#serena vdw
clarkgriffon · 4 months
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ALPHABETICAL FAVES ⟹ S is for… Serena van der Woodsen
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nateserenas · 2 years
serena meets her cousin for the first time and is immediately like hii i’m so glad you’re here let’s get coffee let’s spend the day together let me show you everything i know here’s a family heirloom it’s now my job to protect you move to new york move into my old bedroom i am taking you under my wing
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ricochetingtears · 2 years
i think i talked about this to someone but i’m still wishing for logan hutzberger and serena van der woodsen crossover 👀👀👀
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drunktayloratthevmas · 4 months
Tuntun.. Tuntun.. Tuntun.. Tuntunturunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
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bruiseeasily · 1 year
"you can't possibly be serious." for years, serena loved the sense of home that she got from spending winter breaks in beverly hills. it wasn't as much from the warmth in the air or the palm trees, but reuniting with a friend that meant more to her than she could ever possibly put into words. layla was everything good. she made serena want to be a better person, to try at the very least. she was a breath of fresh air compared to her group of friends back in new york city. sure, blair was her best friend and the two were thick as thieves. but layla keating was the sister she never had. "that's blackmail, has anyone ever told you?" yet, she laughs. "i didn't even know you had that in film! but you've got to admit i'd be a better marissa cooper than mischa." she says with a smirk, a hand flipping her hair back.
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@lingeringscars liked for a starter
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girlygirlifestyle · 11 months
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Serena vdw's daughter 🍸⭐👛
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stringilamiamano · 2 years
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24 vestita da serena vdw
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tumbllr-girl-attempt · 10 months
rosie hw is like serena vdw in real life
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vanderwoodlings · 10 months
i know i once sent you an ask about your thoughts on Serena and motherhood, but what about your thoughts on Eric's relationship to fatherhood/if he'd want to be one, etc
Oooh yes that’s a fun one! Well. Unfun for Eric, but—
So the thing about William VDW is he’s one of the very few people we see Eric straight up write off: “The window for that closed somewhere between my twelfth birthday and, um, my suicide attempt… Going through all that without a father made me realize that I don't need one.”
He takes a lot of abandonment, betrayal, etc through the series, and he rarely holds a grudge. Serena, Lily, Jenny: all of them are still family, still loved ones, even while regularly in conflict with a Jenny he proclaims he’ll still have her back if the problem is real, and all it takes is… being there sometimes. Apologizing sometimes. Trying
Fatherhood, for Eric, has one face in complete and utter absence. Unlike Serena, who uses that openness to hope, Eric replies with the (perhaps more grounded) “well fuck you too.” It is auxiliary to his personhood.
I think it makes sense that Eric is the one of these kids who’s actually had some help processing his trauma.
But he also implies that he didn’t always think that way. (Return to Serena, Lily, Jenny: Eric is not cold by nature. His walls come from repetition. Implicitly, it took his a real long time before he stopped hoping for his dad to give a fuck.)
Now, further, we have the rufly paradox: that they’re better parents to their stepkids than the ones they’ve had the whole time. Eric and Rufus have a good relationship; they’re affectionate and respectful and loving towards each other. When Rufus is thinking about proposing, he talks to Eric, who’s delighted.
(This is despite, one might note, him being Jenny’s confidant throughout the emancipation saga.)
I think Eric manages to come out of his adolescence with a weirdly healthy view of fatherhood. He definitely still has issues, but he also has a pretty good dad.
When it comes to being a father himself, I think Eric is definitely not a “well, if my partner wants” kinda guy. Like stop no do not pass go do not collect two hundred dollars—if he’s having a kid, he wants that kid, and he’s never gonna run the risk of that kid being abandoned. Eric is very aware that his parents had kids because they were supposed to, rather than because they wanted to.
I could see him arranging a childless little family and being very happy that way, but my preference is yeah, he would want and have kids.
He’s really scared, once it starts looking like a legitimate plan rather than a castle in the air, and he stays scared for a while. He’s mean, he’s sad, neither of his parents were ever there what does he do?
He’s also a great dad
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
out of curiosity, which gg pairings (canon or otherwise) do you think would have been the most likely to have a happy endgame, and why?
1. All of them need therapy first in my biased opinion (whether or not they'd actually do it.)
2. Dan ships genuinely depend on whether you choose to believe Dan is gossip girl
but! let's say past 6x01 is someone's filmed for tv crack!fic and go from there
dair: just their compatibility and ability to communicate and talk through things is genuinely the greatest indicator of how they'd fair long term. they have that foundation of becoming best friends. I do think they'd be able to work through 5x23 with time.
serenate: foundation of friendship, deep love for each other, similar personalities, similar struggles with how they're viewed by society. They'd have some trust to rebuild, but definitely not as much as other couples. (they'd even be able to stay in the canon jobs they'd hate!)
