seosensei · 9 months
1. Unleash the SEO Spy in You: Google Trends Hacks for Dominating the Rankings:
Google Trends isn't just a fancy chart-maker for SEO nerds. It's a secret weapon, a digital decoder ring that unlocks the hidden desires of search engines and the fickle minds of online audiences. With Google Trends by your side, you can crack the code, dominate the rankings, and leave your competitors in the dust. So, strap on your SEO goggles and let's dive into these killer tactics:
Hunt Trending Keywords: Forget chasing yesterday's news. Google Trends shows you what's sizzling hot right now, both in the blink-and-you-miss-it short term and the slow-burn long term. Craft content that's laser-focused on these trending terms, and watch your ranking skyrocket.
Demand Gauge: How Much Buzz Does Your Keyword Have?: Forget guessing which keywords pack the most punch. Google Trends gives you the cold, hard data on search volume. Prioritize your keyword research and go all-in on those high-demand gems that'll bring the traffic floodgates crashing down.
Season Savvy: Ride the SEO Rollercoaster: Some keywords are like fickle fashion trends, hot one minute, ice cold the next. Google Trends reveals these seasonal ups and downs, letting you time your content releases like a master surfer catching the perfect wave.
Keyword Clash: Who Wins the Search Throne?: Pit two keywords against each other in a gladiatorial SEO battle. Google Trends shows you which one is rising like a champion and which one's fading faster than a disco ball in daylight. Make informed decisions and back the winning keyword for maximum ranking glory.
Hidden Keyword Gems: Unearth the Buried Treasure: There's gold in those search hills! Google Trends reveals related keywords that people frequently pair with your target term. Expand your keyword arsenal, create comprehensive content, and leave no searcher unsatisfied.
Bonus Tip: Master the art of advanced filters, zoom in on specific regions, play with timeframes, and explore different search types. Google Trends is your playground, so get creative and unlock the SEO magic within!
2. Google Trends: From SEO Newbie to Search Engine Superhero:
Tired of being trapped in the SEO wilderness, lost and confused? Fear not, brave adventurer! Google Trends is your trusty compass, guiding you through the treacherous terrain of keyword research and content creation. With these powerful tools in your belt, you'll transform from SEO newbie to search engine superhero in no time:
Keyword Kryptonite: Find the Words that Power Your SEO Engine: Stop blindly throwing darts at the keyword board. Google Trends reveals the hot-trending terms that'll fuel your SEO rocket ship. Craft content that people are actively searching for, and watch your website rise like a majestic SEO phoenix.
Search Volume Seer: Predict the Future of Keywords: No more guessing which keywords will fade like yesterday's news. Google Trends grants you the power of foresight, showing you the search volume trends that will shape the SEO landscape. Invest in the keywords with staying power, and build a content fortress that withstands the ever-changing tides of search.
Seasonal Savvy: Master the SEO Calendar: Don't let your content wither on the vine. Google Trends unveils the cyclical nature of search, revealing when specific keywords are at their peak. Time your content releases flawlessly, ride the seasonal SEO waves, and keep your audience engaged year-round.
Keyword Contender: Who Will Reign Supreme?: Step into the SEO arena and pit two keywords against each other in a battle for ranking dominance. Google Trends shows you the rising stars and the fading giants, letting you choose the champions that'll bring you SEO glory.
Uncover the Hidden Treasures: Mine for Related Keywords: There's more to SEO than meets the eye, my friend! Google Trends reveals a treasure trove of related keywords that people often search for alongside your target term. Expand your keyword horizons, create content that leaves no stone unturned, and become the ultimate searcher's haven.
Remember, Google Trends isn't just a tool, it's a secret weapon. Master its powers, unlock the SEO mysteries, and watch your website ascend to the top of the search engine Olympus!
These are just a few examples, and you can be even more creative by using metaphors, puns, and humor to make the text engaging and memorable.
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seonsaeng · 11 months
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optimizacijasajta · 11 months
Best SEO Agencies in Europe Search Engine Optimization in 2025
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southeurope · 11 months
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dizajn · 11 months
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fairyniceyeah · 3 months
🌹Day 15: "Get me out of here!" 
Rescue/Chainsaw/Presumed Dead
Part One: Day 10: "Can you hear me?"
Day 14: "What were you thinking?" 
Summary: After the phone call ends, Hajoon is not the only one spiraling. 
CW: fire, mentions of (but no actual) death, emeto, fainting
Whumpee: Whole band Caretaker: managers
“Jaehyeong? Help is on the way. The firefighters are there. Just hold on a bit. Jaehyeong? Jaehyeong? Say something? Jaehyeong? Can you hear me? Jaehyeong?”
