#sfw dreams
evedreamsof · 20 days
a matter of trust // c. oftana
entry #59
TW: micro-cheating "hey, calvin's doing it, might as well"
the problem with eve was that she was an overthinker. especially when it came to relationships. particularly, romantic relationships. to be exact, her relationship with calvin.
she never minded him messaging ena. first of all, khalel was their son. second, she was gay. third, ena had personally talked to her and assured her that nothing will happen between her and calvin anymore, they will stay friends and be parents to their child, but she will not stand in the way between them.
she did, however, mind messages from other girls. he had girl friends, and although she trusted calvin, she did not trust the girls. and then there are those fans who send him letters and gifts. it was actually her idea to make him read the letters and accept the gifts but give them away. maybe she shouldn’t have.
one day, eve was tired. khalel was with ena so she and calvin had the condo unit all to themselves. she sat down beside him on the couch and rested her head against his arm.
calvin wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. 
“who are you messaging?” she asked, trying to take a peek at the phone.
the two allowed each other to look at the other’s phone. it was calvin’s idea and eve had no qualms about it. but lately, she hadn’t been able to look at his phone, he tended to keep it with him now. but, in return, calvin hadn’t checked her phone lately either.
“no one, just marcy, she wants tickets to the next game,” he replied. he went back to the home screen and locked the phone before putting it on the table. “tired?”
she pursed her lips. ‘don’t think too much about it,’ she thought. “yeah. i was fixing the storage, i thought it needed some cleaning.”
“you could have asked me for help.”
“you were too busy, you’ve been on your phone the whole day,” she said . ‘texting marcy probably.’ 
“sorry,” he muttered. “just ask for my help next time.”
eve narrowed her eyes before standing up and walking to their room.
they didn’t patch things up that night. they didn’t patch things up for days.
but eve was in a position she knew was wrong. but she thought “hey, calvin’s doing it, might as well”. she was texting with a friend of a friend. eve didn’t mean it, bea had asked her if she could talk to her friend about an online writing job. they hit it off. bea had warned her of what she was doing, and eve assured her that nothing was going to come out of her talking to the friend.
one day, she was in the dining room, her body crouched on the counter as she texted timothy. she laughed at his joke louder than she intended to. when she saw, from the corner of her eyes, that calvin had turned to look at her, she pressed her lips together.
she didn’t, however, notice that calvin had stalked over to her. she jumped at his touch, the way he wrapped his arms around her waist. “i’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “i really was just talking to her about tickets.”
when eve heard his voice, she immediately went back to her home screen. but, confident that calvin wouldn’t look at her phone anymore, she did not bother turning off her notifications. she jumped and quickly slid the messenger notification that timothy had replied.
“who was that?” calvin asked, his lips hovering her ear. “someone i should know about?”
“no,” she said. “it’s no one. bea’s friend. she asked me if i could help him with some online work and stuff.”
“oh, okay.” calvin hugged her tighter and his lips now placed kisses along her neck. she wouldn’t lie, she and calvin haven’t touched each other in awhile. “so you wouldn’t mind if i read your messages with him. you guys are only talking about work, right?”
eve stiffened. “actually, i do mind. we haven’t looked at each other’s phones in a while. i’m uncomfortable doing it now all of a sudden.”
one of calvin’s hands trailed up and eve knew that she was going to give in soon if he didn’t stop. “calvin.”
“let. me. read.” then he kissed her. she kissed back for awhile, but then the hand that was on her chest disappeared and she knew he had grabbed her phone.
she pushed him away. “calvin!” she was right, he did have her phone. his eyes furrowed as he read hers and timothy’s conversation. then, he glared at her. “you’ve been cheating on me?”
“talking to people is not cheating,” she defended weakly. “i mean, nothing is happening between him and me.”
“eve, you’re talking to some other guy behind my back? and you flirt with him. my god, who knows what else you guys have been doing. i mean, you guys update each other, you even told him about what’s happening between the two of us! for fuck’s sake.” he groaned. he continued scrolling. then, he stopped. he seemed to be reading and re-reading something from the thread.
“when you and calvin break up,” he started. eve closed her eyes. “will you go on a date with me?” then he swallowed. “we’ll see…” he looked up at her. “so you already have plans together? what are you going to do? scheme so that i’ll break up with you? you don’t have to anymore, i’m on the verge of doing it!”
eve bit her bottom lip to keep from crying. she loved calvin and them breaking up would hurt her. “i was just…doing what i thought was right.”
“right? right!? you think talking to some other guy was the right thing? and, as it turns out, you’ve been meeting with him. all those times you go out, all dressed-up, you were meeting with him? all this time i thought you were going out with your friends.”
eve stayed silent. even if she did tell the truth, that she really was just with her friends, she doubted that he would believe her.
“i love you. i trusted you because i love you and i know you loved me, too.”
“i still love you.”
