#shaking shaking I want to see it I want to see the Zenyatta backstory I wish to know it all
emile-hides · 2 years
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Hinted at Zenyatta lore that makes me go rabid
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nitewrighter · 6 years
Reveloutionary Lucio headcannons. Like when in the 6 year period between the fall and return of overwatch did it start. What happened during the course to gather following, if he’s supposedly successful than why the return of Vishkar in the sym comic (assuming I read that right), etc.
Ahhh I feel like while “A Better World” is one of Overwatch’s best comics, it is basically clawing to the edge of a major plot hole. One major problem with Overwatch is that while all of the heroes have individual backstories that flesh out the world and to some extent, affect each other–there are some major time-wise plot holes. For example, if Zenyatta officially left the Shambali to wander the world and presumably met Genji in his wanderings, what brought them back to Nepal? Why does Genji have a room in Nepal if Zenyatta is wondering if he is even welcome there? Is Symmetra’s “A Better World” comic happening before or after Lúcio’s revolution? (I headcanon ‘Before because the chief resistance Symm seems to be facing is the LumériCo,’ and Roadhog’s comic, “Wasted Land” is chronicling how he and Junkrat started their partnership).
I feel like Lúcio’s revolution likely started out as very peaceful and grassroots–lots of benefit concerts, attempts to appeal to Rio’s government to stop Vishkar’s continuing attempts to break down and rebuild their favelas–he’d try and do it through the proper channels first because that’s why they’re there, right? But then when he realizes that Vishkar has sunken its claws into the local government and is only increasing its influence, he’d see that there’s no legal means for him to save the favelas–so he’d first steal back his father’s technology from Vishkar on principle, because there’s no way he’s letting his father’s work be used to oppress the people of Rio, and then he’d garner a small ring of like-minded rebels to organize strikes and sabotage against Vishkar’s goons. From there the movement would quickly grow, and while Lúcio’s musical persona would maintain an outward appearance of fighting against Vishkar using only legal channels, on the flip side Lúcio’s rebellion would quickly grow to a Favela-wide movement, with mass disobedience and sabotage. Eventually though, Lúcio couldn’t keep his public music persona and his more private rebel leader persona separate and basically put both on the line in order to rally the remaining citizens of the favela to his side. I think the Vishkar/Rio struggle is still ongoing.
…also I like to think his “Ribbit” skin was his music persona and his “equalizer” skin is his rebel leader persona, and the classic Lúcio we see today his his happy marriage between the two.
Lúcio: I’m going to keep it real with you people. We can’t just sit here listening to music and trying to feel better when we know every minute Vishkar’s getting closer to taking over every aspect of our lives and community. Someone has to fight them. So that’s what I’m going to do. That’s what I’ve been doing, but I know it’s not enough. Not yet. I’ll need your help. Do you want to help me save Rio?!
*crowd cheers*
Lúcio: That’s good to hear. That’s good to hear. Anyone who’s not up for the fight, you can leave now, go home, hug your kids, whatever. No judgment. Those who stay… thank you. But you should know who you’re fighting alongside. *takes off the ‘Ribbit’ Frog head and shakes his locs out* I am the Equalizer.
*dead silence over the crowd*
Single voice in the crowd: Oh my god you’re beautiful!
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jr4de · 6 years
Fic Writing Meme
@redcap3​ tagged me, and I always love things like this!
What is your total word count on AO3?
844536, coming up on a year of writing. I was kinda hoping to break a million words in a year, but things at work and in real life have meant a fairly slow month so that may well not happen. However! I suppose I have two or three chapters of several things written, so I guess I could always post those if I wanted to pad it out XD
How often do you write?
I try to write every day, but that doesn’t always happen. Usually I can get some out, though - and amount written varies from day to day of course. Some days I’ll go at it in all the free time I have and only end up with a thousand words, sometimes I’ll knock out a complete 7500 word fic in an hour and a half, just depends, heh.
Do you have a routine for writing?
MUSIC! That’s about it, really; sit somewhere - at home, coffee shop, what have you - and put on some headphones and start playing some music. I joke that playing it louder forces words out of my fingers faster (because of the increased pressure in my ears, right? XD).
All kinds of music, usually just shuffling my library or a large chunk of it - lots of people say they need instrumentals, but I’m happy with whatever. Vocal, instrumental, pop, rock, synth, classical, all kindsa stuff. Often I’ll tailor the musical selection somewhat to the subject matter - SoaOW was written to lots of Depeche Mode, Shiny Toy Guns, Fad Gadget; slightly strained and synthy stuff to go with the neo-dystopian setting, y’know?
