#shandy wedding
ballpitwizard · 4 months
(youth pastor voice): you know who else does the worm at your wedding after 2 or 3 shandies?
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Don't mind me, just putting on my screenwriter hat to dream up Ted Lasso s4:
4.01 - Sleepless in Richmond
AFC Richmond adjusts to life without Ted. Newly-appointed Diamond Dog Roy has some big news to share.
4.02 - All 'Er Nuthin'
Ted receives an ultimatum.
4.03 - My Best Friend's Wedding
Keeley and Shandy's rivalry continues over a wedding dress.
4.04 - The Winner Takes It All
The team faces their toughest match of the season. Rebecca and Bex face off against Rupert.
4.05 - The Parent Trap
Ted & Michelle struggle with co-parenting. In the run-up to Roy & Keeley's wedding, an honest mistake puts Ted & Rebecca in an awkward position.
4.06 - Exes and Oh's
Roy, Keeley and Jamie have a difficult conversation.
4.07 - Ding Dong, The Rich Man's Dead
A shock death rocks Richmond.
4.08 - Girls Just Wanna Have Funds
Keeley finds her feet with her new business venture. Eventful hen and stag parties leave everyone with more questions than answers.
4.09 - Reason to Believe
Ted returns to Richmond. Revelations from Trent's book come back to haunt him.
4.10 - People Will Say We're In Love
Roy & Keeley's wedding day arrives. Ted & Rebecca have some unfinished business to address.
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nicollekidman · 1 year
the didn’t win the match. we didn’t see nate rejoin richmond two episodes after they got violent over the sight of him. we didn’t see rebecca help bex divorce rupert. sassy was there to say fuck you rupert and nothing else. zava sent an avacado which was apparently the entire point of his arc. no sam resolution with ola’s or his gf or sam richardson. jamie and roy last minute misogyny-off. rebecca crying pouring her heart out twice while ted emptily stares. rupert is a sex pest and a violent man (result is booing). we don’t see a conversation with henry or michelle about going back, they don’t pick him up from the airport. beard goes back to jane who has shredded his passport. ted has little to no reaction to trent’s book. shandy and jack? who? rebecca is ready to leave with ted. rebecca stumbles into unnamed brand new shadow Guy Character, who has a daughter played by the same actress who played young rebecca. beard and jane wedding. beard and jane wedding no ted. empty unsettling smile to camera while coaching his son who is apparently the only remaining connection ted has to uh the world. anyways. embarrassing!
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laiqualaurelote · 1 year
Follow up question from your Ted/Trent one: would you elaborate on your S3 disappointment? Thanks for letting me pick your fascinating, insightful, brilliant brain!
You're very kind. My disappointments with S3 are manifold but I will try to sum them up here.
There was a pervasive wrongness to much of this season that had not previously been present, unlike in S1 and much of S2, where radical kindness was a driving force and storylines would seem to be heading towards a predictable trope, then be surprisingly and pleasingly subverted. Several S3 plotlines were handled in a way that left an unpleasant taste in the mouth, without any catharsis attached. The truly baffling Shandy storyline is a prime example of this. I thought at first that this was part of a wider plan (the dark forest, so to speak, from which we would eventually emerge) and defended the show to friends as such, but weeks went by and it became clear that a show that had once been meticulously, lovingly plotted in every detail had devolved into a haphazard mess.
Story arcs came and went with no perceptible purpose. The show promised Important Social Commentary (the attacks on Sam's restaurant, Keeley's sex video leaking) then failed to revisit these issues once the episodes in question were over. Plot points were hinted at, then never brought up again (Higgins broaches the subject of firing Ted to Rebecca; this is never returned to.)
The characterisation was a mass of unfulfilled potential. Why make the reason for Sam not being chosen for the Nigerian national team Edwin Akufo's cartoonish grudge, and not his S2E3 calling out of government corruption, which would have made far more sense narratively and given Toheeb Jimoh far more to work with? Why tell us repeatedly that Keeley is a PR genius, then fail to have her take charge of her own PR crisis? Instead of Shandy proving to be a bad hire, surely a better way to show Keeley learning to be a good leader would have been for her to integrate Shandy and Barbara's diverse skill sets and attitudes into a functional workplace dynamic. Why not show the most key milestones of Nate's reformation, especially his confrontation with Rupert when he quit West Ham? for that matter, why give the moment of a West Ham coach standing up to Rupert for ethical reasons not to Nate, but to George Cartrick? I think we were robbed of a truly meaty Nate villain-and-back arc.
The season finale was a mess. Ted barely seemed present. I'm not a Tedbecca shipper, but even to me the fakeout at the beginning seemed unnecessarily cruel (and a waste of time in a season where so many things were not adequately explored or given closure). The truly bizarre choices in the final montage, especially Beard's Stonehenge wedding with a conspicuously absent Ted, were the final straw. That Ted needed to return to Henry was, for me, without question, but the way it was handled was deeply questionable.
What bothers me a great deal is the lack of change. Characters either regressed (Roy and Jamie re: Keeley, Ted re: Michelle) or had no agency in major crises inflicted upon them. The opening and closing close-up shots are meant to be of the character that changes most over the course of the season. This holds true for Rebecca in S1, and Nate in S2, but not Ted in S3. What changes for Ted is circumstance: he is in London, leaving his son; then he is in Kansas, back with his son. He himself, however, is not shown to be changed to a degree significant enough to close the show on.
This is not to say it was all bad. There are things I love very much about S3: Roy and Trent's surprise dynamic; Nate/Jade; the Hey Jude scene; the strings exercise; Beard's Jean Valjean backstory; the entirety of Sunflowers, a near-perfect episode that deserved the Emmy writing nomination that was mystifyingly given to So Long, Farewell. It is only that we were asked to believe that the showrunners knew what they were doing in delivering us the final season of a three-season arc, and we did, and that belief was not rewarded. Therein lies my disappointment.
