Can I get 47.where you masturbating? And 41. The only way you get to cum is on my thigh, with geralt please for your smut promps.
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Geralt x ReaderWord Count: 573Rating: MTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle a/n: Hey! So I think the numbers were one off so I went off of the words you wrote for the prompts. If I got that wrong, let me know and I’ll redo it! Hope you enjoy!
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You understood that the hunts were exhausting and that Geralt needed to rest. You understood that he would make it up to you later. You understood that compromise was an important part of a relationship.
But he’d been gone so long and you needed his touch or, at the very least, your own. You took care to quietly slide your hand down the soft expanse of your stomach, tucking between your things and swallowing the moan that already crept up as you began to gently stroke. You watched him as you worked to ease the aching need, taking in the strong, beautiful profile and the chiseled jaw. The way he looked so vulnerable when he was asleep, silver hair cascading down the pillow to rest just against the top of his broad, naked shoulders. Though the blanket was wrapped up tight you could feel his bare thighs against your legs and your eyes closed tight as you thought about him wrapping himself around you, entering you in the soft, gentle way he did so as not to hurt you. It was always a process trying to make sure that you were ready enough to take him and he was still careful as he went, such a gentle giant, your Geralt.
You felt the bed shift and opened your eyes to find a pair of golden ones staring back at you.
“Were you masturbating?” Geralt asked bluntly, the soft, sleep-worn rasp of his low baritone a welcome sound.
“I…. was,” you admitted, “I was trying to be quiet to not wake you up tho-oh!”
Your words were cut off by Geralt snatching you up by the waist, easily tossing you onto him so you straddled one thick, muscular thigh. The feeling of his flesh beneath yours pulled a low moan from you and you instinctively pressed down against it. A large hand tangled in your hair and gently guided your face to his and he kissed you slowly and deeply, half-awake but wholly yours.
“The only way you get to cum is on my thigh,” he murmured, those striking eyes staring into you, knowing what you needed and wanted from him. You pressed both hands against his shoulder, pushing him back against the bed for leverage as you began to rock against him. You felt the muscles ripple beneath you as he tensed to try and hold himself steady for you and though your eyes fell closed again as you focused on the sensation, you could still feel his on yours. One of his hands cupped your face and he murmured encouraging words as you rode him. He was a man of few words but he saved most of them for you, knowing how much you loved his voice enough that he didn’t have to worry about the words to say and somehow that freedom alone but them come easier. So he told you that you were beautiful as you rode him. He promised you all the things he would do when he had the energy. He praised you for your strength as you held him down and your tenacity as you rode him harder, pushing your off the edge while his arms wrapped around you tight, anchoring you as you came apart. When you were done he still held you close to him, pressing against his chest, his hands gently stroking your shoulder until the two of you fell into a restful sleep.
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zutaraangtastic · 4 years
If I'm not to late to join in on this inappropriate use of bending may I suggest temperature play? A tied up avatar between the mercy of katara running ice up and down his body and then zuko playing with fire a little. Heating his hands up slightly Letting small flames ghost over his skin not ever touching but close.
(#2) Prompt: more dominant katara pls she honestly my favorite
(#3) Prompt if you're still taking them: More bloodbending please!
3-in-1 this time, hopefully our wonderful prompt-givers don’t mind! (Reminder that we are not accepting new prompts; we received these before July 1.) - Mod J
The evening air off of Yue Bay is cool, brushing refreshingly over Zuko as he sits on the temple steps and watches Katara and Aang circle each other in the courtyard.
When the caress of the breeze gets a little too friendly, billowing through his loose pants and lingering between his thighs, he knows it’s not nature’s doing. He catches Aang smirking in his direction and shakes his head. 
Katara takes advantage of the distraction to knock Aang into the fountain with a blast of water. Serves him right, Zuko thinks—he’s just had his own duel with Aang, still sweaty and winded from it, but he certainly wouldn’t be playing around if he was the one who won and had to go up against Katara.
