#shadow sectonia
theyoshimister · 9 months
I don't have a proper lobotomy kit, but I do have a fursona with sharp claws made out of metal, so I think that's good enough.
I also don't have disinfect.
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also this doodle here was done in a couple minutes
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poultry-geist · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to my favourite Kirby game! 🌸🌱⭐️
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paintpanic · 9 months
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Big batch of rendering practice drawings. Do you have a favorite? 😊
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kaissauce · 8 months
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Kirbtober day 6: Royalty
this piece took me awhile but i guarantee you most of the time was spent on Sectonia alone
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sol-lar-bink · 8 months
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I realize I could have chosen a simpler idea only today lmao.
Anyway- Kirbytober Day 7: Headcanon
In my lil headcanon, I like to think that after King Dedede shot Kirby out of the castles vines to go fight Queen Sectonia, Dedede DOES still fight Shadow Dedede while Kirby deals with the first phase of Dreamstalk Sectonia.
This is all assuming that Kirby doesn't beat it in like 2 minutes and Sectonia puts up a decent fight.
Cos in that time Dedede has to fight Shadow Dedede- smash the mirror (This is mostly a story thing for me lmao), escape the castle and also find Taranza and persuade him to help deal with Sectonia once and for all...
I read a story on AO3 where the focus was Dedede talking to Taranza after he got blasted off the balcony. I'll try to link it later if I find it, but I head canon that happening here too.
As for Dark Meta Knight... I let him fester in the mirror still, but with the mirror smashed, he's stuck there. The Mirror shards get scattered so this can't happen again, but it would be such a shame for someone to try and piece back the mirror, or even find ONE mirror shard for it to corrupt them next... terrifying!
Only thing that confuses me is the whole... mirror in the mirror stuff.
...My alternate headcanon I could have gone with is simply Sectonia is still clinging onto life in limbo where Morpho Knight calls home. Yeah that would have been 10x easier than this lmao.
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moonmacabre01 · 4 months
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yeah just take these
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zhoumao0-2 · 1 year
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Happy 31th Birthday Kirby!!
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icedragonlizard · 3 months
Gonna finally discuss this particular topic now.
I'll be quick to admit; I myself acknowledge that the whole "Dark Meta Knight corrupted Sectonia" thing is not confirmed in canon.
It's just a fan theory.
.... But I still kind of subscribe to it in my headcanon universe, lol.
I say "kind of" because in my headcanons, while DMK had some complicity in Sectonia spiraling into madness, he wasn't the main instigator behind it. The main instigator behind it was Dark Mind.
So, "Dark Mind corrupted Sectonia" is more true in my headcanons than "DMK corrupted Sectonia", but the latter is still somewhat true in the interp, as DMK was an accomplice. That's about it, though.
I've said this before in previous tumblr posts of mine, but Dark Mind didn't completely die in my interpretation. He was just neutralized into a weak little fragment that desperately needs someone to follow his orders. And luckily for him, DMK hasn't given up on him and is still willing to follow his orders, even as a mere shadow of his former self.
There was one point where Dark Mind was looking for a new vessel to help accelerate the process of coming back to his former glory. He noticed Joronia looking at the dimensional mirror that Taranza gave her, and figured that she'd be a potential candidate for a new vessel.
Dark Mind would've corrupted Joronia on his own, but he was in too weak of a condition to do so. Therefore, he asked for DMK's help in 'feeding' her dark magic to see if she'd be a good fit for a new vessel. This was a gradual process. They sneakily did it under her nose.
But once she was given enough dark magic, she eventually became too out of control for them. They realized they had given her more dark magic than they needed. She became too corrupted to the point she didn't cooperate with them, and so they gave up and left her to do whatever. That "whatever" was, of course, causing Triple Deluxe.
Sectonia was being tested as a new vessel for Dark Mind, but failed. Dark Mind and DMK just moved on to do something else afterwards.
So yeah, there you have it. DMK technically did help cause Sectonia's descent into madness in my headcanons, but it was merely because Dark Mind told him to do so. It was just an order from his master. Again, he wasn't the main instigator/mastermind behind her downfall.
