SHADEHEART - (Lex Foster)
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Shadeheart is a fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with shiny amber eyes, a white tuft on her chest, and a small nick in her right ear.
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And now, Shadeheart! I changed her name from what it was previously because I didn't think it really fit her. Also, I took away the X shaped scar because that was kind of Cross' brand, but I still gave her a sick ass scar!
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wacastarofthenight · 2 months
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meet miss shadeheart! she’s a senior warrior of beetleclan and has lived under two different leaders in her lifetime. despite her and her mate, slateeyes,’s older age the pair have recently become first time parents to the orphaned jaykit. slateeyes temporarily gave up her warrior duties to become a queen in the nursery just to watch over jaykit while shadeheart kept her duties. she frequently visits her mate and new son in the nursery to help care for the kit. shadeheart is a skilled hunter and has trained many apprentices under her wing over her seasons as warrior. the clan was shocked when otterstar named the young warrior roseflight as deputy instead of shadeheart or her brother oaktail whom robinstar had been actively considering for the role because of their experience. shadeheart doesn’t mind this though as she’ll gladly serve her clan no matter what. shadeheart and oaktail look rather similar, especially when they were apprentices and young warriors, but nowadays shadeheart has a lot more grey hairs compared to him. the scar along her belly came from a border spat between cloudclan and beetleclan when she was young. the wound had almost been her end but remarkably tawnyface was able to heal her and she made a full recovery. her days as a warrior are far less exciting now but her time as a warrior will definitely make for good stories when she’s ready to retire to the elders den. she’s not quite ready to give up her duties yet but she’ll know rest one of these days!
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thebritishdragon · 2 months
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The first four are my characters while the rest aren’t!
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Clangen: ya they died in a fire lol
Me, about to make an angsty as fuck story about this:
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yourlocalductor · 1 year
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Part one of some silly roleplay stuff with Pringle!!
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kazpurr · 19 days
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waow!!!! here she is my beloved beautiful babygirl. the one who started it all... the oc who i've had the longest... underneath the cut will be some awesome epic loredump info about her if anyone is interested!! there will be a lot of text a lot of long ass paragraphs. teehee. also down there ill be including a neat little timeline of her design because i think its rly important. erm anyways!! thats all!! rbs > likes as always :3
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well. to begin with. here is the timeline as promised! not including this current design, but including her last official design that was basically what ive been using up until this one. shes always always always been a black and white cat up excluding the one time i tried to make her blue for some reason? um. i dont know what i was doing with that . lol
shes an oc who's near and dear to my heart and her story within my warrior cats oc universe is important to me and pretty heavily based off of my own real life, when i first made her and my other oc's i wasn't in a very good um. headspace. bad homelife. she was my escape into a fictional world as something to keep my brain busy from the shitty real world. obviously i made her pretty tragic as a character to cope with my own tragedies but despite that she's still going strong in life (just like me!) so. here it is! (spoiler friendly for the thing that im writing which will be posted soon i promise. one day
mistyleaf was born alongside two siblings, a she-cat and a tom named amberkit and mintkit respectively. their mother was shadeheart, who... didn't want to have kittens. at all. she was essentially coerced by her mate to have them, because he wanted them. and because shadeheart didn't want them, didn't want to raise them, but didn't want to just abandon them (let alone give them to her awful mate), the three were primarily raised by shadeheart's closest friend, who had lost her own mate and kittens a few moons prior, alderstar (who is ALSO the clan leader, if you couldnt tell by her name). she loved the kits dearly, and really loved and cared for shadeheart, too, who was. to put it extremely lightly, struggling. her and her mate did not have a good relationship. and she wanted to keep the kits away from him as much as possible. but she had no choice other than to agree to give her mate one of the kits, the "runt" of the litter as he put it, mintkit. and she had no choice, because he had threatened her about it. she didn't want to put her, her kits, alderstar, or the rest of thunderclan in potential danger, so... she had to give in.
so one night, shadeheart sets out against alderstar's desperate begging for her not to go, to give the tomkit to her mate, for him to take back to his own clan. and that was going to be it. they were going to break up forever, and shadeheart could act like he was never a part of her life. things, presumably, would have gone back to normal. her kits could have been safely raised by alderstar, she could go back to being a warrior, and wouldn't have to live in fear anymore.
fast forward a year later... shadeheart is missing, and mintkit hasn't been seen either.
despite it being a while since it happened, neither amberheart nor mistyleaf have moved on from shadeheart or mintkit's disappearances, and now that they're both getting to be older... mistyleaf in particular wonders if alderstar will ever tell them who their father is. mistyleaf barely remembers the tom, and can barely create an image of him in her mind. amberheart spent the least time around him on the few occasions that he came to visit thunderclan.
