ltwilliammowett · 3 months
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Japanese Shakudo and gold ship ring, Japan, c. 1880s
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eriebasin · 9 months
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A beautifully made and very rare antique Japanese locket necklace with Shakudo or Damascene decoration, where gold was inlaid in blackened bronze. Beautifully made with dragon designs on the locket and each of the necklace links. Dates to c1890.
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detournementsmineurs · 6 months
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“Pendant with Cock" by Alexis Falize (1869), "Pendant and Brooch with Figures in a Japanese Garden" by Streeter & Co (1880), "Brooch and Earrings in Scallop Shape with Heron" by Tiffany & Co (1880) and "Bracelet in Shakudo Technique" (circa 1880) presented in “A History of Jewellery: Bedazzled (part 6: Art Nouveau 1890-1914)” by Beatriz Chadour-Sampson - International Jewellery Historian and Author - for the V&A Academy online, march 2024.
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 393 spoilers translations (no images)
Apparently Horikoshi got a little too horny this week and his art tripped the boob-alert censors, so here’s an image-free transcript of the chapter 393 rough translations.
To view the image version that has been marked by the mature filter, click here.
1 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte Come to think of it, Toga-chan,
2 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? can’t you [use] a villain name?
tagline 1 ありし日の敵連合ーー ありしひのヴィランれんごうーー arishi hi no VIRAN rengou-- The League of Villains from days gone by--
tagline 2 No.393 少女のエゴ  堀越耕平 ナンバー393 しょうじょのエゴ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 393 shoujo no EGO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 393 A Girl’s Ego  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 確かに たしかに tashika ni “It’s certainly true.”
4 そーいやおまえとウチのボスくらいだな sooiya omae to UCHI no BOSU kurai da na “That’s right, you and our boss”
5 敵名が無いの ヴィランめいがないの VIRAN-mei ga nai no “have no villain names.”
6 つけよーぜ tsukeyoo ze “Use one!”
7 いらねーよ iranee yo “They don’t need it!”
8 やです ya desu “Don’t want one.”
9 あった方が箔つくよ あったほうがはくつくよ atta hou ga haku tsuku yo “It’d be more prestigious to have one!”
10 「女吸血鬼カーミラ」…! 「おんなきゅうけつきカーミラ」…! 「onna kyuuketsuki KAAMIRA」...! “The Woman Vampire Carmilla...!”
11 「血う血う」 「ちうちう」 「chiu chiu」 “Bloody kiss.” (Note: This is actually a pun on the word “chiu” which is what Toga says as an onomatopoeia for sucking blood. It sounds like “suck” and “smooch.” Twice has squeezed in the kanji for “blood” for the pun.)
12 「ピカちう」 「PIKAchiu」 “Pikasmooch!” (Note: Same pun as the previous line.)
13 や ya “NO.”
14 ��らねぇ くだらねぇ kudaranee “How worthless.”
15 個性届制定前までの名残だろ客喜ばせるだけだ こせいとどけせいていまえまでのなごりだろきゃくよろこばせるだけだ kosei todoke seiteimae made no nagori daro kyaku yorokobaseru dake da “It’s only a relic from before the enactment of the Quirk Registry, just to please people.”
16 「荼毘」が言うなよ 「だび」がいうなよ 「Dabi」 ga iuna yo Literal. “Don’t say that, ‘Dabi.’” Context. “You don’t get to say that, ‘Cremation.’” (Note: The implication is that Dabi’s villain name is pretty uninspired or boring.)
17 本名未だた知らねー ほんみょういまだにしらねー honmyou ima da ni shiranee “We still don’t know your real name.”
1 昔は"ヒーロー""敵"に違いなんかなかったんだってな むかしは"ヒーロー""ヴィラン"にちがいなんかなかったんだってな mukashi wa “HIIROO” “VIRAN” ni chigai nanka nakattanda tte na “Long ago, there wasn’t a difference between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains.’”
2 一説によると いっせつによると issetsu ni yoru to “According to one theory,”
3 得体の知れねぇ敵対者への仮称が始まりだったそうだ えたいのしれねぇてきたいしゃへのかしょうがはじまりだったそうだ etai no shirenee tekitaisha e no kashou ga hajimari datta sou da “it seems like they were tentative names given to mysterious adversaries.”
4 そこから素性素性隠しに自ら渾名を名乗る者が現れたと… そこからすじょうがくしにみずからあだなをなのるものがあらわれたと… soko kara sujougakushi ni mizukara adana wo nanoru mono ga arawareta to... “From there, people appeared who gave themselves nicknames to hide their identities...”
5 生き抜く為に被った別人の皮が いきぬくためにかぶったべつじんのかわが ikinuku tame ni kabutta betsujin no kawa ga “while others wore masks in order to survive,”
6 いつしかコミックに倣った"記号"となった いつしかコミックにならった"きごう"となった itsu shika KOMIKKU ni naratta “kigou” to natta “and eventually they became ‘symbols’ that imitated comic books.”
7 世界がコミックになったのは"名乗り"が原因って説さ せかいがコミックになったのは"なのり"がげんいんってせつさ sekai ga KOMIKKU ni natta no wa “nanori” ga gen’in tte setsusa “It’s said that [those] code names were the cause of the world becoming like comic books.”
8 俺ぁいいや おれぁいいや orea iiya “I don’t need one.” (Note: Literally he’s just saying “Me, no.”)
9 かっこいいと思うけど かっこいいとおもうけど kakko ii to omou kedo “Although I do think they’re cool.”
10 キャッ! KYA! “Hyup!” (Note: This is really just a nonsense word for Toga to shout as she leaps up.)
11 だから連合入ったの! だかられんごうはいったの! dakara rengou haitta no! “That’s why I joined the league!”
12 生きにくいです! いきにくいです! iki nikui desu! It’s hard to live!
