#seraph's shield mission
thefirstknife · 2 years
With the view of The Traveler from Seraph Station now, are we any closer to figuring out how big it's supposed to be?
Yeah, that should help solving it. I'm leaving it to people who understand math tho.
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It's a really nice view! Also you can see the two sets of walls which is really nice. The City's walls changed over time as the City grew and as the walls have been improved upon.
I also tried checking for any landmarks like any land or water on the ground to see if we can pinpoint the City's location once and for all, but you can't really see anything specific.
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phantom-wolf · 2 years
Did you guys know if you fall off the orbital platforms in the Seraph Shield mission overlooking Earth, there's a new falling animation. Not gonna spoil it, but it's toward the end of falling.
I found out when my brother launched my ass off with his Eager Edge
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wastedpotentialsblog · 7 months
Destiny enemies and enemy models that I really really liked and could've been used more:
Marauder Ultras:
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They're fun to fight! They're fast, can use stealth, can use shock blades, and don't have to Boss StompTM. I would've loved to see these guys decked in white, cream, blue, and black if they were on Europa. You don't have to give em Stasis but a different boss than just Large and slow Captain is a nice change of pace.
House Salvation elites (Enforcers, Disciples, and Assisstants)
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>Makes 3 custom enemy types that use Darkness powers for the first time, all with unique models and animations
>barely uses them
>they disappear for 2 years
They didn't come back til Seraph! SERAPH. Come on man. These fuckers should've been everywhere throughout BL. I also think their lack of appearance also contributed to the lack of urgency of the "our enemies have darkness now" threat. I mean, we fought like 8 or 9 named "Salvation Elites" but most were just standard Ultra Captains. If they were Elites, they could've just been these guys.
Side note: Out of the new factions of Lucent Hive, Shadow Legion, and House Salvation. Salvation didn't get an "invasion" season to go with their expansion. Robbed. Truly. They made a Military-Industrial Complex and barely set foot anywhere else besides Europa. I also think this was a factor that didnt create any kind of urgency during BL.
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Need I say more? Look at this swagged out motherfucker. If House Salvation really subsumed multiple houses under its banner, Kells Scourge included, should've thrown a couple of these bozos out there. Alter the shield mechanic to be more easily disabled by a solo player. Could even make their armor jet black. Given they have stealth itd be a nice visual contrast when they reveal themselves. I didn't play Scourge of the Past too much, but I did enjoy these guys when I did.
(Can you tell I'm biased at this point?)
Psion Flayers
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Easy miniboss material. They dont have to be Ultra sized, maybe just slightly bigger than standard Psions. Could even give them a supporting role on the battlefield. Empowering Cabal around them with their enhanced telekinetics, those enhancements varying by elemental type and tying back to our Light 3.0 abilities. (Sun Flayer/Solar=heal, Abyss Flayer/Void=overshields, Storm Flayer/Arc=movement speed). Of course, their armor would have to have more visual differences and distinct silouhettes as I imagine trying to pick out which one is which based on color alone could be difficult for some. Hell, truthfully, I'd be fine if they were just the fucking Psion Sisters from Season of Dawn copy and pasted everywhere. But a supportive role would add more variety to a fight.
Rocket Centurions
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Bet you forgot about these dudes, huh? They pop up in the EAZ but, you know, we've been fighting the Cabal for this long, you think more would've strapped rockets to their backs by now. While their missiles are just Colossus slow missiles (iirc), they could just be normal missiles that explode and don't slow just to keep them different. While these could be neat minibosses, if you want an Ultra one at the end of a story mission or something, they could take the Elykris (The Machinist) route of firing missiles where they go straight up in the air and red dots target the ground around you and you have to keep moving. They could've popped back in with the Shadow Legion. I think they could rock black, gold, and purple
Anyway this is mostly about House Salvation and Psion Flayers and I remembered Rocket Centurions in the middle of making this post. If I remember anything, I'll reblog it. I was gonna say something about the other races but Hive don't have a lot of variants that can be turned into minibosses and the Vex got Wyverns (seriosuly. No notes. A perfect enemy type). Obviously it's like way too late to add these to previous story missions, but if we are gonna reuse enemy types, can we reuse some of the cooler ones? Please?
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macgyvertape · 10 months
it's like 4am but I'm running Seraph's Shield mission for the first time since Season of the Seraph and I'm sad the seemingly forced way Rasputin got killed off had such a chilling effect on the Eramis appreciation fandom. Such that I never saw more than a few sapphic enemies to lovers Eramis/Guardian, like there was even the whole thing with "surrendering" to House Salvation (aka captured by pirates) that other fandoms would have jumped on.
