#sexypink/sexypink writing on Art
sexypinkon · 1 year
Eden's Apple - Interpretation and ire in the works of Stuart Hahn
Medulla Art Gallery featured a talk with the Artist Stuart Hahn on Wednesday eight August twenty twenty-three. It started tentatively and ended boisterously with interviewer Natasha Ramnauth steering the conversation into territory raised by a guest about the carnivalesque. That was provoking enough, but there was a much more niggling issue that caught my attention as Mr Hahn spoke about his work.
As an avid admirer of his prolific collections over the decades I was alerted when yet again I heard him mention that he could not show nudity in public. At prior shows he had said those exact words to the audience.
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Stuart Hahn - The Fall of Man
In Jamaica,the Laura Facey bronze sculpture Redemption Song is met with all the respect it deserves in a declared homophonic island. No one is deeming the public work indecent or homocentric. I found myself wondering why and how Mr Hahn has been dealing with this no man’s land quite literally for so many decades?
What does Mr Hahn have to be apologizing and hiding for? Is Stuart Hahn a maverick where nudity and male at that is concerned?
The short answer is no.
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Stuart Hahn - The Fall of Man
He is preceded by the likes of Boscoe Holder and Hugh Stollmeyer. It is curious, but not fully necessary to know that those names represent men who were homosexual or bisexual. This is to be included only because of the fact that sexual history has been hard fought particularly in ultra religious spaces like Trinidad and Tobago.
Is Mr Hahn exploiting the form by showing explicit sexual acts? No.
In fact Mr Hahn only uses naked imagery in contexts where they are called for.
But instead of being caught up with his exceptional skills as a draftsman of the anatomy it is easy for the media to continue to hound his use of drawing what I can only call the subversive penis. Vaginas and breasts hold neutral ground.
Meanwhile it seems that the erect, semi-erect and inert penis causes great consternation.
We all reel daily as we read and hear of barbarically cruel murders. Yet, the penis in art is being ‘held’ as too unpalatable for sensitive constitutions.
Is there a connection between crime and the male body?
This may be an absurd question, but Mr Hahn’s work and legacy might hinge on the fact that a sense of being out of touch with the body is an important marker for all of us. An automatic fear or distaste to observe classical art in a caribbeanesque context narrows the lens.
Mr Hahn was born in Nevis of a St. Kittitian mother and Trinbagonian father. Of Caucasian heritage in a mostly brown land, a child of colonialism in San Fernando and a gay man in the Caribbean space during Black Power and Oil Money is dizzying enough. It makes one want to tear off one’s skin.
Nudity and the drawing of skin titillates. It is peeling back layers and finding oneself in private territory. Art has lauded nakedness for centuries, so, to now grapple on an island with what it means - is curious to me particularly when a few years ago Trinidad and Tobago was given the dubious honor of being in the top ten of users of porn sites in the world.
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Stuart Hahn - The Murder of Abel
Mr Hahn’s Biblical, Classical Literature, Indian Mythology and local Folkloric pieces do far more than occasionally dabble in nudity. By focusing on the trite, everything that his work demonstrates gets shunted to the side. Mr Hahn’s work connects the complex past with the continuously confusing present. He shows great discipline when drawing and rendering the form with prisma color pencils and pen and ink when paint is so much faster - his almost religious penitence in lauding his characters with wings, togas and ropes of hair - yes there is homo eroticism in the work.
However, homo simply means man. I will not go down the prickly path of Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I also will not convince anyone of changing their sensitivities or sensibilities. I write to place Mr Hahn’s work where it needs to be. He is neither a pornographer nor a sensationalist.
That is so clear in societies great love of Derek Walcott's TiJean and his Brothers the children’s book and his innovative approach to the Black Madonna and Child way before it was fashionable to do so. As a white, Caribbean gay man making Art in Trinidad and Tobago and causing debate makes Stuart Hahn’s career an important marker in Art history - one that we all take for granted. We speak fluidly about Impressionism or Abstraction. But what of Stuart Hahn’s drawings? I suggest that as we look at Art in Trinidad and Tobago, we begin to observe what is before our very own eyes:that we respect and honor ours in the same way that we have finally given Pan the attention deserved.