1 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
2 トガヒミコとして生きるのです トガヒミコとしていきるのです TOGA HIMIKO to shite ikiru no desu “live as Himiko Toga.”
3-4 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!”
1-2 同情なんかじゃ…ない…! どうじょうなんかじゃ…ない…! doujou nanka ja...nai...! “I am not...sympathetic...!”
3 触られた さわられた sawarareta I was touched
4 …でも今浮かされる事自体にリスクはない …でもいまうかされることじたいにリスクはない ...demo ima ukasareru koto jitai ni RISUKU wa nai ...but being made to float now isn’t by itself a risk.
5 耳当たりの良いこと言ったって みみあたりのいいこといったって mimi atari no ii koto itta tte “You have something that’s nice to hear?”
6 結局檻に入れて死刑でしょう…⁉︎ けっきょくおりにいれてしけいでしょう…⁉︎ kekkyoku ori ni irete shikei deshou...!? “In the end, won’t you put me in a cage and sentence me to death...!?”
1-2 でなければ仁くんのように殺すだけだ! でなければじんくんのようにころすだけだ! denakereba Jin-kun no you ni korosu dake da! “If not that, then you’ll just kill me like [you did] Jin-kun!”
3 勝つか負けるか かつかまけるか katsu ka makeru ka “Win or lose,”
4 生きるか いきるか ikiru ka “live or”
5 死ぬか しぬか shinu ka “die,”
6 生存競争なんだよこれはもう‼︎ せいぞんきょうぞうなんだよこれはもう‼︎ seizon kyouzou nanda yo kore wa mou!! “this is already a competition for survival!!”
7 ハッ HA “Hah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
8 それ…っ sore... “That...”
9 ハァ HAA “haah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
10 は wa “is”
11 お互いっ"当たり前"だね おたがいっ"あたりまえ"だね otagai “atari mae” da ne “true for us both.”
12 ーー‼︎ 同情じゃないなら ーー‼︎ どうじょうじゃないなら --!! doujou ja nai nara “--!! If it’s not sympathy,”
13 ただのエゴだ…‼︎ tada no EGO da...!! “then it’s just ego...!!”
14 互いにそうならーー たがいにそうならーー tagai ni sou nara-- “If that’s true for both of us--”
PAGE 6-7
1 "我我は大勢であるがゆえに"‼︎ "サッドマンズレギオン"‼︎ “SADDO MANZU REGION (kanji: wareware wa taisei de aru ga yue ni)”!! Sad Man’s Legion (read as: We are many, therefore...)!!
2 死ねよ しねよ shine yo “die”
3 ヒーロー HIIROO “hero.”
4 こんな…! konna...! “This...!”
5 こんなのないぜ…‼︎ konna no nai ze...!! “There’s been nothing like this...!!”
6 「世代を経るごとに強く…」 「せだいをへるごとにつよく…」 「sedai wo heru goto ni tsuyoku...」 “‘Stronger with each generation...’”
7 「そして誰もコントロールできなくなる」 「そしてだれもコントロールできなくなる」 「soshite dare mo KONTOROORU dekinaku naru」 “‘until no one can control them.’”
8 何年も…何度も囁かれてきた…終末論ーー なんねんも…なんどもささやかれてきた…しゅうまつろんーー nannen mo...nando mo sasayakarete kita...shuumatsuron-- “For years...it’s been whispered over and over...the doomsday theory--”
1 今日だったんだ… きょうだったんだ… kyou dattanda... “It was today...”
2 それが今日だったんだ…‼︎ それがきょうだったんだ…‼︎ sore ga kyou dattanda...!! “That was today...!!”
3 世界は せかいは sekai wa “The world”
4-5 少女たった一人の気持ちで変えられてしまう…‼︎ しょうじょたったひとりのきもちでかえられてしまう…‼︎ shoujo tatta hitori no kimochi de kaerarete shimau...!! ��can be changed by the feelings of a single girl...!!”
1 圧し おし oshi “Push and”
2 潰れろ!!!! つぶれろ!!!! tsuburero!!!! “crush her!!!!”
3 ガンヘッド GANHEDDO Gunhead
4 マーシャルアーツ‼︎ MAASHARU AATSU!! Martial Arts!!
1 浮かせるだけだ‼︎ うかせるだけだ‼︎ ukaseru dake da!! “You’re just making us float!!”
2 なんのダメージもない‼︎ nan no DAMEEJI mo nai!! “There is no damage!!”
3 そうだよ… sou da yo... “That’s right...”
4 「ゼログラビティ」は 「ZERO GURABITI」 wa “Zero Gravity is”
5 人を…傷つける為の力じゃないもの……‼︎ ひとを…きずつけるためのちからじゃないもの……‼︎ hito wo...kizutsukeru tame no chikara ja nai mono......!! “not...a power for hurting people......!!”
6-7 私は…人を落として幸せを感じたりしない わたしは…ひとをおとしてしあわせをかんじたりしない watashi wa...hito wo otoshite shiawase wo kanjitari shinai “I...would never feel happy about dropping people.”
8 オエエッ OEE “Uegh!”
9 同情じゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ どうじょうじゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ doujou ja nai nara tada no EGO da...!! If it’s not sympathy, then it’s just ego...!!
10 ……そうかもね…! ......sou kamo ne...! “......that may be...!”
11 故意に人を殺めた事…‼︎なかった事にはしてあげられない…‼︎ こいにひとをあやめたこと…‼︎なかったことにはしてあげられない…‼︎ koi ni hito wo ayameta koto...!! nakatta koto ni wa shite agerarenai...!! “Deliberately killing people...!! I can’t just act like that was nothing...!!” (Note: Literally she is saying “I can’t do that for you, make killing people into something that didn’t happen.”)
1 ただ…あなたの顔を見て ただ…あなたのかおをみて tada...anata no kao wo mite “It's just...I saw your face”
2 そうならざるを得なかった そうならざるをえなかった sou narazaru wo enakatta “and it couldn’t have just come to be like that...!” (Note: I think Ochako is saying Toga isn’t this way just naturally. Something must have happened to make her like this.)
