#severe medical gaslighting preventing women from becoming medical doctors
cannabisrefugee-esq · 5 years
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Holy Shit Y'all. Morgellon's Disease (Aka "Delusional Parasitosis") is Actually Real. #gaslighting #fuckdoctors #killallmen) 
October 2, 2019
Whilst performing my daily catch-up with my favorite conspiratard sites, today I found this: recent peer-reviewed medical research indicating that so-called Morgellon’s disease is actually a real, physical ailment and not all in patients’ — usually female patients’ — heads.  I have had a slightly more than casual interest in Morgellon’s disease for at least a decade if not two, and I am seeing the year 2002 thrown around as the approximate date that reports of this confounding, untreatable and disabling medical condition first appeared in the United States.  People — usually female people — started presenting to their doctors for diagnosis and treatment of a condition comprised of skin lesions, often with strange “fibers” protruding from them or embedded in the unbroken skin or in the scabs, as well as maddening feelings of itching, crawling, burning etc. under or on their skin as if “bugs” were crawling there.  There were almost certainly additional complaints considering what Morgellon’s actually turned out to be — a tickbourne infection that is often comorbid with Lyme disease — but let’s leave it there for now.
Morgellon’s patients routinely brought in a collection of scabs and fibers to show their doctors, intending to be good patients and their own “advocates” to help the doctors do their job, which is the current advice given to particularly women in order to insure that they get the best medical treatment possible (and so that the women themselves as actors or co-actors on their own “care team” can take part or all of the blame when they are not effectively treated).  Whereupon the doctors proceeded to mock the women and their attempts to document and provide physical evidence of what was happening to them by referring to such evidence as “matchbox sign” because women allegedly brought the fibers and scabs with them in empty matchboxes.  Of course, matchbox sign was a euphemism for evidence of fraud and mental, not physical, disease.
Here is an example of “matchbox sign” where the woman brought her evidence in a folded piece of paper, and not an empty matchbox, but whatever right?  The point of inventing and naming matchbox sign was so that doctors could warn other doctors that the person sitting in front of them covered in lesions and in terrible, ongoing and relentless pain, cradling a sad bundle of phony evidence was crazy.  The point was obviously not to tell the truth or describe anything accurately or even neutrally, or in a way that was likely to get these women meaningful treatment or relief.
Recently, around 2018 perhaps, there has been a bona fide connection shown between Lyme disease and Morgellon’s disease, where 6% of a sample of known Lyme patients were also diagnosed with Morgellon’s, and 100% of those were seropositive for B. burgdorferi infection.  The full article can be found here. 75% of these Lyme/Morgellon’s patients were women and most of them presented with late stage “disseminated” Morgellon’s; their badly progressed disease was likely due to having unsuccessfully sought treatment for years or decades only to be told they were crazy and denied treatment that could’ve prevented the infection from spreading.  A person with any experience with Western medicine might speculate (and correctly) that these women were told to see a shrink and likely prescribed powerful and dangerous psychiatric medications, that they may’ve also been psychiatrically incarcerated at some point, and/or told to go home, have a glass of wine, and let their husbands fuck them.   And that it would’ve been better for these women if they had been denied any “treatment” at all.
This article abstract provides several gems and is worth reviewing.  Somewhat late to the party, where people suffering from chronic illness have known this for a long time, Big Medicine recognizes in the case of Morgellon’s that physical illness often precedes, coincides with and even causes so-called psychiatric complaints: in essence, just because someone is crazy now, doesn’t mean they were always that way, and it doesn’t mean the crazy exists all or only “in their heads.”  That’s right y’all, sick people’s brains aren’t sitting in jars on counters, and people’s heads and brains are actually connected to physical bodies that have to exist and navigate in the real world, bodies which are vulnerable to illness, injury, toxic exposures and the like.  Brains and bodies are connected, and there is a physical demonstrable connection between physical illness and so-called “mental health.”  In the case of Morgellon’s, previous “studies” (if they can even legitimately be called that) that have been used for decades to dismiss and humiliate infected patients — primarily women — in disabling pain have been, uh, flawed.  Yeah, flawed, that sounds good, let’s stick with that.  Ignoring that “flawed” studies are not even legitimate studies at all and are literally just hateful propaganda:
Clinical studies supporting the hypothesis that MD is exclusively delusional in origin have considerable methodological flaws and often neglect the fact that mental disorders can result from underlying somatic illness.
Full article here. Let us also consider that invisible physical illness would oftentimes appear as mental illness to outside observers.  Think about that shit.   Even if a person appeared nutty as a fruitcake to someone who wasn’t living in the sick person’s body, practically every “psychiatric” symptom I can currently imagine is also a known symptom of physical disease, acute or chronic pain, and/or side effects of dangerous medications including wrongly prescribed psychiatric medications taken by physically ill/compromised people who don’t actually need them.   Jesus fucking Christ.  At this point I’m not sure if my increasing nausea and urge to defecate are due to my current Crohn’s flare or the result of reading this medical literature and “digesting” its implications for sick people and sick women.