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lunar-years · 1 year
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blossom--of--snow · 9 months
Merry Christmas @lolcat76! Have some sickeningly happy Shandy <3
St. Joseph’s newly renovated reception hall was full at 7:30 on Sharon Raydor’s wedding night. Sharon and her bridesmaids had spent the previous night stringing twinkle lights, drinking wine coolers, and creating the reception playlist to replace the DJ who had the audacity to cancel the week before the wedding. By the time the vows were sealed with a kiss, bunches of baby’s breath peeked out of the vases on every table, lights sparkled in rows across the room, and place cards assigned everyone to their proper place.
Andy Flynn and Sharon Raydor deserved nothing less than to celebrate their nuptials in style.
As tradition demanded, husband and wife graced the dance floor first. The cream colored pleated skirt of Sharon’s reception dress fluttered against her knees every time she took a step, and Andy’s eyes devoured the skin peeking beneath the lacy top. “Any regrets so far?” Sharon teased, inching one side of her v-neck to cover more of her tasteful cleavage. She giggled when Andy tugged her off balance only to catch her in time for the first step.
“None.” Andy’s breath warmed the skin behind Sharon’s ear, validating her decision to pin her hair up.
After nuzzling Andy’s neck, Sharon eased back far enough to show him how happy she was. An hour and half and counting, and she couldn’t stop smiling. Just when she thought she could give her cheeks a rest, he would kiss her hand, or feed her cake, or pick “Unchained Melody” for their first dance and let her lead.
“We did it,” Sharon said, draping her arm farther around his neck. Tearing her eyes away from Andy’s giddy smile, Sharon scanned the room full of family. “And everyone’s here.”
Andy spun her a few times, because he knew she loved to see her skirt twirl, but pulled her back before too long. “Yeah, we know how to throw a party, huh?”
Sharon scoffed. “I’ve only had one drink and not quite all of one dance. The party’s just getting started.”
Glancing at the bridal party’s long table, Andy rolled his eyes. “Tell that to Provenza. Three glasses of champagne, and he’s practically under the table.”
“Ah-ah,” Sharon said, fingers covering Andy’s lips. “No grumbling today, remember? This is our day to be blissfully and disgustingly happy.”
Andy kissed her fingertips. “You make me this happy every day,” he murmured.
Oh, this man. Sharon stopped smiling for long enough to hum and kiss him, in front of everyone, because she could. They could make out for the rest of the night, right here on the dance floor, and no one could say a word. Today gave them license to show their entire little world how much they looked forward to spending the rest of their lives together.
“You’re so hot when you multitask,” Andy breathed against her lips when he realized Sharon hadn’t missed a step. 
Sharon laughed wickedly as Andy lowered her into a deep dip, prompting claps and whistles from their guests. “Then you’ll love my plans for this evening.”
Growling, Andy pulled Sharon upright, their noses inches apart. Sharon’s smile softened his intent, and they only exchanged an Eskimo kiss. Sharon smoothed her hands up Andy’s lapels and around his neck, coaxing him closer as the dance ended[R1] . Their guests’ applause broke them apart, and as planned, their children swept them up next. Ricky and Nicole each grabbed a parent, leaving Rusty and Emily to open the dance floor for the rest of the party. Before long, most of the bridal party was dedicated to embarrassing themselves by dancing to songs that only the older half knew.
By the next dance, husband and wife were reunited on the dance floor. Looking around at a room packed with friends and family, Sharon was relieved to see her happiness reflected on so many faces. Even Sanchez bore a grin, but since he chose Chief Johnson as his dance partner, he couldn’t hide his amusement. Cathy Tao kept far away from her husband, whose dance moves were frightening even before alcohol. Andrea, whose inhibitions were too strong to be conquered by pesky emotions, enjoyed herself on the sidelines with Fritz and a hefty slice of cake. Amy and Wes huddled in a corner with Elliott, trying to avoid dance partners. Andy’s grandchildren—Sharon’s step grandchildren—chased each other around the reception hall.
“Hey.” Andy squeezed Sharon’s waist. “You okay?”
Sharon’s smile could have lit all of Los Angeles. “I’m perfect. Everything is perfect. I’ve never been so happy.” She shook her head incredulously. “How did we get so lucky?”
“Hey, we worked hard for this,” Andy said, only half teasing. “Everything we’ve endured, everything we’ve given up, everything we’ve suffered—and we ended up here.”
Here, swaying in the arms of the love of her life, surrounded by everyone they love. Leaning forward, Sharon rested her forehead against her husband’s. “I’d do it all again, to be here with you.”
In the midst of a crowded dance floor, Andy Flynn kissed his wife breathless.
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The Shuttle Headcanons from @melliabee and I (contains spoilers!)
• You best believe Mrs. Vanderpoel got a summer house built exactly in between Stornham and Dunstanwolde, regardless of how close her daughters' estates are to each other.
• She doesn't usually stay at the summer cottage though- she spends most of her time with Rosalie at Stornham and eventually moves across the Atlantic to be with her daughters. Rueben visits much more frequently after that, sometimes even spending entire summers across the Atlantic.
• Since he's the vicar for Dunstanwolde, Penzance has the honor of officiating Dunstan and Bettina's wedding, and christening each of their children. Every time something like this happens, Dunstan is met with something along the lines of "I told you so," but after he leaves Penzance in on the verge of very proud tears.
• G. Selden is invited to Dunstan and Betty's wedding, which should be obvious, but can you imagine how excited "little willie" is to recieve a paid vacation to England! To go to Rueben Vanderpoel's Daughter's wedding as an honored guest! The boys at Ol' Shandy's are never gonna hear the end of it.