3 理由があったんじゃないかって…! りゆうがあったんじゃないかって…! riyuu ga attanja nai ka tte...! “I thought there must be a reason...!”
4 あの日 あのひ ano hi “That day,”
5 世界がグチャグチャになった日に せかいがグチャグチャになったひに sekai ga GUCHAGUCHA ni natta hi ni “that day when the world became a mess,”
6 あなたにあまりに悲しい顔をさせたから…‼︎ あなたにあまりにかなしいかおをさせたから…‼︎ anata ni amari ni kanashii kao wo saseta kara...!! “[something] made you make such a sad face, so...!!”
7 あれがお前だろう!⁉︎ あれがおまえだろう!⁉︎ are ga omae darou!!? “Wasn’t that you!!?”
8 あれも私! あれもわたし! are mo watashi! “That also was me!” (Note: Ochako basically means, “Yes, it was me, but it was more than just me!”)
9 聞いてトガヒミコ! きいてトガヒミコ! kiite TOGA HIMIKO! “Listen, Himiko Toga!”
10 初めて会った時怖かった…! はじめてあったときこわかった…! hajimete atta toki kowakatta...! “The first time we met, I was scared...!”
11 わからなかったから…‼︎ wakaranakatta kara...!! “Because I didn’t understand...!!”
1 あの状況でなんで… あのじょうきょうでなんで… ano joukyou de nande... “In that situation, why...”
2 あなたにも純粋に笑えるんだろうって‼︎ あなたにもじゅんすいにわらえるんだろうって‼︎ anata ni mo junsui ni waraeru darou tte!! “were you able to laugh so genuinely?!”
3 ……っうるさい! ......urusai! “......Shut up!”
4 トガヒミコとして……か TOGA HIMIKO to shite......ka As Himiko Toga......huh?
5 じゃあ ja Then,
6 好きなだけぶっ殺して すきなだけぶっころして suki na dake bukkoroshite you can kill as much as you like,
7 好きなもんなりまくりゃあいい! すきなもんなりまくりゃあいい! suki na mon nari makuryaa ii! and become whataver you like!
8 その顔をやめなさい! そのかおをやめなさい! sono kao wo yamenasai! Stop making that face!
9 死ね! しね! shine! “Die!”
10 なんで死なないの‼︎ なんでしなないの‼︎ nande shinanai no!! “Why won’t you die!!”
11 一度はつき放したけど いちどはつきはなしたけど ichido wa tsuki hanashita kedo “Although I pushed you away one,”
12 あなたの居心地の良い世界ではないけれど あなたのいごこちのいいせかいではないけれど anata no igokochi no ii sekai de wa nai keredo “and though this world is not one comfortable for you,”
1 エゴだ…! EGO da...! It’s ego...!
2 わかってる‼︎それでも私は わかってる‼︎それでもわたしは wakatteru!! sore demo watashi wa I get it!! Because after all, I
3-5 喜ぶ顔をたくさん見てきたから よろこぶかおをたくさんみてきたから yorokobu kao wo takusan mite kita kara have seen so many happy faces.
6 好きなものを好きと言う すきなものをすきという suki na mono wo suki to iu “you tell those you like that you like them.”
7 あなたの顔は あなたのかおは anata no kao wa “Your face”
1-3 羨ましいくらいに素敵な笑顔だと思うから うらやましいくらいにすてきなえがおだとおもうから urayamashii kurai ni suteki na egao da to omou kara “I think your face has such a lovely smile that I envy you, and that’s why...”
1 まるで maru de It’s like
2 異常者だ いじょうしゃだ ijousha da you’re a deviant!
3 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
4 あなたの笑顔を見なかった事にはしたくない‼︎ あなたのえがおをみなかったことにはしたくない‼︎ anata no egao wo minakatta koto ni wa shitakunai!! “don’t want to act like I didn’t see your smile!!”
PAGE 16-17
1 浮いた…⁉︎ ういた…⁉︎ uita...!” “They floated...!”
2 麗日に触られてないにの…! うららかにさわられてないのに…! Uraraka ni sawararetenai noni...! “But they weren’t touched by Uraraka...!”
3 接してる人に…伝播…してる…⁉︎ せっしてるひとに…でんぱ…してる…⁉︎ sesshiteru hito ni...denpa...shiteru...!? “It’s spreading...to people...[these bubbles] come into contact with...!?”
4-5 少女…たった一人! しょうじょ…たったひとり! shoujo...tatta hitori! “Just...a single girl!”
6 罪をなかった事にはできない!全てを肯定はしない‼︎ つみをなかったことにはできない!すべてをこうていはしない‼︎ tsumi wo nakatta koto ni wa dekinai! subete wo koutei wa shinai!! “I can’t pretend your crimes never happened! I will not affirm everything!!”
7 でも! demo! “But!”
8 まだ少しでも私と話してくれる気持ちがあるなら まだすこしでもわたしとはなしてくれるきもちがあるなら mada sukoshi demo watashi to hanashite kureru kimochi ga aru nara “If you still feel like talking with me even a little bit,”
9 血なんて一生くれてやる! ちなんていっしょうくれてやる! chi nante isshou kurete yaru! “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life!”
10 あなたと恋バナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ あなたとこいバナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ anata to koiBANA ga shitai no HIMIKO-chan!! “I want to talk with you about romance, Himiko-chan!!” (Note: Yes, this is the “koiBANA” word again, which means “gossip, girl talk, talking about crushes, etc.”)
tagline 届け‼︎少女の叫びーー‼︎ とどけ‼︎しょうじょのおもいーー‼︎ todoke!! shoujo no omoi (kanji: sakebi)--!! Deliver them!! The girl’s feelings (read as: shout)--!!
