#sharing liquids and more on your favorite bird app
naoyafacts · 2 years
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bitchysunflower · 8 months
personal tips for anyone struggling to be a functional human being!
(these work for me, they might not work for everyone but i think it’s good to share things like these anyway)
eat more protein!! plant protein, meats, or powder protein. it boosts your energy so you won’t feel as lethargic
i don’t like eating three big meals, so i have started to eat smaller meals more times during the day. breakfast; a little snack; small lunch; afternoon snack; small midday snack (and if i’m sleeping late another little night snack). high protein snack with some carbs will fill you up and help you gain energy!
DRINK WATER! always keep a water bottle full next to you, drink even if you don’t feel thirsty. maybe you’re like my friend who doesn’t like the “taste” of water but don’t put those weird caffeine filled liquids in it. try putting spearmint, or some lime! they are good for you and it adds something to spice up your water!
(as a beautiful person told me) think of chores as self care! need to do the dishes? ITS SELF CARE! need to clean your room? ITS SELF CARE! this is more of a mental training than the others but it is wonderful honestly, made doing the dishes much more pleasurable.
not eating enough vegetables? make them into something else. pasta is my absolutely favorite food but it’s not enough in vitamins to sustain you. get your favorite vegetables, cook them, and make them into a big pot of sauce. (you should add chickpeas too, they have a lot of protein!) with this you have a full meal with all the nutrients you need and it’s a quick meal to make. make it big enough so it lasts a couple of days.
there is NO shame in eating the same meal for two weeks straight. i know the internet is full of cool recipes and people encourage you to have a different meals every other day but its exhausting! find one meal that you enjoy and make it for as long as you can. than when you get sick of it find a new one. make your cooking easier not harder. this goes for anything, eat the same fruit everyday, same breakfast, etc.
have trouble remembering, or finding the strength, to do basic things day-to-day? make it a game, or more specifically, download a self care game. my friend recommended me this app called Finch. you take care of a little bird, and you set daily tasks for you to complete (from surviving the day, to doing daily exercise). You can dress up your bird, decorate its room and help it grow! doing you daily tasks will give you crystals to buy things for your bird, and you can even hatch little eggs that turn into companions for you birdie! this is a link from The Viking that talks about the features. apps like this is not for everyone but it doesn’t hurt to try!
having a sudden burst of motivation? take advantage of it. do things you have been putting off. doesn’t need to be all of them, but doing one or two things when you’re feeling motivated it will definitely make the mental and work load lessen.
it’s ok to have lazy days. you don’t have to be productive everyday. those clothes sitting on your chair for a week that you need to put away? they are not the end of the world. it took me two weeks to put away the clothes from my suitcase after i came back from a trip, but what is important and that i still did it! did i take long? yes. but that is not the end of the world.
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beanfic · 4 years
Simple Mistake - Ch.1
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Pairing: Tyler Joseph x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: drinking, throwing up, too much alcohol, josh dancing, and mmm i think that is it? 
Author’s note: here it is!! the first chapter (of 5!) i really hope you guys enjoy and feedback is appreciated! also Y/F/N means ‘your friend’s name’ (and is gender neutral)
Chapter 2
“You look nice!” Your mom smiled at you as you slowly stumbled down the stairs. “Going somewhere?”
“Just to the bars with some friends,” you mumbled. You’ve been 21 for a while now, but it still was an odd concept that you could go drink and come back home with your parents and they would be alright with it. 
“You’re not driving are you?” 
“No, Tyler ordered us an uber. I believe it’s picking him up first, then Josh, and then a few others before swinging by here.” 
“Be safe!” Your mom shuffled over to you and placed a soft kiss on your temple. 
“I will, Mom.” You waved to her as you headed outside to sit on your porch. It was around 8 pm and the sun was starting to set. That was your favorite part about it being May, are the late sunsets. You looked out towards the sky which was painted with deep red and orange strokes. 
It was silent outside. Tranquil. Your heart was fluttering as you received a text in the group message. 
