#sharp xerox machine
everytechever · 2 years
Sharp to take part in major US tech event CES 2023
Sharp Corporation will participate in CES 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, to be held from January 5 to 8, 2023. #SHARP #CES2023
Sharp Corporation (Sharp) will participate in CES 2023 (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, to be held from January 5th to 8th, 2023. CES is one of the largest and most influential tech events in the world. Sharp will exhibit advanced technologies and products that embody the company’s ESG-focused management under the four themes of New Energy, Automotive, AR/VR, and…
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royalprint · 2 years
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thatforgottenbasilisk · 9 months
Beat the Dead Horse (You'll Get Red White and Blue Confetti)
fandom: marvel
word count: 3521
Some people say that you die the same way you're born. They extrapolate this point to different ends- alone, the more sheltered or depressed folk say; screaming and covered in someone else's blood, say those with a bit more humor, or else those who've lived violent lives; surrounded by loved ones, say all the civilians who have never and will never go to war, who hope to die old instead of young.
Steve doesn't agree with any of them. He was born on July 4th, amid fireworks and celebrations in the still heat of Brooklyn, with both his parents there and already full of love, just a few short years before his Pops passed on, and quite a few more years before Ma joined him. Now, he's sitting alone in the cockpit of a plane hundreds of miles from Brooklyn- but fast closing that gap- in the sharp cold of midwinter. His closest loved ones are only reachable over radio, not that he wants any of them here with him.
Peggy stays with him to the end. He can still hear her voice as the jet hits the water, and he knows that his own radio cutting out on her end must feel something like the tiny breeze he felt against his hand as Bucky just barely missed it; it must feel like finding out about the 107th when he was still just a dancing monkey for good old Uncle Sam; it must feel like other things, too, but Steve can't really think around the burning cold of the water all around him, flooding the whole jet and swallowing him whole.
"Steve Rogers was an American hero, there's no doubt about that. He lives on in comic books and archived propaganda films, in childhood memories and history books alike. Captain America is, some say, more myth than man by now; there has even been some debate on whether or not Steve Rogers's transformation under Dr. Erskine's formula was exaggerated in government propaganda (Rich, 1967), or whether there was even a successful test of the Super Soldier serum that took place at all (Waters & Meyer, 1966); some more contemporary and less mainstream authors have even questioned if Steve Rogers was a real person at all, or merely a government prop to aid in the propaganda effort during a time when morale was at a low (Bouchard & Wright, 1971).
Despite these debates, it cannot be overstated the impact that both Captain America's life and loss meant to the American populace, both during the war and even having a substantial ripple effect to the modern day. How many high schoolers are currently writing essays in their English classes about how this author or that poet uses him as a symbol for war, peace, or hope itself? Depending on which books they're reading, it may even be all three at once; and yet, at the same time, how many television advertisements have you seen today that feature Steve Rogers in support of this or that product, his likeness Xeroxed straight from the comic books for the occasion? The man is everywhere. He lives and breathes in your living room, at your kitchen table, on the radio waves and air waves alike.
It can make you wonder, sometimes, if you love him or hate him. He did nothing to most people who are living now, didn't murder any grandfathers- at least, no grandfathers that anybody would be proud to talk about- and yet you can hear the kids and the talk radio men chattering about him, about his legacy, about how backwards America is because of it. How he's gone from 'hero' to propaganda machine for the more Conservative folk, how he represents all that's wrong with the world today, how he stands up for nothing but racism and war and staying in 1955 for everybody's lives ad infinitum.
It's absurd. It's ahistorical. It's shaping modern culture as we know it."
- Richard Elliot, "A Second Transformation of Steve Rogers," February 1973.
The light is bright enough to be seen even through his closed eyelids.
He's not sure of when, exactly, he becomes aware of this fact. For all he knows, the light's always been bright, and he's just closer to the surface than he thought he would end up.
Is he dead? He doesn't even feel particularly awake, so that's not an unrealistic possibility. Maybe he's floating in front of the gates of Heaven, though he honestly feels more like he's lying on an Army cot more than floating anywhere. He'd thought that clouds, especially the Holy kind, would be a bit softer, but maybe there's some divine meaning behind it. There's a divine meaning behind everything, that's what his Ma used to say, and he's not about to question her or her faith now.
It's a long moment before it actually occurs to him to open his eyes and start tuning into the world around him. Everything is syrupy and slow, like it's just a bit too early on a winter morning and he's trying to think through the fog that's accumulated on the horizon and over the river. He feels like his brain's a car engine that's in dire need of oil, and the second he opens his eyes is when a mechanic finally pops open the hood of the car.
The lights are too bright, almost like they're pumping too much electricity into them at once. How much power is this building using? It can't be as much as the lights alone imply, because the bedding and the room both insist that this is nothing more than a military hospital- and they wouldn't waste money on the lights when they could be using that same money for more weapons. He jumps up off the bed, because something isn't right, and either something's happened or he's being played for a fool, probably both.
