#seoul limited
heckyeahhyungwon · 1 year
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CHAE.HOLIC | do not edit
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zhengzi · 1 year
okay i have a lot of unincubated thoughts on kim’s relationship to asian-ness as filtered through my own experiences as a chinese diaspora person navigating both my home country in se asia and also canada for a period of time
also i need more lore on seol, i must flesh out the context of kim’s seolite heritage in proximity to seol’s place within the wider geopolitics and culture
if there are gaps in the lore, i will certainly fill them in myself
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hypebeast1ife · 4 months
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KITH Seoul Release Date: May 27, 2024
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dailykyun · 2 years
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© DMR | do not edit or crop
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
I left the house around 1 pm and returned around 3 pm, took a nice little nap and went to fill up my water bottle around 7 pm where unfortunately some girl walked past me and said hello, which i, unfortunately, met with "morning :)"
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
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북촌 방향 [The Day He Arrives] (Hong Sang-soo - 2011)
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warsinmyhead · 1 year
Rookie x Quartermaster: Tadashi and Jimin (Original Meme)
Where was their first official date?
Germany after a mission. Shortly after the rookie agent pulled his "boss" into his room and kissed him, Tadashi asked about doing something together, given that Amelie wasn't around to interrupt and they didn't have to head back to Seoul HQ right away. Jimin eventually messaged Amelia from Germany's I.T. department and asked for good recommendations in the area. The pair probably did a more lowkey date since they got many quick service or casual places from Amelia, versus high end restaurants. That was fine for the pair as it was nice to unwind with drinks and bites away from the missions and prying eyes of their fellow agents and personnel.
What is their favorite date location?
I don't think there is one. Anywhere that isn't a mission or related to them nearly losing their lives. A more relaxed atmosphere without it being too ho hum.
How many dates before their first kiss?
0. Tadashi kissed Jimin after a mission they completed, realizing how jealous he got of a snooty socialite who was flirting heavily with Jimin thinking he was a cute valet/chauffeur she could poach. While it was a challenge to not break their covers, Tadashi managed to remain composed until they were safely behind closed doors of their hotel and took matters into his own hands.
Who asked who out first?
I think they said it at the same time after that kiss. Probably laughed a bit nervously and then Jimin made it clear that he did not want Tadashi to feel imposed, seeing as he was kind of a boss to Tadashi. The latter probably guided his lips back to his and said something about being very okay with this situation, quartermaster to agent relationship or not.
How many dates before they considered each other a couple?
I would guess 4-5 dates. Jimin doesn't want to assume anything and same with Tadashi too. I think maybe Tadashi would have let something slip if say another agent (Ex. Amelie) was teasing Jimin about almost hooking up with a socialite on the honeypot mission and Tadashi blurts out something to the effect of, "She can't have him, he's mine."
How many mutual friends do they have?
5 – all from Kingsman in various branches.
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?
Amelie or Briggs, maybe CJ (Agent Cham in Interrogation). But honestly I think the pair don't really fight per se. Amelie will quip that the two should just have hate sex and make-up (jokingly or seriously). Briggs and CJ are more likely to pull one of them aside to talk privately and explain things to the person they're speaking to in order to get the individual to see the light.
Which one has more friends?
Maybe Tadashi? Jimin lost connection with some of his college connections, due to the nature of his work or because they simply don't have anything in common anymore.
Which one has introduced the other to more people?
I'll give that equally to both. Jimin probably introduced more of the seasoned personnel at various Kingsman branches to Tadashi, while the latter maybe introduced the quartermaster to other people outside of work.
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away?
It went from comical acquaintances, to figuring out they worked for the same company, and then working together when their divisions were very short-staffed. (Crawling under a table at a university and almost bumping into the seated quartermaster makes for quite the awkward, funny first meeting story when people ask.)
What do they argue about the most?
Maybe Tadashi giving into Amelie's light bullying of Jimin by calling him "Grandpa" or remarking he's a dinosaur trapped in the body of a 30 year old who get mistaken as a teenager all the time. As mentioned above, Jimin and Tadashi really don't fight per se, but in rare instances if Amelie and Tadashi push his buttons, Jimin might lose his cool and he'll lock himself in his office to calm down. Tadashi might come knocking and ask to talk it out, but it's better to let Jimin cool off and stew in private. Maybe there were times where Tadashi started to break protocol or character if someone not related to their mission (ex. another guest at the same event) starts showing interest in Jimin or Jimin having to play along with a guest's flirtations to keep the mission moving along and later they get annoyed at each other. (Tadashi because he doesn't like seeing other people running their hands all over his boss/boyfriend's body and Jimin for reminding the rookie to remain professional or risk all of them being captured or killed.)
How do they usually solve their disagreements?
They may give each other space to breathe for a moment. In very extreme cases, one may consult one of the individuals mentioned above for advice or to vent. Eventually they will meet face to face and talk calmly or find middle ground.
Do they argue a lot or not very often?
Not very often.
Who admits to being wrong more often?
Who is more likely to initiate sex?
Great question, we haven't discussed that yet. I could see it going either way depending on the situation. Jimin isn't very forward, so maybe that will fall to Tadashi to make the first move or at least tell Ji to quit being a gentleman for once.
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots?