Aang launches out of the pool on a jet of his own, stray droplets shimmering off of his graceful trajectory. He turns them into an icy rain to pelt down on Katara’s back before he lands behind her, making Zuko wince sympathetically for her mostly-bare skin. She cries out sharply and grabs at her shoulders. Zuko starts to stand, and Aang freezes before hurrying to her with hands raised in a worried, surrendering gesture.
“I’m sorry, are you okay?”
From his angle, Zuko can just barely see her smile, and some of the tension drains from him. He starts to ease back into his seat, but stops in his tracks at the sight before him. Aang is raising his arms high above his head, standing ramrod straight. His shoulders quiver with resistance as they go backwards, and his arms lower to fold together behind his back. When he sinks to his knees, giving Zuko a clear view over his head, Katara is facing Aang, her hands tilted in a familiar position.
“Uh,” Aang says, though it doesn’t exactly sound like a complaint. He tips his head forward—or Katara tips it for him, with a flex of her fingers—to rest against her thigh, blue arrow to brown skin below the simple cloth wrap at her hips. “Wait a minute. You fought dirty!”
Katara laughs, crystalline and guileful. “You never made me promise not to. All you said was you’d stick to waterbending for me.”
By now Zuko is no stranger to her bloodbending or its many titillating uses, but something feels off. The courtyard is dark, illuminated only by the lanterns lining its edges. When he sparred with Aang earlier, it seemed so much brighter, their multicolored fire swirling all around. Without it, he realizes it’s a night with no moon.
Her eyes, blue as dark as the ocean’s crushing depths, find him. He draws towards her and doesn’t know whether it’s of his own will or hers.
He hasn’t been so surprised by her ability since he first saw her demonstrate it, when they hunted down her mother’s killer—and she’s told him about it since then, what it requires of her, how it feels to use for combat, healing, pleasure. But this is a whole new level.
“Zuko,” Aang says, struggling to glance up at him, “has she been practicing on you without telling me?”
Before Zuko can respond, Katara interrupts, “I honed this all on my own, thank you very much.”
“For people who can’t wait until a full moon for treatment,” Zuko realizes. He’s piecing things together, though his brow remains furrowed. “But how…?”
“Well, it’s the same as you being able to firebend at night, even if you’re stronger during the day. Except during the eclipse, you could always feel it, right? Just because I can’t see the moon, doesn’t mean it’s not there.” She looks pleased with herself, and probably at Zuko’s half-open mouth. “Maybe Sokka helped a little,” she adds in admission. “Or at least, helped me put words to what I was trying to do. He’s been studying more astronomy from—”
“This is all very interesting, but do you think we could save the details for pillow talk?” Aang asks from below, shifting minutely and restlessly on his knees.
“Why, is someone getting desperate?” Katara croons, turning her keen gaze on him. 
She curls her fingertips and turns her wrist at a different angle, and Aang’s spine straightens again, his legs pushing him up to stand unsteadily. With a gesture of her palm, she backs him up against Zuko’s chest. 
There’s the telltale tingle of her control in Zuko’s veins, too, starting with his arm, and he doesn’t resist it. He notices the sweat beading on Katara’s forehead.
The feeling washes out like the tide, in the middle of raising his hand to wrap across Aang’s neck and shoulder. 
Katara’s mouth tightens with concentration, but Zuko’s arm falls limp. Puzzled, he looks at it, then back at her, flexing his hand to test the sensation and finding unexpected freedom. Normally she can bloodbend him and Aang at the same time with little issue, after years of full moons spent together in their bedrooms—but maybe that’s the problem, that this new form of hers isn’t as strong yet.
Aang seems to pick up on that too, and Zuko can hear the smirk in his voice when he says, “Having trouble?”
In one fluid motion, Katara spins Aang so he faces Zuko and wraps his wrists in a tight coil of water behind his back. “I still have other ways to keep you how I want you, sweetie,” she says. “Zuko, be a dear and show him a little fire.”