He looks out the window to see New York, from a few floors up, but it doesn't smell of the usual factory smoke and he can't hear any cars or people on the ground. The skyline looks too flat, and the window is situated such that he can't look down at the city, just at the windowsill. The only sounds that he can hear are coming from the radio, which is tuned to a baseball game that he idly listens to for a few moments as he steps back from the window and towards the bed.
After a moment, he realizes that the game sounds familiar; he remembers sneaking into it with Bucky just before he was drafted, sitting in the back of the stands with a terrible view but a view nonetheless, because they'd both gotten the day off from their respective jobs- Bucky at the docks, and himself at the local grocer's- and they figured it was a decent way to spend the day. He wouldn't forget that game even if they'd cut his head open and plucked the memory out of him.
Somebody's definitely trying to play him for a fool, but before he can think of what to do about it, the door to the room opens. In walks a woman, her tie done up all wrong, and all that he can do is demand answers for where he is, who's taken him, what's happened.
She denies everything, tells him that he's in a military hospital, and he truly commends the Germans on being able to fake American accents so well. Did they recruit a real American, he wonders? No, they couldn't have, because if this woman was truly American, she'd know how to tie her tie in the way that American women are supposed to. She looks like a man tied her necktie, so not American.
He's sick of this already. If he's being taken prisoner, at least respect him enough to tell him that instead of doing a stupid song and dance routine of trying to trick him into thinking he's safe. He moves past the woman and starts running for an escape, barely paying attention to the kind of compound they've put him in, only that there are a lot of windows and a lot of people in black suits. He runs out, hoping against hope that there will be backup, somewhere, or at least some kind of information on where he is and who's found him.
It feels like five seconds and five years before he stops. It's the middle of a busy street, with cars that look like Howard Stark personally engineered each and every one of them, while the buildings climb higher than any he's ever imagined. They're covered in screens, with what looks like hundreds of different colored film reels being projected on every one.
... It's still the same Manhattan, the man he later learns is Fury tells him. Just seventy years after you left it.
"Ronald Reagan's economic system is unsustainable, as stated far earlier than this publication by far better economists than I. Since I am not an economist, I feel that I should instead apply my own expertise to our current climate: American Nationalism is now higher than it's been since 1956, and that's not a coincidence.
Ronald Reagan, now famously having played a minimal role in the film, "Captain America: Siberian Takeover" (Russo & Russo, 1954), has become a symbol for both the American Right and America itself- though in a capacity greater than that of the acting President. His liberal use of Steve Rogers' likeness in his campaign makes his platform obvious to those who have studied the man in depth: he's practically synonymous with the caricature "Uncle Sam," and in a time of dwindling faith in the government and in America as a whole, in a time of disillusionment with the establishment, here he- and, by extension, Reagan- is to save the day against the Communists instead of against the Nazis.
So he wins the election, and all of a sudden everything is prosperous and the economy is booming. Everyone's buying cars, everyone's buying houses, everyone's buying everything and the 80's are already a time of hedonism and plenty mere months after his election. Captain America wins again, at least until this bubble pops and we all swing back the other way on the political pendulum."
- Megan Oher, "Reaganomics, Nationalism, and Captain America," December 1983.
It only takes two weeks before they need him again.
Two weeks to mourn everyone he's ever met. Two weeks to acclimate to the peace he was assured that he would have, only for it to be torn away.
He didn't miss the military.
TOM: Is that- is that the real Captain America? Fighting the Chitauri, there in the video, you see that?
KATIE: I do see it, Tom. I'd heard that they found his body about a month ago, but nothing on if he was actually alive all this time. We'd have heard, we're the number one source of information in New York, there's no way we could have missed this.
TOM: Well, either we did, or they managed to clone him. How long does it take to grow a man in a test tube?
KATIE: More than a month, I think.
TOM: Probably. But modern science is a wonder!
KATIE: I think they might have just figured out the serum from his body and given it to someone else, decked that guy out in costume instead. Seems less time-consuming than an entire clone, and besides, wouldn't a clone of Steve Rogers wind up like the pre-serum guy? He was shorter than me and scrawnier than you!
TOM: Yeah, unless it went into his DNA, they'd waste their money on a clone... the serum sounds about right. Unless it's just a really buff guy they found at some gym.
KATIE: He swears he doesn't do steroids or anything.
TOM: Oh, no, of course not. Totally legit, just as strong as Captain America but completely naturally.
KATIE: Of course, of course.
- Transcript of the talk show, "Ragging On with Katie and Tom," Season 7, Episode 6; October 2012.
There's a press conference afterwards.
There are actually several press conferences afterwards, but they all blend together after a while, all the same information to different people and phrased in different ways. Yes, the Avengers are under SHIELD jurisdiction, or Yes, Loki is contained and there is no danger of him coming back and wreaking more havoc on New York or anywhere else.
There are also the fun ones, the ones that he'd thought were public information up until now.
Are you the real Steve Rogers? is a common one. He considers, for half a second the first time, lying and telling them No. He knows that if he's honest he'll never have a moment's peace again, he can never drop the act of Captain America, he'll always be beholden to upholding this title that's grown far larger than he could have ever imagined. His name is in history books, his costume worn by every actor who managed to claw their way into it both on Broadway and in the cinemas, every moment of his life before 1945 dissected and consumed by everyone who's gone through any American History class. He could shuck that weight off right now, he could pretend to be just the latest in a long line of actors and liars alike.
