#also the glass mountain and the Snow Queen
magical-misfit · 2 years
Live footage of me waiting for the Dimension 20 Twitter account to drop Rumplestilskin as Neverafter homework so I can finally go feral about the fairytale that fucked me up mentally as a child.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Stiles Summer Stories 2024!
So I have decided to dedicated my @writersmonth to Stiles. But there is so much I want to write about him and the Hale Pack that it's hard to put it in order and decide, so I am open to suggestions!
Pick a prompt duo from the list that's not crossed out yet and make me a Stiles-centric suggestion:
romantically only: Sterek, Steter, or both in a "Stiles has two hands" sense
platonically, especially anything Hale Pack (Derek, Peter, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Cora, Jackson, I'm throwing Lydia and Danny in there too, and depending on canon divergence also Allison and Scott. Also the sheriff), either the whole pack or any individual dynamic
general Stiles concepts like Pack Mom Stiles, human Alpha Stiles, Spark Stiles, post-nogitsune angst, whatever else you can think of
a combination of any of these
destiny | creek; "Camping & Bonding, Part 1", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
running | penthouse; "Small But Good", Steter post s2 finale h/c
laughter | car; "Camping & Bonding, Part 2", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
fairy | stage; "A Midsummer Night's Mischief"; Sterek fluff
choice | movie set; "Movie Madness"; Sterek jealous!Derek
flame | forest; "Camping & Bonding, Part 3", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
passion | tattoo parlor; "London Calling", post-series Sterek
dawn | castle; "Castle of Glass"; Sterek post pool scene
clock | museum; "Tutoring and Teasing"; Steter single-dad Peter + Malia's tutor Stiles
season | school; "Camping & Bonding, Part 4", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
snow | flower shop; "The Tate Sisters", Stetopher with married Petopher meeting Stiles through their daughters
birds | library; "The Birds and the Wolves", Steter
dark | bakery; "What Kept Me Going", post-Nogitsune h/c Stetopher
lonely | college; "Missing Pack", Stiles-Jackson-Danny
glow | lake; "Camping & Bonding, Part 5", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
ache | ship; "What Lydia Wants (She Gets)", Jackstydia on a cruise
red | kitchen; "My Kitchen, My Rules", Sterek human Alpha Stiles
bell | attic; "Warning Bells", Steter BDSM smut
chess | park; "How Chris and Peter Got a Kitten", Stetopher + Stiles cursed into a kitten
stone | train; "What Lydia Wants (Lydia Gets) II", Jackstydia BDSM smut sequel
wish | hospital; "A Brighter Future", Steter hurt/comfort + Sterica bromance
beast | motel; "Away Game", Stackson 'there is only one bed' during an away lacrosse game
lost | basement; "What Happens in the Basement", Sterek kidnapping
petal | theater; "Twelve Truths (and a Lie)", Stetopher + Stiles being forced by the Seelie Queen to bare twelve truths in front of the pack
faith | bar; "A Selfish Gift", Sterek + a salmon ladder
fur | farm; "Home at the Hale Farm", Stetopher post-Nogitsune h/c
lightning | office; "Guns and Gags", Stetopher + gun shop owner Chris/sex shop owner Peter
sketch | plane; "Sugar for the Secretary", Stetopher sugar daddies Petopher post-series
sense | bus; "Colds and Comfort", Stetopher sick!Stiles getting taken care of
mischief | mountain; "Shot Through the Heart", Stetopher + Chris being really into Stiles being a good shot
double | beach; "Murder Triad", Nogitsune/Steter
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jackoshadows · 10 months
From here, an old draft of GRRM's for A Feast for Crows.
Dany: Pretend it’s a horse. Face off in pit. No [?marry] - city. Battle scene. ‘I’m going home’.  1 Chapter Sam: Cut Jaime: Blackfish Prolog: No glass candles - Pate - Steals book. Death of dragons Brienne: End with Hound fight Davos: Barrowton Wedding. Davos to take recaptured Arya north. ‘Where you going’ - to a wedding Jon: ‘Yes, we’re going to lose.’ ‘I can get us the armor’.  I can stay & look brave & you all die. ‘Val carries a message.’ Rattleshirt goes with. Cersei: Kettleblack: ‘Queen asked me to say that.’ ‘Osmund’ betrays her. Sansa: Divide chapter. LF: Cersei has overreached. She’ll soon be done. Dorne: Balon v Arys. End with Blood & Fire. Mountain missing teeth Kevan: Home to Casterly Rock. Ready for winter Tyrion: Witness to incest. Prince of Sorrows: Eases psychic pain?? Comfort? Prophecy? “Whorehouses” “Whores go everywhere.” Courage. Let it go or it will become you. Let them go - will not bring you peace. Pain will [?keep] you what you have to do.
Arya: End with her first gift. 1. Joy of giving. 2. Mercy at the Gate. ④ Tyrion: Cliffhanger with Dany? Captured by Ser Jorah? 1. The Sorrows. 2. Volantis. 3. The Sea. 4. Dany. ⑤ Dany: Her marriage. 1. Fall of Astapor. 2. Siege of Meereen - Bloody Flux. 3. Climax - dragons loosed. 4. Marriage. ⑦ Sansa: ?Old - Resolve to be SS[?Sansa Stark] & take north. 1. Tourney of Winged Knight. 2. Sweetrobin woos [or weds]. 3. News from W.H.[?White Harbor]. Kill the Mouse ④ Jon: End with Hard Home.
The most interesting thing in this is how Davos' entire story is different. GRRM has been saying how the stories of the minor characters are not set in stone and looks like he felt that Davos would be better served as a POV character with bringing Rickon back into the story - which I agree with because it gave us the wonderful 'The North Remembers' section with Manderly.
From here, there seems to have been an extended Barrowton wedding in an ADwD draft that was cut from the book.
One detail from the drafts I didn't bother including last time is that in the original version of Ramsay's first letter, announcing his wedding, he says that there will be three weddings at Barrowton, rather than just his own. Jonelle Cerwyn was to marry Mors Crowfoot and Rogers Ryswell was to marry Walda Frey (Fair Walda, I assume). I still can't see any significance to that, but it is interesting that George seemed to have originally intended the Barrowton wedding to be a major scene.
Secondly, the absence of Davos expands Jon's role as an strategic adviser who plans Stannis' campaign. It also looks like there is no Mance stealing Arya - instead it's Davos who gets 'Arya' out?
GRRM has already talked about how the lack of the 5 year gap meant the expansion of Dany's arc as a leader in Meereen - which we see in ADwD. I think the same happened with Jon Snow. Less Davos and more Jon Snow meant we got more of Jon as a strategic leader.
The Mad Mouse is destined for death which more or less confirms that Sansa will not be kidnapped and taken to KL. Who will kill him, Sansa or Littlefinger?
No glass candles for Pate in this particular chapter.
Interesting stuff which gives us a glimpse into how the story for the secondary characters can go in different directions.
ASoIaF mutuals, let's discuss!
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thearcanecat · 15 days
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Cinderella’s Castle one-shot props! I had a lot less time to put this together, but it was based on Snow White so I got an apple, a bodice with lace, and a comb. They also fought a dragon, because dragons are cool. The magic mirror was also there. The maps are based on the layout of the Hurstmonceux Castle.
Ella: Divine Soul Sorcerer Human
Tadius: Eloquence Bard Human
Lord Hop-A-Lot Oath of Ancients Paladin 4/Battle Master Fighter 12 Custom Lineage
Briar Grizzwald: Glomstalker Ranger Half Wood Elf
Crumb couldn’t make it unfortunately. :(
New rule: Every players has 1 Ragweed Token that can be used to change one dice roll. Players need to tap the wood block to activate it.
Everyone did closet cosplays! Ella had a green skirt and general fantasy look. Briar had a dagger. Hop-A-Lot had a green shirt with a chest plate and cape. Tadius had a black shirt and some red fabric over his arm. I wore part of my Narrator cosplay. It’s not finished yet I’ll post photos when it is.