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jomiddlemarch · 7 months
(I measure time by how a body sways)
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I. “Thank you for agreeing to see me. You’re the only person I can ask,” Draco said. He’d cast a wandless Silencio that he’d modified to prevent any type of recording, which was, as they said,  sending roses to Beaubatons, but he’d been more influenced in his youth by Severus Snape than his own father, and the habit for secrecy and self-reliance died hard. The wards on Bill Weasley’s office were the most robust at the Ministry outside of the Department of Mysteries and on the rare occasions a goblin sought an interview, they merited a brief grimace that indicated respect and recognition of what Bill had learned from studying the first level wards at Gringott’s.
The massive door was shut tight and its three locks (melchior, silver, and shakudo) were properly secured. Bill sat behind his slab of a desk, his eyes on Draco and the only means of egress. Short of casting Fidelius, there was no greater privacy to be had in Wizarding Great Britain. 
(Draco had discarded the plan to portkey to Durmstrang and use their Rechevi zatvor chamber. Bill could be late for dinner, but Fleur wouldn’t allow him to miss it entirely just to chat with a colleague.)
“I’m the only person, eh?” Bill said, his expression skeptical. He would have raised an eyebrow, if that were an option, but the scarring on his face had affected the musculature as well. He made do with tone or voice and rubbing a hand along his bearded jaw. Something about the touch of werewolf had darkened his hair to bronzed chestnut, but every once in a while, Draco remembered how richly auburn he’d once been, when he’d looked like a Viking warrior, nearly a match for his half-Veela bride.
“Flitwick doesn’t have the expertise in the Dark Arts, plus he’s overdue to retire and is on the verge of turning into a second Binns,” Draco said. “I need help, not a tranquilizer.”
Bill shrugged in apparent agreement.
“Krum’s sister Vela is in the middle of something with their Unspeakables and is on leave from Durmstrang. Master Zesiro at Uagadou refuses to respond to me and before you ask, I sent Owls, tokens and an emissary. No dice,” Draco said. Bill knew why Zesiro was unwilling to engage, Draco didn’t need to go through the whole rigamarole again and have Bill point out Draco’s myriad unforced errors.
“And so you came to me,” Bill said.
“I knew you’d at least agree to meet with me. And unlike the others, you have a vested interest in my…situation. It could be considered a conflict but I think it’s actually something in favor of you as an advisor,” Draco said.
“Plus, no one else is capable, willing, or available,” Bill replied. “I feel honored, truly, Draco—”
“It’s not like that,” Draco said. Bill was probably the Weasley Draco got along best with, Ron and Ginny still unable to completely move past their schooldays, Percy still too much of a prig, Charlie an unknown, having retreated to his dragon preserve, only emerging for Weasley events of great import, ones which Draco would not be invited to. Draco felt George Weasley had lost his mind along with his twin and kept his distance, knowing Fleur agreed and would back him up if she absolutely had to. He and Bill had worked together on a number of cases and there had been three definitive occasions when Draco had saved Bill’s life, plus Fleur liked Draco’s taste in wine and willingness to linger over a cassoulet. Given all that, Draco struggled with Bill’s wry teasing, though the older man had made it clear that it was much milder than any mockery the Weasleys exchanged among themselves. 
“It’s all right. Tell me, what’s happened that has the unflappable Draco Malfoy, well, flapped? Is that even a word?” Bill said, the kindness edging amusement in his blue eyes.
“It’s not. Even if it were, I’m not flapped. I’m…I don’t know what I am. I feel like I’ve lost my bearings, like my magic has slipped from my control, it might be wild or absent or—”
“What happened, Draco?” Bill repeated, serious now, all joking cast aside.
“This,” Draco said, rolling up his sleeve and extending his left forearm. “This bloody well fucking happened.”
“Fuck,” Bill breathed, reaching out to take hold of Draco’s wrist but pausing to catch his eye first in a wordless request for permission. Draco nodded sharply, though he couldn’t help flinching when Bill grasped him firmly and leaned closer. He’d worn iron manacles in Azkaban, though they’d been unnecessary, there to make the prison guards remember he was a prisoner. To slake some of their rage that might otherwise have been channeled into assault. Bill’s touch was much lighter than the metal cuffs, but for a moment, it was unbearable. He took a deep breath and Bill, with a wolf’s acuity, heard him, gripping him less tightly.
“When did you notice it changed?” Bill asked with the curiosity of the scientist examining a new specimen.
“How the fuck did it change, Bill? No one else’s Dark Mark has ever altered, not since Voldemort was destroyed!” Draco exclaimed. 
Shortly after Harry had cast the final curse that killed Voldemort, the Dark Mark on all surviving Death-eaters had blurred, as if a noxious fog had consumed the brand. By the next dawn, the tattoos were sharply delineated again but they’d changed from the original serpent and skull. Each person carried an image of what they regretted most; those who remained loyal to Voldemort wore an exquisite rendition of Harry Potter wielding the Elder Wand. Severus Snape’s body showed with a cameo’s perfection Lily Potter’s face in profile, which made Draco wonder how long the man’s spirit had lingered and whether his ghost must haunt the Shrieking Shack. Lucius had the door of the family vault left open, the stacks of Galleons sharply diminished, the Malfoy crest half-destroyed.
Draco had borne the cabinet of mysteries he’d brought into Hogwarts emblazoned against the pale skin of his inner arm, the grain of the wood, the elegance of the scrollwork, the dangling key with its gold tassel all included in precise detail.
Had being the optimal word. Because the cabinet was gone and, in its place, the word Mudblood was carved with in the spiky hand his aunt had used to sign any document, the letters in dusky atramentum. The flesh around them was stained with the angry red streaks of blood poisoning. 
