#tumblr/ Blue Curry
sexypinkon · 4 months
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Sexypink - Blue Curry is a favor(rite) read @
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bllkrarepairweek · 1 month
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Our #BLLKRPW 2024 Round Up is here!
A million thanks to everyone who participated this year, our second year of BLLK Rare Pair Week! 🫶 This year was even bigger than our first, both in number of days and in terms of submissions! In addition to some familiar faces from last year, we also got a ton of new folks joining us and together, you all created 59 works and 5 new rarepair tags on AO3!!! 🥳
Our poly ships also got some love this year which was great to see! ❤️
With more rarepairs than ever, we've put together a little survey just to get a sense of what's working for everyone in terms of prompts, event structure and ofc to gauge general availability for next year's event! The survey will be open for a week so please fill out as soon as you can!
Additionally, if you want to keep up with events in the BLLK fandom (some really great ones coming up!) go follow our Event Hub @bllkeventshub (you can also follow us on twt)
Now onto the round-up!!! (Added under 'read more' for length - please let us know if any links are broken/wrong)**
**Please note that many authors on this list have their fics locked to registered users so this will affect how the collection looks to anyone not logged in. If anyone wants to make an AO3 acct and needs an invitation, please feel free to reach out to us, mods have a number of invitations! Now go and give our rarepair creators all the love! 🥰
Day 1 (Roommates/Cooking + Baking/"You talk in your sleep.")
Art: 'bbq date' by @sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'the same (but kinda different)' by @kae-karo - Nanase/Rin
Fic: 'fortnight' by @tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'when in Rome' by Not_who_u_think - Otoya/Karasu
Fic: 'Used to it' by yuzuwakano - Kiyora/Niko
Fic: 'i think i saw you in my sleep' by luxxxio - Shidou/Chigiri
Fic: 'a taste of sweetness' by xynzel - Hiori/Nanase/Isagi
Fic: 'Random Roommates and Coffee' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'i'm in the mood to pay attention to you' by HiShark - Kaiser/Raichi
Fic: 'Bad Taste' by tangerinelighter - Karasu/Shidou
Fic: 'curry hearts' by @takeunknownroadnow - Rin/Isagi/Bachira
Art: 'baking' by mymeadowismade - Raichi/Isagi [twt]
Day 2 (Merfolk + Pirates/Beach Episode/"Seeing you in a wet T-shirt is its own reward.")
Fic: 'you slipped away into my prominence' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'the most important part of boat ownership' by kae_karo - Karasu/Shidou
Fic: 'Shark Teeth' by yuzuwakano - Kiyora/Kurona
Art: 'pirates&mermaids' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Art: 'wet t-shirt' by useless_donut - Raichi/Aiku [twt]
Fic: 'Crimson' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'let us randezvous' by xynzel - Hiori/Kurona
Art: 'beach day for the boys' by @getosugurusbangs - Hiori/Reo [tumblr}
Day 3 (Academia/Meet Cute + Meet Ugly/"How much will it take for you to kiss me?")
Fic: 'Wicked Game' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'come the white wine, bitter sunlight' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Reo
Art: 'academia' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'kids say the darnedest things' by kae_karo - Bachira/Kunigami
Fic: 'November' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Art: 'Rinness Attack' by @nieznajomy-na-bagnie [tumblr} - Rin/Ness
Fic: 'tongues tongues tongues' by tangerinedarker - Karasu/Kiyora
Day 4 (Cowboys + Western/Secret Identity/"There are easier ways of getting my attention.")
Fic: 'sterling reputation for gold' by kae_karo - Shidou/Reo
Fic: 'Lazy Night' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'endless sky to dive into' by bluemoonjupiter - Chigiri/Karasu
Art: 'Cowboys' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'Cats and Missing Persons' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'The Masked Bandit of Blue Loch' by tangerinedarker - Kunigami/Chigiri/Reo
Fic: 'i wasn't watching (and neither were you)' by starsquared - Kiyora/Himizu
Day 5 (Bodyguard/Reunions/"For you, anything.")
