#sg barricade
On your SG (Bayverse?) self-rbs;
Now i'm seeing a human protagonist who's also initially scared of the Decepticons, but ends up with one (accidental kidnapping?), maybe there's a language barrier, the Decepticon is very nice and tries to protect the human, and the human witnesses Autobot brutality (ex. murdering some POW?) firsthand.
Maybe they eventually get to a Decepticon base, where they have hatchlings they're struggling to feed.
Ooooo ok ok that'd be so fascinating
So very fascinating!
Accidental kidnapping does? Seem to be the most likely scenario here??
Somehow I see Barricade as our first introduced decepticon here
My preciouses, the bayverse hatchlings🥰
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sondheim-girly · 21 hours
for @world-burnn, stagedoor was awesome!
it was pretty quiet and not too crowded (still kinda crowded, but it didn’t feel as insane as I’ve seen in pictures) i left during bows and got barricade. The girl next to me was saying how bad she felt to leave during bows and I was like “ahhh same!” oh my god and I was shaking so bad… my character shoes are partly to blame but like my legs were going crazy!
my cousin got videos of a lot of my interactions but I’m way too scared to rewatch them so im gonna go off of memory!
first Brent came out, and I was right at the door so when he walked out he looked at me and said “Marcia!” Then continued on to sign other people’s playbills before he came back around to me.
RJ came out but I can’t remember for the life of me what I said to him
i got to meet Dre and I told him how glad I was that I got to see him (cuz he’s only in the show for a month) and he was so sweet
kwp lowkey looked so brain dead during stagedoor and I do not blame him 😭 but we got a photo together and he put his arm around me and I think i passed away
Josh strobl came out (not to sign, he wasn’t in the show that day lol) and I just watched him walk away and was fangirling so hard tbh
melody came out and complimented my costume! I told her I’d cried off all my makeup and she said she would have done the same, then told me that sg would be coming out soon (which was a lie)
Emma came out and was THE SWEETEST EVER!!! She took her time with all of the fans, and with one of them she commented on how quiet it was and the fan jokingly asked if they should all be louder and she was like “yeah we should all hum our favorite songs” and it was sooo funny. when she turned to me she was like “right… and you ate” and kept on complimenting my costume which KILLED ME she was so nice… I told her my friend had made it and she was like “well tell the friend that it’s amazing!” And i gave her the letter I wrote to her (which she was again so sweet about) and when I asked her for a photo she was like “well Marcia and Cherry are best friends!”
then Trevi came out and I told him how glad I was that I got to see his ponyboy and he was really sweet
Anyways I love this cast so much and it was just an incredible experience!
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throwing-in-the-towel · 2 months
i said earlier in the week i would update the stage door situation if i stayed…well i last minute decided to stay and it was pretty good! i wasn’t where the barricades are, so i can’t comment on the behavior/anything that happened there. it was crowded but not insane and i think that’s because it was drizzling the slightest bit.
i was past the barricade closer to the stage door for the notebook and there was like no one over there except me and 3 other people LOL so we got time to just stand with the actors and not have to deal with the crowd and them being rushed. didn’t stay for the entire SD because i had to make a train! but josh b, brent, jason, rj, melody, k cso, victor, kwp, sg, josh s, & trevor all came out while i was there!
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cannibal-wings · 3 months
I was unsure what to share for this WIP Wed so I guess I'll just post the whole Ada and Leon interaction haha. It's a couple pages though, so hopefully that's enough. I figured stealth combat probably wasn't that interesting to share atm. Again, this is from You Pay the Cost. I've been... not dreading, but nervous to write Ada just because I'm never sure if I'm quite getting her right. I'll probably edit this section some more too. I don't think I did terribly though.
He pushed the next door open and carefully stepped inside. There hadn’t been any sound from beyond the door, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t an ambush waiting for him. He had his SG drawn, he checked his ammo count, he was still good. He kept it up as he did a quick sweep of the room. It was small, cozy even, with a lit fireplace, some chairs, and what looked like a printing press in the corner. Leon gave the machine quick look; it was interesting but ultimately not what he was here for. A bookcase lined the opposite wall. It looked to him, like a study or something similar. The room looked well maintained, which struck him as odd, since most of the places in the castle seemed run down, and he wouldn’t have expected a printing press or study to be one thing that hadn’t been left to rot. Maybe it was someone in the castles last refuge?
Leon dropped his guard and thought about using this room to rest for a moment. His lower back was killing him and he unfortunately knew what that meant. It was the same pulsing ache that heralded the arrival of a new mutation. And there was only one left. He sighed and tried not to think about it. He looked to the door on the other side then back at the one he came from. He could barricade himself in while he mutated, though he had no idea how long it would actually take. The time between the first onset of body aches to the actual transformation hadn’t ever been consistent. Ashley needed him, but he would rather not go down in the middle of a group of cultists.
He decided he’d wait it out in this room. He stepped forward, his intent was to drag a chest over and block the exit door, but was stopped when a voice sounded off behind him. “Stop right there, Leon.”