“do you?” calvin challenges softly. “do you? i thought…i never thought this would happen between the two of us. i thought i finally found the reason why ena and i weren’t meant to be.” he sighed. “i’m being put through the same thing over again.”
again, she stayed silent.
“what am i going to tell khalel this time?”
“so we’re breaking up? have you decided on that?” maybe this was easier. not that she wanted to be with timothy. she knew the only reason she went with him was because she was lonely. “then i guess you can go with marcy or whoever girl you want to be with.”
“oh, you’re giving me that!? you? after what you did you’re giving me that!?” he scoffed. “eve, don’t you remember marcy is an event planner? i wanted a surprise party for you!”
eve’s heart shattered.
“i know it’s months before our birthdays but i wanted everything to be perfect! perfect for you! because i love you and i know you deserve everything good the world has to offer.”
“i…i didn’t expect that.” she let her tears fall. “i didn’t…i’m sorry.”
he shook his head. “guess i have to tell marcy the surprise is off.” then he looked at her, tears in his eyes. “i can’t believe you didn’t trust me. i told you, i want you to be happy with me, because i want to be happy with you. and you didn’t trust me.”
eve began to sob.
“i’ll take the guest room for the night.” he said as he began to walk away.
but eve grabbed his arm. she expected him to let himself go but he didn’t. “i’m sorry,” she said. “i love you.”
“i love you, too,” he replied without looking at her. “but i need some time to think.”
eve let him go and she looked at her phone where calvin had placed it. it rang one more time, a notification from timothy. she opened the app and long pressed on his thread.
‘are you ok?’
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strawberrymilk123 · 9 months
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griffinkid · 3 months
I've seen "I don't know how to play with toys anymore" a few times lately and just wanted to point out-
Playing with toys looks different for everyone, even actual children!
Playing with toys can look like: 🧸🪁🚂
Taking pictures of your toys and writing captions for them
Brushing or grooming soft toys or toys with rooted hair
Ordering or sorting your toys by colour/species etc
Making up stories, poems or comics about your toys
Dressing or accessorising your toys
Imagining your toys talking to you or each other, forming opinions of their own, etc
Drawing your toys
Taking your toys for a walk outside, even in a backpack or pocket if you don't want to carry them openly
Making lists of the toys you have and where you got them etc
Feel free to add your own ideas
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girliestkiddo · 4 months
I need carrying around a stuffed animal friend to be normalized
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shhtickerbook · 5 months
“ ugly ” regression
☆ it’s not talked enough in regression about the hard big angry feelings. It’s not always relaxing and playing
☆ I want to yell and cry
☆ Throw my toys and push you away
☆ I don’t understand how to process these big feelings
☆ I can’t verbalise what I want
☆ All I want to do is scream and tantrum
☆ Things aren’t going my way and I’m not spoiled for feeling that
☆ I wanna scribble all over my pretty drawing in a black crayon
☆ It’s okay to feel this way
☆ It’s okay to get those feelings out
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zack-agere · 7 months
You're still doing okay as a regressor if you... 🐥 🧡
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💫 · are usually upset or in a negative situation when you regress
🧃 · don't know what age you regress to
🥞 · act mainly as a caregiver but still regress
💫 · have done things you regret when regressed
🧃 · cannot control your regression
🥞 · are mainly a regressor but are also a caregiver
💫 · feel like a burden for being disabled and needing extra or specific care
🧃 · are worried to tell people about your regression
🥞 · can't really tell the difference between when you regress and when you don't
🧃 · are afraid of getting or don't want a caregiver due to trauma
💫 · do things considered "big" or "adult" when regressed
🥞 · are an alter who can't tell if you're a regressor or a syskid / ageslider
🧃 · deal with intrusive and un-childlike thoughts
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you are always deserving of comfort, safety, and a happy regression 𓂃⊹
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small-sleepy-sheep · 1 year
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youresocool2000 · 3 months
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☀ Sunshine ☀
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tinymittens · 2 months
I can't believe Bingo is out here representing all of us age regressors 🫶
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oftlunarialmoon · 3 months
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evedreamsof · 20 days
thank you // c. oftana
entry #58
eve's in a daze
eve was out of herself. she had just found out that one of her past friends have been talking bad about her. what’s worse is that she was talking behind her back while they were still friends.
some things she found out about “herself” were:
she was bad at keeping secrets
she was faking her illness for attention
she was was not as smart as people believed her to be
she talks about people behind their back
and worst of all
she was a slut
although she does admit that she had a hoe phase, she didn’t expect her then friend to tell the world. for sure people have become wary of her. some of her friends whom she had been in contact with were suddenly not interested in interacting with her anymore. most of them were college friends her only friend she retained from dlsu was bea.
it was a sunny day, hot, but eve did not care. she had just left the party without telling anyone. she didn’t even wait for anyone to come pick her up. she’d get into trouble but for sure her parents will understand.
she continued to walk and walk, as if she was in a daze and confused. she didn’t even know where she was going. where was she headed anyway?
but as she walked, she didn’t hear what was happening around her. when she did come to her senses, someone was holding her hand and speaking to her as if they were scolding her.
