iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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rise-of-littleclan · 5 months
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Welcome to The Little Circus! Everyone take your seats, the show is about to start!
Sleekspin is a tightrope plate spinner! Talk about a balancing act!
Sharppaw and Dancingpaw are the twin dagger throwers! It's double trouble!
Snappaw introduces a new act with her mighty bullwhip! Supersonic!
I've been seeing everyone making @circus-clangen inspired characters, and I'm very excited to hop on that train with a LittleClan AU! It was very fun to assign everyone an act and come up with silly outfits! I've already come up with rudimentary lore for character dynamics and appearances (someone help me)
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plushieclan · 5 months
Moon 8 Gathering
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Tigerpaw was basically jumping with joy as he prepared the food for the Gathering. Starleaf was coaching him through what to do, an exhausted look on her face. Nightflower chuckled. She remembered when it was her doing tedious tasks. Part of her almost longed for her apprentice days again… but it sure was nice to have her own space!
Since Crystalclan’s camp was so vacant of good shelter within the wider structure, apprentices lived in the nursery. When it was all ten of them in the same den? Now that got crowded!
To be honest, Nightflower wanted to stay home. But there was no was she’d risk it. After all, Firepaw would be a warrior any day now. It would be a bad move for her to miss the Gathering— she wanted to be there when her friend finally managed to graduate.
Firepaw’s mentor Smallcloud had passed a few moons ago, so she had to receive a new one. Apparently, he wasn’t much better. His name was Cowfur and much like his namesake, supposedly all he did was sleep and ignore her training. Maybe Firepaw was just exaggerating.
Still, Nightflower could see how that could get annoying.
The Gathering was extra packed that night— there were new faces everywhere she could see. She figured the occasion was the face on the loft with the leaders. A younger cat, looking to be about her age, stood next to the Wanderer’s representative.
Darkstar jumped onto the loft to join them. He wasn’t the last leader tonight— Redstar was lingering in the crowd with two smaller cats. He said one last goodbye before getting into place with the other leaders.
Starleaf bounded over to the steps, where the deputies stood. Bloodthorn’s spot was empty last moon; but this moon, a suave-looking cream tom was in her place.
Tonight, her father was the one to start the proceedings.
“All is well in Crystalclan. We have one new warrior, Applesnow! She has worked hard for the position.”
The aforementioned Applesnow just smiled away, seemingly oblivious to the attention placed on her. Nightflower made sure to yell her name extra loud, so that she’d notice they were talking about her.
“Huh? Oh, it’s my turn already?!” she snapped back into reality, before folding in on herself in embarrassment. “Oh… um… thank you?”
Next, it was Badgerstar’s turn.
“There isn’t much to report. Our clan is doing well.” he stated, before lumbering off to the side.
Redstar came to the front next, a serene smile on his face.
He held his paw up, pointing into the crowd. “Swampclan has had a momentous moon. Two wonderful kits have become apprentices. Please celebrate Jaggedpaw, our newest warrior apprentice, and Sharppaw, our first cleric apprentice.”
“YEAHHH!” a loud, loud cheer ripped through the crowd. It came from the mouth of a small, scrappy molly with eyes as crimson as Redstar’s, one of the ones he was talking to earlier. She was definitely Jaggedpaw. She punched the shoulder of the apprentice next to her, who had a meeker attitude. Nightflower assumed this was Sharppaw.
Redstar lifted his pointed paw into the air, silencing the gathering.
“I’m afraid to announce that our deputy Bloodthorn has retired. In her place, Bergamotfur has become our newest deputy. I hope you will all wish him well on his journey.” Redstar said without missing a beat. His smile never faltered.
With that, he stepped back to allow Finchstar to take the front.
Finchstar was not a tom who showed a lot of emotion, from what Nightflower had seen of him. Mainly, it was reserved for his family— in the form of joy. But today, he looked… troubled. She wondered why.
“Today, we have one new warrior. Please welcome Firefall.” his voice lacked enthusiasm.
Nightflower cheered as hard as she could for her friend. If anyone deserved it, it was her! Firefall was a very good name too. Although, as she looked at Grangeclan, she could see an unease settling over them. They were cheering the least out of any of the clans. What in the world could that mean?
