hoseok tugs on your hair and throat a little more, causing the painful and dizzying sensations to heighten as his hips begin to lose their rhythm, and you relax as best as you can to be so good for Hoseok as he comes. But Hoseok doesn't come, instead pulling out and letting you go, gently shoving you forward, into the mattress.
"Can I come inside?" Hoseok asks as he gets onto the bed next to you, tugging and pulling at your limbs until you're laying on your side with your back facing him, your pussy twitching at the thought of Hoseok filling you with his come.
"Yeah," you respond breathlessly, "it's fine."
Hoseok lifts your leg, holding it up as he pushes his cock into you once more. You can already feel yourself becoming sore from this session and moan from the stretch as Hoseok slowly pumps his cock in and out. Although he picks up a steady speed, he's slower and more controlled, fucking you deeply.
"You're so perfect," Hoseok pants, his lips gently littering wet kisses along your shoulder and neck. "Love the way you feel, the way you make me feel."
Hoseok's praise stirs something inside of you, and your skin feels red hot from arousal and pride. You close your eyes and mewl as Hoseok works your pussy at a perfectly persistent pace. You reach down and lazily rub your clit, wanting to come on Hoseok's cock once more before your body is completely spent. Hoseok seems excited by this, picking up his pace. You come quickly and easily, squeezing Hoseok's cock as he comes inside of you, his hips sputtering against you, his hot release covering your walls.
"Thank you, sir," you whimper. "Best fuck of my life. Thank you."
Hoseok kisses your shoulder, muttering, "best of mine too, thank you pretty kitten" against your skin, and you try to bury the way his words make you feel.
You drop your hand from your pussy, and Hoseok gently puts your leg down. You expect him to pull out and clean up, but instead, Hoseok keeps himself inside of you. It's a strange feeling, having someone's cock deflate inside of you, but rather than pull him out, you tug Hoseok's arm around you, urging him to hold you closer. Moments pass before exhaustion pulls you under, and you submit to the feeling, falling asleep with Hoseok inside of and all around you.
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You wake to Hoseok carrying you into the en suite and wrap your arms tightly around his neck. Hoseok smiles widely, setting you onto a towel that he's placed onto the marble countertop before turning to the tub. Hoseok runs water for a bath, turning back to you once he's sure it's the correct temperature. Something indistinguishable flashes in Hoseok's eyes, and rather than trying to unpack the subtle hint of sadness behind everything else, you tell yourself that he's simply tired because, of course he is after marathon fucking your brains out.
With the bathtub adequately filled, Hoseok takes you by the hands and helps you stand, then walks you to the tub, and you’re thankful for the assistance, already quite sore from earlier. After you get in, Hoseok gets in behind you and pulls you close to his chest. Being that this is a honeymoon suite, the tub is almost as big as the heart-shaped jacuzzi, so there's plenty of room for the two of you.
"Sore?" Hoseok asks as he holds you tightly.
You hum in agreement and allow yourself to sink back against him. "S'okay, though," you mutter, "this helps."
After some time, Hoseok releases you from his hold to rub your shoulders and neck, ensuring you don't wake up feeling stiff tomorrow. You love the way Hoseok's hands make you feel, strong and warm and safe. Once the water begins to cool, you get out, allowing Hoseok to towel you off, then make your way back into the main room of the suite to look for something to wear.
You'd both decided you were famished while lazing in the tub, agreeing that it would be a good idea to order some room service. You're surprised to find the sun is still up, having felt like a lifetime had passed since meeting with Hoseok this morning to now. You and Hoseok order a mini feast from room service and share a bottle of champagne over light chatter. You avoid the topic of the future, instead allowing tomorrow to come on its own and for you to accept whatever may come along with it, eventually kissing Hoseok goodnight and closing the door to your empty honeymoon suite, tired and full of anticipation for tomorrow.
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Tomorrow comes in the form of a new day, and you begin it similarly to how you began yesterday: searching for something cute to wear so you can locate Hoseok and see what he has in mind. The two of you had never exchanged numbers, but you didn't feel the need to; if you couldn't find him, he could easily come to you. You consider that he may want to spend the day with his friends and pep talk yourself to not be too disappointed in his decision, hoping deep down that he'll want to at least spend part of the day with you.