The temptation only lasts for a fraction of a moment, though, and then he remembers himself. Yes, he says, then and every time thereafter. I am Steve Rogers.
REPORTER: What is your opinion on Steve Rogers coming back to life out of the ice?
MELANIE: Well, um, I don't- I don't think I like it very much.
REPORTER: And why is that?
MELANIE: I mean, the last time things were so much about Steve Rogers, it was 9/11 and everybody started hating anybody who wasn't the same shade as printer paper, or- or dressed just slightly too masculine or slightly too feminine. Everyone was scared of everyone, and that was already going to happen after all this alien business, but I think the man himself coming back just makes it all worse.
REPORTER: So you think he shouldn't have been unearthed at all? Just left to rot?
MELANIE: I mean- I mean, he's still a person, and of course he deserves to live and all that, I just wish it weren't so public. I wish he just... didn't do all those press conferences, or helped out in New York but not in costume, or lied and said he wasn't really Captain America. It's not even his fault, he didn't even do anything, he's a product of his time and everybody putting his face all over everything doesn't help, but I wish that he wasn't the biggest signal that me and my friends all need to find somewhere to hide. I wish his face wasn't a sign that someone's going to start committing hate crimes against me, or worse.
- Interview Transcript, "Channel 9 News, Chicago," January 2013.
Steve doesn't understand why people seem so wary of him.
It's not the same kinds of people that used to be wary of him; instead, it seems to be reversed, with polite society welcoming him with open arms while the people on the outskirts skitter away like rats from a cat. When did it change? Even in 1945, it wasn't this bad, because he still easily got the trust of all the Howling Commandos- though, that might have been aided by his reckless rescue of all of them from Hydra.
Still, the Commandos had thought of him as one of them, an outcast from the military and society same as the rest of them.
Tony says the reason can be found online- or, more accurately, he'd said, Google it, I'm not explaining a half century of history when Wikipedia can do it better. So, here he is, typing away at a computer and routinely forgetting that he can backspace and correct his typos, only to remember when the machine spits back strange answers to his searches.
Everybody seems to think he's someone he's not. Everything he's getting back is telling him that Captain America is nationalism in a nutshell, which was true when he was filming all those propaganda movies and punching Hitler from California to France, but nationalism's come to mean something different now. Nationalism now means racism, means fear, means hate; and, again, it didn't not mean those things seventy years ago, but it's all the more apparent now that this is what he, as a person, has been reduced to.
It all comes back to the root problem: he's not a person anymore, not really, and now there's almost nobody who knows that anymore. There's nobody who hasn't grown up hearing about him, there's nobody around who he can just be any other man with rather than Steve Rogers, Captain America, and all the baggage that that entails. There's nobody he can talk to about Bucky, how they used to be something that wasn't quite best friends and was more along the lines of what he was on his way to being with Peggy after they'd ended that; there's nobody he can talk to about Peggy, either, and she's her own kind of legend, too, untouchable just like him.
Everybody thinks he's someone who would hate people like himself, which is ironic and at least a little bit funny. He thinks Tony would laugh at it, if he didn't hate Steve from the start of all this. Still, he's the one of all of them best acquainted with the future and how to make people think in the ways he wants them to think from a public relations perspective; if Steve wants people to stop associating him with that kind of regressive hatred, Tony is the best man for him to call, and he doesn't hate him so much as to give him bad advice on purpose.
Would people stop thinking that I hate minorities if I tell them that Bucky and I used to go out? may not have been the best thing for Steve to open that phone call with, though.
After quite a bit of coughing on Tony's end of the line, followed by an aggressive line of questions that inadvertently reveal quite a bit about what stories Howard chose to pass along versus what he chose to omit, Steve has his answer of Yes, but the PR people will hate you forever if you don't talk to them about it first. Steve is of the opinion that many PR people would rather he not say anything about that, and it's not really something he feels like bringing up, considering that they'd both broken it off long before he met Peggy or had the serum, but it does seem like an easier bomb to drop on everyone than the other option of insisting that he doesn't agree with the way his image has been used for the past seventy years and very slowly winning people over with that. He'd rather set the record straight immediately.
There isn't an opportunity for a while, and in that time, he finds the word bisexual and thinks he likes it quite a bit- and then he thinks of the irony in the knowledge that many people think he'd hate anyone who likes that word, too. He has to say something soon; immigrants are afraid, every kind of minority is afraid, and the conservative politicians are having the same heyday they've been having for months.
Finally, finally, there's a press conference scheduled by Tony, one that he doesn't tell anyone the purpose of, and for that Steve is eternally grateful. He thinks he's starting to bridge the gap that Howard built between them, constructed of distorted memories and insistence that Steve would have supported this or that when in all reality he wouldn't.