He stepped back, and Nightflower expected things to end there. But instead, the Wanderers representative stepped forward.
“I am training a new apprentice to take my place. Penny will be replacing me in due time. However, she has much to learn, so I will not be leaving yet.” The rep mrrped in laughter. “Penny, step forward and say your piece.”
Penny was a tuxedo cat like Nightflower, but with much smaller ears. Her eyes were a bright orange, rather than Nightflower’s purple.
“Um, hello. As you know, I will be taking the position of Torch-bearer in the future. Fran has been a good mentor so far! As part of my training, I will spend a moon living in each camp. I hope to see you all soon!” Penny smiled as she spoke, even though she seemed nervous. She stepped back, and the Gathering began
The extra cats began to cheer. They must have been Wanderer’s cats, she figured. One of them was talking with Starleaf— a grizzled dilute calico molly. Starleaf beckoned Nightflower over.
“You can go congratulate your friend in a bit— there’s someone I want you to meet first.” Starleaf spoke outwardly with a curtness, to keep up appearances. Of course, Nightflower knew her mother well enough to tell that she was quite excited.
“Who is it, Starleaf?” Nightflower said, careful to keep familiarity out of her voice.
Starleaf motioned to the calico molly, and they slinked out of the Four Corners through a rotted board. Nightflower quickly followed after them.
Once they were far enough away to avoid eavesdroppers, Starleaf smiled.
“Nightflower, do you know your grandmother?”
She blinked. Her… grandmother?
The calico molly laughed. “Oh, the little one wouldn’t remember. She was just a week old!”
Nightflower gasped. “I’m so sorry… I can’t remember you. I’m a terrible granddaughter!”
“Come on, don’t worry dear. My name is Squirrel. I’m your mother’s mother; your grandmother. I used to lead a squad of the Wanderers, back in the day. Now your mother’s sister’s taken it over.”
“I-It’s nice to meet you, Grandma!” she stood up straight.
“How’s retirement been, Mom?” Starleaf asked.
Squirrel chuckled. “Oh, it’s been nice. Your father’s No-furs keep me fed, and it’s fun to see the new recruits struggling in the yard! Maya was too busy to come with me, but she says hi.”
“Maya?” Nightflower asked.
“Ah, you haven’t met any of your aunts and uncle, have you?” Squirrel chuckled. “Maya is one of your mother’s sisters. She’s the one who took over my squad. There’s also Hazel, my son, and Shauna.”
“Penny is Shauna’s daughter.” Starleaf clarified. “That’s why your grandma hauled herself all the way here.”
“Ah, and what a good decision that was. I’m so glad you’re doing well here.” Squirrel smiled. “I wish your littermate was still with us. But I supposed she’s watching over you from your stars, isn’t she?”
Nightflower’s thoughts lingered on Ravenkit, and how she had seen her last moon. “Yeah. Sometimes I wish I knew what she was thinking.”
Starleaf seemed surprised. “You’ve seen her recently?”
“Yeah. She led me to Grassfoot on the First Snow. I wouldn’t have found her if it wasn’t for Ravenkit.”
Starleaf furrowed her brow. “I— I didn’t know that. Nightflower, will you remember to tell me next time you see her?”
Nightflower gasped. “Oh! Yeah Mom, I promise. Sorry, it slipped my mind.”
The grief lingered in Starleaf’s mind just as it did Nightflower’s. She hadn’t really considered how hard it was for her mother to not know what Ravenkit was doing… and to watch one child grow, while the other stayed the same for all of eternity.
Squirrel butt her head into Starleaf’s, then Nightflower’s. “It’s so good to see my kin again. If you’re ever in the area, be sure to stop by the No-fur den, ok? Conan and I will be so happy to see you around. And make sure you take care of Penny, alright? Don’t let those Swampclan bastards hurt her!”
Starleaf turned to Nightflower. “You can go now. I’m going to stay to catch up with my mom for a bit. Enjoy the Gathering, ok?”
Nightflower smiled. “Alright. Bye Mom. And it was nice meeting you, Grandma!”
“Good seeing you too, dear!” Squirrel waved her off.
When Nightflower had returned, everyone had started eating. She picked up one of the last pieces of prey, a small sparrow, and ran over to where Firefall was sat.