Bed is definitely more comfortable for both. I could see Tadashi cracking the joke that maybe the reenact their first meeting but somewhere that isn't the university library, but Jimin's concern is Tadashi hitting his head on the underside of the desk or table since he's a giant.
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds?
Again, not sure. Jimin's not a kinky sort of guy, so at best, maybe some blindfolds and light bondage? (At best I'm talking maybe a Kingsman tie or something soft being used, not handcuffs or something that could cause chaffing or marks.)
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom?
I kind of vote Jimin in this case? He's not opposed to being the bottom at times but everyone should have talked it out and agreed they were comfortable with the arrangement.
Lights on or off?
Depends on whether they're caught up in the moment or not.
Do they share any kinks?
??? Again this hasn't been discussed yet.
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other?
Jimin is into ball worship – if you fondle his, that's a pretty surefire way to get the guy to consider going further. (Albeit I could be wrong about Tadashi sharing the same interest, but that's the main one I have.)
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before?
I think both are a little sheepish or nervous about being caught. Closest would be somewhere with some privacy at work.
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be?
Absolutely not to this. Tadashi has made it clear that if he's with Jimin, he sees Jimin as his only. Jimin's not a fan of adding more people since that can make someone feel uncomfortable or jealous.
When are they most likely to cuddle?
Post sex, maybe after a long day at work if they happen to be together for some reason. If Jimin's flighting the company jet back after a mission, I could see Tadashi sitting up in the co-pilot seat and maybe leaning his head on Jimin some way – whether that be using the top of the quartermaster's head to rest his chin on top of or maybe awkwardly craning his neck to lean on the quartermaster's shoulder. Maybe if in the off chance Jimin is working late in his office, Tadashi will stop by with food for both of them and will occupy the extra chair in the office, before throwing his arms around the quartermaster and watching him.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
Somewhere private and quiet.
Who’s usually the big spoon?
Do they cuddle often?
Not yet – we will have to see when that happens.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them?
Not married. The discussion has come up yet. While Jimin's aunt and uncle aren't against same-sex marriage, his aunt might be a little confused about the arrangement and starting a family. (She's open to understanding though!)
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location?
Again the discussion hasn't come up yet.
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who?
Great question, I'm not sure. Maybe both had the same idea and got each other rings and once one of them plucked up the courage to ask, they both revealed they were carrying around rings for the other person.
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other?
Maybe Tadashi? If he was on loan for an extended period in Seoul though. Because Jimin is tied to Seoul's headquarters, it's unlikely he would move into Tadashi's place in Japan for more than a few nights.
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids?
No kids. The conversation hasn't come up. Jimin isn't against the concept of it, but he knows with the nature of the business, one or both parents might not come home alive and he's hesitant to put any kids in that position.
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have?
Again, see above.
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids?
See first question in this section.
What are three random headcannons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex?
Jimin once shared with Amelie and Briggs that Tadashi was scouted during one of his early visits to Seoul after joining Kingsman in Japan. Before they started dating, the trio have a running joke about how many times each of the personnel have been scouted by talent agents for various entertainment companies. No physical money was put towards this due to anti-gambling laws in Korea, but Jimin was correct in assuming that Tadashi would get many more scouts trying to cast him for an entertainment company. (His early prediction was that at least 2-3 of the bigger companies would vie for Tadashi and he was correct – SM Entertainment, Starship Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and even HYBE passed Tadashi cards at some point during his time in Seoul.)
There was a point where Tadashi was sent to Germany to shadow Amelia from the I.T. department to learn some basic understanding of that side of the organization. He may or may not have asked Amelia who she knew that he met so far at Kingsman and innocently asked if they too had to shadow her around.
"You joined at a better time than I did or Ji," Briggs confessed when Tadashi was in NYC for a meet and greet with the US division. "When Ji first started, Arthur was this uptight asshole who couldn't be bothered to learn your birth name if it wasn't a Western one. He had this crap rule where all non-UK/US personnel had to have an English name too to go by when at one of those branches. Jimin was called Jim when we first met – the original Lancelot called him Slim Jim." "So I would have to have an English name too if I had been with Kingsman at that time?" Tadashi asked. "Hmm, I don't know what I would have chosen. Jimin to Jim makes sense I guess. Oh um, Briggs, was Jimin-sempai always the quartermaster?" "How much time do you have?"
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets?
Which one eats more snack foods?
Tadashi? Jimin really doesn't snack.
What is their favorite movie to watch together?
The topic of movies hasn't come up yet. Let alone outside activities or interests.
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together?
Again, this hasn't come up in discussion yet.
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship?
The somewhat comical height difference, given that Ji's only 5'8" and Tadashi's a giant.
The fact that the pair are a bit similar in terms of having family raise them to be good people and maybe they are bit shy or reserved, in a cute, slightly awkward way.
Despite Jimin being more senior in the organization, it's nice to have someone fresh that offers a new perspective on things and isn't broken or jaded like some of the other personnel around him.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship?
Both work for different branches and don't always run into each other, unless someone is on loan to another division. Additionally, Merlin has had to be careful with both SK and Japan relations outside of Kingsman sometimes running a bit tense. For the most part, the people within Kingsman are civil and try to see past whatever biases or judgements their home countries may have about others. (There might be a few old-timers who are a bit biased toward their home country, but rarely have there been fights or inappropriate things said or referred to about feuding countries.)