Ella and Tadius are out ruling the castle. Lord Hop-A-Lot was in the Swamp waiting for his mansion to be built. The bastard brother has heard news of his sisters’ deaths and was traveling to learn more. On his way, he found the apple that the Prince had thrown, which had made it all the way to the Swamp. It was poisoned. At the castle, there was a mysterious reflection in the floor which told them about the Castle That Was which was being attacked by a dragon. Ella had a mirror and used it to speak with the reflection easier. It’s name was Amir the Mirror and it was cursed to rhyme which it really hated. Crumb stayed behind the keep everything in order (and because the dragon terrified him). To get to the Castle, first they needed to cross the Unreachable Peaks, for which they needed the help of the Six Dwarves. (Their father had mysteriously vanished many years ago) Tadius was able to convince the dwarves to help them and get better at communication. The Dwarves helped the party through the mountains and led them to the castle, which was under siege. The castle belonged to the Goblin Queen, who had failed to gather enough forces to help her. The goblins were losing badly. Tadius cast message to speak to the dragon whose name was Ebony Wood. She had been cursed by an old hag by three magic items and was turned into a dragon. Sir Hop-A-Lot was still very bloodthirsty and wanted to kill a dragon. The party tracked the castle searching for the Goblin Queen. There found her bedroom, which had a map of the Lands That Are and a list of the fiercest people in all the realm. Many of these people had been visited by an old hag who cursed them and took their power. The party found the Queen in a room, planning strategies against the dragon. As soon as she was identified, Tadius cast guiding bolt. Sir Hop-A-Lot initially failed to restrain the Queen, but used a Ragweed token to change that and captured here with the Fairy Queen’s arms. With her on the ground, the battle was easy. As they all stomped her to death, it was decided that Ella, who has glass leg prosthetics, no longer had toes. It’s just the glass slippers, nothing else. With the Queen defeated, their attention turned to the dragon. The creature had an object stuck in its throat, a comb stabbed in its head, and rope tied around its chest. Tadius 8th level dispelled magic on the rope, Ella took out the throat with scorching ray, freeing an apple. Tadius used It’s fire breathe did a lot of damage. Sir Hop-A-Lot jumped and then misty stepped to get onto the back of the dragon. Tadius dimensioned doored himself and Ella to the dragon as well. Tadius tried to remove the comb and used a Ragweed token to succeed. With all the items removed, the dragon turned back into Ebony and everyone fell to the ground. After healing everyone up, Ebony introduced herself. She was a Dragonborn with scales as black as ebony wood, eyes as red as blood and teeth as white as snow. She had been adopted by the dwarves when she was young. Without a Queen, the goblins had no where to go. Hop-A-Lot offered them to come and work for the crown. They unionized and taught him what that meant. The party brought Ebony back home, took gold and treasure to the castle, and all the workers learned about unions. Now with confidence, the masons told Sir Hop-A-Lot that building a house in the middle of a swamp does not work. So now he had a goal to create a floating mansion.
Overall I had fun! I had a day and half to write this one shot and then GMes it while jet lagged, so it was a little rough around the edges, but everything went well!
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adarkrainbow · 5 months
If you are from a country with Christian traditions, you probably know about the celebration of Epiphany, the "king cake", and the tradition of the "fève". You know: the "fève", as we call it in France, is this little figurine, this tiny statuette that is hidden in the king-cake. And whoever gets it is crowned king or queen of the day.
France has a big Epiphany tradition, and is also very, very big on fèves. You've got tons and tons of various series and models depending on the time period and area. There's old classics, there's vintage models, there's rarities not found anywhere, there's novelties responding to modern-day movies. You have fèves depicting all sorts of subjects and themes ; and entire collections and museums dedicated to fèves.
Fairy tales are, of course, one of the big subjects of fèves. I find it quite interesting to look at the fève series adapting fairytales. Well, you have to avoid a lot of series which are explicitely derived from either Disney or Shrek (there's a LOT of Disney and Shrek fèves), and you get several lines of fèves directly working from the original stories.
For example, look at this first series. "Les contes de notre enfance", "The fairytales of our childhood". Contains Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Prince, The King of the Golden Mountain, Snow-White, Cinderella, Puss in Boots and King Thrushbeard.
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Here is a "Puss in Boots" line, including Puss in Boots, The Princess, the Marquis of Carabas, the Ogre, the King, the Lion, the Mouse and the Carriage.
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"Comptines des rois" - "Nursery rhymes of the King". A quite large collection, which includes Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Alice (of Wonderland), the Beast (from Beauty and the Beast), Riquet with the Tuft, Snow-White, Little Thumbling, Sleeping Beauty, Aladin, Mowgli (from The Jungle Book), one of the Three Little Pigs, Puss in Boots, The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio and Cinderella.
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Here is a different Puss in Boots line - with an introduction fève with the title, a castle-fève, 2 different Puss in Boots, the Ogre, the Mouse, the Princess, "the Prince", the Carriage and the horses going with the carriage.
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Another "Les Contes de notre Enfance" line, different from the one before. Includes Little Thumbling, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Bluebeard, Donkey Skin, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Little Mermaid and Beauty & the Beast.
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A "Little Red Riding Hood" line - with two different Riding Hoods, four different Wolves, a Granny, the Basket, the Little House, and the Hunter.
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A "Little Thumbling" line, including: "The Little Thumbling", "Pierrot", "The Twins", "The Ogre", "The Ogre's Wife", "The Woodsman", "The Small Ogress", "The Woodswoman", "The King", "The Princess".
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Yet another "Little Red Riding Hood" line with: 2 Little Red Riding Hoods, a Wolf (+ a "Wolf as Grandma"), a Grandma, a Hunter, a Woodsman, a Mother, a Granny's House, plus a fève for the Galette and the Butter.
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Finally, a Cinderella line. Includes: 2 different Cinderellas, a Prince, a Carriage, the Stepmother, the two sisters of Cinderella, the Fairy, and the Pumpkin (includes the mice). Plus a "glass slipper" fève.
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dailydemonspotlight · 6 months
Day 13 - King Frost 
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Race: Tyrant
Alignment: Dark - Chaos
April 5th, 2024
Today’s demon of the day stands as the king of winter, lord of snow, and a man with reign over all things cold- the tyrannical master of the Jacks and Frosts, King Frost. Based mostly off of the visual pun of a jack in a playing card set needing a king, the lord of all things frosty also has quite a bit of folklore behind him, all originating in a somewhat obscure short story made by Margaret T. Canby in 1873, as part of a collection of tales by the name of ‘Birdie and his Fairie Friends.’ 
In the story, King Frost is far from a tyrannical ruler, however. As the story goes, the King lives in a cold country far to the North, a place where snow always gathers. A kind and generous king, he was ruler of all fairies in the north, snow sprites and other such things carrying out his duties and bringing joy to his subjects. Even farther up, a poor old man lay, a man by the name of Santa Claus, and, seeing his desire to spread joy in spite of his lack of funds, decided to give back to the world by granting him with riches. 
Unfortunately, the fairies found frolicking to be a more worthwhile spend of their time, and soon, they had forgotten all about the glass jars of gold in their distraction. The jars, however, began to melt as the sun rose above the horizon, and as they were hidden to not be stolen, they began to spill gold and glittering gems down onto the trees around. At first, in response to their malarkey, the King was concerned… and somewhat furious. However, the instant he found the fairies… 
The gems had painted the trees and clouds in beautiful colors of vibrant red, bringing a gorgeous sight to the inhabitants of the village. The King, though upset at first, embraced the fairies in a warm (metaphorically) hug, as they had brought joy to the people of the village in spite of their mistake. Ever since that holly-jolly day, King Frost comes down from the mountain during autumn to paint the trees and skies in these colors.
Folklorically, while this is mostly a fairy tale for children, this story also has an easy connection to fall- as the story goes, each leaf’s unique color during autumn is due to King Frost painting them that way, in commemoration of that beautiful day. 
All of this goes to say, King Frost’s fairy tale is a nice, short story (that’s very charming, honestly,) that contrasts well with his portrayal in SMT. While, in the story, King Frost is a kind and caring man, King Frost is anything but- an obvious allusion to his Tyrant race, King Frost is typically portrayed as overbearing and demanding of his servants. 
Design-wise, he appears in contrast to the small and spritely Jack Frost, instead being a massive Jack in either a cape or a golden cloak, almost appearing steampunk-esque. His design feels regal and imposing, as it should, while still maintaining the signature goofiness of the Frost lineage. 
However, where there’s a king, there is a queen, right? So where is Queen Frost? Well, she does, indeed, exist… in only one form.
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The Devil Children anime, an obscure Japan-only cartoon based around the Devil Children spinoff. In it, she makes her grand debut with an honestly fantastic and unique design, though she has never appeared again ever since. Without much folkloric precedent, I don’t have much to talk about when it comes to her, but I love her addition regardless, and wish she’d appear later on in the series. 
Overall, King Frost is a unique demon of the Frost lineage with a fun design and a short-yet-sweet backstory, and given his prowess in gameplay, he’s one of my favorite demons in this already favorite line of mine. 
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ventisettestars · 1 year
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DannyMay Day 10: Bones [ao3]
This is a continuation of my Fantasy AU. [part 1] [part 2]
Summary: Changes felt down to Danny’s bone as he spends time in Fae Realm.
Warning: Some light body horror and blood. Also I barely edited this, tho I did give it a once over. So sorry for typos and the like.
WC: 1,997
Kulning: herding call. A domestic Scandinavian music form, often used to call livestock (cows, goats, etc.) down from high mountain pastures where they have been grazing during the day. -Wikipedia
His realm. That was what the fae lady had said. “Welcome to your realm, my Lord.” 
“Lord?” Danny was a prince. It was almost reflexive to correct when mistitled. 
The fae misunderstood what he was confused about and powered on through. “Yes.You’re a Lord of Night. New leader of the Winter Wild Hunt. I’m here to help you with that transition. Poor Dear, you’re so human yet.”
“Um, yeah. Cause I am. A human. Always have been.” 
“Oh, not for the last few weeks you haven't. Your heart is a Fae heart, just stuck in some human flesh. You must have noticed.” She looked sad for him. 
Danny swallowed as he had noticed a few things. He blamed stress from his fight that he wasn’t sure was dreamed or not. But he hadn’t been noticing the chill in the morning. And the way food began to taste like ash. The way his skin felt too tight along his back. The-
“So, if- What happens now?”