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i know seraph's shield missions brought me a level of annoyance, but i did them so much and i miss them so much. i miss that season, it was so so good.
i miss rasputin 😭
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vinduri · 7 months
all interactions with him will be slotted in one of these acts; they're mostly adapted to the modern era but can be relocated/adapted to the 19th or 20th centuries if needed. mostly based on pullman's his dark material and influenced by kripke's supernatural.
act one: apocalypse.  castiel, the seraph bearer of the title of 'the shield of god', is sent to earth to investigate on the breaking of the seven seals, which marks the beginning of the apocalypse. he's tasked to find a way to stop the rise of lucifer, which would prompt a second battle against the archangel michael, a disastrous outcome for mankind and all life on earth—however, the mission fails with the breaking of the sixth seal. lucifer acquires a human vessel and through him, castiel finds out that the apocalypse had always been scripted to happen. with the knowledge that the regent of heaven lied to him, castiel deserts the heavenly host, determined to find a way to stop the war by himself. for spn writers, this act mostly follows season four/five according to canon.
note > after his defection, castiel is effectively a fallen angel. he's still very much an angel, with his wings intact. a seraph falling is a serious matter, as seraphim, while not the most powerful, are the highest-ranking angels in the heavenly hierarchy and those considered closest to god. other celestials and demons may react to this.
act two: war in heaven. the apocalypse has been stopped. lucifer is sealed beneath the ice of lake cocytus and so is st. michael, but now heaven is without its regent. pardoned, castiel is allowed to go back to heaven—but the new fragile peace is threatened by raphael’s (michael's second in command) rise to power. raphael would restore michael’s reign and see the apocalypse through. seeing as castiel is the only one actively opposing this design, heaven rapidly splits into factions, and his supporters convince him to wage war on raphael. the kingdom of heaven is thrown into a civil war. for spn writers, this act more or less matches season six, but does not follow the entirety of its canon.
note > castiel is the leader of a faction of angels who oppose the restoration of michael's rule; talks of a republic, a council instead of a viceroy, begin to spread through the heavenly ranks. again, celestials and demons may react to this.
act three: metatron. knowing he's fighting for a losing cause, driven by despair, castiel manages to contact the runaway archangel and scribe of god, metatron—the first in line to the heavenly throne. metatron, featured as a tertiary muse on this blog, has hidden on earth since the fall of eden. he is the only angel who can rival michael's claim as the regent; with his help, castiel wins the war against raphael. however, it soon becomes apparent that metatron's tyrannical streak runs far deeper than even michael's, being as blasphemous as to fancy himself not just a regent, but a king altogether. a title reserved to god alone. having inadvertently handed him the throne, castiel reorganizes his forces to depose the new tyrant and build the republic of heaven.
note > metatron is selectively available as a muse on this blog. interactions with him require some plotting. he has been hiding for centuries among indigenous communities around the world, granting them his protection in exchange for stories. when castiel finds him, he lives in an ainu settlement in the north of japan. demons and other celestials may not remember him.
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telestoapologist · 2 years
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Oh my god? Did. Did anyone else notice how House Salvation gave the Braytech Security frames “beds” during the ketch escape part of the Seraph Shield mission.... 
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
*awkwardly walks on in, downs coffee thermos down in one go like a shot, leaves note, salutes, passes out for three days* Ello ello, hopefully existence is treating you well and you're having a nice (insert time of day here)!
Honestly thank you very much for listening to me ramble about Lora and Fia/Seraph, I think about those two waaaaay too much, too many theories in the brain xD, and yeah decided to try this off anon thing, let's see how it goes, thank you for your patience!
Corrupted Player with unsettling Ben Drowned situation singing the Song of Healing in reverse my beloved-
I have a vague outline shambling around in the vague approximation of a story if that helps? It came to me in a bout of insomniac frenzy, basically it involves Player getting Isekaied yet again to Lora's Hyrule, meeting Candance and then Lora, an impromptu duet with dance involved (going back and forth between Farewell Wanderlust, The Calling and The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil, one because the songs are amazing, two because I feel Lora's voice and the male singer's fit, and three because I think Player deserves a chance to go absolutely off about their frustrations in musical form if it's very far in during Player's Aid as a treat) because Lora realizes they don't know how to fight there and the quickest way is to basically throw fuel in the dramatic theater kid fire and impromptu duet-fight with them, plus he'll probably have a blast having a singing and dance partner for once so it's a win-win, shenanigans ensue as impromptu Disney Prince mode activates, and then either Candance comes back in with Operetta and start teasing him like "Hylia darn it Lora again?" While it finally hits him what he just did, poor boy is probably very flustered and apologetic the whole time (though it's funny if Player is just like "New favorite Hyrule, can we do it again?", Because that was a main character moment and they could do with some Theather person shenanigans and hijinks, plus they actually fight well here! Rhythm games served them well!) While Operetta/Zelda and Candance start to figuring out their situation, or, for comedic shenanigans, The Chain eventually gets Isekaied there (because let's be honest the mission the Chain is on is basically a mix of Isekai and Time Travel Shenanigans with many extra steps to places they know Dink basically just threw them into the most convoluted road trip ever), accompany Candance and Lora's Zelda back, and basically walks in on the duet and more shenanigans ensue honestly I haven't gotten that far yet insomnia did most of the job, I can either tag you or send it here once it's done, choice is yours *shrugs*. Also, he can likely hear the background music, and if Player can as well shenanigans ensue, I will not elaborate today because Tumblr has this little thing called character limit and I don't want to bother you much with my insane rambles xD.