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"When bloodstream infections set in, fast treatment is crucial — but it can take several days to identify the bacteria responsible. A new, rapid-diagnosis sepsis test could cut down on the wait, reducing testing time from as much as a few days to about 13 hours by cutting out a lengthy blood culturing step, researchers report July 24 [2024] in Nature.
“They are pushing the limits of rapid diagnostics for bloodstream infections,” says Pak Kin Wong, a biomedical engineer at Penn State who was not involved in the research. “They are driving toward a direction that will dramatically improve the clinical management of bloodstream infections and sepsis.”
Sepsis — an immune system overreaction to an infection — is a life-threatening condition that strikes nearly 2 million people per year in the United States, killing more than 250,000 (SN: 5/18/08). The condition can also progress to septic shock, a steep drop in blood pressure that damages the kidneys, lungs, liver and other organs. It can be caused by a broad range of different bacteria, making species identification key for personalized treatment of each patient.
In conventional sepsis testing, the blood collected from the patient must first go through a daylong blood culturing step to grow more bacteria for detection. The sample then goes through a second culture for purification before undergoing testing to find the best treatment. During the two to three days required for testing, patients are placed on broad-spectrum antibiotics — a blunt tool designed to stave off a mystery infection that’s better treated by targeted antibiotics after figuring out the specific bacteria causing the infection.
Nanoengineer Tae Hyun Kim and colleagues found a way around the initial 24-hour blood culture.
The workaround starts by injecting a blood sample with nanoparticles decorated with a peptide designed to bind to a wide range of blood-borne pathogens. Magnets then pull out the nanoparticles, and the bound pathogens come with them. Those bacteria are sent directly to the pure culture. Thanks to this binding and sorting process, the bacteria can grow faster without extraneous components in the sample, like blood cells and the previously given broad-spectrum antibiotics, says Kim, of Seoul National University in South Korea.
Cutting out the initial blood culturing step also relies on a new imaging algorithm, Kim says. To test bacteria’s susceptibility to antibiotics, both are placed in the same environment, and scientists observe if and how the antibiotics stunt the bacteria’s growth or kill them. The team’s image detection algorithm can detect subtler changes than the human eye can. So it can identify the species and antibiotic susceptibility with far fewer bacteria cells than the conventional method, thereby reducing the need for long culture times to produce larger colonies.
Though the new method shows promise, Wong says, any new test carries a risk of false negatives, missing bacteria that are actually present in the bloodstream. That in turn can lead to not treating an active infection, and “undertreatment of bloodstream infection can be fatal,” he says. “While the classical blood culture technique is extremely slow, it is very effective in avoiding false negatives.”
Following their laboratory-based experiments, Kim and colleagues tested their new method clinically, running it in parallel with conventional sepsis testing on 190 hospital patients with suspected infections. The testing obtained a 100 percent match on correct bacterial species identification, the team reports. Though more clinical tests are needed, these accuracy results are encouraging so far, Kim says.
The team is continuing to refine their design in hopes of developing a fully automated sepsis blood test that can quickly produce results, even when hospital laboratories are closed overnight. “We really wanted to commercialize this and really make it happen so that we could make impacts to the patients,” Kim says."
-via Science News, July 24, 2024
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journalofkmusic · 2 years
Extra Photocard Set for Pre-orders until March 26! 😍
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No Limit Live in Seoul 2022 (Blu-Ray)
Release: April 2023
🇵🇭 Philippines Only: Order Form
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solecize · 5 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
ten years of being one and the same with jungkook as the country's it couple is the perfect disguise for the reality of a tumultuous relationship hidden behind the scenes.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you welcome your boyfriend back to the country with a surprise party, just as the clock is ticking to say goodbye again. the big day is almost here and enlistment brings couples either one of two things: a ring or a breakup.  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: idol!jungkook/female idol!reader and fictional versions of various idols 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄. idol au, on-and-off relationship, angst, i swear there's fluff, and themes of first love, growing up, struggles with fame, and marriage (ish) 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. portrayal of a toxic couple (implications of emotional abuse and control), infidelity, foul language, substance use, underage drinking, mentions of the covid-19 pandemic, sexually suggestive content  𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄. based off of "you're losing me" by taylor swift. this is a fictional portrayal of real-life people that implement some aspects of real-life events. the series is told in non-chronological order. note that the main character is a member of a fictional idol group. more warnings may be added as the story is written. join the taglist here! ㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤm.list | next
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you say, "i don't understand, " and i say, "i know you don't" we thought a cure would come through in time, now i fear it won't
TODAY’S TOP HEADLINE: bts’ rm, jimin, taehyung and jungkook set to enlist in the coming weeks! ㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤautumn 2023
the confrontation   when it rained, it poured and you felt like you haven't seen even a glimpse of the sun in ages. there was a nagging feeling in your gut that it was too far gone, but like everything else for the past ten years, you swallowed it down and swept it under the rug. bad feelings didn’t exist in your relationship. that was the unspoken rule. yet, it was growing more and more difficult to mask the disappointment in your eyes or the frown fighting your lips. today marked the worst of your attempts.
  seoul was unusually calm tonight and it scared you. when you moved to the city ages ago to begin your journey as an idol trainee, it was nothing but intimidating for your meek, pre-teen self. eventually, over time, your love for the city bloomed and it was truthfully because of jungkook. once young teenagers that arrived to seoul alone, you found solace in each other and embraced the change as one. he made you fall in love with seoul the same way he made you fall in love with him. dates, nightclubs, late night adventures, and years worth of moments within the city limits. 
  however, the streets were as hushed as you were, as you gripped your steering wheel like a robot. 
  the decision had been long made and you knew it was going to come around at some point, so there was no use in fighting it. after going without seeing your boyfriend for months, it should have been nothing but pure excitement.