Around 11, you make your way outside, searching the poolside before moving out to the beach where the row of chairs sit, but you don't see Hoseok or his friends anywhere. This is a big place, you think, so you go inside and check around the bar, then around the steakhouse where you met on the first night of your stay. Still, you find no trace of Hoseok or of his friends. Undeterred, you go back to the bar and sit with a drink and a book, hoping that Hoseok will find his way to you at some point.
But Hoseok doesn't show up. So, after some time, you leave the bar and head to your room. Hoseok knows where you're staying, so he can come visit when he's ready. But he doesn't visit. Nor does he come the next day, nor the day after that. You meander from place to place sometimes, hoping to see or hear your handsome new friend, but he's nowhere to be found; all traces of Hoseok in the resort are seemingly gone, leaving you nothing but a bittersweet feeling from your brief but exhilarating taste of paradise.
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Tag list: @dasexydevitt13, @giriiboyy, @mwitsmejk 🌴
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A Taste of Paradise is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader, I love to hear from you!
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Anon Request: Dad!JK
Tags: BTS, BTS DRABBLE, Bangtan Boys, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond the Scene, Dad!Bangtan, Dad!JK, Husband AU, Dad AU, Jeon Jungkook, Jk, Jungkook x you, Jungkook x reader, Fluff, Anon Request, ANon Ask
Genre: Fluff
Title: Bunny Baby
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“And you’re sure you guys are going to be okay keeping Daeseok during the appointment?” You ask once more, for the fifth time in as many minutes, nervously watching as your four year old, dressed in his ever present Cooky onesie, runs around the practice room, shrieking as Hobi and Taehyung try to tag him. 
“We’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us.” Namjoon waves a hand at you, offering you a soft smile as he glances over to where Taehyung is now tickling the laughing toddler, who is squirming and squealing on the floor. 
“Jagi, Seokie’s fine here.” Jungkook takes your elbow, leaning over to press a kiss to your cheek before he says firmly, “We have to go or we’ll be late.” 
“Okay, okay.” You nod, shooting one last look over at Daeseok, who is now proudly showing Jimin and Yoongi the many facets of his pink, fluffy bunny suit. “Thank you again, Joon. We won’t be long.” 
Namjoon waves you off once more, and Jungkook takes your hand, as you leave the practice room and Daeseok’s excited chatter behind and step into the quiet calmness of the elevator. 
Taking in a deep breath through your nose, you feel your husband glance sideways at you, before he asks quietly, “You okay, jagi? Nervous?” He squeezes your fingers tighter between your own, and you manage to offer him a small smile in return. 
‘I dunno. The first appointment is always a little scary.” You step off the elevator, Jungkook pulling you along behind him as you make your way to the parking garage beside the BigHit building. “I mean, what if there’s no heartbeat, or something is wrong, or they can’t find the baby….” 
“(Y/N).” Jungkook pulls you to a stop beside your car, his arms going around you as he crushes you comfortingly against his chest, his heartbeat steady and calming beneath your ear as he kisses the top of your head and says firmly against your hair, “Everything is going to be fine. Okay?” 
“Okay.” You nod, taking in another deep breath as he pulls back to open the car door for you. “Let’s go.” 
“And how old is little Daeseok now?” Your doctor asks, as he squeezes a generous helping of cool ultrasound gel on your belly, making you jump slightly at the sensation. 
“He’s almost four.” You reply, shaking your foot in a nervous motion at the end of the exam table, as your gaze locks on the empty ultrasound screen as the doctor reaches for the imaging wand. 
“Four eh? A fun age.” The man says, offering you a grin, as he swivels on his chair and places the warm plastic end of the wand against your stomach and begins to move it around, his gaze drifting from you and onto the screen. “And how does Daeseok feel about a new sibling?” 
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry as you wait for the sound of a heartbeat to fill the room and a picture of anything, absolutely anything at all other than empty uterus to fill the screen. 