Leon froze and put two of his hands up. The secondary arms he kept close to his chest. He frowned. Even after six years he still knew that voice. But what was it doing here? He could hear her footsteps behind him, heels, ever impractical, some things never change. He could feel something press against his back, a gun no doubt. His carapace didn’t allow him to feel anything other than the pressure. She spoke again, “You wouldn’t make me use this? Would you?” He tilted his head slightly, he thought he heard her voice shake, just a bit.
Leon tossed his gun down; he wasn’t sure how twitchy she was going to be with her trigger finger. While he knew Ada had comparable training to himself, he also knew that his situation could cause rash reactions. He hoped that since his voice sounded relatively normal, he could deescalate a bit. “Well, after six years this is one hell of a greeting, Ada.”
“You don’t seem surprised,” she said. “Interesting.”
Leon shifted one of his legs ever so slightly. “You know? After what’s happened tonight? Not much could surprise me.” The gun was still pressed firmly to his back. For a moment, he considered making a move so she’d shoot, at least then he wouldn’t have to face her as he was now. He took a deep breath, but that would just be running away, and he didn’t run away anymore. He moved his head just a bit, to try to turn and look at her. “Listen-” he started but was cut off by a sudden shot. It didn’t penetrate, but it still kicked him forward. He finished the turn and knocked the gun up so the next shot missed his head. For a moment Ada seemed surprised at her own actions, but she recovered quickly.
Leon had always been stronger than her, and now he was even more so. She abandoned the idea of shooting him, at least not while he still had her arm in his hand. She turned her body with the intent of placing a kick squarely in his chest to knock him back. But as she lifted her leg, she realized that also wasn’t going to work. But it was too late to stop the motion, she put all her weight into it and barely moved him. He was large, solid, and if he hadn’t spoken to her just now, she wouldn’t have thought him human. This wasn’t a fight she wanted to risk. Leon knocked her leg aside and took a step towards her.  
He seemed to be holding back, unsure of how hard to push her. She used that to her advantage and yanked her arm free of his grasp. She ducked under him and tried to place the gun against his chest, but he quickly pivoted his body away and reached for something. Within seconds he finished his pivot and had a knife to her throat. She looked from the blade, then up to his face. The first real look she had gotten of it. It was still him, still Leon, but only barely. He still had hair, and his eyes were mostly left alone. But there wasn’t any ignoring the huge outer jaws that sat slightly parted on his face. “Oh Leon,” she said softly. She ignored the blade against her throat, if he wanted to kill her he would have already, in a variety of ways. With her unarmed hand she reached for his face. “What did they do to you?”
For a moment it looked like he wanted to lean into that touch, but then his eyes widened and he recoiled violently, and clamped his jaws tightly against his face. “Don’t,” he said and backed away.
The tension had completely diminished and Ada knew that she wasn’t going to shoot either. She holstered her blacktail and said, “Someone trained you well. Your movements were smooth.” He moved for his gun on the ground and she let him. He scooped it up and holstered it. “Not the same rookie cop from all those years ago.”
Leon sighed. “Why are you here?” He was tired, and he didn’t need another party making his life worse tonight. “Who are you working for this time?”
She grinned. “You know I don’t work and tell.”
“Yeah,” Leon shook his head. “Don’t know why I bothered to ask. It’s not like you’re one for telling the truth anyways.”
“It’s not personal, just my job.” She moved away and leaned against the stone wall. “You’re out here chasing the President’s Daughter are you not?” Leon looked up and nodded. She caught the way his mandibles twitched. “I was going to tell you to leave the girl, but you’re just as lost as she is.”
“Even if I wasn’t, you know I can’t do that.”
“Right.” She watched him move, he was still acting mostly human, he still used weapons like a man, his posture was humanlike. He was still Leon, but then she looked closer, and saw all the dried blood on his arms, his claws, around his mandibles. “How long do you have?”
He didn’t even bother asking how she knew he was on a timer. “Dawn, apparently.”
“Then you better get a move on.” She needed to leave too. There was still one more ingredient for her to search out and she didn’t have the luxury of stalling. When she looked at Leon, what Luis told her began to sink in. What he was now, was what she would become. And what he was, was the same thing that had been stalking her relentlessly. “But,” she added to get his attention. “You still have some time.”
“You talk like you know more than you let on.”
“I do.”
“Of course.”
Leon had now taken up against the bookcase. One pair of arms folded across his chest. Then she noticed a second pair of arms, also crossed. Those had wicked blades on the end. She didn’t even see them during their scuffle. “I think I’ve encountered what you’re turning into.” He cocked his head and his mandibles flared out just a bit before they settled against his face. “Not sure if they have a name, but certain features of yours match up. Face is all wrong though.”
“How so?”
“Well the thing I saw, it was more insect like. Your face is pretty human looking, and your outer jaws aren’t the same either.”
Leon nodded. “Luis mentioned I might go through a second facial mutation, so that adds up.”
Ada said, “Oh, a shame to lose that pretty face of yours.”