Hajoon yelled until his voice was hoarse. Yet, he never received an answer. Would he ever receive an answer again?
His fingers went lax and the phone dropped to the ground, clattering beside his feet, screen cracking. His legs, while talking to Jahyeong, had carried him to his small balcony, the very balcony that had a view of Jaehyeong’s apartment building. They had, of course, looked for places close to each other but the extreme coincidence had been a surprise the first time Hajoon had ever shown the other three his apartment.
Now a huge, gray cloud of smoke hung in the air and even from the distance the smell clung to Hajoon’s nostrils. He didn’t want to imagine how much worse it was up close. The sound of sirens filled the street and Hajoon could even see a helicopter throwing water at the building. 
Hajoon needed to be there, let somebody know that Jaehyeong was alive, was still trapped in the building. When he was later asked why he hadn’t just called the fire department, Hajoon would always say he didn’t even remember the run to the streets or the call he had with the manager - how should he have been able to think clearly enough for that?
A group of onlookers was gathered around the barriers surrounding the area. Even from there the heat was claustrophobic. “Let me through”, Hajoon called desperately, as he pushed past people to the front, “my dongsaeng is in the building. Let me through.” People, with pity in their eyes and shaking their heads parted for him and he was even pushed in the direction of a police officer.
“Seonsaeng-nim”, Hajoon screamed, waving wildly at him. The older man looked at him in worry. 
“Are you alright?”, he asked. That’s when Hajoon realized he was crying.
“My dongsa… my dongsaeng is still in there. He couldn’t get out and hid in the bathroom”, Hajoon whispered, “apartment 1004. Please, they need to get him out of there!”
“We’ll see what we can do, don’t worry. Is there anybody you can call to keep you company?”, the policeman asked, before mumbling into his radio that there was a person reported in the building.
Hajoon froze. He didn’t know. He … Dojoon was still asleep. Woosung was in America. Jaehyeong… 
Hajoon whirled around as somebody called his name. For a second there was hope in his heart - who else would call him? - that was utterly crushed when he realized it was Dojoon who was pushing through the crowd to get to him. His eyes were wide and panicked and filled with so much fear. Yet, the first thing Dojoon did was wrap Hajoon in his arms, rocking them both from side to side. 
“Dojoon”, he gasped out against the older’s chest, “Jaehyeong, he…” Sobs took his breath away and he just curled his fists into Dojoon’s jacket tightly. Dojoon stayed silent, so unusual of him, and just cradled the young drummer to his chest. He, too, seemed so lost. 
A manager appeared beside them. “Let’s go”, he said, not unkindly, “we can’t stay here in the public. You need to be safe too and there is nothing you can do here for Jaehyeong.” 
Hajoon wanted to protest, he didn’t care for his own safety. He needed Jaehyeong to be safe. He needed to see himself. He didn’t want to abandon the younger. But Dojoon was already pulling him through the crowd. 
His memory of the walk back to his apartment was a blur. Dojoon was holding his hand and a manager was talking to both of them but Hajoon couldn’t hear a word that was spoken. The manager put in the keycode and they stumbled inside.
The balcony door was still open, bringing in a breeze of smoke. The manager pushed it close with force while Dojoon led the two of them to the small couch. Hajoon sunk down, his head in his hands. Dojoon wrapped an arm around his shoulder. The manager sat down on a chair. Silence was loud in the room.
“Do we call Sammy?”, Dojoon finally asked, his voice breaking.
At the question, Hajoon felt sick. How could they tell Woosung that their maknae - his best friend - might have died while he was on the other side of the world?
Bile rose in his throat and he stumbled up from the couch, barely making it to the kitchen sink across the room before he was sick. Hajoon braced his hands against the side of the sink and closed his eyes, images of Jaehyeong and Woosung flickering though his mind. He hadn’t eaten much in some time, so only sour fluids splattered onto the chopsticks and the coffee cup he had ignored when he had stumbled into bed early that morning. 
The manager came up to him, offering a tissue. Dojoon hadn’t moved, just looked up at them with tears running down his face.
“I know you are scared. I am too”, the manager said, rubbing Hajoon’s arm, “but please remember that he isn’t confirmed dead yet. The other managers called the hospitals in the area and asked them to let us know when he gets brought in. Hope is not yet lost.”
“Hyung”, Hajoon whispered, “it’s been at least an hour since I spoke with him.” Had it truly only been an hour? It felt so much longer - a lifetime of uncertainty? “Every second the possibilities are growing smaller.”