• Tommy and Jane stay close with Bettina long after the end of the book. Eventually, one of Tommy's sons marries on of the Dunstans' daughters.
• ^When one of Tommy's sons comes to him for advice on how to propose to her, Tommy immediately goes "Oh, how lovely! Have I ever told you about the time I proposed to her mother?" and his son is like "WHAT???"
• The Dunstans name one of their daughters "Robin," after the robin that James and Selden met through, because that interaction led to James and Bettina's courtship and later marriage.
• Ughtred inprints on any positive male influence on his life, especially uncle Dunstan, who sees a lot of himself in the boy, especially in terms of trying to grow into a promising member of society when your dad is just really horrible.
• When James and Bettina have kids, Ughtred is very protective over them, and all his little cousins look up to him.
feel free to add more if you come up with any!!!
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mearpsdyke · 1 year
hello!!! 10 or 33 for the prompty guy with the two aces perchance? <3
10. sitting next to each other at their mutual friends’ wedding
“I think the maid of honor is making eyes at you,” the stranger sitting next to Jamie whispers. Jamie rolls his eyes, pretending he doesn’t notice Shandy, which poses a problem because there’s not that many people in the front row to begin with.
“Yep, she’s been doing that for a year now.” Jamie sinks further on his chair, the stranger chuckles quietly. He looks at him out of the corner of his eyes and thinks he has great hair.
“Are you from the bride’s side or the groom’s?” 
Oh, shit. He dreads that question. How do you say that the bride is your ex, the groom is your boss and they started dating like a month after you broke up without sounding like a bitter bitch? You don’t, so he settles for a white lie.
“Groom’s my boss, half the office is here,” he says simply, “and whose side are you on?” Jamie cocks a brow, intrigued; he’d never seen him before today.
“Bride’s, we met at a hair salon when the salon committed a mistake and double booked us at the same time. Been pretty solid ever since.” That’s so on brand for Keeley it takes Jamie all of his restraint to not laugh. “I’m Dani, by the way.” The stranger—Dani, he knows now, sticks his hand out to shake.
“Jamie, nice to meet you.” He smiles, stretching his hand for a second before they hiss at the same time. “You felt that—?”
“The electricity? Yeah, I did.” And it’s not a metaphor for anything; they did feel a spark of electricity when they touched, which isn’t all that uncommon during Fall. 
“Well, anyway, it is nice to meet you,” Jamie says after a beat of silence, “Wanna hang out during the reception?” He asks, more so because he doesn’t need nor want the conversations full of remarks about how sorry they are that it didn't work out with Keeley.
Dani’s a blank canvas, a new start. 
“Sure, I’d love to.” Dani smiles brightly, and something tingles inside Jamie.
Yes, a new beginning, he thinks.
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private-bryan · 10 months
Get To Know Me
Thanks for the tag @queer-cosette
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
Niet - I've never really wanted to get one either. If I was forced to at needlepoint it would probaby be the inscription from the One Ring around my bicep
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Royal Blue
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
A bowl of Kellogg's Special K (gotta get that fibre in)
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:06 - I'm meant to be doing a security review, but that can wait for the more important Tumblring
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Libra. And I've got no clue on anything more than that
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Canadian (just in case the missus is listening), but from the UK/Ireland it's any of the Scottish, Welsh, or Irish accents. They're extremely sexy (most of the time) compared to the bland Home Counties accent in my area
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
My dumbest are the ones on my knuckles. It wasn't from a fight, but from slipping down an icy set of concrete steps, and not realising I was bleeding copiously from all the knuckles on my left hand until I was halfway to work (on a Rail Replacement Bus, no less)
I also have one on my palm from where it was cut by flaking paint (on the handrail of the same set of stairs!)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
The Road to El Dorado
"Did you ever imagine it would end like this?"
"The horse is a surprise."
📺 - Favourite show?
Derry Girls. Also Taskmaster
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, but the freewheeling elbows that follow usually disuade people from trying again
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
I already am. Unless I divorce I'd rather not commit bigamy
😳 - Do you like your name?
I don't dislike my name. It's just... a name. My surname is quite rare though, so I've got that going for me
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Magnolia (we rent)
🤓 - How did you get your name?
I don't think there's a reason my parents picked it, unfortunately.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
I never went to Uni, but I left college (UK definition) in 2004
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Nope. Again, fairly bland in how I want my body to look. Aside from the beard (which was mainly an excuse not to shave every day) I basically just think of it as a slightly crappy vessel to live in.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Brown. Quite dark, in fact, so that from not too far away they look almost black.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Cut short twice a year (grade 3 all over), then I just let it grow until it gets too curly. I don't do anything with it, not that you could do anything with it anyway.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Not really. I was a/am nerd, and didn't really go past shandy until I was 18
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Just twice - I don't really like how it makes my head feel. Once was after a funeral of a schoolfriend. I can't remember the other one
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Physical fear is either heights or dogs. But my biggest one is that one day I'll be alone and forgotten.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I'm an overweight man, so I don't like almost literally swimming in sweat. And with cold weather I can just chuck on another jumper or t-shirt (I'm currently sat here in my dressing gown)
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Pissing it down. So long as I'm at home and can listen while reading in bed
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn. Cool, colourful, and has my birthday in it!
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
The Alpaca. I made the missus go to an Alapca farm on the Isle of Wight when we were over there for our 10th wedding anniversary
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
Three cats (Penelope, Irene, Helen). The wife has a dog called Fritz, but I don't interact with him
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Just over two days.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Writing, gaming, bookbinding, sewing, model making, 3D printing, procrastinating
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'd like to tour the UK - Have a hoke around Scotland, revisit Wales and Northern Ireland, go and see some history in York or Nottingham or something.
