#seveteen imagines
animeniacss · 7 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 15 - So Far
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 5.7k words
Chapter 15 - So Far
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The both of you could sense that the others were waiting for you to get home in hopes of sharing details of the evening. As Mingyu led you inside, closing the door behind him, you immediately saw the group turn from their spot on the couch. They all had drinks in their hands, music playing across the living room, and a board game halfway completed sitting on the large coffee table. Woozi was walking out of the kitchen, a few extra beers in his hands to refill the empty ones. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you both, motioning to the drinks.
“Thirsty?” he asked. You watched Jihoon walk over, handing both you and Mingyu a drink. You took the chilled bottle into your hands just as Minnie hopped up from her spot on the couch. She set her drink on the coffee table, and Hoshi quick to lean over and put it on a coaster. You watched her hurry in your direction, taking your drink.
“Hey.” You pouted as Minnie handed it to Mingyu, who was equally as stunned by her quick movements.
“We need to talk. Outside.” She said, before leading you off without another word. Mingyu watched you go, before waving you off.
“Hello to you too, Minnie.” He called. When you looked over, you saw Mingyu pop open the beer Jihoon had given you and take a drink of it.
“HEY!” You called, but Mingyu only laughed. It didn’t take much longer for Mingyu to be swarmed by the boys as well, all ready to interrogate him. Joshua smiled from his spot on the couch, hands in his pockets as he heard Jeonghan come down the stairs. He motioned towards the back porch, the duo sneaking off in that direction.
Once Minnie had you alone, she examined your face. “Hm.” She said.
“What?” You asked, feeling your cheeks get hot. “Do I have something on my face?”
“I’m checking.” She said. “Pouty and red lips flustered cheeks, yet a beaming smile since you walked in the door,” Minnie said. You watched as Minnie broke out into her own grin, grabbing your hands. “Tell me it happened! Tell me, tell me!” She begged. You couldn’t contain your laughter as you nodded your head, Minnie bursting into screams and cheers that could be heard across the waters back in Seoul as she jumped up and down in excitement. “Finally! Finally, finally! I’m so happy for you! Oh my God!”
“Stop.” You begged behind laughter. Once Minnie released you, you knelt, covering your face. “Aaaah, you’re making me even more embarrassed.” Minnie immediately knelt down in front of you, a smile still apparent on her face.
“How was it?” She asked. You looked at her through your fingers, smiling.
“It was amazing.” You said, and Minnie grinned wider. Finally standing up, you motioned to your neck. “Look what he got me.” You were beaming as Minnie took it into her hands, eyes widening in shock.
“Oh. My. God.” She gasped. “This is probably the most beautiful thing he’s ever given you.” You nodded.
“I started crying. I think some people thought we had gotten engaged.” You laughed.
“That’s the next step.” Minnie gasped, taking your hands. “I’m so happy for you guys! So, what does this mean for you now?” Before you could answer, the screen door opened, alerting you both to Joshua and Jeonghan entering the conversation. “Are you dating?”
“I guess.” You smiled. “I honestly don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Minnie asked.
“I don’t know…” you said again. “I would assume so but…after coming down from the high for a few minutes, I figure I should confirm it with him before I say for sure.”
“You absolutely should,” Jeonghan said. You looked over.
“Why?” Minnie asked. “They kissed and said they loved each other. What more proof is needed?” Jeonghan and Joshua turned you around to face them, each of them taking your hand in their own. You looked down, then up to them.
“Just ask,” Joshua said. “To be safe.” You nodded.
“I will.” Minnie, though she was a bit confused, shrugged.
“I guess that means you have to go on another date with him. Oh no, more kissing.” She dramatically said, nudging you in amusement. Just then, the screen door opened once more and the rest of the group, minus Mina, was standing there. Hoshi stepped onto the patio first, hurrying over to you. He took your necklace into his hands gently, eyes sparkling.
“Wooow, Mingyu. I might just have to fall in love with you too if this is what you get!” He said, looking at his flustered friend. Mingyu laughed to try and hide the embarrassment, though it was a failure.
“I don’t even know if I want to give her my present. It won’t compare to yours.” Seungkwan said.
“Uh, what?” you looked at Seungkwan. “I want it anyway.” Seungkwan grinned a bit. Joshua and Jeonghan were next to take a look at the necklace adorning your neck. “Like it?” You asked, grinning.
“It definitely beats our pin,” Jeonghan said, nodding his head.
“Oh, yeah,” Joshua said. “We’ll have to go all out next time. Get her a car, or something.” You laughed a bit before you turned them around and motioned them inside.
“Let’s go.” As everyone returned to the living room, settling in with their rounds of drinks, the rest of your friends hurried to get their gifts. You watched as Joshua and Jeonghan moved the board game to the side, to make room on the coffee table. Mingyu settled in beside you, draping his arm behind you on the back of the couch. When you felt his fingers brush against the back of your neck, you felt your cheeks heat up.
Woozi watched as the rest of the group gathered back around, a few little bags sitting on the coffee table in front of you. He set his own down, before looking at you. “Should I go get Mina?” Woozi offered as he noticed she was the only one missing. He caught a glare from Minnie, her eyes piercing him from behind her drink. “What?”
“Oh, yeah.” You smiled. “If she’s awake, still.” Woozi nodded, heading up the stairs.
As he knocked on the door, it took a second for Mina to open it. He looked at her, hands in his pockets. “Hey. Everyone’s downstairs to.”
“I didn’t get her anything,” Mina said softly. Woozi’s eyes widened in shock. “That sounds unkind of me, doesn’t it?”
Woozi shrugged. “I don’t think it’s my business to determine who can be considered unkind.” He said simply. Mina nodded. Woozi could already notice the difference in demeanor that the once social and regal Mina now had. She seemed disconnected from their conversation, wanting it to end before Woozi even knocked on the door. Her eyes were cast down to her phone as she tapped away, and Woozi noticed they were red and puffy. He took a deep breath, nodding his head. “I’ll say you’re asleep.”
“Okay.” She said softly, before closing the door. Woozi stood there for a moment. It doesn’t seem you’re out of the woods yet, Hyungs. Woozi thought to himself. What will happen now? When he saw the small bit of light peeking from Mina’s room go out, he headed back downstairs and told them just that: she was asleep.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
The night drew to a close over a mixture of laughter and drinks, the moon hanging higher and higher in the sky. You felt a yawn overtake your body. You had opened your friend’s gift, each one making you happier than the last. Tissue paper and wrapping paper scattered the floor, which Joshua and Jeonghan were quick to begin gathering as everyone headed up to bed. You looked over to Mingyu, his arm still draped behind you the same way it was when you both sat down. You gathered your belongings in their bags, before finally standing up. Mingyu followed suit, smiling down at you.
“We should get some rest.” He said. “We have to leave early tomorrow so they can get the place cleaned up.”
“Okay.” You said. You heard Seungkwan and Hoshi poke their heads down from the top of the steps.
“Mingyu-Hyung! Time to give her the second part of your gift!” Seungkwan’s slurring as he shouted that made your cheeks turn red, and Mingyu frowned.
“You’re drunk.” He said. “Go to sleep and make sure to apologize to me for saying something stupid first thing in the morning.” Despite his attempt to be stoic, the comment had flustered him just as much. Seungkwan was shuffled off by Hoshi, and Mingyu finally turned his attention back to you. He motioned to your necklace. “Do you want me to take that off, or-?”
“Oh!” You nodded. “Sure. I’d hate to tangle it.” As you turned around, you felt Mingyu’s hands reach onto the back of your neck. For a second you felt his pull at the clasp, trying to unhook it from its coil. When he slurred out a few tipsy curse words, you laughed a bit. Finally, you felt it get loose and caught the necklace in your hands. “Thank you.” When you turned back around to Mingyu, your smile only widened. “I had so much fun.”
“Good.” He said. “When we get back home, do you think we can hang out again?” he smiled. “I’d like to go somewhere, you know, without them.” You nodded your head, eyes sparkling.
“I’d love to.” You said. “Let’s plan on the flight home, okay?” Mingyu nodded. “Okay. I’m going to get changed. Night.” You said. Just as you turned back around, you felt a large, yet gentle grasp envelop your hand. When you looked over again, you watched Mingyu lean down and plant a little kiss on your forehead. He looked down at you with sweet eyes, squeezing your hand.
“Happy birthday.” He said one more time. You nodded your head, before making your way up the steps, leaving Mingyu a second to recollect himself. He sat himself back on the couch, a deep exhale escaping his lips. He grinned, grabbing the rest of his beer and downing it as a congratulations for himself. He finally did it.
As you headed up the steps, closing the door to your room behind you, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Woozi were standing on the second-floor balcony. Woozi looked over at his brothers as they rested against the railing.
“You got over her fast, Jisoo-Hyung.” Woozi pointed out. The out of nowhere comment had Joshua give him an unamused glance, and he only grinned. “Just saying, one hug and a few rounds of volleyball was all it took, hm?”
“There was nothing to get over.” Jeonghan and Woozi shared a similar glance of ‘yeah, right’, but didn’t comment. “We’ll have this over with before the next term starts.”
“Good. I didn’t realize how much work it is to go to college.” Jeonghan said in relief. Woozi continued to watch as the two chatted about what going home would be like, their excitement to see their brothers once again. Woozi thought back to Mina’s distant expression an hour before as she typed away on her phone, the light of her screen showcasing the pain in her eyes.
“Congratulations.” He said simply. “Tell everyone I said hi, will you?”
Jeonghan chuckled at the request. “Just tell them yourself.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
A collection of different cars was waiting for the group when they landed in Seoul that afternoon. As you entered the airport, you immediately saw a man waiting with Mina’s name written down on a large piece of paper to get her attention. Mina walked past, turning to you quickly. You set your luggage down so you could wave.
“Bye.” You smiled. “I didn’t think I’d be thanking you for such a great birthday when we first met but I’m glad you came.” Mina glanced up at Mingyu as you spoke. He was talking to his own collection of drivers that he called for everyone, motioning to you and your friends. The drivers were writing down who they were taking where.
“I’ll take her home myself.” He said, motioning to you. Mina frowned.
“Yes. I’m glad I came to.” She said simply. Pulling her mask over her face, you watched as she headed to her driver, the duo heading to the car he had waiting for them. You could sense her demeanor, but before you could think of it as anything other than exhaustion from the early breakfast and rush to the airport, Mingyu put his hand on your shoulder. You looked over.
“My drivers are taking everyone home.” He said. “Are you tired?”
“A little. I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Neither did I.” He smiled. “Do you want to stop for a coffee? I’ll take you home right after.” Your eyes fell on Joshua and Jeonghan for a second. They were chatting with the driver Mingyu sent in their direction. They immediately flashed you thumbs-up signs of approval for you to leave them and go frolic with Mingyu through Seoul.
“Okay.” Mingyu grinned at your confirmation, taking your hand like a child ready to go explore.
“Let’s go, then.” He said. You nodded, not even saying your goodbyes as Mingyu led you out towards the parking lot where his car was waiting for him in.
Woozi watched as all of your friends scattered, some taking Mingyu’s rides home while others carpooled together. He stuck his hands in his pockets, bracing himself for the long bus ride back to his apartment. He looked over at Hoshi resting against one of the pillars nearby as he seemingly waited for Seungkwan to return. The black-haired man seemed to notice he was being watched because he looked over to see Woozi, their eyes locking for a second. Woozi felt his heart catch in his throat for a second, but he found some courage to walk over.
“Hey.” He said. Hoshi smiled a bit, Woozi immediately noting that it was not the smile of someone excited to see another.
“Hey.” He said. Woozi took a deep breath.
“I’m glad we got to spend the weekend together. Even if it wasn’t all perfect.” Hoshi shrugged.
“I didn’t want to cause any problems this weekend.” He said simply. Woozi nodded his head. He looked over, seemingly to see where Seungkwan was and where he was coming back. Woozi could sense the urgency in Hoshi as he shifted from one foot to the next.
“Maybe we can-.”
Hoshi cutting Woozi off startled him a bit. “I don’t want to.” He said. “Not right now. I’m sorry. Like I said, I didn’t want to cause problems so I put aside my feelings for the weekend.” Grabbing his luggage, he pulled out a set of headphones, resting them on his neck. “I’ll be nice to you, for the sake of our mutual friend. That’s it.” Woozi nodded, still stunned. Hoshi seemed to hide the pain that was trickling in behind his eyes by pulling the headphones over his ears. “Get home safe.” Without another word, Hoshi made his way to Seungkwan as he popped up from around the corner, drinks in hand. He seemed quick on his feet, putting his arm around the other as the duo hurried down the terminal path. Woozi watched until they became one with the crowd. When he looked around, he saw that everyone had long since left on their own, leaving him alone yet again. He sank into one of the seats, resting his head against the pillar that was propped up behind it.
“Alright, then…” he muttered. “I guess it would have been too good to be true.”
“What was all that about?” Seungkwan asked, looking over at his unusually quiet Hyung.
“Hm?” Hoshi blinked.
“I saw you talking to Jihoon-Hyung. Are you okay?”
“Ah, yeah.” Hoshi nodded. “Just saying our goodbyes.” Seungkwan nodded as Hoshi turned back for a second, his eyes flooded by crowds of people going in and out of the terminals. No Woozi in sight. He sighed, looking straight ahead once again as they continued walking.
He didn’t know if he wanted those goodbyes to mean forever. Especially since, despite what he told himself, he was hoping to see Woozi walk into his life again.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
You looked out the window of Mingyu’s car as the both of you drove. Your luggage was stuffed in the back seat and the trunk as you hurried to hop in, Mingyu heading onto the parkway and straight to a coffee shop by your house. Mingyu looked over at you.
“You put your necklace back on?” He asked.
“Of course.” You said, taking it in your hands as you heard it mentioned. “I plan to keep it on unless I’m showering or sleeping. I never want to take it off.” A grin slipped onto Mingyu’s lips.
“Good, because it looks perfect on you.” Butterflies tickled the inside of your stomach, you had to contain a little squirm in your seat. In this moment, you felt like a high schooler who got a compliment from your crush. If you’re lucky, a compliment in high school means something more to come. When you looked over to Mingyu again, you wanted to ask.
“What does this mean for us?” you asked. Confusion on Mingyu’s face, his eyes glancing at you as he continued to drive. “Don’t look at me like that. You know what I mean.”
“Well, yeah.” He said. “But I’m still confused.”
“Moving beyond friends can be hard.” You said. “I’m not saying I don’t want to, but…”
“Ah, I see.” He said. Mingyu nodded his head in understanding. “You don’t want to ruin anything.”
“Right.” You said. After a second of silence that felt like an hour, you piped up again: “I don’t think anything will be ruined, of course! Obviously, I really like where our relationship is going from here on out. I just-.” A hand reached out, taking a second to find yours as he focused on the road. When it brushed your leg, you were quick to reach out and put your hand in his, allowing him to grip it and pull it a bit closer to the middle of the two seats.
“Don’t overthink it. You’ll get wrinkles.” His comment made you pout. As the car slowed to a red light, he looked over at you. “I’ve waited almost 2 years to tell you how I feel.” He said. “I don’t intend to lay my eyes on anyone else for as long as I live.” You watched him raise your hand, still grasped in his, up to his lips and kiss it gently. The sensation sent an enormous jolt of energy through your body, down your arm as It circled your chest and stomach. “I just want to be with you. Whatever that means, I’ll do it.”
“Okay.” You said softly, the humility in your voice making him smile as he rested your hands down once again.
“The dessert, at the very least, was 100 percent worth it.” When he felt daggers in his side, Mingyu snorted in amusement.
“…Really? The dessert?” You leaned closer to him. “That’s your highlight memory of last night?”
“Uh. Yeah.” Mingyu grinned playfully as you leaned back in your seat with a frustrated sigh.
“Tch. Take me home. I’m over this already.” That earned a deep belly laugh from Mingyu and a smile from you. As he pulled up to a nearby coffee shop, you watched as he pulled into the drive-thru. Both of you ordered your drinks, and after Mingyu paid because of course he did, you didn’t even have time to take out your wallet before Mingyu pulled his card out of his sleeve like a magician, you were on your way to the house.
“I was nervous I had misread everything this entire time,” Mingyu admitted. “That when I told you how I felt, you’d completely friendzone me or something. I was trying to brace myself.”
“Really?” you asked with a responsive nod. “I thought that I made it pretty obvious. Everyone else said I was.”
“Hah. No.” Mingyu grinned. “Not to me at least. But maybe it’s because I felt the same way. It cancels out or something.”
“Yeah. That’s how that works.” The both of you had to laugh at his logic behind the rims of your drinks. As your apartment came into view, you felt sadness in knowing that this entire ride, this entire weekend, was about to end. However, as you felt Mingyu’s hand reach back out, using your hand to fill the void of his empty coffee cup, you felt a smile creep onto your face. It wasn’t the end, but instead the beginning of something incredible.