“We need to let Sammy know”, Dojoon interjected, “he needs to know. It’s unfair to leave him out of this.”
Hajoon nodded, defeated. He accepted the cup of water the manager handed him, ignoring the fact that the older man was starting to clean up … the sink. He walked over to Dojoon, his knees trembling.
Dojoon, as desperate for comfort as Hajoon was, let the drummer curl up into his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder again. His phone was already in his hand, Woosung’s contact pulled up. It was late evening over there now.
“Hi Leo”, Woosung’s happy voice came through the speaker. It hurt Hajoon so much, knowing that within seconds that happiness would be destroyed - might forever be destroyed. “What’s up? Are you missing me this much?”
But now it seemed that Dojoon was not able to bring himself to say the words. They were both silent, just breathing and trying to not burst into tears before they could explain.
“Leo, I swear, if you fucking butt-dial…”, Woosung started. Hajoon couldn’t contain it any longer. As much as he wanted to end the call and give Woosung some deserved time with his family - he could hear soft chatter in the background - somebody needed to let Woosung know. Before he saw something on the news - a fire that huge might make it to the national and international news soon.
“Hyung”, he rasped, biting his tongue to keep from crying. 
“Hajoon-ah? Is everything alright?” Woosung sounded worried now and then he said something in English to what sounded to be his mother. Hajoon’s brain was too fried to even begin to understand what they were saying.
“Hyung, I … I got a call earlier from Jaehyeong. His building … it was … it is burning. He didn’t make it out - we don’t know if he is …”, Hajoon whispered, tears trailing down his face. 
There was silence on the other side of the phone. 
“Hajoon-ah, you better … you better not be fucking with me”, Woosung forced out, his voice strained.
“I’m sorry.”
Time seemed to stretch out like honey - sticky and stopping the hands of the clock from moving. Woosung had booked the next flight to Korea which was only a few hours after the call. He had paid for the inflight wifi so he could be kept up to date on the thirteen hour flight. He was texting the managers at every opportunity who informed them that Woosung was well taken care of by a nice ajumma who was sitting next to him. His disdain for planes and airsickness combined with nerves was overwhelming him, causing nausea and panic attacks. 
Dojoon and Hajoon stayed together on the couch in Hajoon’s apartment. Managers were dropping in and out, calling hospitals and fire departments and every time ending the call with a shake of their head. 
Dojoon was quiet, quieter than Hajoon had ever seen him. Tears kept dripping down his cheeks and he fiddled with their intertwined hands every few seconds.
Hajoon himself had not been able to stop shaking. His head hurt. Every breath was like dragging shards through his throat. His stomach was cramping - like it always did when he was stressed or nervous. The managers kept trying to make him drink some chamomile tea to calm down - none of the sips had stayed down.
Every hour that ticked by made them lose more hope. The hospitals didn’t call and the building was still burning. Surely, if Jaehyeong wasn’t saved now, he was …
They did try to keep their faith up but it was so hard. The sun went down, the city went dark and still a fire was burning. It was a surprise, really, that they hadn’t had to evacuate close as they were. 
Managers forbid them from watching the news, hearing the list of casualties. They were sorrowful too. They had loved the happy, clumsy, endearing maknae dearly. None of them had yet had the courage to call his parents. 
Woosung arrived early in the morning, looking haggard and pale, collapsing the moment he entered the stuffy apartment. They all huddled together in the entrance area, clutching each other and soaking up the minimal comfort they received from the contact like a sponge.
It was nearly twenty-four hours after that initial phone call that they gave up hope. The fire was finally under control and extinguished. No hospital had called, neither had any of them registered Jaehyeong when the managers called. It was like he had vanished - turned to ash. 
It hadn’t sunk in yet, that they now were three. It felt wrong, oh, so wrong.
“We should inform his family”, the manager-noona who was with them said quietly. Dojoon reluctantly nodded. Woosung whimpered. Hajoon was mostly numb, except for the pains he had been feeling for hours. His vision was swimming as dehydration was slowly consuming him. 
Neither of the three moved.
A loud sound went off. They all jumped. It was much louder than any of the hushed conversations that had been spoken in the quiet apartment. Hajoon’s head ached as he scrambled for his phone, nearly dropping it again. There was an incoming call from an unknown number.
He didn’t know what else to do. He just answered it.
“Yeoboseyo?”, he whispered, voice practically gone.
He dropped his phone - again - the screen completely breaking. But through the speakers they could hear the voice as clear as day.