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
Hmmm. Well, I suppose I’d say “not necessarily”. I don’t think I’d say that I’ve written particularly much in the way of kink-driven stuff, although what I’ve considered has been rooted in character anyway in a way that- well, I don’t know if it’d exactly count, but I suppose someone can tell me when I write it, heh.
Tropes? I like some tropes, I like when they’re used fairly subtly; one that I think will usually be found in my works is that the good guy wins. People don’t die (and stay dead) for no reason!
(...and yes, the “and stay dead” is definitely important because I am known to occasionally kill or nearly-kill good characters for uh... well, just go read BSN or SoaOW if you want to see XD but they don’t stay dead!)
Pairings? Oy, just fuck me up. I love ‘em. I've got a soft spot for polyamorous groups given my own real-life Venn intersection there, heh. One that has a special place in my heart, certainly, is Winston/Orisa - for two reasons: one, I have written the only fic with that ship so far on Ao3, and two, every single person who has ever commented on it has said the same thing which essentially amounts to “Okay, when you said Winston/Orisa, I was dubious, but these two are so freaking cute!” And you know what? They really are.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Oh dear, favourite? “Favourite ______” is a sure-fire way to make me waffle for a good long time, haha!
I think my favourite in general will probably be “Both Sides Now”, for now - almost a half-million words of action and interpersonal relationships, weaving in backstory for Overwatch’s earlier days and fall. I don’t think it’s the be-all and end-all, though, not nearly.
I think... my favourite underrated fic of mine is “Used to Be”. It’s a shorter thing, introspective and reflective, Fareeha sitting at Ana’s grave and wondering over what their life was like, and wondering why she hasn’t cried since the funeral. I just really like how the portrayal of Ana as a beleaguered and wearied mother and soldier came out, and the way it dealt with grief. I like the turnaround and how the ending mirrors the beginning, and several little turns of phrase in it, and I think it’s not got particularly much notice because there’s no romantic ship involved. Just a daughter and her mother who she misses, but doesn’t know quite how to deal with that feeling.
Your fic with the most kudos?
“Both Sides Now”, hands down. “Streets of an Orphaned World” is holding at around two-thirds of that, my nearest contender, but it’s been finished so long that it’s highly, highly unlikely to close the gap in my opinion XD
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Honestly, it depends on the day. When I’m having good days, then it’s all pretty great - but when I’m having bad days? Uh, everything. The description’s somehow simultaneously pedantically excessive and still inadequately sparse, the dialogue’s choppy, the prose is stilted, words are overused, aaaaaand basically it sucks XD
...but that’s just the bad days. Most days? Most days I like it pretty well, but I’d say a commons ticking point with me is this: the length.
Don’t get me wrong, I like being able to write longer things, but I would also dearly love the ability to write short ones. I can write a 20k fic in two days, and I have done as much, but writing something short? Writing a chaptered work that doesn’t break sextuple digits? That’s really fucking hard for me. I would love to be able to write shorter stuff, but it just takes an absurd amount of effort for me to do so.
Now something you do like?
Hmm. I think I have some good lines. Some good points. Overall, I’d say... the flow. I think I have fluid writing, that can kinda sweep you away if you let it - to the point where you maybe don’t think about how long it’s been since somebody talked, or how long this paragraph of thoughts has been carrying on, where you don’t think about the chapters and the pages and the words until you realize that you’ve read a hundred thousand words already and yet, still, you’re only a quarter of the way through.
I like that.
I like my dialogue, even though I know a lot of what I write in it is stuff that, it is said, should not be written in dialogue. I have misspoken words, and epithets, and pauses and lots and lots of punctuation - em-dashes and semicolons, chunks of word broken up by actions, italics and emphatics because that is how people speak in my world. The people around me gesture. They squint. They get halfway through a word, stop, frown, shake their head and start again from the beginning. They shout. They make up words. They use pet names, or teasing ones, or whatever else.
I like that.
Most of all, though, I think what I like about my writing - what I hope for, and what I always love to hear confirmed when I get feedback - is that it makes people think. Somewhat, sometimes, about some things. Or at least about some thing, singular, because I want it to be fun and enjoyable but I’d also like it to do something.
If someone can read my Satya/Symmetra, and walk away with maybe just a slightly more in-depth view of what Autism might entail in an everyday space, what it’s like maybe when their classmate or friend or family member or lover is having a bit of an issue, a bit of A Problem, and if that person can then maybe bring that understanding and make things a little better, that’s what I want. I like that.