When Mingyu pulled up to your apartment’s parking lot, he immediately opened the door, hurrying to grab your belongings and help you inside. The ride in the elevator, like always, was quiet, but you didn’t mind this time. You felt comfortable just in Mingyu’s presence. Also, you kind of had a feeling of what was awaiting you both at your front door, so you tried to keep yourself calm. As the elevator doors opened, the both of you headed to your front door. Mingyu set the luggage down, turning to you.
“I know you said you want to take some of this slow.” Mingyu began. The flustered expression on his face proves that your instinct in the elevator was right. “But does that mean that we can’t like…” he motioned his hands around, specifically pretty both of your lips. “You know?”
You shrugged, pursing your lips together. “I mean….” You took one step closer to him. “I guess we kind of already did.”
“Twice.” Mingyu nodded.
“Three times.” You corrected. Mingyu laughed a bit. You emphasized your thoughts on Mingyu’s question by getting onto your tiptoes. He immediately reached out to steady you when he saw your balance sway just slightly, you reaching out and holding onto his shirt. Mingyu’s smile only grinned a bit more, before the both of you finally stopped talking and sealed your goodbye with a kiss. This kiss, unlike the others, was much longer than the others, both of you taking the alone time you had to enjoy each other’s presence, just being held by one another. When you lowered yourself, finally pulling yourself away from Mingyu, you took a deep breath, smiling. Your cheeks were two cherry tomatoes, and it made Mingyu laugh as he pressed his fingers against them. You squealed.
“Oh, come on.” You gasped, trying to push his hands away. He laughed at your flustered reaction only getting more intense the more he teased you. “Alright, alright. Go home and get some rest.” You said, motioning him away.
“Alright, fine. I’ll call you later. I’m sure I have stuff I need to do when I get home with my dad.” He sighed at the thought. However, with how this weekend went, he felt a bit more confident going in to deal with his dad. He knew you would be waiting for him just a few-minute drive away whenever he needed it. “Get some rest yourself.” When the door opened, you pushed your luggage inside. Looking over at Mingyu one last time, you waved him off, before disappearing behind the door. Muffled welcomes were heard inside, but Mingyu turned on his heel, heading back into the elevator and down to his car. He put his hands in the pockets of his pants, grinning to himself the entire time as he descended down each floor of the apartment.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“That was probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard,” Jeonghan said, turning to you from the couch. You frowned, crossing your arms.
“Seriously.” Joshua grinned, rubbing his shoulder. “I think my back pain hurts less.”
“Oh ha, ha.” You sneered, walking over. “Remember that when you want to go back into heaven.”
“Ooh, dating makes you snarky, hm?” Jeonghan teased. “I wish Mingyu luck.”
“Hey!” The duo laughed from their spots on the couch. You immediately stuck your hands in between them, causing them to look over. When they didn’t react immediately, you smiled. “Don’t you want to check?”
“Oh.” The boy jumped up in delight at the question, taking a second to grab your hands in their own. You watched as they took a second to glance at each other, seemingly anxious for the results held. A familiar warm sensation tickled your fingers as the duo relaxed, putting all of their focus on your hands. You watched, remembering what had happened this past term. From these two crashing into your life, to Mina slithering out of nowhere and calling herself your rival in the most polite way, only to do nothing but seemingly help you, to this weekend. Oh, this weekend. Your heart swelled just remembering every last detail. And now it was all going to come to an end with-.
“What the heck?” Jeonghan’s voice pulled you from your gleeful thoughts, eyes looking down at the little checks hovering above your hands; their ticket back into the pearly gates. You looked up at them, sensing their sense of panic by simply studying their faces.
“…They’re red.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu was driving home when his father called him. He answered immediately, something he hadn’t done in a while. “Hello,” he said, smiling.
“Hello, son.” He said. “Are you back in from Jeju?”
“Yes. I’ll be at the house in a few minutes. I have great news.” His father hummed.
“Do you?” Mingyu could sense the tone of his father’s voice, untrusted and passive-aggressive. He knew something Mingyu didn’t. A pit formed in the bottom of his stomach, and he blinked. “I heard about your weekend.”
“Yeah?” his voice cracked a bit, but he stared forward as he drove. “What exactly did you hear? I told you I was throwing a birthday party for my friend.”
“Mmm.” The simple nothingness his father gave as a response did nothing to ease Mingyu’s worries.
“...Did I do something you’re not happy with?” He asked. “You said I could use the beach house this weekend.”
“I said a lot of things, including allowing you and your friends to use the beach house.” Mingyu pulled to a red light, leaning back in his seat as he listened to his father on the other end. “Did Mina have a good time?”
“Mi-.” Mingyu felt that pit begin growing into a proper plant, and he bit his lip. “Father.”
“I’m asking a question, Kim Mingyu.” His father said. “Answer me now, before you make a fool of yourself in front of me when you get home.”
“I…I don’t know if she had a good time. She seemed to be enjoying herself with everyone.” Mingyu immediately recalled her standing before him, laying her heart out one last time in an attempt to win Mingyu over. He shook his head. “This isn’t about-.”
“Just get home, Kim Mingyu.” Without another word, his father hung up. Mingyu let out a deep sigh, shaking his head as he pulled past the now-green light.
As Mingyu ascended the stairs, saying quick hellos to the workers who eagerly greeted him back, he approached the large doors of his father’s study. His heart was pounding, unsure of what was on the other side. Pushing them open, he immediately saw his father sitting on the chair in the middle of the room. Mingyu looked at both couches, his neutral expression immediately dropping into a deep frown. Mina looked up from her spot on the couch, her father beside her. It looked like she had been crying, eyes red and puffy. She wiped them immediately. Mingyu’s attention was pulled back to his father as he rose, walking over to his son. “Father. What’s-.”
“Mina told me about your…weekend.” Mingyu lowered his hands to his sides, not knowing how to respond. “Not only did you not do the one thing I asked, but you made a fool out of Mina.”
“A fool?” He looked over at Mina, who looked down at her lap. “What did you tell them?”
“She told me you spent the entire weekend galivanting around with some common girl from school.” He immediately lifted up his phone, turning it to show a photo of you and Mingyu, sitting side by side early that morning, chatting during breakfast. Mingyu blinked. “Is this who the party was for?”
“...Yes…” he said softly. His father rose from his seat, hands behind his back as he approached his son. Mingyu, despite being taller than his father, felt his hands sweat as he stuck them into his pockets, watching as the man approached. He didn’t speak for a minute, but Mingyu still knew to stay silent.
“So, you used my property to court a young woman nowhere near your status or worth, when the woman I have intended to set you up with was right in front of you?” Mingyu glanced over to Mina, who still refused to look at him. “Mingyu.” The deep, disapproving voice caused Mingyu to look at his father, a small child caught sneaking in after curfew by his strict parent. If only it were that serious. “Do you think I am a fool?”
“Mina was helping the entire weekend. She brought balloons and fireworks and-.” Mingyu felt confusion course his body as if it were a race track, and it made him shiver. “I told her exactly how I felt and that’s it. How is it fair to her to lie for your sake?”
“She called her father sobbing last night. You sent her home alone, in tears. I raised you better than that.”
“You did. I have not strung Mina along at all, because I’m not like that. I already apologized many times to her.”
“What you are doing is throwing your entire future away for some low-life poor girl who-.”
“Don’t call her that.” Mingyu hissed, though his father did not flinch once at the many daggers he glared at him. “I actually, if you care about my happiness at all, love her.”
“You’re more of a fool than I thought.” His father said simply. “Not only for thinking you can go behind my back, but thinking you this woman ever had a chance with you. She’s a fool too.” Mingyu immediately turned his body, ready to walk out. However, his father added one more thing: “Mina told me one other thing. If you claim you love her.” Mingyu looked back, unsure as to what his father meant. However, he simply motioned to Mina, who finally stood up.
“I overheard her the first night, after we all were drinking,” she said, fumbling with her fingers. “Joshua was with her. And she confessed to him that she loved him.” Mingyu stayed silent, not sure how to react to the comment. “I was on the balcony, sobering up myself when I heard.” She took a deep breath. “I was not going to say anything at first because I knew she was drunk. But I should have. Sooner. I’m sorry.”
Mingyu shrugged. “I honestly don’t believe you,” he said simply. His father watched him continue to rub his cheek.
“Really?” he asked curiously. He lifted up his phone again, scrolling through many different photos. “Mina sent me these, last night.” His finger stopped scrolling at one of Joshua and you, standing by the barbecue as steam rose up around you, unaware that Mina was even taking a picture. He pointed at Joshua’s expression, eyes staring at you as you watched the cooking meat. “He, at the very least, looks interested in her. What if she’s after your money, Mingyu? Your reputation? You don’t know for sure!”
“She’s not! How could-.” Mingyu looked at Mina. “How could you even say that?!” You hung out with her all weekend!”
“I’m telling the truth!” Mina shouted. “Ask Joshua yourself if you don’t believe me!” Mingyu shook his head. “Why do you think he’s always all over her and making jokes about dating her? If they’re not already dating, already! Mingyu, I know she’s your friend. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Enough is enough. She should never have gone beyond friend status!”
“You helped me!” Mingyu shouted. “Is this some kind of sick game you’re playing?! Do you think this is funny?!” Mina went silent, looking down at her feet. “Mina, answer me!”
Before Mingyu could utter another word, a stinging sensation was strung along his cheek, his gaze forced to the side. His eyes, once they opened and refocused, steadied themselves on the wall of photos of him and his father over the years. It was littered with memorabilia from his father’s time in college, as well as photos of both him and Mingyu now, meeting with the heads of the school for various events that his father personally helped fund. Mingyu pressed a palm to his cheek, feeling the slight burn that radiated onto his palm. He heard Mina gasp in shock at the encounter, but he avoided her concerned gaze as his eyes fell on his father. He looked completely unfazed. “Do not speak to a young lady like that.” he hissed, disgust lacing his words. “Especially your fiancé.”
His father simply returned to his chair, sitting down. “If you don’t care enough about your future to make a rational decision on your marriage, then I will have to do it for you. I’ve started the paperwork. You will be married to Mina by the end of the year.”
Mingyu’s cheek stung even more as those words hit his ears, though not as much as the tightening sensation in his heart as he thought back to the beach house. Joshua and Jeonghan holding you close, flirting and joking with you. The way Joshua looked at you, a gaze that matched Mingyu’s to an eerily similar degree, and the way he hugged you with so much love during volleyball.
There was just no way…right? It felt as if he had been slapped in the face again, though he figured it would hurt much less than the frenzy of emotions going on in his heart right now. 
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kimbappykidding · 3 months
Imagine thinking Vernon hates you because he never talks to you but it's actually because he likes you and loses the ability to speak around you
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You were known for being pretty loud and outgoing. Your role in your group was the confident performer and you always brought it on any stage or variety show. You'd met Vernon several times through Dino. The two of you were friends from the same home town. You even knew each pre-debut and somehow made it into the same company. So you saw one another a lot and through Dino, the Seventeen members. You loved all of Dino's hyungs but found Vernon the most surprising. Dino warned you Vernon, The8, Wonwoo, Woozi and Jun could take a little while to feel comfortable around people but the others had all been nice and made the effort with you. You'd made the effort with them back and now had their friendship. The8 would chat to you happily, Wonwoo would would play games with you, Woozi showed you how to make music and Jun...well it took about a week before Jun revealed his crackhead self to you which you took to be a token of his friendship. But Vernon was the only one you hadn't made any progress with. He was the only one where, if left alone it was awkward which was hard considering how talkative you were. Which was another thing that confused you. You had a similar personality to Seungkwan, Vernon's best friend, so you didn't get why this part of yourself was such a problem. You'd never mentioned it to Dino because you were sensitive about people not liking you. You knew it was a fact of life but were still insecure about it so you pretended everything was fine and that there wasn't this cold wall between the two of you.
Vernon experienced things a little differently. When he first saw you he found you attractive which was odd because he never really noticed those things about people on the first meeting. It usually took a while for him to feel attraction to people but with you, he'd noticed it instantly. That made him nervous and so he became awkward around you. He figured the best thing to do was just remain quiet around you. He noticed you trying to make an effort with him but you were too quick. Every time he'd finally thought of an appropriate response you'd have moved on to someone else. You found socialising so much easier than him and the two of you were just so different! The more he thought about how incompatible you both were the more he tried to hide his crush but it didn't stop it from growing. He liked your personality despite how different it was from his own. So much so he was now scared if he ever opened his mouth around you it'd all spill out. So he just pretended like he didn't even notice when you walked into a room when in reality you caught his attention immediately.