“I lived, bitch. I always wanted to say that. Now, get me out of here. I hate hospitals.”
They were all too stunned to speak. None of them had expected to hear the familiar voice again. They just stared at each other as if asking: Did you hear that too? Am I not imagining things?
“You said what you wanted to say, now put that oxygen mask back on, young man”, a female voice faintly scolded and then became louder as she asked: “Is this Lee Hajoon-ssi?”
“Yeah”, Hajoon rasped out. Relief flooded his veins, making him dizzy.
“Sorry for not calling earlier. We had some issues with patient data and had to wait till he woke up. Don’t worry about Jaehyeong-ssi. Staying in the bathroom under cold water saved him - he just suffered from minor burns. The biggest issue is the smoke inhalation but we are monitoring him closely.”
As they stormed into the ICU just half an hour later, Jaehyeong stared at them with so much surprise that it seemed like he had presumed them dead rather than the other way round.
“Woosung?”, he called through the oxygen mask covering his face. His body was wrapped in cooling blankets and some bandages. He seemed mostly fine, just surprised. “What are you doing here? Last I know you were in LA and I had to work at one in the morning for you?”
Woosung let out a disbelieving laugh. “You asshole, we thought you were dead for about a day. I took the first plane I could.”
“Oh, well, surprise?”, Jaehyeong muttered, ignoring the nurse who fussed with his oxygen mask again.
“Yeah”, Hajoon mumbled. His vision swam and he shook his head to clear it. Instead he stumbled into Dojoon who was still a bit frozen in the middle of the room, holding Hajoon’s hand. Then everything went black - a mix of stress, dehydration, malnutrition and sleeplessness surely.
Hajoon ignored the manager’s scolding about taking care of himself when he woke up. There was nothing but sweet relief in his body. They hadn’t lost one of their own today.
Day 16: "At least it can't get any worse"
Masterlist link: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's June of Doom 2024
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rughydrangea · 3 months
So I am very behind on The Midnight Romance in Hagwon, but I'm making my way through it, and enjoying it. But. There are two things that aren't really points against it, but that are informing how I experience it.
My journey in academia really started 9 years ago, when I began grad school. And I taught a lot in grad school, both for professional training and because once your funding runs out it's a major way to earn money. But for all that time, I was both a teacher and a student, and the student part of my identity felt much more important. Yes, graduate students teach, but teaching is generally thought of as the thing that facilitates research and writing, which is what you're actually there to do.
Since finishing my PhD two years ago and making the transition to professorhood, I have shifted to thinking of myself as a teacher before being a writer/scholar/researcher (which is problematic in ways that I will not bore anyone by outlining, but also due to the fact that low-level professors teach a fuckton! I went from teaching one class at a time to teaching three at a time; it occupies the bulk of my waking hours). And my reception of media about teaching/education has markedly changed. I find it really stressful now! And even though the academies that are highlighted in this drama bear no resemblance to the kind of teaching I do (and represent, to me, the antithesis of what education should be about, which to be fair is something that is very much on the show's mind), the detail of extreme stressing over class size and student retention rings so true to me, a professor in a tiny program that is constantly worrying about enrollment, that I actually find it kind of unpleasant to watch.
My attitude towards student/teacher romance is different now too. This has never been a trope I've been obsessed with, because teaching has been a big part of my life for a while and the ethical issues are really insurmountable, but I've certainly enjoyed romances that exist on the edges of that trope (to keep with Director Ahn Pan Seok, Secret Love Affair is basically a student/teacher romance, when you get right down to it, and goodness knows I adored that drama). And here, I do think the foundations for Hye Jin and Joon Ho's relationship are laid in such a way that it's tough to think that they are doing anything unethical from that point of view: it's been a decade since she was actually his teacher, and he is unambiguously an adult. If there's anything unethical about their relationship, I'd say it's that technically she's his boss.
But Joon Ho really does, in a lot of ways, still think of Hye Jin as his teacher, and it makes me feel uneasy (and I do appreciate that it makes her uneasy too, to the extent that she literally kicks him out of bed when he calls her seonsaeng-nim and ssaem during foreplay (which to be fair was pretty funny))--not because the content of the drama aims to prompt such a feeling, but because as a teacher the idea of that kind of classroom relationship morphing into a romance just doesn't compute for me. They're just two fundamentally different ways of relating to another person, and they don't/can't overlap. It's not a question of age at all. (I think it's a question of power. A classroom relationship by its nature is imbalanced, that's unavoidable, but so much of the art of teaching is navigating how to manage that imbalance in a respectful and responsible way.) And again, from this perspective I really think the writing has gone out of its way to make this relationship not gross. This is much less of a drama-thing than a me-thing--I'm just observing that the life I've ended up leading has genuinely changed how I see the world (I can't imagine thinking any of this ten years ago).