She beamed. “First let's get you something to eat. You must be starving.” 
“I'm sure your food is the best around but- Isn’t Fae food cursed for humans to eat. Like a trap?” 
“Oh deary. Only for humans. You’ll be fine. I wouldn’t feed you anything that'd cause you harm. Come come.” She hurried, and Danny not knowing what else to do, followed. 
“And see, the thing about humans eating food here is very misunderstood. It doesn’t trap humans, but makes all human food taste like ash. So they'll want to come back and never leave.” The fae lady stopped to turn back for a moment. “We and humans have very different senses, you see. Taste being the easiest to lean into. Our drinks can do it too. Water here is so fresh, particularly in your region because it runs from the purest of snow, chilled with the sunless sky. Why, it’ll even mess with some of the summertime fae.”
Taking things one step at time, the lady continues talking about food in the realms. She also tells him he can call her the Lunch Lady. Names are, after all, so valuable. The only ones immune to being controlled by names are the Lords and Ladies of the Night, And the Kings and Queens of Day. Something about their connection runs so deeply in the realm that they are gifted a name they aren’t even aware of. Only the Mother knows of them, and she need not speak them to use them, nor would the Mother wish for anyone to learn them. So all other names become just titles and aliases. Though Danny figures he wouldn’t be giving his name to anyone here even if the Lunch Lady says it's safe. He would need to think of a new one. 
They arrived at a grand dining hall, and it shocked Danny how much it resembled a warden’s mess hall. 
“Why, does it look like a prison?” 
“Your predecessor committed a great crime and was in self appointed imprisonment. The realm mirrored his state, as it will shift to match yours as time passed. Why, the bars are practically all gone at this point. Being replaced with proper doors.”  
She sat Danny down, and began to prepare a dish for him. “Some of those around are buzzing with excitement since it’s our understanding you were a human princeling, so soon our land shall be grand, befitting your needs.” 
Danny looked at the food before him, and it was the best smelling food he’d smelt in weeks. Taking a bite didn’t disappoint. He inhaled the food, drinking from the water the glass that showed up. 
“There is more where that came from. Here, try this. It’s probably your first time having it, seeing as its a fowl that can only be caught in the land of summer.” 
Danny looked confused at the little avian thing that was roasted and placed before him. Trusting her, he took a wing, and bit into it. The meat was tender, not a bit of resistance, it was heaven. He took bite after bite, then bit into the bone. It almost startled him as it didn’t give much resistance like he’d thought it would. Then he noticed it wasn’t the bones that were delicate, it was his teeth had changed. 
In place of the teeth he'd known for 14 years, well probaby only 3 since he'd lost the last of his baby teeth, were sharp, wolflike teeth. It wasn't just his canines, but the surrounding teeth as well. Reformed to fit a predator.
He shuddered as he bit down again. It was delicious, and felt soothing. Calming an itch he didn't know he had. And he didn't seem to bite himself, his body was already used to them. Why fight it? 
Looking at the Lunch Lady, Danny figured he had many more changes ahead of him. 
Time didn't exactly pass. Not as he was used too. It was always the apex of a solar eclipse. Which he thought was odd but it was explained to him that his kingdom was that of the daytime night. The moment the moon over powers the sun and the nocturnal creature wake during the day. 
It's why he was a lord of night. Why he was of the Sluagh Sidhe Court. 
He was assured it was normal. Each of the rulers' kingdoms rested in a single time, when they were each at the peak of their powers.
Powers that Danny was starting to grow into. After a few sleeps it started with his appearance only. Hair going white, skin blue, ears longer. Once his eyes flooded to the pitch black of night from the corners, filled with stars, did he start to feel like a true fae. 
The moment the sky reached his iris was when the magic inside burst. It was tapping into the source of his power, connecting to the phase of the moon when he heard the song. 
It rang through his bones down to the merrow. Calling him in a language he'd never known, but understood he was to follow it. Nothing else mattered but the kulning song.
It led him through his lands, his connection to them keeping him from losing his way. Later even the thought of getting lost in his tundra would be absurd. But right now. Now his only focus was the song. 
It led him through another's territory. He didn't feel unwelcome, but he knew next time he would need to be invited in. 
He was almost there, his bones ached insisting he wasn't moving fast enough. His shoulders twitched in places that shouldn't have been able too. 
Every bit of his foreign body insisted flying would be faster than the pace he was running, even if he'd never been able to run this fast or this long before in his human life. He longed to fly. 
Running into a forest, through an entrance only accessible when She wished it, he was close. Then to the clearing, where he came to a stop as the call stopped.
Around him in a near perfect U where 7 other fae, and Her. 
His bones, his magic, his soul yearned, screamed in silence through his blood. Mother. 
She was who the other fae revered as a Goddess of the Realm. The being who will die each winter by his hands, to be reborn in the hands of the spring queen. 
She was the only one on this plan that could command him, and he would gladly listen. 
“My youngest Lord. Dearest Lordling.” She spoke in several, no, all the languages at once. She reached out to him. “Let me get a good look at you.” It was once her hand neared him that he realized how small he was to her. He was able to climb into her hand and she held him with ease. It was also when he noticed the other fae were actually airborne. How he wanted to join.
She smiled. “Say my name, and you shall join them, Lordling.” 
Words left his mouth. A name, Her name. It wasn’t a language he’d known, but he knew what it meant. 
His Mother brought him to her face, and with a gentle kiss to his forehead, pain ripped from his back. It started with bones, then muscles and tendons, skin and feathers. Silver liquid dripped down from his outfit and feathers as the pain subsided. Danny looked at his hands that got some of the runoff from his wings growing out, absently wondering before he realized it was his blood. He bled silver. 
He looked back up to her. “I, ah sorry I got blood on you…” He didn’t know if it was in proper form to speak to her, but he figured, if he could talk to his mother the Queen of Amity, then he could also talk to his mother the Goddess of the Realms. 
She laughed. “Worry not. I knew it would be the case. It’s part of the process. Tell me, what is it you wish to be called and address your siblings.” 
Danny stood in her hand, all had left Mother’s side and flew in a line to get a better view. Danny spread his wings, but didn’t take off flying. His body told him it was too soon, much as he longed. 
“I am Phantom.” The words he needed flowed easily, aware of the titles that mattered from his few lessons. “A Sluagh Sidhe Lord of Night, Master of the Winter Wild Hunt. And Heir Prince of the Human Realm’s Amity Kingdom.”
One of the fae flinched at that last title. It was enough for Phantom to notice. He looked familiar. Before Phantom could dwell on it, his Mother addressed from behind. 
“For all the joy of this occasion, there is a grave matter to address. You have inherited all your predecessor’s boons, and thus, you must also bear his crimes, though not his punishment. Know that this pains me.”
The white ashes that created Phantom floated from his chest. They wove into chains, passing into her hands, then emerging green and wrapping around his legs. Pulling taught then snapping. 
“These chains bind to bone. Always to be present as a reminder. None shall pass judgment and claim their words as mine. Lest they be imprisoned until one strong enough sends them to their ends. Now. Join your siblings.”
Phantom didn’t need to be told twice before spreading his wings and taking to the air. 
“And that's it for the tour. I've shown you all the places safe for humans.” Phantom grinned, the tour covered some of his favorite rooms. One being the observatory and another being a game room. Both were additions he added as his predecessor was more occupied with playing warden of the realms laws then enjoying anything. 
“Dude, that was like 6 rooms and a few halls.” Tucker had been taking detailed notes in his spellbook. 
“Yeah. Safe. For. Humans. Once you learn the rules I can show you more. Till then, I’m keeping it to just those rooms.” A small floating light wisped next to Phantom, jingling something, then floated off. “Well, it looks like it's human’s bedtime. I’ll walk you to the gate, then I’ve got a meeting with the Summer Lady and-.”
Sam interrupted, grabbing Phantom’s arm to stop him in his tracks. “Can we come? You have to let us come.”
“I mean.” He thought for a moment. “Sure, but it's underwater. I can spell you protections, but if anything goes wrong and you swallow some water, it can’t be undone. Fae water will be the only thing you would be able to drink after.”
“It'd be worth it. Plus you’d hook us up with the fae water, right?” At the lack of response from Phantom, Tucker looked nervous. “Right?”
With a deep sigh. “Of course I would. It's really not worth it. But okay. Let's get you both ready. I’m going to have to go over some things on the way.”
Sooo some fun behind-the-scenes stuff. Originally The Mother was going to have a name, but then I found out the name I was going to use was basically a British Man's OC, so felt rude to use in context. So now she is just The Mother, Goddess of the Realm. Basically, take sentient ghost zone core and get the Mother.
Secondly, you see that art. >:3 I got so many plans for them all.
And last, I plan on putting all the Fantasy AU stuff in it's own fic in june, but no idea what to call it. I was sort of thinking "Tir na nog" buuut not sure. I'm open to suggestions.
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Sense there's been beings to give it names this continent has had many. But for the last few milenia its name has been Äterra’Mūteer meaning Land of the Mother in the Old Human tongue. 