Some things on Seraph/Fia because why not? It's basically the condensed version:
I absolutely agree that they erased his character, but they also did so to the other champions and Una because he probably tried to aid his Ganon so he wouldn’t be corrupted along with Una, but failed and that brought forth the Calamity and it’s Malice as an unwitting catalyst to it, because you can’t tell me that this man wouldn’t have seen his shield brother slowly being driven insane and would not try and do something about it. My main theory is that him and Una tried to separate Ganon from Demise’s curse, maybe like how Dusk gave up part of her powers to help Midna way back when, but it instead trigged the curse like some sort of freaky kill switch, and when he died it wouldn’t give up during his initial defeat, so instead it corrupted and reanimated his body into what we see now in TOTK, which led to Seraph/Fia and the Zonai likely sacrificing themselves to hold it back after they finally got it and the body pinned down and cornered and Una coming in to finish the job for now (Could be how the Luminous Stones came to be, lots of people think it’s what remains of the Zonai’s souls or magic), there’s evidence Malice has existed for as long as Sky’s Era in Zelda (likely a remnant of Demise’s power from his initial rise to the surface, it’s likely that dark water in the Ancient Cisterns basement that does damage to you like how Malice does, you can also find cursed enemies there and which other era has the highest amount of Malice in the air and a lot of cursed, reanimated enemies? Wild’s.), And it clearly corrupts, reanimates enemies, learns and evolves, it’s very likely that the Blights we fight in BOTW is just the Malice corrupting Sheikah tech due to how animalistic they, Guardians and it’s fellows Calamity Ganon (Boss) and the Divine Beasts act in game (heck the only reason the Beasts likely weren’t as aggressive as they could have been was because the Champions were doing what Flora was and holding it back). But it wouldn’t have had reason to react like that unless something was really wrong with it’s vessel like say, Ganon acting off the usual script, since most of the time Ganon just seems to get more and more mindless as time goes on from Demise’s curse (as we see in Legend’s and Hyrule’s branch and the beast forms in Time and Twilight’s), it wouldn’t have had reason to give up on reincarnation unless something was seriously off. It was Demise’s kill switch, a way of ensuring Hyrule, Hylia’s Reincarnation and the Spirit of the Hero would suffer in case his physical reincarnation couldn’t or wouldn’t do it.
Honestly these videos probably explains it much better:
I kind of feel like that would make him and Una feel honestly guilty and responsible for it, guilt for failing to help a friend, responsible for the Calamity and honestly seeing what Wild and Calamity went through later (because honestly Calamity’s timeline can only really exist because Wild didn’t succeed at first) would probably feel like a Lynel’s kick in the gut. To probably match the sucker punch Wild and Calamity would give him because “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT WASN’T EVEN THE ACTUAL ORIGINAL GOODS?!”
... Now I kind of want to see them react to this possible theory, just out of morbid curiosity. I feel like the possibility would hit both of them like a truck.
Also probably would have custody battles with Twilight over Wild and Calamity, I will probably elaborate it on another ask plus the possible mythology connections. And the fact Wild's arm got corrupted in the TOTK trailer gave me the awful possibility that Seraph/Fia's situation is a Pure Vessel one.
And that’s that for today, writing this while having a pounding headache and in need of a nap so I’ll finish this up for now. Been having kind of having some awful few weeks lately so I hope you’re doing good and thank you for putting up with all my crazy ramblings and headcanons!
-A Very Awkward Summertime Musician
Hi again Summer!
First off I would fucking love to read the fic if you write it! You can tag me in it if you eventually write it out!
Second, the idea of Seraph/Fia using Wild as a vessel is incredibly disturbing and I am indeed loving the opportunities that come with it! 👍🏼
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corvusalbus93 · 2 years
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Reminder that this is the last week to find this very good boy in the Seraph Shield-mission.
Once found, you can pet him on the H.E.L.M. as often as you like for what is possibly the best achievement in the game...and you'll be able to buy his plush toy-version.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I only started playing last season, and now we can go back and play the old exotic missions, would you mind giving me (and others who didn't play the past seasons) a rundown on the story behind them?
With pleasure!!!! Presage is my favourite thing in the Destiny ever so I'm more than happy to, and the other two are also really cool. So first, this week is Presage.
Presage was an exotic mission from Season of the Chosen, which was the second season of the Beyond Light year. We were in negotiations with Caiatl at the time, still not anywhere near being fully friendly. During these negotiations, we detected a signal for a ship ("Glykon Volatus") which was later found abandoned and derelict in the Reef (the start of the quest had to be found in a crate in a secret area in the Arms Dealer strike):
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After talking to Zavala, who wanted to investigate this personally because it appeared to involve one Guardian being exposed to Darkness on a ship belonging to Calus, we start the mission! The Vanguard authorised salvage operation is led by "Osiris," at the time largely unknown that this was actually Savathun in disguise. Caiatl joins "Osiris" in the operation and this was one of the first times we actually had a relatively normal and friendly conversation with Caiatl, despite Savathun's best efforts to rile her up at certain points.