I am Steve Rogers, he says, mirroring the first thing he ever said to this particular public, far removed from his own public in his own time. I am Steve Rogers, and my mother was an immigrant to this country. I am Steve Rogers, and I am bisexual. These things are not congruent with the things that many politicians say that I am, or say that I support. I keep having words put in my mouth, and I am here today to stop it. I do love my country, but I do not love the things that my country has done in my name. I do not support the hatred or the oppressive agenda that my country has used my name to further. Thank you.
Reporters are practically screaming over each other, trying to get their questions answered. The lights are brighter than they've ever been, with camera flashes blinding him better than any fluorescents ever could.
Steve was born again the moment he woke up alone in that too-bright room in SHIELD a few short months ago. Now, in this too-bright room full of a cacophony from far too many people, he's killed something that's been alive far longer than he ever was.
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corezipzap-blog · 1 month
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It is also known as the Xerox machine; it is a device used to create copies of documents and images onto paper or plastic film. Our company offers photocopiers  from leading brands like SHARP, EPSON, and BROTHER through the Gem portal. Find the perfect Photocopier for your needs. For more information visit : https://www.zipzap.in/gem-portal-products-list/
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popularphotocopyb · 3 months
Best Photocopy Machines in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to ensuring smooth operations in any business, having a reliable photocopy machine is essential. In Bangladesh, the demand for high-quality photocopy machines is on the rise as businesses seek efficient and cost-effective solutions. Whether you run a small office or a large enterprise, choosing the best photocopy machine can significantly enhance productivity and reduce operational costs.
Why Invest in a Quality Photocopy Machine?
Investing in a quality photocopy machine brings numerous benefits:
Efficiency: High-speed photocopy machines can handle large volumes of work quickly, ensuring that your team spends less time waiting for documents.
Cost-Effectiveness: Modern machines are designed to be energy-efficient and reduce overall printing costs through features like duplex printing.
Multifunctionality: Many photocopy machines now come with additional features such as scanning, faxing, and printing, making them versatile office tools.
Quality: Advanced photocopy machines produce high-quality prints with sharp text and vibrant images, crucial for professional documents.
Key Features to Look For
When choosing the best photocopy machine in Bangladesh, consider the following features:
Print Speed: Measured in pages per minute (PPM), a higher print speed can significantly improve productivity, especially in busy office environments.
Print Quality: Look for machines that offer high-resolution printing to ensure crisp and clear outputs.
Durability: A durable machine reduces downtime and maintenance costs.
Connectivity: Modern machines offer various connectivity options including Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and mobile printing solutions.
Cost per Page: Evaluate the running cost, including the cost of toner or ink, to ensure it fits within your budget.
Popular Brands in Bangladesh
Some of the most reputable brands offering photocopy machines in Bangladesh include:
These brands are known for their reliability, advanced features, and excellent customer support.
Maintenance and Support
Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your photocopy machine. Many suppliers in Bangladesh offer maintenance contracts and after-sales support to keep your machine running smoothly. Ensure that you have access to genuine parts and professional service when needed.
Where to Buy
For a wide selection of photocopy machines, competitive prices, and reliable after-sales service, consider visiting Popular Photocopy. They offer an extensive range of photocopy machines from top brands, tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes in Bangladesh.
Final Thoughts
Selecting the best photocopy machine involves considering your specific needs, budget, and the features that are most important to your business. By investing in a high-quality machine, you can enhance your business operations, save time, and reduce costs.
For the latest models and expert advice, visit Popular Photocopy and explore the best photocopy machines available in Bangladesh today.
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mgmcopier · 6 months
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MGM Copiers – Your Trusted Source for Premium Refurbished Business Machines
MGM Copiers are trading in complete line of refurbished used copiers from most major business machines with highest quality brand-name used copiers, photocopiers and Wide-Format, such as Canon, Konica, HP, Ricoh, Kip, Xerox, Toshiba, Sharp, Panasonic, Kyocera, Savin, Riso and much more.
MGM Copiers are situated in New Jersey, USA. With continuous market analysis, we develop new products to cater our valuable clients with economical after market solutions in this complex & rapidly changing office equipment industry. In today’s competitive environment quality and price often become equal among good companies. Thus, service makes the difference between good company, and a great company. Our hard work to master the value of equation sets us apart from others. We work every day to put new ideas at the forefront of that change. We focus strongly that Quality & Customer Satisfaction for our Product & Services are two major criteria for success. We aim to provide turnkey solutions in the field of Copier with our sincerity & diligence towards business.
CANON IRA-6055 Copier, Black & White,
CANON IR 3300 Production, Copiers,
KONICA C6000 Colour, Copiers,
KYOCERA 5050 Colour, Copiers,
RICOH MP 5000 Colour, Copiers.
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"Effiservice: Your Path to Optimal Office Efficiency with Copier and Printer Solutions"
  IT work such as PC and laptop repair and sales
In the modern business landscape, where every second counts, the efficiency and reliability of your office equipment can make all the difference. At Effiservice, we've been committed to enhancing businesses for over 25 years, specializing in copiers and printers. Our comprehensive range of services includes the repair and sales of new, refurbished, and certified used office equipment, IT services, office equipment rentals, leases, and sales. With a wealth of experience, factory certifications, and a steadfast dedication to excellence, Effiservice is your trusted partner in elevating your business operations.
