#seriously if you're gonna be that person exit stage left
eisdendrobium · 9 months
Can I request a part two where he talks to you wether it’s closure or u still loving him <3
mind over matter pt.2
pairings : singer!scaramouche x reader summary : seeing you at his concert after years apart made him regret his actions more, wishing that you'd give him a second chance. read pt.1 here !
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the concert has ended, scaramouche wave his hands and smiles at his fans, bidding them his goodbye as he exits the stage and the crowd gradually leaving.
right after he enters the backstage scaramouche grab the first guard he sees and ask him to get a certain person from the crowd to meet him which the guard comply without asking.
scaramouche sat down on his chair, grabbing a water bottle and shakily chugging it empty.
his stomach churns at the thought of seeing you again. beads of sweats dripping down his forehead.
a few moments later the guard came to the backstage with you who looks rather anxious as well.
"the person you asked sir" the guard says as he gesture you to enter the backstage.
scaramouche lifts his head to look at you, surprise that he's still alive with how rapid his heart his beating.
you standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do and just wait for him to start talking was making the atmosphere more suffocating for scaramouche.
he stands up immediately after the guard left and the name that he longed for finally escape his mouth "[name]..."
"scara" you respond as well "you wanted to see me?"
he tenses and coughs "y-yeah.. i uh.. didn't expect you'd attend my concert" he says awkwardly, looking back at you.
you smile awkwardly "well here i am"
"...." there was an awkward silence before scaramouche finally ask the question that has been bothering him.
"...why did you came?"
you chuckle lightly and shrugs "i'm a fan"
a shocked expression make its way to scaramouche's face "really?"
"yeah, always have been from the beginning, since.." "..since we dated" scaramouche continue your sentence that you're unable to finish.
"yeah.." the situation is very awkward now, it was making the both of you uncomfortable.
"is there any reason you wanted to see me again scara?"
mustering up the courage scaramouche ask the one question that he had waited so long to ask "i just thought... maybe we could try again?" "what?" "i know! i know i said i wanted to focus on my dream and you're just a distraction but i regret it, i regret every single part of my decision to leave you [name]" he explain desperately.
"i know i don't deserve a second chance after how awful i treated you, but please, if you could... give me another chance, i promise i'll be better.. i can't live without you [name]"
you open your mouth to say something but nothing came out for his explanation had made you speechless.
noticing your lack of respond scaramouche decides to continue "do you still love me [name]..? be honest with me" he begs, as if he's standing on thin line.
"...honestly, i never stopped loving you scara" i breathe out which made scaramouche felt like a heavy weight has been lifted from his chest.
"yeah.. why'd you think i'm still supporting you if i don't love you anymore scara? even when your decision hurt me greatly i understand that your dream is more important to you, and honestly watching you thrive and grow made me love you more"
you could visibly sees the way scaramouche face turns beet red at your confession.
"then.. will you be an angel you are and give us a second chance to be better?" he ask hopefully.
"are you seriously still gonna ask that after all that i said?" i raise my eyebrows at him disappointedly.
he grins and let out a sigh of relieve before rushing towards you and embracing you into a big warm hug. a few tears even fell from his eyes as he felt your figure close to him again.
you laugh lightly at his action "stop it scara, you're making me cry too" you into his glassy eyes, making him cry more.
"i'm sorry, i just missed you so much" he bawl his eyes out, hiding his face on the crook of your neck, wetting your clothes.
you gently rub circles on his back, eyes turning slightly glassy as well "missed you too you big baby.. don't leave me again okay?"
he nods his head "promise.." he answer, his voice slightly cracking which made you giggle.
finally, after years apart, after all that misery, you're finally his again and he's finally yours again.
a/n : reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! also feel free to give feedbacks about my work ^^
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Every time I think about how Midoriya was called "crybaby" by some haters in the fandom I just... like who hurt you, dude? What's wrong with showing emotions? Stop slandering the best boy.
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Pairing: HighSchoolAU! Pietro x reader Genre: i don’t even know tbh Word Count: 1600 Warnings: Age-bending - they’re like in high school here which might be a bit weird for y’all so just a heads up!
