#shade pokemon reborn
gree-gon · 5 days
Can you doodle Shade?
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fixing up his friend
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jazz-kitty · 1 year
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zakura-ss · 8 days
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Man she's amazing
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rozetheeuwu · 3 months
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Happy pride month everyone!
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pinkdreamscape1 · 1 year
trans gemnedr
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MtF and FtM Solidarity
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crimsoncrim · 1 year
(late) maid day silly sketch
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blazingflareon · 1 year
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fuck it *minecrafts reborn protag*
i needed a new skin so i decided to make one for sylph :] might do skins for sol and zenith too if i ever feel like it lmao
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"My name? It's Cheren Slater! I'll be your mentor from now on, okay?"
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verraformer · 2 years
a shady individual
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
I like how Amaria straight up attempts to murder you and actively hates your guts on the Reshiram route but then her Vaporeon is just like, vibing and is like "you pet me I like you give me more pets" outside of her gym
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gree-gon · 1 year
saw these aggressive pride flags and
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flags are by WhyTheEnn on twitter
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jazz-kitty · 2 years
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she’s the most normalest girl ever. if being normal was a contest lin would win #1 at being nromal
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sharffffff · 2 years
Night of scares
OCs featured:
Caelum Blackwood - Dark Type reserve gym leader
@neon--glitch 's Penny O'Hallow - Ghost Type reserve gym leader
Caelum was, as much as they didn't want to admit it, very excited for tonight. Ever since they've gotten an overly too formal email from Penny inviting them to this little scary story reading picnic in Machous forest park, they were working on a story that would be exciting yet not too scary for kids that would show up - after all, scaring seven to twelve year olds is only fun when they aren't scarred for life and only slightly spooked. Halloween shouldn't be a traumatic experience, after all.
Caelum didn't expect Penny to actually get enough courage to invite them to this picnic - after all, they've noticed her glances for a while now, and it seemed like she was somewhat nervous to approach them, probably due to her being quite new to this entire "reserve gym leader" thing, and Caelum being stuck in this position for more than 5 years now, not that they were complaining - Luna was the best gym leader they could've wanted to be a reserve to.
But Caelum had to hurry, since with them arranging something with a mutual friend of theirs and Penny's they were almost out of time to get the costume finished in time for the picnic. The costume was decided upon long before they were invited, so it might have not fit the theme of their scary story completely, but that wasn't going to stop them from using it. After all, Halloween is more about personal fun than about sticking to one single theme, isn't it?
With a quick glance in a mirror to make sure everything looked as perfect as it could, they called their absol, Malum, to them, and applied a few strokes of a safe red paint to his perfectly black fur before proceeding outside. Now, that Malum was matching their suit, they could finally go to Malchous - and just in time, they were almost late.
Caelum arrived at the entrance to Malchous park just as the clock hit 6pm - it was already beginning to get dark, perfect for a night filled with scary stories, but not so late that their main audience consisting mostly of school kids would miss it. Caelum knew they were almost late, but as they were entering the park they've noticed a familiar figure, now wearing a very big witch hat and exerting Halloween aesthetic.
"Hey, Penny! Sorry for being late, had to prepare some things for tonight. Hope it wasn't too much of a bother!" - Caelum shared a wide smile with Penny, finally being able to show off their costume to someone who might be able to appreciate it.
The costume was, from a quick glance, just a slightly weirdly shaped vampire cape, but as Caelum was moving their arms around it became obvious that it was supposed to look like yveltal's wings - and, honestly, it did look like them. The edges of the cape were attached to Caelum's arms, moving along with them, and the bottom side was quite similar to yveltal's tail. This suit was clearly well made, both in quality and in its ability to look just like someone wearing a vampire suit instead.
Penny, however, didn't seem to notice Caelum's costume at first, mostly being surprised at their presence here it all. It almost felt like she didn't expect them to show up, and she was quite nervous about them actually being here.