1. Repair and Sales of Copiers and Printers: New, Refurbished, and Certified Used
Effiservice recognizes that each business is unique, with distinct needs and budget considerations. To cater to this diversity, we offer an extensive selection of copiers and printers. Whether you're in the market for cutting-edge, brand-new equipment, cost-effective refurbished models that maintain top-notch performance, or certified used machines that combine affordability with reliability, we have the ideal solution for you. Our team of experts is committed to helping you make the right choice for your business.
2. Sales of Office Supplies
In addition to delivering top-tier copiers and printers, we understand the importance of keeping your office well-stocked. Effiservice offers a wide range of high-quality office supplies, including toners and drums, to ensure your office equipment operates seamlessly. With competitive prices and a comprehensive inventory, we are your one-stop destination for all your office supply needs.
3. IT Services and Support
Effiservice goes beyond being just a copier and printer service provider; we are your complete IT partner. Our highly skilled technicians are equipped to handle a wide range of IT services, from troubleshooting and repairing PCs and laptops to providing expert guidance on upgrading your technology infrastructure. We understand that a smoothly functioning IT environment is essential for your business's success, and our team is here to ensure your technology operates flawlessly.
4. Factory-Certified Expertise
Effiservice takes immense pride in our factory certifications from industry-leading manufacturers, including Toshiba, Kyocera, Konica Minolta, Sharp, Canon, HP, Xerox, and Ricoh. These certifications underscore our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional repair and sales services for these renowned brands. When you choose Effiservice, you're selecting a team of experts who will treat your equipment with the utmost care and precision, ensuring it operates at peak performance.
5. Office Equipment Rentals, Leases, and Sales
We understand that businesses have diverse financial needs and operational requirements. That's why Effiservice offers flexible options for renting, leasing, or purchasing copiers, printers, and other office equipment. Whether you require short-term rentals for specific projects, long-term leases for cost-effective solutions, or wish to own your equipment outright, we have customized solutions to match your unique business needs.
Why Choose Effiservice?
Decades of Experience: With over 25 years in the industry, we bring unmatched expertise to every project.
Factory-Certified: Our certifications from industry leaders guarantee the highest standards of service and equipment quality.
Comprehensive Solutions: From sales and repairs to IT support and supplies, Effiservice is your one-stop shop for office equipment solutions.
Quality Assurance: We stand by our work and the equipment we provide, delivering dependable and high-performance solutions.
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Effiservice is more than just a copier and printer service provider; we are your strategic partner in achieving operational excellence through reliable, high-quality office equipment and expert IT support. Contact us today, and let Effiservice empower your business to reach new heights in efficiency and productivity.
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rankvisionusa · 1 year
The World of Printer Toner: Xerox, Oki, Konica Minolta, and Leading Printer Companies
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Xerox Toner: A Legacy of Excellence
Xerox is a name synonymous with innovation and quality in the world of printing. For decades, Xerox has been a pioneer in developing cutting-edge printing technologies. Their toner products are no exception. Xerox toner cartridges are known for their precision and consistent output. Whether you're printing important documents or high-resolution images, Xerox toner ensures that every detail is captured with utmost clarity. The company's commitment to sustainability also shines through in their eco-friendly toner options.
Oki Toner: Precision and Reliability
Oki is another trusted brand in the realm of printer toner. Oki toner cartridges are prized for their precision and reliability. They are designed to deliver sharp and vibrant prints consistently. Oki's dedication to research and development means that their toner products are optimized for a wide range of printing tasks. From everyday office documents to marketing materials, Oki toner rises to the occasion, providing crisp and professional results.
Konica Minolta Toner: Where Innovation Meets Quality
Konica Minolta is renowned for its innovative approach to printing solutions, and their toner products are no exception. Konica Minolta toner cartridges are engineered with precision, ensuring that each printout meets the highest standards. What sets them apart is their commitment to delivering advanced features, such as high-speed printing and enhanced color accuracy. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Konica Minolta toner can cater to your diverse printing needs.
Printer Companies: Choosing the Right Partner
While Xerox, Oki, and Konica Minolta offer exceptional toner solutions, it's crucial to remember that the choice of a printer company also plays a pivotal role in your printing experience. Leading printer companies understand the synergy between their hardware and toner products. They design their printers to complement the quality and performance of their respective toner cartridges. When you invest in a printer from a reputable company, you're not just buying a machine; you're gaining access to a holistic printing ecosystem.
Tips for Choosing the Right Toner
Selecting the right toner for your needs requires careful consideration. Here are some essential tips to guide your decision:
Compatibility: Ensure that the toner cartridge you choose is compatible with your printer model. This information is usually available in your printer's manual or on the manufacturer's website.
Quality: Prioritize quality over cost. While cheaper toner options may seem tempting, they can compromise the longevity of your printer and the quality of your prints.
Consider Your Printing Needs: Different toner cartridges are optimized for specific tasks. If you require high-quality photo prints, opt for a toner known for its color accuracy. For everyday office documents, a standard toner may suffice.