Vernon wasn't the most focused person, his mind had a habit of wandering and when you were there it got even worse. You'd come over for a movie night and Vernon's head was filled with a million questions as everyone debated what film to watch. Had your hair grown since last time? Or maybe it was extensions. Did you wear extensions? He wondered how you got your hair so shiny and if it was as soft as it looked when he realised people were talking to him. "Vernon" Seungkwan called snapping Vernon back into the room. "what?" he asked and Seungkwan laughed "what is wrong with you lately? You've always got your head in the clouds". Hoshi and Dino both laughed awkwardly and you were smiling. "Sorry...I'm just tired. What happened?". "Y/n just asked you a question". "She did? Ow what was it?" he asked turning to you but you shook your head "it doesn't matter". You smiled but Vernon noted the cold tone in your voice and hoped he hadn't upset you. Not wanting to do anything else wrong he stayed quiet the rest of the night and tried not to look in your direction. You stayed over as the movie finished late and crashed in Dino's room like normal. However you were unusually quiet and Dino knew something was wrong. "Y/n are you okay?" Dino asked. Never one to hide your feelings you shook your head "why does Vernon hate me?". "Awww come on he just didn't hear you". "No it wasn't just today! Every time I'm around Vernon checks out. He never takes up my offers to meet up, even when I check his availability with Seungkwan beforehand! The number of times I've tried to draw him into conversations just to get a nod or one-word answer. Whenever I greet him and ask how he is I just get a "good" and he never asks "how are you?" back. He just clearly cannot be bothered with me, I don't even think it's a dislike because that would imply he cares enough to develop emotions about me! He just has utter contempt for me and I have no idea why!" you cried. Dino placed his hands on your shoulders "hey breathe okay... it's okay". "But is not" you sighed and sobbed. Seungkwan and Vernon were in the room next door and while they hadn't heard a word of what you'd said they did hear raised voices and then crying. "Should you check on them?" Vernon asked and Seungkwan sighed but went to go see if you were okay. Vernon carried on as normal and had a shower before going downstairs to get a snack. Dino was there and Vernon remembered you immediately. "Hey is Y/n okay?" Vernon asked. Dino glanced at him before looking down "yeah she's fine". "Well that was convincing" Vernon tried to joke but Dino wasn't in the mood. "Well what do you want me to say Vernon? It's not like you care about her". Vernon was very shocked by Dino's anger and had no idea where this was coming from. "Who says that I don't care about her?" he asked. Dino rolled his eyes "please! She called your name three times earlier but you didn't even bother to respond. You know I never said you had to be best friends with her but I did think you'd be polite to her. That you'd try and make her feel welcome. I didn't think you'd be the one to be rude to her and make her feel like crap". Vernon froze "I never meant to! Is she okay? Should I apologise?". "No I think you'll only make things worse" Dino replied "I've lost my appetite" and he walked away leaving his food untouched. Vernon was beside himself but he has absolutely no idea what to do.  So he did what he always did in these situations...he consulted Boo Seungkwan. "See Y/n thinks I hate her" Vernon started and then paused waiting for a reaction. Seungkwan just stared at him "and?" he asked unsure why Vernon had stopped. Vernon paused "well that's bad!". "Because she knows?" Seungkwan asked and Vernon shook his head "because I don't hate her!". Seungkwan narrowed his eyes "really? Because you never listen when she's talking, you avoid her whenever she's around and you seem pained if she so much as sits at the same table as you". Vernon groaned "none of that is because I hate her! It's the opposite!". Seungkwan laughed before he saw Vernon's expression "wait you...". "I like her!" Vernon cried "and apparently I have the very worst way of showing it". Seungkwan nodded "yeah you were giving hard the opposite direction...erm okay. So why haven't you been talking to her if you like her or even just giving her your attention?". "I've tried but I freeze around her! Anytime she talks to me my mind goes blank and when she's around I'm too busy thinking about her that I miss her actually speaking to me. Like earlier today, I'm fairly sure I was wondering what colour I'd call her hair when she was talking to me". Seungkwan raised an eyebrow "wow okay we've got a lot of work to do!". Seungkwan decided the best thing to do with a newbie socialiser like Vernon was to ease him into it gently. So the first task was greetings. You'd been avoiding the Seventeen house after your last visit but Dino soon caught onto that and pretty much forced you to come over. You knocked on the door hoping Vernon would be out, when who opened the door but Vernon himself. You were prepared for a blank stare and nod but he actually looked at you and nodded "hey Y/n. Dino's up in his room". He'd never greeted you before and you weren't sure if he'd ever said your name. "He is?" you asked unsure of everything and Vernon nodded "yeah, would you like to come in?". You realised you were still standing on the doorstep in shock. "Thanks" you nodded and stepped inside. Vernon actually closed the door behind you and nodded "bye Y/n" before walking back into the kitchen. You stood there for a few seconds in shock before going to find Dino. Seungkwan had been watching the whole thing from the kitchen and cheered the second you went upstairs. "That was perfect Vernon and inviting her in was a wonderful piece of adlib". "Well she wasn't moving and I wasn't sure what to do but knew I should say something, so I went for it" he said proudly. Seungkwan nodded "excellent, now practice that and then it's time for phase 2. Casual engagement. You started feeling welcome once again in the Seventeen house. You weren't sure if Dino had said something but now Vernon said hello or goodbye every time he saw you. He looked you in the eye when he said it and even smiled. You were overjoyed at something so simple and so when Dino invited you to pizza night you agreed. All the guys were there when you arrived and they called out greetings to you, Vernon included. You ended up sat a few places down from him and when you joined in a conversation he was having with Mingyu he didn't check out. Mingyu was arguing that this restaurant downtown did the best chicken but Vernon said it was this one around the corner. "The one downtown is cheaper but the one up here is so much better" you said and Vernon smiled "see! Y/n gets it". Just something as small as him acknowledging your opinion made you smile. "But I will admit the one downtown has more tables making it easier to get into" you relented and Vernon nodded "I respect that" making you grin even more. Vernon kept being nice all night and you noticed. "Has something happened to Vernon?" you asked Dino when Vernon had stepped away. He frowned "no, why?". "He just seems so much happier and talkative". Dino shrugged "he's usually like this all the time when we're all together...he must just feel comfortable around you". That made you beam with pride and Dino smiled to see how happy that made you. After you left Dino went into the kitchen for some water and bumped into Vernon. Vernon nodded to him and they chatted for a while before Dino said what was on his mind. "I don't know what happened or if anything I said got through but thanks" Dino said "Y/n really appreciates the effort you're making and I appreciate it too". Vernon shrugged "you were right I wasn't making her feel welcome. I'm glad she noticed the change. She's always welcome here of course and I like her". Dino smiled "I'm so telling her that!" and rushed away so quickly he missed the blush on Vernon's face. Phase three was purposeful engagement. This involved Vernon actually initiating a conversation with you and asking you a question. It was definitely the most difficult stage and he was pretty nervous. Luckily it was taking place at a party and parties always made him nervous so it didn't change much in that respect. When you arrived Vernon immediately felt a little flustered because you looked so good but Seungkwan told him to be strong. So Vernon got a seat next to you at the table and kept his eye open for opportunities. Vernon had purposefully waited for you to finish your drink for the past 30 minutes and finally when you drank the last few drops he downed his. "I'm going to get a new drink, would anyone like one?" he asked and looked at you. He saw you glance at your now empty glass but you didn't say anything. "Y/n?" he asked and you blinked looking up at him. A smile came onto your face and you nodded "I'd love one but are you sure you don't mind?". Vernon smiled back "of course not" and took your glass. You watched him go and got a tingly feeling in your stomach. When Vernon returned he gave you the drink and you thanked him. Conversations carried on around you and you laughed at an argument Seungkwan and Hoshi were having when Vernon caught your eye. "So Y/n how's swimming been?" Vernon asked. You paused "what?". Vernon immediately panicked thinking he'd gotten it wrong. "You joined a new swimming team right? I thought you mentioned it last week". You nodded "I...yeah I did, it's been good thanks. Well okay I guess, there was some drama". "What happened?" Vernon asked and you weren't sure if he was messing with you. "You don't want me to bore you with it..." you said but Vernon shook his head "no I'd love to know. I was never sporty enough to join a club so I want to know all the drama. Every last piece of it". You smiled and told him all about it. By the time you finished your story the party was well and truly in the swing of things and you and Vernon were the only two people still sitting at the table. All the others had wandered off or congregated elsewhere. So when Vernon asked if you wanted another drink you went with him. You manoeuvred your way to the kitchen and laughed at Vernon's grimace when a guy nearly bumped into him with a full drink. Finally you got to the kitchen and Vernon passed you a drink. You headed back to the table chatting about the party when you saw what had happened. "And our seats are gone..." Vernon commented and you laughed "typical". Vernon didn't seem like he wanted to rush off and as you suddenly got a waft of fresh air an idea came to you "wanna head outside? It's getting really crowded in here". Vernon nodded "sure" and followed you out of the sea of people. Some of the other members were outside and they spotted you immediately. You and Vernon pulled up chairs near them so you could hear the conversation but also slightly apart. You laughed along with the group as Dk began teasing Joshua and Vernon told you they were always like this. You smiled at how comfortable he was around you and took a breath. "I just wanted to say thanks" and Vernon smiled feeling the buzz of the alcohol "for what?". "For not hating me anymore!" you laughed and Vernon shook his head "I never hated you Y/n" but you just smiled sadly. "It's okay Vernon, I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I'm loud, dramatic and emotional which is literally the worst combination I can think of...but I promise I'm working on it and it means a lot that you've given me a chance". Vernon shook his head "I don't think any of those things about you. I like how fun and extroverted you are". You shook your head not believing him and it suddenly became very important for Vernon to convince you he was telling the truth. "It's true! You're so friendly and kind to everyone it's really admirable. I wish I could be more like that and I think it's one of the best qualities a person can have. I never disliked you and actually really admire you". You frowned "but if all of that is true...why did you never talk to me?". You looked so vulnerable and curious Vernon didn't even hesitate. "Because I like you Y/n and have this whole time". "Like me as in..." you started and Vernon nodded "as in I think you're amazing Y/n. You're so smart and funny at the same time, the way your brain works so quickly always impresses me. Not to mention how you're also so beautiful, half the time you thought I was ignoring you I was probably just processing how good you looked that day. I'm introverted but I admire your extroversion and how brave you are. You're fearless Y/n and I could truly never hate you" Vernon finished. You blinked and for once were lost for words. "I...had no idea and I don't know what to say". Vernon shook his head "you don't have to say anything". He knew he should probably be feeling nervous he just confessed to you but he didn't. He just looked around the garden gently tapping his glass, enjoying the night sky. "So...you like me?" you asked eventually and Vernon "yes". "So do you plan to do anything about it?" you asked. What you meant was, did Vernon want to date you, what Vernon heard was "are you going to kiss me". So he leaned in and although you were surprised there was no way you were going to turn this down, so you kissed him. You'd forgotten the group of friends sat a few meters away but they didn't forget you. "Vernon? Y/n?" Seungkwan gasped unable to stop himself. You both broke apart blushing as everyone looked over and their jaws dropped. "Woah you just skipped like 3 stages and went straight to stage 8, become intimate" Seungkwan carried on. "Stage what?" you asked and Vernon blushed "Seungkwan was coaching me to talk to you". You smiled "really? That's so sweet" and hugged him. The boys found it so adorable and funny how Vernon went bright red but he melted into your embrace. He wrapped his arms around you and hid his face in your hair. When the boys had teased him enough you took his arm and led him away from the group. Vernon was still blushing but he had a huge smile on his face. You smiled "so that kiss was nice". "Yeah it was" Vernon said chuckling. "Would you maybe like to do it again on a date?". Vernon nodded "absolutely! We can go right now if you want". You chuckled "why don't we enjoy the rest of the party and save that for another day? There's no rush". Vernon nodded "of course of course" and you led him back to the group. They all smirked and teased you again but neither of you really cared. You sat together arms around one another and just enjoyed the night. Boo Seungkwan's 8-stage plan was very effective.
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nunan-neomuyeppeoseo · 5 months
Hihii I just wanted to ask how your doing and I wanted to drop a request in here !!
Top! Jeonghan x bttm! Male reader
[ ] I'm down bad for jeonghan it's not even funny anymore.
[ ] Ok so get this the reader and jeonghan are childhood bestfriends and they debut in svt together (already cute ik) so jeonghan is so madly inlove with the reader and spoils him endlessly and the reader can literally do anything and jeonghan would still look at him with the most adoration in his eyes the world has seen . And during Nana tour (you can watch it for free on dramacool) the fans literally see them all cuddly with eachother (they are normally too but it was even more ) and then fans like make cute posts about them and stuff (I forgot to add that they are in a relationship)
𝗁𝗂𝗂𝗂, 𝖨'𝗆 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖺𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗅! 𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝖽𝗆𝗂𝗍 𝖨'𝗆 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇, 𝖨 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖺 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖼𝗄 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾!!
𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ── 𝗒𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇
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𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖺𝗉𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗌. 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗎𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
○▹ 𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗑 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 (𝖿𝗍. 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇) 𝘄𝗰. 𝟧𝟢𝟩 𝘄. 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 (𝟣𝟫𝟫𝟪 𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋), 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖽𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝗆𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇, 𝗀𝖺𝗒
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Since the very beginning, Jeonghan had been struck by the beauty of the m!n. Despite the three-year age gap and the fact that m!n was male, Jeonghan couldn't help but feel captivated by his presence. To Jeonghan, m!n was one of the most mesmerizing individuals he had ever come across.
In 2013, Jeonghan joined Pledis at the young age of 17. Over the years, he had experienced fleeting crushes and even been in previous relationships. However, everything changed when m!n entered the picture in early 2014. Jeonghan realized that his feelings for m!n were much deeper than a simple crush. He found himself completely captivated by m!n, whether it was his radiant personality or his talents as an idol. It was as if m!n had ensnared Jeonghan's heart like a net, refusing to let go. Jeonghan didn't mind at all - he was happily captivated by this irresistible pull.
Later in their careers, after years of friendship and working together, Jeonghan finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings to m!n in early 2020. This confession coincided with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, adding an extra layer of uncertainty. Fortunately, m!n reciprocated his feelings, solidifying a new chapter in their relationship amidst the challenging circumstances. Their relationship only seemed to blossom to conscious touching to Jeonghan’ s bold displays of affection on and off camera, and although the couple never explicitly told fans their had their inklings especially when October 2023 rolled round along with their ‘NANA Tour’.
With the freedom of being a relationship within a group, Jeonghan didn’t have to worry about the headlines of his ‘out of character’ behaviour: especially with the fact he participated in skin ship with a lot of the younger members, however what did catch both fans and non fans attention was his actions towards the third youngest member. Sticking to him like glue, never letting m!n move to far away from him even if it was a few metres.
Jeonghan knew that his transformed self would inevitably attract a great deal of notice, but he had reached a point where he was unconcerned. He had finally found happiness, even though the relationship had to be kept under wraps. He was deeply in love, and for him, that was the most important thing.
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Following the tour, fans were still pondering the topic of ‘Jeonghan & m!n’ compilation videos, along with ‘evidence’ proving their relationship. With clips spanning from that disastrous green room.             
Jeonghan's adoring gaze toward m!n was as if he believed m!n hung the moon, while m!n's look at Jeonghan conveyed a sense of finding his soulmate. This mutual admiration and connection between the two filled the fans' hearts with joy and contentment, two of the members finding solace in each other even if that means Jeonghan lets the younger of the two get away with anything causing even more fights in GOSE episodes, both the fans and the other members could live with little meaningless disagreements if it meant something much more meaningful would grow and flourish.
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yyawnjun · 10 months
VIVID MEMORIES [ work in progress ]
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𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. SUMMARY: Your first vivid memory of you and your best friend, Choi Seungcheol, was when you were seven years old, on a summer evening. You spent the day at the beach and were about to build your sand castle. You had no notion of time; you were happy without realizing it.
The second vivid memory you have of your best friend is from a cold winter night. You 14-year-olds, comfortable between the blankets and with a Christmas movie playing in the background. On that night, you found out that S.coups would be moving in a day.
The third vivid memory you have of your best friend is from the autumn before you entered college. You were nineteen years old and had moved into a university-provided shared flat; it was evening when you were ready to meet your roommate. So you entered the apartment, and your gaze met the brown eyes you knew better than anyone else.
The fourth vivid memory you have of your S.coups was on a spring night when everything changed.
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. GENRE: fluff, a bit angst, slightly suggestive || best friends to (to strangers to roommates) lovers
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. WARNINGS: ...
𓂃 ࣪ ��ֶָ☾. WORD COUNT: 6k wc [to be defined]
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. A.N.: hello lovelies!! i am still working on this,,but already a big thank you to the girl who will proofread all of this - @sobun1est ♡
Hope y'all will enjoy
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.TAGLIST: @kflixnet @christinewithluv @thepoopdokyeomtouched @leah-rose03 @lavayeon @renapersa @xcynthiaaa
[open, ask or comment to be added]
[ work in progress masterlist ]
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Your first vivid memory of yourself and your best friend is from a summer evening at the beach.
Everything is clear in your mind, from the time you arrived in the afternoon, to lunch, and finally, the time spent between the water and the sand.
You and S.coups had been best friends since birth; your cribs were close, and your mothers had met in the hospital and ended up becoming great friends.
From the earliest age, you were used to doing everything together, so much so that no one could tell if you were close friends or siblings. Regardless of how you appear; spending so much time with a person tends to make you resemble them.
You had similar tastes in everything - from simple preferences for snacks to choices of games to play together. Between you two, he was slightly more extroverted and found it easier to talk to people. But being such good friends, you - who were initially more reserved and introverted - ended up resembling him in this aspect as well.
Even the more negative traits were shared - like stubbornness or sensitivity. But these weighed much less; you were good to each other, and everyone could notice that. You had also formed a group of friends, with whom you often gathered in the afternoons to play.
This had also happened on that hot summer day. You had arrived in the morning, but all of your friends had left shortly after lunch, leaving only you and S.coups to complete your project of immense significance and excellent architectural attention: a sandcastle.
6:06 p.m.
"We need more water. I'll go get it," he had told you as he stood up with the bucket and came to the sea.
"I can do it! You can finish the towers since you're more precise."
"No, I'll go because I'm stronger. You're a girl."
"But I'm faster!" you replied with a challenging tone.
"That's not true," and he turned around, running.
You followed him without hesitation.
Your laughter resonated on the now-empty beach; the breeze ruffled your hair, and before you knew it, you were the first to reach the sea.
And when he got to you, he "accidentally" pushed you and caused you to fall into the water. You were near the coast, so you could touch the bottom, and you took advantage of the situation by dragging Scoups into the water and pretending to take his hand to pull yourself up. A water splash war began; the more one of you moved the water, the other responded with equal vigor. Laughter, splashes, and the sound of your bodies moving through the water filled the silence on that summer evening.
Your castle was never finished - and this memory would haunt you in the future - because your parents came towards you to call you as it was getting late, and it was time to go home.
[to be continued]
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sadnightforus · 8 months
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[2:04 AM] Moving on from you was hard. 
 Still hard, and seeing you with someone else while he still thinks about you is even harder. 
 Sometimes, it’s almost comical that love makes him lose his mind like this. But here he is, pouring another bottle of wine into his glass as the light on his nightstand illuminates his bedroom now standing lonely. 
 Seungcheol knows he should leave you behind. But he can’t, not with the way that the image of your eyes staring right deep into his soul still serves as a mental image that he thinks back about every night before he lured himself to sleep with nothing but regret as the bed warmed by his side. 
 He has the tendency to overwork himself to death— you always tell him to take it easy. With you around, he did, but with you gone, the only way that he can proceed with his life normally is if he throws himself into work so that he won’t have time to entertain his heart of the ideas of ‘what if’s with you. 
 He always forgot to eat his meals on time whenever he was busy and he thinks that he didn’t die because you were the one to remind him of the food intake. But god, does it get harder to eat when you slip out of his life and he goes back to square one, with only the thoughts of you soothing his pain to stop all of his misery. 
 With each thought, the wine bottle soon becomes emptied and he pours another one and repeats the step all over again. 
 He doesn’t tell you this, and he hopes you won’t know it either. He has tried seeing other people but all he ended up seeing was a glimpse of you— he knows it’s selfish and it broke his heart a bit, thinking how much of a horrible man he is for leading people on. 
 He sometimes drive by your house. Or even change the usual route he usually takes for his work by driving on your street, just to see your house. But he doesn’t have the heart to face you and gradually, the amount of time he has done this has decreased, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. He even goes to both of your favorite restaurants in hope to run into you, but it seems like you never revisit after the breakup. 
 He has to move on, even if he’s feeling so weak and defeated. 
 His eyes glances over to the view outside of the city— it looks dull and there’s no warmth to the scenery at all, just how he has been feeling for months. His lips didn’t dare to speak, he lost his ability to really speak his mind a long time ago once you make your way out of his life. 
 He then takes the last sip of the wine before he realizes that he managed to finish 2 bottles for tonight. 
 Enough is enough. 