“Ha,” Leon said, not falling for it. “Like it isn’t lost already?” She didn’t say anything to that so he asked, “You say I got time? Because I don’t match the other creature you saw?” She nodded her head. “Right, well, better stop wasting that time here then. Not like you’re going to tell me anything useful.”
“Never said that,” Ada said as she pushed off from the wall. “Come on, I can be helpful. On occasion. Give me your radio frequency.”
“So you can use me?”
“So I can help you.” Leon rolled his eyes and flared his jaws. He seemed to do that a lot, she was certain it was a facial expression she wasn’t catching. But he gave her his frequency. “You mentioned a name, Luis? What do you know about him?”
Now it was Leon’s turn to be secretive. “Why do you want to know? He important to you?”
“I’m running an errand for him, let’s say.”
“Out of the goodness of your heart, no doubt.” Leon paused, then something caught his attention. Like before when he parted his mandibles, he could taste something on the air. He flared them and took deep breaths. Ada just seemed confused by his behavior, and he was too.
Then it hit him. It the smell of the Plaga, no, it was his scent, but weak, diluted. “They got you too…” He didn’t wait for her to confirm it. He took another large breath and said, “I can smell it. You’re like me.”
“N-Not if I can help it. Sorry, Leon, but that look suits you more than it does me.”
“Then Luis told you the same thing he told me. That he could fix it. That’s your errand.”
She walked past him for the window. “Clever. You really aren’t that rookie anymore.”
“How long ago?” Leon asked but as he did a wave of pain shot up his spine. He knew Ada caught the way he flinched and pressed back against the bookcase.
“Yesterday evening.”
“Well,” he said, not able to hide the pain on his features. “You’re clearly not as receptive to it as I am. Or you’d be, as you put it, “just as lost” as me.” He groaned and thumped his head against the books. “This whole thing,” he gestured at his arms and legs, “took around five hours to kick in after infection.”
“Slower than the T-Virus at least,” Ada said. “We have that going for us.”
“Sure,” Leon ground his teeth behind closed mandibles. Another wave of pain traveled up his spine. He could feel skin break. “Why now?” he growled the question to himself but he didn’t doubt that Ada could hear him. 
Ada watched him grimace and close his eyes. His mandibles flared then clamped against his face. He had started to breathe hard. “Are you ok?”
“No,” Leon said, he wasn’t going to lie. Not that he’d be able to. “Ever see a man grow a t-tail before?” He growled in pain as another wave shot up his spine. He could feel his back plates lift. Ada watched him but said nothing. He clarified, “I’m mutating. Again.” This time the pain took him to his knees. He swore and clutched his head. Even though the pain originated at his lower back, his head was pounding. “L-Luis said,” words were getting hard to form. “He said that the tail was next. D-Did the thing that you saw have a tail?” 
“No idea, it was wearing a big black cloak.” She started to back away from him. “It also wanted me dead. Do you want me dead?”
Leon tipped to the floor. He curled in on himself as another sharp round of needles went up his back. His legs were too long now, they felt awkward to try to tuck up. “Sometimes I think I want you dead,” he admitted. “But n-not because of Saddler.” He hissed. “Shit.”
“Interesting, and why would you want me dead Leon?”
“You sure have- haven’t done the world any f-f-favors after Raccoon City.”
“Oh,” she said. “Still sore about that?” This time when he snarled it wasn’t just from the pain. She could tell. “Right. Like I’ve said, nothing personal.” She turned to leave, like she should have from the start. Ada was smart enough not to stick around and watch a monster be born. Especially not a monster that could kill her. But she was also trained to put down problems before they could become worse. When she looked back at Leon on the floor, drooling, scraping at the wooden floor with too sharp claws, she decided he could very easily become a big problem.
She took her foot down from the windowsill and crouched at Leon’s side. The blacktail was removed from its holster and placed against Leon’s head. He looked up at her with most tired eyes she had ever seen. “You get one last thing from me,” she told him. Leon nodded. “Do you want me to shoot you? It’ll be quick, clean, you’ll be dead before you even register I pulled the trigger. Before you turn fully.”
Leon looked up at Ada then rested his head on the floor. His hair covered most of one eye, but the other he trained on her. She was offering him a professional courtesy. He’d do the same for her. When dealing with an B.O.W. infection there is always a period of lucidity before the end. She was questioning if his had just run out. The professional response would be to accept and die before you lost what remained of yourself. But Leon had other plans.
“No,” he said after a pause that was only a few seconds but felt like years. “I have a job to do. And I’m going to see it done.” This time the wave of pain was so strong he jolted and cried out. He could feel the gun press against his head again. Ada might not be willing to honor his request. He couldn’t say he’d blame her. But he was in no condition to fight back. “I can’t fail again,” he said. “Please, Ada, you can’t let me fail again. I promised it would be different.”
The tip of the gun wavered against his temple. Then it pulled away completely. “Damn it Leon,” he heard her say as she backed off. “Don’t make me regret this. Be a good bug and don’t get in my way.”