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galleryyuhself · 6 months
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Sexypink - A huge loss to Trinidad and Tobago. Thank you Geoffrey for your vision, kindness and love.
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Geoffrey's contribution to Art history. He was the definitive writer on Cazabon.
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An image of one of Cazabon's paintings.
Finally, a beautiful tribute to Geoffrey MacLean from one of many friends.
TRIBUTE TO GEOFFREY MACLEAN. In each island nation of the Eastern Caribbean, economies of scale make it so that there are only one or two (and if they are lucky, three or four) local experts in some field of study which has little to do with industry or clerical work but everything to do with the national character and its history. Because they are often without precedent, these experts often have had to travel abroad for their training or are otherwise self-trained in their chosen sector of the liberal arts/humanities/social sciences.
Trained architect and avocational art historian Geoffrey MacLean was one of these indispensable sages in the field of visual studies and the built environment. He was the world’s foremost specialist on nineteenth-century landscape and genre painter Michel Jean Cazabon. Cazabon was a partially unwitting member of a global late colonial/early post-colonial landscape painting tradition that encompassed artists such as Mexican José María Velasco, the Chartrand brothers of Cuba, Filipino painter Fernando Amorsolo, and the painters of the Hudson River School in the United States. What all of these artists had in common was their urgent need to capture and pay tribute for posterity to the natural beauty of their respective lands before that “Edenic” verdure was despoiled by then-already encroaching industrialization.
MacLean’s passion for Cazabon pressed him not only to hone further the scholastic abilities he had already developed at Presentation College in his native Trinidad and Bristol University in the U.K. but to travel back and forth between the Caribbean and Europe hunting down examples and collections of Cazabon’s work. He also assisted the government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago in the acquisition of some Cazabon works for display in its National Museum and Art Gallery.
MacLean was generous with his knowledge, his time, and with his published materials. Every time I visited him, I came home with an armful of books and catalogues (one of my favorites is an unassuming little pamphlet of a catalogue called Chinese Artists of Trinidad & Tobago which probably played some part in my decision to write the book about Sybil Atteck on which I am currently working with Sybil’s nephew Keith). In graduate school, I relied heavily on MacLean’s Cazabon books for the research I was doing on colonial Latin American and Caribbean painting. MacLean’s enthusiasm for Cazabon’s genre painting, especially his rapt verbal and written descriptions of the late 19th century painting Negress in Gala Dress (pictured here) revealed to me that Cazabon’s paintings of local “types” (e.g., “Negress” instead of named individual) was sometimes a form of real portraiture and thus departed the tipo de país-to-costumbrismo continuum that we sometimes use in Latin American art history. Cazabon loved his people too much and included too much implied biography and other narratives in those paintings, to reduce their subjects to mere “types.” His titles were thus deceptively taxonomic.
Architect, scholar, art gallery director Geoffrey MacLean’s contribution to the study and preservation of T&T’s architecture was legendary even before his passing. He has searched out original plans for fretwork houses and saved some of these architectural jewels from the bulldozers of “developers.” He has done the same for members of the Magnificent Seven around the Queen’s Park Savannah and taught workshops on both the civic and residential architecture of Trinidad & Tobago. As MacLean himself now passes into legend, we are left with the perennial question in these small and mid-sized islands of the Eastern Caribbean each with their two or three experts on local art and architecture – who will pick up the torch?
~ Lawrence Waldron
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sexypinkon · 5 months
Sexypink - Enter the world of Rex Dixon.
