#seven Rivers
sproutmoss · 8 months
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I'm leaning towards Savin no longer being a shapeshifter and just being a cat-human hybrid instead. The only ability it really removes from him is becoming smaller, and it makes clothes a lot easier to figure out.
I'm trying to strike a balance between full furry and "human with ears and tail" which is quite challenging and fun
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akshardhool · 5 months
1. The land of Saptasindhavah (सप्तसिन्धवः) Since the dawn of civilization, the mighty Himalayas have always protected the people living in Indian sub-continent, not only from natural phenomena like sandstorms originating on central Asia plains or blistering arctic cold winds or great floodwaters sweeping the north Indian plains,  that could have created existential problems for the early settlers. The unscalable peaks and ranges of world’s tallest mountain also prevented the barbaric wild Asian steppe hordes, attacking and destroying the inhabitations, including cities and towns of subcontinent, the way they did in China and east Europe. Yet, in spite of this guardian angel, protecting our borders, wild hordes of invaders and intruders, cruel and murderous tribesmen, monarchs, brave warriors with monarchy aspirations and people who themselves were pushed out from their country, found routes that circumambulated  the vast mountain ranges and enter the sub-continent over last two millennia. These intruders and their barbaric armies, created a profound impact on the culture of the sub-continent that had evolved over last five or more millennia, starting from Sindhu-Sarswati Civilization, the Vedic era, Buddhist ideas and finally the Sanatan Dharma. Some of the early intruders adopted to native religions, but some imposed their own religious doctrines, creating a great divisive force that continues to torment the sub-continent, even today.   It so happens that the most profound impact of the intruders took place in a geographical area of the subcontinent, where Sindhu-Sarswati civilization once flourished five or more millennia ago. This land could be rightly called as the heart or core of the sub-continent culture. This region, in the northwest corner of the sub-continent, is none other than the land of seven rivers or Saptasindhavah (सप्तसिन्धवः) of the Vedas.   In the oldest Veda or Rigveda, the sage Angirasa, while offering oblation to Sun God ‘Savita” describes him as, अ॒ष्टौ व्य॑ख्यत्क॒कुभः॑ पृथि॒व्यास्त्री धन्व॒ योज॑ना स॒प्त सिन्धू॑न् । हि॒र॒ण्या॒क्षः स॑वि॒ता दे॒व आगा॒द्दध॒द्रत्ना॑ दा॒शुषे॒ वार्या॑णि ॥ (1.35.8) “He has lighted up the eight points of the horizon, the three regions of living beings, the seven rivers; may the golden-eyes Savitā come hither, bestowing upon the offerer of the oblation desirable riches.” The next question that naturally arises is the names of rivers that constitute this land of seven rivers.  Luckily Rigveda helps us even here. The Nadistuti sukta (नदिस्तुति सूक्त), or “the hymn in praise of rivers”, gives us names of these seven rivers for the reconstruction of the geography of this area. The first and foremost river that this Sukta (10.75.1) mentions is obviously Sindhu or The Indus, the mightiest of them all. Other rivers that are mentioned (10.75.5) in east to west direction are Sarasvati, Shutudri (Sutlej), Parushni (Iravati, Ravi), Asikni (Chenab) and finally Vitasta (Jhelum). This defines the land of seven rivers as the region that begins with Sarswati in the east, but does not end with Indus in the west.   The next verse (10.75.6) describes the tributaries like Kubha (Kabul River), Gomati (Gomal) and  Krumu (Kurram),that merge with Sindhu in the plains.  Using this information, we can create a map of the landmass, which Rigveda describes as ‘Saptasindhav’. We must also include here the plains, west of Indus River that stretch to the mountains and also the Basin of no longer visible  Sarswati River, now found only through archaeological and satellite data. However, we shall not indulge in that endeavor as it is unrelated to our subject matter.   Figure 1.1 shows the exact locations of these rivers except River Sarswati. By Dbach...
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
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Bisan is calling for another global strike!
I saw some posts just outlining Jan 21st, and wanted to clarify that Bisan has called for a full seven days of action.