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Currently, it's foiling techniques for my books - the missus bought a second hand set of the LOTR books, and I've got designs on rebinding them and want to make the edges gold
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Tumblr. Close second for NYT Games (gotta get Wordle and Connections in), and Duolingo
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I'm a suburbs person. Or at least a town person.
I like some people around, and being in close range to a supermarket and stuff, but I don't like being in a really big city (like London or Belfast) for too long - something like Portsmouth or Derry is ideal actually
Tagging: @areseebee @carouselunique @imstressedx if you feel like you'd like to have a go too :)
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lelu3 · 1 year
I have ranked all the Ted Lasso episodes from my favorite to least favorite and wrote some of my thoughts on each one. Spoilers ahoy. Feel free to disagree and tell me I'm a moron in the notes, but don't fight with each other.
Rainbow--My favorite episode. Absolutely as good as the series gets. Highlights are Ted's unending positivity and the the romcom themes mapping surprisingly seamlessly onto this football office dramedy. Make Rebecca Great Again--The introduction of so many things I love about the series: focus on Ted's mental health, Sassy, Rebecca taking steps toward getting over Rupert, Hannah Waddingham's singing voice, Keeley and Roy. That final sequence is just a masterpiece. No Weddings and a Funeral--The THEMES, man. Juxtaposing Ted and Rebecca's relationships with each of their fathers. The team showing up to support Rebecca. Rupert being slimy. This episode has it all. So Long, Farewell--Admit it, you cried. I cried too. I have some quibbles with this one, but all in all it was the most satisfying ending we could have had Mom City--You know I like me some Ted and his mental health. The "thank you, fuck you" scene encapsulated kids relationships with their parents. This one is just very personal for me. Man City--This is such a wham episode. Roy hus Jamie and my heart explodes, Ted admits to Sharon that his father killed himself and my heart explodes again. I may be in the minority, but I also really liked Rebecca and Sam. Also, who doesn't love Roy and his interactions with Phoebe? Sunflowers--A series of isolated stories that really come together into something special. Highlights include Trent and Colin bonding over their sexuality, Jamie and Roy bonding in general, and the Flying Dutchman. Also holy shit, Ted actually successfully does his job for the first time. Two Aces--A nice, solid episode. Dani is a treasure. Beard's "WE SHOULD DO THIS PART OUTSIDE" makes me laugh every time. I've never disliked Rebecca more than in this episode (in a good way). Tan Lines--Ok, real talk, Ted's toxic positivity would be WAY too much for anyone, and it was really nice to see divorce as a necessary thing that can happen. Henry is adorable. Trent Crimm: The Independent--Trent is in my top 3 favorite characters in the series. In contrast to the previous episode, Ted's positivity is on full glorious display in this one. Watching him be slowly figure out Ted is genuine is a joy to see. Phoebe and Roy are adorable. (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea--Another Trent episode. I really like Roy coming to grips with his self-doubt and Trent realizing how much her hurt Roy. As much as I dislike them later, Shandy and Zava's introductions are actually pretty successful. Inverting the Pyramid of Success--Another solid episode. Watching Nate implode was heartbreaking, but seeing the team win was amazing. Nick Mohammed is a really amazing actor. Midnight Train to Royston--We're reaching the point of the series where all I have to say is "really solid episode". I liked Edwin Akufo in this one and I felt his blow up was actually really funny, as was Sam and Rebecca's conversation at the end where Sam is talking to "Ted". Beard After Hours--Yeah, I'm in the minory that liked this one. Beard's weird night fits his personality perfectly. I really liked how off-the-wall this one was. For the Children--Rupert's real introduction! Keeley breaking up with Jaime! Accountability matters! Ted seeing through Rupert's bullshit! What's not to like? Pilot--A nice, solid episode that sets up the plot as well as the series' themes. International Break--There are things I like in this one, like Rebecca's speech and Jaime wearing Sam's number and Nate FINALLY starting to take accountability, and "those children are dead, Rebecca", but it also has Edwin Akufo who was DEFINITELY never utilized well. The Hope that Kills You--Another really solid episode that foreshadows Nate's downfall. It's sad seeing the team lose, but the actual football match was well done. The Signal--Watching Roy rise to the challenge of being a coach is awesome and there are some small points I really like about this one, but I gotta be honest; I was never terribly invested in Jaime. Also the Beard/Higgins/Jane plot is weird and I get second-hand embarrassment from Rebecca's mom. The Diamond Dogs--The debut of the Diamond Dogs and the darts match can't really save this middling episode. It's ok. Higgins quitting and Keeley getting angry at Rebecca feels like set-up for something that didn't quite pay off as well as I wanted it to. Buiscuits--Another solid, middle of the road episode. This one suffers for not being particularly memorable, but it doesn't do anything particularly offensive, either. La Locker Room Aux Folles--As sweet as the locker room scene is, this one is brought down by Isaac making Colin's coming out about himself and Ted comparing being gay to being a Broncos fan. Also, I looked up the Broncos on my phone after this episode and now I keep getting notifications about them? I don't even watch football (any of them). No, putting a lampshade on the Broncos doesn't make it better. We'll Never Have Paris--I know a ton of people hated this one, but I kinda liked