tiktaalic · 4 days
I would change my blog title to caveman cattle brand if I wasn’t worried about how it would read to the uninformed
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melanieathene · 11 months
Suptober 2023 Day 9 - Starlight
“Star light, star bright, first star I've seen tonight; wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.”
“That's not a star, Dean. It's a planet. Venus.”
“Shaddup, brainiac,” Dean muttered. “It's called the evening star, isn't it?”
“Yeah, but it still isn't a star. It doesn't burn, it merely reflects the light of the sun.”
“The sun is a star.”
“Sunlight is a kind of starlight.”
“Your point being?”
“That's good enough. It's valid to make a wish on it.”
“I give up!” Sam tossed his hands in the air.
Silence reigned as the brothers continued walking.
“So,” Sam said, long moments later. “What did you wish for, Dean?”
“You heard me. What's your wish?”
“I wish my brother wasn't such a giant pain in the ass.”
I wish we weren't schlepping through a stinking swamp. I wish my feet were dry. I wish you hadn't eaten those burritos for lunch. I wish – ”
“I'm sorry I asked.”
“I wish we were hunting a clown instead of a rugaru.”
“Now you're just being mean.”
“Don't ask stupid questions, then.”
Silence. In the distance a lonely frog croaked. A heavy mist began to rise, obscuring the trail they followed.
“I thought,” Sam said haughtily, “you might have wished for something useful.”
“Like world peace?”
“Like the successful end to this hunt. Or maybe for Cas to return.”
“Cas? Why would I wish for Cas?”
“Well, you two have been joined at the hip lately. Actually, you have been for some time. What's up with that, anyway?”
“Nothing! We're friends. Just friends!”
“Hmph,” Sam snorted. “More like boyfriends. I thought you were going to burst into tears when he said he'd be away for a week. Did you at least get a kiss goodbye?”
“I wish you'd – ”
“Too late! You've already used up today's wish.”
“Is this how seasoned hunters sneak up on a rugaru? I could hear you bickering a mile away.” A gravelly voice startled the brothers, sending their hands scrambling for weapons, until their brains registered who the speaker was.
“Cas!” Dean said. There was no denying the joy in his voice.
Sam smirked.
“I heard your prayer, Dean. I returned from Heaven as soon as I could. You can head home now. I took care of the rugaru.”
“So you did wish for Cas!”
“Fuck off, Sam.”
“I knew it!”
“So help me, Sam...”
“Sam is right, you know,” Castiel said, as more pinpricks of light began to dot the darkening sky. “Venus is not a star. But you don't need to seek out a star to summon me. All you have to do is call my name.”
“Awww,” Sam cooed.
“I am made of starlight; you are made of stardust. This is why we are drawn together: two halves that together are complete.”
“Hey, I'm stardust too – the entire planet is stardust.”
“True, Sam. But Dean's stardust is especially attractive to me.”
Dean tripped over a root and was saved from landing in a puddle only by Castiel's swift hand.
“And I did kiss you,” the angel continued. “I don't know how Sam knew that. We were quite discreet.”
“Your brother is an enthusiastic, but surprisingly quiet lover. Perhaps, now that you know about us, Sam, I can convince him to become more vocal.”
Sam burst into uncontrollable laughter. “I wish I could see your face right now, Dean,” he howled.
“I wish you both would shut the hell up,” Dean growled, stalking off in what he hoped was the right direction.
But of course, as he knew only too well, not every wish comes true.
And it was a long walk back to the Impala.
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vinduri · 7 months
all interactions with him will be slotted in one of these acts; they're mostly adapted to the modern era but can be relocated/adapted to the 19th or 20th centuries if needed. mostly based on pullman's his dark material and influenced by kripke's supernatural.
act one: apocalypse.  castiel, the seraph bearer of the title of 'the shield of god', is sent to earth to investigate on the breaking of the seven seals, which marks the beginning of the apocalypse. he's tasked to find a way to stop the rise of lucifer, which would prompt a second battle against the archangel michael, a disastrous outcome for mankind and all life on earth—however, the mission fails with the breaking of the sixth seal. lucifer acquires a human vessel and through him, castiel finds out that the apocalypse had always been scripted to happen. with the knowledge that the regent of heaven lied to him, castiel deserts the heavenly host, determined to find a way to stop the war by himself. for spn writers, this act mostly follows season four/five according to canon.
note > after his defection, castiel is effectively a fallen angel. he's still very much an angel, with his wings intact. a seraph falling is a serious matter, as seraphim, while not the most powerful, are the highest-ranking angels in the heavenly hierarchy and those considered closest to god. other celestials and demons may react to this.
act two: war in heaven. the apocalypse has been stopped. lucifer is sealed beneath the ice of lake cocytus and so is st. michael, but now heaven is without its regent. pardoned, castiel is allowed to go back to heaven—but the new fragile peace is threatened by raphael’s (michael's second in command) rise to power. raphael would restore michael’s reign and see the apocalypse through. seeing as castiel is the only one actively opposing this design, heaven rapidly splits into factions, and his supporters convince him to wage war on raphael. the kingdom of heaven is thrown into a civil war. for spn writers, this act more or less matches season six, but does not follow the entirety of its canon.
note > castiel is the leader of a faction of angels who oppose the restoration of michael's rule; talks of a republic, a council instead of a viceroy, begin to spread through the heavenly ranks. again, celestials and demons may react to this.
act three: metatron. knowing he's fighting for a losing cause, driven by despair, castiel manages to contact the runaway archangel and scribe of god, metatron—the first in line to the heavenly throne. metatron, featured as a tertiary muse on this blog, has hidden on earth since the fall of eden. he is the only angel who can rival michael's claim as the regent; with his help, castiel wins the war against raphael. however, it soon becomes apparent that metatron's tyrannical streak runs far deeper than even michael's, being as blasphemous as to fancy himself not just a regent, but a king altogether. a title reserved to god alone. having inadvertently handed him the throne, castiel reorganizes his forces to depose the new tyrant and build the republic of heaven.
note > metatron is selectively available as a muse on this blog. interactions with him require some plotting. he has been hiding for centuries among indigenous communities around the world, granting them his protection in exchange for stories. when castiel finds him, he lives in an ainu settlement in the north of japan. demons and other celestials may not remember him.
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angelcas22 · 1 year
Open starter
The Angel was wrapped up in a blanket when his body started to shake violently, falling onto the floor his body was warm and his head was sweating. He didn't know what was wrong with him.
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4x01 · 2 years
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jackalspine · 3 months
@schnuffel-danny hehehe
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regarding this post: from schnuffle
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ao3topshipsbracket · 4 months
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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goldenispunk · 6 months
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uh-ohspaghettio · 6 months
Pornbots are so annoying like I’m not gonna fall for this I’m not an idiot I know sex isn’t real and its just something made up for destiel fanfiction
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memingursa · 1 year
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Wait hold on Tumblr girlies have been carrying that show on netflix for well over 10 years now and even the guy responsible for it hasn’t gotten a GOD DAMN DIME?????
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libartz · 1 year
Me: *scrolling tumblr*
Castiel: I love you
Me: Dear god what’s happened now
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sedgwickpdf · 1 month
everybody wants to be the hero or the hot girl love interest but somebody’s gotta be the devoted valet. the sidekick. the best friend who’s in love with you. the narrator. horatio. nick carraway. jugged head. and it’s me
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bragginball-z · 2 months
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davidjenkins · 4 months
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peachdoxie · 8 months
horror is always like oh no they're possessed by a demon well what about possessed by an angel? angelic possession is also horror.
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