"H-hi! You didn't reply to the email and I didn't know whether to expect you or not... but I'm glad you came! W-will you be telling some spooky stories today too or are you here just to watch?" - Penny nervously laughed, clearly not quite sure how to act in this situation, and Caelum didn't quite blame her - they tried keeping quite an imposing presence wherever they came, and were actually quite enjoying when others felt too intimidated to approach.
"Of course I'll be telling some stories, I have one story in particular in mind - and you, actually, might really enjoy it. Has something to do with a mutual friend of ours." - Caelum gave Penny a mischievous smile, while receiving just a confused look from her in return, and pointed deeper into the park:
"Should we proceed or are you waiting on someone else? I think kids might be waiting for some spook, and I am willing to give them the scare that they crave."
Penny replied with a simple nod, clearly not quite comfortable around Caelum, but as soon as they approached the group of kids, who were enjoying themselves around a fire with some marshmallows on the sticks, her entire presence changed. She was fully in her element, confident and cracking jokes and sharing words with some of the kids, making faces and going fully in character with being a witch. Right now, right here, she was a witch and she was about to give those kids some of the scare that they so much wanted.
Penny was telling stories about dark forests and creatures that lurk within, tales about people lost and people found, yet different than they were before being lost, tales about fae folk and trickster pokemon, tales about being careful who to trust and the stories about origin of Halloween, about the wall between worlds being thinner than on any other day of the year, and about the importance of the monstrous disguise on this day in particular.
Children were thrilled with these stories and kept asking for more, but it started getting quite late and Penny, even if greatly enjoying herself, was clearly tired and almost out of stories to tell. So here, now, Caelum knew that it was their time to take the stage. They nodded to Penny, whispering "You did great" to her, and receiving a surprised look and a smile in return, and then proceeded to get in her place, before the kids, in front of the campfire, which lit up the reds in their costume to look almost like they were glowing on their own.
"This might be the last story for tonight, but don't worry, kids, since this one is different from the others. This one is most scary because it is completely true. You might question some parts of it, but I assure you, nothing I will tell you next will be a lie.
You all might know the big building not too far from here - the one your parents or guardians might tell you to keep away from, the one that always gives you chills when you look at it, the one just one ward north from here and across a long and scary bridge - the abandoned power plant.
Depending on whoever you ask, you will get different answers as to why it was abandoned. Some say that it was because it fell to ruin and repairing it would be too hard, some say that it was too far from the center of the city and that the new one, in Peridot ward, was just more effective - but those who reason like that are just lying to themselves. You and I, kids, we all know why in actuality it was abandoned, right? Have you guessed who my story tonight will be about?" - Caelum gave a quick glance to the group of kids around them, some of whom were getting somewhat tired of the long start to the story, but one of the girls has jumped up and shouted out "Shade!" with as much confidence as only a kid can have.
"You are, of course, correct. Shade, our elusive Ghost Type leader. All of you might have heard many stories about him, all differing in the amount of truth they have. I, however, will speak the truth, and only truth. My truth may be different from your truth, but I swear that none of the words that leave my mouth today will be a lie.
So who is Shade? Every person you ask will have a different answer to this question. Some will say that he's a ghost himself, and that's why he sticks with ghost types, others will claim that he is just a man who takes his act way too serious, and others yet say that he is just lingering memories of another world. And I have to admit, I don't have the exact answer to this question either, I don't know who he is - but I know what he is.
You will know he's around even before you have a chance to see him. You will feel the strong, cold wind, that cuts deep enough to chill you to your bones," - Caelum gave a quick, barely noticeable nod to a murder of murkrows on a nearby tree, and they started loudly cawing and flapping their wings, causing a wind to appear and almost out out the bonfire.
"And yet still, despite the wind, you will notice that everything around you is surrounded in a thick wall of almost impenetrable, primordial mist, like ones that can consume you whole and you will never be seen again," - with a quick press of a button hidden in one of the cape's wings a small smoke machine installed in the costume started working, pumping out a noticeable amount of mist, with kids expressions going from almost bored to worried and even scared.