Their friend group was tucked into a corner, away from the fire. Not many others were near them due to how cold it was that night, but the friends huddled together for warmth. It was Shimmersky and Lynxclaw on the outside and on the inside, was the new warrior of the day.
For a molly who just passed the greatest milestone of her life, she looked awfully conflicted. Just as much as the rest of her clan. Nightflower set her food down next to Firefall and turned to her.
“Hey new warrior!” She said excitedly.
“Hey.” Firefall repeated without much enthusiasm.
“What’s with the long face?”
She just turned away.
Shimmersky nudged Nightflower “Hey, trade prey!” Shimmersky had a big, juicy vole by her side. Nightflower was happy to oblige.
The friends sat side by side, silently eating prey, before Lynxclaw spoke.
“Ok, enough of this! Firefall, what’s going on?! You’ve been practically counting down the days before you became a warrior, so why are you so upset now?!”
Firefall looked at her food. “I… I can’t tell you. I’m not supposed to discuss it with the other clans.”
“Other clans?!” Lynxclaw was indignant. “Firefall, we’re your friends! We’re not some enemy!”
Nightflower looked at Shimmersky, then back at Firefall. Shimmersky nodded. “Go for it.”
“Hey, I get it Firefall. I get it.” Nightflower started. Firefall seemed to relax a bit. “If it makes you feel better… I have a secret of my own.”
Lynxclaw’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not supposed to tell the other clans, but… you’re my friends. I think it’s time for you to know.” Nightflower said, “I’m not Shimmersky’s littermate. I’m Darkstar and Starleaf’s surviving kit.”
Firefall and Lynxclaw’s eyes went wide.
“I-is that really safe to be saying out loud?!” Lynxclaw whispered. They knew just as well as Nightflower did the danger of what that meant. “I mean, we won’t tell anyone, but what if someone heard that?!”
“You… survived. You survived that. You’re… you’re the cat from the prophecy.” Firefall looked at her with a new expression; one of determination.
“Yeah. I know this is dangerous. But I trust you guys. And I want you to know that we trust you too, Firefall. We’d never tell your secret to anyone else.”
Firefall nodded. “Ok. Ok…” she looked up. “Do you know what reincarnation is?”
Nightflower shook her head. Shimmersky and Lynxclaw seemed similarly confused.
Firefall continued. “Basically… if a kit dies really young, they can sometimes use their power to be born again. They lose their memories, but get a second change at life. It’s purely Starclan power— they don’t even need a second parent to be reborn.”
Nightflower could see where this was going.
“One of my clanmates— Ashrise— used to get really weird around me. A few others would too, but especially him. And I never used to know why. But… this moon, my parents sat me down. Apparently… I’m the reincarnation of one of his dead kits. They figured this out because… well… apparently my father can’t father kits. So my parents were really confused as to how I came to be. And when I was born, I looked a lot like Ashrise’s kit Emeraldkit.”
“Emeraldkit?” Shimmersky asked. “This must have been long before our time. I’ve never heard of that name before.”
“Pearlheart went to Starclan to ask, and well… all of the other kits were still there; except Emeraldkit. And her littermates confirmed it. I’m… someone’s dead kit. I don’t know what to do. Do I talk to Ashrise? He’s… technically my father. But at the same time… I love my parents. Rainleaf and Bloomfur are the ones who raised me. And I don’t know… do I even have room for another parent?“
Nightflower looked at Firefall. “I don’t think it should be up to us what you do. In the end, your decision is your decision. But… I mean, I don’t think it’ll hurt to get to know him. Maybe give it a try? In my experience,” she thought about Rime and their porch, “another parent never got rid the ones that came before. They just became another person to love.”
Firefall seemed to think about it a bit. “I… yeah. I’ll give it a try. Maybe not yet, but someday. Ashrise has always been nice.” she sighed. “It’s weird to think about how I’m technically the deputy’s sister.”
Lynxclaw thought for a moment. “Have you been able to meet Emeraldkit’s other parent?”
Firefall scrunched up. “No… that’s the weirdest part of this whole situation. They won’t tell me anything about Emeraldkit’s mother or how she died. The whole clan’s been on edge about it. Something… bad happened. Something really bad.” she sighed for a moment. “All I know is that she was the cleric before Flyheart. I don’t know a name though.”