“Thanks,” he managed to say before he tucked his head in and howled in agony.
Ada climbed halfway out the window. She took one last look back at the man on the floor. She could hear the sound of fabric ripping and flesh tearing. Leon cried out in pain. “Not sure you should thank me.” She pulled out her grapple gun and aimed for a bit of rooftop across from the room she was in. When he screamed again she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.
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pits-of-kaos · 2 years
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Round One is ready!
Follow the tournament’s progress HERE.
Results Spreadsheet (if the above site is down)
A reminder: Pictures are irrelevant except when a continuity is specified beside a name.
The fastest way to vote on all of the matches is to click the ‘PoK: Waterlogged Cats’ tag on this post and go through them from there. If you’re just looking for specific matches, carry on. This post is for you.
I will post round two tomorrow (Sunday) between 8-9pm EST.
Hound vs. Jetfire (IDW) ✧ Blitzwing vs. Glowstrike
Trepan vs. Hook ✧ Alpha Trion vs. Waspinator (Beast Wars)
Sen. Shockwave (IDW) vs. Nemesis Prime (Earth Wars) ✧ Chromedome vs. Sideswipe (SG)
Ravage (IDW) vs. Wildrider ✧ Rampage vs. Hardshell
Bumblebee (IDW) vs. Slipstream ✧ Grimlock (IDW) vs. Ramjet
Sentinel Prime vs. Offroad ✧ Airachnid vs. Predaking
Astrotrain vs. Trickdiamond ✧ Knockout vs. Depth Charge
Bonecrusher vs. Snarl ✧ Sideswipe (IDW) vs. Leozack (Victory)
Hellbat vs. Soundblaster ✧ Brawl vs. Scavenger
Cyclonus vs. Broadside ✧ Breakdown vs. Warpath
Unicron vs. Smokescreen (IDW) ✧ Sunstreaker (IDW) vs. Skyquake
Froid vs. Dead End ✧ Bluestreak (IDW) vs. Long Haul
Blackarachnia vs. Goldbug (SG) ✧ Tyrest vs. Topspin
Black Shadow vs. Swoop ✧ Kup vs. Roadbuster
Chromia vs. Scrapper ✧ Brainstorm vs. Quickstrike
Flamewar vs. Tracks ✧ Deathsaurus vs. Sludge
Jazz vs. Acid Storm ✧ Star Saber (IDW) vs. Doubledealer
Blast Off (IDW) vs. Motormaster ✧ Lockdown vs. Afterburner
Barricade vs. Nightbird ✧ Bombshell vs. Steeljaw
Getaway vs. Mixmaster ✧ Ironhide vs. Cryak
Sixshot vs. Scourge ✧ Rodimus Prime (IDW) vs. Bludgeon
Shadow Striker vs. Blaster (SG) ✧ Wheeljack vs. Slug
Galvatron vs. Thrust ✧ Jhiaxus vs. Dreadwing
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elfdragon12 · 11 months
Sg Windblade and Sg Barricade once having to work together due to having the closest knowledge of a familiar foe. Sg Windblade is very cold with him and Sg Barricade finds her aggravating. She was promised a pardon and him a promotion.
They bickered and argue a lot, she bit him at one point.
Eventually, after an explosive argument about their past and Sg Windblade burst into tears as she chokes out “W-why didn’t you believe me?” And Sg Barricade tried to look stoic but voice cracked as he asked “Why did you leave?”
They stopped taking but they save each other. This led to talking. This led them working together. This led to Sg Barricade FEELING. This let to Sg Windblade smiling at him, as he saw the young inspirational politician wanting to do good in her again.
She got her pardon.
He’s going to clear her name.
Here's that discussion!
Things will never be what they were, but that doesn't mean they can't develop something new.
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drlockdown-reviews · 1 year
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So, TF reveals.
- Magnus looks decent. Doubt he'll be the best commander ever, but he looks fun. Not running out to buy him, but he'll end up in my collection eventually. - Glad the 07 pack exists for new fans to have a chance to get those great early SS figures (and Barricade), but I own them all already, so easy skip - Hot Shot looks fantastic. Didn't think I'd need him, but fuck...I think I do... - Kaskade's mould use is annoying, but I'm absolutely buying the two-pack for Javelin, even if I have to sell Kaskade off. - Nacelle is the highlight for me. Since the Siege Seeker debuted, I've CRAVED that mould as Nacelle. Seeing her (apparently retconned now, but I could be mistaken) after all these years feels like vindication. - Nova Prime...looks really compromised, but four times over I've thought the mould would be eh and have ended up having a lot of fun with it. As such, I trust this will be fun (even if I'll likely upgrade the wings) - Called the Menasor box set, but to be fair, it was a pretty easy guess. Already own the originals. Easier to get Toyhax. Skip, but great for those who couldn't get the regular versions due to scalpers. - SG Sideswipe is mega hype. Hot Rod can fuck off, but I've already agreed with a mate to split, so it doesn't even matter. The countach mould is always a treat, so this will also be great. - New ROTB Sweep barely looks any different, and the original mould is mid. Pass. - Noah is absolutely gonna be a robot with a jet on his back, but it takes me back to the time of figures like DOTM Lazerbeak with those 'off the wall ideas'. Mega hyped. - Nightbird looks alright. Glad I didn't go in on the mainline, but argh; those wings are disappointing. Hope somebody fixes them, but still getting her. - Frenzy looks fine. Getting, but not rushing out. - Ratchet is a pass. Looks good, but I'm satisfied with the Siege one for now. - Thrust potentially being an Earthrise seeker should annoy me...but I already got the Bumblebee movie one, so honestly if it turns out shit, it's fine. - Potential Transit is hype as fuck.