It was the mark Hermione Granger still carried fifteen years later after Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured her with a cursed blade and repeated Crucios, impervious to any enchantment, potion or balm. Something about the combination of assaults, the raving madness of the caster, her last bit of sanity held like a shard of glass, had rendered the scar beyond the purview of any magical healing, though Potter in particular had been loath to accept it and had spent a decent chunk of his vault’s holdings on attempts.
Now it was on Draco Malfoy’s arm. 
Now it was his greatest regret. 
Now he had no idea what to do about that.
“You don’t need to bite my head off. I’ll remind you, you came to me for help. Advice. So, again, when did you first notice it had changed?” Bill asked.
“About a week ago, I went to bed early. I’d felt ill the whole day, thought I’d sleep it off with a little Dreamless, whatever it was. I woke in the night with chills and then again, soaked to the skin, but in the morning, I felt all right, if not terribly rested. When I was washing up, that’s when I noticed it,” Draco said. That first moment, the shock had been like that of a curse caught full in the chest, his breath pulled from his lungs, an unearthly cold at the base of his spine. He’d dropped the loose shirt he’d worn to bed without thinking about it, muttering Lumos Lumos Lumos until the bathroom was as bright as an operating theater. He’d never before experienced his body as separate, but his arm had not felt like it belonged to him and he’d touched the tattoo gingerly with a forefinger before he tried to claw it off.
“Has it changed since that first morning?” Bill said.
“No, it hasn’t. It doesn’t feel any different now than it did before either,” Draco said.
“So what you’re most distressed about is that it changed,” Bill said.
“Yes, Bill, that’s what I’m most distressed about,” Draco said, trying to keep himself restrained. He sounded unhinged, even to himself. Or was that only to himself?
“Because I thought maybe you were most upset about it changing to Hermione’s scar from Bellatrix torturing her,” Bill remarked coolly. Hermione’s romantic relationship with Ron Weasley had barely lasted a fortnight, but the Weasley clan still considered her one of theirs and Bill, in particular, having learned what was expected of her by Dumbledore and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix, dating back to her first year at Hogwarts and lasting through the horcrux hunt and the final battle, was inclined to be protective of her in lieu of all the other adults who’d failed her or dismissed the risks to her with the praise that was supposed to sustain her through terror and torture. His reaction was what Draco had meant when he’d mentioned a vested interest, though as per usual, Draco had avoided thinking about what term Bill would have chosen. It would not have been the legal phrase, no matter how icy Bill’s tone turned.
“I can’t—if she knew, I’d never,” he faltered. It had been like this since he’d realized what the brand was, his thoughts fractured, resisting all attempts at coherence. His magic fought him as well, an experience he’d found referenced in only one, quite Dark volume shoved to the back of the Malfoy library, a book they’d kept because it had come with Narcissa’s The Most Noble House of Black dowry. He’d tried Occluding, to no avail, and a half-dozen potions, even that most British panacea, a proper cup of tea, and he still found himself lost when he tried to imagine Hermione’s reaction or why he now carried her curse on his body.
“It’s possible it has nothing to do with her,” Bill said, holding up a hand before Draco could interrupt. “I only mean, that she wouldn’t be aware of it, that the change is something for you to deal with, without telling her. Asking her for her take on it, making it one more iteration of Bellatrix’s torture.”
“I don’t want her hurt. Ever,” Draco said. That’s pretty much the endpoint he’d reached after all his ruminations, the only inviolable truth he’d been able to find, mucking about in his own head.
“I don’t want her hurt ever again. I don’t want to hurt her.”
“Good, because this was going to be a very short conversation otherwise,” Bill said. “For the record, I didn’t think you were so self-absorbed you wouldn’t consider what it could do to her. I know you better than that.”
“You hold me in greater esteem than I do myself,” Draco said.
“Yeah. I know,” Bill said. “What have you tried already? Read already?”
“Flamel, Bao Gu, Senior Zadith, Katherine Dee, Isola Vyvyvan,” Draco said, ticking them off on his fingers. “The obvious choices and I’ve looked through what seemed relevant at the Ministry and the Malfoy library.”
“Unless Madam Ossett has tampered with the inventory for the Restricted Section, there’s nothing there worth looking at,” Draco said. “Possibly Durmstrang has something, but I’d rather not have anyone there…conjecturing. I’ve taken the potions you’d recommend and tried the Etiologica clarissa.”
“Not clarissima?” Bill said.
“Too Light to risk it,” Draco said. “If I off myself, we’re none the wiser.”
“And you’re dead,” Bill said.
“That too,” Draco said. “Strangely enough, not my chief concern.”
“Not strangely enough. Fleur and I feel you’ve held your life too cheaply since—”
“Since I survived Voldemort and the Final Battle and Azkaban? I should live each day as the gift it is?” Draco said.
“You’re always ready to throw it away, in some sort of penance. It wouldn’t help anyone. Certainly not Hermione,” Bill said.
“Who said it would be for her?”
“Your arm, for one,” Bill replied. “The look in your eyes when someone mentions her. How you say her name if you’re in company, Madam Hermione Nimue Granger. You never leave out either honorific. It’s not like it takes Divination or an eye for poker tells.”
“I suppose I’m giving new meaning to wearing my heart on my sleeve,” Draco said.
“That’s the spirit,” Bill said. “I don’t mean to pry and I’ll remind you that you came to me, but, has something changed between you and Hermione?”
“It must have,” Draco said. If he hadn’t already been sitting, he would have collapsed into a chair. As it was, his shoulder slumped and he sensed that if she’d seen him, his mother would have scolded him for his slovenly posture unbecoming of a Pureblood Wizard. He would have wanted to chuck something at her. “I don’t know how to put it. I guess, I realized, I’ve fallen in love with her.”
“Got it in one. You did know how to put it,” Bill said. He leaned back in his chair, satisfied, as if Draco were his struggling, dunderhead student who had finally gotten a correct answer to the simplest equation. Basically as if he’d been who he’d thought Neville was, until he discovered Longbottom’s steady intelligence and propensity to tend to others instead of seeking glory.