If someone can read my Amélie/Widowmaker, and gain maybe a bit of a deeper understanding for trauma or sociopathy, that lack of what we might sometimes call basic human empathy, and realize that lacking that doesn’t inherently make somebody a bad person - that’s what I want, I like that. If someone can read any of my old guard - Torb, Ana, Rein, Jack, Gabe - and see something new about PTSD, or see the same in Tracer; if they can get some calm from Zenyatta or some hope from Tracer or some anything, from any of them, from me, then that’s what I want.
What do I like about my writing? That people take it away with them. That they take it, and they cut out the bits that they love, and they carry those bits around right next to their heart.
I love that.
Tagging people! @madame-kiksters @oinkyblanketpig @thesoundofthunderstorms @app-jelly @twoheartedalien2-0 Sure, those seem like some good folks; do this if you want! If you don’t, don’t! I’m not your real mom. XD
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kiryuva · 7 years
Uncertainty - Part II
『 Note: Once again, I made this so much longer than I intended! It started well in my head, but I struggled and tripped up so many times. This also inspired a separate piece, so I promise to do better come next time around. I’ve been practicing writing and have a long way to go, but I have to start somewhere. Anyways! Be sure to read part one here! 』
“Here I am, rambling, when I should be silent.” You whispered, lowering your head slightly as your hands rested in your lap. What you tried to ignore, were your fingers trembling. You couldn’t focus, and forcing yourself to be at peace was not going to help. You mind kept racing and you knew yourself better than to try to keep your calm facade while troubled. “My apologies, Genji.”
Both you and Genji were sitting side by side, the soft wind dancing around your figures as you sat in lotus position. Looking ahead to the wilderness around you, you lowered your eyelids and exhaled through your nose. You sat in a shaded area in the center of cherry blossom trees, miles away from the bustling city. The quiet was always your preference, as it allowed you to feely think without any distractions. Today, however, you were accompanied by a particular person to relish in the quiet scenery. Following your initial meeting with Zenyatta, you managed to convince the Omnic through facial expressions — and just your general connection of him throughout the years — to assist you in finding a calm area to meditate with his student. It might seem carefree to some, but for you, this was overwhelming.
It wasn’t until you sat down, later, that you realized Zenyatta was nowhere to be found. He had left you alone with him. You wanted to scream, but you knew that would not only concern Genji, but make you look all the more ridiculous. Exhaling once again, you decided that you would address it later, as something more occupied your thoughts.
You turned to Genji, but only for a moment. You knew it was rude to stare, and while not exactly knowing the fullest extent of his backstory, you respected him enough not to be that person about his appearance.
What made matters worse, was that Genji was very quiet. Granted he was polite and respectable to those he favoured, but he was not the one to always engage in conversation. The only times you would refer to him as “talkative” would be through his interactions with his master; otherwise, he was silent. He carried himself well in that regard, and always watched. It drew you to him, his silence, and your curiosity did always get the better of you.
“You seem nervous.” His sudden voice broke you from your distracted trance. Blinking, you smiled meekly as a response. “What seems to be on your mind?”
You is what you wanted to say, but you knew better than to make yourself look even more awkward than you already did. “It’s just… A person has been troubling me. “ You cursed yourself inwardly for simply letting yourself admit that, because now it became that kind of conversation, and with your crush, no less. Following those words, you held up your hands defensively. “N-Not in a life-threatening way, of course. I’m not in a life or death kind of situation…”
While it was a bit windy, the weather was nice enough to distract you. Genji did not rush your speaking, and remained still as you attempted to explain yourself. Soft, pink petals floated to the ground from nearby cherry blossom trees as you fiddled with your clothes. Your [colour] eyes couldn’t help but follow their every pattern as you would occasionally stammer in-between words. It was very important for you not to meet his stare.
“I wanted to seek meditation to come to terms with that. How I should… Distract myself from it, or at the very least…” You watched as he tilted his head, as if intrigued. You then added, “I wanted to… I wanted to meditate with you in private because I wanted to hear your take on it. H-How would you go about it?”
The entire time you spoke, you felt his gaze through his green visor, but refused to make direct eye contact. It was a strong, attentive look, and it made you flustered. The fact that you not only were in close proximity to him, but having his eyes on you made your heart beat faster. You shyly looked at separate parts of him and would then redirect your attention to your surroundings. It only made your face hotter, and you did your best not to seem too obvious.
“That is quite the predicament,” he sighed, letting a petal land in his cybernetic hand, “one that I wish I could assist you with, though I may not have the answers. Have you confronted this person?”