Josh: almost to your place, Y/N
Tyler: be ready
You smiled to yourself as you quickly typed out a response.
Y/N: waiting outside. The sunset is pretty.
Josh: almost as pretty as Tyler
Tyler: awe, thanks dude
You locked your phone and took a deep breath as you gazed back up at the sky. There were two birds flying through the distance, and you wondered if they were in love. Birds could fall in love, right? 
Sometimes you wondered if you would ever have someone to fly around with, metaphorically of course. You’ve tried the dating apps, you’ve tried having your friends act like wingmen, and you have even tried meeting someone at the bars but it wasn’t your thing. You couldn’t find yourself having those feelings, the ones you felt for a certain someone. 
A certain someone that you knew did not share those same feelings as you. 
A certain someone that you had fallen for about two years ago. A certain someone who has had a girlfriend for the past eight months. A certain someone that you had to act like you were just best friends with. 
That certain someone just happened to be Tyler Joseph. 
“Y/N!” your name was shouted from a distance. As you turned your head to gaze down the street, you spotted the Uber coming out and could see Josh sticking his head out the window.
“Hey guys,” you hopped into the back seat putting yourself next to Tyler who was sitting in the middle. 
“Josh decided to take two shots back at the apartment before heading out, so he has been quite something tonight,” your friend giggled from the front seat. 
“Of course he did,” you shook your head and you buckled yourself in. Your hand softly grazed against Tyler’s as you were trying to snap the buckle.
“Sorry,” you both mumbled in unison. Your cheeks felt hot so you decided to open the window.
“The sunset is really something, huh?” the uber driver broke the silence in the car. 
“I would call it gorge babyyy,” Josh put an emphasis on the last syllable. 
“Where is Jen?” you turned to Tyler who was busy playing a game on his phone.
“She had to study for a test coming up.”
“Ah,” you bit your bottom lip trying to hide the smirk that was making its way to your face. It wasn’t that you disliked Jen, she just wasn’t your favorite person to be around. You weren’t sure if it was because you hated how optimistic she was all the time, or if it was because she was dating Tyler.
Your feelings for Tyler were only known by one other person, Y/F/N, who sat in the front seat and made eye contact with you in the rearview as they eavesdropped on the conversation. They always had pushed you to be honest with Tyler, especially since if you had been honest with him a year ago, then he would have never started dating Jen in the first place.
The issue was that you were certain Tyler did not share those same feelings that you did, despite the fact that Y/F/N and Josh has mentioned once or twice that Tyler did like you. 
Josh was busy explaining a story about how he sold three guitars at once during his last shift as the car pulled up to your favorite bar. It was usually filled with younger people, so you didn’t have to worry about older creeps. 
“Josh, no one cares about your story!” Tyler teased him as everyone piled out of the car. You quickly stood next to Y/F/N as you grabbed your ID out of your wallet, following the boys into the bar. 
“Who wants to start with shots?” the bartender greeted you all with a smile. 
“I’m down!” you raised your hand and Tyler nodded, handing the bartender his card.
“Drinks are all on me tonight, so start the tab!” he shouted over the loud music. You looked over at him with wide eyes.
“Tyler! It’s going to be so expensive!”
“Don’t worry,” he flashed a smile your way. 
“I love this song!” Josh shouted. Feels Like the First Time by Foreigner came pumping out of the speakers. The bartender handed each of you a shot glass filled with a ruby red liquid. 
“On 3!” Y/F/N held up their hands and slowly counted down and in unison, you all tilted your heads back as the liquid burned down your throat.
“Jesus,” you mumbled. Shots were not your forte. 
“What are you going to get to drink?” Tyler turned to you and you shrugged. 
“Probably a mai tai.”
“Yummy,” Tyler licked his lips and you swear you couldn’t peel your eyes away from them. 
“Going with a beer.”
“That’s not very original, Joseph,” you teased.