Here's the playlist with all parts of the quest and all voice lines and stuff. Here's the lore book we uncovered through scannables hidden in secret compartments. In short, Calus hijacked a ship called Glykon Volatus in order to have a vessel to gather a mass of Scorn and bring them to the proximity of the anomaly of a missing planet, in this case Mars. Calus wanted to use the Scorn as a sort of an antenna that can channel Darkness through them by linking their minds with the help of Psions and the Crown of Sorrow. He believed that this would allow him, through the anomaly of Mars, to speak to the "Voice in the Darkness," the thing he met once before in deep space that promised him to be its herald. Calus had grown disappointed in the meantime because the thing never appeared to him again, despite his best efforts to follow its commands, so he sought to talk to it again.
Glykon was pushed to its limits and plunged into the anomaly. Most of the Scorn, except one, have died through gruesome experiments. The one that survived, the Locus of Communion, turned into a monster stalking the soldiers on the ship and killing them. As the ship went into the anomaly, it got infested with egregore, twisted and fused improperly, leaving only the Scorn "alive" to wander around the hallways. The Guardian onboard, called Katabasis, eventually died and begged his Ghost to keep him dead until help arrived, but he and his Ghost (Gilgamesh) developed a strained relationship, stemming from their collective trauma of the Red War and what they've been through then. Gilgamesh became more and more fascinated by the Voice in the Darkness, eventually becoming completely corrupted.
The ship emerged from the anomaly "wrong," abandoned in the Reef. Then we came along, got through it's confusing passageways and hallways, we killed as many Scorn as possible and took care of the Locus. We also learned, for the first time, that there's a difference between Darkness as a force and the "Voice in the Darkness" as an entity, eventually leading us to the Witness. Presage was our first real exposure to that idea and it came from Savathun, who I guess couldn't resist to tease us just enough, but not fully explain it. This also set up Calus' disappearance and transformation that we would later see in Season of the Haunted and Duality. Once he managed to do what he wanted in Presage, he disappeared until the Leviathan returned, equally infested with egregore after also having gone into an anomaly (though a different one). The Glykon was basically Calus' test run. This was also our first proper introduction of egregore; although we've seen it before on Drifter's ship, we didn't have a name or classification for it until Presage.
The other two under:
Vox Obscura was an exotic mission in Season of the Risen, which was the first season of the Witch Queen year. It focuses on the Psion Conclave (sometimes Enclave), a group of Psions who have split off into their own thing all the way back following Season of Dawn and Worthy. They follow in the footsteps of the Psion sisters that hijacked the Sundial and tried crashing the Almighty into the Last City. Their leader is Yirix, curiously, a Psion that participated in Calus' experiments on the Glykon Volatus who has also met Katabasis there.
Yirix has been suspicious for long, but she and her Psions defected from Caiatl when Caiatl freed all Psions; some Psions saw this as a loss of rank, because before being freed, some would rise up the ranks and have a unique status among Psions. Not only that, but Caiatl clearly allied herself with the Vanguard and humans, something that this group could not abide by and still wanted vengeance for the Psion sisters from years ago. Psions under Yirix were also the ones who attempted an assassination on Zavala. Yirix organised psionic broadcasts to be sent across the system, only detectable to other Psions, encouraging Psions to defect from Caiatl, enticing mutiny and even going as far as to urge defectors to join the Black Fleet.
Caiatl asked us for help with dealing with these broadcasts and the Psions involved. We stormed the base where they're hiding, in an old bunker on Mars and made our way through to stop the transmissions. Among the transmissions were also Psionic prophecies that have, since then, all come true. Playlist for the mission stuff. These were the prophecies, as Caiatl saw them, in the final visit:
These must be Psionic divinations! Impressions of things yet to come. I never dreamed I would see them for myself. I... I see... a city, besieged. The Shipstealer revived. The Leviathan reborn. Your Traveler infected by Darkness... these are the futures our enemies seek. We must remain united if we are to forge a different path.
The "city besieged" is most likely referring to Neomuna, making this and the final prophecy the furthest away. Shipstealer revived would happen 2 seasons later, in Plunder. Leviathan reborn would happen a season after, in Haunted. Finally, "Traveler infected by Darkness" is very likely referring to the portal at the end of Lightfall.
This is a much different exotic mission, much more action oriented. It also has several timers as we constantly have to rush against time to stop the Psions from achieving their goals.
Operation Seraph Shield was an exotic mission in Season of the Seraph, final season of the Witch Queen year. In this season, we were trying to finally rebuild Rasputin so he would defend us against Xivu Arath's invasion. As part of the preparation for that, we had to secure an orbital station above Earth where it was possible to gain control of the Warsat network.