Many kingdoms and empires have risen and fallen, border lines drafted and redrawn over its long history. But as it proteins to our story however these are just a few of the kingdoms ive drafted so far
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Capital: Valoria
Adrellia is known for its vast grassland and soft rolling hills. This lends well to their exquisite wine and cheese industry, both of which are their largest export.  
The Aristocracy is the second most relaxed and liberal. The Monarchs both king and queen openley take lovers outside of their marriage.its so normal it's not even mentioned. Arranged marriage is most common here.
While in other kingdoms it's normal to have a ball or celebration on special occasion or even a spur of the moment thing once and a while. Ardellian cities are known for having lavish soirees almost year round.
Its said that if the night is quiet the nobility are just recovering and if its quite during the day the king or queen has passed away. 
While it seems to be the most hedonistic kingdom, Ardellia is actually the most pious. While they rarely attend chapel, and they don't abide by anti-adultery scripture, Ardellia has the strictest laws on those who are so-called “mother’s betrayers” elfs and those born with magic. 
Elves while in other kingdoms are allowed to work inside the cities. In Ardellia elves are not allowed to step foot near the city's walls. 
Its even worse for magi. In other kingdoms practicing  magic inside cities may be punished by a quick death. 
In Ardellia magi are not killed, no they're captured to be torched, Ardellia turns torturing magi into a performance. Ardellia also has the largest population of mage hunters. 
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Capital Ciudad de Delmaría
Delmaria is known for being covered in thick forests and rocky unfarmable terrain. 
 The kingdom is the largest importer of crops from other kingdoms. But that doesn't mean they are unable to grow their own crops. They can just on a smaller scale. 
The most common crops that grow in Delmaria are corn and barley, beans, and sugar and an assortment of chili peppers
While they are the smallest exporter of crops they are  a large exporter of comfort goods and lumber.
The Aristocracy in Delmaria is on the more pious side and adheres more to scripture than other kingdoms. The monarchs attend scripture more times than not. But while being heavily religious. Delmaria’s treatment of elves is quite good. While elves are not allowed to own property inside cities like in other kingdoms. Elves in dalmaria are allowed in cities after dark, they can bring a lawsuit against a human, among a myriad of other rights. (while they aren't a pillar of elven rights it seems like Delmaria is making progress lol) 
The treatment of magi is the standard. Magic is illegal and punished by the quick death 
Delmaría wildlands 
The Delmaría wildlands are a forest said to be enchanted. The forest is claimed by the kingdom of Delmaría. 
The rumor that they're enchanted came about when a large logging party went missing a time ago, the group that was sent to look for them went missing as well, and the group after them and so on 5 times until the king at the time gave up, after rumors began to spread that he was sending sacrifices to a succubus blood witch. 
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Capital- Wesdene
Fenhom is a rater isolated kingdom, known for its beautiful fjords and large mountain range with snow capped peaks. 
While being isolated due to the isthmus that connects them to the larger landmass being blocked by the beautiful but treacherous mountains that aren't easily traversed by a single person let alone a carriage full of ornate glass dolls. Thus travel and exports three Fenholm’s many port cities.
From those many ports most imports and exports are people. But a few non-anamite things are shipped,including glass, iron, copper, and ice. Really the only edible that fenholm exports is the famous fenholm cherries. 
In recent years, Little is known about the Aristocracy of fenholm aside from the names of the king and queen and the few nobles that travel to other kingdoms. Those that do, speak little of the politics of their home kingdoms. But a certain few with loose lips, spit such fanciful words its hard to know what's true and untrue. 
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Capital: Burcnmere
Starkenholt is known for having a majority of its land covered by fertile farmland. The kingdom is the largest exporter of wheat. Keeping most of the beats, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries, legumes and carrots. 
Starkenholt’s has one of the largest hunting guilds of the continent. They're often hired by other kingdoms to hunt for feasts and such. 
The aristocracy of Starkenholt is very moderet when it comes to religion. Elves are allowed to work in the cities, the monarchy is the largest employer of elves. Magic is outlawed and punishable by the quick death.
the Harrington dynasty had ruled for 26 generations before Lenceslous Vonstrumhart took power and established the Vonstrumhart dynasty who are Starkenholt.
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OML This took longer than I thought it would lol. I'm real sorry yall I thought this would take like an hour or two, but I'm finishing this at 3:17 AM haha. Anyways, please give me feedback. I love when yall comment. I think my asks are open as well, so please send anything youd like to know or anything youd like me to expand on.
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ouatnextgen · 8 months
Any headcanons for the next gen?
Finally can answer! Sorry this took so long lmao. These are just a bunch of random headcanons
Reblogging for the update that Alice is now Hope's sister.
He loves baked goods, especially when they’re baked by Regina, and has a strange love of Mountain Dew, which grosses everyone out
He got his first tattoo, the exact same lion tattoo that Robin had, in the exact same place,  when he was twelve, thanks to Little John, and Regina almost fainted when she found out. 
He inherits his father’s arrows, rings, and wardrobe, while his sister gets his bow. Before he died, Robin made Roland his very own bow, and that is the one he uses
His biggest secret is that he doesn't want to lead the Merry Men, like his father before him; he wants to be a baker
Surprisingly squeamish. Doesn’t do well with blood or guts
90% of his Storybrooke wardrobe is flannels
He likes camping, hiking, and just generally being outside
Is a pretty good singer, and knows how to play the acoustic guitar
His favorite season is autumn
His favorite color is red
They have survived solely on food from Granny’s Diner and coffee since they graduated high school
They actually work at Granny’s Diner, pretty much doing Ruby’s job after she moved to Oz.
In several instances, they had managed to convince many small children that the pink streaks in their hair are 100% natural
Can wield a dagger pretty well, but is a self-proclaimed “runner” and not a fighter
Most of the graffiti around Storybrooke can be attributed to them
Though they’d rather die than admit it, they really like doing so-called “feminine” hobbies like knitting, sewing, and crocheting. They are very proficient at all three
Got a tongue piercing at 12:01 am, the very day that they turned eighteen
They play the bass, and dream of starting a garage band
Their favorite season is summer
Their favorite color is pink
Really likes spicy foods. Or foods he can dump gallons of hot sauce on. He pretends to be a tea drinker, but really can’t stand the stuff
Secretly loves country music, but knows that his friends would crucify him if they found out
His least favorite subject in school is English, because he feels like he gets interpretations of stories “wrong” somehow. Math is easier because it’s “straightforward”
He’s a guard on the school football team
Somehow, he’s also senior class president and has a 3.89 GPA
Since in this AU, Regina turned down the offer to be queen in favor of Snow, Leo is next in line for the throne (Emma opted out)
Can’t do archery for shit, but is great at fencing
He likes to babysit his brother and other neighborhood kids
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is indigo
He’s one of those people who only eats plain noodles with butter, and only drinks water if it’s ice-cold or flavored. Very picky.
He has dyspraxia, which is a disorder similar to dyslexia. It affects his movement and coordination functions (my little brother has this) so he is very prone to stumbling, dropping things, and just general clumsiness.
He’s a night owl. He tends to stay awake until three hours before he has to get up (“Three hours is enough sleep, right?”) which results in a lot of coffee consumption
He’s a member of the school drama club, and has performed in many plays and musicals
He’s really into urban area gardening, where he grows plants and food in tiny boxes around his house
His honorary aunt is Mulan, and she was the one who taught him sword fighting, archery, and helped him figure out that he’s gay
He likes to live in the moment, and do spontaneous things. He’d rather regret doing something than not doing something.
He has Alex sneak him into clubs sometimes, just to do something rebellious for kicks
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is purple
Thanks to Regina’s influence, she loves apple flavored food
She got her glasses in her freshman year of high school. Before that, she just…moved closer to the board to see what was going on (I know in canon she only has her glasses when she’s cursed, but I like the idea of Robyn, the archer, needing glasses full-time, so here we are.)
She inherits Robin’s bow, and carries it around with her like a favorite teddy bear (when Robin comes back to life he teaches her how to make her own bow)
She longs to escape Storybrooke and travel the different realms, like Henry
She loves the outdoors like Roland, but not quite as much.
Her magic is chaotic and wild, like her personality
She’s on the school soccer team, and kicks everyone’s ass
The only jewelry she ever wears is a ring her mother got for her
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is green
Has a weakness for seafood, and regularly drinks tea
He’s a math nerd, and is on the school’s mathlete team
Unsurprisingly, he loves to read. Fiction or nonfiction, he doesn’t care. He’ll read five books a day if Belle lets him.
He also likes video games, but is very bad at them
He’s on the autism spectrum
He likes keeping journals, and keeps several personal journals, study journals, and doodle journals
Since his magic is inherently dark, he doesn’t like to use it much. If he does need to use magic, it can trigger memories from his time as the Black Fairy’s puppet to come back in the form of nightmares
He wants to be a therapist when he grows up, and maybe publish a book or two
His favorite season is winter
His favorite color is orange
She loves to eat things with marmalade, and even just marmalade straight from the jar. And she’s british…so tea is life
She has a mental illness (canon never gave her a proper diagnosis), and takes prescribed medication that helps her symptoms. When she has "bad days," Robyn, Hope, and their parents know how to help her.
