#seven year old Tessa reading ‘and he tore himself in two’ and not even blinking
magical-misfit · 2 years
Live footage of me waiting for the Dimension 20 Twitter account to drop Rumplestilskin as Neverafter homework so I can finally go feral about the fairytale that fucked me up mentally as a child.
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birthday boy - t.h.
pairing: dad!tom x reader
warning: fluff, fluff & fluff
summary: Tom took a few days off between the filming of two movies to be home for your eldest son's birthday.
words count: 1,722
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not my gif
Tom and you have known each other for seven years now, married for five years and the happy parents of two adorable little boys. Benjamin, who is about to celebrate his fourth birthday tomorrow and another little boy, Anthony, who is only a few months old. 
After the birth of Anthony, Tom had taken a few weeks off to stay with you, but had to return finish filming a movie he was working on. So you were left alone with your two little boys, which was exhausting. 
Your eldest son is full of energy, even if during the day he is in school, in the evening when you come home, he is always so excited and makes bedtime very sporty. As for Anthony or as Tom likes to call him "Tony" stopped only a few days ago to wake you up almost every hour and let you rest a bit at night.
To be honest, your husband and your sons are the most precious things in your life and you wouldn't change that for the world even if it means being tired sometimes. That's why when Tom came home a few days ago, he insisted that you rest and that he could handle Ben and Tony. At first you refused because he too was tired because of the shooting, but when he ‘forced’ you to take a nap, you collapsed immediately. 
He also told Ben that if he needed something, he should ask him because "mommy is tired and needs rest". Isn't he cute? That's why right now your eldest son is climbing into your bed and trying to wake up his father. 
“Daddy,” after several minutes that seemed being hours for your little boy, Tom finally began to wake up.
“Hm,” he opened his eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light. He looked around him and turned when he felt a tiny hand grabbing his t-shirt behind him.
The curtains were closed, but the tv was still on, which lighted up the room, enough for Tom to see your four years old son, Benjamin, standing on your bed between him and you, looking at his father with a serious look.
“Yes buddy?” Tom rubbed his face with his hands, still feeling a little dizzy.
"Can I go open my presents?" He said a little loudly while playing with the hem of his Spider-Man's pajamas.
"Shh buddy, you don't want to wake up mommy?" He whispered.
Your little boy turned toward you, where you slept deeply. He turned again toward his dad and shook his head.
Tom sat down, pushed off the covers from his body and got out of bed.
"Come ‘ere buddy," Ben kissed your cheek and you smiled in your sleep. 
Tom held open his arms, but Ben climbed off from the bed on his own.
"No daddy, I can do it on my own. I'm big now!" 
Tom chuckles. “Oh, okay,”
“Hurry up, daddy!” He took his father's hand and they left the room together.
Tom was walking toward your son's room when he felt Ben drop his hand, he looked down at him. 
“Daddy! My gifts aren’t in my room!" He frowned.
"I know, but you need to sleep, you’ll open your gifts tomorrow morning."
He looked sad, Tom knelt and kissed his forehead. "Faster you'll sleep, faster we'll be tomorrow." He picked him up and stood up, Ben wrapped his tiny hands around his dad's neck and looked up at him with puppy eyes.
"Oh no, maybe it works with mom, but I'm the one who taught you that. It doesn't work on me." 
Your husband shook his head and held back a laugh when he saw him cross his arms around his tiny form, visibly trying to look annoyed.
Once in your son's room, he set him back in his bed and putted the blanket over him.
"Does the big boy want to sleep in the dark or he wants me to leave the light on?" He asked amused.
He looked up at his father, his eyes widened, "Hum maybe I'm not big finally." 
Tom raised an eyebrow still amused. "I prefer that, mom and I don't want to see you grow up too fast." He bent down and gave him a hug. "Good night buddy, I love you." He kissed him on the forehead and walked out of the room. 
"I love you too, daddy." He said hardly audibly, Tom turned one last time and saw Ben closing his eyes and clenching his plush in his arms.
Tom smiled at himself and went in your other son's room to check everything was okay. Tony slept peacefully and Tom smiled even more.
He was sad that he hadn't been able to stay with you three in the last few weeks and was planning to enjoy this holiday with you all. 
He stroked your son's head before leaving his room and joining you in your shared room. He lay down and looked at you, still asleep. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head in the crook of your neck.
