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I love when the quotes are Skylo related it makes me jump up and down and clap and cheer and say "yippee!" 💜💙
Very pleasant surprise to wake up to some fanart! Everyone say thank you to @volcanolotus for the fanart this is really good
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incorrectshantaequotes · 11 months
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Blast was the star of the show clearly, and that put me in a Blast drawing mood. So have some Blasts (featuring everyone else)
REALLY GOOD FANART THANK YOU. everyone thank @volcanolotus for the fanart
also. unrelated but since I don't know where else I'm going to put this - I will say that while I didn't expect to do so much with Blast in Mermaid Falls, writing him there was a lot of fun! going into this under a read more because this ramble was longer than anticipated
my mindset regarding Blast when coming up with the transcript was "okay I want Blast to be funny because that's just how he is but I also don't want to do him dirty like the HGH writers did with Bolo. so how do I do that" and then it hit me that he was in a very unique position in regards to the personal conflict Risky's going through
I'll get more into it with the post about how HGH would play out in the Reversal AU (because I really DO need to get into that at some point) but unlike the canon version, there's a lot more discussion about the implications of the Dynamo and what it means for Risky - because unlike Shantae, who's worked through her self-image and self-confidence issues by the time HGH rolls around since a lot of that was tied to how much she was bothered by only being a half-genie, and is therefore mostly unbothered by the whole Dynamo thing, R!Risky has NOT worked through those issues, because her self-image and self-confidence issues are completely UNRELATED to the issues she has with her heritage, which have been resolved by the time the Reversal AU equivalent of HGH rolls around, so the Dynamo is very much weighing on her mind
and it occurred to me that Blast is like. probably the only one who'd actually say something? at least at first, and definitely the only one who'd say something about the whole situation so openly and brazenly. Risky may be bothered about the whole Dynamo thing immensely but it's objectively good for the town so she staunchly refuses to admit how much it bothers her at all, Rattle realizes that she's bothered by the idea of being replaced but is too conflicted between his concern for Risky as a friend and his connection to Mimic as a mentor figure to initially say anything, and when he does it'd be a more private conversation, 'Pod would definitely notice Risky's conflict but wouldn't initially connect it to the Dynamo with how insistent she is on helping Mimic build it, and even when he does make the connection he drops the topic pretty quickly when Risky makes it clear she doesn't want to talk about it
Blast, meanwhile, may not be the brightest fuse in the box but he knows Risky well enough that when he thinks about the Dynamo situation for more than two seconds it's enough for him to go "wait this sucks for you actually. why the fuck are you going along with this" and then immediately voices that loudly and right in front of Risky's face. After all, he's concerned for her as his heroic rival! He's used to Risky being more bold and blunt with her opinions thanks to their sort-of frenemy dynamic, so he doesn't really see why she just doesn't tell Mimic outright that she can do better than the Dynamo and kick that hunk of junk into the stratosphere. Blast wasn't expecting Risky to go nuclear on him for bringing that up, and it kinda freaked him out at first, but her little rant of visceral rage DOES explain why she isn't saying anything, so ultimately he really doesn't mind and is completely unbothered by the whole thing
Blast DOES still hold the opinion of "just tell him to scrap the damn thing you're already doing a good enough job on your own," and will still tell Risky that if she asks, but ultimately decides to let her take the lead since he knows she can be as stubborn as he is and won't be talked down out of it
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This is not a quote I just remembered the reversal au existed hiii
OH I LOVE THIS FANART. everyone look at this
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[Rottytops is wandering around Sky's shop searching for something]
Sky: What are you looking for, Rottytops?
Rottytops: My will to live.
[Shantae walks in]
Rottytops: Oh, there it is!
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Shantae: I want someone kind and intelligent. Someone who could write incredible poetry and teach me things about the w-
[Rottytops backflips off a table and slams her head on a chair]
Shantae: ...Nevermind, I want that one.
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Bolo: I know you think I should write that down, but you know what happens to a thought once I get it in my head?
Shantae: It dies of loneliness?
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Rottytops: Ugh, I'm feeling pretty low, doc. Gimme that beer with the candy floating in it. You know, Skittlebrau?
Uncle Mimic: Such a beer does not exist, I'm afraid. I think you must have dreamed it!
Rottytops: Aw...
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“Didn’t we just do this a year ago?”
-Rottytops, on Shantae’s birthday
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Shantae: You know, most of the poker games I get invited to turn out to be elaborate death traps.
Vinegar: You worry too much, girl. Me and Twitch have been coming here for years without even a hint of a death trap.
Twitch: Unless you count the killer mini-tacos.
Bolo: Heyoooooo!
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Plink, staring at Vera: God, she is so pretty.
Lobster Siren: !!!/[Don't be like that, Plink! You're pretty, too!]
Plink: I'm not envious, Lobster Girl, I'm gay.
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Zapple: What’s this?
Vera: My to-do list.
Zapple: Yeah, yeah, I get it; you want me to get organized, I got-
Zapple: This just says 'Plink'.
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Risky: I’ve prepared the whole year for this, Ammo Baron. I shall not be defaced by your stupid pranks, I WILL NOT BE HIT BY THAT BOTT-
Ammo Baron, holding a champagne bottle party popper: You are already dead.
Risky: What?
[Ammo pops it in her face and throws the bottle at her]
Armor Baron, wearing an oversized party hat: ...Somehow, this is more tame than last year.
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Shantae: Obviously I’m the Supreme Queen of Lesbians here.
Rottytops: WHAT? I had a crush on you first!
Shantae: No way, I asked you out first!
Rottytops: Technically I said I love you first.
Rottytops: Still counts!
Shantae: Fine....well,[Shantae gets down on one knee]
Shantae: I proposed first.
Rotty: Yeah, whate- WAIT, WHAT!?
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Uncle Mimic: No. Fighting.
[Uncle Mimic leaves his workshop]
[Shantae and Nega-Shantae immediately start beating each other up]
Shantae: HOLD IT! ... Nega, why are we fighting again?
Nega Shantae: Uhh... 'cause we're not supposed to?
Shantae: Right!
[They immediately resume fighting]
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Sky: Why are you smiling?
Rottytops: Shantae is drunk and she doesn’t recognize me.
Sky: I don’t see how that’s a good thing. 
Rottytops: I tried to hug her, but she pushed me away and said, “Back off! I have a girlfriend named Rottytops!”
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Pirate Master: Take me to your leader.
[Shantae sighs and points to Mayor Scuttlebutt]
Shantae: This is him.
Pirate Master: ...
Pirate Master: Oh my God, I'm so sorry
Shantae: I'm sorry for us!
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