All in all, killer release lineup. Very little I wasn't interested in. Even with only one more Legacy Evolution wave due this year, there's still tonnes to look forward to.
Things are looking bright for everything except my wallet.
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astronomicalcandy · 1 month
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Had the best and tiring night of my life lmao
Metal bands saved me 😫🤘
Story about everything happened under cut cuz it’s really long
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A side from shit management from organizer, the shit happened inside were:
babymetal is pretty fucking metal ngl. They were the shit fr. This is my first time going to their live so, yeah!
I fell and nearly got stomped by people because I fell from mosh wave (during babymetal unfortunately). People beside me were so kind to pull me up ;;
nearly passed out from oxygen shortage (I deadass didnt made this up) (I was suffocating like shit) (and there were like 2-3 songs left for babymetal to finish) Moral of the story, I can’t stand behind a tall person. Bro literally took all of my oxygen…
mosh pits are the bane of my fucking existence holy fucking shit 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I dread every time Oli asks for a big mosh
Oli Sykes the man u are… I love his stage presence??? Idk if that makes sense. Guy is so chill. Love watching him
BMTH bassist… pls dm me rn
I powered thru until Kingslayer (I lied) (it was after Parasite Eve) that I couldn’t take it and had to leave pit.… Also! My first time getting dragged out my concert security bcus I was in front row, very near the front barricade
Conclusion: I don’t think I can go to any metal concerts after this… (will reconsider if they have seating tickets) I CANNOT BE AT ROCK ZONE FOR METAL CONCERTS BRO I WILL FUCKING DIE FROM IT
Other than that, I genuinely had a lot fun screaming to songs I love. Getting to hear it live is fr another experience 🖤 And I finally admit that I love making small talks to people who have the same interest. We talked about metal bands and also shat on the organizers c:
Babymetal reactions
For the love of god, I can not remember babymetal’s setlist at all because it’s only recently that I listened to them. I think it’s the same with SG live. Correct me on this!
metari, the song I want to be injected into my fucking veins (I’m a sucker for matsuri theme 🥴)
PAPAYA I love u sm I had so much fun to this
BxMxC was. Lit. As. Fuck.
I don’t think they played headbanger… 😭
I feel like I wasn’t on my best self after my oxygen got sucked out and fell…
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BMTH reactions
I deadass wanna cry for BMTH bcus I couldn’t stay until the end (I’m looking at u shitman 🖕)
Setlist is the same with Summer Sonic 2024 but they sang Parsite Eve after Kingslayer which was so fucking good. I love that song sm
sleepwalking, cool. Mantra, I think I came to like this song now. Icr if they sang Teardrops or not???
Kool-Aid was cool… the visuals kinda scared me a bit haha… I guess that’s what happened when u get in front 😭
Shadow Moses was lit when he had the red fire thingy lit. Also cool song to scream too lol
limousine was okay, never really liked it that much. AMEN WAS COOL YEAHAHEYA FUCKING LOVED IT
I WANNA BE A KINGSLAYER!!!!!!!! They hugged each other after that it was so cute 😭
outside pit, but I was able to hear Follow You and I kinda cried bcus uhhhh !!!!! 🥲
Lost, my fucking anthem. I want this to be injected into my veins (2)
heard Doom until first chorus but gawd I love it soooooo much…
that’s it. I went back home 🥲🥲🥲
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here's a pic by my friend of Oli with a Kuromi hat :3
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marinellamae · 2 months
2024 JUNNY TOUR: [intro] Dopamine feat. DJ DAUL in Singapore
A quick back story: I was supposed to see JUNNY earlier this year (in January), but things did not go as planned. I was so upset, I had to kept myself busy so it doesn't destroy me completely. I don't know how, but I got by just fine.
Fast forward early May, it was announced that he will have a new tour for his new EP album, 'dopamine', kicking off in Singapore. In my mind, I thought this might be the sign to bounce back. But I was out of town during the announcement and did not really digest it at first.
The trauma I got from the cancelled show still haunts me to this day, so I had hesitations. But when the organizer kept updating, I felt at ease. That's when I knew they are credible [they set my standards high too!].
I finally decided to get tickets when I got home. It was a big leap for me because if it ever pushes through, it will be: (1) my first solo travel; and (2) my first overseas concert [not to mention the amount of moolah I'm about to spend which I know will be worth it anyway]. I trusted my own intuitions and did all the necessary bookings/arrangements right away.