.... But DMK simply being a mere accomplice to her downfall was still more than enough for Taranza to hate his guts when he found out about it at one point during Star Allies.
Taranza vehemently hates both DMK and Dark Mind.
The beans got spilled when DMK 'privately' confessed it to his friend Daroach, but it got overheard by Magolor, who then informed Taranza.
This resulted in bad blood between Taranza and DMK. Taranza has constantly accused DMK of corrupting Sectonia. He has berated him, has angrily yelled in his face, and has physically attacked him for it. He's even gone as far as to try to kill him for 'ruining his queen'.
At first, DMK scoffed at it. He was just following Dark Mind's order when giving Joronia dark magic. But as Taranza kept attacking DMK more and more, DMK eventually snapped and has become equally vicious and vitriolic to him back. Eventually, he's gotten absolutely sick of being constantly blamed, shunned and demonized.
DMK firmly states several times that Sectonia's corruption was ultimately Taranza's own fault for taking the mirror in the first place.
To be entirely honest? DMK isn't wrong with that statement. After all, Joronia/Sectonia wouldn't have gone into the slippery slope that resulted in her death if Taranza hadn't taken the mirror to give to her. One could easily look at it as if Taranza may just be using DMK as someone to project onto and to blame for Sectonia's demise.
... That being said, it's more than obvious that Taranza didn't know the mirror was going to corrupt Sectonia. And despite the fact that she wouldn't have gone corrupt if he didn't take the mirror, that still didn't mean it was okay for Dark Mind and DMK to do what they did. They took advantage of Taranza's unknowingly bad move. Therefore, I'd say that Taranza ultimately still has the right to be mad at DMK.
And so Taranza continues to hold a vehement grudge against DMK, even after having to accept the fact that Sectonia's corruption would not have happened if he didn't take the mirror. He's not wrong to still be mad at the guy for taking advantage of his irreversible mistake.
It's also resulted in Susie and Magolor sometimes going out of their way to mock/harass DMK, as they both heavily resent him for playing a hand in corrupting their buddy Taranza's queen. Susie mocks DMK by calling him a worse version of Meta Knight, while Magolor tells lots of emo jokes to get on DMK's nerves and even sometimes puts on an edgy outfit to mock him even further. They do it in Taranza's name.
Most of the other star allies, however, have been trying to intervene and stop the bad blood between Taranza and DMK when it got really alarming. Kirby and King Dedede made the declaration to issue restraining orders for Taranza and DMK to have on each other. They are not allowed anywhere near each other during star ally meetings.
I don't portray DMK as pure/irredeemably evil, by the way, despite playing a hand in Sectonia's corruption. I headcanon he's friends with Kirby, Adeleine, Ribbon and especially Daroach who is more or less his bestie. And it's those 4 people that are the most dedicated to stopping Taranza and DMK from going for each other's throats.
Kirby understands why Taranza has a problem with DMK, but Kirby is also a stubborn optimist and continues to see the good in DMK despite what was revealed at one point. He does not at all approve of Taranza and DMK trying to tear each other to shreds. He, alongside many others, are always quick to break up their fights.
And if I have to be honest, I headcanon that Taranza has deep resentment and distrust for the mirror world in general. So even if DMK had absolutely zero hand in Sectonia's corruption in my hcs, Taranza most likely still wouldn't get along with him. Lol... I'm sorry, Taranza and DMK friendship wasn't gonna happen regardless for me.
Although I don't portray most mirror worlders being evil. I interpret DMK, Shadow Dedede and Dark Taranza all being bad/not-good people, but they're outliers, and I wouldn't call any of them irredeemable levels of evil, just crappy people. Shadow Kirby on the other hand is a good person trying to protect the mirror world.
But yeah... I think that's basically it for this post. I'm fully aware that "DMK corrupted Sectonia" is a mere fan theory and not actually proven in canon at all, but I find it interesting enough to implement it into my headcanons, and it's pretty complicated. It wasn't completely of his own volition as it was an order from Dark Mind, and one can argue that Taranza is still at fault for taking the mirror, but ultimately DMK still isn't innocent of this deed. I would also like to mention that I interpret Sectonia already being just a little bit unhinged even before the mirror doomed her. They took advantage of her flaws and amplified it to utterly disastrous levels.