Eco-Friendly Options: If sustainability is a concern, explore eco-friendly toner choices. Many companies offer recycled or environmentally responsible toner options.
Warranty and Support: Check for warranties and customer support options. Reputable companies often provide warranties for their toner products, giving you peace of mind.
In the world of printing, the choice of toner can significantly impact the quality and longevity of your prints. Xerox, Oki, and Konica Minolta stand out as leaders in the industry, each offering a unique blend of quality and innovation. When combined with printers from leading companies, these toners elevate your printing experience to new heights. So, whether you're printing important documents or creating vibrant marketing materials, choosing the right toner is the first step towards success.
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seoconnect · 1 year
3  Benefits Of Hiring The Best Office Moving Company
Don't you think that moving to a new office is very similar to moving to a new home? It's a very time-consuming process with lots of tasks to juggle. If you try to handle all these tasks alone, then there is no doubt that you will get a serious back injury while loading your items in the truck. But you do not need to worry about it; you can very easily ignore this problem by hiring a service from the best office moving company.
 The trained movers will provide you with their full cooperation to make your move an ultimate success. They not only provide you with a safe relocation of your office items to your new office but also offer safe packaging for your costly office items like the Xerox machine, pcs, printers, etc. So you must be thinking that this is the end; let's read this blog till the end to explore more. 
Hiring A Professional Office Relocation Company: 3 Benefits You Will Receive 
Professional movers divide the difficult task of moving into manageable tasks and distribute them among themselves. Like this, there are many other benefits listed below. Continue to read this blog now. 
Protecting Your Belongings 
The very first advantage that you will receive from hiring a professional office moving company is that they will provide you with the utmost safety for all your costly office items while relocating them to your new office. They use the best technology to bubble wrap your items while relocating them to your new office location. This kind of wrapping will protect your monitors and other glass items from jerking along the way. 
Timing Your Move Perfectly 
Time plays a very vital role during the relocation, and if you fail to reach your destination on time, it may hamper your work life. And for this reason, professional office movers optimize time very efficiently. The movers break the entire work of relocation into small tasks and divide them among themselves. So that every task gets completed within a very stipulated period. This will relocate every item to your new office on time, and your team will get back to work at the earliest. 
No Chance Of Accidents 
When your items are handled by professional movers, there is less chance of any kind of unforeseen accident. If you try to relocate your items by yourself, it will cause an accident. Generally, the professional mover uses very high-tech technologies to handle heavy items and load them in the truck. They also use accessories like cut-proof gloves to prevent them from getting any kind of cut while moving any kind of sharp object or glass item in your office. 
So here are the 3 major benefits that you will receive from hiring the best office moving company,  and if you find this blog useful, then do visit our official website today and explore the service from our home furniture movers available at a very low price range.
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
Global Printer Market is segmented by Printer Type, Technology, Interface, Output Type, Application, and Region: Ken Research
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Global Printer Market by Application
The Global Printer market is segmented by Application into Residential, Commercial, Educational Institutions, Enterprises, Government and Others.
The commercial segment held the largest market share in the global printer market by application segment in 2022 owing to the launches of new multi-functional device printers. 
Many offices are using multifunctional printers in offices as the multi-functional printer is able to perform a variety of other tasks such as scanning, photocopying, and telefax.
Many offices use laser printers and inkjet printers as these printers are easy to use and provide top-quality printing with low response time.
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Global Printer Market by Geography
The Global Printer Market is segmented by geography into North America, Europe, Asia- pacific and LAMEA.
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global printer market during the forecast period owing to the presence of a greater number of manufacturers in the region.
Many leading printer companies such as Canon Inc., Seiko Epson Corporation, Ricoh Co., Ltd, Konica Minolta Inc., Brother Industries Ltd, Kyocera Corp., etc. are all headquartered in Japan.
In February 2022, the Indian Government released a strategy for 3D printing, which is likely to help India to become the global hub for deployment and designing in 3D printing.
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Competition Scenario in Global Printer Market
The Global Printer Market consists of ~100 players including globally diversified players, regional players as well as a large number of country-niche players who have their niche in printers, scanners, photocopiers, and fax machines.
Large global players constitute ~15% of the market in terms of the number of competitors, while regional players hold the second largest share. Some of the major players in the market include Brother Industries Ltd., Canon Inc., HP Development Company, L.P, Konica Minolta Inc., Kyocera Corp., Lexmark International Inc., Ricoh Co. Ltd., Seiko Epson Corp., Sharp Corp., Xerox Corp and among others.
What is the Expected Future Outlook for the Overall Global Printer Market Across the globe?
The Global Printer Market was valued at USD ~billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD ~billion by the end of 2028F, witnessing a CAGR of ~% during the forecast period 2022-2028F. The realistic growth scenario represents the most likely scenario as per current market conditions. This scenario assumes that there will be no overall impact on the market due to any potential COVID-19 waves in the future.
The Global Printer market is driven by advancements in cloud-based printing services, new product launches, and an increase in the numbers of small and medium-sized enterprises. However, the market is also constantly being influenced by rapid development in technology, product innovation, and diversification in some countries.