"But of course, that is not all. All lights around you will begin to dim," - dark pulse from Malum straight into the campfire helped with it being left barely burning, - "And you will feel like you are being watched, his red eyes following your every step.
But those who have seen him on their own, of course, recall not just the eyes, not only his smoking black figure, no - they recall his smile. His wide, unnaturally white, smile, which chills you to the bone." - As Caelum was saying that, everyone who was looking directly at them could see a darkness gather behind their back, first gaining humanoid shape, then bright red eyes, and then, of course, the smile. Kids were frozen in fear, almost afraid to move, as Caelum continued, with wind rising to be stronger and mist getting thicker.
"Those who dare to go to his power plant during the halloween night are said to meet their darkest fears, be enchanted with visions of the worst possible futures, and scared out of their lives. Yet those who are brave enough to withstand that trial, who aren't afraid to meet their fears, are said to be rewarded for their bravery." - Shade behind Caelum continued to rise above the ground, his eyes following every single one of the kids at the exact same time, with Penny also looking almost worried. At this moment Caelum switched their voice to be deeper and raspier, and opened the wings of their cape to their fullest, with absol's cry sounding in a distance.
“Those who are brave enough, however, share: Their bravery did not go unrewarded, Those who weren’t by scary stories thwarted And have entered ghost leader’s lair
The things they saw in there have shook them But nonetheless they followed through And got rewarded for their bravery true They left that place with haul alluring
But be reminded that who seeks to enter: Do not mistake stupidity for courage For stupid will their fears encourage, Still going through and perishing like embers
While those who’re brave will listen to their fears And act carefully and only do what’s needed And will be to their rewards they treated Presented gifts for their unshed tears”
With these words Caelum closed their wings, completely putting the fire out for a second, with only creepy laughter sounding in the darkness and kids beginning to scream. A second later fire reignited, with Shade being gone from behind Caelum, and kids having an excited glow in their eyes.
"I recommend trying your bravery while you still can, before you have to go to bed for the night. After all, it is told that candies from Shade are the best ones you could ever have." - Caelum gave the group of kids in front of them a sneaky smile, and a bunch of them ran off, daring each other to go to abandoned power plant for candies and saying that they aren't afraid.
After all of them have dispersed, Caelum sighed and turned to Penny, feeling somewhat bad. "I feel like I could've done better, I am not the best at making stories up on the spot. At least my special effect were on point, with our mutual friend showing up to help. He has most probably already left, to accommodate to kids raiding his power plant, but he made my subpar story much better, don't you think?" - they gave Penny a weak smile, kinda embarrassed at not being as good at storytelling as they could've hoped to be.
"Are you kidding? You were great! A-and you even invited Shade? I-I didn't think he would even be interested in this sort of thing. I knew about him having this thing at the power plant every Halloween, but I never thought he would be into scary stories. E-even if he only appeared for such a short amount of time!" - Penny was visibly excited about what happened, and it made Caelum feel a bit better. They still thought that they could do better, but then again, kids just want to be scared, and it doesn't really matter how good the story was if they were scared in the end.
Maybe this night did go better than they thought it did. Maybe it was good enough.
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
another felting update
Have been felting literally all day long, my hands are feeeeeling the strain
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ya boy's got legs and feet tho!! I still dunno how to do the hands (I'll probably look up some tips on youtube) Plus the dark green i ordered came in and it is oh so soft and just the right shade of green i needed for the cucumber
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next is a trade me and my sister are doing, she's crocheting me a opossum while i make her a vaporeon/charizard fusion figure cuz those are her favourite pokemon. I felt,she crochets its kind of our thing
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And then i reaaaaaaaally wanted to make reborn pico(This form of his is just plaguing my thoughts, so much) the decorating has so much potential and it makes me super excited when i get to that part. Lil flowers and fake lil shrubs n pebbles that i could glue on, its almost like im designing a pokemon xD just not sure if i have a good enough gray to cover it (might just end up ordering some more,along with some blue for the chareon fusion)
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Working on a big drawing so have some shitposts in the meantime
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superdummymags · 5 months
I'm gonna hit you with that 31, 21, 12, and 11.