Thanks for reading, guys.
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azumetapraline · 1 year
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This is the result of the collab we did in my Kirby server, Orb Appreciation Club! I am happy and honored we could finish such a project for Pride Month, a very important month to us! 🏳️‍🌈
I want to congratulate and thank everyone who gave a bit of their time for the collab. Without you all, neither this, nor the server would exist, so I feel very lucky to know you all! This piece truly shows how all of you are so kind and awesome! 💖
Credits in order of appearance (please check them ALL out, they do really good stuff!!): @autumnleafdraws @technicianlearner @imelht @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me @giantchasm @gizmothorne-art @mimiktales [to be added] @deathmilkshakes
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y0d00p · 7 months
i was trying to think of
why SDDD and DMK would appear after Triple Deluxe events (i know noncanon side story mode whatever) if neither of them had anything to do with Taranza and Sectonia and
what the deal is with DMK being "sealed [...] for aeons"
as a reminder of my headcanons:
the Dimension Mirror is a relic holding a pocket dimension originally made to seal Dark Mind who was an artificially created Zero (clone?) that got out of control. it is separate from whatever mirror(s) are used as portal(s) between Mirror World and Prime World
the Mirror was entrusted and passed down a long line of ancients -> royals eventually coming into possession of Mirror World Sectonia (Carmine)
long story short Dark Taranza married Carmine to get access to the Mirror for its supposed wish granting ability, shattered her to get her out of the way, then (inadvertently?) released Dark Mind and set off the events of Amazing Mirror
so, jumping off of that, my thoughts are
Dark Mind is defeated and while it was killed off for good it left behind some... evil... inside the mirror. evil residue. this is the influence that would eventually facilitate Sectonia's corruption
DMK was shattered inside the Mirror/pocket dimension, and I suppose became trapped in there, perhaps as a result of Dark Mind's death? (he became its new prisoner??)
up until at least post-Triple Deluxe DMK is trapped in the Mirror, meaning I guess he is not present for Mirror World Canvas Curse, Squeak Squad, Epic Yarn, Mass Attack, and Return to Dream Land, if those events did happen and if we go by order of release date. for the record Carmine also remains shattered and hidden somewhere until at least post-Triple Deluxe
aeons...? I'm gonna headcanon that while that IS an exaggeration (holy longer than you think dad batman!??!!), perhaps there is some time dilation going on that made DMK's imprisonment longer than it was outside the Mirror
a hundred (or whatever) years completely alone in an empty dark labyrinth saturated with the ghost of a dead evil fake god can't be good for your mental health. i would attack the first dude i saw as soon as i got out too. also, if he DID ever speak with Sectonia, he probably was not a good influence, due to all that
so... why SDDD then? well completely ignoring the fact that he appears from The Mirror at the start of his battle we can say that SDDD was there to take the fucking precious evil relic back because it's dangerous and stolen and DMK is in there. SK probably joined SDDD we just didn't see him don't worry about it
in conclusion: DMK just keeps Going Through It
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chowmoon2 · 5 days
Okay,time for another Kirby AU idea! (man,I have a lot of those)
This time,it’s one that I had for a while and some parts of it inspired Mortal Souls AU Sectonia (though,the AU is not entirely flesh out yet,just a quick notice!)
So basically,it’s Magolor Epilogue but with Sectonia after her defeat in Triple Deluxe and she ends up in the Mirror World with little to no powers,but with a twist!
She is split in two!
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One is her before the corruption,Joronia and doesn’t have any memories after Taranza first showed the mirror to her,a bit stubborn and a overthinker (especially with her appearance) but still a kind hearted person
The other is after her corruption,Queen Sectonia,who doesn’t remember anything about her previous form and her defeat by Kirby,she acts like how she is in Triple Deluxe but maybe smidge less evil(?)