So, he collects the beverages and the wine stains glass, placing it into the sink as he lets the water run. He cleans it with a sigh, and doesn't ever bother to turn on the light either as the light provided from far away was enough for him.
 With a heavy heart, he has to force himself to step out of the kitchen, making his way to go back to rest. His palm then unlocks the door of his bedroom that he has previously left in the cold, with neither the nightstand lamp turned off nor the air conditioner still brewing of cold air that runs past his body. 
 He then gently lays himself onto his bed, trying to secure warmth with the blanket, eyes attempting to close on its own due to his intoxicated state as his head can only think of you and your new lover, heart now trembling in pain. 
 Tonight, he allows himself to miss you again, but tomorrow, he knows he has to move on. 
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A/N: been feeling a little angsty lately. inspired by one of bloo's songs.
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
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svtminghaolove · 2 years
The moment he decided he was going to propose - Vocal unit (SVT)
Hello! Sorry for the long wait :( This was finished last week but I’ve been having problems with tumblr since the start of december, but now everything seems to be good! So here you goo~
Triggers: None that I could think of
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Jeonghan: You ang Jeonghan were over at Seungcheol's house to have dinner. His wife, who was a very good friend of you, were about five months pregnant and you knew that she had been lacking some female company (due to Seungcheol's overprotectiveness of not letting her walk around alone) so you had planned this dinner to hang out.
The two of you were in the kitchen, you were walking around and collecting ingredients for the dessert you two were making, while sc/gf/n were chopping up some apples. Jeonghan and Seungcheol was setting the table, even if Seungcheol was very distracted; throwing glances at his wife.
"You that worried?", Jeonghan teased and Seungcheol let out a breathy laugh.
"No, it's just…", he smiled and looked up at Jeonghan. "You'll understand when you get your own pregnant wife", he teased back and Jeonghan laughed.
"And what are the two of you talking about?", sc/gf/n came up to them and Seungcheol smiled and placed a hand on her back.
"You", Seungcheol smiled and she rolled her eyes.
"Is he being overly worried again?", Jeonghan nodded and threw a teasing smile in Seungcheol's direction. She sighed and softly shoved her husband.
"Go and help y/n, I have to sit down for a few seconds. My feet hurts", she groaned and sat down on one of the chairs.
"Sure, take it easy", he said and moved over to the kitchen to help you out.
"So, Jeonghan", sc/gf/n tone made it known that she wanted to talk about more than just dessert. "Since you and Seungcheol was on the subject of wives…", he laughed when he realized where she was going with this. "When are you going to propose to my dear friend?", she fluttered her eyelashes and Jeonghan sat down on a chair next to her.
"We… haven't really talked about it much, except from the fact that we both want to get married", sc/gf/n sighed ad his response and leaned closer.
"Well… I think you should start thinking about it", she smiled and Jeonghan did start to think about it, and soon a plan was made for how to get a ring on your finger.
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Joshua: It was in the middle of the summer, and the band had a break so the two of you had decided to go to LA to visit your families.
Both families was at your parents house, you were standing with the dads, trying to convince them to sit down and relax, mostly because you didn't trust your dad around meat (he burned them into a crisp), while Joshua was in the kitchen, talking to your moms; washing and peeling vegetables. He was holding up a small talk with them while throwing gazes at you, smiling when he heard your laugh and how you bickered with your dad, trying to softly shove him away from the grill.
"You worried about the meat?", your mom teased and he cleared his throat and smiled at her.
"Sadly, y/n didn't inherit your cooking skill", she laughed and petted him on the shoulder.
"Always the charmer", she laughed and continued chopping.
"I speak nothing but the truth", his mom laughed and walked over to him.
"He's just trying to be on good foot with his future in-laws", she stroked him over the head. "Good boy", both moms laughed and Joshua shook his head, trying to keep the heat away from his cheeks.
"When we're on the subject…", your mom stepped closer and threw an glance at you, like to make sure you weren't watching. "Have the two of you started to think about marriage?", and now the heat he had tried to push down, reached the tip of his ears.
"Yeah, how long have you two been dating now? Isn't it time?", his mom said and he tilted his head.
"Maybe it is, I mean… I knew we eventually would get married, we just haven't been in a rush", he smiled and placed the knife on the cutting board.
The two of you had been together for a bit longer than two years, and there was no one else he could imagine spending his life with. He looked over at you, noticing your gaze was already on him. You raised an eyebrow and gave him a soft smile, like asking if he was okay. He smiled back and gave you a slight nod, which made you turn back to your dads to finally get them to sit down and take a break.
"Here", he turned he gaze back and notice your mom pulling out a ring from her front pocked, he threw a single glance at his own mom and knew that the two of them had planned this.
"This is y/n grandmas' ring, she has always said she wanted this ring, even since she was little.", he took the ring and your mom smiled. "I'm really glad that you're with y/n."
He smiled and she slightly stroked him over the head, just like his own mom would often do.
"Looks like we'll have a wedding to plan soon", his mom said and they laughed together before turning back to the food.
He glanced over at you, laughing and finally alone in front of the grill while your dads were sitting down in the chairs next to you. He smiled, thinking that he was so extremely lucky to have you, and he couldn't wait to get this ring on your finger.
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Woozi: Basically everything you and Jihoon did wasn't in a rush. You liked the way things were and marriage wasn't something neither you or Jihoon was prioritizing right now. But it was a pretty simple thing that made Jihoon change his mind.
He was one of the last one left after practice, only Hoshi and Seungcheol was left besides himself. The three of them where sitting on the floor, packing up their things to get ready to leave, when Jihoon's phone beeped. He picked it up and smiled a little when he saw that it was a text from you, saying that you had landed safely in Norway and were going to take an hour long nap before going to your meeting.
"Is that y/n?", he lifted his head to see Hoshi looking down at him.
"Yeah, she just landed in Norway."
"There for work?", Seungcheol asked and Jihoon nodded.
"Missing her already?", Seungcheol teased and lightly tapped Jihoon with his foot. Jihoon rolled his eyes.
"I get the feeling, h/gf/n has been on tour the last month", he leaned back against the wall and Jihoon turned to Seungcheol.
"What about sc/gf/n? How is she doing these days?", Seungcheol smiled at the mentioning of his wife.
"Great, she has been a trooper with sc/b/n. (a/n: Seungcheol's baby's name) ", and as he was speaking his own phone beeped and he picked it up, a smile immediately spreading across his lips.
"When you speak of the devil", Hoshi teased and Seungcheol stood up and smiled at the other two.
"Maybe you should marry them. Might help with the missing part", he teased and Hoshi groaned loud as Seungcheol walked away.
"I tried! And it didn't work!", he yelled as he walked after Seungcheol.
And it got Jihoon to start thinking. Not about the missing you, he was certain he would miss you as much as he did now even if you were his wife, but about marriage. It would be nice to come home to you calling him husband.
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Dokyeom: Seokmin was the type of guy to fake propose to you. Like he often did a dramatic skit where he pretended to take out a ring and held a sobbing speech in which he declared his love for you, but instead of actually proposing to you he would instead ask something like: could you pass me the salt? By now you were pretty used to his jokes and would often play with his dramatics and fake a sob as you said yes and passed him the salt.
This time was no different than the others, with the exception that this time you were out in public.
It was in spring, the snow just starting to melt but the cold air still biting into your skin when stepping outside, but you had the brilliant idea to go out and get ice cream. Seokmin had decided against getting some for himself, but had happily followed you. And now the two of you were happily waling side by side, you with your ice cream and Seokmin next to you.
"y/n?", he asked and you hummed.
"Yes, Seokmin?", you smiled knowing what his question was going to be.
"Can I have a taste?", he batted his eyelashes at you. His lower face was covered by a scarf but you knew that he was pouting.
"No", you teased him and gave him a smile, letting him know that you were only joking. He pulled down the scarf a bit and showed you a big smile as he got down on one knee in front of you.
"Here we go", you laughed and he cleared his throat.
"y/n, the love of my life and existents of my soul.", you smiled and let him take your hand. "'There is not a single day that goes by that my love for you doesn't grow stronger", people around you started to stop and stare, and unlike Seokmin: you noticed that.
"Seokmin…" you whispered trying to discreetly pull on his hand.
"… and we've been together for almost three years now and I think it's finally time to ask you", he took a deep breath.
"OMG! Is he proposing?", the few people around you started to whisper.
"… Do you want to share your ice cream with me?", the people around the two of you grew silent and you held back a sigh, you couldn't let him get embarrassed all by himself. You led out a fake sob and nodded.
"Yes! Yes, I do!", he stood up and you sobbed dramatically as he hugged you, before the two of you busted into laughed and you handed him the ice cream. The people that had stopped to stare quickly walked away and mumbled something about the two of you being childish. You smiled up at Seokmin as the two of you started to walk again.
"Seokmin, I love you, but next time you go down on one knee in front of me: make sure it is to ask the right question", you smiled and took his hand. He smiled at you and squeezed your hand.
"I will"
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Seungkwan: Seungkwan had known for a while that he wanted to marry you, but he just needed that one sign from you that said that you were ready.
The two of you were looking at houses. You had been to a dozen places over the past two months but nothing had felt just right, at least not until you stepped into that house.
The real-estate agent showed you around the house, but Seungkwan already knew that this house was the one. He had seen the look on your face when the door opened before you and how you almost skipped when taking a tour of the house.
When the tour ended, your real-estate agent excused himself to make a call and to let you two get a feel of the house.
"Seungkwan~", you were almost singing his name as you danced around in the kitchen, opening drawers and doors.
"So you like it?", he asked and you giggled and nodded.
"Yes! So much! Can't you just imagine? Summer nights when we can have the guys over and just hanging out on the patio, or hosting movie nights in the living room!", he laughed as you moved around the kitchen island. "Or you coming home late from a practice and I'm cooking and say something cheesy like 'Welcome home, husband' and then…-", but he stopped listening to your ranting after that.
Husband. You didn't even think much about the word or even realized that you had said it, but that simple word meant the world to Seungkwan. You were ready, you were think about this just as much and he did and a smile spread on his lips.
"Lets' buy it", he interrupted your rant. You stopped and looked over at him with big eyes and a smile growing on your face.
"Really? You like it too?", he nodded.
"I love it", you squealed at his words and ran over to hug him. He pressed you against his chest and the two of you rocked from side to side where you were standing.
Taglist: @foxdaisy @pearlygraysky @cixrosie
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globaloppaaa · 1 year
i’m gonna keep my requests open for any seventeen or zb1 ideas or thoughts you have!! send em my way 🤩😚
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iwritewthwine · 1 year
Chapter 17 kitty & puppy have good senses
Another week, another investigation. Sure, Chan feels bad for spying on Yn but it's from a good heart and good intentions. He's protecting you and he doesn't want the same thing to happen like in the past. Chan can still remember it, the first time you brought your used-to-be boyfriend over for a game night. Currently ex-boyfriend.
He was tall, with broad shoulders but a slim body, and greeted everyone warmly. Chan could remember how happy you looked, giddy and enthusiastic. Until halfway through the game and ex-boyfriend Justin's real personality showed itself. Chan was close to winning, having owned all the utility cards and railway cards plus two properties in the green. It was your turn plus Justin, since the both of you were sharing a piece. Chan noticed how focused and attentive you were with the current setup, like you were thoroughly thinking on what to do, with the dice landing on a 4 and a 5, you moved your pieces up nine paces, landing on Kentucky avenue. Thank god though that you and Justin owned two or the three properties of the reds. 
“Hey, Shua, want to trade? Illinois Avenue for Park place?” You waved the blue card in your hand with a sly grin and a tiny bat of your eyelashes.
Joshua hummed softly, looking at his deck of cards, one Illinois avenue, States avenue, St. Charles avenue, and the oddest one, he has Broadwalk since he landed on it during the 2nd turn of going pass go. 
“What else do I get if I trade my Illinois avenue?” Joshua asks, seriously looking at his cards and what is at stake as he also looks over the other’s cards. Noticing Chan’s  row of hotels on the greens, Seungkwan with two of the light blue properties and one Virginia avenue, Seokmin with both Mediterranean avenue and Baltic avenue despite not having hotels, Soonyoung with one of each property; New York avenue, Ventnor avenue, and Connecticut avenue and Minghao with Marvin Garden and Ventnor avenue. While you and Justin owned the rest of the reds and Tennessee avenue and St. James place.
“Obviously, you could build hotels. Look at Chan’s, all those rows of hotels, plus with a roll of six or higher he, Seokmin, and Soonyoung would definitely land on your place. And you know who’s turn it is after me.” You bat your eyelashes again, trying to get Joshua to take your offer. 
“You are making a very tempting offer.”
“Yn.” Justin grabs onto your forearm, pulling closer to his side. “What are you doing offering away Park place? It would be better to keep Park place and negotiate for Broadwalk. With those two we get hotels and we’ll get more money.” Listening to Justin, you look back at the board, shaking your head at what he said.
“Yes. Broadwalk plus Park place are good choices and it costs a lot but by giving away the rest of our reds to Joshua wouldn’t make sense or make any profit. I was going to negotiate with Soonyoung for New York avenue. By combining our orange properties and red properties, it will be more profitable than Boardwalk and Park place alone.”
“No.” Justin shook his head, his eyes squinting and his hand squeezing your forearm tight. “If you really want to do that, wait until the next turn. There will be more to offer by then.”
“But by next turn, we might lose the offer. Chan already has hotels on his properties and Seokmin could end up putting hotels on his’. If you want to win–” His hissing interrupts your sentence, lowering your shoulders slightly as you stare at your boyfriend. “Justin,” your voice coming out in a soft hush tone. His eyes rolling slightly back, letting go of your arm as he stood up from the coffee table, walking away as you set the cards down to go after him.
The rest of the guys stare at you and him from afar, they didn’t see anything wrong with what you said, what you said made a lot of sense. Chan noticed that Seokmin would turn his head back every few seconds, like he was watching to make sure nothing serious was going on, he also noticed Seungkwan fidgeting with his set piece in the palm of his hand and Minghao glimpsing over to the side. 
You walked back to the living room with a soft grin on your face, eyes peering afar at where your boyfriend was still hanging back from.
“Are you okay Yn?” Seokmin asks, watching you closely with a saddened expression. "Is everything fine between you guys?" 
"Yeah, we're fine. Justin is, he's passionate about winning and he doesn't like being told if he's going to be wrong." You shrug your shoulders, glancing at the dice on the board. Seokmin's gaze meets Seungkwan's and for a silent minute, they glanced at the others and then back at you. 
Chan shook his head at the remembrance of that night. Remembering again when you left for a second time to check on Justin and heard the faint shouts from him from the other room. How could a person look harmless but completely different on the inside? He would never understand why you were so patient and caring toward Justin when all he ever did was question your self-morality and integrity.
"He really was a jerk," Chan mumbled to himself. His hands are now in a tight fist on his lap. Starting ahead in a blank faze, a movement in front of him moves, catching his attention. "Oh my gosh. Handsome spectacle guy is here again. Guess he really likes this cafe. " Chan watches from afar, noticing that the handsome spectacle guy wasn't alone and he was with another person wearing a dark gray hoodie and headphones over his ears. Luckily he picked a good day, aka a day that you were working. Getting up from his chair, Chan leisurely strolls over to the front counter, in an attempt to get a closer look at the spectacle guy and perhaps order something to make him look busy. Of course, to Chan’s dismay, he was found out sooner or later, which happened to be the first.
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synopsis:  you’re a podcast host that tells stories about your ordinary/ extraordinary week with sprinkles of whimsy and positive notes for listeners that you don’t even know, listen to and love. Never revealing your name on the podcast, your little podcasts skyrockets thanks to another podcast known for their logic and theories. Soon becoming entangled with their podcast and a couple of their hosts.
Frequency (noun): 1.) the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample.
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enhypen-scholarship · 2 years
a/n's note: omg i totally forgot i had a tumblr acc😭😭😭😭 im sorry if i havent oosted like anything at all :;((((( here it is!!!! not proofread btw i tried my best
warnings: swearing just a little bit tho and sex joke😢 but its only one nothing more nothing less, slapping on the face????
wonwon!!☺️ [8:43 PM]: hiiii where r u rn??? ive been waiting for you :((
: im sorry baby i was rlly busy i couldnt answer your texts and calls, something urgent came up
wonwon!!☺️ [8:43 PM]: its okay love, take your time.
: im heading to cheol's house rn, get ready
wonwon!!☺️ [8:43 PM]: kkayy ill get ready in five, tell me your day okay love?