Both Lynxclaw and Shimmersky looked as confused as Nightflower felt.
“Well, just know that we’re here to support you, Firefall. If you ever feel like your clan’s too hard to be around, you can come stay with us in Crystalclan.” Shimmersky butt her head into Firefall’s. She chuckled.
“I’d offer too, but Badgerstar is the worst. He probably won’t let you stay. I’d fight him for you though!” Lynxclaw added.
“Thanks guys.” Firefall smiled. “I might take you up on that offer. Not the fight one though— I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
Nightflower settled in closer to Firefall. “We can stay with you until the end of the Gathering, if you want.”
She laughed a bit. “I think I’m getting flashbacks to that first Gathering.”
“Hey, you get your turn to mourn too. It really sucks to be isolated from your clanmates.” Lynxclaw looked over to the side, eyes focused on a small group. Nightflower could see Penny speaking with Yarrowheart and Badgerstar.
“Agreed.” Firefall said.
The four settled into their spots, talking idly until the gathering ended.
Nightflower and Shimmersky had said goodbye to Lynxclaw and Firefall, wishing them the best. They joined the rest of their clan on the way out. Everything had seemed to conclude normally. It was just Swampclan and Crystalclan left in the Four Corners. Both were on their way out. Nightflower was with Starleaf.
“Where will Penny sleep when she comes to our clan?”
Starleaf hummed. “I think the elder’s den would be best. It’s empty for now, so she’d be quite comfortable there.”
Nightflower started to make a statement in agreement, before the loudest yowl she’d ever heard ripped across camp.
Nightflower turned to see Jaggedpaw, the apprentice from before, wrestling with Tigerpaw.
“I’LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!” her claws were sheathed, but her eyes were filled with as much venom as her words. She had managed to pin Tigerpaw down.
“IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS, MOUSEBRAIN!” Tigerpaw shouted back, kicking her with his hind legs.
She was unrelenting, leaning into him. “Apologize.” she spat.
“NO! I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING WRONG!” he writhed under her paws.
Nightflower had started her way there, but Starleaf had already bounded over to separate them.
“That’s enough, Jaggedpaw.” a voice interjected.
Redstar himself calmly strode towards the two apprentices.
“F-Father!” Jaggedpaw smiled.
“Get off the apprentice this instant.” He said.
She looked horrified. “B-But… but he insulted our clan!”
Redstar’s expression never changed. “You are the one insulting our clan with your conduct. Get off him.”
She retreated, stepping off Tigerpaw with a scoff. As she left, Nightflower could swear she saw tears prickling at the corners of her eye.
“This Gathering has already concluded. Jaggedpaw will be punished later for this mistake.” Redstar said, before beckoning the rest of his clan to leave. They exited out of the main entrance.
The Swampclan cats whispered among themselves as they left. Nightflower could have sworn some of them were laughing.
“What were you thinking?!” Starleaf yelled at her apprentice. “Fighting at a Gathering… do you know how that looks? It’s dangerous!”
“It wasn’t my fault!” Tigerpaw bristled under the scolding. “I wasn’t even talking to her! All I said was that it’s creepy that Swampclan is making kits apprentices!”
Starleaf sighed. “Because of you, we could have been in a serious situation. You need to learn to hold your tongue better at Gatherings.” she placed a paw on his shoulder. “What would I have told your parents if you had gotten hurt?”
Tigerpaw scoffed. “She’s just a kit. She can’t hurt me.”
“Really? Because it looked like she was winning to me.” Pebblepaw added with a smirk.
“Shut up Pebblepaw!” Tigerpaw lunged after his sister, who ran away laughing. He followed after her, huffing in anger.
Starleaf looked very tired. “She won’t be a kit forever…”
“There’s no way he can hear you, Mom.” Nightflower replied.
“I know. I just worry for him. He’s too impulsive for his own good.” Starleaf sighed.
Nightflower bumped into her mother’s side. “He’ll learn someday.”
“I hope you’re right, Nightflower.”
Jaggedpaw was huddled in a corner of the nursery, wrapping her body around her paw. All she could hear was Rosekit’s raspy breaths. She huffed, turning in on herself.
“Do you want me to look at that, Jaggedpaw?”
