#seoz answers
seoz-seoz · 2 years
Why do you like obito(like in what made his character interesting to you)?
Hi thanks for sending this ask :) hm so I'm really bad at collecting my thoughts and saying things clearly but I'll try. I wish I could write excellent meta like some ppl. Like it's all in my brain, but it's just a swirly blob of half thoughts. But ok here are some of my personal thoughts about obito and why I like him as a character.
There's a lot I like about obito… I think most of what I like is pretty common among fans. But I mean theres also things in his character and life that have always resonated with me personally. In my life i have dealt with a lot of trauma, injury, disability, loss, etc and i have kinda projected my experiences into my hc's of obito.. especially regarding his healing process post cave collapse and abuse from madara. I felt a lot of things i assume he would have felt after I also suffered a major injury, and after other traumatic things with major ramifications…
Almost his entire life was altered by, and almost nearly defined by his traumas. How he deals with his it, (or doesnt really) is so painful to watch, but to me his strength is commendable. I wonder sometimes if he would've given up if it hadn't been for his heart seal, if his strength of will would've withered away from neglect. But then, after kks removed the seal, it kind of proved (at that point in his journey at least) that he still believed in his goal of a better world, and he wasn't ready to give up. How much of his strength of will was his own? How mych was madaras influence? It's hard to say. What role do we play in creating our own identities, and how much control do we give others- or is taken away?
There's a lot of unknowns, a lot of grey when it comes to obito. Nothing is pretty or neat when it comes to him.
I am also SO fascinated by his relationship to love. I think on the surface he thinks he doesnt care, he has no love left to give. But i personally believe love is at the core of all his actions (like sasuke!! I am on the sasuke defense squad...) i mean yeah, his relationship with his emotions (love especially) is toxic and unhealthy no doubt... but ultimately what's important to me is that his love and joy were so so strong as a child- and so nearly destroyed- that he later clings so tightly to the little he has left. I think trauma can do this to us. It can make us jaded and resentful and hurt others, to try to make things better. But often what's at the core of all that is this desire for things to be better. For the suffering to go away.
Like ok. Obito wants to violently destroy the world that hurt him and his loved ones. And not just destroy it, but rather create a better world in its place. A world that promises no more pain ot suffering. That is telling. I think that others in his situation would gladly see the world rot into oblivion, and not feel bad about making it burn a little faster. But not obito. He wants to burn it all (perhaps as fast as possible!) in order to create a utopia. But here’s the kicker... it’s a utopia in which he will never find peace himself, where he will wonder alone for eternity. Oof.
I wont try to say if he was totally right or wrong/good or bad/selfless or selfish, just that i can empathize with his motives and his trauma. Most of all i dont think its fair to categorize him as either a villian or a hero. He exists outside of that binary and obviously exhibits traits of both which is a lot more interesting to me. I definitely like the duality/ficklness of his nature. He's hard to pin down, he doesn't fit in a box, he's kind AND he's cruel. Obito is good and bad and none of the above. He's multiple people all in one. Idk I just think he's neat.
I wish his journey in canon was cathartic for him but i dont know. It wasn't for me in the end chapters. Thats why i like au's :) (Side note, I think rin should have roundhouse kicked his ass when he saw her in the end. And thennnn they could hug and make up).
Hmm ok this was all over the place sorry I hope this makes sense. If u made it this for thanks for reading my unedited essay. I really like obito. Sending u love and joy.
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konohamaru-sensei · 6 months
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
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🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
@seoz-seoz @enevera <3
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
both! When its about Au crafting and such, i widely prefer OCS but since I dont read long fics (because lazy) I rarely read oc fics that arent from friends, so then i prefer reader insert one shots.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
sorry for tagging you folks again but everything of @butter--peanut and @lemony-snickers is worth reading, i recommend both their magnum opus..i? "to answer the call" and "kamui blues"
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butter--peanut · 2 years
4 & 8 for the writing ask game!! (If they havent been asked already) Hope you are doing well!! -Seoz
seoz!! <3 I hope you're doing good too and your recovery is going well! I tried to think of answers here for the Last Act but my head's so deep into my nano story that this was all I could focus on, hope that's okay :)
4. name five things that COULD happen next, logically -> mc magic system training montage let's goooo/MC found family shenanigans/ mc truly feels at home in new city/MC encounters main antagonist and is v badly injured/MC is helped by shady mentor + family feels
8. in ten words or less, what are the themes of the piece, intentional or otherwise? -> abandonment/devotion, destruction/recovery, history & power of storytelling
writing scene asks
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Hi!! 🌈 &🧞‍♀️if they haven't been asked already. -Seoz (this is from my main) I hope you have a great day tomorrow!