Fic: 'Let the Games Begin' by smallweirdo - Bachira/Ness
Fic: 'what were YOU doing at the underground fight club?' by kae-karo - Aiku/Barou
Fic: 'from a star on hallowed ground' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Art: 'Bodyguard' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Day 6 (E-Sports + Streamers/Social Media Interactions/"You weren't supposed to see that.")
Fic: 'Bleed the Past' by @blobbyfics - Barou/Kunigami
Art: 'you weren't supposed to see that' by MissSleepless12 (collab w kae-karo)- Barou/Chigiri [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'How to Ship Hazardous Materials' by kae-karo (collab w MissSleepless12) - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'an offline event gone right' by tsukkinoneko - Hiori/Shidou
Fic: 'Hanging by a Thread' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi
Fic: 'rosy maple' by strawberrylemonade1225 - Shidou/Bachira
Day 7 (Pacific Rim + Drifting/Didn't Know They Were Dating/"I don't want to do this without you.")
Art: 'didn't know they were dating' by MissSleepless12 (collab w kae-karo) - Karasu/Kaiser [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'in the interim' by kae-karo (collab w MissSleepless12) - Karasu/Kaiser
Fic: 'how hard I tried to breathe through the trees of loneliness' by tsukkinoneko - Chigiri/Rin
Day 8 (Free Day + Past Prompts)
Fic: 'Well At Least He's Easy (to break up with)' by useless_donut - Aiku/Raichi
Art: 'chp 2 sneak peek' (NSFW) by useless_donut - Aiku/Raichi [twt]
Fic: 'Besame, estoy abburido' (Spanish) // 'Kiss me, I'm bored' (English) by BilingualShipper - Otoya/Himizu
Fic: 'getting tipsy' by aikusagist - Aiku/Isagi
Fic: 'the first who ever did' by aikusagist - Aiku/Isagi
Fic: 'paging nurse yoichi' by Not_who_u_think - Aiku/Isagi
Fic: 'i can't help it, your taste so seductive' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'Card-Carrying Member of the "Fuck Isagi Yoichi" Club' by kae-karo - Kaiser/Kira
Fic: 'Three is a Charm' by MissSleepless12 - Rin/Isagi/Bachira
Fic: 'pull me closer (and kiss me harder)' by takeunknownroadnow - Barou/Nagi
Fic: 'fashion-forward' by bluemoonjupiter - Barou/Chigiri
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abubblingcandle · 21 days
Do you have any more from the extended cut from A Treatment Room Doors Moment? I saw a tumblr post from you where Keeley is trying to get Jamie to talk to Dr. Sharon, and he says he is already seeing a therapist named Lucy. I'd love to see more of that!
All your stories are so awesome, and I'm always looking forward to when you post. My favorites of your WIPs right now are Roll Call, Snap, ATRDM, Maybe Next Time He'll Think, and God Forbid You Leave Me. I'm also really excited for Dutch Sky Blue and Death Fruit. You're a really talented writer!!
Anon!!! This ask has had be grinning absolutely all day during a rough day of back at work. I would hug you if I could so here's a virtual hug 🫂I've been saving asks to add to my queue but this one couldn't wait because I loved it so much.
Thank you for sharing which fics you liked and bits you remembered me posting about!! Sharing fics you like is the best way to keep me motivated to actually write them 😂Out of those, God Forbid will be the next one you will see. I'm like two scenes off finishing Ch2 so it really shouldn't be long. And the next chapter of Maybe Next Time will be coming in whumptober! So keep your eyes peeled.
As for ATRDM and the extended cut, currently Keeley reflecting on her relationship with Jamie through the crux of Jamie having a therapist is the only extended scene I have so far. The extended cut is for scenes that I wanted to include but don't make sense in Roy POV which is a sacrifice for the narrative viewpoint that only Roy POV gives me. They will be posted when the chapter they go with is posted if that makes sense. So this scene is from Ch13 in the timeline but we get introduced to Lucy in Ch7!