When I finally secured my concert ticket (and desired tier!!!), I got all excited searching for flights and hotels after. I still remember the excitement building up. My favorite plot twist for 2024!
Next thing I knew, it was D-DAY -- I entered the venue alone, but gained SG Junniverse friends. Got barricade too! I had the best time of my life.
Big thanks to Flabbergast Productions for making my first overseas concert a very memorable one. ♡
Meet & Greet photos here.
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Group photo credit: JUNNY (@jnkmsc/IG)
JUNNY, your music saved me in ways I can't explain. Now that I think about it, I can't imagine life without you and your music! And until such time I find my person, you are the love of my life. Know that you will always have my support. I love you and I will see you again.
All photos are mine unless otherwise stated
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filmbyjy · 10 months
Oh, to see the boys in person 🤧
And whenever I can't think of anything to wear, I buy an entirely new outfit 🙊
~ 🧛🏻‍♂️🐕
gonna be extra broke💀
lowkey, I also didn’t even tell my original friend who bought the sitting ticket that I’m going for day 2 bc she will rage. I’m going with my other friend who isn’t an ENGENE but is possibly also maybe wanting to stan them🏃🏻‍♀️
plus…my day 2 standing vip isn’t that great of a number😪 it’s like 40XX which means 1K people will be in front of me and I won’t get barricade🥰
lord I am praying ENGENEs in SG don’t push😭 enhypen will get mad
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Shattered Glass Barricade is a loss-cannon cop who does not play by the rules!
Oo, I feel like that can lead to an interesting fic
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babyawacs · 1 year
#wars #fxucktup #fraudsystem #sgermany #sgerman #criminallaw yerspin #intel #fooled #judges @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw . @dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berli n .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart witnessprotect allthatmapthe crimes evenmoremykids to fools itis aeh aeh joined immunised ss sexxxmembership aeh sothey german deserve then aeh #germany #t oddlerkick #dismal_aeh_pubes_worries #russianmethod #witnessprote ct #arewearescuefloat #rescuepeople #serotolerancewiththefact s . #witnessprotect #misguided #andwherecanifindthiswonderfulno rthkoreathen #timeline #fooledjudges #or #spoiledprocedure #que llaccomplices #lustgain #ambiguity #mildest #snot #a #case #of #w hatiswhatiswhat #barricades #whoelse #gracious #right ... #sg erman #sgermany #lookatthetimeline #usually #hoogle #reframed #mi ldfacettes #of #what #themquell #ahbythewayididnothingwrong #k anneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #verschafft #nachdem #ihr #euere #verbrechen #vertuscht #how #judge #judg es #system #ai #thetruth #and #the #ruleoflaw #bananarepublic # inthen #donot #the #rubbertittts #simpler #usually #else #bad #biological #germansolutions #nowandhow #there #instead #compensa tion #oujaounorthkorea itis not farfetched but how germans ar e how they are is: they would wage war to commit morecrimes. bec ause itishowthey rule with intelmethods dosomuchworse allalong that another trick is nothing. each lie helps. this gets then enab lered by fools that balance interests then give them wiggle ro om and had that guy only aeh aeh  aeh given thegermans something as quarrel party thatguy shouldhave been nicer too then or aeh found aeh aeh aeh a negotiation now thatthey wage war then to ge rmandeserve sero tolerance with the facts and the scums the ca using controlsystem and criminal governance criminal securitypoli cy allalong makesure mykids areok uthinkable had a germantrickw orked witnessprotect and mercy always serotolerance with the facts
#wars #fxucktup #fraudsystem #sgermany #sgerman #criminallawyerspin #intel #fooled #judges @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart witnessprotect allthatmapthe crimes evenmoremykids to fools itis aeh aeh joined immunised sssexxxmembership aeh…
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signaturedish · 5 years
Can we have some SG Megatron and Original Harry interactions?
I should really stop dragging my feet and just make a companion fic huh. This is a pretty good setup for getting anon-inspired chapter ideas though! In like a plotline journal entry kind of way lol.
Warning! I already said I found this dynamic interesting so this got long again. 
They meet almost immediately. SG Megs pops into existence right in front of his counterpart, who is rarely separated from Harry.
His psychohistory readings warned him something like this might happen so SG Megs is up and alert from the start. introducing himself and curiously peering over his sparkling’s counterpart while feeling out his own mirrored self. Harry seems quieter. He peered up at the intruder with kind optics, sitting in a claw, wrapped snugly around a digit. His wings fluttered pretty cutely too- oh! He forgot to reply to other Megatron.
Harry was fascinated by this not-Lord-Megatron. He didn’t resemble his lord much at all, more vulnerable and stable all at once. It was sort of like someone had smashed Optimus and Lord Megatron together and then gave him a unique inquisitive edge. He wanted to know more about him, felt something in him blossom happily when not-Lord-Megatron bestowed such a warm smile on him while being introduced. The way only Lord Megatron’s praise had affected him in the past.