“If you already knew, why didn’t you say?” 
Bill had been generous enough not to crow over Draco’s…announcement? 
Because however he felt about her, he couldn’t expect Hermione to return his feelings, not when he considered how he’d treated her when they were in school, when he had allowed himself to become her mortal enemy. When she’d been brought to his home and he’d watched her being tortured and he hadn’t said a word. In the years that followed, he’d sent to formal apologia that was expected of him and made the recompense the Ministry had required, the months at Azkaban, his magic withheld, and he’d focused on making something of himself that was worthwhile, breaking curses, retrieving and restoring magical items that had been stolen, taking whatever cases the Ministry asked. If that meant he was brought into contact, sometimes close contact, with her, he made no complaints. No excuses. After the first time they’d met again, her stubborn chin raised when he greeted her with her title, they’d got on well enough; that had been the moment he’d realized her face was heart-shaped and that her eyes were the brown of an autumn leaf in a brook, a very fine, very dry sherry. 
They’d worked cases together and he’d liked her. Went to annual, dull Ministry galas and he’d liked her, admired how she nursed one glass of wine all night, didn’t leave early. They’d ended up at the pub together, with more of her friends than anyone who’d call themselves his and he’d liked her, her sharp wit and her affectionate humor, the way she flushed after the second glass of ale. There had been conferences they both attended, her comments measured, provocative, rarely cruel and he’d liked her, how closely she’d listened to the witch from Uagadou, how she’d made the formal obeisance before launching into an idea for a collaboration, the offer to meet over dinner, the casual way she’d included him.
He liked her smile, her laughter, her solemn expression when Snape was mentioned. He liked her chestnut hair and the silver streak that ran through it, her determined gait, her pretty ankles visible through the swish of her formal robes. He liked the scent of her perfume, something Muggle with bergamot, and the line of her neck when she tilted her head to one side in contemplation. He liked the way she’d looked up at the ceiling of the Great Hall when they’d come back to Hogwarts and turned to him, wonder mixed with grief in her eyes, the gleam of tears that would have made an exquisite potion if she’d let them fall. He liked how she spoke to the students and the faculty, how she was candid, how she kept her secrets. How she lied. 
She’d walked with him through the hallway where he’d brought the cabinet. Where he’d been desperate, convinced it wouldn’t work. Wouldn’t be enough if it did. Where he’d told himself he had to and that they wouldn’t kill children. She’d taken his hand in her own and said They let you down, let you go hang, I should’ve done something and he knew if he’d come to her she would not have turned him away. Sorry, she’d said, a little word for an absolution. 
A little word to rearrange the world, his world, around her.
“At the risk of annoying the fuck out of you, I knew you had to get there on your own. Personal journey, coming to it in your own time, all that shite,” Bill said. “Trite, but true.”
“You’re enjoying this,” Draco said.
“Not as much as you’d think. I owe Fleur fifty Galleons,” Bill said.
“You bet on me? Against me?”
“I was on your side, mate. I thought you’d figure it out sooner. Without the Dark Mark changing part of it,” Bill said. “I didn’t anticipate totally unprecedented magic as the catalyst for your epiphany. And if you’ve a mind to make some snide, superior dig at me, feel free to fuck right off and remember you came to me for help.”
Draco, who had been grappling with the urge to make snide, superior and cutting remark, likely regarding Bill’s intelligence, House, and scholarship, found himself choking on a laugh instead.
“How’d you guess?”
“I have five younger brothers and my family is the poorest of the Sacred Twenty-Eight,” Bill said. Five, which meant he still counted Fred. It was a wonder they were all walking and talking with the degree of loss they’d had to cope with, though Bill’s grief was understandable, acceptable, especially since he hadn’t been fully turned when Greyback savaged him and Fleur hadn’t for a second countenanced leaving him.
“What am I going to do, Bill?” Draco asked.
“I think you know but I’m happy to talk it through,” Bill said. 
“You won’t tell her. If I don’t, I’ll have to wear a glamour all the time. I won’t forget to cast it, she wouldn’t find out accidentally. I’ll know though. I’ll think about it every time, this secret, and it’s my body, she’d be the first to say I have autonomy, but it will change things between us. Not for the better,” he said.
“Yeah,” Bill said.
“She’s one of the only people in the world who’d be able to figure out what happened, magically speaking. To my arm. If it had turned into Katie Bell and that bloody necklace, I’d have gone to Hermione, not you. She’d be excited to figure it out. I expect there’d have been a monograph drafted within a fortnight,” Draco said.
“Translated into Bulgarian and Kiswahili,” Bill added.
“If I go to her, she’ll know. What she doesn’t understand right away she’ll ask me about. I won’t lie to her,” he said.
“Never a good idea to lie to her. She can cast wandless, both hands,” Bill said.
“She’ll know I’m in love with her,” Draco said.
“You don’t need to sound so bleak,” Bill said. “If it turns out she doesn’t feel the same, she still cares for you. About you. It’s not the end of the world to be friends, even if you’re also in love with her.”
“You’re happily married to a half-Veela. Excuse me if your reassurance about how great it will be for her to be aware of my unrequited love falls flat,” Draco said.
“I said if, you glib prat,” Bill said. “Let’s just say you don’t have the best perspective on the whole situation.”
“Has she said something to you?”
“If she had, I wouldn’t tell you. That’s why you came to me, for privacy. I have eyes, don’t I? And once a month, I have the acuity of a wolf,” Bill said.
“I have to tell her,” Draco said. “Everything.”
“Yeah,” Bill replied. “Everything’s a good place to start. One suggestion though—”
“She doesn’t like Firewhiskey. Bring a good brandy,” Bill said.