  “you’re awfully quiet,” murmured jungkook, glancing over at you from the passenger seat.
  you were already annoyed to begin with, when he mentioned that he was going to have a driver pick him up from the airport, instead of asking for you. it felt like he didn’t even expect to have you waiting for him, considering the two of you had been apart due to his time working in the united states. you thought he’d be insisting for you to be the first person he saw once he came back. these frustrations were on top of several other things, which you’d been dreading to confront for even longer of a time.
  and then, there was also the velvet box you spotted in the background of one of your facetime calls. you didn’t bring it up, but it was living in your mind everyday since. with jungkook’s big day fast approaching, there were a lot of conflicting ideas in your head.
  you shrugged. “i’ve been filming long hours. not getting that much sleep.”
  the look jungkook gave you read that he knew that you weren’t being a hundred percent honest, but he didn’t say anything. his eyes returned to being fixated on his phone.
  after over ten years of knowing each other, you and jungkook could see through each other like glass. the only problem was that nobody ever wanted to speak up. you feared the glaring possibility of other buried conflict dating further back into the relationship because of this dynamic.
  you didn’t think you deserved the blame for the tension in the air. there were several things in your mind, but jungkook wasn’t exactly a person who could easily mask their emotions. something was off with him, too, and you needed to figure out what it was. you could only hope for the best case scenario because otherwise, it was going to be your worst nightmare. there was no situation you could fathom where his behaviour was a result of an in between. 
  keeping your voice casual, you asked, “who are you texting?”
  “my mom.”
  you held back a sigh - jungkook was never particularly keen on involving you with his family. though you’d been together since he was sixteen, you always felt like he kept you an arm’s reach away from that part of your life and you never understood why.
  “oh. tell her i say hi,” you said and he hummed in response. 
  whilst you weren’t in a talkative mood, it wasn’t like jungkook was doing anything to keep the conversation flowing either. you guys obviously texted and called during his time away, but the present atmosphere was awkward, like there was nothing to talk about after his grand return. you hugged and kissed at the airport, asked how his flight was, and that was that. driving him felt like a business endeavour, rather than welcoming your long-term partner back to the country.
  after a few minutes, jungkook finally looked up from his phone. upon peering out the window, he grew confused and turned to you.
  he questioned, “where are we going? the apartment is in the other direction.”
  “just wait,” you assured, forcing a small smile. “take off your hoodie and put on what i have for you in the backseat.”
  there was a shopping bag sitting behind jungkook’s seat and he reluctantly reached over, revealing a silk ysl shirt that you picked up that very afternoon. sighing, he did as you asked and made the change. you didn’t care to look over at your boyfriend’s shirtless body, too irritated at the curtness of the conversation.
  you just wanted to get to the destination, the heavy silence becoming too much for you. there wasn’t even music on. you found yourself focusing too much on it, as you finally pulled up to the infamous hotel azure. somehow tucked away in the busy songpa district, it is unassuming to the civilian eye, but a well-known name amongst the circles of south korea’s entertainment industry. you didn’t “make it” in entertainment until you attended a party at hotel azure.
  jungkook shifted in his seat. “what is this?” his tone was demanding, which immediately put you off. “the plan was to go home.”
  to be fair, the last time that the two of you were at the azure hotel, jungkook wound up with a bloody nose after getting into it with an not-to-be-named yg idol at one of jackson wang’s wild parties. you weren’t even sure what happened yourself, bleary eyed for the majority of the night with several substances in your body. hotel azure was for idols at the top of the world with everything to lose, a favourite place of yours around 2018. it was now a place that you actively tried to avoid, but made an exception for the special occasion.
  “calm down,” you shot back, not letting him get away with the voice he used. “just wait, i said.”
  “i’m tired, y/n,” jungkook pleaded, as you stopped the car for the valet to take. 
  you ignored him - it wasn’t like it was up to you - and unbuckled your seatbelt, not waiting a second for jungkook. 
  not only did you pick up your boyfriend from the airport, you also spent hours meticulously preparing your appearance for the night. it didn’t seem like jungkook noticed, other than at the airport, when he questioned why you were wearing high heels. 
  you never wore heels unless you were working, but that changed when you met jungkook. he loved it when you wore heels and by the time your respective trainee debts were paid, made it a point. you bought platforms with the anticipation of how your boyfriend would go crazy over them. jungkook gifted you designer jimmy choos and pradas whenever you guys got into a fight. it made you feel your prettiest and he showered you with compliments every time.
  now, he looked at you oddly for it, like you were doing too much.
  jungkook eventually gave up and followed you in without a word, watching you take off your trench coat to reveal a stunning baby pink two-piece dress. the colour glittered under the low lighting of the hotel lobby and the corset accentuated your curves in all the right aways. except, he still did not say a word. this made you frown.
  you handed off your coat to an employee and jungkook did the same. the lobby was empty, but you and jungkook knew exactly where to go, making a beeline for the elevator and pressing the button to move up to the penthouse suite. 