Here's a little bit that comes later following that confrontation:
“Did you know Jamie had a therapist?” Keeley asked Roy as they ate curry in front of the TV that night. Phoebe had just been picked up by her mum and Chelsea were on the TV so she was in for an evening of sitting watching Roy say he didn’t care but getting increasingly worked up as the match went on. It was better entertainment than the match itself. But she was still thinking about Jamie. How did he do this? How did he, entirely without trying, manage to worm himself into your head and make a little nest there without your permission? “Yeah, Lucy. She seems great,” Roy frowned with a one shoulder shrug. “It seems to be helping. You know from how different he is now compared to before,” Keeley murmured. “I think he just needed people to listen when he had something real to say. Lucy does that for him,” Roy replied dismissively and didn’t that just twist the knife deeper. Keeley didn’t. He came to her with a problem as an olive branch of friendship and she had deemed it too much work and tried to offload him. They never really talked about anything real when they were dating. Jamie was too shallow and defensive for any real conversation to happen and Keeley just saw him as a sweet prop. She could admit that now, they weren’t good for each other a year ago but now, could she be this new real Jamie’s friend?
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck!
Unusual Association Tag
I think I'll answer for Elsind <3
Seasoning: Yellow curry powder
Weather: The dripping calm after a rainstorm
Color: Mauve
Sky: Blue with some whisps of raincloud gray
Magic power: Face stealing
Plant: Mimosa pudica
Weapon: A rag of chloroform (they've used this twice in-story, don't ask me where they keep getting one from)
Social media: She's my tumblr girly <3
Candy: Those heart-shaped lollipops
Fear: Being trapped, in both a claustrophobic sense and a more figurative sense
Method of long-distance travel: The ferry is his favorite
Art style: Marker doodles
Stationary: Diary pages
Celestial body: Orion nebula
I'll tag @cain-e-brookman @csdarkfantasy @corinneglass @writeblrfantasy and anyone else who wants to play :)
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dahgraz · 8 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
Yippee!! I got tagged by @njikeartist for this. ty ty
Last song: That Mio Honda - Step song that I just saw and heard because it was on a tumblr post of green screened Jerma running away from her on a TF2 map. I have not heard of that song before nor known its like... history(?) but it is catchy. Though the last song that I knew about and have actively searched up for the express purpose of listening would be You Don't Know Me from Fortnite. I think it's like a pavlovian response to repeatedly seeing the hot tiger man dance with that song's respective emote. (I can't believe he's the reason for me to finally start playing Fortnite)
Favorite color: Some form of sky blue. It's nice to look up and see something so vast and endless.
Last movie/TV show: Bad Cat, a 2016 Turkish animated film about a bad cat. I had a watch party just last week with a couple of my buds. It was enjoyable, but it is not something that I would have watched it on my own.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory. Give me something meaty.
Relationship status: Single (1)
Current obsession: Don't know if I can call it an obsession right now, but after I had watched Godzilla Minus One (a great film btw, if it's still showing where y'all're at, go gogo go see it), I had looked up reviews of lots of different Godzilla related figures. In fact, I had even pre-ordered one in the middle of December and it just arrived yesterday :D
Last book: Sorry, I don't really read books unless I have to... There was the manga of Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger vol. 2. (Also, looking it up, apparently there is now a vol. 3 slated for release 2025 wow)
Looking forward to: Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger vol. 3 lol. There's also the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake coming out this year. Really looking forward to that.
The nine or so people I'll tag are: @majimjam @sukko-reblogs-funnies @babanasaur @megabyste @prionace @luzzytheray @nimthecryptid @frootsnak @dorihey and viewers like you 🫵 (if you can't see the emoji, it's the finger pointing at the screen one)
Do it if y'all want.
Blank version under cut:
Last song:
Favorite color:
Last movie/TV show:
Relationship status:
Current obsession:
Last book:
Looking forward to:
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rewritethisstxry · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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Thank you very much for the tag @bool-prop :) I'll swing you this fucker! ;)
Animal: The obvious answer (unicorn)
Colors: Turquoise like his hair
Month: July
Songs: Here
Number: 3, 7, 9.