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 years
Fabulous find for #FishyFriday:
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Oshima Joun (Japanese, 1858-1940) Ornament of Fish in Waves (Okimono), c. 1900 bronze, silver, gilt, shibuichi and shakudo 13.1 x 48.7 cm Khalili Collections M159
"An okimono of stylized bronze waves among which swim two shubunkin, one cast in richly patinated copper, the other in oxidized silver with partially gilt areas, the eyes of shibuichi, shakudo, and gilt. The fish naturalistically modelled, supported by the highly stylized waves.
Oshima Joun (1858-1940), given name Yasutaro, was the son of the cast-metal worker Oshima Takajiro, whose father Yasubei had started the family business. He succeeded to the business in 1877 and took the name Joun. He used the go Shokaken.
He rapidly built up his business, and in 1879 had eleven assistants, selling mainly through Murakami Heishichi and a French client. Later he worked through the commissioner Honda. He first exhibited in Paris in 1878. In 1879 he was working with the Sanseisha Company of Tokyo, specifically on the great bronze figure of the Dragon King of the Sea, made for the Second National Industrial Exposition of 1881, that is so markedly similar to the figure M 17 in the Collection by Otake Norikuni (see Impey and Fairley, The Dragon King of the Sea, No. 11). He taught at the Tokyo Art School from 1887 until 1932.
A similar but slightly larger group of five carp was exhibited in the Paris Exposition of 1900, illustrated in the Fine Arts Magazine catalogue. Another similar silver group of carp was exhibited in the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910, illustrated on p. 184 of the English version of the catalogue, where it is listed under the name of the exhibitor Yezawa Kingoro, whereas in the (unpaginated) Japanese edition it is under the name of Oshima Joun. He was praised for his renditions of carp by Harada in ‘Metal-work’ p. 101.
O. Impey, M. Fairley (eds.), Meiji No Takara: Treasures Of Imperial Japan: Metalwork Vol II, London 1995, cat. 102. J. Earle, Splendors of Imperial Japan: Arts of the Meiji period from the Khalili Collection, London 2002, cat. 198, pp. 284–5."
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thecrazyneographist · 1 month
Katanas O'Shakudos
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Name derived from "katana" and "shakudo".
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sebastianravkin · 9 months
14th Century katana in sheath
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LOCATION The British Museum
NUMBER 1958,0730.149.a-d
MADE BY Osafune Sukesada
MADE IN Bizen, Japan
MATERIALS steel, gold, lacquer, shakudo, wood, textile, stingray skin
LENGTH (with sheath) 97.20 cm
LENGTH (cutting edge) 60.60 cm
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saganshy62 · 10 months
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Japan, Edo Period (1603-1867)
length 3.5 - 3.8 cm.
Kikuoka School. Of shakudo with gold and silver floral details. Fuchi-mei Mitsuyuki with Kao. Edo period, circa 1750. https://www.czernys.com/a-137/?o=108477
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kalmarantiquesau · 1 year
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Shakudo Jewellery Creation - 8 Techniques Used
Learn about Shakudo jewellery, especially on how these pieces were created. Head over to www.kalmarantiques.com.au to see these unique pieces.
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Antique Brooch - Reclining Woman - Japanese Shakudo Meiji Era C 1880 ebay Nelson And Nelson Antique Silver
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marikorawralton · 2 years
Clothing in The Knights Himura
Since someone kindly asked for me to continue my little writing pieces, I've decided to blow off some steam and talk about how I've decided clothing for characters in The Knights Himura.
Clothing is an absolute nightmare to get right. I have spent days workshopping character designs and have delayed the release of chapters in the past to get things just right on a character's design.
Tsukiko's design and the general "Knights' Regalia" went through probably dozens of revisions and edits over the years before I finally came to what I've got.
For the uninitiated, the general "Knights' Regalia" consists of a jacket, generally double breasted, and a flat billed, flat topped hat. Each Knight the has small changes to color, design, bottoms and accessories that change based on that person's needs or "purpose".
Tsukiko's jacket is white, with red stripes. The meaning of these colors is discussed in the story, with Aurelia discussing the multiple, possible meanings of those two colors.
Aurelia says she considers them to represent "love and goodness" but also reminds Tsukiko that colors can mean many things.
White is, obviously, a very bright color. It stands out in Tokyo's concrete jungle, contrasts the color of signage, and reflects any sort of neon, practically glowing at night.
This comes through in her clothing as well. Her heels, specifically, are described at times as making a loud sound with each step. They have red-bottoms, something saved for the most exclusive of footwear.
The rest of her "Regalia" is formal. Pantyhose and a white pencil skirt. Black gloves in later stories. These are all the clothing of high class.
Tsukiko's presence is always known. She stands out. She is the "face" of the Knights, an example. A beacon that represents the best of what the Knights Himura are, for better or for worse.
A seldom mentioned detail is that Tsukiko used to have a little red ribbon tied in her hair, something that is superceded by the hat. I sort of flip-flop on whether or not it's still there.
On one hand, I think it'd add some nice complexity to her character, but on the other, it's a somewhat common trope. Either way, it's definitely something she wears when in casual clothing.
As an aside, there is a sort of grim, somewhat unintentional foreshadowing and meaning for the red on Tsukiko's jacket. During the prologue and second chapter, Tsukiko wears a white blouse, which is stained with Fumiko's blood after she's stabbed, an earlier example of white mixed with red in the story.
Midway through Tsukiko's Belonging, Aurelia decides to add a pair of black leatherine gloves to Tsukiko's "Regalia". Though the reason given is to prevent her hands from being injured, they also serve a somewhat obvious metaphorical purpose. They keep her hands clean, untainted, and separate her from the things shes involved with.
Moving onto Shizuka, she wears a black and gold jacket and hat, with a grey plaid skirt and pantyhose.
Shizuka's jacket would be the first Knights' jacket, and thus more closely replicates its original inspiration: a 1920s Japanese school uniform.
In that era, men's uniforms were usually militaristic in design, resembling a naval uniform. Students donned a black cap and a black jacket with brass buttons.