In contrast, rigorous experimental investigations show that this skin affliction results from a physiological response to the presence of an infectious agent.  Recent studies from that point of view show an association between MD and spirochetal infection in humans, cattle, and dogs. These investigations have determined that the cutaneous filaments are not implanted textile fibers, but are composed of the cellular proteins keratin and collagen and result from overproduction of these filaments in response to spirochetal infection.
So the women with their ignorant, sad and fraudulent matchboxes were actually right all along.  The fibers were evidence of an actual, demonstrable physical disease, the doctors just chose to believe these stupid sluts lady patients adult female humans coming to them for help were all irritated and scabby for no reason and that the “fibers” embedded in their psychiatric sores and skin crusts (!) originated from their dumb wimmin clothes, or from lint from doing the laundry (or as was alleged in one case, also linked above, the bristles of a broom).  Of course, the fibers are often embedded in unbroken skin as well but let’s forget about that part, or if we do acknowledge it, let’s choose to imagine the women putting the fibers under their healthy skin themselves.  Let’s imagine that, shall we.  It must’ve required a syringe of some kind, or magic!
Crafty slutty scabby wimmins trying to defraud and make fools of men.  The best case scenario here is that the mountains of psych meds likely prescribed to Morgellon’s women over the years provided some relief from the effects of long term chronic illness and chronic pain and being abused and gaslighted by powerful men, but we know those meds likely did not provide such relief.  And that any relief they did get was surely eclipsed by the crippling side effects of the medications, the progressive effects of an untreated yet “disseminating” pathogen, and the medicalized trauma that is baked-in when dealing with Western medical providers at all.  They probably also had undiagnosed and untreated Lyme and God knows what else, considering how many women are currently subclinical or diagnosed autoimmune patients and women are, en masse, becoming progressively ill with often multiple chronic, progressive and incurable disease.
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veranox · 6 years
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This is Naosh. He is the visual representation of my ADHD and my struggle with it. Often he looks unsuspecting and harmless and at a glance you would never know the troubles he can cause. But he sees everything, he’s always present and some days that small unsuspecting form is heavier than the weight of the world.
So many people think of ADHD as this joke of a disease, something that’s not real that doctor’s prescribe medicine to overactive little boys just so their parents can deal. I don’t blame them, I had no idea myself until I was diagnosed and began reading about the disorder.
And then I realized how present it had been my entire life and all these things that I thought just meant I was really broken and that I just wasn’t trying hard enough, that I was lazy, actually were caused by an underdeveloped frontal lobe.
My diagnosis changed my life. Not just in the day to day sense of increased focus and having a functional memory (my first major symptom that drove me to the doctor was a goldfish memory). But it also helped me realize I was in an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship of 5 years. It’s really easy to gaslight someone that can’t remember what happened fifteen minutes ago. Funny to watch someone try that same behavior when you now know that they’re lying
My diagnosis made it possible for me to excel in a career that I never thought I could do. It helped me find peace and balance in my life and with myself. It even helped my depression. And it gave me the courage to pursue my art
As much as Naosh is a dark omen, he is also a part of me and understanding him and his impact on me makes me far stronger than I have ever been
ADHD is not talked about nearly enough. It is presumed to be a child’s issue. That only boys get it. That it’s something you get from lack of discipline or structure.
ADHD is a genetic disorder. You acquire ADHD in the womb, it is not something that happens because of outside factors. And you have it your entire life. There are varying levels, there are those, that with the right techniques that will never need medicine. There are those that will always be medically dependent, myself included. And there are those that if treated early enough could prevent the disorder from progressing
This is not as simple as learning good organizational skills or just focusing. The brain of a person with severe ADHD is literally not developed to handle multiple tasks or to hold onto information.
And this is why so many people, especially women, that have it, don’t know they have it. Because you think you’re a failure, that you’re just not trying hard enough. You blame yourself. People think of ADHD as boundless energy, running around and not caring about anything of importance. When in fact, more often than not for adults, it’s accompanied by extreme exhaustion, because you’re using every mental process to try and function at a neurotypical level
We now know that someone with ADHD has a 50% chance to pass that on to their offspring. It’s very likely if you have ADHD one of your parents probably does too, which is why now when they test kids, they also test their parents.
Most adults that have gone undiagnosed begin to really feel the strain and impact in their 30s. Humans are incredibly resilient and we’ll find ways to cope, but as we get older, it becomes far more difficult to deal with and things start to slip. Maybe you can’t remember what you were doing two minutes ago. Maybe you can’t read that newspaper article or that textbook. Maybe you’re just exhausted all the time
Also there’s a very high chance that if you have ADHD you also have depression and/or anxiety. Because this disorder makes you feel worthless and thus makes you scared. When I went to my doctor, I thought it was my depression acting up, but the root issue was something else entirely. There’s a lot of discussion that many people that may be suffering from anxiety disorders or depression may actually be suffering from ADHD at the core of it, which is why for some people, no treatment they do helps.
ADHD is a silent disorder, often hiding behind other things and one that expertly makes you think it’s you.
If you want to know more about ADHD, I highly recommend checking out https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzBixSjmbc8eFl6UX5_wWGP8i0mAs-cvY
And if you believe that you have ADHD, please see a doctor. It could change your life
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