For just a moment, Zuko has the urge to challenge her, the spark of competition that always flickers between them flaring up. But Aang looks perfect like this, restrained and eager and a little on-edge. Over Aang’s shoulder, Katara stares expectantly at the flames that have crackled to life on Zuko’s fingertips, sharing a conspiratorial smile with him. That’s all he needs to decide he wants to play along.
While he trails one hot hand up to Aang’s sternum, making him squirm, Katara raises another bubble of water. She shapes it, freezes it in the form of a dagger that she presses between Aang’s shoulders, making him arch his chest. He gasps at the lick of heat to skin, the bracing cold flat of the icy blade down his spine, caught with no escape.
Zuko fans the fire out to dance tantalizingly across Aang’s collarbones, but almost loses control of it when his body jerks forwards, a different sort of warmth blooming suddenly in the pit of his stomach. He extinguishes it all together, for fear of hurting Aang, until Katara says, low and dangerous, “You’d better not stop.”
The throb in his blood is there again, Katara swaying him to press up close to Aang’s front, wobbly legs between legs. Aang exhales a breathy laugh, which turns into a gulp and a shiver with the ice skimming up his throat. Zuko’s eyes linger on Katara for a moment. The focus is clear in the crease of her brow, even as she digs her teeth into Aang’s shoulder. 
He knows he can trust her to keep them all safe, power play aside. His hand lights up again, gently curling hot and orange at Aang’s side, but it slides in the opposite direction than he intends.
Maybe it was his own folly, to think that he was ever actually out of her control.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Can I get a Witcherxreader after care headcannon? Something sweet and a little smutty?
* Geralt is not very good at after care, or so he says
* Geralt has zero self knowledge
* Because when he has gone especially intense on you, he is so good to you afterwards
* He’ll clean you up with a wet rag
* Makes sure you drink some water/honied milk
* Takes you gently into his arms, cuddling and caressing you
* Geralt is not a talkative man, but during aftercare he will indulge a hushed full on conversation
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sebsketchs · 4 years
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@shadowsandcoldwords​ just wanted to take this opportunity to say that there is no higher honor than having something written that’s inspired by your art, regardless of content (aka slutty or otherwise haha)
so i would be honored!! all i ask is yknow. you give credit where it’s due for the inspiration and obviously, send that shit my way when you’re done
(and if you’d like sense8 context basically all you need to know is that these three people are telepathically linked, capable of sharing experiences, thoughts and feelings, and at a pride parade )
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sorikkung · 4 years
Doot Doot
this is the third doot doot... stellar
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ask-any-mikey · 6 years
What do you think would happen if 2018 mikey met 2016 mikey?
(sorry this is a bit late. we’re trying to push ourselves to actually produce things once in awhile XD)
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sultrysirens · 6 years
So I love your stories but in the dancer there's that one chapter where Casey and jo are dancing and jo gives Casey a blue leotard, is this foreshadowing to Casey dating Leo??
No, lol. I hadn’t even thought of that. Cassie doesn’t date any of the turtles, unfortunately. She’s just a friend, and this is partly because I’m tired of the whole “there’s a male and a female and they’re friends, that must mean they’re gonna date!” trope we so often see.
Here in Sultry Sirens we support male/female platonic relationships, too. ;) I have a different girl planned for our Fearless Leader; I’ll get to introducing her eventually. :3
- Nightshade
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tmntnerd2016 · 6 years
I'm everything from deep red to cream
Oh well….*blushes*….heh thanks 🖤😁
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bugheadfangirl · 4 years
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All You Desire
Chapter 6 now available!