there's nothing more that mistyleaf wants than to see shadeheart again. she can't wait to tell her she and amberheart have earned her warrior names, finally, and she can't wait to see mintkit again after so long. she hopes the two of them are safe and sound, and return to the clans at some point.
at this moment, mistyleaf and amberheart are adults now, they've recently earned their warrior names, and are living fairly normal warrior lives. mistyleaf in particular is a bit more shy and soft spoken than her sister, amberheart, who tends to be a bit more out there. she only really has a few close friends, those being sedgepelt and quailfeather, slightly older warriors who she trained alongside during her apprenticeship, but who graduated to warriors before she did. her mentor was dustglow, the clan deputy, who pushed her to her limits, but not enough to overwork her. he was strict, but caring to the young she-cat, and she greatly respects him for it.
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Dark Forest Resident: Droughtstar
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Aliases / Ncknames: Droughtclaw, King of Bones, Softstar (by Meadowleg), Handsome (by Meadowleg)
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Quietlarch (mother), unnamed father, Fernnoise, Berrykit (brothers) Willowstone, Greenkit, Drakepelt (sisters), Meadowleg (mate), Turtleshade, Hedgewind, Blightwish, Ferretwhisker, Slopepelt, Bluffspeck (sons), Hazelspots, Thistlefur, Lavendershade, Flightburr (daughters)
Other Relations: Greyheart (mentor), Beamfur, Waterstripe, Silverpaw, Ambertree, Hazelmouse (former apprentices)
Clan: Darkclan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: sneaky, good speaker
Number of Victims: 85
Number of Murders: 0
Murder Method: N/A
Method of Harm: exiling, emotional trauma and manipulation
Known victims: Dappledheart, Fiercepath, Cloverfin, Mouseleaf, Rushblink, Pondbriar, Fuzzylight, Condorgorse, Birdbloom, Turtleshade, Hedgewind, Minktail, Darkmist, Emy, Lugnut, Shyhawk, Skypelt, Nightfade, Rifthare, Mumblewhisper, Primfur, Tallwhisker, Cricketdrift, Appledapple, Milque, Silverbird, Sandtail, Scardrop, Whirlclover, Wetbreeze, Barkclaw, Condorfreckle, Ferretberry, Icecry, Irisfrost, Shadeblotch, Sedgedaisy, Tawnyspots, Palewhisker, Newtcoral, Springpetal, Mudpelt, Chase, Hughie, Halfblaze, Cranecry, Sandwater, Smokystream, Leapjay, Nightpelt, Deadfur, Fadedpuddle, Zim, Paleclaw, Blinkleaf, Lavendershade, Flightburr, Waterstripe, Copperleap, Fadingpounce, Toadblink, Spikeclaw, Fernseed, Shadeheart, Mantismist, Swamptail, Echopelt, Spottedpelt, Lotuskite, Ambertree, Blisspetal, Poppytail, Hazefur, Briarlotus, Kestrelfur, Conespot, Bluepool, Hailburr, Palefoot, Flaxear, Fenneldapple, Freezespeckle, Wrenwhisker, Iceface, Peakfur
Victim Profile: warriors
Cause of Death: rogues (first), drowning (second) drowning (third) pushed under monster (fourth) old age (fifth) old age (sixth) old age (seventh) old age (eighth) old age (ninth
Cautionary Tale: ??
No one knew how he had done it. In the first moon of his reign--Smokestar’s body was barely cold!--five cats went missing. Droughtstar had merely smiled and remarked that they had been sacrificed. He declared Partridgepetal as his deputy, and received his new name that night.
Rumors swirled. Would Droughtstar be even crueler than previous leaders? Queens cradled their kittens close and cried that night.
The pattern continued. Cats were vanishing left and right, and, in the middle of it all was Droughtstar, with a cheshire smile on his face, and Meadowleg at his side.
Even the known murderers of the Clan had to admit that they were terrified. He walked through his Clan with a lethal elegance, and was known for turning ruthless in a heartbeat. The only members of the Clan who were safe from his unpredictable nature were kits and apprentices, who he adored. Even his own kits weren’t safe from sacrifice, and they went missing with startling regularity.
It was noted by many that, even though her kits were presumably being murdered by her mate, Meadowleg never said a word. It was murmured throughout the Clan that the queen had been born without a heart, though no one dared say it in front of her.
It became routine to barricade the walls at night, to say goodbye before goodnight.