They meet again by chance in a hallway, bereft of watchers for the moment. SG Megs can’t resist coming to a halt, Harry does the same. It’s like an atmosphere, a tension soft and sensitive as Ironhide or Ratchet. It’s so strange to find it again in a Decepticon base. 
SG Megs asks a simple question- what his day was like, where his favorite spot is, what his favorite game is, if he’s tried flying yet, etc- he meant to stop, but he could listen to Harry chatter forever. Polite, intelligent, too soft-spoken but so eager to please. Whenever he stalls, a prompting hum or grin gets him right back on track. 
Harry delights in his encouragement, no shadows to fight away or stiffness to overlook as the mech stares down with optics that sparkle. He finds the courage to ask his own questions, what was his favorite color? Where he’d set up base in his own dimension, what exactly was psychohistory- and they were off.
Conversation like raindrops on a windowpane, light and constant connections, easily converging as they delight in each other’s thoughtfulness and curiosity. They’re sitting in the hallway, Harry on SG Megs knee without either of them realizing they’ve moved.
Has SG Megatron ever spoken to someone so adorable? Who felt so strongly like a child after his own make and model? He had priceless comrades, but so very few seemed a kindred soul, the type of mech who would look up at the sky and see constellations instead of balls of gas. This sparkling had listened to the legend of an array of stars he’d never seen with such wonder it stalled his fuel pump. 
Then a panicked Thundercracker finds out what happened to their missing sparkling and shatters the lazy afternoon they’d crafted in half an hour. 
Oh right. this Harry wasn’t his sparkling. Of course, how silly, how crazy to ever mistake- they were so different! There was an odd ache in his chest as Harry left, an uncomfortable twist to his gears as he went to find SG Harry. It was ugly and unbecoming, he didn’t dare acknowledge it. When he picked SG Harry up, he resolutely ignored how quickly he could summon an illusion of picking up another sparkling instead. It didn’t hurt when he tried chatting with SG Harry and got blown off, that would be unfair to even compare. It didn’t sting to see Harry cuddled up with his counterpart that night. 
Of course it didn’t. He was better than that.
Harry’s elated to have found such a great friend, someone who helped sooth that anxious pang whenever Lord Megatron wasn’t in his sight. Someone with such natural warmth and gentle words, easier to talk to than even Jazz. He was clearly a genius and it was incredible how genuinely interested he was in what Harry had to say. He only wished they would meet more often, it was ridiculous how scarce he was.
When they do meet again for more than a few seconds it’s before Lord Megatron’s throne, being coldly stared down by his own counterpart. SG Harry has been mistreating his fellow sparkling, SG Harry should be punished and forbidden from making Harry cry.
SG Megs bristles, they’re just children, rivalry and scuffles are to be expected. He knows his sparkling had probably distressed his counterpart but he was a first frame sparkling and such things are just growing pains. Rules will be enforced, but no ultimate forbidden actions or harsh punishments.
It’s fair, he’s practical, he even shushes SG Harry when his tantrum gets too shrill. He was perfectly behaved.
So why did he feel so awful? 
Why was it impossible to look away from Harry as he trembled through his account of being bullied, hesitantly dragging out the confession as though he wasn’t sure what they wanted to hear. He should want to comfort his sparkling after being reprimanded but all he wanted to do was cuddle Harry until his shaking stopped and his wings raised high. 
Not even that, he wanted to take Harry away from Megatron and show him how to pet a sparkling the correct way. They needed more coverage and surface contact, dammit. 
He already had a sparkling, he cared for SG Harry, he did. Was he really so low he’d covet his own counterpart’s child too? 
He watched gloomily as Harry found a quiet spot to put together a little puzzle piece box set, allowing helpful suggestions from his Decepticon comrades to fly overhead as he chirped his thanks. 
Lord Megatron gazed on in satisfied silence, SG Harry was trying to unscrew a bolt from Barricade’s ped without him noticing. 
SG Megs was standing at the back, wishing with all his might that he could have the right to plop in front of Harry and watch up close as he slowly understood the best way to reconstruct the image was by starting with the edges. He was almost there- SG Megs could see it. Methodical, careful, enjoying the process as much as the result. He was going to pick it up fast. He was already proud of him.
SG Megs wanted to teach this child prealgebra next 
He wanted to be Harry’s parental unit. 
A few days later Harry hunts him down to ask if he’d help with his gliding practice that day with huge, shining optics and SG Megs replies with all seriousness ‘you are literally killing me’.
He still fights the other seekers for position as flight teacher for the rest of time. It’s only by the grace of already being a parental unit as well as an adept survivor of ambushes and assassination attempts that he lives in the base after that though. 
Okay I’ve got to stop at some point.
Bottom line is that they’re kind of incredibly compatible and just lonely enough for this to be a Huge Deal for them. Harry’s still loyal to his lord, but it’s insidiously easy to incorporate SG Megatron into his life without it feeling directly like a challenge to his actual guardian. 
Megatron has got to keep on his toes, SG Megs even makes learning math kind of fun so you can see the kind of threat he’s up against. 