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-Freshman Year -
My jaw dropped open as I watched her move to the beat of the music. We were currently sitting in the large auditorium of SHIELD High, attending the freshmen orientations. 
Before graduating middle school, I had been offered scholarships to join the track and field team from SHIELD High and HYDRA High but ultimately decided on SHIELD after my sister, Wanda, chose to attend SHIELD. Besides, most of our friends in higher years are studying in SHIELD too.
"Pietro, shut your mouth, you're drooling," Clint hissed from my left, nudging me with his elbow. I quickly closed my mouth, not realizing I had it open the whole time. I touched the sides of my mouth to see if I was drooling.
"Who are you staring at?" Wanda asked from my right after seeing my exchange with Clint, curious as to why I was staring so intently at a group of sweaty boys and girls hand standing, head spinning and all those sorts on stage.
"Her. The one in the middle?" I pointed at the girl who was preparing to do a backflip. Her hair was tied into a messy bun, a snapback over it. She barely had any make-up on and had sweat running down her forehead, but she still looked stunning.
"Oh, Y/N L/N? You're in the same year. The dance team tried recruiting her since she was in middle school, and she just training with them in the summer break." Clint explained. He was a couple of years above us, and of course, he would know the people in school.
Y/N L/N… So that was her name…
"Dude, you are so not her type," Clint mumbled.
-Senior Year-
I tapped my foot loudly against the floor as I saw my friends approaching me by my locker. I darted my eyes back and forth my friends and the wall, debating on whether or not I should tell them about my tiny crush. Okay, fine, it wasn't tiny. I've had a crush on her for 3 years now, but still - she barely knows I exist.
Sure, we were both from different sports in school - she was in dance while I was in track, but our teams often practiced in the same place. We would be running around the oval, and the dance team would be rehearsing in the middle of the oval.
I've probably had 100,000 chances to talk to her since our practices ended around the same time, but I chickened out every time. Every. Single. Time.
There was a day wherein she made a move that caused her cap to fly toward the track, right to the spot where I was running towards, but I saw her coming, and in panic, my dumb ass decided to turn around and run the other direction. I got a scolding from the coach for that.
Only Wanda and Clint know I like her, but besides the two of them, no one else knows. I've kept it a secret for 3 long years. I think my friends deserve to know why I haven't dated anyone since freshman year, Nat was starting to get worried. Luckily, everyone was visiting their old high school today. Steve, Tony, Bucky, Sam, Clint, and Nat had graduated a couple of years ago but decided to drop by today to catch up with Wanda and me.
I stared at my friends as they stood approached me, and before any of my friends could say hi, I quickly blurted out four words. 
"I like Y/N L/N."
There was a dramatic 5-second pause then they all started laughing. Minus my sister, Clint, and Steve, who gave me sympathetic looks.
"Are you high?" Sam asked as Bucky snickered. What friends I have.
"I've never even seen you in the same class as her, let alone talk to her," Bucky said. "What brought this on?"
I let out a big sigh, ready to tell them everything. After telling them the whole story, I braced myself for all the teasing.
"Repeating Sam's question, what are you on?" Tony asked with a chuckle.
"Three years is a long time, Speedy," Steve mumbled. He would understand how I feel, he's been in love with Peggy since the 6th grade.
"Pietro, you idiot! If you really - as in really, REALLY like her, go talk to her," Nat exclaimed, shaking my shoulders, practically shouting in my face. I looked behind her to see my other friends standing behind her, nodding.
"Suck it up, man. You're a dude." Bucky added, shaking his head in disapproval.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Clint mouthed in confusion. I sighed. Why was this so easy for them?
"Oh, lookie. Here she comes!" Tony exclaims, pointing at the group walking down the corner.
"Don't point!" I quickly grabbed Tony's wrist, pulling him away from the main corridor, everyone else following behind us.
"Seriously, though, brother," Wanda mumbled. "It's finals week and right after this week is graduation season."