Elders complained that they missed the days of Smokestar, who at least had made it known what happened to his victims. These elders were shunned and scolded by the rest of their Clanmates, for, as horrifying as it was to speculate, at the very least, Droughtstar didn’t kill kits. Even when the kits tore at him and pestered him, he never so much as hissed.
When Meadowleg retired, Droughtstar stopped being so diligent in his sacrificial duties, and, eventually, queens stopped the practice of ‘smearing’ their light-coloured kits.
As Droughtstar started to lose lives to old age, he called his son and deputy-- Bluffspeck--forward to hear his last words.
Trying not to cry, Bluffspeck knelt beside his dying father, who whispered to him. “I never killed a soul, y’know. I just exiled them and told them not to come back. Worked to make all you bloodthirsty youngsters think I was killing, but y’know what? When I get to the Place of No Stars, if you make one single sacrifice, I’m going to drag you there with me.”
Bluffspeck mewed in distress, but his father, with his fateful final words, was gone.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor
--Old bastard energy
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lazy-luzzy · 9 months
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My warriors fixation is back full tilt.
From left to right, top to bottom, the characters are;
Redpaw and Shadeheart (owned by my pal Blinker_Trinkets)
And finally, Dogear!
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leafofkudzu · 1 year
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Character Masterpost
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I suppose it's a good problem to have, but I have a million characters across a handful of alt accounts that I'm constantly attempting to wrangle into lists. This one groups them by account/server, but most of the time I mix them all together and use their overall creation date as the order, so if they appear in a different order in other lists, that's why!
Links for each will take you to their tag, which may or may not have things in them. There's also a WIP carrd where I'm adding in expanded bios, but there's so darn many of them that it lags out the entire editor just to change a single element, so work is slow going. @.@
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Main Account: Devona's Rest (NA)
Veska Bonefang | Charr Reaper | She/They
Teekzi | Asura Omni-Ranger | She/Her | Pact Commander
Kirslyn | Sylvari Chronomancer | She/Her
Freja Owlsong | Norn Dragonhunter/Firebrand | She/Her
Naveen Sen | Human Tempest | She/Her
Veyoc | Sylvari Daredevil | He/Him
Rettek | Asura Holosmith | He/They
Serrus Blazeforge | Charr Berserker | He/Him
Beldahvia | Sylvari Mordrem Sylvari Harbinger | She/Her
Zhalsi | Asura Virtuoso | She/Her
Anaya Lockwood | Human Deadeye | She/Her
Darran Braxton | Human Dragonhunter/Willbender | He/Him
Sigrun the Stalwart | Norn Spellbreaker | She/Her
Venoo | Asura Herald | She/Her
Kaerkis | Mordrem(?) Revenant | It/They
Talla Proudsoul | Charr Scrapper | She/Her
Halvar Torsson | Norn Tempest | He/Him
Yui Kaiho | Human Renegade/Vindicator | Any/All
Sterasa | Mordrem Soulbeast | She/Her
The Many Walker | Human Norn Mirage | She/Her
Inquisitor Matthias | Human Tempest | He/Him
Iggy Astralaria | Human Soulbeast | She/Her
Mheura | Sylvari Dragonhunter | She/Her
Militologist Pipa | Asura Berserker | She/Her
Valdis Kogrunner | Norn Scrapper | She/Her
Shrouded Horror | Asura Scourge | He/Him
Elsmyra Mistfable | Charr Renegade | She/Her
Khina al' Amiri | Largos Daredevil | She/Her
Yrsa Finvidr | Norn Druid | She/Her
Vaporwave Nightmare | Human Mirage | She/Her
Taliyah Markos | Human Scourge | She/Her
Archivist Yashu | Asura Firebrand | She/Her
Malina Shadeheart | Norn Specter | She/Her
Brasyck | Sylvari Mechanist | He/Him
Taerythe | Sylvari Bladesworn | She/Her
Lorn Dustpaw | Charr Catalyst | She/Her
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Sylvari-Only Account: Yak's Bend (NA)