it. Ted being neurotic about Michelle and Jake felt natural to me and Beard's conversation with Henry made my heart melt. On the other hand, this series REALLY handled Jake poorly. The stuff with the leak brings it down, though. Do the Right-est Thing--This one is fine. Nora is fine. The Dubai Air thing is fine. This one just kinda suffers from being unremarkable. Carol of the Bells--Super sappy with just enough pathos that I don't mind. It sure is a Christmas episode. Lavender All Apologies--The confession scene sure is good. So is Roy and Keeley's scene in the locker room. Fun fact, a gif of Rebecca and Rupert's conversation in this one is what got me to watch the series. Other than that, it kind of feels like another one that isn't all that remarkable. Goodbye Earl--The dog dies. Ted is weird about therapy despite desperately needing some. The cartoon dream sequence was weird as hell. Another pretty middling one. Smells like Mean Spirit--Another pretty eh one. I wasn't crazy about Roy and Keeley breaking up. I don't remember too many funny moments in this one either. Headspace--Ted's story with Sharon just kind of frustrates me and I get a LOT of second-hand embarrassment from Roy and Keeley's deal. Signs--Hate it. Hate Shandy. Hate Rebecca visiting the fertility clinic because of the psychic. Hated Nate's date. Hated Zava and his pointlessness. Really fucking hated Jack. Big Week--The entire episode we're waiting for Nate to approach Ted and it never happens. Ted talking to Michelle at the end is not nearly enough for me to show that Ted is expressing his anger in a healthy way rather than repressing it. Rebecca dressing Rupert down was pretty good, though. 4-5-1--Hate it. Hate how no one is paying attention to Ted's obvious spiral. Hate the green matchbook and the psychic thing. Hate Dr. Jacob. Trent catching Colin and walking away to "Everybody Knows" is the one bright spot. The Strings that Bind Us--The worst one bar none. The red strings felt like a joke Roy would make that Ted and Beard would shut down because it's INSANE. Jamie potentially losing his dick was such a stupid, sophomoric joke. I hate Keeley and Jack and their whole deal. I don't give a shit about Jade. Sam vs. the bigotted Cabinet member felt like it could have been an ongoing thing, but it was dropped after one episode. The only bright spot is Ola, but he's not enough to save it.
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severingt · 13 days
Being Maltese means….
Just got this as an e-mail...can it be true???
* You move abroad with 2 kgs of frozen pastizzi or Hobz Malti and a Timpana recipe in your luggage
* You move out from your parents house.......to move in with your spouse...within walking distance of your parents' house
* You have been officially engaged longer than you have been dating............while waiting for your house to be built
* You have been separated longer than you have been married........while sleeping under the same roof
* Your best friend lives 2 blocks away, but you only drive there
* The difference between the before and after pictures of your Mum's wedding, is about 5 stone
* The only way to decorate your escorts, capris and trucks is to stick banners across the windscreen such as 'rambo sex' or 'baby think twice', bumper sticker tend to be 'Eat my Dust'
* Zebra crossings are a matter of opinion
* Give Way translates to Get out of my Way
* Stop sign is in fact Give Way
* No Waiting, Unloading Only, NO parking, actually mean Parking at your convenience
* You don't even turn off your mobile phone in church (even if you are a priest)
* You think the north is entirely culturally different from the south....with the total geographical area being 18miles long, Gozo is considered another country
* You think the only places to visit abroad are 'Oxford Street', Lourdes and the Vatican
* Big Ben is in Birkirkara and not in London
* you go to church every Sunday even though you're atheist
* you get married in church so that your in-laws would not know you're an atheist
* you care more about what the neighbours think, then about your own opinion
* you are an independent adult, but your mum still buys your underpants and does your washing.
* Catholic shrines and posters of Elvis and Rambo jostle for space on public transport
* The cry 'Aw sex!' is seen as a legitimate chat-up line (Variation in Gozo tends to be 'Aw Gobon'...no pun intended)
* Before marriage, sex is a taboo and parents expect their kids to have never engaged in sex. However if you're not pregnant by the end of your honeymoon, your grandmother (and parents) starts saying special prayers.
* You strike bargains with the Almighty in order to achieve your ends.
* You call your children Denzel, Shania, Aaliyah and Rihanna... even though you have no connections with the film industry... (these names were amongst the most popular names in 2007 making it to the top 20)
* Your idea of eating out is going to the Diner in the Airport Viewing Gallery or to Serkin in Rabat for pastizzi and tea.
* You go to Catechism classes to pick up girls
* You disagree profoundly with your chosen political party's policies, but vote for them anyway, cos that's what your father did, and your grandfather, and his father...... anyway you still invite your local MP for your wedding as it will impress your guests * You don't believe in bribes but in gratitude
* At home you have 'Teachers', 'Vermouth' and perhaps 'Shandy'
* Your parents used to dip the pacifier in Whisky so that you sleep during parties
* Your parents' favourite brand used to be GM as anything from toilet paper to towels used to have this logo (Not 'General Motors' but 'Gvern ta' Malta')
* You go to other people's weddings in order to criticise the wedding souvenirs and the food.
* You send your children to private lessons even though they are the top of their class
* You are not a rascist but open minded except if your kid turns up to be gay or decides to marry an African or Arab person.
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drakehavenelite · 21 days
Now Playing...