Summery: Betty Cooper, a young aspiring writer, struggles writing an in-dept book exploring sexual fantasies. Without any real experience, she finds it impossible to get anywhere. Her fear of failure pushes her to seek out experience of her own. After chasing down dead-end rumors for months, Betty finds out about a secret club created entirely for the purpose of having anonymous sex. Just when she least expects it, she receives an invitation to their first party. Upon arrival, she is handed a mysterious drink and is led into the ballroom. After the party, she finds herself led into a room, handed a blindfold, and ordered to strip down as she waits for her mysterious partner. Minutes pass before the door opens again and her partner arrives. Little does she know, behind the mask and blindfolds, her partner is Jughead Jones, her ex fiancee who disappeared from her life for unknown reasons hoping to drown away the sorrows of lost love. The two of them end up meeting every week at the club. What happens when the inevitable of finding out identities happens? Can they fall in love again, or is their love doomed from the beginning?
Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 2: Investigations and Invitations
Chapter 3: Serpent King and Juliet
Chapter 4: Reationships and Nightclubs
Chapter 5: Blind Dates and Tiny Crushes
Chapter 6: Forgiveness and Familiar Faces
All You Desire Playlist
A/N: Thank you all so much for your patience and love for the fic. It truly makes me happy. I couldn't have done it without your support. I'm sorry for the long wait. I was focusing on finishing my senior year. Today I walked and got my diploma! I'm hoping for more frequent updates in the future. Stay safe and enjoy!!
Thanks @ponytailplaymate for editing :)
If you want to be tagged in future updates let me know!
Tags: @lilireinhartsboobs @alllthingsart @blondieandbeanie @jessmhart @death-by-bughead @hbiccjsblog @bughead-stories @shadowsandcoldwords @cloowns @crashhale @cheryllclayton @alyssamydreams @rockybellberg @riverdalenerdlol @leandraderaven @bettsjugxx
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kc-anathema · 4 years
-This or That
I was tagged by @ignorantogre42
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles 
tagging @caroaimezoe @hummerhouse  @ravn-87 @h0w-d0-y0u-d0-fell0w-kids @shadowsandcoldwords @teejay-kaye @riallasheng @siascrawls @cat-servant and the ones I literally can’t tag ‘cause the cat is now asleep on my mouse
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Okay so I was checking a blog that showed in my notes and we got a humdinger.
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if you like turts and this sort of thing makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block block block. If you’re okay with or indifferent to it, block me! I’ve got the ppl in the notes together for batch block below the read more. 
gemini-in-tauro, rpwithafangirl, shadowsandcoldwords, blackknightgargie, rubius4302, lesliealiceinwonderland, ms-aromantic-lady, queenofthecloud15, minecraftvsearth, kristina-krik, oldhob, murgle-burgle-mage, of-ninja-and-mutants, seacombsabee, lovingdreamtree, takamiswings, purple-banded-pacifist, pentapoof, torduls, angryarisen, ikara-ayumi, tmntstyle
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tmntswagger-blog · 6 years
Donnie: “So because of...technical difficulties..the shoutouts have stopped but there is one....right no way yeah..........ok so I have @wolfbane37 and wow you got in two shoutouts..anyways @ninjaturtlegirl15 @emeraldgirltmnt @ellieandtheguys newest person welcome to swag bois @midnightredbel669 @shadowsandcoldwords I haven't seen you around in while @galaxy-dusk andd @bloody-hands-pure-hearts1329 @renetblog yeah so love from the turtle in purple well black but you get it”
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brightlotusmoon · 6 years
More scenes from the TMNT 2016 Depressed Mikey fic Pale Sunlight Clouded
Later scenes.
Tagging @katecupcakekate @ulisabarbic-blog @plush-tigre5s @silexwitch @mysillylittlesoapbox @shadowsandcoldwords who all seem interested in my fics.
Mikey shuffled to the couch, pizza in one hand, massaging the stitched wound on his forehead with the other. Don had given him the go ahead to eat whatever, and Michelangelo was beginning to suspect Donnie was hoping he would just eat something at all. Raph had started commenting on his weight loss. Pfft, like he didn’t need to lose. He had been eating three slices at time back when they met Casey.