After an odd moment of silence, Jungkook, standing beside your head, his hand clenched tightly in your own in an almost painful grip, jumps in to answer the doctor’s question, smiling easily at the man as he squeezes your fingers briefly, “Seokie is excited to have a brother or sister. He can’t wait to show them his Cooky onesie. Although he’s already made it clear that they’re not allowed to touch it-only look.” 
The doctor laughs, the sound helping to relax you a bit. “A reasonable request.” He goes quiet for a moment, and then, finally, the sound of a rapid heartbeat, as fast and faint as a butterfly, fills the room. “Ah. There we are. And there’s your new addition.” 
Jungkook’s fingers tighten in your own, but you don’t look at him, your eyes glued to the view on the screen beside you, your heart pounding in your chest, almost as quickly as the echoing sound of the tiny baby’s heartbeat. The tiny baby that looks like a lima bean on the screen before you, safely snuggled away in your uterus, it’s heart flickering on the ultrasound as fast as the wings of a hummingbird.
“That’s our baby, Kook.” You finally manage to say after another brief moment of silence, finally turning to look at your husband in the dim light of the exam room, a smile of relief and happiness gracing your lips. “They’re perfect.” 
“Everything looks great.” The doctor says, moving the wand to give the two of you a better view of the flickering heart. “Right on track.” 
You glance up once more at the man beside you, and when you see the slight glimmer in his eyes, you ask softly with a tone of surprise, “Kookie. Are you crying?” 
“No.” He shakes his head, yet the hoarseness of his voice and the way that he lifts his hands to brush at his eyes as he sniffles speak otherwise. “See? I told you. Everything’s fine.” 
You laugh, feeling a lump of emotion well in your own throat at the softness of Jungkook’s heart, and you reach out, twining his fingers with your own and squeezing as his gaze, still a little watery, meets yours. “You were right, baby. Everything’s fine.” You flash him a shaky grin. “We’re going to have another baby bunny.”  
The doctor turns on the lights and shuts off the ultrasound, turning to the two of you with a large smile as you sit up and wipe the remaining ultrasound gel from your skin. “And here’s some pictures you can show to Daeseok.” He hands you a string of ultrasound photos. 
Jungkook takes them, studying them for a moment, his eyes once again misting over at the sight of the tiny new life in the pictures, and then he reaches out to pull you from the table, saying huskily, “Come on. Let’s go tell Seokie about his absolutely perfect new sibling.”
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babybaekuwu · 3 years
The year 2020 has taught me so many lessons. And I guess I'll always be so grateful to him for that.
Probably the most important lesson was that you should never give up, no matter what desperate situations you find yourself in. There were days when I woke up in the morning and was glad that this terrible dream was over, and then I realized that it was not a dream at all. But in this case, it was important not to forget that after any dark streak, a light one will definitely come, you just have to wait for it.
We were able to overcome this year, a year of failures, unfulfilled plans, fear, despair, sadness. And today, on the last day of this year, I want to wish you all the best, the brightest and the most magical. Let all the bad things remain this year, let a real miracle wait for you in the new year, which will give you happiness. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, love and appreciate yourself, do good, and always believe in yourself. You should always remember that you are the most important person, just the way you are, even with any flaws, you are still wonderful.
Let's continue to go with EXO on the flower path, I hope that today's words of Baekhyun were able to give us all strength and faith. Happy New Year to all💖💖
So, to all my mutuals, to everyone I’ve speak to every day on here, to everyone I’ve ever interacted with, to all my amazing followers who I don’t interact with but who I always notice in my notifications: thank you, and I adore you 🧡
@bbyunz @dongslchengs @ainedreams @fckbbh @candyb-506 @soyums @yeolville @latetaektalk @amaranth @charmedbaek @xiusoomygod @yukbaeks @taiteaaa @agentkimlip @mayrubyy @loeybeans @do-kyngsoo @mochipcy @vivapolos @ciaozhan @dear-dae @baekonbaek @xiustagram @99deux @baekpedia @vogueksoo @ipwil @lvxxbbh @dkso-o @byunls @bikeryeollie @byunfirstlady @baekhei @luvpcy @submissive-bangtan @ninigum @jonginbiased @whenxoxosmilesunshines @baekchens @09lumiere @ppppppenguin @dokyunqsoo @byuntoro @fallen-for-sehun @byunsole @guardians-of-exo @stansuperm @delhyun @kyung-seokie @sefuns @byuns-coco @bacon-notbaekhyun-jaehyun-mingyu @ohsenhun @vroomvroombaek @kaiternity @heartcravings @pikayeollie
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I did to make that anonymous person so mad, but they shouldn’t have done that. I am so sorry that they miss gendered you I was transferred back towards you as well. You don’t deserve that. I’m shaking so bad right now. I don’t know what to do or how to stop this. I’m so sorry that you had to read that stuff that was meant for me. 