"Yeah!" Nat exclaimed, backing her up. "And we all go to college, meaning we separate and then your chance with lady dancer goes bye-bye."
"Whoa, chill, girls," Clint told them, laughing and the other guys chuckling behind him.
"Still," she sighed. "Do you plan on telling her?"
I thought about it for a moment.
"Okay, forget that question," Steve spoke. "The real question is, why do you like her?"
I thought about it for a second… There was always alluring about her in my eyes. There was always this sense of contentment just seeing her smile during practices - I didn't care if we didn't know each other - just knowing that I can see her nearly every day was enough for me. Her smile, her patience when teaching and learning routines, I loved those aspects of her the most.
"It's simple," I started with a smile, looking out the window. "She's an angel."
Well, graduation day finally rolled by. And no, I haven't talked to Y/N yet.
We all sat down in our respected seats by class. Wanda sat beside me since we had the same last names.
As the principal was making his… Interesting speech, Wanda poked my side. I gave her a look, wondering why she had a mischievous grin on her face that kinda resembled a Cheshire cat.
"I have her number," she whispered, wiggling her eyebrows. "Well, technically, Sam had her number and gave it to me."
I looked at her in confusion. What the hell was she gonna do with her number?
"You're…?" I asked.
"I'll text her! We're friends," she told me.
"You two are friends?" I asked her in disbelief.
"Well, on Facebook." she sheepishly admitted. "But anyway, I'll text her, telling her I wanna talk to her about something, but instead of me, you'll be there."
I stared at her weirdly. My sister is smart, but in this situation, I don't know if I'm supposed to thank her or facepalm.
After getting our diplomas and receiving our awards, we were finally dismissed. Our friends were here for our graduation, and before I could walk away to start heading home, Nat grabbed my arm.
"Oh no, you don't, mister," she smugly said, yanking my arm back towards the ground. "Wanda told me what's happening." I looked back at my friends and it seemed like Wanda had told the whole gang.
"You're finally gonna be a man!" Clint dramatically wailed, jokingly sniffling into the sleeves of his button-up shirt.
Steve smiled at me, happy for me, I guess? In the background, I could see Sam furrowing his eyebrows as if he was trying to recall something.
"Oh! Here she comes!" Nat mini-yelped. She quickly ushered everyone away to the other side of the room.
My heart was beating fast, faster than when I finished my runs. I was Y/N walking towards me, poking her head around, probably looking for Wanda.
Here goes nothing.
"Umm, hi?" I said out loud as she approached where I stood. I could see Nat and Clint peeking out from under the refreshments table behind her.
"Oh, hi!" she greeted back, smiling at me before looking around again.
"Are you looking for Wanda?" I asked, feeling my cheeks turning hot. When did talking become so hard? I literally
"Yeah! You're Wanda's brother, Pietro, right?"
"O-Oh! Yeah…" I shyly mumbled.
"Well, have you seen Wanda?" Y/N asked, smiling and curling some of her hair behind her ear. I can die a happy man today. "She told me to meet her here…?" she chucked, unsure.
"Actually, I'm the one who-" I began but got cut off by the sound of her phone ringing.
"Oh! I'm so sorry," she apologized, taking her phone out her pocket and picking it up. "Please give me a second."
"Hello? Oh, baby!" she greeted over the phone, a huge smile found its way to her face as she listed to the other person talk.
Wait. Baby…?
"Okay! See you in a second, Loki! Love you!" she chirped and hung up. She turned back to me with an apologetic smile. "I'm really sorry my boyfriend is waiting outside. He just arrived from the UK and I need to go. Please tell Wanda I'll call her tonight!" she explained and apologized again before running towards the exit.
"Oh, shit," Bucky mumbled, coming out of nowhere with everyone else.
"Didn't see that coming…" Tony muttered.
"DAMMIT," Sam yelled out of nowhere. "I knew I was forgetting something!"
"What?" I asked no one in particular. What the hell just happened?
A/N I swear this is like borderline a joke but I wrote this in 2016 and thought it would be cute to post on here. :’)
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