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With the increasing acquisition and emergence of new products, the Global Printer market is changing rapidly. For instance, IIn October 2022, Epson America, Inc. launched the modern wireless receipt printers as “Mobilink wireless receipt printers” which is small, lightweight, and easy to carry and can be used for various point of sales such as mobile transactions, direct store delivery, transportation and more.
In February 2022, Konica Minolta Inc. launched its new printer “AccurioJet KM-1e High Definition (HD) model” which is an upgrade to “AccurioJet KM-1e LED” inkjet printer,  the HD version is able to produce skin tones, uniformity of solid backgrounds and reproduction of textures in the printed document that will provide the superior printing quality as compare to its competitors.
In March 2021, Xerox Corporation Secured the first position for the worldwide managed print services (MPS) market (MPS are services provided by an external entity for managing the company document output) in the Quocirca worldwide market landscape report (Quocirca is the leading print industry's source for market insight and advisory services).
The Global Printer Market is expected to continue its growth with a CAGR of ~6% during the forecast period. This is due to advancements in technologies like cloud-based printing and laser Printing as well increase in the number of Small and medium-sized enterprises. Though the market consists of ~100 participants, few regional players control the dominant share and regional players hold a significant share.
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By Printer Type
By Technology
Dot Matrix Printer
Inkjet Printer
LED Printer
Thermal Printer
Laser Printer
By Interface
By Output Type
By Application
Educational Institutions
By Region
North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, Italy, France, Spain)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia)
LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, Africa)
Key Companies
Brother Industries Ltd.
Canon Inc.
HP Development Company, L.P
Konica Minolta Inc.
Kyocera Corp.
Lexmark International Inc.
Ricoh Co. Ltd.
Seiko Epson Corp.
Sharp Corp.
Xerox Corp.
For more insights on the market intelligence, refer to below link: –           
Global Printer Market Size, Segments, Outlook, and Revenue Forecast 2022-2028: Ken Research
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everytechever · 2 years
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Sharp remains to be one of the top brands in market share for washing machines in the Philippines with its wide range of high quality and innovative offerings from its Semi-automatic to Top Load products. #SharpPhilippines #SharpBeOriginal
Your all-season laundry essential is here with Sharp providing the best solution to your laundry needs while providing comfort and convenience for all lifestyles. With a lot of challenges arising due to changing weather conditions, especially the occurrence of the rainy season, Sharp is here to provide the best quality of life to its customers, uplifting daily households and providing a life of…
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royalprint · 2 years
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Large Format Printer Market is set for lucrative growth during 2022-2031 | Size, Share, Demand and Opportunities Analysis
Global Large Format Printer Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Large Format Printer Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’ and PESTLE analysis. Report includes in-depth segmentation and market size data by categories, product types, applications, and geographies. Report also includes comprehensive analysis of key issues, trends and drivers, restraints and challenges, competitive landscape, as well as recent events such as M&A activities in the market.
A large format printer is a type of printer that is used to print documents and images that are larger than the standard size of paper. Large format printers are typically used for printing posters, banners, and other large-sized documents.
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Key Trends
The key trends in Large Format Printer technology are:
Increased print quality: Large Format Printers are now capable of printing at resolutions up to 1200 dpi, which is comparable to the quality of offset printing. This means that Large Format Printers can now produce prints that are much sharper and more detailed than before.
Key Drivers
The Large Format Printer market is driven by a number of factors. Firstly, the increasing demand for high-quality printouts from businesses and consumers alike is driving growth in the market. Secondly, the advancement of technology is enabling manufacturers to produce ever-more sophisticated machines, which are able to print at higher resolutions and at faster speeds. This is making Large Format Printers an increasingly attractive proposition for businesses and consumers who require high-quality printouts.
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Market Segments
By Technology
Ink-based Technology
Toner-based Technology
By Offering
RIP Software
After-sales Services
By Ink Type
UV cured
Dye Sublimation
By Application
Apparel & Textile
Signage & Advertising
CAD & Technical Printing
By Print Width
72”and above
By Printing Material
By Connectivity
Key Players
Konica Minolta
Key Players
Konica Minolta
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Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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kakaewpeak · 2 years
Sharp copiers houston
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We also offer several options on our copier sales, such as copier leasing, copier rentals, and copier repairs. Operating in the Houston area, our company has been a long-term partner of small and large enterprises for their copier leasing needs.
We’ll be glad to help you find the appropriate office equipment and software solutions that fit your needs. Houston Copier Leasing is proud to offer only the highest quality MFP copiers and printers in the greater Austin area and to be your local authorized reseller of Sharp printers. In addition we will not recharge you each time we come out for the same problem and there are never any hidden charges.
Extremely affordable service rates starting as low as 72.50 plus parts with the time starting when we arrive at your location and ending when we leave. By clicking subscribe you are agreeing to receiving email communication from Sharp Electronics regarding Sharp consumer products. Moreover, as a leader in Houston, Texas office equipment sales, service, and supplies, On Demand also helps optimize your organization with easy-to-implement, yet comprehensive document management solutions, Managed Print Services, and IT Services. Sharp Printer Repair and Sharp Copier Repair. For Sharp, this represents more than just an accumulation of accolades. Whether you need office copiers or postage equipment, our technology partners are some of the most recognized names in the industry, including Xerox, Kyocera, Epson, Copystar, and FP Mailing Solutions postage machines. For centuries, Sharp document imaging products and solutions have been earning high praises and prestigious awards from top leading testing organizations for Multi-Functional Printers that test overall reliability, functionality and ease of use. We are located at 5821 Southwest Freeway (59 & Chimney Rock).