  “why didn’t you warn me about this?” he grumbled under his breath, adjusting his shirt in the mirror.
  because that’s how surprise parties work, you wanted to reply. unfortunately, this was not a surprise party that you wanted to celebrate, so you didn’t even try to keep jungkook excited. you were both quiet, irritable, and only wanted to go home. 
  you said, “this is the part where i cover your eyes and lead you out.”
  jungkook complied and you placed your perfectly manicured hands over his line of vision. other than sharing a hug and kiss earlier, this was the closest you’d physically gotten to your boyfriend in months. your hands were cold and you were close enough that he could hear your breathing - all too uncomfortable. 
  the elevator dinged and you nudged jungkook to step forward. the penthouse’s lights were off, but you could make out the shuffling of feet from behind the kitchen counter. it looked like everything was set up and pristine. then, in just a beat, the entire room lit up and you removed your hands from jungkook’s eyes.
  the floor rumbled, voices roaring and bodies popping out from different places - behind pillars, couches and the bar. jungkook’s eyes brightened in a way that you had yet to see since reuniting with him earlier and it made your heart sink. you hadn’t realized how dull his demeanour was around you until something else actually made him smile.
  his closest friends and family gathered in the penthouse and there was a large, golden banner that hung from the walls that said “welcome back jungkook!” the other wall was decorated with another banner, but this one said “good luck rm, v, jimin and jungkook!” 
  jungkook’s older brother was the first one that enveloped him into a bear hug, nearly squeezing the life out of him, then his mom. this was followed by the remainder of his band mates that managed to make the party. you awkwardly stood off to the side, a wide smile plastered on your face to mask your despondence. it seemed like jungkook’s exhaustion only existed when he was sitting in a car with you, as his laughter echoed throughout the room.
  you caught jungkook’s eye and he already knew how you were feeling. while he exchanged words with other friends, it was namjoon who pulled you to the side.
  “hey. you guys did a really great job with the party,” you started, looking around.
  the penthouse of the azure hotel was a thing of beauty, with ceiling high windows that looked over the lights of seoul. everything shone and glimmered - the city skyline, the perfect marble floors, the expensive liquor bottles, and hell, even the perfect teeth of the myriad of a-list south korean celebrities gracing this exclusive party. there wasn’t a wrong way to ever throw a party there, but the group made an extra effort to make jungkook’s homecoming a special one. 
  jungkook was swarmed by several people, all asking about his time in america and how exciting it was. those were the words you used to describe it for him, too, when you sent him off months ago. you watched him take shots with mingyu and eunwoo. 
  namjoon shook his head, “no, no. this wouldn’t be possible without you,” he said and then glanced at jungkook, “and i’m sure he knows it, too.”
  the boys, despite it also serving as a goodbye party before their enlistments, had been helping you plan the surprise for weeks leading up to jungkook’s arrival. it was one of the longest times jungkook had been apart from them and from the country in general, so they wanted to make it extra special. though you were the main mastermind behind the gathering, you initially didn’t want to do it at all. 
  “yeah, i hope so,” you replied, as you poured yourself a glass of white wine. “you guys all deserve it.”
  over the years, jungkook’s band mates slowly became some of your friends, as well. it was somber goodbye for you in all kinds of ways. everyone was preparing to send them off with good luck and high spirits. 
  the boys were also preparing in their own way. you noticed that taehyung and jimin’s girlfriends were missing from the party, which only confirmed your speculations. 
  “it was just bound to happen,” said a voice.
  it was taehyung who joined you and namjoon in a quiet circle at the corner of the living room. all of the boys looked a little bit sad, despite the celebratory atmosphere, but you read a different kind of story in taehyung’s eyes. 
  he smiled with a hint of gloom. “you’re looking around for her, right?”
  as a fellow idol and also a girlfriend to a member of one of the biggest groups in the world, taehyung’s girlfriend grew to become one of your close confidants in the past few years. you guys were polite before, but this connection created a specific bond that couldn’t be understood by anyone else. however, you hadn’t heard from her in a few days and with her absence at taehyung’s goodbye party, you put two and two together. 
  to his side, namjoon clapped a hand on his friend’s back. “sorry, man.”
  “i hope it was cordial,” you mustered up, ignoring the growing heaviness at the pit of your stomach. you could only hope you weren’t next.
  taehyung replied. “she understood, but she wasn’t happy. regardless,” he sighed, “we’re still so young. her career is just blowing up even more, i feel like i’d only be holding her back.” 
  that was the way it went. when enlistment rolled around for most couples, it was either breaking up or a ring. you looked at your feet, not knowing what to say. 
  “jimin also told me that he broke things off with - “
  a loud yelp squeaked from taehyung, who was abruptly jabbed in the side with namjoon’s elbow. the latter cleared his throat and you recognized that look. namjoon only made that face when he pulled the leader card and needed to put someone in their place. you figured that your worries were transparent to those around you.
  namjoon cleared his throat. “not in a chatty mood?”
  while you greeted people during the set-up of the party, you realized that you had yet to actually try socializing. things were awkward with jungkook’s parents, who you long suspected didn’t approve of you for various reasons. in general, most people were interested in chatting with the boys, which you didn’t mind. it was a gathering to send them off, after all.