She looked up to see Alderflower.
“No. I don’t need any medical care. Focus on stupid Rosekit.”
Alderflower looked at Rosekit, who slept soundly despite her mangled leg. Jaggedpaw couldn’t understand. Why in the world would she care so much about a kit that wasn’t even hers? Why wouldn’t she just let it die?
“Rosekit is stable. Her wounds aren’t bleeding.” Alderflower finally replied. “Yours are. Let me look at them.”
Jaggedpaw acquiesced, holding her injured paw out to Alderflower.
Alderflower gently took Jaggedpaw’s bleeding paw into hers. “He did this to you, didn’t he?”
“No. He didn’t. And even if he did, I deserved it for disgracing our clan.” Jaggedpaw snapped.
Alderflower licked her paw clean, which made Jaggedpaw wince. “Alright, I won’t push.”
She grabbed some cobwebs out from beneath the nest, placing it on Jaggedpaw’s wound.
“It should heal without a scar. You’ll be alright.” Alderflower smiled. “Do you want to sleep with me and Rosekit tonight?”
Jaggedpaw turned up her nose. “No. I don’t want to.”
She looked out of the nursery to the empty apprentice den, where she slept all by herself. Snow had begun to form a thick layer on the ground.
“But the apprentice den is really cold, so I suppose I have no choice.”
Alderflower moved over to make room for Jaggedpaw. She reluctantly slotted herself inside.
She’d be a great warrior someday. One that made her father proud. Today, she slept in the nursery. But tomorrow, she’d plot her revenge.
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twos-cruel-mind · 17 days
I'll do this in three parts for each season.
Season One under the cut vvv
Buzzingstar — well-fed tan tom with a dark face, ears, paws, and tail
Deputy (self proclaimed)
Redshadow — tall monotonous black tom
Medicine cat
Bluestripes — anxious white tom with blue eyes and blue-gray tabby stripes
Stuttermuzzle — small dark gray tom with a frayed tan tail tip and brown eyes
Swampnose — jet black tom with green eyes
Orangepelt — handsome ginger tom with orange eyes and big ears
(There's no set mentors as Buzzingstar had zero clue what he was doing, but the apprentices were trained anyway)
Brightpaw — stocky golden tabby she-cat with gray stripes and yellow eyes
Paintedpaw — thin golden brown non-binary tabby with fiery orange eyes
Russetpaw — large white tom with russet stripes, big paws, and red eyes
Floatpaw — small orange tom with a stub tail and brown eyes
Sharppaw — tall gray tom with a sharp tail and blue eyes
Silverpaw — small gray tom with blue eyes and a short tail
Blossompaw — a brown and white she-cat
Lemonpaw — an oblivious tan she-cat with big green eyes
Applekit — orange green-eyed she-cat with a frisky nature
Marshkit — small fluffy white she-cat with bent ears and blue eyes
Pepperkit — dark gray she-cat with soft fur, blue eyes, and black spots
Saltkit — very light gray she-cat with silky fur, blue eyes, and white spots
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clangenthriftclan · 10 months
Moon 24
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Bored with the progress of her training, Sharppaw snuck out of camp, ecountering a rogue tom on Thriftclan territory. She puffed up to scare him. It failed spectacularly. It'll take a while for her ego to heal. She decides not to tell the others.
???: "What's that supposed to be? A squirrel impression?"
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moons-of-weedclan · 3 months
Burrowpaw and Skykit lore…
Burrowpaw was only one of two living apprentices. She and the other, Sharppaw, got on well enough, being the only other cats in the clan their age. After Sharppaw “died”, her mentor Goldenpelt was reassigned to Burrowpaw. Burrowpaw still doesn’t know how to feel about it.
(Sharppaw’s littermates had died early into her apprenticeship. Some time after, she went missing. They never found out for sure what happened to her, but it’s more likely than not she’s gone.)
Skykit is the child of the deputy, Wishtalon. She had been one of the first to die of the illness, unfortunately. They had no other nursing queens at the time. His siblings had died of starvation. Skykit was just lucky, really.