“I don’t plan on getting wasted, especially when I know I will end up having to take care of mister smooth over here.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder to Josh who was already making small talk with a group of girls. 
You chuckled, “He can be a handful.”
“Y/N! Come dance with me!” Y/F/N rushed over and grabbed your hand, pulling you swiftly towards the direction of the dance floor. You looked back at Tyler who seemed to be smirking as you were being dragged away. 
Single Ladies by Beyonce boomed over the speakers, and you followed Y/F/N’s footsteps as they flowed with the music. You kept on taking sips of your drink, knowing that only alcohol would be able to make you feel comfortable dancing. 
The lights were dim and there was a disco ball overhead that punctuated the dark club with streaks of chaotic light. You were having a good time. The more you moved, the more the shot you had taken earlier mixed with your bloodstream. 
The song was finishing up, and you excused yourself to get a refill on your drink. Y/F/N followed. 
“Where are the boys?” you asked, scanning the crowded bar.
“Josh is back there on the dance floor so we should go back and join him!” 
“I’m not drunk enough to dance with the Josh Dun,” you cackled. You spotted him twerking in the middle of a circle. 
“He’s wild,” Y/F/N sipped on their new drink. You grabbed yours from the bartender and took a long gulp, trying to ignore the burn. You never understood how people enjoyed that feeling.
“I still don’t see Tyler.” You frowned. 
“Oh, there he is! He’s on his phone!” You finally spotted him, sitting at the end of the bar with a beer in his left hand and the phone in his right. 
“Party pooper,” you huffed. You took another gulp of your drink and waltzed over to him. 
“I’m going to the dance floor with Josh!” Y/F/N called out and you shot them a thumbs up. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Joseph?” you leaned against the bar and he looked up at you. 
“We’re supposed to be having a good time and you look like mister frowny pants over here! Moping over your phone.”
“It’s just Jen is being difficult, I guess apparently when she said it’s fine that I came out tonight she didn’t mean it.”
“That seems toxic,” the words slipped out of your mouth without you realizing what you had said. “Sorry, that was mean.”
Tyler chuckled and took a swig from his beer, “Nah, you have a point. I shouldn’t worry about her and have a good time with my friends who care about me.”
“We do care about you!” you agreed. “Want to go dance? Josh is being a maniac as usual.”
“I need another shot, I think.” He motioned for the bartender.
“I’ll join you.” The last thing you needed right now was another shot, but you thought you would be able to let loose more. 
“On 3?” Tyler hands you the glass, this time filled with a clear liquid. 
“On 3,” you agreed. You both swished the liquid down, and you couldn’t help but cough. 
“I’m ready now,” Tyler spoke, chasing the shot with the rest of his beer. You two squeezed your way through the sweaty crowd until you caught a glimpse of Josh and Y/F/N.
“Tyler! Y/N!” Josh threw his hands up in the air and literally skipped over to you.
“How you feeling?” you asked him.
“Dude, spectacular!” he patted Tyler on the back and went back to the dance floor.
“Yes, this song!” you squealed as Livin’ On A Prayer came on. None of your friends had planned on getting this smashed, but you didn’t seem to care too much. You let yourself go and just flowed with the music. Your hips would sway to the beat and you closed your eyes as everyone sang the chorus together.
When you opened your eyes you were met with Tyler’s staring back at you. He came over to you and grabbed your hands and continued to playfully dance with you as if you were little kids dancing at a wiggles concert. 
“We’re halfway there!” you both shouted. “Living on a prayer!” You were laughing more than singing, as Tyler dramatically pretended he had an invisible microphone. 
The room was now spinning and it was difficult for you to keep your balance as you kept on stumbling over your two feet.
“Grab my shoulders!” Tyler shouted over the music and you did as he said as the music picked up. 
“I love this song!” you slurred. Your hand somehow got intertwined with Tyler’s and he was twirling you in a circle.
“Me too,” he giggled. 
“You’re giggly when you’re drunk,” you placed your hands back on Tyler’s shoulders so you wouldn’t fall over.