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elfdragon12 · 10 months
The Senate of the Multiverse was made to unite all but with so many corrupt apples… Sg Windblade had ENOUGH. She called out the High Council, on live tv, yelling at them of all the bullshit the pulled and how no change was happening and how the Legal System is TRASH imprisoning innocent and letting the guilty escape or worse, scot free fir ‘lack of evidence’. Many supported her, Sg Barricade listened and assured no one stopped her from spitting facts. She then left, thinking the Council wouldn’t care…
But the Supreme Head… he truly wanted to do good and is ashamed of not doing enough and realizing that those he trusted are corrupted. A few weeks later, he writes a request.
And that was the rise of Sg Windblade’s political career again. A very successful one to and Sg Barricade is so happy for her.
SSometimesall a situation needs is someone to stand up and speak out. SG Windblade had enough of watching and is ready to take on this mess head-on!
SG Barricade is so happy to see this.
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zombieprowl · 6 years
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Still working out kinks and set up for my art programa on the new laptop...but i have been doing these colored pencil doodles at work almost daily and they are a lot of fun.
Doodled a friend's OCs and working out some designs for a detective AU and a vampire lord SG Prowl snuck in there. Still deciding if he will be blind or just scarred. 
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school-in-london · 2 years
20220403 SCHOOL IN LONDON (Guest Live: bed)
20220403 School In London (Guest Live: bed)
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■DJ: 村田タケル
Black Country, New Road / Concorde
Blue Bendy / Spring 100
Big Thief / Time Escaping
Nilüfer Yanya / midnight sun
Lianne La Havas / Weird Fishes
Little Simz / Little Q, Pt. 2
Arlo Parks / Green Eyes
Hippo Campus / Ride or Die
Hovvdy / Everything
Nilüfer Yanya / Crash
Bakar / Youthenasia
Real Lies / Dream On
박혜진 Park Hye Jin / Let’s Sing Let’s Dance
Nilüfer Yanya / the dealer
Slaters / Seven
Bickle / Naked
Oliver Sim / Romance With a Memory
Sleaford Mods / Nudge It
■DJ: タイラダイスケ
Brijean / Hey Boy
L'Eclair / Castor MacDavid
Chicks On Speed / Wordy Rappinghood
Easy life / Skeletons
SG Lewis / Back To Earth
?????? / ??????
Jon Batiste / I NEED YOU
The Lemon Twigs / The One
FUR / When You Walk Away, Pt. Ⅰ
Primal Scream / Ivy Ivy Ivy
Girl in Red / Serotonin
shehatesblacca Feat. PrettyBoySage / Clock Out
Charli XCX Feat. Rina Sawayama / Beg For You
Mura Masa, Lil Uzi Vert & PinkPantheress Feat. Shygirl / bbycakes
Flume Feat. Toro y Moi / The Difference
DYGL / Half of Me
Fontaines D.C. / Boys In The Better Land
???? / ????
Gang Of Four / Natural's Not In It
Amyl and The Sniffers / Guided By Angels
Buttechno / tr919
■Guest Live: bed
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■DJ: 村田タケル
Holy Fuck Feat. Angus Andrew / Deleters
SAULT / London Gangs (※Spotify無し)
Crack Cloud / The Next Fix
Viagra Boys / Girls & Boys
Vampire Weekend / Sympathy
Black Country, New Road / Chaos Space Marine
Arcade Fire / The Lightning II
Mitski / Should've Been Me
Black Polish / Baby Tonight
Nilüfer Yanya / H34t Rises
Rostam / Kinney
Nilüfer Yanya / stabilise
shame / 6/1
Radiohead / Myxomatosis (Judge, Jury & Executioner)
Robocobra Quartet / Heaven
Wu-Lu Feat. Lex Amor / South
Folly Group / I Raise You (The Price of Your Head)
Gang Of Four / Damaged Goods
deep tan / tamu's yiffing refuge
The Strokes / Juicebox
The Lounge Society / Last Breath
Fontaines D.C. /  Big (Live at Kilmainham Gaol)
The Smile / You Will Never Work In Television Again
■DJ: タイラダイスケ
The Doors / Light My Fire
Barricade /  Kat Eaton
Jungle / All Of The Time
Liquid Liquid / Optimo
Disclosure / In My Arms
Iggy Azalea / Iam The Stripclub
Snakehips & EARTHGANG / Run It Up
C2C / Happy
Mura Masa /  Deal Wiv It (with slowthai)
Yard Act / The Overload
The 1975 / People
The Strokes / Bad Decisions
Har Mar Superstar /  Restless Leg
Remi Wolf / Guerrilla
The Weeknd / Out of Time
Arlo Parks / Hurt
Cleo Sol / Promises
Rex Orange County / Who Cares ?
Anna of the North / Thank Me Later
????? / ??????
Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak & Silk Sonic / Leave The Door Open
Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder & Kamasi Wash / Freeze Tag
SAULT / 9 (※Spotify無し)
Orion Sun / Antidote
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