Eric/Jonathan: enough said
jennate: while it's not my personal cup of tea, they do have that foundation of being good friends who confide in each other and communicate, and i can see that carrying them into happiness. @terrainofheartfelt has a beautiful fic of them as adults
natessa: as @strideofpride would say, Nate is literally a Boyfriend™ guy. they had a lot of happiness and were able to communicate through most of their issues. it wouldn't work if nate stayed in politics in my opinion, but that's also a product of me hating nate living the nepo baby life and projecting that onto vanessa.
rufly: when they worked, they WORKED. i don't remember enough of their storyline post mr. VDW leaving after being caught (I think because it got sadder and sadder and i blocked it out) but I think the love was there and they'll always be in each other's lives with how intertwined their children are anyways that I can see them winding up trying again. it's not like they haven't pulled each other back in after decades apart before to begin with lol
serenessa: hear me out. they just have so much chemistry in the early seasons if nothing else, and i think they could work together in film/writing/directing so easily?? like... Brown and RISD are on the same campus. Secondly, they clearly have the same taste in boys and there's plenty of people who see Serena as the female equivalent of Nate with Vanessa to Dan. (mostly joking there but)
dan/nate: they have mutual respect for each other, even handled Serena's indecision together fairly well all things considered and i think that's pretty huge tbh. they have a foundation of friendship and communication and they complement each other. nate has a stillness to him that Serena doesn't and I can see him better fitting a life together with dan.
dairthaniel: i mean. I'm about one third of their tag on ao3, so.
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
in the lovely meta about Dan and Jenny you just posted, you said you thought Jenny would give herself a clean break from New York after moving to London
I was wondering how you saw that affecting her relationship with Eric (bc as much as he doesn't act like it, he is from the UES.) Do you picture him moving to London with her?
(btw I'm loving 💘💘 the fic so far. it's fun to catch the little references to my vdB genealogy research (I see you Great Aunt Elsie and Jonathan's distant relation))
oooohhohohohooooo what a question!
but first of all, thank you <333 and thank you so much for your service because I will keep on referencing that genealogy to finish this fic. I owe you my life.
the thought of Jenny & Eric being roommates is very Soft and I like the idea of it a lot, but in this fic and in the meta you reference in the ask, that was not the plan or intention of the au that I wrote. because, simply put, it's a jenate fic, and so it just didn't shake out that way, because the relationship the sereies revolves around is jenny's romantic/platonic/erotic relationship with nate, and not her platonic-soulmatism with eric. and, to bring about the how, when, where, why, why now? of where the sun falls down, Jenny needed to be in London alone.
before I dig in too deep on my Thoughts on this au-verse i so recklessly began constructing last summer, I gotta admit, writing the vdw sibs is hard for me. for a lot of reasons. one being that their upbringing and experience is so vastly different from my own that if I think about it too much I am kinda nervous to address it, and for serena she's is such a different person than I am that when I began writing fic, writing her pov never really occurred to me, and as for eric, his experiences and pain just maybe hit a little too close to home for me to want to dig into it. And on top of ALL of that, both eric and serena were done so dirty by the show, that I kind of feel that they need an extra amount of care given in fic, that I may not have the skill or spoons for.
so with all that being said, that's like, the meta reason Eric is where he is in this series, but my in-universe reasons to make the characterization make sense, is that Eric has to do his own thing for a while too. That's why we see him go to Sarah Lawerence, right? Other than to give Connor Paolo a graceful, soft exeunt from the show (interesting that he, the rich white boi was allowed to go with grace but Jenny and Vanessa's characters had to be destroyed right before they left it's whatevs)
So, in this au, I try to give Eric that, that space to heal and be as self-actualized as he deserves to be, and though I adore Jenny, and I adore their friendship, I think they need to be apart for a little while to give that for themselves.
and part of my opinion on that is my read that they are the closest friendship parallel to blair&serena (dan&vanessa come up second but this ask isn't about them). because, like, they love each other on a level that is deeper than a general friendship. if I may draw a parallel to another soap: they're meredith & cristina, they are each other's Person. and that is a profound relationship to have, but it can also be codependent and draining to put all of yourself into a friendship but that friend is struggling too, so they can't give you anything back, and so your both caught up in this maelstrom of betrayal and hurt feelings, and the only way to fix it is to gain some perspective.
and another parallel is that Jenny and Serena are both people that need to leave New York to find their happy, and Eric and Blair aren't, necessarily -- though they would thrive if they drummed up the courage to leave. so, Eric and Blair have to learn to let their person go, and learn that it's not about them.
I've talked so much I have no idea if this even answers your question, sorry lol. but I think that Jenny moving away would be ultimately beneficial to their relationship. and maybe, after a couple years, I could see Eric coming to England. Oh wait, I just remembered that I did write that once, where Eric does a semester abroad at Cambridge so he and Jenny hang all the time, and antagonize Dan bc he's at Oxford. (it's in this fic)
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sapphiredhearts-a · 11 months
❝  i don’t want you to be alone tonight and honestly,  i don’t really wanna be alone either.  ❞ { allison for serena vdw }
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her hair is messy and there is a definite stench of alcohol on her breath . she could probably use a shower but she can barely speak much less walk . and so she has fallen into the bed at the hotel , the plush covers coming up around her . she giggles at the girl - fighting the truth in the brunette's words . ' i'm never alone for long . ' she slurs , staring at the ceiling . ' come . . stay . ' she's also never one to turn down a friend . especially when she has so few these days .
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girl4pay · 2 years
nah its a coincidence there are only 4 baldwins (alec/jack donaghy, serena vdw dad, 2 others)
help i thought alec baldwin played serena’s dad too they’re literally identical
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hoespam · 4 months
just saw a blog that was so serena vdw core
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stringilamiamano · 2 years
mentalmente instabile come serena vdw ma senza il suo conto in banca :(
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m0tel6mxzzy · 9 months
i love serena vdw but the way some of her scenes are filmed are kinda funny like….her lips on her martini????? the strawberries???? i’m confused if when the show came out this was seen as iconic and badass i just thought it was rlly funny bc the show makes a point she’s just “effortlessly beautiful”
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