She loves the idea of dying or putting streaks in her hair, but she’s slightly worried she’ll regret it later on, so hasn’t tried it yet
She still loves to paint, doodle, draw, and basically anything artsy. 
She loves to play chess with her father, and other, more modern board games with her friends. Her favorites are Candy Land, Battleship, and Monopoly.
She rarely uses her light magic, and only to protect people. Emma trains with her regularly
She will stay awake into the wee hours to go stargazing, and loves astronomy, star mapping, and even the zodiac signs (she’s a proud Aries)
Even though she’s never officially sailed a ship, she knows the inner workings of how to do it so well, she might as well be a sailor
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is teal
Her favorite food is literally just cheese
She is on the autism spectrum
She has a special interest in swords, which results in a large sword collection, and a bunch of useless sword facts
She also has a special interest in dancing, which results in her now knowing a few books worth of dances, both modern and classical
She’s on the school dance squad (see above)
She likes to go sailing with Killian and Alice
Her favorite piece of jewelry is the swan necklace her parents gave her
Going to the beach calms her down, and she listens to ocean noises to fall asleep
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is navy blue
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
I'm the anon who asked about Asgard & Vanaheim visuals, and I love the answer! I also want visuals about...Jotunheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim/Nidavellir!
on it, boss 🫡👍
ok. Jotunheim is home to the jotuns (giants). we know a couple of famous jotuns: Gerdr (Freyr's wife), Þjazi (who attempts to get Idunn out of Asgard and make the gods start to age), and Skadi (Þjazi's daughter, Njord's wife).
from these, i feel the need to mention Gerdr and Skadi particularly, and they give us some clues about the kind of environment that Jotunheim is.
Gerdr is spotted looking lovely in her father's fields by Freyr. so, i imagine her in the sunlight, on a grassy knoll-- it's a nice, warm, sunshine-y day.
Skadi, on the other hand, is depicted as a kind of ice-warrior queen as she and Njord often argue about the weather- Njord being more of a beach boy himself and Skadi preferring colder weather.
so, what i think is this: Jotunheim experiences a harsh, icy winter, but a lovely, mild summer. it's never terribly hot. it's just like... autumn weather at the max.
i also think that it is particularly icy at the borders of Jotunheim, but as you go inwards, the ice sort-of recedes, and there's just a little bit of snow here and there, but there's plenty of grass as well.
i think the weather also reflects the type of giant-- the borders are home to the more vicious of the Jotuns, more peaceful Jotuns are inwards.
so like. at the borders, i think you get scenery more like this:
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but more inwards, you get something like with a bit more snow:
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Jotunheim feels like a very mountainous place. very rocky.
fashion is more like tunics inwards, but at the borders, it's furs and armor, and leather.
there isn't really anything like fancy jewellery... it's stone, and bones, and teeth, etc. it's all very makeshift. i don't see the Jotuns as a people caring too much for very shiny things like gems and diamonds and gold. they care for that stuff in as much as they can sell it to buy more valuable things like land and armor and weapons.
colour palette is something like this with a bit more blue perhaps.
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since Alfheim is the home of the light elves, i think it ought to have a lot of water and glass and crystals to reflect off light such that the world is always bright and illuminated.
but where i wrote that Vanaheim was very "jewel-centric" and had a lot of gold and silver in-laid, i like the idea of Alfheim being a more "natural" Alfheim. so there's lots of white wood and natural spaces.
i think the Elves must live amongst the trees where light from both the Sun and the Moon stills seeps through the forest and illuminates it.
there would be a lot of structures like these, where the pillars are simply trunks of trees:
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i think above ground, there are a lot of rivers like the image on the left, and lots of healthy, overgrown foliage. but beneath the ground, illumination might come from crystals like the image on the right:
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the image on the left still is pretty dark, so try to imagine that with like. lighter colours.
as you can see, there isn't much diamonds and jewels, or even too much gold. it's mostly just natural.
the colour palette would be something like:
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weather in Alfheim is cool, i think. it doesn't snow there, but it's not impossibly hot. it's just cool. you don't need furs, just long tunics.
also, search up "fantasy moon kingdom" for more ideas on Alfheim palaces :)
home of the dark elves (aka dwarves).
okay, so i think realm is a mix of stone and forestry.
there would be a lot of mines since the dwarves are builders and i think they would need to be mining for their materials.
these mines would be dark, but there would be a few crystals and fires to light up the place here and there:
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there might also be a village within the mine:
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but there are dark elves who do live above the surface. and i think on top of the surface, there is a lot of forestry and maybe even some swamps:
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i hate to be unoriginal, but honestly the way they did the Dwarven kingdom in the Hobbit was pretty freaking perfect to me-- i love the rock statues coming out of the mountain-face:
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so yeah, lots of stone, and rock. but i also think a lot of metal, and a fair few gems and precious stones also!!
colour palette is obviously very green and brown:
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weather i think can be very humid. it doesn't snow. but in the caves, it is very very cold. so i think there are a lot of cloaks for those underground, but also thinner tunics for those working above ground.
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Starting & reading Empire of Storms felt like Wonderland (TV)
You held on tight to me — “"You make me want to live, Rowan. Not survive; not exist. Live." He didn't have the words. Not when what she said hit him harder and deeper than any kiss. So he climbed into bed and held her tightly all through the night.”
'Cause nothing’s as it seems — “The glass castle was gone.”
And spinning out of control — “Down and down Aelin went, the ground surging up, the buildings around her rupturing, the light so bright on all the fragments--Aelin pulled out every last drop of her magic as the castle collapsed, the lethal wave of glass cascading toward Rifthold. Wildfire raced for the gates, raced against the wind, against death. And as the wave of glass crested the iron gates, shredding through the corpses tied there as if they were paper, a wall of fire erupted before it, shooting sky-high, spreading wide. Halting it. A wind shoved against her, brutal and unforgiving, her bones groaning as it pushed her up, not down. She didn't care--not when she yielded the entirety of her magic, the entirety of her being, to holding the barrier of flame now shielding Rifthold. A few more seconds, then she could die. The wind tore at her, and it sounded like it was roaring her name. Wave after wave of glass and debris slammed into her wildfire. But she kept that wall of flame burning--for the Royal Theater. And the flower girls at the market. For the slaves and the courtesans and the Faliq family. For the city that had offered her joy and pain, death and rebirth, for the city that had given her music, Aelin kept that wall of fire burning bright. There was blood raining down among the glass--blood that sizzled on her little cocoon of flame, reeking of darkness and pain. The wind kept blowing until it swept that dark blood away. Still Aelin held the shield around the city, held on to the final promise she'd made to Chaol. I'll make it count. She held on until the ground rose up to meet her- -And she landed softly in the grass. Then darkness slammed into the back of her head. The world was so bright.
Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? — “She’d been in love with him. Longer than she wanted to admit. She tried not to think about it, whether he felt the same. Those things-those wishes were at the bottom of a very, very long and bloody priority list.”
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? — ‘frost sparkling in his pine green eyes’
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? — “Because her safety would always come first.” ‘Because “he’d learned it the hard way.”
Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting? — “Three weeks of grueling travel--but also three of the happiest weeks Aelin had ever experienced.”
I felt your arms twisting around me — “Strong arms slid over her waist, tugging her into his warmth.” — “Rowan stood with his queen in the rain, breathing in her scent, and let her steal his warmth for as long as she needed.”
I should’ve slept with one eye open at night —“Sorrow flickered in her eyes, as fast as the lightning above, and then vanished. … She'd grown quieter the farther north they'd traveled. Perhaps weeks on the road had sapped her.”
We found Wonderland — “"Right there," Aedion said, pointing to a small, weather-worn granite boulder carved with whorls and swirls. "Once we pass that rock, we're on Terrasen soil." Not quite daring to believe she wasn't still asleep, Aelin walked toward that rock, whispering the Song of Thanks to Mala Fire-Bringer for leading her to this place, this moment. Aelin ran a hand over the rough rock, and the sun-warmed stone tingled as if in greeting. Then she stepped beyond the stone. And at long last, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was home.”
You and I got lost in it — “Aedion touched her shoulder. "Welcome home, Aelin." A land of towering mountains--the Staghorns--spread before them, with valleys and rivers and hills; a land of untamed, wild beauty. Terrasen. And the smell--of pine and snow... How had she never realized that Rowan's scent was of Terrasen, of home? Rowan came close enough to graze her shoulder and murmured, "I feel as if I've been looking for this place my entire life."”
And we pretended it could last forever — “Indeed--with the wicked wind flowing fast and strong between the gray, jagged Staghorns in the distance, with the dense spread of Oakwald to their left, and the rivers and valleys sprawling toward those great northern mountains--it was paradise for a hawk. Paradise for her.”