I’m sorry that this person is bother you so much just because they hate me. They most definitely are a girl who is displeased with the choices I’ve made on my blog, and now you are getting sent hate ask because of me. I sincerely apologize. I know that it’s my blog and I shouldn’t feel sorry for setting my boundaries, but you shouldn’t have to see all this mean stuff a person saying about me just because they don’t like me and you are friends with me.
Don't apologize Seokie, to me or to anyone.
You did nothing wrong.
They would've sent hate to me too if I had boundaries about my writing. They are fucking cowards for not saying that sort of stuff off anon, 'cause they know they are gonna get harassed if they do.
I would not let anyone make you feel like that, Seokie, I'm always here if you need me, I'm on Tumblr and Discord, you have Ethan, Maus, and even Abyss. If you need to write it down to get it all out, do it, those are your feelings, your thoughts, no one has the right to make you feel like shit for speaking your mind or being upset.
Anyone can hate me if they want, I'll just ignore them, but I can't- I won't let them say that to you.
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prettygirlcore · 4 years
deserve (#wonhoiscoming) - lee hoseok/wonho
a/n: i saw my baby is planning to debut in august and i was so happy i wanted to cry. wonho only deserves the best in his solo career so please make sure to support him :]
basically all the things i want to be able to say to wonho, but boyfriend au!
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“is the news true..?”
you called out, leaning on the door frame. your voice startled hoseok, who had been zoned out for a couple minutes now reading the things people were posting on social media at his desk. so many people willing to give him that second chance that he needed so badly. he felt so incredibly grateful for each and every person who was willing to support him even after everything that had happened. hoseok put his phone down and looked up at you.
“it is, the company made me keep a secret, so i’m sorry-”
“hoseok i swear to god if you apologize to me during your moment where you should be celebrating, we’re going to have a problem,”
he just laughed. hoseok felt so much more free and happy these days compared to the stress of a few months ago. not even taking into account the whole reason he left, but the worry that his return wouldn’t be accepted ate at him until he realized there was no reason for him to worry.
of course, nothing compared to what he felt when he was with his ex-members, but he had found peace where he was now, and he was looking forward to the coming months.
“i would apologize for potentially ‘having a problem’, but that’s probably not going to help, is it?”
“okay, okay, i’m sorry- i mean! yes, you’re right, i’m debuting soon,”
“ahhh, i’m so proud of you, seokie,”
you move to wrap your arms around him and he settles in your embrace, leaning his head against your chest.
“thanks, y/n,”
“not just for just being able to debut again, but for getting through what you did. more than get through it, you came out stronger. i truly mean it, baby, you amaze me,”
“ahh you’re too kind,”
“no, baby, i’m not. i’m not doing what you went though justice. your whole past was put on display for the world to judge, you left your group to protect their image, and you still manage to be my source of happiness these days. that’s what’s incredible,”
he listened to you speak, feeling the vibrations of your voice where his head rested, “not everyone can go through what you did and come out with the same kind and soft soul,”
‘not everyone can go through what you did and come out with the same kind and soft soul’. that stuck with him, it was poignant. it was the exact thing he needed to hear. he knew that he couldn’t let the cruel things people said harden him, he had to stay strong and he had to stay true to himself.
“i’m so grateful for you, y/n, you and wenee are my happiness and my reason to strive as hard as i do to make sure this is perfect. you said i’m your source of happiness, but you are all mine. i’ve worked hard and i’ll keep working hard to prove i deserved this second chance,”
he looked up at you with a determined face, ready to prove himself worthy. you shook your head, and placed a kiss on his forehead.
“hoseok, angel, you deserved it from the start,”
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