I did answer the first one but i’m not done yet XD
What i miss about being a kid.
Having people actually listen to me when they ask what i want for birthday/christmas and get me that thing, instead of now where people just seem to assum that because i’m an adult i can’t have fun interests anymore and need boring shit like kitchen appliances (ok this was my father in law but it was extra insulting because it’s my husband who cooks. I am not to be trusted in the kitchen ever)
Three wishes?
1) I wish all billionaires money was immediately transferred to organizations to help the homeless and needy
2) i wish all politicians and buisnesspeople were automaticlly inclined to up the minimum wage to 30 bucks per hour
3) i wish Kishi would make a manga based off of Kakashi’s gen (not focused on Kakashi but maybe team minato and their time together as a team, and their generations struggles in being part of a war when they’re still not even teenagers)
Thank you 💜💜💜 and hopefully tomorrow is good. I have a date night with my husband and am hopefully finishing my christmas shopping
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Kakashi looks so sad in the drawing? /drops Obito in his lap/ That’s better!
Lol. kakashi is thankful. But also so confused like- "OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU DIED OBITO? But now ur here sitting on my sad boner wtf"
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Hi hi! What's your favourite flavour of fic? Your top three Naruto ships? And most importantly, how are you so good at drawing Obito with CAKE??
Hi hi hi <3 thanks for the asks.
1. favorite flavor of fic:
Oh good question!! Hmm flavor wise, would have to be angst with a happy ending.. I like my blorbos to undergo great suffering- but for it to pay off in the end. Definitely angst, more so than fluff. One of my favorite tropes is enemies to lovers, or especially childhood friends to enemies back to friends to lovers. Heh. I gobble that shit up in every way, shape, or form. I like novel length-incredibly thought out- insane worldbuilding au fics (like your current one!!!!!! <33333) but i also like short things too. Oh and I enjoy reading silly crack fics too. Hehe
2. Top 3 naruto ships
Oh my god why do I gave to pick only 3?!?!?!? I am a mentally ill MULTISHIPPER OK? Fine hmm I will pick 3. But jsut know. there are so. many..
Honorable mentions: kakagai, kisaobi, inosaku.....
Alright I failed I picked 6
3. How do I draw obito ASS????
Simple stuff. Gay sorcery. Transgender witchcraft. Summoning obito's ghost and taking notes. The usual
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
I thought you would find humor in it too but i had the thought while looking at ur konan art and remembering that Itachi also had safeguards in place to kill "Madara". Both of them only failed bc "Madara" kept some things hidden from them. But the fact that he had TWO. Not one but TWO ninja (at the least) planning on killing him???? Makes me scream with laughter. Obito, even as Madara, is still a cringe fail dweeb who has people trying to kill him. (and i say that with sooo, so much affection, squeezing him like a stressball)
Oh yes, cringe fail dweeb my beloved. But I mean yea they were definitely picking up on his sketchy-as-fuck vibes when he was 'madara'.. and seeing him switch from tobi to madara just HAD to freak out the akatsuki that knew.
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone who knew him in akatsuki had some sort of "backup" plan. Maybe not as successful of a plan as konan and itachi though, bc they were especially genius level. Well, everyone except kisame. kisame saw him once, laughed at him, and was like lol this dudes hysterical I wanna shake him like a baby
lol sometimes am still shocked and impressed that the akatsuki and kage and everybody else even bought his act completely in the first place. Why was no one like "nahh... that ain't it"..???? As cringe as he is, he must be fucking good at acting. Thats why I like fics where he's in an actors/acting au, those are fun. bc the fact he tricked so many different ppl in his different roles is insane.
But yes, even though I think hes a sexy bamf, obito will always be a silly embarrassing crybaby failure deep down to me <333 It's the duality for me <333
Thanks for the ask 😊🧡
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Heehehe you know me so well
Wow like 5 ppl asked for obito!! You were the first so I will answer yours lol. Sorry everyone else but thanks, im glad u all know I'm insane 4 obito
Obito- my right-hand...arm man. My everything. My confidant, my best friend, my silly rabbit- "is that what u call him?" No :)
Uh wow here u go
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Well here is some diagnostic proof I am clinically insane for obito 🧡 🧡 🧡
I tried to darken the ones that were even more insanity-inducing for me, hope that helps
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seoz-seoz · 1 year
🙃🦋🌸 sorry to hear you're having a rough time, sending you good vibes!