“You’re silly when you’re drunk,” he teased back. You stuck your tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes. 
“I like this shirt,” you mumbled. You didn’t even notice, but Tyler’s hands were now on your waist. Probably just trying to keep you up straight. 
“I like your shirt too,” he spoke softly. His vision became just as blurry as yours. 
“I like you,” you whispered with a smirk. You looked up at Tyler, expecting him to move away from you, but instead, you watched his brown eyes move from your eyes to gaze down at your lips. 
“Is that so?” his head moved closer towards you until your noses were practically touching. The heavy scent of alcohol burned your nostrils. Your heart was racing and felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. The alcohol was making it difficult for you to figure out what was reality. 
“Mhm.” You bit your bottom lip innocently. Tyler’s lips were so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath on yours. He smelled like beer.
“Kiss me,” he reached his hand up so it was cupping your cheek and guided your lips to his. They softly collided and you melted away in his arms. You had dreamt of this moment for the past two years. 
The background music dissolved in with the sounds of voices singing and the only thing you actually could hear was the sound of your own heart beating uncontrollably as you stood there, kissing your best friend. 
Tyler abruptly pulled his face away from his and you met with a look of shock. His eyes were wide and all you could hear was him mumble “shit” before slipping away from you, leaving you standing alone in the middle of the crowd.
What just happened?
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
tag list: @nonsenseverses​ (if anyone else would like to be added, just let me know!
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How to Be Sensual to Increase Your Sexual Confidence
Whether done by yourself or with a partner, sex is one of the greatest pleasures and joys of life.
Did you know that of all search terms worldwide, the topic of sex shows up not once but twice in the top ten list of most searched on Google? Sex has been feared, desired, spoken about, written about, and creatively depicted endlessly throughout the millennia.
But this article is not about sex. It’s about sensuality.
Many of us have no clue about how to be sensual. And unfortunately, that means we cannot enjoy sex to the fullest and feel truly at home in our bodies.
What is Sensuality?
Sensuality can be defined as the ability to fully enjoy our senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. But don’t equate sensuality with sexuality. Sensuality can sometimes be sexual, but it doesn’t have to be. Anything that makes you feel physically good can be sensual. Examples include pleasant sounds, delicious food, massage, having a bath, hugging, eating peanut butter, and watching a sunset.
Do You Lack Sexual Confidence?
Sexual confidence can be evasive, confusing, and shaming to those of us who don’t “have” it.
The vast majority of characters and figures in the TV programs, movies, reality shows, and books we consume appear to be sexually confident and assertive. So why the hell can’t we be?
Firstly, sexual confidence doesn’t have to look like what we read and watch. It’s perfectly okay to have a completely different definition of sexual confidence to the established norm. Why? Ultimately sexual confidence is personal. Don’t feel the need to fit yourself into a box or tight little definition just because it’s socially acceptable. One reason why you may lack sexual confidence is that you are measuring yourself with a yardstick that just doesn’t fit you. Sometimes simply redefining what sexual confidence means to you strips away all the unnecessary baggage and leaves you feeling empowered. As the (valuable) cliche goes, “you do you.” No one can decide what sexual confidence means to you but you.
Other than lugging around a disempowering definition of sexual confidence, the next possible reason why you may feel uncomfortable is having an issue with your body. This is a common concern, most people feel insecure at some point about their physical appearance and this can have a significant impact on sexual confidence.
Closely connected to body insecurity is not knowing how to be in the body. So many of us are raised in sexually repressed cultures which teach us that sensuality and the enjoyment of sex are dirty, shameful, sinful, or morally corrupt. This conditioning has led to a society of people who are living in their heads and completely disconnected from their bodies.
Why Learning to Be Sensual Increases Your Sexual Confidence
When done mindfully, sensuality can be a tremendously healing and empowering practice.