Taffila | Sylvari Mesmer | She/Her
Aethirn | Sylvari Guardian | She/Her
Bataea | Sylvari Druid | She/Her
Yuwael | Sylvari Reaper | She/Her
Reigahl | Sylvari Warrior | He/Him
Moriyel | Sylvari Mirage | She/Her
Olaryn | Sylvari Elementalist | He/Him
Ervinct | Sylvari Engineer | He/Him
Iosca | Sylvari Thief | She/They
Llaryen | Sylvari Revenant | He/Him
Carmiana | Sylvari Elementalist | She/Her
Jhaelith | Sylvari Ranger | They/Them
Magical Girl Meka | Sylvari Elementalist | She/Her
Rhenwyr | Sylvari Soulbeast | She/Her
Callivera | Sylvari Omni-Revenant | She/Her
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Asura-Only Account: Northern Shiverpeaks (NA)
Orrva | Asura Guardian | She/Her
Riegg | Asura Elementalist | He/Him
Eizee | Asura Mesmer | She/Her
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EU Account: Piken Square (EU)
Aemryn of Dusk | Sylvari Druid | She/Her
Stormcaller Nell | Charr Tempest | She/Her
Ashelin Falstaff | Human Dragonhunter | She/Her
Runa Gravemourn | Norn Reaper | She/Her
Toxicologist Mosse | Asura Daredevil | She/Her
Paranomalous Plexxi | Asura Vindicator | She/Her
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misty-leaf · 2 years
my ocs make me so ufckging sad somteisms . looks directly at shadeheart
like idk just . shadeheart specifically makes me sad. i was thinkgin about her the other day and i was thinking about what happens when she dies and i got EMOTIONAL. i got SAD !!!!!!! I CRIED A LITTLE BIT!!!!!!!!! shes a fictional cat ccharacter she doesnt exist irl but god damn if her story doesnt make me sad
like think about it. she became mates with the clan leader's son, then one night the clan leader dies and he left for shadowclan. but they kept being mates and everntually he asked for kits and she said no because she never wanted to be a mother. then all of a sudden several clan members die including her own parents and her best friend's mate and kits. he confesses to her about how he was the one who killed them, then they broke up, then got back together again, then broke up for real, and then suddenly one night she's just . pregnant with his kits (well not rly suddenly but lets say she and him went out for a walk and they ended up spending a night together and then shadeheart decided nah yk what fuck this and then like a couple days later after getting an injury in her leg shes sent to the medicine den whos like "hey ur leg is broken but also um. ur uh. pregnant" and shes like D:) and so her best friend, who lost her kits recently, decides to take in her kits once theyre born bc. she doesnt want them.
so she has the kits, her best friend takes them, and all is well. then the two of them start raising the kits together and she starts getting closer to the kits. then her mate demands she bring the kits to him, she says no obviously, then he threatens her and they agree that he will take one kit, the one with the most resemblance to him : darkkit.
but it all goes wrong when she goes to take the kit to him, she decides last minute she's going to book it to the twolegplace and run away from everyone forever. darkstar (the mate) catches up to her, attacks her (brutally) and after slashing her throat and essentially cutting her open, he tosses her into the gorge and takes darkkit with him back to shadowclan. like. like it all just makes me SAD
she could have lived a peaceful life. with her kits and her best friend and they could be happy together. hell, her and alderstar couldve even become mates.
but alas . i love making my ocs suffer <333333333333333333333
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cascloudclanpics · 5 months
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Looking at you with huge eyes. Don’t think I don’t notice how similar cat Ms Holloway, Lex, and Hannah look! I see you!!!!!
To be completely honest that wasn't reeeaaallllly intentional, I just think tortoiseshell/calico cats look cool as fuck, HOWEVER I kinda want to see how I can incorporate that into the existing lore because Fuck It, We Ball.