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plantpirating · 4 months
Thinking about the Korean word for Teacher (선생 / 先生 / seonsaeng) comes from the characters 先 (before) and 生 (life) meaning someone born before me.
And how there is such trust in that statement. I trust that the person born before me has lived their life thoughtfully. I trust that this person has carefully considered things. I trust they have wisdom that I don't have, all because of their years.
And thinking about how not everyone I know is deserving of that trust.
And thinking how I hope to be trustworthy for my students and that my years are enough to be wise.
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seosensei · 9 months
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white-eden · 8 days
Oh my goodness. Eden. Yes, College AU but make it Professor AU where Haneul and Jinwoo are professors (what their fields are in not sure) and the whole campus is watching their ‘strangers to friends to lovers’ saga.
I really do like this idea very much specially because it have to be a random situation for both of them to meet.
With Jinwoo I kind of stick with the canon where he works in the law field while with Haneul it's between Arts, Psychology or maybe Culinary Arts? (thankfully I checked and some universities have those programs lol)
If it's art or culinary definitely students can have amicable exchanges where the arts/culinary ask the law students to be either their models or guinea pigs and taste their dishes!
But then again I doubt the law department is going to be in the same area as them... probably on the other side of the campus...
While psychology can be where they exchange debates or help the law students to dig deeper and see a different view on the perpetrator's actions and why this victim and not another. That can led to different discussions for good or bad where somehow both sides get bad blood and the teachers (Jinwoo and Haneul) have to step in.
This can also happen if its the culinary department where one of Haneul's students put some laxatives on the food and gave it to their bully.
Now we have their seonsaeng-nim trying to reach with Miss Park and settle matters between their students, not even thinking he would find a petit woman who's 5,3" but ready to defend her dear students lol
ill prob add more later 🤔 but I have to be honest, I do love seeing the notifications and reading your ideas. 🙇🏻‍♀️ it’s beautiful and it makes my day! Or nights.. O(-( ✨ 💕
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wordsvomit101 · 6 months
9. Lunchbreak and music
(1 year after the death of Mr and Mrs Lee)
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The air conditioner hummed softly, sending a gentle breeze through the room, carrying with it the faint scent of springtime. Outside, the sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow on the budding trees and flowers.
Mr. Jung, his math teacher, stood at the front of his middle school classroom, his voice rising and falling in a rhythmic cadence as he explained solutions for some equation questions. The students' pencils scratched across their notebooks as they took notes creating a quiet background noise for the teacher's lecture.
As Minhyeok sat at his desk, the thought of the fresh strawberries sitting in his lunch box, became more enticing as each minute passed. Minhyeok's mind wandered back to the delectable strawberry cake and refreshing strawberry tea he had savored the previous day
His mother had brought the treats back as souvenirs from her recent trip to Seoul with her friends, where they had attended the renowned Nonsan strawberry festival. The festival was a vibrant celebration of the region's famous strawberries, known for their exceptional sweetness and ripeness.
As he reminisced, Minhyeok could still taste the velvety softness of the cake, the cream cheese frosting melting in his mouth like a cloud. The strawberries, plump and juicy, burst with flavor in each bite. The strawberry tea, fragrant and soothing, had calmed his senses after a long day after his taekwondo classes.
"Raon particularly likes the tea", Minhyeok smiled when he glanced at the girl sitting behind him. He recalled the way Raon's eyes lit up when she first tasted the strawberry tea that his mom had made for them. He remembered that it used to be one of her mother's favorites and they would always share it at night.
His thought was cut by the voice of Mr. Jung, his class math teacher, calling him, "It's about time for lunch so Minhyeok, answer the last question", yike, he was too busy being hungry to finish the last question.
"30=m-18. Add 18 to both sides of the equation. That gives 30+18=m-18+18. Simplifies to 48=m", he makes a quick mental calculation as he takes his time to stand up.
"Yes, it m=48, Seonsaeng-nim", he answers and adds a small smile at the end to appear modest. Luckily, Mr. Jung didn't notice his distraction.
"Good, ok that's it for now, go have lunch everyone", the moment Mr. Jung was out of the classroom, most of the class scattered to the cafeteria, eager to satisfy their hunger. While Minhyeok turned his chair around to sit at the table behind him and picked out his lunch box.
