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@shadowgodling asked: “The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.”
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"Good. It can take it's sweet, sweet time, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it could vanish over the horizon, take a dip in the ocean, and fizzle out."
"Nothing on your abilities, I'm sure it's my lack thereof-- but I swear, I can feel you so much more clearly when the moon and stars are the only light in the sky."
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@thief-of-shadows asked: "Flaw is that you're not kissing me right now. I just went and got permission~"
Point out a flaw of my muse and see their reaction!
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"Is that it? Easy fix~" He went for it. Almost, so close, he could feel breath upon his own lips-- Until he remembered, wait, stupid, you're supposed to be trying to keep this shit together this time around--
He diverted last second, planting a peck on Thief's cheek, before stepping away, sheepishly, jutting a thumb over his shoulder.
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"I-- uh. I gotta check on my end--" He.... was a little more than nervous. Godling was pretty monogamous with Spirit-- what if he took offense?
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necrostar · 2 days
@shadowgodling from x.
A what? Did he just want something from him? Now he looked back at him, calculating. Which was the equivalent of approximately half a second of processing before responding with
"Yes," which was immediately followed up with, "that's incense. You light it and it burns. It's scented. Frankincense. It took four days to make that!" 
And he was damn proud, too!
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Serve… Zorc?
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behavioural problems
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mahoushoujoumonster-x · 4 months
"Hello Magician. Do you have time for a walk?"
“Eh?” She starts at the sudden and unexpected voice, eyes wide.
“Godling? Ahh! Hello! Hello!” She sets down her work, extinguishing the flame under her cauldron with a wave of her hand as she beckons him inside.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? It’s been some time, how have you been?”
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shadowgodling · 10 days
necrostar started following shadowgodling
Worlds moved and changed like season. New people, fresh and exciting new realities flew in like a rain of autumn leaves, new people crawling out of the litter like shiny bejeweled beetles. Then they all melted away again like snow, universes drifting past each other, bumping into each other, spinning away.
He'd seen himself a hundred times over, making different waves in different worlds. Never wandering out in the open like this though without even another person around to steal from.
Bakura breathed the fresh crisp air, felt the tickle of new shadows reaching out to him, watched a whole new soul making its way up the long winding path. This was what he'd been waiting for. Another chance. Another do over. A new copy of himself, bursting with possibilities. And .. apparently lost in the woods?
Bakura had been keeping track of this one for a while, it never paid to be too rash with these things, watching him on his long track. He seemed to be moving with purpose, but Bakura hadn't seen it yet. Was there an angle? An accomplice? A Pharaoh at the top of the path, ripe with riches and power for the taking?
Eventually he'd stopped being subtle. He could feel the power of the shadows in this one, if he had the power Bakura expected the awareness would be mutual. Still, better not to lurk too long. With a twist of a shadow, a single step into nothing, and he was sidling out from under the shadow of a tree ahead.
"Don't let me interrupt your mission, if you're on one." He started. "But if you're lost, town is several kilometers back that way. Do you want a hand?"
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cagedingold · 2 years
"Yes. Well, part of you." Cageys response surprised him and he looked at him quizzically. "He was being pathetic? He whines a lot about not being strong enough. You'd have said the same."
"What could he not be strong enough for?”
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“Are the shadow beings he loves that much of a threat to him?”
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bariankura · 2 years
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“What? Another me? No, you aren’t real.” he said when he couldn’t sense body heat. “You are an illusion.”
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duelingdestiny · 2 years
@shadowgodling He couldn’t believe he had ran out of gods damned sugar. How was he supposed to make cookies without sugar. Off to the store he went. Since there were no actual supermarkets open at this hour of night, he had bought the local Lawsons out of all the sugar they had. He hefted his eco bag up on his shoulder and continued on his way home.  He of course took the back way. The main streets were too close to places he had been before in a different life. In a life where hanging out with friends was the norm. This life though, this life was different. This life, Atem avoided his friends. He needed them to be safe, but he hated it. He didn’t want to hide, but he honestly felt he had no choice.  He was lost in thought, wishing for a time that felt so long ago. A time when he had friends, a time before he had left...
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his God has returned~
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@shadowgodling replied to your post “It's storming. Ice cold rain pelting the earth,...”:
"Gold!" Godling bounds over to him, sodden and dripping as the rain pelted down on them. The white stripes of his t-shirt stuck sickly to his chest. He flinches almost imperceptibly at each lightning flash but is otherwise smiling. He gives Gold a very cold squishy wet hug, partially to get close enough to speak over the storm. "What are you doing?"
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Oh, Godling! Gold had to suppress a snicker over just what the rain had done to the other-- yeah, he was sure he was in the exact same boat, but he didn't care.
"Just enjoying the weather. It's my favorite kind--" The wind picked up, and he almost had to yell to speak over the pounding of the rain. "It's ruthless! Doesn't play favorites! If you're outside, you're going to get pelted and whipped around-- and even if you think you're safe inside, it can take out a whole house if it wishes!!"
He could feel it, the raw, destructive power, the chill against his skin-- it was beautiful, and it was invigorating.
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necrostar · 2 days
@shadowgodling replied:
All the decisions my other selves make are always correct, it's everyone else that is doing wrong 😌
(( you're right, please forgive me 😔 ))
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mahoushojoumonster · 5 hours
Water is dark. It blocks light from getting through to the land underneath; most of the water in the ocean is dark, unless it is very shallow. Water can stop light by putting out fires too. Darkness and water were the first two things, like brothers. So they are allies.
“Oohh… that makes sense.” She thinks for a moment. “That would also have light be part of the balance, right? The brighter the light, the darker the shadows cast…”
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“So is that related in a similar way? Or do you see it differently?”
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crimsonandgoldthieves · 5 months
Godling paused, awkwardly still. "Well you always caused me a lot of trouble." He decided on, not entirely truthful about which of them was the cause of the trouble. "Even when I was trying to help you improve yourself to be worthy of my people. Anyway.. I'm not back really. I'm just checking in on you to make sure you're behaving. Since you're important. Have you made any progress?"
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So they really are going into this talk? After years. "Of your people? Meaning other Bakura's or? I accepted the fact most hated me..Actually now that i think back maybe everyone did. Well it's sort of nice for you to drop by. But anyway to answer you. I am behaving though. Though i see no reason why it's important now after years? After all your people the people we knew have long since vanished here. So tell me this please, am i that important?"
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".. Magician." It was uncharacteristic of him to hold back, so the name was filling with all the frustration he felt at her admission. "Don't do that again. You shouldn't go around trying to kill random Zorcs anyway. What if he was nice? Your Pharaoh is nice, what if I accidentally killed him because I assumed he was evil like all the other Pharaohs?" He asked, cross and completely ignoring that he had wished death upon said Pharaoh for most of their time knowing each other.
“That’s not the same situation. I… everything about Zorc Necrophades makes me want to kill something or hurt myself. I can’t… I can’t so easily get past everything that happened purely because he might not be that version of the god that destroyed me for years.”
She’s gripping her arm tight enough to draw blood without realising, almost hyperventilating again. “He played with me like it was a fun game… he knew exactly what to say to make me lose it. For all I know, he was that one.”
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