Artist: Shandi
Title: Walk the Streets
Album: Shandi
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Played on: Wed Sep 04 2024 09:37:13 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
#Shandi #Female Fronted #BEWARE THE SIREN
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thegreenvoyage · 2 years
10 Best Beach Clubs Zakynthos (2023)
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Zakynthos or Zante, is the third largest of the Ionian Islands in Greece. The picturesque island is nicknamed the Flower of the Levant", and it is a popular holiday hotspot thanks to its striking beaches, resorts, local wildlife and exquisite beach clubs. Most of the island has been left untouched, and Zakynthos boasts beautiful natural habitats, making it a popular tourist destination. We have painstakingly listed the ten best beach clubs in Zakynthos to help you have a splendid holiday in Greece. Table of ContentsTop Categories of Beach Clubs in Zakynthos Overview 1- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Families 2- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos to Party 3- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos on a budget 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Zakynthos 5- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Couples & Honeymoons Zakynthos Quick Guide What are the best Zakynthos Beach Clubs in 2023? 1.   Pure Beach Club 2.   Infinity Beach Club Zante 3.   Barracuda Beach Bar 4.   Sabbia beach bar 5.   Seacret Beach Club 6.   Mimoza Beach Bar 7.   BUCA BEACH LOUNGE BAR 8.   The Peligoni Club 9.  Spiros Beach Villa 10. Paradise Beach Hotel Zakynthos Travel Essentials Conclusion Top Categories of Beach Clubs in Zakynthos Overview Zakynthos has some of Greece's most popular beaches, restaurants, bars, lounges, and nightclubs. If you want to spend quality time relaxing at the beach, sipping on cocktails as the beautiful sand flows beneath your feet, beach clubs in Zakynthos are the places to visit. Zakynthos beach clubs are a great way to spend an exciting and memorable beach holiday. There's something for everyone, from casual dining to an all-night out. 1- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Families Mimoza beach resort (number six in the list below) has breathtaking sea views, a refreshing sea breeze and a warm, friendly atmosphere, making it ideal for families. Some facilities that make them family-friendly include an outside pool, a kid’s pool, a playground, a ping-pong table and a parking area. 2- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos to Party Pure beach club (number one on the list) is the perfect place to party. There, underage guests do not need ID or have to worry at all because anything goes. So if you’re yet to turn 18, you need not worry, as buying a cheeky shandy will not raise eyebrows or pose a challenge. 3- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos on a budget If you are looking for a budget-friendly beach club in Zakynthos, do not look further than Spiros Beach Villa. For just 30 Euros a night and an additional seven Euros for a cooked breakfast, guests can enjoy a spacious three-bed room. 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Zakynthos  If you are looking for a luxury beach club, Seacret beach club is your best bet. Under the tree shades and in the comfort of a gazebo, with the sea breeze blowing to keep you cool, guests can relax while having a seaside massage. 5- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Couples & Honeymoons For couples looking for a romantic getaway in Zakynthos, The Peligoni Club is ideal for weddings; it features beautiful views of the ocean and private cabanas for a more intimate experience. (number 8 on the list below). Zakynthos Quick Guide Ionian Islands of Zakynthos is famous for its picturesque shipwreck beach. However, other beautiful attractions keep tourists returning— the steep limestone cliffs, white pebble beaches, and the blue seas are just a few. Zakynthos has the shape of an arrowhead, a mountainous plateau, sandy beaches, several isolated hills and cliffs. Famous landmarks and Sight Seeing in Zakynthos The northern and eastern shores of Zakynthos have numerous sandy beaches, tropical vegetation, turquoise waters, and sea caves. Below we have listed a few famous landmarks that are a must-see. - Enjoy the seafront views of the promenade. - Take a walk through the yellow walls of Saint Markos Square. - Visit the Byzantine museum. - Engross in the beautiful Museum of D Solomos and Eminent People of Zakynthos - Dionysios Solomos Square. - Take a stroll to the Venetian Castle atop the Bohali Hill. - Climb the Strani Hill, where the Greece National Athem “An Ode To Freedom” was written. - Enter the cove and natural blue caves around Cape Skinari. - Visit the stone arches at Cape Marathia. - Enjoy the views of Marathonissi islet, also known as "Turtle Island". - Check out some of the historical Greek churches like the Church Agios Nikolaos of Molos, St. Dionisos Church, San Dennis Church, and Faneromeni Orthodox Church. Best Time To Visit Zakynthos July and August are the peak seasons for tourists visiting Zakynthos, but if you're looking for tranquillity and fewer people, the months of March and November are the ideal time to visit the island of Zakynthos. Some beach clubs have heated pools and other facilities to attract customers even if the weather may be too cool for swimming towards the end of the year. Where To Stay in Zakynthos - Ninemia Villas - Palatino Hotel - Plaza Hotel - White Canvas Boutique Studios - Lithalona Villas and Houses - Ionian Hill Hotel - Armonia Boutique Hotel - Contessina Suites & Spa Zakynthos - Margarita Hotel Tours in Zakynthos - One-day small group tour to Navagio beach Blue Caves and top view - Turtle Spotting, Keri Caves, Marathonisi and Cameo Island Tour - Private Speed Boat Trip to Shipwreck/blue caves - Cruise to turtle's island and caves with a glass bottom boat - Jeep Safari through Zakynthos island - Private Athens City and Sea Bike Tour - Five-day tour of Nafplio Mycenae Epidaurus Olympia Zakynthos island Delphi Meteora - Zante Water Village and Admission Ticket Shopping in Zakynthos - Spinspot Ceramics & Pottery - Anamnesia Zakynthos - Razi Aroma - Medusa Boutique - Levantino - Sweet Revenge Greek Products What are the best Zakynthos Beach Clubs in 2023? The beaches of the Zakynthos are just part of the attraction. There’s a wide variety of beach clubs to explore. Zakynthos offers everything you might want or need for a perfect holiday. Below is a list of the best ten beach clubs in the Zakynthos that we recommend checking out. - Pure Beach Club - Infinity Beach Club Zante - Barracuda Beach Bar - Sabbia beach bar - Seacret Beach Club - Mimoza Beach Bar - Buca Beach Lounge Bar - The Peligoni Club - Villa Spiros - Paradise Beach Hotel 1.   