Raon looked like she had just woken up and was still somewhat sleepy when he looked at her, stretching her exhaustion away. She went into another deep end again, one of her new fixations was a male idol group from SM Entertainment that she raved about for the last few days.
"You really need to stop sleeping at 3 AM. I can't cover for you all the time like this, at this point, everyone else in the class will start to depend on me for academics", he has been highly active during today's lessons, more like many before this, and answers questions whenever any teachers look over to his and Raon's seats. It was an intense brain exercise, to say the least.
The appreciative looks from his classmates also get annoying at some point during the second period.
Raon only grins playfully, eyes full of mirth despite the dark circles underneath them, "Well, thank to me, you've been a wonderful student no? If it keeps like this they will ask you to be in advanced classes instead of the other way around"
She said and took a bite of the steamed shrimp and eggs in her lunch box that his mom made for them this morning. She smiled in delight from her first bite of the strawberry and usually, he would be happy just by seeing her enjoying herself. Now he could only sign and frown at her a bit.
"Raon", she looked at him and flinched slightly, her eyes nervous, he didn't like it so he directed his focus onto his food, "... if not for me, then do it for yourself, please sleep earlier"
He didn't see what she looked like as he ate the hyeonmi-chapssal but her soft and sad tone, "Sorry, I will try", was really disheartening to hear.
"Mn", they ate in silence with tension hung over them, the tteokguk also tasted a bit stale on his tongue than normal.
"... I should apologize, the lunch going to be ruined if it keep going"
When he is about to speak up, his lips touch the strawberry in Raon's hand. She seems more sheepish than usual.
"H-here eat up, I'm already full"
She is never good at lying, especially when she is feeling apologetic, and prefers to make it up through action rather than words. It's often quite clumsy but he's grateful for the thoughts behind them.
"And do you want to listen to some music? I brought my earbuds with me today", she is quite forgetful about it despite it being one of her favorite devices.
He and his mom had to take it out of her pocket many times before putting it in the washing machine when she forgot to take it out.
Her demeanor shifted from sheepish to fidgeting, her anxiety grew with each passing second of his silence. Fingers twitching, she hesitated, on the verge of pulling away, when his hand enveloped hers in a reassuring grip.
With a tender touch, he guided her hand with the plump, ripe strawberry, its crimson hue glistening in the light toward him again. As he took a bite, the sweetness of the fruit lingered in the air, a moment frozen in time between them.
The heaviness in his heart lightened, and he accepted her offering with a smug smile. He took the half-eaten strawberry and the remaining two from her lunch box, savoring the tart sweetness against his tongue. Raon seems dazed for some reason.
"Thanks for the free food, and sure there is still time till the third period anyway"
The tension on her shoulders melted away, a radiant smile blossomed on her lips, its corners curving upward in an expression of relief. Her eyes, once filled with worry, now sparkled with an infectious excitement that illuminated her entire being. It's lovely.
She quickly brought up a topic as if afraid that the awkwardness would come back, "No problem, plus the songs from the group I told you about before are really good", she quickly pulled out her phone and wired earbuds, and gave him the other side to put on his right ear while she take the left.
They sat in comfortable quiet, sipping tea and enjoying a snack as the last rays of sunlight streamed into the classroom windows. The chatter of the remaining students provided a soothing backdrop as he listened to the music Raon had chosen. As he listened, he made mental notes of the songs they were listening to.
One song had a melody that was particularly striking to him. It is a fast-paced, upbeat song with a catchy melody and energetic lyrics. The song features a strong electronic dance music sound, with a driving beat and heavy use of synthesizers and drum machines.
The lyrics of the song are about a detective who is trying to solve a mystery, and the song's music reflects this with its dark and mysterious atmosphere. The song also features a prominent rap section, which adds a further layer of energy and excitement to the song. 
"It's good right?", he glanced back at Raon while munching on his last strawberry, her eyes closed as she softly hummed to the tune of the song, already expecting a positive answer from him.
He is not a big connoisseur of music like her or Mr Lee but he can see why she is a fan of this group. The song has a unique sound to it.
"Mn, it's catchy, great taste in music as usual Raon"
End notes:
The Nonsan Strawberry Festival is an annual event held in Nonsan, South Korea, to celebrate the strawberry harvest. Nonsan is known for its delicious and high-quality strawberries, and the festival showcases various activities and attractions related to this beloved fruit. Visitors can enjoy picking fresh strawberries at local farms, tasting a wide variety of strawberry-based foods and desserts, participating in strawberry-themed games and contests, and exploring arts and crafts stalls. The festival typically features live music performances, cultural performances, and other entertainment options for visitors of all ages. It's a popular event that draws both locals and tourists to indulge in the sweetness of Nonsan strawberries and celebrate the agricultural heritage of the region.