So because of their memory loss,they don’t recognize each other as being the same person (they will find out the truth later on)
They *really* don’t get along but are forced to work together because of the Mirror World being invaded and corrupted by a dark force,they must find 5 shards of a glass flower (basically the Fruit Fragments of this Au) before it’s too late….
The question remains though,will they be able to accept themselves despite everything?
Some more details about this au
Since they are split,Joronia mainly specializes in Swordplay and Queen Sectonia in Sorcery,they can upgrade their skills like Magolor!
Shadow Kirby occasionally hops in and helps them,either he giving them a item or helping in battle
Dark Meta Knight will watch them from the shadows and appears ever so often to give cryptic info,he is the third to last boss they fight but ends up helping in the final battle (he didn’t personally corrupt Sectonia in this Au btw)
They bicker comically often but both soon kinda grow respect for each other (it becomes more complicated after they learn the truth though)
The Mastermind behind the Mirror World invasion is Dark Taranza who serves Dark Mind and wants to revive him through the glass flower,he does manages to do that but like with King D-Mind,Dark Taranza immediately get absorbed by him
After everything is said and done,Joronia and Queen Sectonia finally becomes one again,with a appearance that is a mix between a spider and a wasp (basically something like Dark Taranza),she is uncertain of the future or even anyone would forgive her past misdeeds but tries to go on with courage and jumps into the mirror back to Dream Land,
That’s about it,still need to iron out some details but I hope you enjoyed either way!
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theyoshimister · 8 months
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mmmm copium
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a theory I’ve been considering: the dimension mirror creates shadow versions of anyone who stares into it (shadow kirby, dark meta knight, shadow dedede), and the ones we’ve seen so far seem to be reflections of the characters’ worst traits rather than just evil counterparts of them. I could talk at length about this but basically: kirby faces his fears and is fairly selfless and determined despite his carefree attitude, while shadow kirby is more of a coward and a prankster, though ultimately still heroic. dark meta knight fights more aimlessly, and doesn’t give kirby a sword before they fight like meta knight does, showing he lacks the original meta knight’s honor. we don’t get a lot on shadow dedede but the original japanese version of his pause screen description says that he represents “the darkness in king dedede’s heart”, which would also support the concept.
so what if sectonia’s (joronia’s?) corruption was a result of her staring into the mirror, creating a shadow version of herself? the description of the sectonia flask from super kirby clash says that “her obsession with her own beauty was magnified by a certain mirror” so it was a trait already present in her that was just increased to corrupting results. possibly as she stayed in contact with her other self in the mirror that represented all her worst qualities, she either unwittingly leeched her shadow self’s personality or maybe even merged with her somehow, causing sectonia to become much more cruel, vain, and power-hungry as a result.
[Image description: two digital drawings. The first shows Sectonia in her original form, looking inquisitively into the dimension mirror. Her shadow self is staring back at her from within the mirror. Above her, Taranza is hovering by the upper right corner of the mirror, smiling and holding onto it as if presenting it. The second drawing shows designs of Sectonia’s original form and the shadow version of her in front of a mirror background, labeled Joronia and Shadow Joronia. Joronia resembles Taranza, but she has longer hair, wavy shaped horns, pink eyelashes, a magenta scarf and magenta accents on her clothes, and a royal blue outfit. Shadow Joronia looks like Joronia, but has a grayscale color scheme with dark red accents, fancier opera gloves, a heart shape on her outfit in place of a circle, and a completely different cape design that uses a circle and heart pattern. Her scarf and hair also appear slightly more tattered and unkempt. End ID.]
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kaissauce · 2 years
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sol-lar-bink · 2 years
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Kirbytober 31-
After Sectonia's passing, a silent shadow stole the mirror away, so it may not cause harm again. Now revived and reunited, the two spiders discover the long lost mirror. Abandoned. Hidden. Overgrown.
Taranza gazed into its reflection, memories and regrets rushing back to him.
Perhaps... its better to leave it behind, and not look much longer.
That concludes Kirbytober \ o / I hope you enjoyed!
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heiressofdoodles · 2 years
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Looks like a certain queen wasn’t realizing what she was getting into when she wanted to help people...
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