31) thaaat's a tough oneee. i'm gonna say mt terajuma though? i love the vibes.
21) honestly! either Nimpossible Predicament or A Teila Fire and Ice. new terajuma is just really good i like it a lot
12) matthew changes the way his beard looks every once in a while just to make an 'inconsistency' joke to eizen
11) ( more under the cut because you just opened the floodgates sparkie )
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so let's give a quick overview of all of them! let's start with the classic
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Hephae Canestus! She's a mechanic at Xen with unhealthy loyalty issues. She likes to stare at people a lot, and she's got a fairly thick southern accent. She comes from Unova and got her love for automechanics from her father.
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King Caliburn! He's a grunt in Bladestar who has a hyperfixation on crustaceans. His entire team is crustacean Pokemon, and he aspires to become a veterinarian for aquatic Pokemon- but he also can't stand the way GDC is run, so he's going to help put a stop to that first.
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Lusca! King's best friend and boss. A Bladestar Admin who uses mollusk Pokemon, they were the reason King got into Bladestar in the first place. He's also studying to become a veterinarian.
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Queen Caliburn! King's sister. A teacher at Axis High, she has no clue what's happened to her brother. She knows he's in Bladestar, but him telling her that went worse than poorly, so now they're out of contact- after the events at the ball, she's worried he died.
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Eleanor! She's a "Destroyer of Aevium" - aka the people under Vitus who use wield eleki and drago. She's the owner of Regidrago! She's a very violent and angry person, having been raised to be an aggressive weapon by Vitus since she was a baby. She has a crush on Hazuki which unfortunately leads to her death in the Sanctuary.
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Raiden! The other "Destroyer of Aevium", he wields Regieleki. He's the strong, silent type, and usually lets Eleanor speak for him. He's also Eleanor's impulse control- otherwise, these two would just be getting into constant fights. He can and will beat the shit out of you, though. He manages to live into the modern day, but he's no longer a Destroyer. He's busy traveling.
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Nathaniel Goode! Not much to go over with him; he's basically Zeight's antivirus system while also being a virus himself. He also coincidentally looks like a Garufan programmer also named Nathan Goode. Why he does is unknown because trying to communicate with him is impossible ( he's too busy fixing the rendering engine )
whew okay breather time.
alright breather time over back to it-
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Gale Suite! She's a part of a family of travelers that extend over the rebornverse for the fun of it- she lives in Aevium and helps one of her family members hunt down Zygarde Cells. We'll only go over one of the other Suites to keep things as brief as humanly possible...
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Kim Suite! She's the eldest of the Suites and the scariest. She's got a perpetual smile and a shade always over her face- this is hiding the fact she's actually a 25% Zygarde. She's the one who gathers Cells- mostly Just In Case Something Happens. She tends to go between Reborn and Aevium.
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Apho! Xen Mage who has a grudge against Hephae, for some reason. Regardless they're a very quiet person who also happens to be one of the creepiest people ever, constantly muttering about doing very violent things to people they don't like.
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Ray and Yra! ( Yra's the one with the hat. ) Interceptor OCs based on the concept of making one different decision. Ray's paragon while Yra's renegade-- the turning point is the aftermath of Mt. Valor, where Yra decides to close herself off from everyone while Ray decides to help everyone get through it. Both are heavily committed to the Bit and tend to fail upwards in most battles.
aaand i think that's it! there might be a few i'm missing but theyyy probably dont have enough characterization for me to discuss or put here. sorry for the too long i aint reading all that post lmao
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