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cloudclan-minnowclan · 10 months
Cloudclan Year 7
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Dappledsun → Male | Patient & Good Speaker | 63 moons
Toadwatcher → Cold and Fantastic Teacher (Blind) | Female | 43 moons
Medicine Cats
Freezefreckle → Female | Lonesome & Clairvoyant | 82 moons 
Rabbitnut → Female | Empathetic & Dream Walker | 63 moons
Whiskerspeckle → Male | Empathetic & Great Mediator | 36 moons 
Lightheart → Male | Confident & Extremely Smart | 17 moons
Darkash → Calm and Excellent Speaker | Male | 54 moons
Softbright → Lonesome and Great Hunter | Female | 54 moons
Riverspot → Nervous and Great Fighter | Male | 34 moons
Midgespot → Insecure and Good Fighter | Paralyzed (Back Legs) | Male | 33 moons
Shadeheart → Confident | Female | 45 moons
Mistshine → Childish and Fantastic Hunter | Male | 29 moons
Palehail → Bloodthirsty and Good Teacher | Male | 28 moons
Wolfstrike → Careful and Extremely Smart | Female | 28 moons
Sweetrump → Vengeful & Fantastic Teacher | Male | 22 moons 
Mistybush → Loving & Good Teacher | Female | 21 moons 
Tippelt → Vengeful & Great Speaker | Male | 21 moons 
Feathersight → Responsible & Excellent Fighter | Female | 21 moons 
Hollyfrost → Cold & Good Hunter | Female | 19 moons
Tulipclaw → Loving & Good Teacher | Female | 14 moons
Ebonyscar → Fierce & Excellent Speaker | Male | 14 moons
Bogstripe→ Daring & Good Fighter | Female | 12 moons
Fleckstone → Calm & Strong Connection to Starclan | Male | 12 moons
Talonnight  → Wise & Excellent Fighter | Male | 12 moons
Partridgedrop → Patient & Fantastic Hunter | Female | 12 moons
Tumbleswoop →  Altruistic & Great Teacher| Male | 12 moons 
Meadowpaw → Strict | Male | 8 moons | Mentor: Tippelt
Badgerpaw → Empathic | Male | 6 moons | Mentor: Mistybush
Redkit → Insecure | Female | 4 moons 
Driftkit → Daydreamer | Male | 2 moons
Flowkit → Quiet | Female | 2 moons
Stormkit → Insecure | Male | 0 moons
Posykit → Charming | Female | 0 moons
Flamekit → Quiet | Female | 0 moons 
Mockkit → Nervous | Male | 0 moons
Dappledsun → Male | Patient & Good Speaker | 75 moons old
Toadwatcher → Female | Cold and Fantastic Teacher| Blind | 55 moons
Medicine Cats:
Freezefreckle → Female | Lonesome & Clairvoyant | 94 moons 
Rabbitnut → Female | Empathetic & Dream Walker | 75 moons
Whiskerspeckle → Male | Empathetic & Great Mediator | 48moons 
Lightheart → Male | Confident & Extremely Smart | 29 moons
Softbright → Lonesome and Great Hunter | Female | 66 moons
Riverspot → Nervous and Great Fighter | Male | 46 moons
Midgespot → Insecure and Good Fighter | Paralyzed (Back Legs) | Male | 45 moons
Shadeheart → Confident | Female | 57 moons
Palehail → Bloodthirsty and Good Teacher | Male | 40 moons
Wolfstrike → Careful and Extremely Smart | Female | 40 moons
Sweetrump → Vengeful & Fantastic Teacher | Male | 34 moons 
Mistybush → Loving & Good Teacher | Female | 33 moons 
Tippelt → Vengeful & Great Speaker | Male | 33 moons 
Feathersight → Responsible & Excellent Fighter | Female | 33 moons 
Tulipclaw → Loving & Good Teacher | Female | 26 moons
Ebonyscar → Fierce & Excellent Speaker | Male | 26 moons
Bogstripe→ Daring & Good Fighter | Female | 24 moons
Fleckstone → Calm & Strong Connection to Starclan | Male | 24 moons
Talonnight  → Wise & Excellent Fighter | Male | 24 moons
Partridgedrop → Patient & Fantastic Hunter | Female | 24 moons
Tumbleswoop →  Altruistic & Great Teacher| Male | 24 moons 
Badgertail → Male | Empathetic & Excellent Fighter | 18 moons 
Redgoose → Female | Lonesome and Excellent Speaker  | 16 moons 
Driftseed → Male|Loving and Great teacher | 14 moons
Flowgaze → Female|Playful and Smart  | 14 moons
Stormflood → Male | Cold and Excellent Hunter | 12 moons
Luigi → Female | Cold | 34 moons
Yarrowlight → Male | Loyal | 86 moons
Gravelsong → Female | Bloodthirsty and Smart | 47 moons
Riftkit → Female | Bouncy | 3 moons
Fleetkit → Male | Insecure | 3 moons
Volekit → Male | Noisy | 1 moons
Sagekit → Female | Nervous | 1 moons
Dustkit → Male | Troublesome | 1 moons
Patchkit → Male | Insecure | o moons
Kinkrose → Male | Vengeful | 157 moons
Year 7
Redkit found red feathers and us wearing them
Patrols went well. Lots of prey caught
Oh no Freezefreckle is forgetting Herb names
Toadwatcher is stressed about organizing patrols.