The Witness instructed Eramis to assist Xivu Arath and take control of the station, and therefore the Warsats so that we can't use them to protect ourselfs. We needed to make sure that this network is safe in our hands so we launched into an operation to clear the station from Eliksni interference and keep the Warsats safe. The station was not only attacked by Eramis' Eliksni, but also by Xivu Arath's Hive and the Scorn, which at the time we learned the Witness was making from Eliksni on purpose (as a way of both punishment and control of Eramis) with the final boss being Eramis' ex-lieutenant Praksis, but now as a Scorn.
We make our way through the station, bypassing various security protocols and removing the enemies from the base, making sure that the Warsat network is safe. We also find an exotic gun in there! Playlist here.
Ultimately, despite all of that work, we end up losing the station to Eramis who shows up herself in the final mission of the season and locks herself in the room with access to the Warsat network. This all culminates in the final cutscene of the Season of the Seraph. This mission is unique in that way, because despite our best efforts and all that work, we end up failing and Eramis gains access anyway. We lose the Warsats and Rasputin at the same time, but on the upside, that prevents the Traveler from being shot down and Xivu Arath isn't capable of moving her army through the ascendant plane.
I'm sure these will all be really cool to play through for the first time! Highly recommended to go through them with as little information as possible. I tried adding mostly the context for the missions here, and some background information, but I feel it should still be interesting to go through them on your own for the first time.
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breakneckpeixe · 2 years
Just following Orders- Seraph’s Shield
“We did what we had to in order to finish the mission.” Elsie Bray’s voice was calm. Always calm, that’s what Peixe had come to define her by.
Peixe, on the other hand, wasn’t calm. Her hair was plastered to her forehead with sweat, a sour stain on the front of her robes from the velocity of the Station’s escape pods.
She jabbed her pointer finger in Elsie’s direction, her voice cracking slightly.
“Right, we followed your grandfather’s fucking orders. And what do you think is going to happen to the next group of humans who try to surrender to a fallen ketch?” 
Her eyes were welling up with furious tears, and she hated it. She hated that rage made her cry.
“Find another damn guardian to restore the Warmind. I quit,”  
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thathomestar · 2 years
was trying to solo flawless the seraph shield legend mission, and i died in the final phase of the final fight to the freaking vandal...
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sorcerer-edits · 1 year
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welcome to sorcerer edits! it's run by mods gojo and mahito [intros here]
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personal blacklists
- Makima (CSM)
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macgyvertape · 2 years
D2 Season of the Seraph thoughts
Was not expecting a second hive focused season this expansion
Really glad for the autofire option being a setting now. Topical that I injured my mousehand this week, but also I notice my fingers & wrists start to hurt if I play for hours with high fire rate weapons
I enjoy the Battlegrounds challenge at +5 at first but I quickly started to hate blueberries who don’t bring champ mods or refuse to run for the laser core. The best runs were with people I like or making a LFG post for Legend where I could vet people were bringing mods.
I enjoy seeing Mars back again as a battleground and that the Braytech facilities on Europa are finally getting used as a map
I finally got everything together and made some 100 resilience loadouts, and it's a night and day difference with survivability. 
Revision 0 quest: it was enjoyable to go in with no guide right up until the floor tile puzzle. I was thinking its a shame we only get 1 season with this mission so looking forward to the exotic mission rotator. 
There are a lot of server problems this season, the Christmas server problems were an unintentional API bug, but sucks for my friends who did a master activity then got a server error and no credit. I have a new years resolution to play more games that aren’t D2, and so that was the perfect time. 
The robo-dog is so cute, I appreciate a friend describing helping me get the orbs as “taking me to the pound to get a puppy”
Once again busy during the Dawning I didn’t finish the last challenge of sit in gambit or crucible matches. I’d never bother to gild it, get 2k kills with a dawning weapon, lmao what a waste of time
GM power level reduction is great, the grind to get to power level so you can do GMs when they come out is a huge burnout factor for me and others. 
Very glad Bungie enabled all the mods and literally made me more interested in playing the next month. It was gatekeeping for no reason to make players buy mods a few at a time that were sold on random days, some mods I had been trying to get for more than a year. It’s basically playing a different game if you have a current meta build that relies heavily on one or two specific mods. 
I got a good lorely splendor roll and it really is easy mode with Titan
Fucking finally got Touch of Malice after 55 Oryx clears
Grateful to everyone loss farming in IB so much bungie buffed the xp gained for the second week.
Glad they buffed drop rate from wellspring, wish it had been like this the whole time since I had 0 wellspring weapons crafted. The poor red border droprate, and the seasonal challenges meant I was always busy doing something else
I’m glad Bungie made a lot of announcements about when the final seasonal event would be, and it wasn’t during the last week. I also appreciate that they said they will go back to being more public about seasonal info. 
I really enjoyed the difficulty of the last mission, it felt like the right amount of challenge.