Black and gold are traditional Japanese colors. For hundreds of years, gold has been applied to dark colored laquerware to create vibrant golden art pieces. Gold has also been used as a part of the Shakudo process for hundreds of years, a method of inlaying gold into metalworks.
But beyond all that, black and gold are simply good, mature colors that go well together. Black clothing is a fashion staple that will probably last until the end of time. Gold's value monetarily is only a fraction of its cultural weight and importance.
The color of Shizuka's jacket isn't based purely on tradition, though. Of the three Knights, Shizuka's outfit is the most utilitarian.
Shizuka spent most of her time as a Knight completely alone. All of her investigations, all of her fights and all of her struggles were all done by her. Her design is practical.
Black is a less conspicuous color, blending in in almost any environment. At night, black clothing can be nigh invisible at a distance. It easily hides any sort of stain or mark, making it easier to keep "clean".
Her boots are based on the black leather and gold thread Doc Martens / Solovair work boots. Not only are these very popular with the sorts of counter culture Shizuka would be a part of, they are also legendarily sturdy and well respected boots. They also reflect her more brutal and less restrained way of fighting, always willing to kick and stomp her opponent if needed.
Haruka's design is much of the same, but her jacket is the only one that lacks a secondary color, being a simple navy blue. Hers was the first one seen by the reader and the first one ever designed.
The navy blue's purpose is obvious, as it maintains the militaristic and professional look of the Knights "Regalia". However, the lack of a secondary color comes down to two things.
One, Haruka's jacket was the first introduced, so it got a very very brief description, which stuck. At that point, simply having the jacket was a point of interest in itself.
And two, Haruka herself is a somewhat secretive person. Her negative or personal emotions are rarely upfront, and she tends to bottle things until she explodes. The jacket's simply and somewhat cold exterior represents that in a way, which is why it was never "redesigned" into something more ornate.
Being the Second Knight, she's seldom talked about as well, being the awkward "middle child" between two more known people. Much of her development in the story isn't even related to her being a Knight, spending more time dwelling on her retirement, self-worth, and relationships with her family and Kazuo.
There's an obvious pun to be made here.
The only major changes made to her outfit are a pair of thigh high socks and lighter boots, whose purposes are more down to Haruka's own style. She moves around much more freely than the other Knights, and these changes allow her to be more agile. This is one of the details one of my editors suggested, so I owe them credit for this one.
I'd write more about other characters' clothes, but this post already feels absurdly long. I kind of expected to be able to cover some other characters, but scrolling down this multiple times made me realize just how much I already had to say.
Maybe if someone asks, I'll do a Part 2 and get into some of the clothing choices made in Tsukiko's Belonging, or maybe even go into more detail about Fumiko's somewhat varying outfits. That'd probably take a little longer, though, since I don't really have all of Fumi's outfits saved the memory. I could probably write an entire blogpost on just Hotaru Mori's outfit alone.
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Edo Period (19th Century),
Signed Kiyoharu (Myochin Kiyoharu),
The russet-iron dragon finely constructed of numerous hammered plates jointed inside the body; the hinged jaw opening to reveal a movable tongue, ears, limbs and claws move, the body bends, the head is applied with elaborate horns, spines and whiskers, the tail of the dragon entwining a double-edged gilt kurikaraken (sword), the details are finely carved and chiseled, the eyes of shakudo embellished with gilt; signature on underside of right arm.
13 1/3 in. (33.8 cm.) long
Courtesy: Christie’s
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pikahlua · 1 year
In chapter 266, is there any way to tell whether or not the first two thought boxes are actually Dabi's thoughts or if they could be Twice's? Because the only time Hawks refers to Twice's life as "unlucky" is when Dabi is still walking up the stairs so idk how it could be his thoughts.
The language doesn't give any clear clues on this, so all I can go on is context. The line is written over Dabi's face as if from his POV. And Dabi's mentioning of "emotions tripping Hawks up after all" proves he was listening in for a long time before he decided to interfere. We've also got Skeptic's cameras to consider--even if Hawks destroyed his, the ones on Twice would still have been active. Not sure if Dabi could listen in that way.
However, I do believe the line is said by Twice based on the context of the final page. The block dialogue is usually indicative of a narrator, and we see the block dialogue again at the end of the chapter when Twice narrates about how he wasn't unlucky, he was happy with his life. Additionally, this is the closest thing to a clue I could get out of the text...
The first page block texts: "運が悪かった"なんててめェの尺度でのたまうな "un ga warukatta" nante temeE no shakudo de notamauna "Don't sound so pleased to say 'luck was bad' by your standard."
The final page block texts: "運が悪かった"なんててめェが決めるな "un ga warukatta" nante temeE ga kimeruna "Don't decide 'luck was bad'."
The similar sentence structures, content, and use of "temeE" above are probably meant to connect the two lines. In essence, the effect would be to have a mystery narrator or perhaps a fake-out narration that we think is Dabi at the beginning, but then at the end it's revealed to have been Twice. It frames the chapter as the essence of Twice's character in his finale from chapter's start to finish, and that feels very reminiscent of his stand-out character study in chapter 115. This sort of elegant and clever storytelling fits Horikoshi's style and makes the most sense as a reading to me.
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armthearmour · 5 years
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A fantastic shakudo embellished Smallsword,
OaL: 38.6 in/98 cm
probably made in Europe for the Japanese market, ca. 1700-1750, from Hermann Historica.
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marylibra · 5 years
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Shakudo bracelet
Shakudō (赤銅) is a Japanese billon of gold and copper (typically 4–10% gold, 96–90% copper), one of the irogane class of colored metals, which can be treated to develop a black, or sometimes indigo, patina, resembling lacquer. Unpatinated shakudō visually resembles bronze; the dark color is induced by the niiro artificial patination process, involving boiling in a solution, generally including rokushō.
Gold, copper and silver
Circa 1880s
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