Whiskerspeckle is having a hard day
Midgespot is gloomy
Wolfstrike and Bogstripe are having a fight
Sweetrump is happy & his mate Mistybush is looking forward to today
Tippelt is angrily clawing the ground lost in thought
Tumbleswoop is thinking of love but he has no crush but him and Lightheart may be cute so I may pair them up
Fleckstone & Hollyfrost are mates
Redpaw → Female | Lonesome | Mentor: Wolfstike
Driftkit found cicada wings and is wearing them
I unsnipped Rabbitnut for this year only (well 2 moons into year 8) 
Partridgedrop got injured in a fox attack
Freezefreckle is interpreting a prophecy 
Rabbitnut is interpreting an omen
Not a good sign at this point haha
Darkash is escorting the med cats to gather herbs
Midgespot caught the scent on and enemy warrior
Mistybush is helping gather herbs
Fethersight had a nightmare about the ocean 
Ebonyscar is thinking of love
Hollyfrost is rethinking her life choices 
Bogstripe is thinking of love
Littlepaw from starclan wants to warn Flamekit
A loner joined. 
Luigi → Female | 25 moons | Cold
An injured Cat we took in and they stayed
Kinkrose → Male | Vengeful | 148 moons
Toadwatcher is scolding the apprentices
Hollyfrost is rude to a passerby
Lightheart cannot stop talking about Luigi
Tumbleswoop went out on a moonlight stroll with Wolfstrike (?They don't like each other?)
No one died but patrols were awful besides Kinkrose joining
Patrols went well
Feathersight and Ebonyscar became mates
Mistshine and Meadowpaw died to whitecough
I accidently hit skip moon so idk what the cats thought this year
Patrols went well
Freezefreckle has been hearing Starclan Cats
Others have been relaxing
Feathersight is feeling down
Lightheart feels dread
Palehail still loves Strikepelt <3
Shadehart was assigned to a hunting patrol
Midgespot is guarding the camp entrance 
Tippelt went missing for a few days
Fleckstone was seen outside of clan territory
Driftpaw → Male | Loving | Mentor: Darkash
Flowpaw →  Female | Playful | Mentor: Toadwatcher 
Flowpaw found pretty feathers and is now wearing them
Freezefreckle is feeling dread per usual 
Whiskerspeackle wishes he could visit Tornbird
Midgespot wonders what it would be like to grow old with Shadeheart…?
Palehail has not been having fun. Constantly having a hard day or feeling gloomy.
Sweetrump is feeling happy
Mistybush is feeling down
Stormkit is thinking of where he belongs
OH NO Toadwatcher was badly injured by a badger. She lost a leg
The rest of patrols went well
Tulipclaw got injured by enemy warriors 
Badgertail → Empathetic and Excellent Fighter | Male
Flowpaw got a scar
Stormpaw → Male | Cold | Mentor: Riverspot
Posypaw → Female | Isecure | Mentor: Badgertail
Posypaw got a scar
Flamepaw → Female |  Wise | Mentor: Partridgedrop
Mockpaw → Male | Ambitious | Mentor: Feathersight
Luigi is in the medicine den
Lazy apprentices 
Bogstripe is sparring with clanmates
Ebonyscar is asking the med cats what herbs will help in battle
Tippelt is decorating her nest
Palehail is curious about other clans
Riverspot is feeling overworked
Badgertail got bit by a snake and lived
Redpaw was injured by a twoleg object
Palehail has moved on from Strikepelt
Patrols went well
2 apprentices had to stop Palehail from starting a fight though.
Aww Flamepaw is sharing prey with Redpaw
Redpaw is chatting with Stormpaw
Posypaw wants to be a warrior already
Lazy cats 
Sweetrump is sharing prey with Posypaw
Rabbitnut heard a rumor about Feathersight 
Feathersight found and invited a kittypet in
Yarrowlight → Male | Loyal | 82 moons
Redgoose → Female | Lonesome and Excellent Speaker 
Moackpaw got a scar fighting a rat
Also I paired Redgoose and Badgertail together
Redgoose is feeling down
Bogstripe once again thinking of love
Tulipclaw also thinking of love
Freezefreckle made a mess of herbs and is panicking \
Patrols went well
I thought about it and I am pairing Yarrowlight and Kinkrose 
I need unrelated cats to have babies outside this big old Family Tree and Luigi is way too young.
Tulipclaw invited a kittypet to join
Crab → Haybriar: Male | Thoughtful | 97 moons
Lightheart had 2 kits!
Riftkit: Female | Bouncy
Fleetkit: Male | Insecure
Patrols went great!