So we went on our way too in love to think straight — “‘Aelin looked at Rowan, who had been scouting ahead for part of the morning as a white-tailed hawk. Now he walked beside her, guiding his black stallion along. He lifted his brows at her silent demand for information. I'm not going to tell you. She glowered at him. Buzzard. Rowan grinned. But with every step, Aelin did the calculations about what day it was, and--” ‘Aelin released the reins and took a staggering step’ … ‘Aelin took a step forward. One step, as if in a daze. She loosed a shuddering breath, and a small, whimpering noise came out of her--a sob. And then she was sprinting down the alley, flying as though the winds themselves pushed at her heels. She flung herself on the male, crashing into him hard enough that anyone else might have gone rocking back into the stone wall. But the male grabbed her to him, his massive arms wrapping around her tightly and lifting her up.’ ‘Aelin was laughing as she cried, and the male was just holding her, his hooded head buried in her neck. As if he were breathing her in.’”
All alone, or so it seemed — “Aelin flexed her fingers over the stream. Across the brook, atop a mossy boulder tucked into the arms of a gnarled oak, a pair of tiny bone-white fingers flexed and cracked, a mirror to her own movements. Aelin smiled and said so quietly it was barely audible over the stream and rain, "If you have any pointers, friend, I'd love to hear them." The spindly fingers darted back over the crest of the rock-which, like so many in these woods, had been carved with symbols and whorls. The Little Folk had been tracking them since they crossed the border into Terrasen. Escorting, Aedion had insisted whenever they spotted large, depthless eyes blinking from a tangle of brambles or peering through a cluster of leaves atop one of Oakwald's famed trees.”
But there were strangers watching — “But they'd left small gifts just outside the border of Rowan's nightly shields, somehow deposited without alerting whichever of them was on watch. One morning, it had been a crown of forest violets. Aelin had given it to Evangeline, who had worn the crown on her red-gold head until it fell apart. The next morning, two crowns waited: one for Aelin, and a smaller one for the replica of Rowan's hawk form, crafted from gathered sparrow feathers, acorns, and beetle husks. Her Fae Prince had smiled a bit when he'd found it-and carried it in his saddlebag since. Aelin herself smiled at the memory.”
And whispers turned to talking — ‘Aelin Galathynius is alive’
And talking turned to screams — “Where is Aelin?”
I reached for you — “Where is my husband?”
But you were gone — “Where is my wife?”
I knew I had to go back home — “Tell Rowan I’m sorry” - “I love you.” - “I spent centuries wandering the world, from empires to kingdoms to wastelands, never settling, never stopping-not for one moment. I was always looking toward the horizon, always wondering what waited across the next ocean, over the next mountain. But I think ... I think that whole time, all those centuries, I was just looking for you.”
You search the world for something else — “Thirteen months ago.” - “Two hundred three years, twenty-seven days.” - “But if it was death separating us... I would find you. I don't care how many rules it would break. Even if I had to get all three keys myself and open a gate, I would find you again."”
To make you feel like what we had — “always.” - “To whatever end.”
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad — “Her family-and her kingdom. Two dreams long believed lost, she realized as the northern wind ruffled her hair. That she would do anything—ruin herself, sell herself—to protect.”
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weirdcat1213 · 5 months
MXTX and Marie Lu: an unnecessary long post about writers I like very very much
spoilers for Heaven Officials Blessing and the Legend series but not that bad
tldr; They describe things and I like that but I had to make it this long and add some stuff about writing and cultural expectations cuz i guess ill always be an english major at heart
Ok so I need to get this off my chest so I hope youre interested in writing, describing things and cultural expectations
So I've started reading Heaven Officials Blessing cuz I like gay and sad people and I love the donghua so much but BOI THAT WOMAN CAN HURT ME SO GOOD >:D
The simplicity of her words may be due to translation, her own style or part of the normal style in China but it contributes a lot to the books in my opinion. It is because of her simplicity that the reader is able to follow her long and detail descriptions.
Now, a lot of writers like to describe things, and MXTX does this a lot. She describes clothes, places, faces, etc when it's necessary for the story. But what I love about her is how she describes certain actions and moments.
There are moments that just cannot be described in 3 sentences, they're too important. The example that I want to show has not left my mind since I read it because it was one of the best slaps in the face ever.
TGCF Vol. 2: (from the free version I could find but it'll do)
"Before he even finished, there was a loud scream, and Hong Hong-er leapt to his feet, running towards Guoshi to headbutt him.
His voice was young and tender, but his screams were filled with rage, as if his heart was filled to the brim with unspeakable pain and anguish, making many of those present shiver. That young child was covered in injuries, yet he tore and hit out at them like a red-eyed rabid dog, violent and aggressive.
The Deputy Guoshi blocked Hong Hong-er and Guoshi backed away, yelling, “MAKE HIM LEAVE THE MOUNTAIN, HURRY! Don’t touch him, I mean it! That fortune is too toxic, don’t touch him!”
The Deputy Guoshi hurriedly moved aside, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin didn’t know whether to act. Seeing that everyone was avoiding him like he was a poisonous snake, that child was
shaken and started thrashing even harder, biting and screaming.
“I’m not! I’M NOT!! I’M NOT!!!!”
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped him around the waist, encircling his small form. A voice came from above his head.
Like look at this! This moment cant be longer than 2 minutes and its described in such way that breaks me. The voice and actions of the little kid (who is kinda doing a bad job saying "hey im not actually dangerous/toxic") get under your skin. The descriptions of his voice, his figure, how he looks yelling, how everyone reacts to this moment, how the MC reacts to this...its all just so amazing. The description grabs you by the ear and it makes you listen, it makes you watch. And thanks to that harrowing description the last bit really gets to the reader. Finally someone bothered to actually listen to the kid and console him. It's so fucking beautiful and it makes me want to eat glass. It really gives you the feelings that an angel really came from above to save a child from the pain in his own heart.
“You’re not. I know you’re not. Don’t cry, now. I know you’re not.”
That young child pressed his lips closed tightly, grabbing on to that pair of snow-white sleeves around his waist with a death grip. He forced himself to hold back for a long time, but in the end, he couldn’t. A stream of tears suddenly rolled down from that round, black eye, and he burst out crying."
And all this emotion, this care for the craft reminded me of something, of someone. The queen the legend Marie Lu.
Although I would say she follows the regular American conventions when it comes to writing (she is american after all), she also takes care in her descriptions. However, in this case I want to talk about how she describes feelings. Marie Lu's characters are not just happy or sad but they have Feelings that just need to be expressed on the page otherwise they will explode. An example:
I nod again. "I'm sorry. I-"
"I find myself nodding through my tears, wishing I could have turned to him sooner, wishing I could be more like him in every way. "I see them every night," I say to him, my words breaking. "They're there every time I close my eyes, I jump at every sound. I see a soldier in every person standing at a corner. I thought- I thought if I could just drown it all out in the Undercity, if I could replace it with something else so loud and overwhelming, that it might go away- I thought if I could just see the Republic again, return home and understand my past..."
The pain in Daniel's eyes is raw and real. The fear of this was what had kept me silent for so long. He nods once, his hands firmly on my shoulders. "I see them too," he says quietly. "I should have talked to you about my nightmares. I can't expect you to open up to me if I don't do the same."
"Don't be." His eyes soften, and he pulls me into a hug. "You didn't do anything wrong."
It is his embrace that finally breaks my last barrier. I cry and cry and cry. I cry because I'd never let myself truly understand my own brother, because I'd never understood myself. I cry for all the lives that our pasts have set on different paths- for June's loss of her family, for Tess's loss of her childhood, for Daniel becoming a parent when he was himself just a boy. I cry because I'm grateful that we still, in spite of everything, have all found each other.
Because sometimes, broken pieces find a way to make a new whole."
NOW WHY AM I BOTHERING WITH ALL OF THIS. A couple of days ago one of my favorite video essayist youtubers said that his best writing advice was to keep things simple, that that was the best way to write.
This is just one of my favorite moments ever. The MC has been bottling things up for the whole book and on that scene he finally let's everything go. His brother also finally let's go his own fear and allows himself to be soft with his brother. The scene, however, would not work as well as it does without the description of the moment right before he breaks down crying. The feelings he can sense from his brother, his own feelings about his own perceived weakness, etc. These descriptions just gives the reader a window to see how much the characters have in their hearts. Again, it's so many emotions they could explode. Like this scene could have cut short in multiple ways and if it was recorded for a TV show it would not feel as long as it does in the book. Lu bothers with these descriptions to remind the reader that the characters have real feelings inside. They twist and change as it would happen to someone real and that's amazing. I love how she does it every time.
So how come these scenes, really description heavy, are this fucking cool and a short and fast description would not have been able to make them justice?
It's because usually when we talk about "keeping things simple" or "show dont tell" we want to apply them for everything. We want to apply them no matter the author, genre, target audience, etc.
This book explains it way better that I ever could but basically, writing tips and advice are based on what we consider normal. Most people consider the american conventions the rule, so when someone doesn't apply them to their writing, the writing is flawed. In the same book it is mentioned how typical Chinese writing prefers telling over showing things. They just love the details and that can be seen in MXTX's writing. She is following conventions that usually would be deemed as "wrong." Going back to Marie Lu, I want to think that she knows a bit about Chinese writing but she also knows that, even if its not the rule, descriptions help her writing alot; which is why she does it.
This is a nice and long way to tell you that when you read something pls do it with an open mind. Please dont have a mental list of what makes good of bad writing ready to point out an author's flaws. You could be discovering a new convention from a different culture, a convention that can be game changing for the book.