: yes i will.
wonwon!!☺️ [8:43 PM]: okay drive safely ilysm my sunshine💓💓
: ilyt
"Hi love!!!!" a deep but familiar and sweet voice shouted, eyes shining from being excited. "Hi, baby." you greeted sweetly, "Really sorry for the inconvenience 'Cheol." you apologize, "Nah you're good." he smiled, "Thanks by the way. We'll get going." you said as he clinged on your arm, "Love, how was your day?" he chirped, "Good." you answered shortly, "Just good? What happened?" he asked, "Mhm?" you hummed, "well...." you continued your saying, "there was this girlㅡ" you stopped to take a long sigh. "Love?" Wonwoo worriedly asked, "Sorry." you chuckled, "What happened? What did the girl say?" he furrowed his brows, concerned painting his face. "Actually, um. Nothing." you said as you shrugged your shoulders brushing off the negative energy, "Love." he said with a low voice, "I'll tell you on the way. I don't wanna ruin." you smiled nervously, "You're not ruining anything, you here and your presence itself is already calming." he reasoned, "I won't stop bugging you if you won't tell me." he held your hand and squeezed it. "Okay. Fine, I will literally tell you on the way home, just be patient, okay baby?" you asked, he hummed happily in agreement, finally taking the last step to the road, Wonwoo opened the passenger seat taking you out by suprised, "Um?" you furrowed your eyebrows, "I'll drive." he insisted as he went to the driver's seats' direction, you smiled finding his polite and gentleman gestures for you attractive, you ducked your head as you finally sat on the passenger seat, adjusting your feet on the ground, and pulling the seatbelt for safety, "Okay, now tell." he broke the silence, you chuckled nervously, "So..." you started awkwardly, scoffing at how unbelievable you are right now in front of your boyfriend, "Well, um." you cleared your throat, "Uh this girl in the cafe was being rude to our customers and well of course, she had to make a scandalous scene unnecessarily, and majority of the employees were standing there just shocked and suprised," you told, "and my damn instincts told me to stop her, and I did. Miserably she slapped me when I told her to calm down and solve this like a normal adult, splashed me with water, that's why I probably look like shit right now." you mentally slapped yourself, "and there was this guy, um... He asked me for my number randomly, I didn't know what his intentions were, and he was going way out of the line saying he could do better than you treating me like I'm some piece of garbage getting ran by shitty cars in a road, when he doesn't know what you're literally doing right now is so fucking calming. And physically I slapped him, so someone had called the manager for my bold action, and nowㅡ" you stopped as you realized you were talking too much, "Did I talk too much?" you asked, "No. No, my love. You don't. You're suspended for 3 days, right?" he guessed, "Correct." you answered, "Dear God, my love, I'm sorry." he leaned in as he kissed your forehead, "You're amazing you know that?" he complimented you, "Mhm?" you hummed, "You're fucking amazing." he smiled, "You can stop with the jokes, Won." you rolled your eyes from embarrassment, his face dropped from your reaction, "Love, look at me." he told you, "Huh?" you looked at him straight at his face, "You're amazing, okay? So fucking amazing, and so fucking pretty, mhm?" he kissed your forehead once again, "Remember that. You are so strong standing up for yourself when I'm not by your side," he smiled, "And that guy you told," he reminisced, "bet he doesn't know how to take care of you and your needs." he sexually winked at you, "Won!" you slapped his muscled biceps making him wince, "What! For all I know he would probably treat you like some old garbage ran by cars," he joked making you laugh from the corny joke, "You are so corny Won."you sassily rolled your eyes, "But I'm honest my love, I am the luckiest guy on the planet to even hold you, kiss you, hug you and take care of you." he held your hand as he turned on his gear, "Let's go home yeah?" he asked, "Yeah. I'm kinda sleepy to be honest." you yawned.
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animeniacss · 6 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 20 - A Surprise in the Fields
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.7k words
Chapter 20 - A Surprise in the Fields
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Mina saw all of their eyes widen as the room fell into silence. However, she only smiled.
“…What?” Her father asked.
Mina didn’t falter in her statement. She said it again. “I’d like to end my engagement.”
Now Mingyu piped up. “What?” he asked. Mina looked at him again, shaking her head as a cue for him to sit back and watch. She looked back to her father, who looked mortified. “I’m sorry, Father. I recently fell in love with someone else. Back home. We reconnected when I went back to visit Mother. I just…Mingyu isn’t the man I want to be with anymore.”
“…Was it the flower choice?” Mingyu asked. The unexpectedness of that comment had Mina chuckle a bit, and when she turned to Mingyu once again, he had a genuine look of concern on his face. “It thought they were really pretty and Christmassy.”
“How did this happen?” Mr. Miyou asked. Mina smiled.
“We met at a party.” She said. “It was really romantic. He introduced himself and when some drunken fool tried to bother me, he protected me. He told the guy off and stayed by my side the rest of the night. He and I only knew each other that day but he made sure I had a good time. He was so nice.” Mingyu’s shoulders dropped as he listened, biting his lip. Mina turned to Mingyu again, smiling sadly. “And then he took me to Tokyo Tower and we had lunch the next day. We had a great time. I knew then that would be the person I was destined to marry. That guy.”
Her father looked stunned as Mina’s eyes sparkled during her story. “Who is this guy in Japan?” Mina’s father asked. For some reason, despite completely expecting her father to ask such a question, she had not spent any part of the ride preparing a response that would make sense. She pursed her lips.
“Taro Yamada.” She said quickly. Mingyu immediately recalled the “drunken fool” from her Christmas party that was trying to bother Mina. He chuckled a bit in amusement.
“You can do better.” He said simply, putting his hands in his pocket. Mina smiled.
“The point is, I don’t want to be with Mingyu anymore. We have spent time together trying to make this work but…it seems we both love different people. And I know Mingyu won’t end the relationship. He’s too kind. So, I will. I don’t want to be in a miserable marriage.”
“It was absolutely the flowers that did it,” Mingyu said under his breath. Mina pulled her ring off her finger, gently setting it on the table before her.
“I’m sorry, Father. I want to return home as soon as possible.”
“Mina.” Her father gasped, but Mina was already heading out the door. Mingyu watched her for a moment before his father called to him.
“Mingyu, what did you tell her?” He asked. Mingyu frowned. “Go talk to her and fix this.”
Mingyu looked down at the ring that had been sitting on his finger since the engagement. He simply slipped it off, setting it beside Mina’s. “No.” He said simply, before walking out of the office and closing the door behind him. He saw Mina stop at the top of the step and hurried over. “Mina.” He called.
Mina turned to him when she heard the footsteps. He looked grateful but also confused. “I told myself I wouldn’t win your heart unfairly. Even when I tried to, I failed.” Mingyu blinked. “I want you to be happy. I want you to smile. You can act well I’m sure, but you’ll never truly be happy with me. That’s just as miserable for me.”
“Mina…” Mingyu sighed softly. “I’m-.”
“Don’t you dare...” She said quickly. “I should apologize. I’ve taken two months of your life that you should have been spending in bliss with someone else. I won’t take her spot anymore. It hurts now, but I’ll be okay.” Mingyu nodded. “You should go find her.”
Mingyu’s head was still reeling from the experience. “I don’t think she wants to see me.” He said.
“She does,” Mina assured. “She has all of your presents still displayed in her home, and when she talked about you today, her eyes still had that same sparkle in them.” Mingyu watched Mina step closer to him. She got on her tiptoes, balancing herself by holding onto his arm as she kissed his cheek. He felt his ears heat up, and he looked away from her for a second. It made her laugh.
“Even so, she’s upset with me.” He said. “I messed it all up.”
Mina shrugged. “I know exactly what will make her feel better.” She suggested. “If I’ve learned anything about the both of you, a gift is the one thing she always expects from you when you’re away for so long.” Mingyu finally felt a real smile form on his face, and Mina once again was hit by its infectiousness.
“Okay.” He said. “I’ll take you back to the house and then-.” Mingyu stopped his mind immediately beginning to think. She watched him; her smile still prevalent as she waited to see what he would come up with. “I have an idea. I need to make some phone calls.” Mina watched as Mingyu prepared to stro forward, but stilled. Mina caught his gaze. “Come on.” He said.
“I’ll take you home.” He smiled. “I also need your help.”
“My help?” Her eyes widened. “Even after all of this?” Mingyu nodded.
“I need to know what you think of my idea.” Mina hesitated for a minute, unsure if she should go. She remembered what happened the last time she tried to help him. However, the longer she stared at his beaming face, the harder she was finding it to say no.
“Okay…” she finally breathed out, before approaching him. Mingyu grinned, and the duo descended the steps. It only took a second for Mingyu to look in her direction.
“You’re not actually going to Japan to marry that ‘drunken fool’, right?” Mina had to laugh, covering her mouth.
“Over you? I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
You watched as Joshua and Jeonghan paced the room in front of you. They seemed stressed, but a different kind of stress than they have expressed ever since your contracts flashed red in the first place. You had no idea what to say because you were just as lost as them, and you simply waited with bated breath for one of them to speak.
Finally, Jeonghan chose to. “We have another shot.”
“How?” Joshua asked. “Mingyu is living with another woman and has a ring on her finger.”
“Thanks for the mental image.” You said. Joshua quickly offered you a sympathetic look.
“Well, if it’s not red any more then that means we didn’t fail. It’s back at neutral.” Jeonghan said simply.
“I know that.” Jeonghan put his hand on his hips.
“We should really call Seungcheol now.” He said.
“I think you just want to see me get beat up again,” Joshua said.
“No.” He sighed. “But he’s the only one who knows exactly what is going on. He can tell us what this means.”
“That makes sense.” You finally popped up. “If he’s the head angel of your group, then he must be in the loop with how everything is going. Maybe he can give us more details.”
“I can if you want.” The three of you looked towards the new voice that popped into the conversation, eyes on the balcony. Seungcheol stepped in, closing the balcony door behind him. He put his hands in his pockets. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see you again.”
You pursed your lips together, confused by how jovial he sounded as he said that. “Thanks?” Seungcheol grinned at your question.
“Is it just you?” Jeonghan asked.
“Yeah.” He clapped his hands together. “I told them that if you two don’t screw this up royally again, they can all come with me to welcome you back home.” The duo shared a glance before Seungcheol began to explain. “I can’t say much, but I do know that both of you are so incredibly lucky. Whatever happened to Mingyu and this girl, probably won’t last. You need to act right now.”
“But what do we do?” Jeonghan asked.
“What even happened?” Joshua asked. Seungcheol glanced at you, the intensity of his stare making you shiver.
“Don’t be too upset with him, okay?” He suggested. “Hear him out.”
“Okay.” You said softly.
Seungcheol walked up to the two angels before him, patting their shoulders. “I can’t really say much else.” He said. “If he comes to you, help him out. Even if you’re upset with him-.” His eyes shot at Joshua, who immediately avoided his gaze. “I can’t stay around or do anything to interfere. But I’ll have my eyes and ears on everything.”
“Okay,” Jeonghan said.
“I feel like we’re about to rob a bank.” You said. You didn’t expect the trio to give you absolutely disgusted looks even suggesting something like that would happen. “I’m kidding.” You emphasized.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu was pacing the floor of his living room frantically. “Please pick up. Please.” He begged to himself, listening as the phone continued to ring and ring. Finally, when he heard a confused ‘Hello’, he gasped. “Hyung!”
“…Mingyu?” Hoshi sat up at his desk, pencil in hand and phone on the other. He looked over at his bed, where Jihoon was propped against the side. His eyes immediately rose from his phone.
“Hyung, I need your help. Minnie and Seungkwan won’t pick up.”
“They’re not happy with you.” He pointed out.
“Hyung, I need to make this right and I have my chance. I really need all of your help.”
“What about Mina?”
His eyes darted to the woman in question as she turned her phone off, sticking it into her pocket and examining her luggage, the one time this would probably ever happen. “I’ll explain everything to you when we meet. Please.”
He heard Hoshi hum on the other line and he was beginning to grow impatient. However, he had no room to make demands on Hoshi or any of his friends. He heard the bedroom door open and saw Mina pull a few suitcases into view. He hurried over, grabbed them, and helped her bring one to the living room, his phone still pressed between his ear and shoulder. It seemed she was on the phone as well, listening to the other person on the line. “Hyung, please.” He begged. “You don’t have to talk to me anymore after this if you can’t forgive me. Just help me.”
“Fine.” Hoshi finally said. “I’ll call the others and talk to them.”
“Thanks, Hyung.” He said. “I’m going to get dinner in an hour. If you guys help, please meet me there, okay? I’ll put the address in a group chat”
“Okay,” Hoshi said before hanging up. The uncertainty in his friend's voice made Mingyu exhale a deep sigh of anxiety. Looking down at his phone, he watched his background pop up. He had yet to change it since getting it back from his father, one of you, and him at the fireworks on the beach, holding up a half-burnt sparkler. It was one of the ones that did not get the entirety of the fireworks in the background. He could see Hoshi in the corner of the screen, remembering him and Seungkwan running around with their sparklers. He pulled up his photos, scrolling to that one and the others that surrounded it. His phone was a wall of similar pictures stacked beside one another of the both of you at the fireworks. He scrolled a bit farther, coming across photos of the group of you the morning of your birthday, stuffing their faces with muffins and coffee. Mingyu pulled up a picture of you standing with Hoshi and Minnie, Hoshi’s hands reached up to put a little birthday crown on your head. Even behind his arm, he could still make out your amused grin.
“Are they going to help?” she asked. Mingyu looked over, thumb ghosting over the photo before he could swipe. Mina offered him a little smile.
“I hope.” He said. “I can’t blame them if they don’t.”
“If I know anything about your friends, they’ll come through. They just seem that those kinds of people.” She walked over, catching sight of the photo on his phone. Mingyu held back the urge to stick his phone in his pocket when Mina reached out and took it. She looked at the picture. “I regret not coming downstairs for presents and stuff.” She said. “I was too emotional about everything. I made Jihoon tell everyone I was asleep.”
“Oh,” Mingyu said. Mina motioned the phone back as if to ask if she could continue to scroll silently. Mingyu, though a bit hesitant, nodded. She smiled, her finger swiping through each photo.
“She looked really pretty.” She said. Looking over at Mingyu, she smiled. “Must have been romantic.”
“Aha…” Mingyu’s cheeks turned red, averting his eyes. Mina handed his phone back with an amused giggle.
“No need to tell me the details. I know,” she said. “I saw.” When she saw Mingyu’s nervous smile turn into a stunned and embarrassed expression spread across his entire face, she laughed a bit. “Don’t look at me like that. You did it right in the open in front of the house. I’m sure everyone saw.”
“You think?”
“I’m almost confident,” she said, leaving Mingyu to groan in embarrassment at his hands. She simply strolled to the front door and patted her luggage. “Now, let’s get this by the door so they’re ready for my car.”
“Your car?” Mingyu’s eyes widened.
“I called while you were on the phone. I’ll be heading to the airport right away and going home.”
Mingyu waited with Mina outside of the house for her car, the one that would take her to the airport. “Are you going to be fine waiting at the airport?” he asked. Mina laughed a bit, nodding her head.
“Yes. I can easily have the family plane sent over to get me. If not, I have enough money for a ticket. My father won’t let me go back without a good enough explanation and I’m not really ready to explain everything yet. Besides, I miss home. Living in Korea forever would have eventually made me really homesick.” She turned to Mingyu, who stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels as a way to pass the time. “Make sure you actually get her to forgive you, okay?”
Mingyu’s expression soured. “You think she won’t?” he asked.
“No,” Mina assured. “I do. I’m just saying to make sure it will work.” Mingyu nodded. “And if you’re not planning to stop talking to me after this, I hope we can still work together one day.” Mingyu chuckled to himself, nodding.
“Maybe,” he said. Mina nodded her head. “Only if you promise to not marry that sleaze.”
“I told you I won’t.” She said behind a laugh, and Mingyu chuckled along with her. She felt a warm bubble in her stomach as his laugh hit her ears, a feeling she had long missed since all this happened. “This is exactly what I wanted,” she said, looking up at him again. Mingyu cocked an eyebrow, unsure of what she meant. However, she turned her heel, watching as the car she called for was approaching. “Ah. There.” she motioned to the car as it pulled up to them, the driver stepping out to help with bags. Mina turned to Mingyu one final time. “Go get her back, okay? Don’t let my sacrifice be in vain.”
“Oh, sacrifice, hm?” Mingyu again had to chuckle in amusement. He picked up her heaviest luggage, sticking it into the trunk before closing it. The driver opened the passenger’s door for her, and she offered him one more look. "Get home safe,” he said. Mina nodded her head politely.
“Bye.” She said, before slipping into the car. Mingyu crossed his arms over his chest as the car started up, pulling from the house and onto the street until it was out of his sight. It was then he felt his phone going off in his pocket a mile a minute, and he had to keep himself calm, the only indicator of his excitement being the corners of his lips curling into a smile. He immediately returned to the house to get his own things and head to the restaurant.
He would fix all of it. He just needed to plan.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyy sat at the table of the restaurant, eyes darting nervously around the room. Servers were brought out food, patrons strolled in and out. The longer he waited, the slower time seemed like it was going. Therefore, the more anxious he got. Leaning back in his seat, he covered his eyes. They said they would come. Where are they? He thought to himself. Did they change their minds?