However the legend system that scales based on fireteam size means it's awful to run the finale or Seraph Shield with 3 people; numerically a person is better off running it solo especially with the solo operator mod. I ran the missions a few times to help someone out, and the increased health and limited revives made a 2 person team feel punishing in a way that doesn't encourage helping casual or less skilled players.
Finishing the season needing to craft a lot of the guns, once again the red boarder and seasonal playlist loop is a grind way past the point of enjoyment. It's better with a partial knockout system but drops for finished patterns still happen way too often and the seasonal activity gives such low energy vs how much is needed to focus and time spent. I finished the season without crafting the ikelos shotgun or the linear fusion, and I’m so burnt out on the loop that I just don’t care. 
The crucible rep changes are fucking awful if you place low in comp like me (Bronze tier). On bonus weeks its changed from 2x to 1.5x, and so the strategy seems to reward players for playing every week and more rewards for being good, so if you’re on the wrong end of the cycle where you only play crucible on bonus weeks because you don’t enjoy it or are bad then the slow rank ups just mean I want to play it even less. It was a shorter time doing a full reset of a gambit rank than half a crucible reset, especially because if you don’t get enough kills in a match the game gives you 0 credit. 
The crucible rep changes are a shame because with the matchmaking changes I really enjoy the 3v3 comp. I feel like I’m playing others at my level and its the most enjoyable Destiny 2 pvp I’ve ever played
I tried doing some solo dungeons with current meta loadouts, and there's a noticeable difficulty change between Duality & Spire vs the older ones. What I realized is I don't enjoy soloing dungeons; jumping puzzles are a lot more punishing, some bosses take noticably more DPS phases, overall it's an exercise of patience I'm bad at.
Week 1:
For real I thought the braytech security frames were going to shoot me in the back in the intro mission. I wasn’t expecting Xivu Arath to the antagonist this season since we already had a Hive season
Osiris’ grandiose personal introduction to counter Clovis’ ego, him and Clovis butting heads all season is going to be fun to see 
Mara’s back in her D1 pirate clothes? She and Crow are the only one who gets clothes change in this game
That the scorn were exhumed locally, nice to know every major battleground is a zombie surge waiting to happen
Lots of sad feelings that Eramis’ former house are being raised as scorn as punishment
I’ve been hoping to get Mara as a character with a storyline that isn’t about her and Uldren/Crow, looking forward to her being a supporting character and tying into the Bray storyline
The Archimedes mission was nice, playing it solo felt challenging
I just didn’t play all weekend when DiM and the companion app were down. Really shows how heavily the community relies on these third party services, and the dedication and work the people running them do is laudable 
Other Weeks:
So glad to Elsie back and interacting with Ana. its just Bray family drama this season I love it. Osiris pseudo counts considering Felwinter was his mentor
Clovis thinking its a magnanimous offer in his private guard answerable only to him. Just like how Calus wanted to possess us as a shadow. 
I hope that if he does pull the heavily implied doublecross that its not because of Darkness corruption or the Witness but just because he’s a shithead trillionaire
In-universe if my guardian passed Ana’s former spot on Mars and it still had piles of guns I would take some with me
Revision 0 quest: we “surrender” to Eramis, there's so much untapped potential there for Eramis fans. Also wow Eramis sounds so depressed and its understandable, all those of her house that we killed being brought back as scorn.
I love that they reused areas from DSC, it makes sense storywise Bray facilites used the same design and I’m sure helped with developing such an elaborate quest. Going up to space and seeing Earth and the Trsveler was really special
Think its cool Fenchurch (agent of the Hidden) gives us the weapon and not Clovis. We’ve seen more of the Hidden this year than before, I’d love to see a season of the Hidden and see Aunor ingame 
Cutscene: based of Bungie to include MLK as part of things Ana taught Rasputin, especially since they usually shy away from recent historical people
Clovis has the anime villian glasses glare, he did fucked up science to his daughter(s) and assuredly unethical animal experimentation to the dog. Clovis is Shou Tucker.
Ana says “why didn’t you ever tell me you studied under Fellwinter” when it’s like a well known fact, IN UNIVERSE. Cool to get more of Osiris reflecting on himself as a novice and his relationship with the Iron Lords. 
Aww there are some Cabal dogs there. Meme of Saladin running Old Friend’s Senior Dog Sanctuary complete with the infamous last post. Shame it won’t let me climb to the top
Fun Clovis cutscene, once again recontextualize that legend of “rasputin shot the traveler” 
So Clovis is just now on Europa?? As the verison in the exomind was a copy-dublicate vs a copy-cut, then wasn’t he vulnerable to Xivu-Arath the whole time? Also in a way Ana did kill her grandfather, if you consider the copy to be a separate version since if might have different memories
The dialogue in battlegrounds is top notch where it has just a bit of friction between different parties. Then there’s the direct personal attack lines of “Clovis Bray. Your progeny have surpassed you. Your services are no longer required. We appreciate your understanding”. Rasputin responding with corpo speak
Mara is back in her Queen clothes, dev bias that shes the only one who gets 2 outfits in a season /s
The new choral sounding music in the HELM is great, apparently a warmind track remix
The Rasputin and Osiris radio message was fun, in absence of Saladin being pissed at Rasputin for killing Felwinter we get Osiris being pissed when Raputin speaks with Felwinter’s memories
Mixed feelings on week 7 story where they started foreshadowing Rasputin’s death heavily, in week 7 its a question of “are we doomed to repeat the past” but it somehow becomes “humanity destiny 2 main story has no need for a warmind, Rasputin is too dangerous to live we gotta put him down like Old Yeller”
the ending cutscene was a lot of nice looking CGI and yet again the Tower view of the Traveler changes before a new expansion. Great to see all the different characters and the tower feels weird now without the Traveler. 