Plants: Hemp
Smells: Woodsy notes, blue slushy and beer
Gemstone: Labradorite
Time of Day: Night with neon lights
Season: Summer
Places: Big city life
Food: Junk food
Drinks: Beer, well anything alcohol in general and Starbucks coffee
Element: Fire
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Seasonings: Basil, garlic and curry
Sky: Sunny
Weather: Warm
Magical Power: Pyrokinesis, some levitation and advanced healing
Weapons: Bare hands
Social Media: Vacant Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr
Make-up Product: When he's in the mood, definitely lipstick/gloss
Candy: Licorice and marshmallow type of foamy things
Method of Long Distance Travel: By car
Art Style: Street Art
Fear: Death, losing a loved one, some dolls, spiders and ghosts
Mythological Creature: The obvious one again
Piece of Stationary: Pencils
Three Emojis: 🦄😏🍆
Celestial Body: Moon
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paulgadzikowski · 11 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Bruce (BATMAN) Wayne, Arthur (AQUAMAN) Curry, and Ray (THE ATOM) Palmer of DC Comics stand talking aboard the Justice Leaugue Of America headquarters satellite. Batman has just got off the elevator and is saying, “What did I miss?” Aquaman is pointing to a strange blue square thing with orange squares radiating off it and saying, “A being from another, more extended dimension interrupted the JLA meeting to challenge one of us to a duel in its dimension.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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seeasunset · 5 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Honestly, I fell in love with Vasco at the beginning and thought about "what if I suddenly make a blog for him" since I wanted to make a new blog on Tumblr. As much as I love my previous blog (haven't logged into it for nearly two years now), I wanted something new and fresh. I am glad I did pick up my current muse. Now, for my oc, I've been struggling to put in energy and attention into new ocs. Every concepts were thrown to the side. So, I told myself that whatever concept popped into my mind first, I am sticking with it and it happened to be a cleric / high priestess. I forced myself to sit on the idea until I get more ideas.
is there anything you don’t like to write? I mean besides the obvious, I am down to write anything. So, there isn't much to add here.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? While I prefer to write fluff and angst, I am game for anything.
how do you come up with headcanons?  It's a complicated matter. Anything and everything is my inspiration. I can be sitting there, minding my business and suddenly a HC comes into my mind. I can even stare at the wall for two hours and it will come to me. Usually I consume media (whatever I am watching at the moment) or playing that helps me a lot. Like, what if this character is put in this situation? What happens if they have to go through this?
do you write in silence or do you play music? Depends on my mood for the day. Sometimes I require silence to write. Sometimes I require some kind of background noise like a movie or a song. Usually I put on a tv show or a movie to help me because I tend to do two things at once while watching.
do you plan your replies or wing them? Depends on what kind of thread it is. Usually I wing it. But if I can't figure out how to reply and I want to reply, I will plan it out.
do you enjoy shipping? I do!! While it isn't my top priority, I can't deny how much it brings me joy to ship with people.
what’s your alias/name?  Beck
age?  25, about to be 26 soon
birthday?  May 5th
favorite color?  Blue, green, and silver
favorite song? It depends on the week. Right now it's Dirty Little Animals from Arcane
last movie you watched?  I think some cheesy horror movie. I forgot what it's called
last show you watched?  I think Expedition X
last song you listened to?  Dirty Little Animals
favorite food?  Curry chicken or shrimps
favorite season?  Spring or Autumn
do you have a tumblr best friend? I think I have many??
Tagged by: @luckhissoul
Tagging: Y'all <3
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dujour13 · 2 years
Unusual OC associations
tagged by @turbulentpumpkin43 Thank you!! 🥰
Siavash art by @nurabelmax ❤️
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Seasoning: curry
Weather: sunny
Colour: sky blue
Sky: crystal clear and starry
Magic Power: enchantment
House Plant: little flowering cacti
Weapon: radiant smile
Subject: adventure stories, politics, whatever you’re passionate about
Social Media: Tumblr
Make-up Product: just a dab of sandalwood oil
Candy: gummy bears, chocolates with little surprises in them
Fear: failure
Ice cube shape: flake
Method of long distance travel: backpacking
Art style: Romanticism
Mythological creature: satyr
Piece of stationary: letter-writing kit
3 emojis: 🦋🌟🌈
Celestial body: stars
tagging @serenbach86, @spyridonya, @dragonflytehanu
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fridayincarnate · 10 months
tag game to get to know people better!
thanks for tagging me, @dirtbag-linecook-kyloren and @gingerwren!