"Goodnight princess, I love you." He gave a peck on your jaw and closed his eyes. You smiled in your sleep and draw yourself closer to him by habit.
The next morning you were waking up by Benjamin, who was jumping on your bed enthusiastically.
“Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! It's my birthday!!" He smiled from ear to ear.
Tom took him in his arms and gave him a hug. "Happy birthday buddy!" 
He began to tickle him and your son burst out laughing, he tried to tickle his father too and they laughed together. You looked at the scene smiling, it warmed your heart. 
You know they both missed each other a lot. It's always a tough time when Tom has to leave, but you know he's doing his best to spend as much time as possible with his family and you are grateful for that. 
Tom grinned, "are you ready for your big party?"
"yes yes yes," he bounced on the bed cheerfully and went toward you.
You hugged him and kissed his forehead. "Happy birthday baby."
"Thank you mommy." He hugged you tightly.
You got out of bed with him still in your arms, Tom followed you and you went into Tony's room to see if he was already awake. He was sitting in his crib. Tom took him in his arms and you all went down into the kitchen to have breakfast. 
When you were eating Ben told you everything he planned to do with his friends this afternoon. Then you spent the rest of the morning finishing the preparations for his party. Ben kept running around the house and asking how long he had to wait until his friends finally arrived.
Around noon Harrison arrived with the birthday cake. Tom was the one who went to greet him, since you were busy feeding your youngest son in the kitchen.
They joined you in the kitchen. Harrison set down the cake and his gift for Ben on the counter before giving you a hug. After that he wrinkled Tony's curly hair. Your baby giggled and tried to grip Haz's hand with his little fingers.
"I remember when Ben was as small as he is." Haz said while looking at Tony.
"Me too, mate." Tom added.
"And it feels like yesterday that I discovered that I was pregnant," You said, feeling a bit saddened. "and now my baby is four years old." Tom wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead.
“I know, darling,”
Ben entered the room running with Tessa. "Uncle Haz!!!” Haz knelt and your son threw his arms around his uncle’s neck.
“Hey you! Happy birthday, big boy!”
“Thank you, uncle Haz, do you want to see what mommy and daddy prepared for my birthday?“ He tilted his head.
"Of course!" He stood up and Ben took his hand, he turned toward you and Tom. "Eh, excuse me, business’s calling" 
Ben dragged him in the garden and you heard him babling some things to his uncle and you both chuckled. 
The next hour, you all ate together, after that the boys took a nap or at least tried because Ben was way too excited to rest a little.
Then eventually family and friends began to arrive and the party finally started. Ben seemed to be having a good time and Nikki took a lot of pictures. 
When it was time to blow out his candles, everyone took a bunch of pictures and videos of the birthday boy, including Tom, who took at least a thousands. Then he began to open his gifts, but Tom insisted that he opens the one you brought him together last because we "keep the best for the end".
Ben tore up the paper that recovered his gift and squealed of joy when he saw that you brought him a new Spider-Man’s costume and a figurine.
"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" He came down from his chair and ran toward his parents. You both kneeled and hugged him. "Thank you, mommy," he kissed your cheek. "Thank you, daddy," He kissed Tom's cheek. 
“You’re welcome,” You said both in harmony.
He went back to the table and took his gifts to show them to his friends. “I'm going to be Spider-Man! Like my daddy!" He said proudly and Tom looked overjoyed. 
The rest of the day passed wonderfully well. Harrison, Tom's family and yours stayed after the party to help you clean the house and the garden. After that you all dined together. After they left it was bedtime and you were afraid that Benjamin wouldn't be tired and refused to go to sleep, but for once he fell asleep immediately. Tom didn’t even have time to read him a few pages of his favorite book, he immediately collapsed with a big smile on his face.Tom and you slept happier than ever that night. 
A few days later Tom had to go back to work, Ben was really sad to see him leave again and so were you. You were happy that Tony was still too young to understand what happened around him. Tom was sad too, you knew he loved his job a lot, but he loved his family even more. He did his best, he tried to call you and FaceTime you as much as possible and soon he was back home again for the biggest happiness of his family.
permanent taglist: @emochiwa @spider-girls-world @llady-peculiar @chennyetomlinson
mutuals who might like this: @skittles-anime-123 @prince-p-parker @tomshufflepuff @girlreaderr @broadwayshtuff @starksparker @tommyhollandd @tommyholland2018 
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