My more cynical take a week later and after thinking about how it was 2+ years between a Rasputin and Ana storyline, Rasputin’s death felt more like they were trying to trim the cast of characters than a killing a character to raise the stakes. Clovis Bray can copy himself and be fine after being deleted, and Rasputin has all these extra data cores he doesn’t feel fully dead, just “dead” enough for some angst but not so dead he can’t be brought back as the plot demands.
Do agree with the post that for a season where the grand finale is Rasputin sacrificing himself, this wasn’t really his season in that so many other characters got a lot of screentime, focus, and build up 
Anyway finally Eramis has crossed the line into poor little meow meow 
I like how Eramis has been talking to us personal a lot this season. Her lines on Seraph Station where she considered it a rematch of the Beyond Light fight, her lines in the battlegrounds where she says “polish your finest armor. I’ll see you again” and the other lines she has talks about trust and despair
Kind of a shame how at the end of the season Clovis kind of faded out of the story with no real resolution.
45 second revive timers in a jumping puzzle fucking suck
Ah the rasputin classical music I love it
Eramis on the collectables? Once again we’re just too late to see her. “We have no need of gods” interesting how much effort Eramis spends trying to get us to hate the Traveler
Osiris: “maybe this will restore Ikora’s faith in me” plz Osiris just talk to Ikora she’s concerned that you have no ghost and there are 0 OSHA safety regs here
I like the trace the wire mechanic a LOT more than nightmare zone bell mechanic
The super low Cowboy hat dungeon drop percentage is bullshit if it was done intentionally. It's disrespectful to players' time to make the Hunter one more rare than the other classes. I finished the season with 0 hats.
The dungeon especially in the last boss feels like its meant to be played with 100 resilience.
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delta-115 · 2 years
In the Operation: Seraph Shield Mission, there's a secret door that opens once you destroyed 50 yellow drones with the Revision Zero Exotic Pulse Rifle. Behind that door is a location of a Mechanical Dog rumored by the Destiny 2 Community. Let's find it.
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alketaire · 2 years
i would appreciate a Peep 👀 at the guide if/when u are ready 2 share it… always have trouble w/ the start of DSC rip
It's ugly as hell and I still need to make a callout map but do you mean the Sparrow part or Security? Because survey says both suck ass for everyone, but I've gotten it written up:
[thing] is a marker for an image I’m going to put in later, but I’ve added a couple of links for now.
[shelter bubble] Desolation The airlock will open into a large peach-coloured bubble on a glacial cliff surrounded by an intense blizzard. Six pikes are sitting around the bubble. There's no harm in using them, but you may be better served by using your Sparrow until you're very familiar with this section. It's a navigation challenge. [map] From overhead, it looks fairly simple, but on the ground, you need to use faint lights and barely-visible landmarks to go from bubble to bubble. When you're outside the bubbles, you'll gain stacks of a debuff called Frostbite that will tick up once every couple of seconds. Once it hits ×10, you die. Standing in a bubble will grant the Shelter from the Storm buff, which removes a stack of Frostbite every half-second. Urgency is added by the numerous Web Mines strewn along the path, which detonate instantly and slow you to a crawl for four seconds. [tower and lights] If you're trying to find the right route on your own, your best bet is to peer through the storm for the dim lamps that roughly line the path and the spiky towers that stand over each bubble. It will still likely take some trial and error, since there are lots of errant ice outcrops, mines, and bottomless pits in your way. [Dark Council Guards] From the third bubble onwards, the first player to reach the bubble will be met with a wave of Dregs and a handful of Dark Council Guards. Clearing these enemies secures that bubble as your respawn point should you die on the next leg of the journey, so it's worth it to stop and clear them out at each bubble. Once you get to the seventh and final bubble, you'll also have to defeat two Brigs that guard the airlock to the next area. [Secret chest] If this is your first DSC run, you can ignore this chest; it's a bonus that drops extra copies of guns or armour you've already picked up from this raid. When you want to find it, look back towards the direction of the previous bubble, then hug the cliff on your left. You'll see a couple of ledges to jump up on around the far side of that cliff, then you'll need to jump way up to get to the crevice where the chest is hidden. You can then jump back down to the bubble through the other end of the crevice.
