coconutcanary · 2 years
Story time ✨
I understand this isn’t really me to post things that aren’t related to art, but this is something I need the Markiplier Fandom and the Jacksepticeye fandom to hear,
So septipler right?
No don’t leave yet! I don’t ship them, but this is a story that needs to be told here
For privacy I’m not naming anyone particular here so they are anonymous
So back in high school I was in art class with this guy, and he liked my art, and at the time I was at the height of the 2016 youtuber era hyperfixation, septipler was still a thing people would make content for. And once I told the guy I draw acksepticeye fanart (not septipler, like funny Anti and Dark meme stuff) , he drops this nuke of a story on me
Apparently he had a younger sibling who would “draw”, but it was more so tracing pictures they would find on google images. So this sibling was tracing septipler art and would hang it up on their wall. Not too much harm done, just drawing for fun in their spare time.
But here’s the thing, they would trace the art on their smart tv screen
like they put paper on the tv, and the image was seen through enough where they could trace the outline. Well apparently they decided to trace some nsfw art from a particularly popular septipler artist who shall not be named, but the kicker was they traced the image in sharpie.
So the image of this septipler smut drawing was permanently etched into this brand new smart tv screen. And this poor guy and his father had to return their brand new tv with the septipler smut drawn onto the screen.
Just imagine coming home to see septipler drawn onto your tv and it’s stuck their permanently.
Anyway that’s the story, you can carry on knowing this knowledge, do what you may with it
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dtaegis · 7 months
i'm all for fanfic liberation and not deleting fandom's past but. oh my God. there's a whole "Sept/iplier fandom" category on ao3
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mintbees · 2 years
yeah i do wanna hear about your Septipler and Phan headcanons, drop em below king
k so my septiplier headcanon is that markiplier is absolutely a service top and- OH MY GOD ITS A GOUGAR RUN!!!
Tumblr media
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dreamhot · 2 years
I think why people think bad about rfp is mostly originated in septipler and how it went too far...
i mean . don't get me wrong, i'm aware that rpf is kinda inherently weird and i'm not gonna delude myself into thinking otherwise - and there are always gonna be people who take shit WAY too far (we've got several examples of that throughout history). so i'm never gonna give people shit if they don't personally enjoy it, but i also think it's useless to police fan spaces where people DO like it, yknow?
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superpussyking · 3 months
Everynow and then i remember the insane septipler fic my middle school friend wrote and wonder how that came to be
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erincattail · 7 years
Person A:*scrolling casually on Person Bus instagram feed*
Person A: *accidentally likes a pic from 4 years ago*
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Okay, so for who ever sees this, im talking about ships. I was talking to a person about our ships and they started throwin hate at the persons significant other. This is not okay. Its like septiplier. People are hating on jack and marks significant others because it "ruins the ship" at all that shit. Okay i love and respect the fandoms of both these people and i am part of the fandom of both these people but seriously stop doing this please. shipping is ok and all but really, it isnt any of our buisness who their significant others are or what they do. Just be fucking happy for them okay. Im very sorry if this is offensive or rude. I just really needed to get this off my chest.
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porcelainparasite · 7 years
Up until a little after 4 last night editing this thing so I’d have it out for sure before my trip. Thank you to everyone who asked a question I think its actually got a lot of information about the game and my process thanks to your input. 
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miodiodavinci · 6 years
What do you think about KPOP personally? (if this kinda annoys you, you don’t need answer this)
i haven’t looked into it at all?? like honestly no opinion at this point??? some of the fans can be a little   h o o   b o y   but there’s people like that in every fandom so ksjdhflgjkshd
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stationk17 · 7 years
Septiplier wants to die
Septiplier was a waste. Not in the typical way, not really. Sure he was drinking, despite the fact alcohol is basically poison to him. He was a waste of time, space, and breath.
He took a swig from the bottle he held tight in his hand, angry tears forming in his mismatched eyes. Another swig and the tears fell, hot against his cheeks.