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alexin-wonderlust · 6 months
Day 2 - Japan Blog - 8 February 2024
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I promise this blog wont be as lengthy but I really wanted to share my tips about hot to get in to Japan; today we are off to Disneyland. Let's get it off the bat, first thing, straight to the good stuff. Starting the day with a Squeeze Squeeze (my favourite Orange Juice, it is the most pulpiest juice ever, it's like biting into an orange) we started the commute to Disneyland. 
Now; I wanted to get there early -- I didnt think ropedrop was necessary but apparently it was. I missed out on the Space Mountain priority pass AND the Enchanted Tales with Belle priority pass (the one you have to pay for...) I was actually blown away. The amount of planning I did; and that still wasnt enough to anticipate the crowd that was the day we attended. I managed to sweet talk one of the lovely Cast Members at Space Mountain and she gave me a Switch Rider Pass, arigato -- so I could come back and use that at a later time (just like a fast pass). Ben didnt want one because he isnt a "ride guy". Fair enough, but SPACE MOUNTAIN IS AMAZING -- if you are a ride guy and want to try something awesome, please give it a go. You wont regret. 
After being sad and chucking a tantrum about not being able to go on the ONE RIDE I SO BADLY WANTED TO RIDE... I was satiated with a cute pink Mickey beanie and Ben got the matching glasses (because Valentines Day is next week!!) and then we went on to Toontown to see the bits of the park we missed last time. 
This is my sixth visit to Tokyo Disneyland and while there have been some changes -- It's so nice to see it back to "normal" since COVID. When we visited in November 22, there was so much magic missing and there still is; ahem -- single riders line, paper maps... just to name a few. But there are also some good changes and the merch is back to being fun and cute. I really enjoyed shopping at Disneyland a lot more this time than I did in 2022. 
(Bring back single riders lines and paper maps because I need it!)
Ben got to go on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride which I have been raving about for years (it was closed for refurb last time) and we even got to have a beer before hand -- Since when can you drink beer in Disneyland!? This is new and I like it! Also, seeing snow (albeit dirty piles, I dont care!!) in the park is SO GOOD -- I had fun doing a squish!
For dinner, we settled on the Queen of Hearts Banquet which -- of course, was mediocre at best. But, I mean. Its a counter meal, it is easy, fun and the theming is cute. Although my phone battery was starting to deplete and the charge bank I brought with me turned out to be a pile of trash. 
Here's a TIP! If you are going to be spending the day out and about -- PLEASE CONSIDER BRINGING A FULLY CHARGED BATTERY BANK.
If you cant, there are some options; but Disneyland struggled to meet our needs and here's why.
-The charge spots are in Japanese. No issue, except I need my phone to translate and that drains battery.
-You need an APP to hire a battery bank. This is also in japanese and you cant translate it.
-You have to scan the QR code 3 or 4 times which means people are hanging around in the area, which is ANNOYING because therye in the way and you're stressing out because of the next point...
-It doesnt accept any other payment method except CREDIT CARD. Not debit card, not paypal linked to a credit card, not apple pay. It has to be "enter your CREDIT card details" to make a payment.
This was very frustrating because by the time I had located the charge spot; tried about 3 times; downloaded the app, created an account, tried to link my debit card, paypal, etc... my battery is now on 2%. EEP! 
HOW TO FIX; I went to the HOME STORE next to the American Waffle Co near the Main Street and they sell battery packs for approximately 2900YEN. Which was about $30AUD. This thing was amazing. It had enough charge to fill both ben and my phone to at least 60% and get us through until back to the hotel. Thank you Disney! :)
I wanted to keep this short so I will just say the next things in dot point form:
-Minnies Funderland promo is super cute but the girls hogged the picture spots and there were massive line ups for the special foods all day.
-Got some super cute pictures at Golden Hour at the castle. 
-Ben got his sherrif pin for winning the Shooting Gallery and getting 10 shots in a row!
-Rides we went on were Space Mountain, Star Tours, Pirates of the Caribbean
-The electrical parade is amazing but its TOO COLD -- the fireworks were bloody pitiful. Sorry, but they suck.
Then we start the long trek through the crowd back to the hotel (this is why I prefer to stay onsite when I go to Disneyland... its just easier for a hotel thats not much more expensive...!)
On the way back we found a supermarket and I stocked up on some "healthier" options; like a banana and I organised myself a bath and a face mask for my first relaxation, pamper session. One of my favourite things to do in Japan. While I was in the bath; Ben went to the 7/11 and they had an onigiri which has now plagued my brain -- pork and wasabi. I need more and I need them all.
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themightywolftiger · 2 years
Rift Malfunction AU
This AU is not a perfect swap. No hermit is swapped with a specific empires person. But, there are small elements. Also, the hermits that didn’t go through the portal (Beef, Mumbo, Wels, Zed, and Xb) are still hermits (they will be covered in a separate post) Empires members also covered in another post).
List of everyone below the cut (It’s a long post):
Grian: Archivist/Archeologist of the Floating Fortress. A strange, ancient kingdom carved into floating rocks. A strange magic that no one understands is holding up the rocks. Grian studies the fortress and the strange, old mechanism within: It’s offline for now.
Perhaps he, or someone else, can get it working again?
 Export: Random materials that he collects on his adventures. (In truth, he primarily exports amethyst and elytra) and enchanting books)
Memory: Grian’s memories are messed up. He almost fully believes that he’s just an archelogist. But, the way he looks at the giant machine in the back of the ruins. There’s a chilling sensation that bothers him greatly.
Scar: King of Scarlandia/Elven Lands. A huge forest with a giant tree in the center. The houses and shops dangle from the branches and glow in the night.
 Export: Cookies, bows.
 Memory: The same Scar as ever. He’s bright, cheery, and just wants to have a good time. Having Jellie (a giant Jellie, mind you) by his side just makes him happier too.
 But, he’ll occasionally, he’ll look at his reflection in the mirror and stare. For a brief moment, he’ll see a man in a hard hat. Or, maybe, he’ll see a man in a bomber jacket and sunglasses wielding a bow (he had the exact same bow. Why is it in his hands?). 
Then, his reflection will return to normal, and he’ll push all that aside and say that he’s dreaming again.
Tango: Lord of the Ice Fortress. A citadel that resides in the snowy wastes. But despite the snow, there is a warmth within the whole keep.
Export: Redstone and Ice
Memory: Tango doesn’t remember much of anything; He’s busy with arming his keep. He thinks that he’s building some sort of game, but he hasn’t figured out the name of it yet.
Impulse: Guardsman/Chief of the Dwarven Keep. It shares the same look as Impulse’s S9 base; however, there are similarities to Fwhip’s kingdom too (multiple cave systems linked together, districts, etc).
Export: Emeralds and Gold
Memory: Impulse surprisingly has a decent amount of his memories. But there’s a problem, his memories are of blurred faces and muffled voices. On top of this, his head hurts when he tries to remember.
Doc: Lord of Goat Mountain (and the Perimeter?). The kingdom of Goat Mountain is quite secretive. There’s an ancient door that blocks the way inside. Very few members of He-Empires have seen it.
Export: Contraptions, Golden Carrots, Deepslate
Memory: Doc doesn’t remember anything of Hermitcraft and the seasons prior. But, he does find remnants of the past and glitched out parts of his code; These glitches have made him a bit more feral.
Pearl: Queen of the Sunlight Fields. A beautiful town with a grand looking town central.
Export: sunflowers, glass (stained and otherwise), organization (not technically an export but shhhh. It’s fine).
Memory: Pearl doesn’t remember much of anything. She just goes with the flow of things.
False: Protector of {???}
Export: copper and weaponry (excludes bows)
Memory: False’s memories are incredibly messed up. She knows that she’s meant to be protecting her friends. However, there’s a bad feeling in her gut that something’s wrong.
 She just can’t figure out what. It doesn’t help that she can’t remember the name of her empire either.
Cub: Head of Concave Labs. A laboratory in the mountains that has some strange, magical properties.
Export: potions (Skulk?)
Memory: Cub can’t remember much. The skulk and crystals in his lab are fogging his brain. He’ll get the odd dream every now and again. But, those are just dreams. Right?
Jevin: Emperor of Slime. The kingdom is located deep within the swamplands.
Export: iron, mud (he doesn’t export slime. That’d be weird)
Memory: Jevin is, unfortunately for him, a giant slime creature at the time. While he is an emperor, he’s quite feral and will protect his people. Still, if you’re kind to him, you could be able to talk him free from this state of mind. 
 Once out of that state of mind, he’s quite unsure of the world around him. His slime is a deep green; however, he recalls it being blue at some point.
Keralis: Woodland Wonderland. A giant forest of many different trees: Trees that usually don’t even go together.
Export: wood
Memory: Keralis remembers almost everything. However, he’s incredibly cryptic on what he knows versus what he doesn’t. But when he’s alone, he stands before a giant board with pictures of his friends. Said pictures being both of before and after.
 He’ll stare at the board for hours at a time. He misses his friends. 