“Are you falling asleep over here?” A familiar voice alerted Mingyu straight ahead, watching as Seungkwan and Hoshi nestled in the booth across from him. Minnie plopped at his side, setting her bag on the table in front of her. He glanced at the figure at the edge of the table, where Jihoon was standing. Awkwardly. It was obvious that without Joshua, Jeonghan, or you in the mix, Jihoon kind of looked like the adult who was unfortunately placed at the kids dinner table.
Sensing the moment of awkwardness, he nodded his head. “...I was at Hoshi’s when you called.” He said simply, motioning to the flustered individual at his side. Mingyu couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, nodding his head.
“No, it’s a good thing you came. I didn’t know how to get in contact with Joshua or Jeonghan without…” his voice trailed off, but he shook his head. “That’s not the worry right now. I’m glad you guys came. I really thought you wouldn’t want to.”
“I was debating it,” Minnie said. “After the shit that happened at the engagement party.”
“I know.” Mingyu sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Where is she anyway?” Hoshi asked, looking around. “Mina.”
“She…” Mingyu needed another deep breath, his heart beating in his chest like a wild animal attempting to escape its cage. “She went back home.” The stunned expressions from the table were expected, and Mingyu continued. “We uh…she ended it.”
“You’re fucking kidding.” Minnie gasped, eyes wide. Mingyu nodded sheepishly.
“Yeah. That’s why I called. I want to make things right. With everyone. You guys first.” He was clearly getting embarrassed the more he thought about it. “I fucked everything up and I am so sorry. All the help you guys offered me for her birthday plans at the beach house and I threatened all of it because of my father and his stupid fucking threats.”
“...Threats?” Hoshi asked soft worry in his voice.
Seungkwan’s “threats?” were laced with so much curiosity that his eyes widened. Mingyu nodded.
“He has files on all of you from school. He’s been keeping tabs since I started school and I had no idea. When he heard I had started a relationship he threatened all of your futures.” He shook his head.
“You really hurt her,” Minnie said, and Mingyu nodded in agreement, eyes cast down on the table. “I don’t think she’ll ever recover.”
“I know. And instead of sticking up to him and calling his bluff, I sat my ass down and took it.” He shook his head. “It’s almost laughable now. I’m so embarrassed.”
“You should be,” Minnie said. “It was a stupid decision that came out of nowhere.”
“I know,” he said. “But that’s why I need your guy's help. I want to make it right. Please.” he glanced at Jihoon, who simply listened, his eyes cast out the window. He scanned his friend's faces, all of whom took the silence to process what Mingyu had said. None of them looked shocked, but none of them looked angry either. The neutrality in their faces seemed to fuel the dread in Mingyu’s chest even more. “Please…” he said again. “Do I need to get on the floor and deep bow? I will.”
“...Absolutely, Hyung,” Seungkwan said, only to receive a stern look from Minnie. “What? He offered.” Before Minnie could convince Mingyu not to, he got out of his seat in the booth. The group looked around at the surrounding patrons, all of whom bore witness to this six-foot man kneeling down on the marble restaurant floor, hands pressed at his sides as he lowered his head all the way to the floor.
“I’ll stay here as long as I have to. Until you agree to help me. Not forgive me, but help me. Please, I cannot lose her over this. Or you guys….”
When silence filled the booth, he waited for the sound of squeaking shoes to follow. He knew it was coming, so he closed his eyes, forehead pressed firmly to the cool floor. However, instead of squeaking shoes, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Finally propping himself up, he saw Seungkwan leaning over.
“I was kidding,” he said in amusement. “Of course we’ll help.” Relief washed over Mingyu and it took every fiber of his being not to cry. He got up, sliding back in the booth. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Seungkwan stopped him. “We cannot listen to your plan on empty stomachs, Hyung.”
“You’re shameless,” Jihoon commented with a grin, and Seungkwan’s shield of confidence immediately crumbled him into a blushing mess. Mingyu, however, simply grinned.
“Order whatever you guys want,” he said, motioning for Jihoon to finally sit. “Before my father cancels my card. Max it out for all I care!” He leaned forward, calling over his waitress to finally begin serving them before finally diving into his plan.
As his table melted into the familiar chatter he had long since missed, he knew he could do this. ‘
Suddenly, Seungkwan’s eyes widened behind his drink. “Minnie! Give me my money back!”
“What? Why?!” She gasped.
“I told you the engagement would end!”
“You place a bet on me?!” Mingyu gasped.
“I said that he would end the engagement.” Minnie snapped back. “So technically you don’t win.”
“Neither do you!”
“...You place a bet on me?!” MIngyu asked again when he realized he was ignored the first time. Jihoon patted Mingyu on the shoulder, shaking his head.
“They’ve placed about 3 bets on you.” He said simply. Mingyu rolled his eyes in annoyance, watching as the duo argued well through the meal.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
It was the following day when Joshua and Jeonghan were planning lunch. Joshua went to get it, assuming it would be you, returning from a needed stroll that you had decided to take in hopes of clearing your head. However, he was shocked when Hoshi and Jihoon were standing at the door.
“Not the pairing I would have expected, but I am pleased regardless.” He saw Jihoon sneak him a displeased sneer. “What do you need?”
“Mingyu needs your help.” Joshua could hear Jeonghan hurrying towards the door as well when the sink turned off, poking his head into the conversation. “We need to all meet at the campus as soon as possible. Do you have any art supplies?”
“Would the school not have art supplies?” Jeonghan cocked an eyebrow. “Why?” He brushed off the side eye from Joshua.
“What does he have planned?” Joshua asked curiously. Jihoon and Hoshi shared a look.
“How much time do we have before she gets home?” Jihoon asked curiously.
“A little while, I guess,” Jeonghan said.
“Let’s go,” Hoshi said, motioning them out. “We’ll explain on the way.” Despite being confused, Jihoon and Hoshi simply took the duo’s wrists and led them out of the apartment, Jeonghan struggling to close and lock up as he was being tugged away.
By the time you had gotten home, the apartment had been quiet for some time, the sun already dipping further behind the horizon. You saw the counters in the kitchen were filled with food mid-prep, an unusual sight. “Did they forget something?” You mumbled to yourself. Simply brushing your confusion off as nothing, you headed into the bathroom. “I need to shower. Even when it’s getting cold, I sweat.” With your arms stretched over your head, you made your way into the bathroom and closed the door behind you.
A warm shower was just what you needed to loosen your tight joints and muscles, some of which were still sore from the walking you were doing around the block. When you stepped out, you immediately sensed something. The same stillness that welcomed you home was still looming through the apartment. Tugging your shirt over your torso, you poked your head out of the bathroom again. “Hello?” you called. Nothing. “…Joshua?” You called. “Jeonghan?” Again, nothing. “Huh.” You stepped into the living room, sinking onto the couch and crossing your arms.
For only a moment, the peace that being alone left you with made you feel just that, peace. You turned the TV on, flipped through a magazine, and scrolled your phone. However, even with the buzz of the TV before you low, the silence was deafening. You looked over to the door, then the balcony. Nothing.
“What am I supposed to do?” You muttered to yourself. “I can’t remember what being alone feels like.” You hummed at the thought. Joshua and Jeonghan had been by your hip this long, being alone felt like a new experience. Even when you felt at your loneliest, they were always there to try their best to cheer you up. Looking down at your hands, you balled them into fists. “I really screwed everything up for them, hm?” you mumbled to yourself. It wasn’t cold, but your hands rubbed one another as if they tried making friction to warm up. “How many people can say that they fuck up a contract with two angels? It’s once in a lifetime and I completely missed the mark.”
You rose from the couch once more, making your way into the bedroom for some pajamas, ready to nestle into something comfy and end your day with a warm meal and maybe a beer. All you saw to even begin to remind you that they have been living in your apartment for the past few months was a few photos of the three of you along the college campus, and the beautiful burgundy dress that was hanging out of your closet. You walked over to it, gently tugging at the cloth. Your fingers brushed against it, tickled by the gentle feel of the fabric along your fingers. “This will be nice to wear for Christmas.” It was at the mention of the holiday, which was still two months away, but felt so close to you, that Mingyu popped in your mind for the first time in a while. His smile danced through your mind as he held out your birthday present. His hands ghosted along your neck and collarbone and he adorned it on your neck. You sighed, finally pushing the dress deeper into the closet and closing it, hoping to completely block the memories from resurfacing again.
It was then you heard the door opening, and you returned from your home. Expecting Joshua and Jeonghan, you were stunned to see Minnie. She turned to you, tugging her hair into a ponytail and smiling. “Hey.” She said.
“Hey.” You walked over. “What are you doing here? Everything okay?”
“Oh, everything is more than okay.” She said. “In fact, we need to go out.”
“What?” You asked. “Right now?”
“Right now.” She said simply. “Go get dressed.”
“I’m already dressed.” You said. Unimpressed eyes scanned your tee shirt and jeans, before staring directly at you with another wide grin.
“Go get dressed into something else.” She corrected. When you opened your mouth to respond, Minnie only pointed. “Go. There’s no time to argue with me. Trust me, okay?”
“What should I wear?” you asked, finally walking back into your room. You heard Minnie following behind. “I was planning on staying in tonight.”
“Wear something cute. Maybe a skirt and a cute top? Oh! Or maybe-.”
“Nicha Yontararak.” You said. Minnie’s eyes widened at the mention of her Thai name. “You did not set me up on a blind date, did you?”
“What?” Minnie scoffed. “No.”
“Minnie.” You said, unimpressed by her attempt to lie.
“I really didn’t!” She said quickly. “Trust me! Now, get dressed so we can go!”
She watched as you scanned your drawers for an outfit that better matched her very vague description of ‘cute’. “You’re going to 100 percent thank me later.”
“I very highly doubt that, considering how confused I am.” Grabbing a long-sleeved striped tee shirt, you made your way to the closet. Digging through, your eyes hit your red dress again, but you immediately pushed it from view in favor of a pair of denim overalls. “There. Better?” Minnie watched you hold the outfit up, her hands stopping mid-text on her phone. It took her a second, but she smiled.
“Perfect.” She said. You watched her look down, typing away on her phone once again.
“Who are you texting?” you asked curiously. “He’s waiting.”
“You’re date.” She grinned.
She only laughed as you groaned. “Minnie, what?!”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“I hope everything goes well,” Mingyu said.
“It will,” Hoshi said in assurance.
“Unless it doesn’t. Y’know, being horribly last minute and everything.”
“Why do we still invite you to things?” Seungkwan asked, looking down at the grinning Jihoon as he walked over to a collection of items everyone had brought.
“Hoshi told me to come.”
Hoshi had to cover his face when he felt Seungkwan give him a very amused side glance, choosing to ignore his friend as he continued to work. “I think this will be amazing, Mingyu!” Hoshi said frantically, hoping to divert Seungkwan’s attention. He was holding a few string lights in his hands, smiling.
“You think? Jihoon-Hyung’s right, it’s last minute.”
“It’ll be fine,” Jeonghan said. He patted Mingyu on the shoulder, making the broader individual look over. “She’ll love it.” He nodded, eyes wandering over to Joshua. He was sitting at one of the picnic tables, markers, and papers from the art room spread in front of him. He was scribbling something down, eyes focused on his job: making a few signs. He had already done 3, and this was going to be his fourth. Mingyu excused himself from Jeonghan, who watched him approach Joshua. Jeonghan crossed his arms before Jihoon called him over to help with collecting lights from a box. “Aaah, I’m already too tired for this.” he groaned, only to be ignored when a fistful of lights were stuffed in his arms.
Mingyu sat down across from Joshua, only the movement of the table making him look up. He set his markers down. Mingyu, flustered, looked down at the current sign. It was white, the only color coming from the red and pink hearts surrounding what looked to be the pencil sketch of a saying.
“Do you have everything?” Joshua finally cut through the silence. Mingyu nodded, patting his pocket in reassurance.
“Yep.” He said simply. Joshua nodded, eyes darting back down to color in one of the hearts. “Do you think she’ll forgive me?” He asked softly. Joshua could hear the worry and uncertainty in Mingyu’s voice, directing his attention back to the man across from him. Mingyu pressed his hands together in a tight ball. His eyes were shaking with unanswered questions. Setting the marker down, Joshua shrugged.
“I can’t say for sure,” he said.
“You spend more time with her than anyone,” Mingyu said. “That’s kind of why I’m here asking you.” Joshua nodded his head. “I can tell you’re still mad at me. I don’t blame you.”
“I’m not mad,” Joshua said, crossing his arms and leaning back. He scrunched his nose as he thought, finally nodding his head. “Just disappointed.”
“Oh come the fuck on.” Mingyu groaned with a slight chuckle, palm pressed to his forehead. He heard Joshua chuckle a bit and looked up once again. Joshua spun the sign towards Mingyu. A red marker spun in his direction as well, and Mingyu cocked an eyebrow. Joshua looked down at the paper, a small smile on his lips. “What?” Mingyu asked.
“You have to write the ‘I love you’ of course,” Joshua explained. When he saw Mingyu’s cheeks tint pink, Joshua only pushed the marker closer.
“Why can’t you write it?” Mingyu asked.
“Because if I do then I know someone over there will absolutely make it a bigger deal than it is.” Joshua pointed to the group of individuals who crowded the rest of the supplies. Mingyu chuckled, finally reaching out and taking the marker. Joshua leaned his cheek on his hand as he watched Mingyu write the phrase. “Besides. She wants to hear it from you, not me….” Mingyu’s hand stopped writing for a second, glancing up at Joshua as he simply reached for another color, leaning over and adding a few little doodles and decorations in the corners.
“...She really thought it was me she was confessing to?” He asked. Joshua nodded his head.
“Yeah. It was kind of cute.” he chuckled to himself. “She’s crazy about you, Mingyu. Did you know the first night I met her she was drunk and crying about you going on vacation?”
“Shut up, she was not.” Mingyu’s eyes widened. Joshua nodded, the duo chatting over the first night you and Joshua met as they doodled around the rest of the poster.
Nighttime got closer, which meant you were on your way with Minnie. Knowing this made Mingyu’s palms sweaty, and he paced the area in hopes of calming himself down. He felt his heart pick up, and he let out a shaky breath. “Oh, God I might throw up.” He put his hands on his hips, walking a few paces back and forth. “What if she doesn’t forgive me?”
“Mina’s still available,” Jihoon said. Hoshi hit him in the arm as he laughed. Mingyu took a few deep breaths.
“You think she’ll like all of this?” he motioned to the scene before him, to his friends who all once again banded together to help him out in a bind. Mina was right, they all really were there when it mattered.
“If we didn’t think it would work, we wouldn’t be here,” Seungkwan said simply, peeling at a few boxes of wrapped lights. “Just tell her how you feel.”
“I did that already. Like twelve times.”
“Do it a thirteenth,” Jeonghan said.
Mingyu ran his hand through his hair and snorted. “Oh wow. Thanks…” Among the snickering individuals, he heard someone calling his name. When he looked over, he saw one of the lingering students chatting to someone, pointing to the group in the field. Mingyu sprinted over to the edge of the field, where a woman in a pair of slacks, a bun with a baseball cap, and a polo shirt with a company logo on it. She had a white bag gripped in her hands. Mingyu studied the logo and saw it read Byeong Florist.
“Kim Mingyu?.” She asked. Mingyu nodded and was given a white bag. He took it from her hands, muttering a quick thank you before the woman nodded her head. He watched her walk away for a minute.
“What the…?” Mingyu looked down, opened it up, and looking inside. He was immediately met with a little bouquet of flowers, and his eyes widened. “Hm?” He pulled them out, seeing a note fall to his feet. He knelt down and picked it up, flipping the paper open.
Don’t worry. They’re not meant to be from me to you. Give them to her, okay? She’ll love them. Good luck! - Mina
When Mingyu looked up, the florist delivery woman was already gone, and Mingyu couldn’t help but chuckle. “Alright, then…” he said. Turning his head, he admired the scene before him. “She’ll probably be here soon,” he said.
“Minnie said they were on their way about 5 minutes ago,” Seungkwan said.
“What!?” Mingyu’s eyes widened. “Oh, crap. Okay, what am I supposed to do? Uh-.” Joshua watched as Mingyu rambled to himself, trying to figure out exactly what else he could do to make this perfect before you arrived. He reached out, putting his hand on Mingyu’s shoulder once more. Mingyu looked over, confused as to the sudden increase in Joshua’s physical touch at the moment. Joshua smiled.
“If you stress, she’ll notice.” He said simply. Mingyu felt his shoulders relax, and Joshua could feel his fingers tingle just a little bit. “You’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” Mingyu breathed out, nodding his head. “Fine.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“Why are we going to the campus?” you asked, looking at Minnie. “Aren’t classes just about done for the day?”