In addition to copier sales, we now offer document management solutions, Managed Print Services, and IT Services to provide a full range of office technology services to our customers. We have also been ranked 1 for customer service year after year. Whether you choose to buy, lease, or rent a copier, everyone’s business model is different. We have over 60 years of sales and service experience in the office equipment arena. Since 1999, On Demand has been Houston’s leading copier source for Xerox, Kyocera, Copystar, and Epson copiers and FP Mailing Solutions mailing equipment. Business Copier Leasing of Houston offers the largest selection of copiers for lease in Houston Our large inventory and high sales enable us to beat all competitor pricing. Platinum Copier Solutions is an authorized provider of Sharp office equipment with offices in Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and Beaumont, where we live, work and play.
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nahasdj · 2 years
Konica or sharp copiers
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Paul, White Bear Lake, Willmar, Woodbury, Wood Lake, Woodland, Woodstock, Wright, Wyoming, Zimmerman. Paul Park, Sauk Rapids, Savage, Scandia, Shafer, Shakopee, Sherburn, Shoreview,Shorewood, Spring Lake Park, Spring Park, Stacy, Stillwater, South Saint Paul, Taylors Falls, Tonka Bay, Vadnais Heights, Victoria, Waite Park, Waseca, Watertown, Watkins, Watson, Wayzata, West Concord, West St. Paul, Norwood Young America, Oakdale, Oak Grove, Oak Park Heights, Orono, Osseo, Otsego, Pine City, Plymouth, Princeton, Prior Lake, Richfield, Robbinsdale, Rockford, Rogers, Sacred Heart, St. Croix, Marshall, Medicine Lake, Medina, Mendota, Mendota Heights, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minnetonka Beach, Minnetrista, Monticello, Mora, Mound, Mounds View, New Brighton, New Hope, Newport, New Prague, Nicollet, North Oaks, North St. With affordable rates, great teamwork, speed, quality and professionalism that is what makes JR Copier of Minnesota the better and easier choice for all your printer needs.Īlbert Lea, Albertville, Andover, Annandale, Anoka, Apple Valley, Arden Hills, Becker, Big Lake, Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Buffalo, Burnsville, Cambridge, Cannon Falls, Center City, Centerville, Champlin, Chanhassen, Chaska, Chisago City, Circle Pines, Columbia Heights, Coon Rapids, Corcoran, Cottage Grove, Crystal, Dakota, Dayton, Deephaven, Delano, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Edina, Elk River, Excelsior, Falcon Heights, Faribault, Farmington, Fergus Falls, Forest Lake, Fridley, Golden Valley, Independence, International Falls, Inver Grove Heights, Isanti, Lakeville, Lindstrom, Lino Lakes, Litchfield, Little Canada, Long Lake, Long Prairie, Loretto, Maple Grove, Maple Plain, Maplewood, Marine on St. I purchased color Konica copier the quality is impeccable and they also service the machine. It was a great experience and we highly recommend Prestige. Sacramento Copiers also services any make or models while providing great pricing on all copiers supplies: toner, trays, wheels. They provided excellent customer service and a great value for our copier purchase. We sell, lease or rent all the major copier brands Sharp copiers, Ricoh copiers, Brother copiers, Xerox copiers and Savin copiers. Printer Repair Center Minneapolis will not be beaten on price for printer service. Sacramento Copiers is the fastest growing copier company in the Sacramento region. We are a preferred service centre in Minneapolis for a number of organisations, thanks to our quick turnaround and competitive rates. Paul MN also offers our customers exceptional regular service with the use of customised service agreements, without the hassle of a contract and monthly fees – providing the customer with priority service and support. Konica Minolta, Canon and most major brands, our talented team have the product knowledge and experience to handle just about any printer or multifunction device. We service many brands of laser printers like Xerox, Hp, Ricoh, Kyocera, Sharp, Brother, Samsung.
We have established ourselves as the industry leaders with providing exceptional repairs and a professional service for all office machines.
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argusbm001 · 4 years
Xerox Machine in Lucknow | sharp xerox machine in Lucknow
We are one of the most reputed organizations having more than 25 years of experience dealing in office automation products like xerox machines in Lucknow. We always do a lot of research work regarding the reputation of the company, its quality of products, price competitiveness & availability of spares & consumables in long run before entering into dealership agreement. Our quick & efficient after-sales service has always given us repeat orders from our existing customers. Sharp – Photocopiers (color & mono), Digital Multifunction Devices, Information Display Panel & TV. Hitachi & In focus – Projectors. Canon – A4 size printers. Ingress – Interactive Boards. Blue Star – Water coolers. Zero B – Water purifiers & storage coolers.
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