Nibbling, Mike grabbed the remote and found a nature documentary. Dolphins were cute and fun, sure. The pizza tasted like sand. Maybe the pizza place had changed their recipe. He finished it and flopped his head against the back of the couch.
The cushions sank next to him. “Just one slice?” Leo asked, so casually it it hurt. Mike tried not to roll his eyes.
“Already had,” he lied, because Leo was easy to play.
His oldest brother’s eyes narrowed. “Right.”
Michelangelo turned on the innocent eyes and blinked. “Did you want the TV?”
Leonardo just stared at him. Then he sighed. “No, it’s fine. I just wanted to hang out.”
Shrugging, Mikey shifted to make room. Leo wound up wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in. Mike had a second of surprise before happily cuddling against Leo’s shoulder. There was comfortable silence for the next twenty minutes.
“So, how have you been feeling since your last therapy session with Aevalyn?”
The pizza in his gut suddenly felt heavy. Why did talking about her to Leo feel wrong? “I’m… um, feeling good. She’s really helpful, she’s got this weird patchwork of knowledge, you know, like Donnie but not all science and tech and math, like…”
He paused. He swallowed. His face felt hot. “She… she says I’m autistic and my ADHD is, um, treated with ninjitsu… and, and… she says I should meditate more.”
Leonardo seemed to light up. “Oh really? Does she know you have trouble?”
Michelangelo tried not to roll his eyes. “Well, yeah, duh. She suggested that I do it like she does, fidgeting and stimming and-”
“S-self stimulating behavior.” The blush deepened.
“Ah! Understood. Like when you clack your chucks together when nervous.”
Mikey breathed out in relief and tapped his fingers on his thighs.
“Or when you tap your hands like that,” Leo said kindly.
Mikey glanced at him. There was nothing but love in his oldest brother’s eyes. Did Leo really get it? Finally?
He took another deep breath and clenched every muscle against the anxiety.
“April thinks she can bring Aeva down soon, so everyone can… can meet her.”
“Oh, wow, okay,” and Leo grinned. Mike blinked slowly, unsure.
He watched Leo’s face, and abruptly the new mental skill surged, the weird sense of everything around him, like psionic superheroes in his comics. Leo was startled and pleased and relieved and very curious, and words were suddenly in Mikey’s head, in Leo’s voice. Words that wondered if Mikey had a crush on this mysterious fascinating human who was saving his life.
He was hearing Leonardo’s thoughts.
Didn’t Aevalyn say she could do that?
Blinking, Michelangelo let the power roll around in his mind, poking it. It felt like a separate entity, purring and stretching in his head, and at the same time sunk deeply into the meat of his brain, tendrils of electric energy burrowing like tree roots and sparking neurons to fire. He was eternally grateful for his time spent with Donatello, flipping through textbooks to ease boredom. Between that and Aevalyn excitedly discussing her studies in Neuropsychology, he felt almost smart all on his own.
Leonardo was saying something, but there was a thick electric fog moving through his head. Mikey breathed slowly – pressure and pain reared up and began clawing at his face. Power pushed from the inside. He suddenly sensed the entire lair as if he were watching a movie in his head. He could barely see Leo. He felt himself start to dissociate, disconnect, his body becoming distant.
And then he felt his arms twitch. His head and shoulders jerked back as if shocked.
“… Mikey? You okay?”
Leo’s voice was muted.
He was plunged under.
Michelangelo barely felt every single muscle in his body begin to spasm as his brother began to yell and pull him close. He heard Leo whisper something comforting. He heard Donatello, in the vast distance, something about laying him down. And then the seizure had him and he was down the rabbit hole.
Based on my own epilepsy experiences, as well as my depression experiences, tho I don't have siblings. If I did I might understand why Raph alway smacked Mikey and stuff in 2012 and 2003. No really, I find it so hard to write about toxic sibling love. By I do try to write bro fluff like my friendships that are like family.