What a global strike would look like is:
calling in sick to work
purchasing bare essentials ahead of the week so you can observe the general boycott of goods / buying as little as you genuinely can
putting in a concerted effort to elevate Palestinian voices and make it clear that this strike is in support of a permanent ceasefire!
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For those who will have to purchase necessary goods during this time, please observe the brands that the BDS movement is asking us to boycott!
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Right now is also a good time to mention some better uses for your money during this week.
Available e-sims in Gaza are running low!!
Mirna El Helbawi and her team are working round the clock to continue to connect Palestinians as Israel does its best to cut them off from the rest of the world.
You can learn how to purchase and send e-sims here, and below you’ll find a list of what is currently needed (the areas in brackets indicate what region you should select to buy e-sims in).
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CareforGaza is an organisation that does verifiably good work, distributing supplies directly to Palestinian families.
They have a Gofundme set up at the moment, but because of Gofundme’s poor track record regarding refusing to transfer funds to Palestinians, I’d recommend continuing to donate directly to their PayPal here.
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Good luck to all of you. Don't turn away from Palestine!
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cosmiart · 4 months
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"How is that I come to find my cousin in this nest of adders, ser?"
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novembermorgon · 4 months
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i got the wrong challengers i think
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darks1ster · 4 months
bloodraven the type of guy to disappear after a bus passes when you see him on the other side of the street
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horreurscopes · 1 year
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this is my brother and i need a shovel to love him (prints)
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duchess-of-oldtown · 1 month
According to the way they adapted Fire and Blood in House of the Dragon, we can probably expect some changes in Dunk and Egg:
Dunk is actually the long lost son of Daemon Blackfyre and Dornish Daenerys Targaryen (y'know because EVERYONE has to have their parents explained)
Egg will not be loyal to Dunk, he'll be a total scumbag
Maekar DID kill Baelor on purpose.
Before Baelor dies he whispers that Egg should be King and Dunk must immediately be named a Kingsguard.
Aerion will commit like one actrocity and then get a redemption arc.
Bloodraven and Bittersteel are estranged lovers (this could work) and all this is a bitter divorce
Bloodraven gets his info by selling feet pics. The trees told him that's how Alicent did it.
Shiera Seastar DOES actually eat children and bathe in blood.
Daeron the Drunken will take so much fantasy cocaine/LSD that the whole thing was actually all an acid trip
Daemon II Blackfyre will not serve cunt or camp.
The Blackfyre Rebellion? All happened in one big miscommunication Trope.
The dragons aren't dead, they're actually just finding themselves in the wilderness, you know? They're just really getting into their earthy crunch side.
Maekar Targaryen will do nothing all season. Just serve face and say offensive shit
The Dornish will be an integral part of the season. You will only know about it because of Behind the Episode.
Valarr Targaryen is a socialist and that is why they killed him off.
The mastermind behind all the Targaryen deaths? Baby Walder Frey.
Who really stole the dragon egg at Whitewalls? Time Travelling Penny in disguise.
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mossytrashcan · 3 months
okay so the rumors that tamzin merchant will be playing shiera are like way too good to be true, but I’ve been losing sleep over the idea of her as a targ for years now, so I like needed to draw this
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mydairpercabeth · 6 months
RIP, Leo Valdez. You would have loved Cowboy Carter.
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mayashesfly · 6 months
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Unraveling Emotions is certainly a feat
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sproutmoss · 8 months
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cat brothers
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ponury-grajek · 1 year
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best thing I've ever drawn
commission for @nachtyr-haus-comics who let me finish and color my old sketch, thank you ❤️
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stalkedbytrains · 1 month
We call with the seven for the magic circle to...
The autumn night was very cold and very blustery. It was a perfect autumn day if it wasn't so damn frigid.
June had been dreading the text that was coming all day. She knew it was. She knew what day it was. It seemed like everything in the world had gone out of it's way to remind her that today was October 6th.
Finally the dreaded text came.
"Olivia finally found a sitter. We're meeting at 8pm tonight."
The last text from Lauren was from exactly one year ago, it was almost the same thing. And again from the year before and the year before that.