1. Three ships: Kylux, Velcinta, and Stormpilot! Keeping it to Star Wars ships bc that's really where I'm active these days, but I do enjoy some ships in other fandoms, too
2. First ever ship: oh, man. back to my NBC Heroes days 🤣 Syhindlar, Sylinder, Mylar, whatever the fuck you want to call Sylar/Mohinder... yes, I have always been Like This™
3. Last song: My Heart is Buried in Venice by Ricky Montgomery
4. Last film: hmmm gosh, I've mostly been watching TV lately. possibly Red, White, and Royal Blue?
5. Currently reading: Harrow the Ninth!
6. Currently watching: belatedly sinking my teeth into Severance and feeling like that meme with the feral cartoon person thrashing the chew toy in their mouth around like a dog
7. Currently consuming: nothing. this is a good reminder to put dinner in the microwave, though, thanks tumblr (it's green curry)
8. Currently craving: sunlight! we are now in the 4pm sunset part of the year and I Do Not Want It
hmmm, I'm late answering this and I've seen it going around for a while and I've lost track of who's already done it! so... if you're reading this and you want to do it, go ahead and tag me so I can see your answers!
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pudding-parade · 2 years
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Okey-dokes, here we go. My attempt at a Random Legacy Challenge. 
Meet the Founders!
The randomizer dictated that I have a “single parent with ‘help’,” so I decided to make my founders a pair of siblings. Whichever of them reproduces first will generate the heir. (Since the randomizer dictated only one kid for this generation, there won’t be any kind of choice involved with the first heir.) My RNG decided that my siblings would be a brother and sister, so...Meet the Donovan siblings, seen here watching early-morning TV in their jammies...
Alicia Donovan
Age: 24
Orientation: Straight
Traits: Workaholic, Slob, Great Kisser, Perceptive, Athletic
LTW: Become an International Super Spy
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Color: Black
Sign: Pisces
Andrew Donovan
Age: 22
Orientation: Straight
Traits: Brave, Handy, Eco-Friendly, Light Sleeper, Schmoozer
LTW: Become an Astronaut
Favorite Food: Aloo Masala Curry
Favorite Color: Blue
Sign: Taurus
(Yes, I deliberately gave them names starting with “A.” And the kid that one of them generates will have a name beginning with “B.” This in no way means that I expect to do 26 generations. In the event that I make it through multiple generations at all, this convention will just make it easier for me to remember which individuals come from which generation.)
The siblings live in this house in Meadow Glen:
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It has two bedrooms and one-and-a-half baths as well as an empty basement. It sits at the end of the road, and the river that separates the map into a “town” side and a “farming” side wraps around the side and the back of the lot. From the back of the house, there’s a view of a waterfall across the river. Pretty nice for two unemployed people barely out of their teens, eh?
The world has twelve NPC households, all generated by NRaas Story Progression, so that the siblings will have other individuals to interact with. I will slowly make them over (or at least fix the egregious “fashion” that they generated with) as I play. I also use the Abductor mod, and have abduction chance and pregnancy chance (for both sexes) set fairly high because I wouldn’t mind an alien kid or three in my legacy family. I have the mod set to allow NPC abduction as well, so hopefully alien residents will be seeded into the population as time goes on.
I decided that I want to do some editing on the pics for this save. Why? Partly because I wanted to make the pics look different from the other saves I post about, but mostly because I just felt like fiddling around in Photoshop. I wanted something matte/bleached/sharp, and after fiddling with different pics to make sure the process I eventually came up with would work fairly globally, I recorded an action and...there it is.
This “story” (which won’t be a story, really) will contain “mature content.” I’m using the Passion mod in this save, and I will want to take some “mature” pics and share them here and there. Nothing really graphic, much less pornographic, but spicier than “vanilla” Tumblr would probably permit, and I’m not going to censor anything. I will of course use Tumblr’s “community labels” for such posts. If you have your Tumblr account set to see “mature content,” then you’ll see those posts. If you don’t, you won’t. Such posts probably won’t be at all necessary to follow the “story,” so you won’t really miss anything if you don’t see those posts. I just thought I’d mention it.
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gogandmagog · 1 year
Are you not participating in the Blue Castle book club? 👀
You asked this nine days ago. I’m sorry!