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tmntsworld · 6 years
Domesticity Memes
Donatello/My Oc "X"
big spoon/little spoon:
Donnie likes to envelop X in his elongated limbs so that she won't escape when they wake up. It's just to piss her off, really. He'll even wrap his legs around hers for closure.
"Son of a bitch…" She'd mutter.
favorite non-sexual activity:
X loves their ice cream dates. Donnie likes to learn the "Fundamentals of Hacking," as X calls it.
who uses all the hot water:
X's bitch ass. Donnie takes really short showers, but when he wants to soak in a bath, he'll flip his shit if he discovers there's nothing but cool water. Luckily, he has a backup water heater installed.
"Ha, you thought."
most trivial thing they fight over:
They'll argue over anything. Mathematics, whether a word is spelled correctly (color/colour), but the mother ridiculous thing they've ever argued about is Pluto. Is it truly a planet?
who does most of the cleaning:
X. Donnie is way too much of a clusterfuck because he's swarmed with tools and gadgets. When X cleans his lab without his permission, he turns into a teenage girl.
"What the--Who moved my Electron-separator?? I left it right here on my desk--oh, even my pea-shooter is gone! Guys!"
((Don't worry, he appreciates it overall.))
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
X! She has her own ((free heheheheee)) Netflix account.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
Technically, Donnie is the landlord. He lives in the sewers. He's got it all under control, but when he really can't fix it (courtesy of the city), he goes to X's house. (Or April's).
who steals the blankets:
X. It's mostly out of playful spite.
who leaves their stuff around:
Donnie. Messy motherfucker.
who remembers to buy the milk:
It's more like, "Who remembers to remind the other to buy the milk?".
who remembers anniversaries: Both. What they have is pretty important, not that they haven't been super late for dates.
Who cooks normally?
Well, X doesn't mind actually cooking instead of bringing takeout. Donnie appreciates a good meal, of course, and tries to return the favor. It comes out well, even if some of it is undercooked.
X. It's X.
How often do they fight?
They certainly argue a lot. Nothing serious, but a true fight? It happens once in a blue moon.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Donnie does Donnie things: he invents, deals with patrol, deals with his brothers, he might call X once or twice because he'll wanna just say "Hi."
X goes back to her place. She might have a little workout session (cardio, etc. She's not really into martial arts.), then she might have a lurking session in the "Deep Web" or study for college. Afterward, she finds herself out and about in New York, just walking.
Nicknames for each other?
I headcanon that out of respect for women, they find it really disrespectful to call a girl "bitch". That's just how they were raised. Splinter ain't raise no lil assholes.
Donnie to X: My lovely, Starshine, babe, Miss Hacking-Know-It-All, Queen-Of-The-World, my Gal.
X to Donnie: (Okay yall, she's weird as fuck okay)) My Saucy mans, "Wassup, booface?", Green-Bean, Etc.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Donnie is broke aab and X is too, lowkey. She has some money to pay for pizza and things like that.
Who steals the covers at night?
Donnie's coldass.
What would they get each other for gifts?
X would receive flowers, a superantispyware hard drive, a brand new handmade laptop, some boxed chocolates, mainly just simple, techy things. And kisses. Lots of them.
Donnie would receive some chic romance movies ranging from the years 1950 to recent ((he's a sucker for them, Sci Fi is something he talks shit about when he deems something as inaccurate)), some lavender-scented candles, a medical book on human anatomy, and maybe a little sucky succ if his gal's feeling very, very "appreciative".
Who kissed who first?
X kissed Donnie first.
Who made the first move?
Donnie. Or he attempted to, at least.
Who remembers things?
Who started the relationship?
Well, Donnie suggested it. X accepted.
Who cusses more?
Ooof….they both cuss, so this is a toughie. Who cusses more…X.
What would they do if the other was hurt?
X isn't medically inclined like Donnie is. She'd panic beyond belief and cry under pressure, using Donnie himself as a guide.