Rabbitnut is having a hard day
Freezefreckle is staring off into space
Dappledsun is chilling
Darkash is talking to himself
Softbright is happy
Toadwatcher is curious
Whiskerspeckle is interpreting an omen
Riverspot is picking burrs from his pelt
Midgespot regrets not eating the bird
Shadeheart can't stop talking about Rabbitnut
Palehail caught the scent of a enemy warrior
Wolfstrike is having a good day
Sweetrump told Tumbleswoop a hilarious joke
Mistybush is basking in the sun
Tippelt is eating
Feathersight wants rabbit
Hollyfrost is chatting with Mistybush
Lightheart is feeling underappreciated
Tulipclaw staring off into space
Ebonyscar is curious of other clans
Bogstipe thinking of love
Fleckstone is napping
Gloomy Talonnight
Partridgedrop is daydreaming 
Oml too many cats I am going back to typing down only interesting things
Redgoose was anxious at the last gathering because lots of cats
Driftpaw is in the Medicine Den
So is Flow
Storm is sharing prey with Softbright
Flamepaw is worried others are judging her
Mockpaw is feeling dread 
Kinkrose is feeling cross today
Haybriar can't stop talking about Softbright
Starclan is all around grumpy
Dappledsun & Riverspot became mates
I didn't choose this and I swear I didn't see romance like so??
Gravelsong a injured sootclan warrior joined for healing
Gravelsong: Female | Bloodthirsty & Smart | 45 moons
Driftseed: Male | Loving and Great Teacher 
Flowgaze: Female | Playful and Smart
Flamepaw fell into the river and was saved by Shadeheart
Luigi earned a scar protecting the territory 
Yarrowlight is wearing cicada wings along with his collar
Posypaw, Hollyfrost, and Mockpaw all drowned 
Hollyfrost: Female | Cold and Good Hunter | Drowned at 29 moons
Posypaw: Female | Insecure | Drowned at 10 moons
Mockpaw: Male | Ambitious | Drowned at 10 moons
I am paring Toadwatcher with the newbie Gravelsong
All her babies are dead 
Besides the drowning patrols went well
Shadeheart is thinking of kits
Aww Lightheart is promising to take his kid Fleetkit out if they behave
Driftseed is feeling content in his life
Haybriar and Darkash died to yellow cough
Haybriar: Male | Thoughtful | Died to yellow cough at 99 moons
Darkash: Male | Calm and xcellent Speaker | died to yellow cough at 65 moons
Rip you didn't last long Haybrair
You were so handsome too with a amazing collar
Tippelt is wearing cicada wings
Yarrowlight and Kinkrose had 2 kits
Volekit: Male | Noisy
Sagekit: Female | Nervous
Flamepaw drowned at 11 moons
Flamepaw: Female | Wise | Drowned at 11 moons
A baby was found on Patrol
Dustkit: Male | Troublesome 
Riverspot is rethinking his life choices
Shadeheart went on a walk with Talonnight
What the hell game
Stormpaw is now Stormflood
You know what killed 3 of his 4 siblings
All of the 3 being his littermates
Stormflood: Male | Cold and Great Hunter
I am pairing him with Driftseed
Bogstripe found a kitten
Patchkit: Male | Insecure (He is wearing a maple seed)
Bogstripe and Luigi are mates
Freezefreckle reasonably having a nightmare about water
Sweetrump is regretting his life choices 
Ebonyscar is thinking of love. His Love 
Badgertail is thinking of KIts!
Kinkrose hopes their legacy will continue after his death (I mean you had kits at 156 moons old)
Yarrowlight is worried others are judging him
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Starclan Year 7
Mistshine → Male | 33 moons | Childish and Fantastic Hunter | Whitecough 
Meadowpaw → Male | 11 moons | Strict | Whitecough
Hollyfrost: Female | Cold and Good Hunter | Drowned at 29 moons
Posypaw: Female | Insecure | Drowned at 10 moons
Mockpaw: Male | Ambitious | Drowned at 10 moons
Haybriar: Male | Thoughtful | Died to yellow cough at 99 moons
Darkash: Male | Calm and xcellent Speaker | died to yellow cough at 65 moons
Flamepaw: Female | Wise | Drowned at 11 moons
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ambitiousauthor · 2 years
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Aliases/nicknames: Droughtclaw, King of bones, Softstar (by Meadowleg), Handsome (by Meadowleg)
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Quietlarch (mother) Fernnoise, Berrykit, (brothers) Willowstone, Greenkit, Drakepelt (sisters) Meadowleg (mate) Turtleshade, Hedgewind, Blightwish, Ferretwhisker, Slopepelt, Bluffspeck (sons) Hazelspots, Thistlefur, Lavendershade, Flightburr (daughters)
Other relations: Greyheart (mentor) Beamfur, Waterstripe, Silverpaw, Ambertree, Hazelmouse (former apprentice)
Clan: Darkclan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: sneaky, good speaker
Number of victims: 85
Number of murders: 0
Murder method: n/a