‘what was happening,’ was all she could think of.
then, they stopped talking. after a few seconds, they said, “it’s obvious you’re not okay but i hope you’re paying attention to me. what happened to you was extremely dangerous, and a close one. so please, snap out of it.”
the person had touched her cheek and she realized just then that she had been crying. she finally regained her senses again and she was greeted by someone’s chest. she looked up, he was tall.
“hey,” he said softly.
she didn’t have time to id him, her lips quivered, and she began to sob. she leaned on his chest and she felt him stiffen, but she didn’t care. it was only after he wrapped his arms around her and patted her back that she realized she was letting a stranger get too close to her.
she took a few deep breaths before pushing herself away from him. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry. um, i don’t know what happened but i’m sorry for being an inconvenience.”
she wiped her tears away and sniffled. she went through her bag and took out some tissue, luckily there was a trash bin nearby.
“i’m sorry,” she said again. “what happened though?”
“you seemed to be out of it, you weren’t watching where you going, and a car was zooming close to you. looked like he was having a race with someone since once i pulled you back to the sidewalk, another car passed by just as fast.”
“so…i was almost hit by a car?”
the guy nodded. “yeah.”
eve looked at her surroundings and found people looking at her and whispering. she suddenly became embarrassed.
“you okay?” he asked. “you’re turning red.”
“no, i’m okay. thank you, mister um…”
“thank you, mr. calvin.” she wiped her eyes and finally decided to take a good look at him. her eyes widened. “oftana.”
he smiled. “yeah. didn’t expect you to know me.”
she scoffed. “of course i know you.” she thought, ‘i have the biggest crush on you.’
“and you are?”
“eve. eve aparri.”
he grinned. “it’s very nice to meet you, ms. eve.” he looked around. “so…”
“you wanna go to starbucks or something? my treat.” she smiled. “as a thank you.”
he nodded. “yeah, that’d be nice.” he held up his arm and she slinged hers around him. “shall we?”
“thank you.”
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floaty-cat · 11 months
Say “healing your inner child” and no one bats an eye say “age regression” and society goes wild…SOCIETY
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baby-zakarii · 4 months
Agere activities for low energy littles😴
⭐️Color in bed
⭐️Listen to an audiobook
⭐️Listen to some soft music
⭐️Take a nap with your stuffies
⭐️Watch a calm cartoon (Winnie the Pooh, In the Night Garden)
⭐️Play with your toys while laying on a blanket/carpet
⭐️Take a bubble bath
⭐️Make jewelery
⭐️Play some mobile games
⭐️Make a character in picrew
For some of us walking or sitting by the desk can be challenging, so all of these are the activities which you can enjoy without moving much!
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babiesharkie · 1 month
All my currently out regression playlists on spotify!!
🍰 Angelcake
24h27m Mostly soft vibey music & lofi. Mixed genres. Enjoyable big or small.
🕺 Baby Rave Arcade
44m A high tempo, High stim, upbeat playlist. Songs you would hear at a rave for babys. Heavy arcade themeing. Think blacklights and squiggle 90s carpets and glowsticks.
🌕 Bedtime with Moondrop
2h2m songs from videogames to fall asleep to!
💻 Computer Babie
1h1m music that reminds me of the early internet(not from the era necessarily just vibes) less stimulating than baby rave arcade but still upbeat and stimmy
🦇 Creepi Babie
48m SFW spooki themes and varying tempos. Wanted to give the impression of a haunted house for tinys.
🧚‍♀️ Fairy Regressor
1h31m Magical fairy princess vibes. Early 2000s barbie movie core. Tinkerbell movie core. Very flowy! Varying tempos and genres. In general calming.
🫢 Nonverbal Baby
2h42m fun varying tempo and themes but all lyric free and instrumental only!
☀️ Playdate with Sundrop
1h58m upbeat videogame soundtracks to move your body to (il be honest i might rework this one)
🍼 SFW regression Playlist
11h3m Most of my regression playlists smashed into one except now including songs from TMNT, winnie the pooh, MLP, old disney movies and shows, and bluey.
🦈 Shark Baby
1h10m Inspired by this video with a lil bit of my own touch!
Also i really like making playlists so if you have a request plz lemme know♡
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shhtickerbook · 13 days
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the struggles of being both an age regressor and horror enthusiast
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cozy-cg · 1 month
𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐩 ✫彡
-> Start by age dreaming
-> Babytalk/babble to yourself as you’re doing things
-> Have a babysitter, caregiver or friend chat with you, and have them treat you as if you were small
-> Watch a children’s show or movie
-> Color with crayons or markers
-> Play pretend with stuffies or toys
-> Wear oversized clothes to feel tinier
-> Listen to a story (you can have a caregiver read one, or find one on YouTube)
-> Create and decorate a journal just for your little space
-> Set aside a slot of time just for regressing, and not focusing on big kid responsibilities
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