Donnie would try to keep himself together, which proves to be futile most of the time. He'd struggle to keep a level head, using his knowledge to patch X up as much as he could
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tmnt-l0ver · 6 years
We are all in one big relationship with each other :) just us three at the moment.
To clarify I'm dating both of them and they are dating each other and we're all girlfriends 😘
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tmntnerd2016 · 5 years
Tmnt Makeup interest headcanons
Soo….I did some headcanons about Raph last year and it got so many great comments...by the way THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO REBLOGED AND COMMENTED I LOVED IT SO MUCH...heh...but anyway thanks to @midnightrebel669 she gave me the idea to do a headcanon on what type of makeup designs the guys like on girls...since I love makeup a lot ...I really hope yall like it!!!! (btw in this i don't give the reader a gender cause I know many boys and non binary people who love makeup and sexy turtles heh)
First off…
All of the boys think you are absolutely stunning without makeup...cause they can see your skin, your sparkling eyes, your puffy lips, and every small freckles or beauty mark decorated on your face (if you have any) ...no matter what you think is imperfect weather its a birthmark or redness they see it as what makes you unique! Also any makeup that enhances your natural beauty they go crazy for.
Any makeup that highlights your eyes! Blue glitter or even full blue smokey eye…. He loves to stare into your eyes already...loves to watch them sparkle with love and happiness. Leo would never admit it to his brothers but he's hurt that people wouldn't accept him as who he is..but you...you see him as one of the sexiest guys on earth…....He’s so happy that he gets to have a beautiful person like you…..
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Honestly loves lipstick, lip gloss, or even lip art! Of course if there's red...He loves your lips any chance he gets his lips are latched onto yours…(Mikey called him a leech one time which ended up with both of them going to the hashi)...Your lips are so soft and kissable he sometimes cant handle himself. All you have to do is pucker your lips at him. Once you do that he's puddy in your hands. As Raph was growing up he didn't think that someone could love “a freak” like him. He would dream about kissing someone’s lips sometimes wake up to his lips on his pillow. But once he kissed you….he never stopped. Another reason he loves lipstick is cause he can walk around with a mark on him.
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He loves the contours of your face...anything that compliments the hollows of your cheeks or your chin even..since he's so tall he would sometimes put his finger under your chin as he kisses you..he would be so intrigued at how makeup can transform a person’s face. Once he sees that you added something to appreciate the curvature of your face he won't stop staring at your face. He would probably start to watch YouTube videos to watch the process. Throughout aging Donnie always wanted to have a significant other. Someone to work on new gadgets with. He didn't think he was as good as his brothers...he was the tallest..not the most muscular..had glasses..also he was always called a nerd. The reason he really loved was the shape of a person's face the way how each was unique...all he wanted was someone as unique as him...and now that he has you all he can do is admire your one and only face.
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Mikey loves your cheeks...he thinks they make you look so innocent and adorable so anything that will amplify them he will totally love! He would love when you wear blush, highlighter contour or even glitter. He loves to pinch your cheeks and kiss them sometimes even blow raspberries on them. No matter what he's doing he will drop it to kiss or touch your soft skin. When Mikey was a little tot he wanted his ‘true love’ someone who wouldn't see him as a monster and scream or run away. The moment he laid his eyes on you and you didn't scream and run he feel head over ...well...sneakers for you…..your his dream significant other and he couldn't ever ask for anyone better
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@bloody-dark-shells03 @nikitaboeve @fyreball66 @annaliaandtheturtles @luvroffictionalcharacters @galaxy-dusk @jasonofthenight @shadowsandcoldwords @amythestrosethorns @imsoserious15 @terrapinup @imthegreenfairy88 @fear-the-antiverse
Please feel free to tag anyone you think would enjoy this I hope y’all love it as much as I did making it 😘😘😘😘☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😊😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💙💙🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💜💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕
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