Anyway, no, I’m the living worst! I desperately wanted to join in for the Blue Castle, it’s just that in summer specifically I’m pretty much constantly circling a drain; one that always sucks up all my free time. I’m a PNW girlie, but more than even that, a PNW Coast Salish girlie, and we recently closed a big annual spiritual event/celebration of our culture called the ‘Canoe Journey.’ My tribe didn’t have far to paddle this year, but it’s been a four week long situation regardless! I knew I couldn’t properly commit to the Blue Castle this time, because of that. I also have a full time Nanny job, a part time serving job (I work at a Thai place, for the free yellow curry tofu, to be perfectly honest), and then with various other school and family commitments, by the end of the day I’m just like Tiana from the ‘Princess and the Frog,’ collapsing into bed. I pick up familiar books during summer months usually, because I can just pop onto any page of any volume and know exactly what’s happening.
HOWEVER, I am prepared to join the next Montgomery book club, and hope you are too! I’ve been reading along with all the brilliant Blue Castle tumblr posts, and feel like every last person in it has a sharp mind and very thoughtful perspectives. It’s a beautiful thing to even be on the outside of! I’m just a Blue Castle book club fan club member.
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icleanedthisplate · 1 year
Dine-Out Meals of May 2023, Ranked (Part 1)
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
I haven't confirmed, but I believe this is the most restaurant meals I've ever eaten in a single month, mostly due to time spent on the road. So many meals that I've apparently hit the character limit for Tumblr. I'll have to break it up into two posts. This is the top 20 meals; the next post will be the rest. The top four meals will be in consideration for best of the year
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Sauerkraut Balls, Sauerbraten, Cherry Strudel. Edelweiss. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 5.18.2023.
Filet Mignon w/Brussels Sprouts and Horseradish Mashed Potatoes, Donut Bread Pudding w/Espresso Ice Cream. Packard’s. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 5.25.2023.
AB Tuna Pizza (shared), Hot Mess Roll, Brother From Another Mother Roll, Pop Rockin’ (sampled), Apple Harumaki. Akira Back. Delray Beach, Florida. 5.11.2023.
Vichyssoise Soup, Choppy Chop Salad w/Salmon. Gary Rack’s Farmhouse Kitchen. Delray Beach, Florida. 5.12.2023.
Chopped Salmon Salad. Samantha’s Tap Room. Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.22.2023.
Chopped Salmon Salad. Samantha’s Tap Room. Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.1.2023.
Watermelon Gazpacho, Citrus & Gorgonzola Salad. Range. Denver, Colorado. 5.17.2023.
Rotary Club Lunch (Chicken, Salmon, Asparagus, Fruit Salad, Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup?). 42 Bar & Table (Catering). Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.29.2023.
Salmon Skin Roll, Dragon Roll, Drunken Noodles. Sen Thai Asian Bistro. St. Louis, Missouri. 5.6.2023.
Rotary Club Lunch (Chicken, Squash Casserole, Pineapple Bread Pudding?). 42 Bar & Table (Catering). Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.2.2023.
General Cho’s Chinese Chicken Soup Dumplings, Spicy Tuna Roll, Stir-fried Malaysian Noodles w/Tofu. ChoLon Modern Asian (Central Park). Denver, Colorado. 5.17.2023.
Chicken, Vegetables, Rice, Cake. Balli’s Terrace Catering. Harlingen, Texas. 5.16.2023.
Baleada Con Todo w/Cauliflower Chorizo. El Sur Street Food Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.13.2023.
Three Fold Salad w/Chicken. Three Fold Noodles + Dumpling Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.15.2023.
Beef Liver & Onions w/Corn, Pinto Beans, Tomato-Cucumber Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Pineapple Cake. South Park Diner. Clarksville, Arkansas. 5.26.2023.
Onion Pakora, Bendi Masala, Chilli Garlic Naan, Chef’s Signature Lamb Curry (Shared All). Desi Flavors. Tampa, Florida. 5.9.2023.
Blue Crab Wonton Nachos, The Spread (Kim Chi Quesadillas, Chicharrónes w/Hummus, French Fries w/Lump Crab, and Smoked Salmon Crostini), Tuna Poke Niçoise. (Shared all.) Ciao Baci. Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.15.2023.