Pure Beach Club The daytime at Pure beach club is extremely captivating; you can't tell the difference between daytime and nighttime with the day parties and events. With the state-of-the-art sound system and well-lit stage provide the backdrop for world-class entertainment. Summer Tuesdays are presentation days, while Fridays are dedicated to Champagne Spray. Both events have many VIP options to make your experience extra special. Pure beach club is a place to get daytime sheesha, and seek a haven of recovery from the night before. The beach club offers guests different drinking and VIP packages for a smooth party experience. These packages can be used in multiple Zante Venues to purchase different drinks. Pure Day Club’s main attraction is the m2 swimming pool, a great place for guests to spend the day listening to music with a cocktail. The club has beds and cabanas, ideal for relaxing and taking pictures and spending quality time with adult friends. Website: https://www.purezante.com/ Social media: https://www.instagram.com/purezanteofficial/ Email:  [email protected] Address: Postbox 192, Laganas 291 00, Greece 2.   Infinity Beach Club Zante The picturesque Infinity Beach Club, located on Lagana beach Zante, has a laid-back and chilled atmosphere. It is open from the morning to late evening and has a minimalistic, stylish décor. Guests can reserve seats alongside pre-purchasing food and drinks. Infinity Beach Club’s cocktail menu is designed by a global award-winning mixologist, and visitors can enjoy an exquisite and unique range of drinks made from premium brand spirits. Various local and international beers and wines can also be enjoyed. However, the most relaxing moment for guests is often when they chill on the beach club's comfortable sofas, sunbeds and cabanas, from whence they can enjoy the panoramic Ionian Sea view and sunset whilst enjoying shisha or food. Guests who are up for an adventure can opt for a 4-hour non-stop party on the sea. The  boat party with fun games and other activities provide for an incredible atmosphere, stunning blue seas and unlimited drinks to fuel the party. A Pukka up boat party will surely be the highlight of the holiday when visiting the Infinity Beach Club. Address: Laganas Beach, Zakinthos 290 92, Greece Website: https://infinityzante.com/ Social media: https://www.instagram.com/infinity_zante/ Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +30 694 560 8008 3.   Barracuda Beach Bar Barracuda is a great place on the island of Zakynthos to have cocktails by the sea, enjoy snacks, and share platters and gourmet meals. While relaxing on the sunbed with a platter of food, guests can enjoy full waitperson service. Barracuda Beach Bar, situated on the beautiful sunny beach at Tsilivi Beach, has breathtaking sea views, a refreshing sea breeze and a warm, friendly atmosphere, making it ideal for families, couples and singles alike. There is a children's play area and free parking available.  Barracuda’s beach bar menu includes a wide variety of delicious dishes, fresh seafood, salads and light snacks. This beach club offers crystal clear blue waters ideal for swimming, easy access and plenty of sun umbrellas and deck chairs for sunbathing in the golden sand, outdoor showers, private parking, a pool table and a lunch and dinner area as well as different water sports. It is definitely worth a visit when in Zakynthos. Website: https://barracudazakynthos.com/ Address: Tsilivi,Zakynythos Phone Number: +30 697 400 8467 Email: [email protected] Social media: https://www.instagram.com/barracuda_zakynthos/ Opening time: Daily from 9am till 8pm 4.   Sabbia beach bar Sabbia beach bar has a chic, relaxed and family friendly/pet friendly environment. With sunbeds and cabanas, guest can relax while sipping on a chilled cocktail in the hot summer months. Sabbia beach club is situated approximately five minutes drive from Alykanas beach and offers guests free parking, a sun terrace, and a restaurant. The beach club’s menu caters to both Greek cuisine, international dishes and vegetarian dishes. Business Hours: Open from 9:00am-11:00pm Phone Number: +30 697 299 3503 Address: Paralia Agios Sostis, Agios Sostis 29092, Greece Social media: https://www.instagram.com/sabbia.beach.bar/?hl=en 5.   Seacret Beach Club Seacret Beach Club is an oasis in the heart of Tsilivi bay in Zakynthos. Guests can chill by the sea with the sand under their feet. If you are looking for a luxury beach club, Seacret beach club is your best bet. With the bamboo shades, guests can reinvigorate themselves by indulging in sun therapy on the club's extra-large sunbeds. Some of their specialties include a beachfront massage bed. Under the tree shades and in the comfort of a gazebo, with the sea breeze blowing to keep you cool, guests can relax while having a seaside massage. Seacret's luxurious ambience and careful dining menu make it an ideal wedding location. Seacret beach club ensures hassle-free airport and port transfers for guests. Seacret transportation services take guests everywhere they desire in maximal comfort and style—be it the beach in Zakynthos or any other island destination. Guests can also find an eclectic collection of boho chic summer basics, swimsuits, accessories and jewelry from Greek and International designers. Website: https://www.seacretbeachclub.com/ Address: Tsilivi Zakynthos, 29100, Greece Email: [email protected] Phone number: +30 698344196, +30 26950 42222 Social media: https://www.instagram.com/seacret_beach_club/ 6.   Mimoza Beach Bar Mimoza Beach, just a short distance from Zante town, maintains its historical significance by providing sanctuary from the bustle of the island with breathtaking views of the Ionian Sea. Guests can enjoy a unique setting while dining on traditional Mediterranean cuisine. A visit to the Mimoza beach resort will leave an impression on every visitor, guaranteeing a return. From Mimoza Beach, guests can easily access most of the main sight-seeing areas of the island like Bohali hill with the great Zakynthos town overview, the historical city center, St. Denis church, Museums as well as Caretta-Caretta nests and the famous Zakynthos long sandy beaches. Some of the facilities that make them family-friendly include an outside pool, a kid’s pool, a playground, a ping-pong table and a parking area. Website: www.mimozabeach.gr Address: Argasi 29100 Zakynthos Phone number: +30 2695 022588 Email: [email protected] 7.   