Being sensual grounds you in your body. When you’re consciously exploring what feels good you are learning your body’s language – you’re also giving your body a voice. Instead of seeing your body as an inconvenient meatsuit that you have to drag around, you start valuing it as a vessel of power and pleasure deeply capable of experiencing life.
Sensuality reminds us what it’s like to completely live life in the present moment. To be sensual is to be fully human. To be sensual is to honor life itself. There is a reason why you have the capacity to experience pleasure, so make the most of it!
Of course, there is a difference between only living for pleasure (also called hedonism) and mindfully choosing to enjoy pleasure. In this article, I’m advocating mindful sensuality. Yes, it is possible to misuse sensuality – but not if you have a clear intention and make self-care your priority.
When we learn what feels good on a sensual level, we become more embodied as human beings and therefore more capable of being sexually confident. Sensuality helps us to get out of our heads and into our bodies – and it’s much easier to be confident about what you can actively experience!
So if you struggle with a sexual insecurity or shyness, get into your body! My recommendation is that you learn how to enjoy all of your five senses and embrace sensuality as a regular (and intentional) part of your life.
If you would like to become a more embodied human being who is capable of fully owning your sexuality, try creating a daily sensuality practice. Choose one of your senses (taste, touch, sight, smell or hearing) and explore what brings you pleasure.
Here are some helpful ideas. Do note that while some of these ideas might sound silly or commonplace, they are shared in the context of mindfully and intentionally experiencing them.
1. Give yourself a massage with your hands or a tennis ball. (You can sit against a wall and roll the tennis ball up and down your back.)
2. Get a professional massage and experiment with the different options. For example, you might choose to get a Thai foot massage one week, and then a hot stone back massage on another occasion.
3. Buy some silky body lotion or body butter and apply to your body at night. Focus on the sensation of the liquid against your skin.
4. Go outside and roll around on the grass.
5. Sit in the sun and feel the warmth on your face.
6. Experiment with self-pleasure. You don’t necessarily need to build up to an orgasm – you can simply explore what feels nice in different areas of your body.
7. Try stretching different areas of your body and notice which parts experience the most relief.
8. Get your partner or a family member to brush your hair.
9. Cuddle with a pet or loved one in the park or on the couch.
10. Jump on a trampoline or swing on some swings.
11. Sleep naked in your bed.
12. Wear extra soft, silky clothes (or underwear).
13. Get your partner to softly touch different areas of your body. Notice which areas increase your pulse.
14. Focus on the movement of your stomach as you breathe.
15. Go to a candle store and pick out your favorite scented candles.
16. Have a hot bath and add herbs and essential oils to the water.
17. Visit a perfume store and sample all the different smells.
18. Apply some essential oils into a diffuser while you work (or before going to bed).
19. Go for a walk outside and notice all the smells that come your way.
20. Create your own scent blends by mixing essential oils.
21. Notice how your partner or parental figure smells (I’m talking natural, clean smell here!).
22. Focus very carefully on everything you eat. What textures are the most noticeable?
23. Make a dish you’ve never tried before. Periodically taste it as you cook it to get the flavor just right.
24. Bake a delicious dessert for yourself. Then, sit down and enjoy every bite when it’s finished.
25. Go to a restaurant that serves foreign food that you haven’t tried before.
26. Visit your local grocery store and buy something you’ve never tasted before. How does it taste?
27. Chew sugar-free gum after meals – how does it feel?
28. Eat something in total darkness. In what ways is the flavor amplified?
29. Try oil pulling every morning (oil pulling is the ancient practice of using oil to increase oral hygiene). Focus on the feeling of swishing oil around in your mouth.
30. Find something you really enjoy eating and eat it super slowly.
31. Experiment with eating your food in different ways, e.g. try using your hands (Indian style) or learn to use chopsticks (Chinese style).