He sat and waited, letting the tears fall. He waited until a sharp pain in his abdomen formed. He smiled and took another swig. He laid down, smiling to himself.
“Maybe, this’ll be the time.” He said, voice switching to deep and smooth to high and Irish and back again.
So, Septiplier laid there, smiling as the pain got worse. Maybe no one will find him this time. Maybe, they will just let him die.
But that clearly wasn’t the case as the door to his room was slammed open. He frowned as he watched as Google Green stood over him, looking down.
“Go away.” Septiplier mumbled, shutting his eyes.
“The doctor requested me to get you. He never said I couldn’t use force if I had to.” Green replied, waiting for a response.
“I said go away.” Septiplier went to take another swig from his bottle, but was stopped by a hand around his wrist.
“The doctor also told me to stop you from consuming more alcohol.” Green said, prying the bottle from the angsty ego.
Green waited a moment before bending down and picking up Septiplier, carrying him bridal style. He began to walk out despite Septiplier’s protests.
“Let me go.” He tried squirming out of Green’s grasp, but the Android held tight.
He carried the angsty ego into the clinic and unceremoniously dumped him onto a bed. He took a few steps back but stayed by the bed.
Septiplier had been in this situation enough times to know that Green had been instructed to watch him until Doc came.
He frowned and turned away, curling up into a ball and closing his eyes. He didn’t care that Green was a few feet away, he just began to cry. Big ugly sobs escaped him, his two voices fighting to say the words he was holding back.
He continued like this, just sobbing and shaking in either anger or sadness he didn’t know.
He was angry that he was interrupted, but also sad that none of them understood. Anger at the others for just telling him to get used to being alive cause he couldn’t change that, sadness at the fact they were right.
He continued down this spiral, until something wrapped around him, startling him just enough to stop sobbing. He took a deep shaky breath and just tried to calm himself. He continued to shake, though after a few minutes the tears stopped. He finally opened his eyes and look at was around him.
He held back a gasp as he saw that Green had moved next to Septiplier and has wrapped his arms around him. Green didn’t move, holding on tight to Septiplier, his green eyes closed.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes until Septiplier stopped shaking. Once he was still for a moment Green let go and stepped back.
Septiplier just looked at him, shocked. “W-What was that?” His two voices out of sync.
“I have done research on proper procedure for treating someone having symptoms of a emotional breakdown. Physical contact of one of the many ways that seemed effected.” Green replied, his voice as monotone as ever.
Septiplier sniffed, and wiped his eyes, just now noticing he left his glasses in his room. “Thanks, I g-guess.”
Green didn’t reply, just watched the other as he leaned back and closed his eyes.
((There was supposed to be more angst at the end but whatever. And it’s all thanks to @immortalpoptart))
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daisychainsposts · 4 years
(Sèan reading septiplier fanfics because he’s bored)
Sèan: 😐
(Sèan gets to a bj scene)
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relaxxattack · 3 years
sorry zayne i gotta ask the real questions. was he a septipl- [gets shot]
hell world
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Things I will right t-word fics for.
Star vs. The forces of evil
Sanders sides
Harry Potter
So ya I'm totally up for prompts so if you have any ideas shoot me up with them
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wilfcrd · 4 years
@ punk anon i would probably be that one off septipler ego ngl- seán stanning anon
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dreamhot · 2 years
The septipler anon: nonono I am a rpf shipper myself and have no problems with it whatsoever I was just saying that it got so out of control that for people from the outside it started to look like some sort of abomination and that people here are crazy. That's what in my opinion gave us the bad fame.
oh god yeah like. that, phannies, larries, etc ... unfortunately, as with most things, the loudest voices are frequently the most obnoxious ones as well 😭😭 i'm just trying to mind my business ...
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erincattail · 7 years
Come with me, and you'll be, in a world, full of septiplier.
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