  “not really. you guys should go mingle with your friends,” you said, taking another sip of your wine. “it’s your party.”
  “i hope i’m not overstepping, but did you and jungkook get in a fight?” taehyung asked.
  you blinked slowly. “no. does it seem like it?”
  “just seems like he’s nervous about something,” he commented and you noticed namjoon glare at him once more, as if to shut up.
  for the first time that night, you felt a glimmer of mixed feelings that left you wondering. why would he be nervous? the big visual forming in your mind was a diamond ring. you and jungkook had contemplated marriage in the past year, but it was also the source of many arguments. you weren’t even sure you wanted to get married now, but your mother had been getting into your ear about you getting older. then, there were your respective companies who lost their shit at the idea. but, what really mattered, was jungkook’s opinion. he seemed to wave it off or change the topic at every opportunity, so your hopes for a ring lived in the back of your mind. 
  despite this, taehyung was right. jungkook looked nervous. he’d been irritated at being dragged to his surprise party - you wondered if it was delusional enough to believe that he had plans for the two of you, instead. 
  for the rest of the night, you continued to keep to yourself. you weren’t lying when you told jungkook you were tired, but you were determined to stay as long as you could and pretend that you and jungkook weren’t stealing mysterious glances at each other for the entire evening. it was obvious and only made you anxious. 
  a few hours later and the party only grew in numbers and in noise. you thought you lost him in the crowd, until you left to refill your nth drink and found him talking to his cousin.
  the two were smiling and laughing, as his cousin appeared to be showing jungkook pictures on his phone. you assumed it was her newborn daughter - she gave birth just two months before her fiance was to be discharged and now that he was back, the wedding was just around the corner. you remembered jungkook telling you that she was proposed to on the day of his enlistment. 
  jungkook caught your eye and he immediately looked away - what the hell was that? he even turned slightly and you couldn’t read his lips. something was going on. you watched him shove his hands in his pockets and you swore you saw the shape of a small square inside.
  eventually, you grew tired of the tension in the air and the music began to make your head pound. the longer you thought about your partner, the greater your anxieties grew. there was a chance you even just although it was late in the year and a fresh sheet of snow adorned the streets of seoul, you decided it was best to step out into the balcony to take some time to breathe. 
  nobody else was there, thankfully, and you let out a shiver when you stepped out. the peppermint air dispelled the haze in your head and in your heart, as taking a deep breath was the greatest relief you felt all night. though your muscles remained tense and you knew you wouldn’t last out in the cold, the balcony was a welcome change.
  you weren’t sure how long you were outside when the door creaked open and just by the footsteps alone, you knew who it was.
  “your guests will miss you,” you said, not even looking behind you.
  at this point, you were hugging yourself to stop shivering. a rustle later and you felt a thick blanket drape over your shoulders, the wool of its make completely enveloping you with much needed warmth. you relaxed your shoulders, but couldn’t look jungkook in the eyes.
  “something’s wrong. tell me.”
  jungkook’s wine stained lips were pulled into a frown and although he hid it well when he was chatting away with his friends and family, you could see the exhaustion in his eyes. he sniffled a few times and you knew why, but you decided to bite your tongue. it was his party and he was an adult who could celebrate whatever way he wanted. it was also clear that neither of you had the energy to argue. instead, to his surprise, you raised an arm and gestured for him to come closer.
  he sidestepped towards you and although you were shorter, let you wrap some of the blanket around him. his cold arm snaked around your waist and you tensed up again at his touch.
  you continued to look out into the skyline. “i was going to say the same for you.”
  “i’m really thankful for the party, love,” he ignored your question and pressed a kiss against your temple.
  you mumbled under your breath, “it wasn’t easy." this was the first time all night that you were comfortable enough to physically touch jungkook and you suspected alcohol played a role in relieving the tension between you two, but it was always going to be easy to fall right back into routine.
  and just like that, you felt a stinging sensation in your eyes. tears welled up and blurred your vision, which only made you turn your head away further from your boyfriend. he caught this immediately, his instincts nothing but natural when it came to you, and pulled you right into his chest. 
  the sound that came out of your mouth sounded nothing like you. the sob was desperate and helpless. it was akin to a toddler who couldn’t do anything by themselves. your voice cracked with each body-shaking sob and you didn’t have the guts to conceal it. your head was buried into jungkook’s new shirt, ruining it, but he only stroked your hair and wrapped the blanket tighter around the two of you.
  “it’s okay. . .” jungkook cooed and for what seemed like the first time in a while, he sounded like himself. 
  it wasn’t like jungkook had undergone a drastic change from his time in america, but it was a gradual shift that you felt over a longer period of time. you attributed to the fact that you were no longer teenagers and things weren’t going to be the same as it did ten, even five years ago. that was what you told yourself, but you weren’t sure why you still held on to the old jungkook you knew.
  in that moment, he sounded like the fifteen year old boy you met in a convenience store again. he sounded like the jungkook who wrote you disgusting love songs that were horrible, but you adored anyway. he sounded like the man who you talked about children and a big house and an annoying dog with. 
  as you found the bravery to finally pull away from jungkook’s comforting embrace, you looked up and saw that future in his eyes. his features softened, but he looked sad. your heart sank once again.