Joe: Bard of {???}. No one really knows where Joe’s at. Some say that he’s near Cleo, but no one is certain about this (except Cleo but she ain’t talking)
Export: paper
Memory: Joe’s memories are like an onion. His memories are quite surface level (name, who his friends are, being a bard). But, the more he thinks about everything, the less sense it makes. The more that the blurred faces appear.
It will take a long while to get him to talk though.
Cleo: Empress of Stone. A giant collection of ruins wrapped tight in vines. Without Cleo, those who try and navigate the ruins are lost (some can navigate it fine though).
Export: stone and armor stands
Memory: Cleo doesn’t remember much of anything. But, she does look to Joe and sense something familiar about him. Well, besides him being a fellow Empires person; There’s something else to him though.
X: King of Skelelands
Export: iron, bones
Memory: X doesn’t remember a thing. He barely even recalls his brother existing. So, he’s just a king upon his throne of bones. Don’t worry though, he’s still as nice as ever.
 He’s just more... skeptical.
(he also doesn’t remember that he’s admin)
Ren: King of the Crastle/Doglands. It looks very much like the castle of S9. 
Export: wool, pies
Memory: Ren struggles to remember a lot of things. Thankfully, He’s been keeping his notes to help him remember who he is.
Edited lore bit: Ren is found by Pixl (who is still trying to put his memories together). Pixl helps to escort (note: carry) him to Gem’s place in order to help him remember things.
Bdubs: King (God) of Moss. Bdubs lives with Ren.
Export: moss
Memory: Bdubs remembers most things. But the longer he is king (God), he begins to forget about Hermitcraft.... The more that he forgets Etho.
 He’s been keeping notes about everything. He and Ren have been helping each other to remember.
Gem: Dawn
Export: honey
Memory: Gem remembers everything. The others think that she hasn’t been sleeping well and are concerned. But, Gem knows that there has to be some way to fix this mess.
 She just needs to find Grumbot and fix the multiverse. It can’t be that hard... Right?
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queen-rainy-love · 5 months
Cookie of the Week: Sherbet Cookie
This Cookie of the Week is...
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Cookie name: Sherbet Cookie
Pronouns: He/Him
Rarity: Super Epic
Position: Middle
Type: Ranged
Lore: Sherbet was first introduced in the story Lantern in the Snow as Cotton’s closest friend. He was sick with an unknown illness in the beginning and Cotton would visit him with supplies and keep him company. His illness gets to the point where glass gets frosted over. After some time, he follows the Frost Witch’s voice. After some time, Cotton finds the Frost Witch (revealing her true name to be Frost Queen) and Sherbet is extremely cold and unresponsive. This sends Cotton to yell at Frost Queen and plead on a way to wake him up. The Ice Queen says that this is the order of nature for Cookies like Sherbet to become Frost Children and Cotton could slow it down by using a Wind Flower, a flower that grows on a cliff…while there's a blizzard going on. Cotton still went to get the flower and when she came back with it, Sherbet woke up to see her next to him and apologized for leaving without a single goodbye. She forgave him and reminded him about the promise she made to always stay by his side. She begs him to not leave her behind and Sherbet tells her that he won't be gone, just a snowflake going across the tundra. He thanked Cotton for her friendship and company. The effects of the Wind Flower fades and Sherbet has Cotton promise to remember him when snowflakes fall. Then he dissolves into the snow followed by Cotton’s tears. To everyone’s surprise, Sherbet’s soul didn’t fade away due to the warmth of Cotton’s tears and he became a Nature’s herald like Frost Queen. He offers to invites Cotton to come with him. She said she’ll stay behind and protect everything they held dear. She also encouraging him to travel and tell her about it when he returns. Sherbet vows to keep her guiding light in his heart. He makes another appearance in the One Year of Cookie Run: Kingdom Event where he is silently watching an elderly Cotton tending to the sheep. His next major appearance is the winter story Towards the Light, where Sherbet travels to each Elemental Cookie to see what is going on with the Flow of Nature.
Personality: Sherbet is an adventurous Cookie, even when bedridden. After becoming a Nature Herald, Sherbet is always exploring but always comes back to the mountains to see Cotton. He does take his job of keeping the Flow of Nature seriously, going as far as traveling to other elementals to see what is disrupting it. He always make sure to visit Cotton every winter.
Skills: Sherbet's Skill is called Frost Shards. This skill has Sherbet summon 15 frost shards, divide them based on the number of targets, and then attack the enemies, cycling between them in order of the highest ATK. The frost shards deal additional damage that depends on the number of Frost stacks. The targets with frost shards are inflicted with Frost and Nullify Debuff Resist debuffs (with a chance to become Frozen and receive additional damage when thawed). Sherbet is partially immune to Freezing and, thanks to the Warm Light of Life effect, will convert healing that exceeds his Max HP to an HP Shield. He will become resistant to interrupting effects.
Costumes: Sherbet has one costume: Celestial Messenger. It can be obtained at any point in the game, is part of a costume set (Golden Ripples in Dark Waters), and does have a special effect both in skills and lines.
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Cookie Decor: Sherbet does have a Cookie Decor called Lantern Tree. It’s pretty cute.
Thoughts: Sherbet is interesting and I would like to see more of him and Frost Queen outside of the winter holidays.
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 9 months
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Full name: Audrey Specter (maiden name Snow) Edwardovna
Date of birth: May 18, 1848
Character: harsh, previously caring, previously kind
Loves: her family (previously), her husband (still), freeze everything, give instructions to her great-grandson
Dislikes: her family (now)
Russian voice acting: Galina Tyunina
English voice acting: Cindy Robinson
First appearance in Fanon: The fifth chapter in the fanfiction "SCP Foundation: The Last Pages of History" (as a story)
Last appearance in Fanon: Currently unknown
Story: Audrey was born in Los Angeles in a mansion inhabited by wizards and potion makers, and grew up with her parents, one of whom was named Edward. As a child, she was friends not only with her future husband Toulouse, but also with friends named Amalia and Belatrice, who were Emma's and Willow's moms. She had the same fate as her daughter: her parents told her to stop being friends with ordinary mice and she killed them by freezing. Audrey has not only ordinary magic, but also snow magic. In Fanon, she mentions her ancestor Rasputin, from whom she received snow magic, and who lived in the 12th century and froze half the globe, but was stopped by Emma and Willow's ancestors. She also says in Fanon that snow magic is very rare for someone to receive as an inheritance. When Gertrude turned 20, she and her husband Toulouse told her to stop being friends with Emma and Willow. Gertrude got very angry at them and killed them with her magic. After her death, she and her husband went to Hell. They met SCP-001 there (Scarlet King, Head (king) of Hell, Satan). Scarlet King told them that they would continue to live in the mortal world, but in other guises. King of Hell turned Audrey into Snow Queen (SCP-1529-s), and Toulouse into Snow King (King of the Mountain or SCP-1529). Satan told them what their new abilities were and where their new places of residence were and released them from Hell. After the resurrection, Toulouse began to live on Mount Everest, and Audrey in Antarctica, where she built her ice castle. From that moment on, she watched everyone with her magic ice mirror, even sometimes talking to her reflection or to her husband, who also had a magic mirror. She began to gradually freeze the world, and she froze creatures in two steps. First, she sent the North Wind in any direction and ordered who should be carried away, second, she touched the victim and her victim began to freeze to death. She froze creatures from Linus to Faina (there were a lot of her victims). One day, when some residents from the Island of Unnecessary Mice and also people fought with snow monsters and eventually turned into ice, only Orm, who was a living coward, remained among the living. Audrey, noticing him, realized in her mind that this mouse was her adult great-grandson, and she told him to become her servant. Orm didn't like it at first, but then he got used to it. A little later, she ordered her great-grandson to find the son of the artist Fyodor Vegard and as soon as he finds him, he will summon the North Wind by breaking the crystal. Even later, the North Wind finally brought Henry to Snow Queen. She did nothing with him, but only let him suffer from the cold. But again later, when Henry is almost dying, Sheila runs to him and sees what's wrong with him. Orm also comes and says that Henry cannot be saved now. But interrupting the hugs of her brother and sister, Audrey came in and said that Orm had done his job and that she was rewarding him as freedom. But Orm refused it. When Sheila was able to defeat Audrey, the Snow Queen went through the Looking Glass (a reference to "The Snow Queen 4: Through the Looking Glass). But in this place, she continued to observe everyone and communicate with her husband through a magical ice mirror. One day she asked her husband to become a reflection of Orm, that is, an evil ice copy of Orm, in order to freeze everything again. But that plan didn't work either, as Orm defeated him. And Snow Queen or Audrey still lives in the Looking Glass and can't find a way out of here.
Interesting facts: despite the fact that she is in the form of Snow Queen very similar to the character of the same name from the 2012 cartoon of the same name, she is completely unrelated to another Universe where other characters live and know about Snow Queen. Despite the fact that she had ancestors, she considers herself the head of her family. She is the main antagonist of only one spin-off (that is, one fanfiction that will appear soon). In the fanfiction "Pinky and the Brain: Reboot", she appears only in the form of a story, mentions, images and credits. The same thing appears in the fanfiction "The Last Pages of History". Despite the fact that Snow Queen knows absolutely everyone, her most important enemies are Orm, Sheila and their friends.
The third photo shows how Audrey would become 035.
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