Known victims: Dappledheart, Fiercepath, Cloverfin, Mouseleaf, Rushblink, Pondbriar, Fuzzylight, Condorgorse, Birdbloom, Turtleshade, Hedgewind, Minktail, Darkmist, Emy, Lugnut, Shyhawk, Skypelt, Nightfade, Rifthare, Mumblewhisper, Primfur, Tallwhisker, Cricketdrift, Appledapple, Milque, Silverbird, Sandtail, Scardrop, Whirlclover, Wetbreeze, Barkclaw, Condorfreckle, Ferretberry, Icecry, Irisfrost, Shadeblotch, Sedgedaisy, Tawnyspots, Palewhisker, Newtcoral, Springpetal, Mudpelt, Chase, Hughie, Halfblaze, Cranecry, Sandwater, Smokystream, Leapjay, Nightpelt, Deadfur, Fadedpuddle, Zim, Paleclaw, Blinkleaf, Lavendershade, Flightburr, Waterstripe, Copperleap, Fadingpounce, Toadblink, Spikeclaw, Fernseed, Shadeheart, Mantismist, Swamptail, Echopelt, Spottedpelt, Lotuskite, Ambertree, Blisspetal, Poppytail, Hazefur, Briarlotus, Kestrelfur, Conespot, Bluepool, Hailburr, Palefoot, Flaxear, Fenneldapple, Freezespeckle, Wrenwhisker, Iceface, Peakfur
Victim profile: warriors
Cause of death: rogues (first), drowning (second) drowning (third) pushed under monster (fourth) old age (fifth) old age (sixth) old age (seventh) old age (eighth) old age (ninth
Cautionary tale:
No one knew how he had done it. In the first moon of his reign- Smokestar’s body was barely cold!- five cats went missing. Droughtstar had merely smiled and remarked that they had been sacrificed. He declared Partridgepetal as his deputy, and recieved his new name that night.
Rumors swirled. Would Droughtstar be even crueler than previous leaders? Queens cradled their kittens close and cried that night.
The pattern continued. Cats were vanishing left and right, and, in the middle of it all was Droughtstar, with a cheshire smile on his face, and Meadowleg at his side.
Even the known murderers of the clan had to admit that they were terrified. He walked through his clan with a lethal elegance, and was known for turning ruthless in a heartbeat. The only members of the clan who were safe from his unpredictable nature were kits and apprentices, who he adored. Even his own kits weren’t safe from sacrifice, and they went missing with startling regularity.
It was noted by many that, even thiugh her kits were presumably being murdered by her mate, Meadowleg never said a word. It was murmured throughout the clan that the queen had been born without a heart, though no one dared say it in front of her.
It became routine to barricade the walls at night, to say goodbye before goodnight.
Elders complained that they missed the days of Smokestar, who at least had made it known what happened to his victims. These elders were shunned and scolded by the rest of their clanmates, for, as horrifying as it was to speculate, at the very least, Droughtstar didn’t kill kits. Even when the kits tore at him and pestered him, he never so much as hissed.
When Meadowleg retired, Droughtstar stopped being so diligent in his sacrificial duties, and, eventually, queens stopped the practice of ‘smearing’ their light colored kits.
As Droughtstar started to lose lives to old age, he called his son and deputy- Bluffspeck- forward to hear his last words.
Trying not to cry, Bluffspeck knelt beside his dying father, who whispered to him. “I never killed a soul, y’know. I just exiled them and told them not to come back. Worked to make all you bloodthirsty youngsters think I was killing, but y’know what? When I get to hell, if you make one single sacrifice, I’m going to drag you there with me.”
Bluffspeck mewed in distress, but his father- with his fateful final words- was gone.
- old bastard energy
- he and his mate both lost two siblings to Smokestar!
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fishcage · 4 years
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He gets a redesign... as a treat (click 4 quality!!)
Anyways I hate my old art style and I changed it up a lil bit in terms of shape composition!! SOOOO new ref for the man!!
Also changed his name cause “shadow” prefix just wasn’t doing it for him.
- Small. Extremely teeny. His brother and sister dwarf him size-wise - He’s abnormally buff for a medicine cat, but that’s just his build. Sorry he’s just an absolute unit - Teef <3 - He has kinda short back legs in comparison to his front legs - Tail is more rudder-y as opposed to light and fluffy - Very compact fur, esp around his chest and tail and upper back
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frostwingsart · 5 years
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Commission for kadota on warriors amino!
Character is Shadeheart and I don't own her!
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