32. Get your friend or partner to feed you. Does the experience of eating change?
33. Watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset.
34. Get a lava lamp and watch the colorful bubbles.
35. Create a piece of art with glitter.
36. Visit a church or cathedral and admire the stained glass.
37. Light a candle or fireplace and watch the wick/wood burn.
38. Sit outside in nature and watch the wind blow through the trees.
39. Watch your children or pets play.
40. Light some incense and watch the smoke curl.
41. Sit in a quiet spot and listen to all the sounds around you.
42. Watch a movie and listen to the actor’s voices. Which voices do you like listening to the most?
43. Repeat a mantra out loud for ten minutes. What impacts can you notice on your mind and body?
44. Find music from a different culture, e.g. Irish, Spanish, German, Indian. How do you feel when you listen to it?
45. Hum or whistle to yourself.
46. Play a favorite song and sing out loud.
47. Put on classical music while you work or read.
48. Listen to a guided healing meditation.
49. Explore the world of ASMR.
50. Use an app like Noisli to immerse yourself in an environment of nature sounds.
51. Practice howling with your dog or canine friend.
52. Copy the bird calls outside and see whether the birds respond to you.
Sensuality is a practice we can introduce into nearly any moment of the day. By becoming more embodied, we become more capable of experiencing sexual confidence. You might also wish to journal about how your sensuality practice slowly influences your sex life.
Go on start experimenting and enjoy .
Namaste , Julie
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laurenweds · 5 years
Soothing Yourself When You’re Depressed
Disclosure:  The link below is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
There are a number of soothing things I turn to when I'm depressed.
1. Spend time with your dogs, cats, or other animals.  Animals have a way of us bringing us back to our center.
2.  This lava lamp. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to warm up completely, but then it blobs away.  When I need to shut down for a few minutes, I stare at the lamp and just let my mind go limp.  That may be weird. But it's honest.
3.  Journals.  My fave place to get these is Dollar General, the Dollar Store, Dollar Mania (ok, maybe that last one isn't real, but it totally could be).  I usually write down what I think the problem is and how I feel about it.  As I'm writing, I'm coming to some realizations about the situation I'm in.  I write down how I would like things to be different and what I can do to make those things happen.  I write down goals.  I write down things that I've been ruminating about it and try to break them apart so they will stop playing on repeat in my head.  Journals are a great place to figure things out.
4.  A throw blanket for your legs.  It just feels good to be warm (except deep in Summer).
5.  Make something warm to drink.  Tea, coffee, hot chocolate...it feels good to wrap your hands around a hot mug.  And the warm liquid soothes your insides.
6.  Something funny to watch.  My latest fave is Kevin Hart, Irresponsible  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emKhAptPqg4.  Here's a snippet from the show. (Turn down your volume...his comedy is a little raw.)
7.  Get some sunshine.  Go outside for 5 or 10 minutes and just soak in the sun.  I feel connected to the planet and I like to take time to be with nature.
Not sure what to take in first?  Watch the birds in your yard and/or trees.  Listen to their songs and note their color.  Even better, head to a local flower garden (or a nursery) and look at the huge variety of plants and flowers.  If it's wintertime, you can enjoy the stillness and quiet.
8.  Take a hot bath or shower.  Keep some special soap for down days that perks you up when you smell it.  My favorite is lavender and eucalyptus.  I also have a candle from a dear friend that smells like Christmas.  And sometimes I just need to inhale deeply and return to my happy place.
9.  Take part in one or more of your hobbies.  What do you enjoy?  Spend some time letting your creativity take the wheel.  I like to make cards for friends and family.  And, here's a rando fact...I've made whole bunch of duck tape flowers.  
10.  Take a drive.  Head out to the country (if it's fairly close) and drive the winding roads. (Your phone's map app will almost always lead you back).
11.  Shopping.  Guys probably don't find this as much fun as girls, but then again, they might.  I tend to shop at thrift stores and flea markets so my little sprees don't cost too much cash but the thrill of the buy is there.
12.  Spend time with my family.  They make me feel so loved and like I can do anything.  My husband is always there to listen and comfort.
What do you do to help yourself feel better when you're down?  I'd love for you to share it with me in the comments.
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