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sexypinkon · 11 months
SEXYPINK Reviews: I went for a drive and Never Came Back - Tracey Johnson
(Solo show) LOFTT Gallery Roselino Street Woodbrook
October 6 -20th 2023
A ditty of Bruce Springsteen and the title of a recently completed Solo show by the prolific Tracey Johnson at Loftt in Woodbrook discusses a restless spirit. Springsteen croons ‘ride, and never went back, Johnson, ‘drive, and Never Came Back’.
Whatever the lyrics Miss Johnson has single handedly shown why going to Art shows matter. Her Hyper Realistic, Expressionistic Abstractions are thought provoking masterful works. 
Her technical skills are so on point that as you stand next to her girl smiling or red devil, it takes a few seconds for ones thoughts to wrap around the fact that these ARE NOT photographs.
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Even more so, her decision to deliberately toy with reality by blurring, marking and splattering heightens the delightful drama on the canvases.
For example her egg drop sun and black drizzle over the La Basse image could be gimmicky in any other hands.
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Miss Johnson triumphs here by instinctively being in synch with every single brush stroke she renders. She gives just enough shift from Realism to Fantasy as can be seen in Maracas beach where her sun is a child’s playful scrawl.
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What I appreciate most about I went for a drive and Never Came Back is its unexpected candor on life in the tropical paradise that is Trinidad and Tobago.
Overlaying frenetic markings on captured moments, defining the happenstance of one’s input like a diary or a witness to the mundane (beauty) likened to the simplicity of  driving on a dark night - is all done with an ease, an exceptional understanding of painting. It is a comprehension fraught with the discipline of getting out of the way and letting the energy come forward as she does - not simple or easy at all.
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Everybody has a hungry heart, Springsteen sings and Miss Johnson’s heart beats for us in her work. One of the most impactful shows of 2023 so far. 
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sexypinkon · 4 months
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Sexypink - Blue Curry is a favor(rite) read @
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sexypinkon · 4 months
Sexypink - Five in show.
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sexypinkon · 5 months
Sexypink - A k u z u r u ‘s show has been extended a few more days. Go see it.
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sexypinkon · 5 months
Sexypink - Heaven sent.
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sexypinkon · 7 months
Sexypink - Boots and Dogs continues to March 4th 2024.
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sexypinkon · 9 months
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H a p p y N e w Y e a r
f r o m S E X Y P I N K
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sexypinkon · 11 months
Sexypink - So thought provoking, so relevant. What a read!
Addedum: https://sta.uwi.edu/fhe/sites/default/files/fhe/ebook%20UWIFHE%20HumansAndAI%202023%20%281%29.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3a8HRvTx1IOoSqMhm8wjX_oyPsPbzGCcPgwXt-s7uJZ8xyEJqs2US9QMs
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sexypinkon · 1 year
Sexypink - I am giving insight into a project begun in 2016 and then shelved after three years of intense work with the great Trinidad and Tobago Photographer Richard Acosta. Inner Sanctum:Artists Studio was conceived based on one too many parents believing that their child disappointed them by choosing Art as a degree and a possible career.
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Images of Peter Sheppard in his studio in 2016
Inner Sanctum, Artists' Studios is a full colour photo-book which delves into the little known creative process and spaces of fine artists from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It features 20 of Trinidad's most prolific painters who have been exhibiting work for about twenty years. The book has a special focus on the creative spaces of artists whereby no two studios are ever the same. An attempt is made to draw insight into the correlation between an artist's creative space and process to their work.
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sexypinkon · 1 year
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Back Room Bertha 2008 10 x 10 inches Oil on linen
Sexypink - A gem of an article on an exceptional body of work by Jamaican Artist Roberta Stoddart.
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sexypinkon · 1 year
Sexypink - Repeating Islands News and commentary on Caribbean culture, literature, and the arts is such an intellectual and visual delight. Here is a look at one of the many great articles on the site.
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sexypinkon · 1 year
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Sexypink - REVIEWS of A moment of Quiet by Wendy Nanan
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sexypinkon · 2 years
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                            Happy New Year from Sexypink
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