Hi!!! Thank u for the good vibes. I hope you're doing well. This just reminded me that I need to catch up on reading your writing omg!!! Also I still love love love ur art ahhh
🙃 - What's a weird fact you know?
Here's a random dinosaur fact!
The Sinosauropteryx was a small carnivorous theropod from the Cretaceous period (~125 mya) that was discovered in China in the mid 90's. Here's the coolest part: we actually know what the coloring of sinosauropteryx most likely was, because the fossils that were found preserved evidence of its primitive feathers. Sinosauropteryx most likely had reddish-orange and white coloring and a banded tail. It would've looked fuzzy all over.
It's one of the coolest and most important finds of the 20th century. Plus i think it's a really cute dinosaur too :)
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🦋 - Describe yourself in three words.
Passionate, caring, and tired.
🌸 - What's the best compliment you've ever received?
There's a more personal story that comes to mind but I won't get into it lol. But really, whenever people say they like the art I make, that always is amazing to me. Blows my mind. I'm very grateful for that.
Thanks for asking !!
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seoz-seoz · 1 year
🎵🧸 hope you've been well <3 all the warmest vibes to you
Hey <33 thank u!! I'm home again, still not doing great, but at least I'm not at the hospital anymore.
🎵 - Last song you listened to?
Lake of Fire by Nirvana. It's a nice mellow song of theirs. I was listening to my 90s grunge playlist while i was at the hospital.
🧸 - Favorite place to nap?
My bed!!! I love my bed and am so grateful for it!!!!!!!! I love sleeping! I love not being conscious! Wish I could do that more often!!! But alas, the insomnia 🫠
Ask game
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Hey :) How about Gai for the ask game?
PS: Wishing you a fast recovery, hope you're not in too much pain!
Hi!!! Thank you for the support! Here's my bingo for Gai
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Damn I love Gai so mych. What a character. I definitely appreciate the corner of fandom that I'm in, that really has great thoughts on his character that go beyond canon's comic relief/somewhat negative portrayal. Gai is a badass mother fucker with a heart made of the purest purest gold. And he has a great bod!!!!. And yeah he's never done anything wrong in his life ever.
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And of course, hes such a good friend to kakashi too 🥺💚😭💚
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seoz-seoz · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiiii!!! 🖤🖤🖤
🥤- What's your go-to Starbucks order?
I don't really go there very often, bc they're evil and I can't stomach coffee anymote anyways... but I do like their strawberry acai refresher lol
🐸 - Describe your aesthetic.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no clue? I just wanna be some dude that cannot be perceived. In fact I'd like it if no one ever looked at me ever! But, if all else fails and someone DOES have to look at me, I'd hope they think "damn that there's a gay freak who hates the government and enjoys fantasizing about cops dying" ...I guess that's the vibes I'm going for. I doubt I'm successful
💌 - Do you talk to yourself?
Lol, yes, all the time apparently. I don't usually even realize it, but it gets pointed out to me a lot. I'm not crazy I promise (<- is insane)
Thanks for asking!! I hope you're doing well <333 I still love all the art you make 💕
Ask game
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
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Ok don't mind me I'm just sobbing my eyes out.
Nisi you are so wonderful!! Thank you for sending this. I am so glad to be friends with you!! And you remembered kags is my blorbo! Thank you for being so thoughtful. Happy valentine's day <333
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
...but ok real talk, it might be a while til I have time to make this but ill try. I'm working on commissions right now and also obito week is coming up so I have to find time for that... but yes!!! I will do buff rin art again eventually. Because. she. is. IMPORTANT. And thank you, I'm grateful you like my buff rin. Have a great day or night, anon. Stay posted, I'll share some buff rin someday soon.
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
O-bestboy-bito here! Omg I love your bingo card for the unhinged meme! I tried to think of the most unhinged characters. Obito is my #1 and Madara is also my #2!!
Ahhh same brain same brain wooooooooooooo ❤️ 🧡 ❤️ 🧡
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Hi kirpy 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Aaahh ok kks. The man. The mystery. The metnal illness.
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Hehe double bingo baaabbyyy
Not as insane as obito but still. I do really wanna shake him in a snow globe pretty sure I've said that multiple times before
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