  “you’re not just crying because i’m enlisting, are you?” he finally spoke, just above a whisper. his tone was certain, barely a question - after ten years together, jungkook knew you better than you knew yourself.
  you froze. there was nothing else you could do but shut your eyes tight, pretending that this wasn’t really happening.
  after a beat, you found your voice. “listen. . .we both know what happens after a man enlists. look at taehyung and jimin. look at your cousin.” 
  over the years, you and jungkook had gone through hell and back. you thought the worst day of your life was when dispatch leaked the news that you were dating five years ago, but you were able to recover. you thought it was the worst day of your life when your breakup was witnessed by the entire world, but you were able to recover. you even thought the worst day of your life was when word got out that you and jungkook got back together, effectively proving that you were weak and were the type of girl to crawl back to her ex. you recovered then, as well.
  at the second part of your sentence, you felt jungkook physically tense up.
  “is that why you’ve been acting weird lately?” he replied.
  you don’t know where it came from, but something triggered a spark of anger in you. still, with a tear stained face and a runny nose, you opened your eyes and met his. this was not something you would be able to recover from.
  you said, “it hasn’t just been lately, jungkook. you know exactly what’s on my mind, we’ve been talking - “
  “ - and you know what my answer has been, baby. you know what kind of position i’m in,” he interrupted, breaking apart from your hold and the blanket he brought for you.
  he wasn’t wrong. you did know what kind of position he was in. one of the biggest stars in the world and he had everything to lose, especially with the anxieties looming in the air for him and the rest of his group. every one of them were on their toes as soon as their enlistment dates were finalized, fearing their fade from the spotlight. you and the rest of the world knew that it was bullshit, that the bts was going to be forgotten just because they were going into the military for a few years. 
  marriage would surely ruin that further, right?
  you said, “and you know what position i’m in.”
  the careless joys of your early twenties had come and gone, which left you at the mercy of your mother’s constant talks about marriage. not just her, but other family members and even some of your friends. after all, you and jungkook had been together for ten years and you were pushing thirty sooner or later. 
  you also had your own fears in regard to your career. jungkook once laughed when you expressed your worries about the public no longer finding you young and pretty, but it was a real fear. most girl groups didn’t last more than a few years. many of your contemporaries had long said goodbye to their idol persona and went their separate ways from their band for a new life. you were considered a lucky one to remain with your group and maintain relevance, but for how long? was it time for you to finally settle down? you weren’t granted the same longevity as jungkook’s renowned group and you weren’t bitter about it, but nervous.
  snowflakes began to fall once again and as one fell on your eyelashes, you noticed jungkook’s jaw clench. 
  “we’ve talked about this,” he said and you knew your wandering thoughts about a potential proposal were too good to be true.
  you began, “look, i know that things are different for people like us. . “ but, things were changing. in recent years, you watched several of your peers get married and have children without losing their spot in the limelight. 
  “y/n. . .what made you think i changed my mind?” jungkook sighed, pacing back and forth to calm himself down.
  “i just thought. . .”
  “i’m sorry, but i wasn’t going to propose before my enlistment.” this time, jungkook’s frustrations melted away and there was genuine sadness in his voice. 
  he stepped closer to you and put his hands on your waist. you didn’t know what to say. you really had been pretending that his strange behaviour was because of a hope that seemed impossible now. 
  you took a deep breath. “you never said no. you made it seem like you were considering it.”
  that was what silenced jungkook. it was true, there was never an outright refusal from jungkook. he would say things that implied he would talk to his company again or “with time” it would come. he gave you just enough reassurance, but never confirmation. 
  continuing, you said, “and you even indulged in keeping the fantasy alive with me. you’re sick for talking about honeymoon destinations with me and suggesting songs we could dance to.”
  “hey. i’ve said time ands time again that there is no future where you aren’t by my side,” jungkook tried getting you to look at him, but every time he moved, you turned away. 
  there was no reason for you to make eye contact. you felt like a fool and if you met his eyes, you knew you would just burst into tears again. then, you thought about your conversation earlier with your friends and your vision became wet again.
  “were you planning to break up with me before you enlisted?”
  “what? no,” he responded, but you weren’t convinced. 
  you responded, “it was going to be inevitable, wasn’t it? like jimin and taehyung. you were going to be done with me.”
  this time, jungkook forced you to look at him by the chin and your shoulders dropped. there was a crease in between his eyebrows that you don’t remember seeing even just a year ago. he looked more tired than he did as a rookie with barely survivable living standards. 
  “time really goes by, huh?” you murmured, fighting to keep your voice stable.
  “we were never going to break up, love,” jungkook maintained.
  still, his words didn’t penetrate further than surface level. you were left numb and the chill of winter in seoul had nothing to do with it. you wished that someone would just call jungkook away, but the party inside continued on without him. 