Skykit was the only living kit in the clan. They stuck him in the elders den, since they couldn’t just leave him alone in the nursery. The elders doted on him and talked to him. A Lot. He is much more talkative and articulative than he should be for his age because of this. Like when a baby says a huge word like “apatosaurus” or “dodecahedron”. He is NOT normal and the future kittens will not be speaking as he does aldkdk.
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fishfingersalad · 11 months
Posting a lot today but heres my red vs blue warrior cats au
Rainclan (Blueteam)
Leader: Stormstar: Scarred dark grey tom with blue eyes (Wash) Apprentice: Lemonpaw
Deputy: Sandnose: Siamese she-cat with blue eyes (Kimball)
Medcat: Bonetail: White and grey she-cat with amber eyes (Dr Grey)
Warriors: Cloudpelt: Pale grey and white fluffy tom with green eyes (Church) Darkclaw: Black she-cat with yellow eyes (Tex) Silvermoon: Dark brown tom with blue-green eyes (Tucker) Apprentice: Minnowpaw Sunheart: Dark grey tabby tom with amber eyes (Caboose) Apprentice: Riverpaw Brightwhisker: Cream she-cat with yellow eyes (Kai) Apprentice: Spiderpaw Firefang: Ginger she-cat with green eyes (Carolina) Apprentice: Rainpaw
Apprentices: Riverpaw: Brown tom with blue eyes (Andersmith) Minnowpaw: Grey tabby tom with blue eyes (Palomo) Lemonpaw: Cream tom with green eyes (Matthews) Rainpaw: Grey spotted tom with blue eyes (Epsilon) Spiderpaw: Black tom with blue eyes (Junior)
Fireclan (Redteam)
Leader: Bloodstar: Shaggy scarred grey tom with yellow eyes (Sarge)
Deputy: Rustwhisker: Dark ginger tabby tom with green eyes (Simmons) Apprentice: Sweetpaw
Medcat: Berrystem: Dark grey tom with amber eyes (Doc) Apprentice: Sharppaw
Warriors: Persimmonstripe: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Grif) Apprentice: Sourpaw Rosepelt: Scarred pale ginger tom with amber eyes (Donut) Mudburr: Brown tom with brown eyes (Lopez) Oliveclaw: Scarred shaggy brown tom with green eyes (Locus)
Apprentices: Sourpaw: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Bitters) Sweetpaw: Dark ginger she-cat with green eyes (Jensen) Sharppaw: Dark grey tom with yellow eyes (Omega)
Moonclan (Pfl)
Leader: Rainstar: Dark grey tom with green eyes (The Director)
Medcat: Coldwhisper: Dark brown tom with amber eyes (Counsellor)
Warriors: Quickwater: Blue-grey tom with blue eyes (Florida) Snowwhisker: White tom with black spots and blue eyes (Wyoming) Apprentice: Beetlepaw Stoneclaw: Big white tom with amber eyes (Maine) Apprentice: Thornpaw Dusttail: Pale brown tom with amber eyes (York) Apprentice: Fernpaw Pinenose: Cream and white tom with blue eyes (North) Apprentice: Bouncepaw Sparktooth: Cream and white she-cat with blue eyes (South) Apprentice: Skypaw Haretail: Brown and white she-cat with amber eyes (Ct) Apprentice: Cloudpaw Eaglewing: White and black she-cat with yellow eyes (479er)
Apprentices: Fernpaw: Gray tabby tom with green eyes (Delta)  Thornpaw: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Sigma) Beetlepaw: Brown tabby tom with green eyes (Gamma)  Cloudpaw: Grey cat with yellow eyes (Eta) Skypaw: White cat with blue eyes (Iota) Bouncepaw: Dusty calico tom with blue and yellow eyes (Theta)
Rogues: Shark: Brown and orange tom with amber eyes (Sharkface) Felix: Ginger tom with amber eyes (Felix) Lightning: Black tom with white streaks and blue eyes (Temple)
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 2 years
Stop okay now I need to know both Asa’s and Denji’s warrior names. I think Denji would be a regular warrior who has seen too much shit, moves to another clan, and is begrudgingly handed Nayuta as an apprentice. And Asa’s that one cat in the background who just fucking hates him.