BUCA BEACH LOUNGE BAR Buca Lounge Bar is a stylish contemporary beach bar situated on Alykes Beach, Zante. Buca Lounge Bar is a modern-styled bar with eye catching colours, ensuring that all visitors have fun in a comfortable and brilliant atmosphere. Whether you want to spend the day outside lounging on sunbeds or you prefer the cool insides of the lounge bar to hear the rhythmic summer music, Buca has something for everyone as guests can oscillate between both indoors and outdoors. Since it is located so close to the beach and provides magna ificent view of the Ionian Sea, Buca bar is ideal during the day and at night. Address: Paralia Alikes, Alykes Beach, Zakynthos 29090 Zákynthos, Greece Phone: 2695 084048, 694 800 2870 Website: https://bucabeachloungebar.company.site/ Social media: BUCA BEACH LOUNGE BAR - Alykes beach Zakynthos Zante - Home | Facebook Email: [email protected] 8.   The Peligoni Club The Peligoni Club is a family-run beach club in the northern part of Greece’s Zakynthos, It is a members-only beach club for intimate fun family vacations. Unlike a hotel or resort, the Peligoni beach club does not have any accommodation on-site and guests are booked into a carefully selected range of private villas, cottages and B&Bs, either by the sea or in the beautiful hills of north Zakynthos. It is a perfect definition of home away from home, the food, activity and lifestyle are all chill and laid back. The beach club only accommodates a limited number of members each week and to access the club, guests need to purchase a weekly membership in advance.  The Peligoni Club has a spa among its many other club offerings and amenities. The treatment rooms are nestled among herbaceous plants and sprawling bougainvillea in the quietest part of a club, making it a perfect place for some well-earned relaxation time. The club is open from May until October every summer. Website: The Peligoni Club | Barefoot Luxury Beach Club Greece 9.  Spiros Beach Villa Spiros Beach Villa is located in Agios Nikitas, 100 meters away from the homonymous beach. It is easily accessible from the famous beaches of Kathisma, Milos and Pefkoulia, making it ideal for guests to explore the city and the town. The beach club is a detached vacation rental property is air-conditioned and sleeps up to 5 people with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms along with a private swimming pool and sea views. There are 8 spacious studios of 15 sq.m and the rooms are spacious. For just 30 Euros a night and an additional seven Euros for a cooked breakfast, guests can enjoy a spacious three bed room. Address: Agios Nikitas, Lefkada Phone number: +30 6906393687, +30 2645097380 Email: [email protected] 10. Paradise Beach Hotel Paradise Beach Hotel is located on the sandy beach of Argassi, 3.5km from the centre of Zakynthos and 6km from the International Airport. It is the nearest coastal village to the centre of Zakynthos, and the beach hotel offers light and delicious dishes, drinks and refreshing cocktails. In the buffet-style breakfast, guests can have their fill of fresh Greek products and delicious Greek recipes while overlooking the endless blue of the Ionian Sea and is located in the pool area. Website: www.hotelparadisebeach.gr Address: Zakynthos Argasi, 29100, Greece Phone Number:+30 2695 023620, +0030 6979757567 Email: [email protected] Social media: Instagram Zakynthos Travel Essentials The Island of Zakynthos is close to mainland Greece. Some travel options include taking a ferry from Kyllini or Peloponnese, taking a flight from Athens or other European cities or driving over to the Ionian Islands. Whichever is your preferred mode of transportation to the island, we have enlisted a few travel essentials to help guide you. Car Rental Services When holidaying in Zakynthos, renting a car to get around is ideal, even if it's only for a day or two. Given the island's size and the distance between its greatest beaches, having your vehicle will give you more freedom to explore and enjoy your vacation. Rental Cars is the service we've found most helpful and budget friendly to tourists. Yacht Rental Services To visit a string of beautiful beaches that grace Zakynthos, charter a yacht from Searadars. They offer private motorboats, sailboats, catamarans and skippered yacht charters to famous landmarks. Flights & Hotels Accommodation Find the best accommodation deals for Your Stay in Zakynthos on Booking.com. They offer seamless and fast hotel and accommodation bookings. You can compare prices, get the best deals for your next flight booking and find flexible flight options on WayAway. Airport & Hotel Transfers Renting a car from Kwik Taxi is a comfortable and safe way to get out of the airport and to your hotel.  They offer 24-hour service, and you can book airport and hotel transfers from over 100 countries with options for budget, so you need not bother about your arrival time. Transport Services If you’re looking for transportation services while in Zakynthos, 12go is a great option. 12go offers a wide range of transportation options, from private transportation services to city transportation. Attractions, Museums And Shows We have listed some of the best attractions and museums in Zakynthos, including the Venetian Castle, and Dionysios Solomos Square, amongst others. However, Tiqets is the best way to get tickets to museums, arenas, and other tourist sites if you truly want to explore the town. Discover the best Zakynthos has to offer by reading traveller reviews on TripAdvisor. Reading other visitors' experiences and testimonials gives you a holistic view of Zakynthos. Activities Zakynthos is a great destination, but you must be prepared to make the most of your time there. When planning your Zakynthos vacation, use Viator or Get your Guide to book fascinating excursions and activities. Conclusion Zakynthos is commonly known to tourists as the island of the Shipwreck Cove, while its other name, ‘Zante,’ is more common amongst the Greeks and Italians. Visit Zakynthos to discover the other side of the island's nightlife, from chic wine bars to traditional live music. Read the full article
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themagicm · 4 years
Do you hear the wedding bells? Because if you do, this is the right chapter for you. A little challenge complicates Sharon's wedding day, but she is determined to follow through with it by all means.
So get your ballgowns and tuxedos ready because you're all invited to a wedding.
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So, since they--and we---didn’t get the complete wedding we all deserved a year ago, I thought I’d post this. When you get to 2:50 picture Sharon in her wedding gown and Andy in his wedding suit and they are dancing at their reception.
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