June never replied.
Now well into her 30's June friends often sent texts that were less demanding or certain. More along the lines of 'hey we're thinking of maybe hitting up a happy hour sometime next week? when can you make it?!"
But this meeting. Tonight was mandatory. It was as required as any ritual.
Everyone must attend.
She wished they could let the dead ghosts rest and banish them to leave her in peace.
But she'd felt the creeping cold, the claws at her back all day. She knew what day it was before she even woke up in the morning after fitful sleep and terrible nightmares.
No matter how scalding the shower was, how busy and demanding the job was, she would not be warm until the 7th.
June couldn't forget.
It was October 6th.
That night, after the sun had set, June set out to meet with her five other friends.
Well, to be perfectly frank, to call them friends now was nothing short of a misnomer. They were acquaintances at best. They had been friends, once. But no longer.
Not for years.
But they still had to meet every year on the same day. Every year for the last seventeen years.
June walked into the darkness of the forest preserve.
The girls all used to wander deep into the woods, as far as they dared away from the civilization and the safety of the parking lot.
Not anymore.
They were all older and more careful and lazier.
It was barely thirty feet into the woods, the lights of the parking lot could still be easily seen.
Hell, this year they had it set up on a picnic bench.
June was thankful, she didn't want to sit on the ground, her knees were already sore from this long, cold day.
This year was colder than all the others. It seemed that every year for the last seventeen years October 6th was setting records for the coldest day on record.
June, as always, was the last of the girls to arrive.
She took the open seat.
There were a smatterings of quiet greetings.
No one wanted to be here. They wanted this over and done with so they could leave and be on their way to somewhere else, back to their lives.
Lauren pulled out the chalk from her large purse.
"Everyone ready?" she asked as a courtesy. She didn't wait for a response and was already drawing the magic circle.
No one answered. It was the sixteenth time they've gathered to do this, they knew the ritual very well.
As Lauren sketched the circle and the patterns and the runes, each woman took out their candles. Each had prepared their candles according to the old rules and placed them at the indicated portion of the circle, with one space absent at the head of the table.
Three women on each side of the table. Six candles.
One empty space.
"Alright, done," Lauren said without need.
There was a collective intake of breath as the women prepared themselves.
Lauren as always started the ritual. She let her candle with the tiny extension of what small reservoir of magic she had left.
"With this magic and this meeting there is one for the light."
June instantly felt the temperature drop. She felt the shadows grow.
Olivia went next and let her candle with a snap of magic, causing the light to flare and burn brilliant for just a split moment before settling into a soft, cold, light. "With this candle and these gathered there are two for the sight."
The darkness grew by another large measure. Another snap of cold and wind rustled the dying leaves on the trees.
June's heart was in her throat. Something felt different this time.
But she couldn't stop the ritual. Better to get it over and done with as fast as possible.
She snapped her finger and lit her candle. Her candle didn't burn nearly as bright, nor flare as big.
"With this circle and this pattern there are three for the Night."
She had to choke out the last word. It felt like she was trying to push out a word as a physical object from where it lodged inside her throat. It hurt to physically say.
Sweat beaded her forehead as the ritual continued despite the fact that she could no longer see the lights from the parking lot. They should have been so close, but they were miles away now, distant pinpricks in the dark forest.
Her breath misted in front of her as the temperature dropped again.
She was shaking, both from the cold and because of the other thing.
Jessica was next. She lit her candle, but she grimaced as she did so, almost like the act physically hurt her.
"We call with four for the silver," she said as she dropped a small silver coin into the middle of the magic pattern Lauren had drawn.
The coin smashed into the table with a loud thud. It didn't bounce or move. It was like it was magnetically pulled right to the center.
The area was totally dark now. The only light came from the four lit candles. June could see the breath of the other women. All coming out in shallow clouds, all at the same time.
She swore she saw something moving in the pitch black forest behind the girls on the other side of the table.
She couldn't move. She couldn't say anything.
Too quickly, without stopping or realizing what was happening, Fiona went next. She lit her candle and it barely burned.