“Yeah,” Minnie said. “That’s the perfect time for a date. Nobody is there to bother you. The guy is really nice. He goes to our school.”
“How do you know him?” you asked.
“We are in the same economics class.” She said simply. You hummed. “Just give him a chance. You should get back out there instead of crying over Mingyu.”
“I’ve done no such thing.” You huffed in embarrassment. Minnie’s eyes pierced you. “…Recently.”
Minnie eyed the school as it came into view, and you gulped. The idea of going on a date with someone when you spent all of your college life pining after Mingyu seemed…weird. You didn’t think you’d ever do something like this. However, Minnie reached out and took your hand. “Don’t worry.” She said. “I promise I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”
“Okay.” You said softly. “I guess I’ll trust you.” Your friend smiled in excitement, before picking up the pace. As the both of you headed onto campus, you looked around. Most of the buildings were dark, and closed for the night. A few handfuls of students were still around campus, most heading home for the night or to the library for a late-night study session. You caught a few glances in your direction. In fact, a lot of people were looking in your direction. You looked at Minnie once more. “Why do I feel everyone we see is staring at us?” you asked. “Do I look ridiculous?”
“No. You look cute.” She assured. “Don’t mind them.” Minnie led you down one of the paths on campus, towards the fields where you and Mingyu had originally planned for your birthday weekend. You could remember Mingyu eagerly telling you how he had planned everything for you already, and how excited that made you. The memory made you smile, and Minnie seemed to notice. “You haven’t even seen everything yet, and you’re smiling?”
“Everything?” you asked. “I thought we were meeting one of your classmates.”
“I lied, dummy.” Minnie grinned. Before you could ask for further information, you and Minnie both turned the corner. When your eyes landed on the field a few feet away, they immediately widened.
Mingyu was standing on the field. It was dark, but you could make out his basic features. He was pacing the feet around him, seemingly deep in thought. You looked at Minnie, who shook her head.
“Idiot, I told him to put all of the lights on early so we can all see. It’s getting too dark.” She muttered. “HEY! Mingyu!” Immediately he looked up, and you felt a gust of wind beside you. When you turned to check it, Minnie was already long gone, hidden back around the corner. You could see her long black hair poking out a bit under one of the campus street lights. You turned your attention back to Mingyu once more, and he only smiled in your direction. You hesitated as you stepped onto the field, trying to get a better idea of what was going on. The light of the moon and the few lights still on only left you with a basic and dim view of Mingyu and his attire, standing in front of what looked to be a tree. You watched him turn to you.
When he called your name, you felt your heart speed up, pounding in your ears as the lights turned on. 
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
Imagine starting a job at Hybe and catching the attention of none other than Mingyu himself but this isn't the first time you've met...
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You'd always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and you finally achieved that when you were offered a place a Hybe as a dancer. You moved to Seoul for the role and were ready to start your new life. You had some friends already in the city, and on your first night, they took you out for a welcome meal and drinks. While you were in a bar your friends noticed a good-looking man a few tables away looking at you but you didn't really care. When you came out with friends that was the only thing on your mind so he could be the hottest guy in the world but you wouldn't talk to him. This was pretty accurate considering the man was none other than Seventeen's Mingyu.
The man continued to watch you but you just ignored him. Then when you were walking to the bar the man called out to you. "Miss I think you forgot this" he called holding out a tissue to you and you paused "that's not mine". The boy hesitated before saying "are you sure because I'm certain it is. Do you want to check?". You shook your head "no it's definitely not" and went to walk away when he laughed. "Okay so it's not but I wrote my phone number on it and was trying to do a whole bit...basically I think you're really pretty and promised my friends I'd ask you out". You looked behind him and sure enough, his friends were watching. You smiled "that's nice of you but I'm not looking to date anyone at the moment, plus I'm out with my friends and so guys are the last thing on my mind". The man nodded "of course sorry for bothering you". You shook your head "no problem have a nice night" and walked away. When you got back to your table your friends asked why you didn't take the number and you shrugged "he was a stranger". "But a hot one!" your friend cried and you looked at her "and?". Your friends laughed "so you haven't become a huge softie when it comes to love and romance huh?" your friend asked and you shook your head "nope. That's just not who I am and nothing will make me that way".
You had a lovely rest of your night and enjoyed a peaceful weekend before your first week at work. You arrived on the first day and were given a tour. They told you you'd be working with a mix of Hybe groups but in particular you'd be with Enhypen, Le Sserafim and Seventeen. You didn't know tons about kpop, mainly just the iconic dances but knew Hybe had great dancers so we're excited. The tour took you to the groups' different floors and the final stop was Seventeen's. They weren't rehearsing and all appeared to be messing around which the tour guide didn't seem to like but you got a good glimpse at the guys and spotted one familiar face.
The guy from the bar! He was in there! You couldn't believe it and wanted to stay to make sure but were hurried along. The second you had a break, you pulled out your phone and searched the Seventeen members and got a name. Mingyu. One of the main visuals of Seventeen who you'd now be working...whose offer of a date you'd rejected. Luckily he had a reputation for being a nice guy so you figured he'd just pretend nothing happened or hell he might not even recognise you. The more you read about him the more you figured he was a guy who got tons of romantic attention. He probably found another girl 5 minutes after you so you thought he might not remember it and you weren't going to remind him. However, when you were introduced he dropped his water bottle loudly and suddenly, so you guessed he remembered you.
Mingyu planned to act like he didn't know you but he was pretty sure he'd blown his cover so just decided to come over to you. "Hi" he said nervously and you smiled back "Hey". "So last weekend?" he asked and you chuckled "I wasn't sure if you'd remember me". "Of course I would" Mingyu said "I obviously had no idea who you were and my timing is wonderful as always. I'm sorry if I made this uncomfortable". You shook your head "no not at all, it's fine". Mingyu smiled "good well welcome and I promise to be nothing but professional" saluting awkwardly and you could see the regret going through his eyes as he did i. You laughed slightly and smiled back "that sounds great and thanks for welcoming me" and did a mini salute back. Mingyu laughed and nodded "no worries" and walked away.
Some of the members had seen you talking but when they asked Mingyu what you were discussing he just shrugged "nothing I was just welcoming her". Scoups shook his head "of course you're flirting with the new dancer on our first meeting with her". Mingyu shook his head denying it but the boys didn’t let him drop it. “She’s totally your type as well” Jeonghan said and Hoshi nodded “yeah she looks like that other girl Mingyu liked!” and the others all nodded. “It must be fate” Dk smiled at him but Mingyu thought fate was too kind a word for you turning up at his work suddenly.
However the good news was nobody knew what had happened between you. The friends Mingyu had been with at the bar were kpop idols from different groups so his members had no idea what was going on. You weren’t going to tell them and were acting pretty chill so Mingyu knew you’d keep the secret safe…but that didn’t mean Mingyu forgot about the encounter. He found it hard to move on especially seeing you every day. He of course still thought you were pretty as he had that night in the bar but his attraction to you exploded the second he saw you dance. You were an extremely skilled dancer, your body could perform any style effortlessly and you picked up choreo easily. You looked very good when you danced and Mingyu felt even more impressed and attracted to you. Then as he spent more time with you he realised you were also very funny and he loved your cool blunt personality. You were very honest and a lot of fun to be around...which made everything so much harder for Mingyu. He was the type of person who couldn't hide his feelings well. His emotions were displayed clearly on his face and so he couldn't help acting a little differently with you and his members began to say he was "whipped" for you.
Whenever you entered a room Mingyu sat up straighter or stood taller which considering his height was very noticeable but Mingyu would pretend he hadn't seen you. He tried to act very blasé, leaning back casually on whatever was behind him or striking a pose which the members found hilarious. They also noticed how his wardrobe seemed to have lost material and now his arms were regularly out and his abs whenever he fanned his face with his t-shirt which was every few minutes. He claimed it was just the weather but considering he stretched right in front of you they didn't believe him. Then whenever Mingyu spoke to you he also adopted this cool guy routine and basically fell over himself to agree with you and seem macho. One day you said you didn't eat meat much and could easily go without it. Mingyu agreed with you making all the members nearly explode. He was full of smiles whenever you talked to him but pretended afterwards that he didn't really care.
After one such occasion, Woozi decided to say something. "So should we address the elephant in room...or well giraffe?" he asked looking at Mingyu. Several members guessed what this was about and began laughing but Mingyu was clueless. "What?" he asked when several people stared at him and Jeonghan smiled at him "Y/n". Mingyu froze, worried they'd heard he asked you out. "What about her?" he said in an unconvincing attempt to be casual. "Oh come on!" Seungkwan said "it's so obvious you're into her". "No I'm not!" Mingyu tried but Scoups laughed "yes you are! You're a mess anytime she walks near you". "Not to mention the sucking up, you agree to anything she says!" The8 pointed out. Mingyu tried to keep up his argument but they just didn't believe him and stopped listening to him.
"You should ask her out" Jeonghan said and Wonwoo nodded "yeah you'd have a good shot". "No no no" Mingyu said and The8 began to ask why. "I think she already has a boyfriend" he said and Seungkwan shook his head "no she doesn't I asked her". "Oh...are you sure because I swear I saw her with a guy the other day...". "He's scared" Scoups said laughing and the others joined in. "No I'm not!” Mingyu said which only made the guys tease him more. “You totally are” Jun said and Mingyu sighed “she’s only been here 2 weeks, why would I pounce on her like that?”. “Pounce on who like that?” a voice asked and Mingyu’s life flashed before his eyes as he realised the dancers had re-entered the room…but luckily you still weren’t here yet. It was a group of 3 dancers who had been with the company for ages and that meant they knew exactly what was going on. “Is this about Mingyu drooling over Y/n?” one of them, a girl called Mina, asked and all 12 boys exploded in laughter. They had luckily calmed down when you did re-enter but Mingyu was still on edge. He found himself watching you to see if any of the dancers whispered anything to you and you noticed. You looked up, saw him watching you and smiled. Mingyu smiled back trying to act casual but could feel how pink his cheeks were and could hear the giggles across the room.
The teasing continued all week and Mingyu was worried it was becoming more noticeable. At dinner Seungkwan insisted you sit with them and positioned you right next to Mingyu with a huge smile on his face. One day your car was being fixed and when Dino found out he insisted you get a lift home with them and the guys made sure Mingyu and you ended up with a car all to yourself. Then whenever the two of you were talking in practice Mingyu would feel the guys' eyes on him and it would make him flustered and blush. It was building and building until one day it was undeniable.
Mingyu was stretching before dance practice and you came in and saw him. You smiled and put your water bottle down on a table. Mingyu realised the table was probably a way better place than the floor so he came over and put his down too. "Copying me again?" you asked and Mingyu smiled "I can't help it if you just have a way more logical brain than me okay?". You smiled "it's okay you can borrow my brain power anytime" and patted his arm. DK, Hoshi and Scoups entered while your hand was on Mingyu's arm and DK let out a loud screech before Scoups grabbed him. They dragged him to the other side of the room but were all grinning and started whispering as soon as there was some distance.
There was no hiding what had happened and you turned your back to them before steping closer to Mingyu. “Do they know?” you whispered and Mingyu blinked “about what happened with us? No of course not”. You paused “then what happened there? They've been giggly for a while, has something happened?”. Mingyu’s mind went to panic mode and he shook his head and as Mina entered he just took the first excuse that came to him. “No don’t worry it’s not you they’re laughing at it’s me, see I asked Mina out”. “Mina?” you asked looking to her across the room and Mingyu nodded “yeah and they’re teasing me senselessly about it”. “Ow that makes sense” and then after a pause you smiled “congratulations!”. “Thanks” Mingyu smiled and he answered your polite questions about where he was taking her, how he asked her out etc the best he could. When he got away his first thought was he’d been really smart and dodged a bullet…but then he realised you worked with Mina and could ask her about it anytime, exposing his lie. So panic mode came back.
Mingyu wasn’t sure how he survived dance practice. He spent the whole time trying to catch Min for a talk and tensing anytime the two of you were near each other. You spoke for a little bit in between moves and Mingyu was sweating so bad! Luckily you didn’t discuss him and Mingyu had time to grab Mina and explain his lie.
"So you told Y/n we're going out instead of telling her you like her?" Mina asked and Mingyu nodded "yes". "Okay" she said laughing at how unashamed Mingyu was of that "so when will you tell her?". "I have no idea!" Mingyu said and she laughed again. "So what's your plan? We just pretend to date from now on?". "Well not forever!" Mingyu said and Mina relaxed thinking he'd regained his sanity but she thought too soon. "Just for a few months and then we'll stage a breakup but we don't have to act too differently". Mina blinked "Mingyu that is crazy!". "No it's not, I promise it won't be too much work". "But what if the guys think we are dating?" she asked "The8 knows my actual girlfriend!". "Well Y/n has no reason to mention it to them, I think she'll keep it on the down low". Mina shook her head "Mingyu you need to tell her you can't create such an elaborate scheme like this! It could ruin your chances in the long run". Mingyu sighed "okay okay fine just give me a week?". "A week?" Mina asked and Mingyu nodded "please and I'll have worked something out by then". "You'll tell her?" Mina asked and Mingyu nodded "sure" but what he really meant was he'd find some other way out of it. Mina was placated though and nodded "fine you get to pretend to date me for one week and that's it!" making Mingyu smile "thanks Mina".
So Mingyu had dodged a huge bullet and luckily, you never mentioned he was "dating" Mina to the guys. You kept it to yourself and ignored the members behaviour figuring it wasn't towards you. Mingyu thought his luck was finally changing and then he got a huge curveball.
Mingyu had dodged you as a dancer partner for a while now despite you being the second tallest dancer but no more. The choreographer finally paired you two together and Mingyu's head snapped up when he heard your name. You came to stand beside him, making sure not to look at him at all to show this wasn't a big deal. Mingyu was noticeably awkward around you and hesitant. In the dance, he had to grab your arm and pull you towards him but he was acting all cautious and you worried the choreographer would point it out and then all the guys would see it. "It's okay you can pull me properly" you whispered to him discreetly and he nodded "okay" and did it better. Your worries were for nothing as the choreographer actually really liked your pairing and used you as an example for the others. "See how rigid Mingyu's back is and how Y/n doesn't even look at him? That's the energy we want. You two have the song down naturally". "Thank you" you said and Mingyu smiled pretending it was acting.
You were partners all week because the choreographer liked you together so much so by Friday Mingyu was ready to burst. Mina said this was a good thing because his time was up and Mingyu agreed and planned to tell you that they'd at least broken up on Monday when you showed up at his house.
Seungkwan was throwing a party for his birthday and Mingyu had no idea he'd befriended you quickly enough to invite you to his birthday party. Then again Seungkwan made friends wherever he went so Mingyu expected a big turnout for his 3rd youngest member's party. Mingyu rationalised it wouldn’t be the end of the world and figured he'd just have a fun night with his friends and avoid you but everywhere he seemed to go there you were! Dancing and looking amazing or laughing with his members. He was going to get a drink and stepped into the kitchen to see the fridge open. He walked up to the door and saw it was you, he was going to walk away when he figured that'd be awkward so he stayed. You however hadn't even seen him and jumped when you turned and saw him, spilling your drink all over yourself. "Jesus Chris!" you said and Mingyu grabbed a towel "omg Y/n I'm so sorry". "It's okay" you said dabbing yourself but your top was white and it showed the stain easily. "But your poor top" Mingyu said now realising was becoming see-through and shot his eyes away. You noticed too and panicked holding the tea tower up to it. "It's okay I'll just erm...wait for it to dry". "I can give you something if you want?" Mingyu asked "and then you can swap back at the end of the night".
You agreed so headed upstairs together passing several of his members which didn't help his blush. They didn't dare say anything in front of you but it was so easy to see what they were thinking. Finally, they were out of sight and you paused at the top of the stairs making Mingyu almost crash into you. "Why did you stop?" he asked and you looked at him "I don't know which one is your room". "Of course why would you?" Mingyu asked and slid past you to lead you into his room at the end of the hall.
"Okay so let me find something for you...I'll try and get something white so it's similar" and he rooted through his drawers. Mingyu brought out a few options for you and you went into his ensuite to change. All his tops were big on you and Mingyu tried not to react to how cute it was or how it made him feel to see you in his clothes. Finally, there was one crop top that worked and you looked really good in it. You tucked it into your jeans and looked so cool in it which Mingyu never did. "Does it look okay?" you asked and he agreed it did. "You look really nice" he said before going to spread your t-shirt out on the drying rack.