Stuffed Flounder w/Broccoli, Salad. Mike’s Grill. Bartow, Florida. 5.10.2023.
Southern Fried Chicken Salad, Cherry Fried Pie w/Vanilla Ice Cream. Boomarang Diner. Checotah, Oklahoma. 5.24.2023.
Poblano. Rosa Mexican Kitchen. Thornton, Colorado. 5.18.2023.
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mimegrime · 1 year
its been a while!!!
tagged by @yooptheyot to do this hehehe back to tumblr roots
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better! (but idk if i know ten people on here so we shall see)
Relationship status: me and my SO have been together for a while and hehe they are very silly <3
Fav Color: brown and blue and cream!!!!
Song stuck in your head: RIGHT right now its switching between "me and my husband" or "jobless monday" mitski, but tbh i go through songs pretty quickly :3
Last song you listened to: chasing cars snow patrol...a classic from like my elementary middle school days
3 fav foods: CURRY <3 i recently had soup curry and it was so delicious, and also i love onigiri, ochazuke, and salmon. literally anything rice and fish and savory is good to me lol
Last thing you googled: last thing i googled on this computer was twilight sparkle, but probs on my sisters computer i was looking up blue lock lol
Dream trip: i actually just got back from my dream trip i guess LOL, which is going to japan and seeing family again (❁´▽`❁)
Anything i want right now: money and curry lol, tbh also more cute things to decorate my apartment with!!
Currently watching: i am like three episodes away from finishing blue lock, and then my sister has been yelling at me to watch but im a cheerleader, so ill watch that soon to :3
Currently reading: tbh nothing...i probs want to pick up a book on coding and/or ever after high soon though lol
Current obsession: little trinkets! my own ocs! um...yah Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
@skorpionegrass @limpbizzzkit @evilrazors @diaingelo and my partner @sockboxes! hello mutals on tumblr! even after being on this site for so long i....am not very good at talking online lol. BUT! honestly if anyone sees this and is interested in doing it, don't hesitate :3
hehe bye!!!!!
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Hi again! :) I just started to watch Scooby Doo and Guess Who today, and I love the concept of introducing celebs. I love it because its not new, it's a callback to the og episodes with sonny and Cher, and batman!
If the show hadn't been cancelled, who would you want to guest star? (I watched a clip of the gang meeting their voice actors and it made my day, I was feeling down. I only thought they would meet frank welker too so it was a really nice surprise!)
This will be divided between real people and fictional characters.
Real (both living and deceased)
Brendan Fraser
Ke Huy Quan
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Rob Paulsen
Dwayne Johnson
Zachary Levi
John Wayne
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Gal Gadot
Henry Cavill
Tom Selleck
Jackie Chan
Chris Tucker (preferably working with Jackie)
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Mister Rogers (you can’t convince me that the persona he put for his show wasn’t his real self)
The Kratt Brothers
Steve Irwin
Sandra Bullock
Micheal Jordon
Charlize Theron
Ben Affleck
Anne Hathaway
Margot Robbie
Cate Blanchett
Judi Dench
Julie Andrews
Octavia Spencer
Jessica Alba
Blake Lively
Ryan Reynolds
Lupita Nyong'o
Sandra Oh
Bette Milder
Catherine Zeta Jones
Micheal Peña
Diego Luna
Rita Moreno
Eugenio Derbez
Priyanka Chopra
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Jet Li
Bruce Lee
Pat Morita
Duck Dynasty
ZZ Top
Spice Girls
Liam Neeson
Chuck Norris
Tim Curry
Jon Heder
Honestly the list could go on but I don’t know if tumblr has a word count limit so moving on…
Fictional (individual + cast/duo) (apologies if some of these seem REALLY random; look, if they can meet the Addams Family and Batman, who’s to say what’s impossible?)
Wizard of Oz cast (either original book or MGM’s iconic film)
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Willy Wonka/Charlie Bucket
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Walker, Texas Ranger
^ + Bruce Timm’s Justice League
Blue + Steve from Blue’s Clues
Hercules and/or Xena
The Shazamily
The Animaniacs
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Napoleon Dynamite
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