“Absolutely not,” you quickly responded, shaking your head, “if anything, I’d make myself a bigger fool than I already have. Or, well, would. It’s… Complicated.”
“How so?” The younger Shimada was intrigued.
“Trying to speak to someone you admire is… Frustrating. Concerning. Stressful,” you released yourself from your former position. You brought your knees to your chest and hated how you couldn’t look directly at him. “Especially when you…”
“Ah.” Genji pieced it together, releasing a small noise. Little did you know that in his younger years Genji had many times where he chased frivolous pursuits. Lifting his head, he looked to the collection of cherry blossom petals and watched as they swayed in the direction of the wind. You glanced over at him, and he noticed, albeit subtly.
You swallowed, beating yourself up as to why you didn’t tell him — haven’t told him yet. Of course, it would be weird, you thought, you’re always a mess around him and neither of you have obligation to one another. For you to tell him your feelings would be strange. You shook your head again, playing the different scenarios through your mind and trying to find a reasoning as to your situation.
“I know I may not be the best for this,” He consoled, “I’m sure Master is much more suited.” He heard you laugh, almost a defeated laugh and focused on your movements as he continued, “Though I wouldn’t mind being support for you.” He paused for just a moment before adding, “You seemed very flustered earlier when speaking together. I wondered if you were uncomfortable around me.”
Your eyes widened at his statement and you faced him. “N-No, no, I promise, that was not it at all. If I were uncomfortable, I would’ve told you, and Zenyatta. You don’t think I’m uncomfortable around you all the time, do you? I mean, from the times you are here. I mean, I don’t…” Yet again you were rambling. He saw how embarrassed you were, how red your cheeks were. Gosh, you hated how much of a mess you were. “I just…” You turned away and mumbled something underneath your breath.
“If anything, I wondered if I made you uncomfortable. You’re always distant, so I hesitated on asking. I sought Zenyatta, and…“
“For the amount of years you have known me, you should’ve known I would be willing to listen. You’re very nice to be around,” Nodding, he detached his swords from his person, the sound of metal clinging through your ears, and placed them next to him.
What Zenyatta said was true. You had affection towards the ninja, and hated how not only obvious you felt you were, but embarrassed you were on the subject. There was silence, and you wished you could’ve removed yourself from the situation. Did he find offense to what you said, you wonder? Self-doubt began to splatter across the walls of your mind, and you were unsure of what to do. Breathing, and rubbing your hands together, you began to calm yourself.
“I’m sorry, Genji,” you whispered, “this must just be odd for you.”
“Not at all.” The entire time he was simply observing you. He kept his hands on his lap, lowering his eyelids underneath his visor. Your motions were interesting to him. “I’m more concerned with how you are feeling. After all, you did request I be at your side today.”
“Just forget it,” you shrugged, exhaling. This was not the way you wanted to go about things, nor present yourself. I apologize. This was a silly idea to do,” You turn to him with another weak smile, a defeated smile. After this, you felt you had no chance. You gave up on yourself, and Genji sensed that. He remained quiet, narrowing his eyes as you began to tremble. You began to retreat into yourself, but did your best to keep a calm composure.
“Hopefully, one day, he — they may…” You began to guess, not caring you let the pronoun slip, “… I don’t know.” You removed your hands from around your knees and placed them on the grass beside you. “… Maybe return how I feel. How much I… li-” A slight smile tugged at your lips, signaling yourself to stop, and you closed your eyes. Part of you felt better releasing your inner feelings to the cyborg, though it was bittersweet. Why was this so upsetting and conflicting for you? Regardless, you concluded the topic became mundane and decided to drop it.
“Perhaps so.”
A sudden coolness engulfed you, or at least the right side of your body. It was in sync with the strong gust of wind that travelled from you to the many cherry blossom trees surrounding you both. It put you at ease, as if the winds swept you in a calming embrace. You felt water build at the corners of your eyes, but would be damned if you let them fall.
Slowly opening your eyes, you soon pieced together why you felt the chill through your spine. A flush of crimson painted your cheeks, and you didn’t dare to look to your left. You shyly turned your head away, goosebumps tingling from one arm to the other. Genji’s steel hand covered yours, his body much closer to yours than you remember, and focusing solely on you. You remained still, making sure you weren’t hallucinating and steadied your breathing. How you hadn’t fainted from the amount of blood rushing to your face was astounding. His grip became slightly firm, but not too rough; just enough to know he was there.
“Genji?” you questioned hesitantly, looking to your hands together, then finally up to him.
While you couldn’t see it, he smiled underneath his faceplate. A low, playful chuckle came from him before he spoke, “You would be surprised.”
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