"You know I have to say your bathroom is the cleanest one I've ever seen" you said and he smiled "yeah I like things nice and tidy". "I noticed and that's a wonderful quality, very impressive". Now Mingyu was blushing "thank you...you're impressive too. You just seem to pick up choreo so quickly. I know being paired with you has made me a better dancer". "That's so sweet!" you smiled "thank you but you're a great performer anyway. I've seen you in past music videos and I'm nothing to do with it". "You've watched my old videos?" Mingyu asked and you paused before nodding. "When I got the job and started I looked into you all and you were on the first one I looked at". "Because of what happened?' Mingyu asked and you shrugged "that was part of it but not all of it. You're very different from what I expected and I guess I just wanted to see more of that. I was trying to work you out so to speak". "Ohh" Mingyu said unsure what else to say "and what did you find?".
You paused unsure why you were feeling so flustered. It probably had something to do with being in a dimly light room with an attractive guy while you were wearing a top that smelt like him. "I found you very confusing" you admitted "just guys like you aren't usually so kind to your members and aren't so good at cooking and stereotypically feminine things". Mingyu smiled "me being able to cook confused you?". "Yes! Young guys, in general, tend not to know how to cook but especially the good-looking ones!" you said before realising you'd called Mingyu good-looking. Surely it wouldn't be a big deal? He knew he was good looking right?
"Thank you" Mingyu said blushing "I often get misconceptions because of how I look". "Pretty people problems" you said sighing sarcastically and Mingyu laughed "oh come on like you don't know! You probably have people asking you out all the time, especially when they see you dance". Now it was your turn to blush "sometimes but not often no...". "Really?" Mingyu asked stunned "that's crazy! Who wouldn't want you? I mean some people have no taste!" before realising he'd gone a little overboard. You were both blushing and neither of you knew what to say. "Thanks for not holding what happened against me I guess" Mingyu said and you chuckled "Mingyu, a good-looking guy asking you out is in no way offensive. You were sweet and respectful and even if everyone knew you'd have nothing to be ashamed of. I was with my friends that's why I said no". Mingyu sat up straighter and his eyes shot to you "really? That was why you said no?". You nodded "yeah that was the main reason...I think if I'd started work the week before I might've said something different though".
Mingyu had goosebumps all over his arms and he was staring at you in disbelief. He couldn't believe what you'd just told him and was cursing his past self for his bad timing. "So if I'd had asked you out at a different time you might've said...". "Yeah I think I would've" you nodded and Mingyu thought his head was going to explode. You could've been his but now...well right now all he could think of was you. You may as well be the only person in the world at this moment and he was overwhelmed with how good you looked and how much he wanted you. Mingyu moved closer to you and laid a hand on your arm. "Mingyu" you whispered seeing his expression and he nodded "what?". "I..." you started when a loud bang on the landing made you both jump and shoot apart.
"Mingyu?" you heard Jeonghan call "are you up here? I need your help". Mingyu rushed to the door and they saw Hoshi on the floor clearly a little drunk. "Help me get him into bed will you?" Jeonghan asked Mingyu before spotting you behind him "if you're not busy...". "No of course not" you and Mingyu both rushed to say, blushing like crazy. "Okay..." Jeonghan said, very much aware he'd interrupted something but you both rushed away from one another and he had more important things to worry about, like a drunk Hoshi at his ankles.
You rushed downstairs and Mingyu busied himself with helping Hoshi. You felt all warm and flustered and had no idea what had just happened upstairs or what else might've happened had Jeonghan not interrupted. Mingyu came back downstairs a little while later and the two of you stayed on opposite sides of the room. Mingyu told himself he’d catch you to talk to but he kept putting it off and then the next thing he knew you’d gone!
This made him very worried because you still thought he was dating Mina so must’ve thought he was going to cheat on her with you. You must be so disappointed in him and weirdly that made Mingyu the most upset. He didn’t want you of all people thinking he was a bad person and so he had to find you! He texted Mina and she said she knew where you lived because she’d dropped you off the other day. She gave Mingyu your address and minutes later he was on his way to yours. Woozi drove him because he hadn’t drunk tonight and Mingyu had. He sat in the passenger seat anxious drumming his hands on his legs and finally after what felt like an eternity of driving for both Woozi and Mingyu, they arrived.
You'd gotten home a little earlier and has just gotten in your pyjamas after washing your face when the door went. You opened it to find a very panicked-looking Mingyu. "Hi" he smiled "can I come in?". You froze thinking back to the last time you were alone together "erm do you think that's a good idea?" you asked. Mingyu's smile fell "please, I really need to talk to you" and you couldn't resist those eyes so you opened your door and he followed you inside.
"So..."Mingyu started "are you okay? After what happened?" he started but that seemed to open the floodgates. "Of course I'm not okay!" you criied and Mingyu blinked "because of what happened at the house? When we..." and you nodded. "But we didn't" Mingyu said "plus it's okay" he said getting ready to explain but you heard those words and got triggered. "Mingyu it is not okay! I like you but just because our thing in the bar happened before you asked Mina out doesn’t mean we get precedence”. Mingyu nodded “Y/n I know” but you kept talking. “And what we almost did was so bad! I can’t think of why we got so close! My best friend was cheated on so I know how horrible it is but I almost did with you and that’s worrying, to think you have the effect on me”. “No Y/n I don’t” Mingyu said but again you carried on “but you do! I was going to kiss you just because I wanted to so badly” you said “but I had my shot with you and I’ve just got to realise that and back off”. “No you don’t!” Mingyu said “I don’t want you to back off or go anywhere!”. “Mingyu that’s sweet but…” you started but Mingyu knew better than to let you start ranting again. “Y/n I’m not with Mina!” he said suddenly making you jump. Mingyu realised and patted your arm “sorry for saying it so loudly but it’s true and that’s what I came here to tell you! We didn’t do anything wrong because I’m not with Mina”. “You’re not?” you asked “but you told me you asked her out”. “Yeah I said that because I didn’t want to tell you the guys were laughing about us! Or well me”. “Wait so they do know about us?” you asked and Mingyu shook his head “no they could just tell I had a crush on you and teased me about it constantly…they still do” he admitted “because they could all see I was super into you without even knowing what happened in the bar”. You blinked “wow…you must’ve been really obvious then huh?” and Mingyu chuckled. “Yeah I wasn’t too good at disguising how I felt and that’s why I panicked when you asked”. You nodded “but just to clarify, you’re not dating Mina?” you asked and Mingyu shook his head “no”. “Good” you smiled “because now I can do this without feeling guilty” and you shifted onto your tiptoes and leaned up to kiss him.
After you separated Mingyu was so dazed he missed what you said and had to ask you to repeat yourself. "I said...did you tell the guys you were dating Mina too?". "No just you" he said blushing and you nodded "ah okay so I don't have to claim my territory or anything around them?". Mingyu shook his head "no but I mean if you want to that's more than fine with me". You smiled "I'll see what I can do" and that was music to Mingyu's ears. "I've never been so excited for work before!" he cried and you laughed.
"You know, I wasn't sure if I was going to go to Seungkwan's party tonight but I'm really glad I did". Mingyu nodded "I'm glad you did too...but I'm sorry I made you leave early. How about we go out and celebrate or something?". You nodded "and I've got the perfect place how about where it all began but this time, my mind is only on you".
"It's a date" Mingyu smiled.
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kpopincandy · 1 month
Groups open for requests!
Stray Kids
Xdinary Heroes
Monsta X
The Boyz
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nnight-dances · 1 year
the title is self-explanatory but also a complete lie, i love all the members so much but thanks to it being like my first month as a seventeen enjoyer, i only so much about so many members. this is purely self-indulgent so feel free to let me know how insane i sound and also, if i messed up their personalities.
as mentioned before, jeonghan is my favorite and thus, you can see how i’m being particularly mean to him. hate is my love language <3 also, someone please teach me how to write scoups because i love the man so much (no idc if he’s like a decade older than me) but could not bring myself to write anything for him. thanks, friends and foes!
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…unrequited love probably? LMAO sorry but he’s my bias and i am convinced his standards are really, really high. like you’d have to discover and name a new continent after him before he looks your way.
okay, i’ll stop being mean and start being more delusional: a strangers to lovers maybe? because i feel like he’d be fascinated by you at first so he’d get to know you slowly. you’re wary of him when he tries to get closer to you,, because like… why is this sly devil of a man throwing you eye smiles left and right?
anyways, the moment you let your guard down around him, he’d invade every waking thought you have until you don’t have a choice but to rant to him… about him. yes, he’d watch with a smug smile on his face, as if he’d planned every second of this, and patiently wait for you to finish before leaning in and kissing you because apparently, his feelings were “obvious enough” (his words when you shriek away from him)
best friends to lovers, for sure (and i imagine it’d be something like this)
it’s because even though he’s extroverted, i just feel like he’s still pretty reserved and so i think it’d take a long time of knowing him to be intimate enough to be a lover?
he wouldn’t have being anything more than friends for a long time because he enjoys the space of a friendship and he thinks of it as a test for how well the two of you can work out. mans taking this way too seriously but it pays off when one day he gets to call himself your boyfriend.
be careful though, i feel like timing matters a lot with him, and if you get it wrong…
ummm this one is hard because the possibilities with hoshi are so endless?? anything could works?? he’s just so loveable that any way you meet him would be so precious
but since he’s introverted, i feel like with him it’d take a long to move on from one phase to another just because both of you are unwilling to budge. like it’s a waiting game with you guys where both of you are constantly dropping hints and neither is picking anything up.
so i’m thinking a fake dating situation for some external pressure that slowly reveals how comfortable pretending to date hoshi seems… maybe because you’ve always been a little more than friends….?
oh god, another loveable one, someone save me… um but in full seriousness, he’s so sweet i can’t imagine anything that wouldn’t work with him
but i’m leaning toward idiots to lovers with a LOT OF mutual pining because neither of you can tell if the other is flirting or just that nice to everyone (spoiler: you both suck at flirting so the fact that the possibility is even being discussed in the slightest… yeah, you’re down bad for each other)
idk he’d be so easy to fall for that even if you’re not generally too good-natured, it’d take everything to not go the extra mile for dk
academic rivals to lovers is soooooo enticing with this one,, because you’d have to match him point to point for his pretentious but wise tendencies to keep up in a romantic relationship
and like, tell me if i’m wrong, but it’d be clear from the beginning that the two of you transcended the boundaries of friends because you’d dwell on the others’ actions for wayy too long for it be friendly banter or even genuinely malicious scheming
just takes you a frustratingly long time to smooth out the feelings because you know you want to maintain a slightly hostile tone when it comes to him or your life would lose all meaning and stimulation
listen … i’m considering one-sided love to lovers? because how could you not fall for wonwoo when you first get to know him? he’s just weirdly good at everything… and so calm
but when you let him know your feelings, i think he’d be so awkward about rejecting you (maybe because doesn’t truly want to) and you’d catch on pretty quick
fast forward to a few months and you’re still friends with him because well… he’s way too captivating for you to leave. so you’ve been pining from the sidelines for a while until wonwoo wakes up one day with the sudden awakening that he enjoys your company as something more than friendship
yeah, took him long enough, but he’s so sweet when he confesses that your heart breaks a little. he apologizes to the verge of tears for making you wait? and thanks you for not abandoning him? and then shyly admits that those things just made him fall for you more.
you don’t understand. there is nothing but an enemies to lovers in store with this one because he looks so normal that you unsuspectingly try to befriend him, only to be shocked by his attitude. he’s a little bitch. and for what.
for one, he’s so hard to understand, only showing the slightest surface of his personality and when he does,,, well, your head’s suddenly throbbing because what the fuck. someone restrain this man.
no but you’re always ready to fight him especially because he makes it his life mission to follow you around and one thing leads to another until he’s … um in love.
you promise you have an out of body experience when he tells you he’s in love with you, showing unprecedented seriousness, and his sincerity alone would’ve been enough to woo you
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luizlara04 · 1 year
A little bit about Dave
Dave Grohl was 8 years old when he knew and became a fan of the album "2112", from the famous band Rush. At the same time he knew and started to love John Bonham, former Led Zepelin drummer, and his style of playing drums. In 1987, when Dave Grohl was a sixteen years old boy, he left a punk rock band called "Dain Bamage" (the name was a pun with the expression "brain damage") and then, took part into an another band, a little bit more famous named "Scream". After an audition, Dave passed to be the new drummer, but he had to lie about his age by saying he was over eighteen while he was, in fact, seveteen years old. Including, in one of the tracks of the Scream's album "Fumble", Dave Grohl is the lead singer in the song "Gods Look Down". Scream was doing fine but, all of the sudden, one year later, the band ended. Bass guitar player Skeeter Thompson, who was one of the leaders and founders of the band decided to left. For some time then, Dave Grohl didn't know what to do, but his friend Buzz Osbourne, from another band called Melvins, watched one of the last concerts of the Scream in the companion of two friends. These two friends were Krist Novoselic and Kurt Cobain. At the end of the concert Buzz introduced Dave to Krist and Kurt, gave him their phone numbers and said they were from Nirvana and were looking for a new drummer. After and audition, Dave was accepted as the new drummer. What happened after that is something everybody knows: Nirvana became a huge sucess, especially after the next album, called "Nevermind". The sad end of Nirvana is well known, the band ended after the episode that happened on April 8, 1994, when Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home with a shotgun across his body, a suicide note was found too, in the same room. The Seattle Police confirmed Kurt's dead was a suicide. Dave Grohl had various songs he wrote during his time at Nirvana, that he including had already recorded at studio. But before he started the Foo Fighters had two invitations to be the new drummer of two great other bands: one from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and another from, believe it or not, Pearl Jam! Yeah friends, can you imagine that? I'm also a great fan of Pearl Jam and would love to see Dave and Eddie Vedder playing together, at least for some time, but I just have to admit Dave made the better decision of starting Foo Fighters. We wouldn't be able to live without Foo Fighters! That's it my friends, see you soon!
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
Hi! Is svt soft hours still open? If yes, wdyt joshua will do when he sulks? Like most people would describe him as the calm, rational person but I still can get off the imagination when he sulks over simple things
- 🌙
hello! yes seventeen soft hours are open 24/7 here hehe!
sulky joshua would be such a cute concept. like he'd try not to show he was upset or sulking but you can tell by the way he's just answering you in short words or 'hmm'. like he'd have a small pout on his face when he sulks maybe which he doesn't realize. after you told him you didn't want to watch the movie and had to finish up some work instead, he softly protests, telling you to take a break but kinda ignore him as you sit on the bed, your laptop in front of you as you type away. he'd softly sulk because he really wanted to cuddle with you.
he'd understand you had work but still the urge to cuddle was strong he would just be ☹️ expect him to sit down next to you in bed with his arms crossed. you'd glance at him a few times. "we can cuddle later hm baby", you repeat and he just says 'hmm" and you know he's sulking.
in the end, after 10 minutes of work, you'd give in to sulky shua and cuddle with him, the smile would be immediate on his face as he gladly wrapped and pulled you in his arms, kissing your cheek.
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eviebyme · 3 years
Hello! Can I request the ideal type for Seventeen Wonwoo? I love what you did with Seungkwan. Thank you and stay safe!
You stay safe as well!! Thanks!🥰🥰
Wonwoo Ideal Type
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Sun in Cancer, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Gemini, Juno in Aries
No preference
No preference again. In fact, I can see language NOT being a barrier for him in a relationship. He’s open to giving anyone a chance.
Ladies, gentlemen, human beings: HE DOES NOT CARE
Just someone who is true to themselves
Physical appearance does not really matter to him
The most I can say is someone who takes care of themselves (takes showers, washes their clothes..)
Independent - He is inspired by the journeys of others and will love to learn about his significant other and watch them grow. Although he loves attention, he can feel suffocated by a partner who is clingy and dependent on him. He needs his alone time where he can be isolated in his room with no interruptions. A partner who is understanding and can give him space without feeling too detached will work well.
Flirty - Although he has a lot of admirers, he hardly ever makes the first move. He is good at picking up the signs but will want them to show interest first. Once they pass the test, he will go all in. But, it is important that his significant other constantly shows him affection because he is sensitive to people’s moods and tends to overthink things. He’ll never say, but he needs reassurance that he is still wanted and his partner is still interested.
Intelligent - Wonwoo thinks intelligence is sexy. He loves having deep conversations and acquiring as much knowledge as possible. A partner who can teach him a thing or two will keep him engaged in the relationship. He is easily bored and is constantly seeking something new, so a partner who is just as inquisitive as him is a great fit.
Loyal - Dont ever lose his trust! You’ll never get it back. He is initially very trusting but he is also easily hurt. In fact, if you hurt him he will never forget and hold on to those feelings. Sometimes he can be suspicious of others and their intentions, so a partner who constantly shows that they are genuine and reliable will help ease his anxiety. He needs someone to accept him for who is is and support him through hard times.
Sensitive - Wonwoo finds someone who is very caring and altruistic very attractive. He has a big heart himself and will admire someone who takes care of others (especially him!) Additionally - he will find it really cute if his partner is an animal lover and will have no problem adopting animals and taking care of them.
Hosting dinner parties
Listening to music
Playing Video Games
✨Works in Progress✨
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