"Seonsaeng-nim" is a Korean term used to respectfully address a teacher or instructor. It is commonly used by students to show respect and deference to their educators in various settings such as schools, academies, or martial arts dojangs (training halls). In English, "seonsaeng-nim" can be translated as "teacher" or "professor."
SM Entertainment is a leading South Korean entertainment company renowned for its influential role in the K-pop industry. Established in 1995 by Lee Soo-man, it manages popular K-pop groups like EXO, Super Junior, Girls' Generation, Red Velvet, SHINee, NCT, and others. Additionally, it oversees talent in various entertainment sectors.
Tteokguk is a traditional Korean soup made with sliced rice cakes called "tteok." It's a staple dish often consumed during the Korean Lunar New Year (Seollal) celebrations, where it holds symbolic significance representing the gaining of one year in age. The soup typically includes clear beef broth, thinly sliced tteok, and garnishes such as egg, sliced seaweed, and green onions.
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nctyena · 2 years
Rock Climbing 🧗‍♂️🧗‍♀️ This is JOHNNY'S Climbing Center (with YN) | Johnny's Communication Center (JCC) Ep. 30
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*Italics are in English.
"Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of Johnny's Communication Center. JCC. Today, we're here...if you look at my clothes, you can kind of tell. We're gonna do some activities, or an activity. And that is called 'rock climbing'. I'm very excited today..."
Johnny kept speaking about what he was about to do until a wild Yena was seen at the back, stretching. Pretending not to be aware of the camera nor the tall boy.
"Wait, I know this girl. Hello,hello do I know you?"
She made a shocked expression and got up.
"Ah, sunbaenim I was waiting for you. I'm a member of NCT too."
"Really? How come I not know you?"
"I am a mysterious person."
"So, as you can see Yena is the guest of the video."
"Hello JCC."
"It's the name of the show, their name is Joh-fam."
They both greeted the instructor. He gave them right shoes for the exercise.
"I'm not wearing socks right now, is it okay?"
"Yah, don't show them on camera."
She blocked the way while Johnny was changing his shoes.
"Today, you're going to do sport climbing."
"Oh, are there different types of climbing?"
"Yes, there are three types of climbing. Speed climbing, lead climbing, its aim is to climb as high on the wall as possible. The last one is what you're going to do today."
"Seonsaeng-nim, can I climb on that wall?"
"That one is for lead climbing."
"I'm gonna watch Johnny oppa first,then."
Yena was mimicking the moves Johnny was doing but without the climbing. For a while she was just watching and cheering on Johnny, on the side. Then for a second she was gone. He noticed it and asked the camera to shoot her.
She was climbing on another wall that was higher.
"Is she allowed?"
He shrugged to his own question.
"Yena! You're gonna get scolded."
"That feels so high, help me please!"
They laughed at her voice because they were expecting her to be confident.
Then the instructor helped her down and she continued to watch Johnny while sitting down on the mat.
"Johnny is doing great, everyone. Watch him."
"I think he is even showing off a little."
When Johnny was lying on the mat to take a breath, she run to him and tried to massage his arms and legs. But that only ended up him laughing uncontrollably and even the instructor.
"Go on Johnny, you can do it. You are the best."
"You tired me more."
"No, I helped you."
"Okay, thank you."
At last, they both decided to try the hardest level.
"...And this is the hardest, I just want to show you guys how it feels. It's going to be a challenge. If I get it, I'm just, meant to climb, I guess. Yena's going to try with me this time. Let's go."
They "tried" a few times but couldn't even get close to doing it. She asked him to help her so she could also be seen cool.
"You carry me through here, then we'll edit you out. Okay?"
"We don't have that kind of technology."
"Are we poor now?"
"We will edit this one though."
"...I'm a little tired but I didn't notice until now, I guess. If you guys are ever curious about rock climbing, you guys should just try. Because it's actually really fun. Yena? Say goodbye in English then we'll end it."
"I was better than Johnny in his own video, but he is still cool. It was fun thank you Johnny."
"Anyways, Joh-fam, try it out. Thank you for checking out this new episode of JCC. I went rock climbing with Yena, I did really well till the pink one. I don't know what Yena did. I'll see you next time, bye!"
"Goodbye, Joh-fam."