[Security] Crypt Security The room looks pretty tubular when you first enter it. The other half of the room is studded with server-tower-looking pillars. In the centre of the far side of the glass wall are two sets of three tough glass cylinders with large fuses inside. There is also a sub-level with a number of tubes, server pillars, and small panels. The light side, dark side, and the sub-level feature a central, glowing yellow terminal with a red symbol hovering inside it. Interacting with any of these terminals will start the encounter and give the player who interacted with it the “Operator Augment” buff. If you've played the Exotic mission in Season of the Seraph, this – and the Scanner Augment that will come up a little further into the encounter – may be familiar to you. If not, now is the best time to get to know them. [shower] Augments Augments are buffs that can be acquired in the combat encounters of the DSC raid, rarely in patrol zones on Europa, or in the exotic quest “Operation: Seraph's Shield.” Each type of Augment grants a particular ability to the player holding it, and can be easily differentiated at a glance by the colour and shape of the icon in the lower left of the screen or over the head of the character holding the Augment. [Hacker Vandal] Augments can be acquired either by interacting with an Augment Terminal that already contains one or by picking it up off the ground after the death of the Vandal or player who was holding it. Augment Terminals are connected to all other Terminals in an encounter, and can be used to transfer Augments between players; putting an Augment into a Terminal will allow another player to pick it up from any Terminal. However, there can only be one Augment in the Terminal system at any given time. If a player puts the Operator Augment into a Terminal, for example, another player cannot put the Scanner Augment into any of the Terminals until someone else takes the Operator Augment out. Augment Terminals can be temporarily deactivated by Sentinel Servitors, and reactivate when the Sentinels are all killed. [Operator, panel] Operator Augment The red Operator Augment enables the player holding it to activate a particular type of panel or remove specific debuffs (with bullets, of course). The panels often trigger events such as opening a door or making an enemy vulnerable. All panels and objects that can be activated by the Operator will be covered in a red glow that pops in a red bubble when the Operator shoots it. [Scanner, panel] Scanner Augment The Scanner Augment allows the player holding it to see objects that need to be activated or enemies that need to be attacked; the Scanner will then typically communicate to the rest of the team what objects or enemies are, to the Scanner only, covered in a yellow glow. [map] The objective of this encounter is to destroy the fuses that are currently protected by glass; ranged DPS like Xenophage will pop them in no time. To open the glass, a player with the Operator Augment needs to shoot four of the ten panels on the sub-level; players on each side of the upper level with the Scanner Augment can tell the Operator which panels they need to shoot. Once the correct panels are shot and the glass shields withdraw, the Scanner Augment needs to be passed downstairs so that the player on the sub-level can see which fuse needs to be destroyed first. Once all six fuses are destroyed, the encounter is done. [fuses] Once a player picks up the Operator Augment from the Terminal, all of the doors on the upper level will shut, so the other five players should divide up between the light (tubes) and dark (servers) side of the upper level. The Operator is the only player who can open the doors on the far side of the room to access the sub-level. You might assume that the Operator-to-be could save time and just pick up the Augment from the Terminal on the sub-level, but unfortunately, the sub-level is prone to being on fire after the encounter starts. It is on fire for several seconds at the start of the encounter, it will light on fire if the Operator shoots the wrong panel, and if the Operator takes more than a minute to shoot the correct panels, it will be – surprise! – on fire. [Scanner slam] Therefore, the rest of the team upstairs needs to work fast. Shortly after the start of the encounter, a Hacker Vandal with a big yellow Scanner icon over its head will spawn on the dark side of the room. A player needs to pick it up and look through the windows scattered around on the floor to see which two of the five panels on the dark side are glowing yellow. They then need to call out those two panels as they make way to the Terminal in the middle to put in the Scanner Augment so that a player on the light side of the room can take it from their Terminal, find the two correct panels on the light side, and call them out. [fuse below] When the Operator has successfully shot the last correct panel, a notification in the lower left will tell the team that the fuses are now unshielded. The Operator must then dunk their Augment in the Terminal, where a non-Scanner should be waiting to pick it up and allow the Scanner on the upper level to dunk their Augment so that the player on the sub-level can pick it up. The player on the sub-level then needs to look at the six mini-fuses visible near the top of the central round pillar nearby; each one corresponds to a fuse upstairs. If the players upstairs shoot the wrong fuse, it explodes and wipes the team after a few seconds. The player on the sub-level needs to call out which fuse is glowing (e.g. “light mid,” “dark left”) so that the players upstairs can destroy it. [Sentinel] Lots of adds, a few Dark Council Guards, and a couple of Overload Captains will spawn on the upper level. The lower level will have only a handful of adds for the Operator to deal with. Throughout the encounter, Sentinel Servitors will spawn on one side or the other of the upper level and shut down the Augment Terminal system. Keep an eye out and make ending them a priority unless you're busy popping fuses. After all the fuses are destroyed, pickup your loot by the door on the far corner of the room from the entrance and head on down the hallway to the next encounter.
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