Her hands were shaking with the cold.
She dropped a gold coin that slammed into the table, denting it as she said, "And five for the gold."
June swore she heard another voice speaking in tandem with Fiona. Somewhere at the head of the table where... no...
She tried to move, to do something, to call out, to stop Rachel from saying the next part.
But the candle was already lit. This time blazing high and bright like a railroad flare.
June swore she saw a dark figure standing behind Rachel.
Her mouth was frozen shut, from fear, from the cold, from the other thing in the back staring at her over Rachel's shoulder.
Two voices this time. "We call with the six for the secrets, never to be told."
For the last sixteen rituals, this is where it would have ended. This is where it should have ended. But this wasn't like the last sixteen. This was like the first one.
This one was the real magic. The Deep Magic. The Old things that they never should have meddled with.
The darkness should have snapped away. The candles should have gone out. The parking lot should have beckoned sweetly. Home and safety.
When the ritual was not completed because their seventh had been missing these last seventeen years, it should have ended.
Then the voice spoke from the entity that was hiding in the shadows.
"We call with the seven for this magic circle to," it said with a slow, deliberate tone. There was a harshness there, a rawness, like a voice after a concert of delightful yelling, but worse. "Hold," the voice finally finished.
The ritual was close to being completed. For the first time in years.
"NO!" June yelled, but she was too late. She couldn't move fast enough. She couldn't stop the last candle from being lit.
What looked like the edge of a knife reflected the soft candle light as the seventh candle materialized and was lit with a cold blue flame.
The paralysis that took over all six women finally broke as the darkness retreated slightly.
Standing at the head of the table, dressed in something that June could only think of as a battle nun outfit (some kind of form fitting black habit, pieces of steel or iron armor clinging to arms and chest and head) was a worn, scarred, and tired looking, much older Natalie.
"Sisters," she said in her worn voice, with a smile that had no warmth, "so good to see you again. Thank you for joining me."
Olivia was the first to recover. "Natalie! You're alive!"
She moved to get up and presumably hug their long lost friend, but Natalie moved a single finger and Olivia was slammed back into her seat with an overwhelming force of Natalie's magic.
"This is not a happy reunion for you," Natalie said as she reached behind her to produce some object from the darkness.
She dropped a black mass of something on the table in the middle of the circle, on top of the silver and gold.
After a moment, the candle light illuminated a grotesque form, the severed head of some kind of horrible amalgamation of goat, man, lizard, and bird.
"One of you sold me to this demon, the Lord of the Frozen Wastes, Farimelligion. Unfortunately for you, I did not die. I fought off my captors for these long years. My powers grew and grew until I was able to slay him and free myself from your spell. I intend to find out, exactly, betrayed me. And I will collect my pound of flesh."
To illustrate her point, she dropped the sword she was carrying, a cracked and bitter looking silver blade covered in frost and radiating cold.
"I regret to tell you that forgiveness was something that was taken from me out there. There is no repenting. But I will spare anyone who turns on their sister like they turned on me."
i have a kofi
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zeldonovan · 2 years
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@d20exchange gift 4 @queen-caramilflinda !! skullcleaver/mordred manor joint sleepover <3 theyre playing fantasy uno
[id: a digital drawing of adaine, penny, fig, katja, and sam from dimension 20, sitting in a circle in the middle of a game of uno. all of them are dressed in pajamas. adaine sits closest to the viewer in a beanbag chair, fig and penny are sat on the right in a couch, with penny hanging upside down on the back of it, and katja and sam are on the left, sitting on the carpet. sam has her arm raised to play a card, and they're all illuminated by a set of string lights overhead. /end id]
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Inktober 2023
Day 7 - Drip
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"I did get this, though, on the way." He holds up a radio. "Waterproof." "No shhuchh thing," she drips. "Well, water-resistant," he says, dropping it in. The water gushes up to catch it. "I'll be back when I can to change the batteries." "Thankshhhep. You'rre a good frriend."
Wayward Son, Chapter 40, Rainbow Rowell.
I love Blue's dialogue tag.
And I hope that that radio survived in the water.
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