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weltinator · 1 year
so when i was pretty young, i want to say in first grade? my school/parish hosted a taekwondo class for a semester during the hours the gym wasn’t in other use, and it was open to all ages, so my parents enrolled me in it. a bunch of my classmates and people from the church also attended, but when the arrangement ended and the class had to move into a dojo in another neighborhood, most people stopped going. me and one of my classmates kept going to it though. i was a tiny nerd who got bullied, so i think my parents really wanted me to do a sport, ideally one that helped me defend myself, but i honestly don’t remember much from that class, except how to count to twenty (badly pronounced) in korean. my classmate was absolutely ripped for a first grade girl, or really for any first grader, or for that matter anyone younger than middle school, and frequently kicked the asses of anyone in our grade at any sport. so for some reason we got paired up to spar when the teacher (again, i don’t remember much from this class, idk if we called them seonsaeng or what) decided we had advanced far enough to do that. 
i had no idea what i was supposed to do against her, but i was pretty sure i’d get yelled at if i just tried to dodge the whole time, so i planned to try blocking, and held my arms up around face/chest area. surprisingly, she seemed to take this block seriously and aimed under it. i’m honestly not sure if she was going for my stomach or my legs, but i know she wasn’t going for my crotch. or at least she didn’t mean to kick that hard. this was obvious from the look of immense shock and guilt i could see on her face through the tears as i was laid out on the ground crying from the worst pain i could remember experiencing at that point in my life. (i was not a very active kid, i hadn’t had a lot of injuries.) i quit that class within a month, claiming to my parents that i had better things to do with my weekends. they accepted this, and then immediately signed me up for soccer that practiced during the week. i played soccer until the start of high school, and i feel comfortable saying that by that time i was still worse at soccer than i’d been at taekwondo after doing it for like a year. also i got bullied by soccer players more than i ever did by taekwondo people. 
so fast forward several years to fifth grade. i was a good student, up until high school when i realized i actually had to start putting effort in and immediately spiraled into several years of minimal sleep and turning all my assignments in late. but as of fifth grade, i just had to half listen in class and read any assignments once and i was good to get all A’s. unfortunately, on this one occasion, i had completely forgotten to read the textbook chapter. and scanning the questions on this quiz, i realized this was not a topic i had any prior knowledge of, and i wasn’t going to be able to guess on most of it. at this point in my life, i did not have a lot going for me. most of my classmates and teachers found me weird and annoying, i did not pull any weight in gym, i had gone every soccer season at this point without scoring a single goal, i had like four friends in the world, two of which didn’t go to my school. what i did have, was being a good catholic boy, and straight A’s. i decided the second thing was more important, and for the first and only time in my academic career, i cheated. burning with a mixture of shame and determination, i turned to the person next to me and whispered, “what’s number 1?”
as previously established, i was not popular. i was generally considered one of the smartest kids in our class, but people did not come to me for help with their homework, because i was an obnoxious knowitall, but also really bad at explaining stuff. not only was i now showing weakness in the only area i had ever shown strength, i was doing it with no social capital to fall back on. i could very easily have been ignored, told to shut up, or immediately snitched on, depending on who i was sitting next to.
unless the person i was sitting next to was the same one that still felt guilty for kicking me full force in the groin four years earlier. 
we locked eyes after i asked my question. i have never been good at understanding what people are thinking, but in the span of a second, i saw her evaluate the situation, weigh the risk and the complete lack of reward, and then a flash of recollection. this was catholic school, we all went to confession every month. but i knew in that moment that she had never told anyone about that day, not even a priest. 
she gave me the answer, and all the others i asked for. i went home and read the textbook, and never cheated again. she never told the teacher or any of our classmates. i got an A on the quiz, she got absolution, and we basically never interacted again after that. 
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inpursuitofnunchi · 1 year
Okay seonsaeng-nim paik seung yoo in all blacks is sight to sore eyessss 🥺🥺🥺☠️☠️☠️
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Woo seonsaeng✊❤️
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lyrics365 · 1 month
hangukhiphap fan geuttae dalgodanin raepeun ssotajin mikseuteip undergorund siljonhaeteo mattaengigan toemul geuttaen ieopon sok goemul chinguga chucheonhaejudeon eumakdeuleul deutdeonttaero jeonbu ppeonhan sarang yaegi imi saneunge jeonghaejin teule matchwo kkakanaeneun geu gyoyuk gwajeongeul kkaetji jjota hagosipeungeo jakku jeongsineul geondeuryeo seonsaeng gareuchim guryeo geuttaebuteo…
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