  “you bought a ring. i saw it when we video called.”
  jungkook’s lips parted. you knew it. you knew you weren’t losing your mind. over the last ten years, you made some crazy accusations for all kinds of reasons. this time was different and you saw it on his face.
  even after what seemed like forever, jungkook couldn’t find words to say. the longer he waited to speak, the faster your heart began to race. 
  he rubbed his temples and finally, he spoke. jungkook spoke and you immediately dropped the blanket he brought for you, dashing right back inside. you walked past every single attendee and ignored the few that cried out your name. you didn’t care what it looked like. you just knew you had to get out of there.
  jungkook said there was a ring. he began to open his mouth and explain further, especially when he read the horrified expression on your face, but you wanted no part in it. there was no room for you to think about what that meant. you only saw red.
  you weren’t sure why you wanted a proposal so badly. you knew you didn’t care that much about what your mother wanted and getting married was no solution to the prospects of a dying career. you were second guessing if your wishes for a wedding were even genuine. 
  on the other hand, maybe you intended for the wedding to be a solution to a dying relationship. 
LATEST NEWS: hybe dismisses reports that bts’ jungkook and S.IREN’s nova are engaged, seeking legal action against gossip website that went viral for spreading the false rumour
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heckyeahhyungwon · 1 year
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gaeiies · 2 years
i fucking hate things restricted to fanclub members. paying $25 *maybe* be randomly picked? fuck you
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hypebeast1ife · 4 months
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KITH Seoul Release Date: May 31, 2024
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dailykyun · 2 years
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© DMR | do not edit or crop
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bbina · 7 months
between the lines masterlist
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ᯓ★ SYNOPSIS.ᐟ from what started as a simple arrangement to hide your feelings for a certain someone by getting into in a fake relationship soon turns into a tangled mess. in which some things are hard to tell when you can’t read between the lines
ᯓ★ PAIRING.ᐟ park wonbin x reader
ᯓ★ GENRE.ᐟ fluff, angst, crack | 𖡎 – written portions
ᯓ★ STATUS.ᐟ completed.
ᯓ★ TAGLIST.ᐟ closed (limit)
ᯓ★ NOTES.ᐟ first riize smau! bbina is cooking with this one i fear... this fic will contain nsfw themes somewhere along the way and some kys jokes, etc. happy reading! also if you want to be added to the taglist make sure your blog is visible for me to be able to tag you
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˗ˏˋ ★ CHAPTERS ★ ˎˊ˗ ☆ INTRODUCTION ☆ ONE ⊹₊ ⋆ do what you must ☆ TWO ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 last minute rain checks ☆ THREE ⊹₊ ⋆ national museum of korea ☆ FOUR ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 campfire ☆ FIVE ⊹₊ ⋆ chemistry ☆ SIX ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 first day on the job ☆ SEVEN ⊹₊ ⋆ shock factor ☆ EIGHT ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 yet ☆ NINE ⊹₊ ⋆ soft launch ☆ TEN ⊹₊ ⋆ thanks for the support ☆ ELEVEN ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 pillow talk ☆ TWELVE ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 count your days ☆ THIRTEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ wasn't part of the plan ☆ FOURTEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 why does it matter ☆ FIFTEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ just be with me ☆ SIXTEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ seoul bound ☆ SEVENTEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ more than welcome ☆ EIGHTEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 trust me ☆ NINETEEN ⊹₊ ⋆ newly improved fake boyfriend 2.0 ☆ TWENTY ⊹₊ ⋆ only my girl ☆ TWENTY ONE ⊹₊ ⋆ next date ☆ TWENTY TWO ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 for my eyes only ☆ TWENTY THREE ⊹₊ ⋆ care package ☆ TWENTY FOUR ⊹₊ ⋆ too early ☆ TWENTY FIVE ⊹₊ ⋆ not like this ☆ TWENTY SIX ⊹₊ ⋆ two months later ☆ TWENTY SEVEN ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 long way home ☆ TWENTY EIGHT ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 thank you ☆ TWENTY NINE ⊹₊ ⋆ fake idgafer ☆ THIRTY ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 boundaries ☆ THIRTY ONE ⊹₊ ⋆ could've had it all ☆ THIRTY TWO ⊹₊ ⋆ out of habit ☆ THIRTY THREE ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 time ☆ THIRTY FOUR ⊹₊ ⋆ deja vu ☆ THIRTY FIVE ⊹₊ ⋆ operation: ynbin ☆ THIRTY SIX ⊹₊ ⋆ it's bad for the both of them ☆ THIRTY SEVEN ⊹₊ ⋆ stories write themselves ☆ THIRY EIGHT ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 ulsan ☆ THIRTY NINE ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 drunken words ☆ FOURTY ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 sober thoughts ☆ FOURTY ONE ⊹₊ ⋆ disappointed ☆ FOURTY TWO ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 afternoon bliss (M) ☆ FOURTY THREE ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 we are so back ☆ FOURTY FOUR ⊹₊ ⋆ what are we ☆ FOURTY FIVE ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 wouldn't have it in any other way ☆ FOURTY SIX ⊹₊ ⋆ new boyfriend lore ☆ FOURTY SEVEN ⊹₊ ⋆ texting and driving ☆ FOURTY EIGHT ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 dior her ☆ FOURTY NINE ⊹₊ ⋆ 𖡎 you’re all i’ll ever want and need ☆ FIFTY ⊹₊ ⋆ between the lines
⋆.˚—̳͟͞͞★ asks | lore | official playlist ₊⊹
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justcamiss · 2 years
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