WRONG. This is my warrior cat au take a fuckingn seat
Devils are spawned from the dark forest and then get reincarnated into actuality or possess people basically
Denji was a kittypet who was mistreated by his two legs and everyone around him there is a reason why he related to Firestar and it’s because he wants freedom in his choices like how Firestar decided to join TC, him being a kittypet is important bc then he lacks agency. He is a PET
Pochita is dark forest concept reincarnated so he’s just fucking weird
I think he got ganged up by a bunch of rogues in the forest and nearly died but pochita sorta ‘possessed him’ and their shit became one so he Uber killed him and that’s when Makima jumped in Deputy of. Idk. Chainsaw clan.
Makima’s warrior cat name is Spiralskies, she’s deputy of Chainsawclan but also one one of those reincarnated dark forrest shits called. You guess it. A DEVIL
So Denji’s taken in as Aki’s (Sleetrain) apprentice along side with Powerpaw! And his name becomes. Idk. Sparkpaw? Sharppaw? Whatever.
Everyone else’s names too
Angel devil is Angelicpaws
Kobeni is Teetertail
Violence devil is Razorslash
Himeno is Blackclaw or Blackeye
Beam is Rivercrunch
Kishibe is Greystorm
Reze is Boomingviolets (everyone mishears her and thinks it’s Bloomingviolet )
Meowy is Power’s pet bird btw. Still named Meowy.
Yosheida - Seaswarm or Octopusclutch
Yuko - Softfur-> Softjustice
(If I forgot any characters just comment underneath and I’ll shit smth out of my ass)
A lot of the devils they face are often rogues or from different enemy clans and are either hellish concepts or take the form of cats
Its in a different clan we call it. Schoolclan. For now. After Makimastar became leader Denji killed her, got his warrior name for his efforts and transferred to schoolclan but before he goes he is given Nayutakit. Uh. Fucking. Shit. Shit. Shit. She’s…. Her name is Dark-kit. Right.
Edit: forgot to mention Makima star’s goal was to kill Starclan and consume total control over every clan and use Denji to get to that bc Pochita.
He is given her and flees to the new clan. With his new name Spark. Spark something I don’t know his suffix
And that’s where part 2’s main character…. SOGGYFUR THATS RIGHT SOGGYFUR MAKES A RETURN BABY. I also think something with Crow would fit Asa like Crowfur or something basic but I also think people would call her Soggyfur so it’s interchangeable. She is an unotable warrior who was orphaned in her apprentice hood and was recently made a warrior. She hates her clan. And she is just some rando warrior who hates denji too but that’s later on
What happened was that due to one of her clanmates trying to enlist the help of a devil, she is killed. But NOT SIKE. THE WAR DEVIL POSSESSED HER and they merge kinda, whatever, and then WARTIME (Yoru the war devil) kills Asa’s former mentor and AAIIEEEEE GETS STRONG AIEEEE
Anyways Wartime functions like an annoying spirit, and since it’s a FUCKING WARRIOR CATS AU war is huge hit with these clans and Asa’s like…. Bro are you kidding me.
And that’s the au so far. I will design ALL of thejr warrior cat designs just you wait and they WILL have hair
I can’t believe I talk abt csm on here and still end up talking about warrior cats tis the illusion of change
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menacing-duckus · 1 year
Year 6
Snowshadow and Misty both had their litters, but Oaksun is conused on why one kit doesnt look like any of them. Bluestar, Nighteyes, Berrystar, Twistedbriar, Moonpaw, Snailpaw, and Jay's eye have a ll been killed in a horrible rainstorm. Before he died, Bluestar told Oaksun that he wanted him to become the leader. Leafclaw decided to not argue about it, and Oaksun gained his 9 lives. Oakstar choose Leafclaw as the deputy. Dewfur gained his 9 lives as well. Bee decided to retire to the elder's den, and Hawk Song was chosen as the new deputy. Smokeclaw brought in a mysterious kit, and he won't say where he found it. She was named Lilackit. Hawk Song discovered a washed-up litter of kits by the two-leg nests and took them to Hollowclan. 3 of the kits died, but 2 survived. Firewhisker announced her pregnancy, along with Dappledbush and Leafclaw.
Leader: Oaksun(23mo) - brown tabby tom with white forearms
Deputy: Leafclaw(4yo) - golden tabby she-cat
Medicine Cat: Flameleaf(4o) - orange tabby tom
Fliptooth(4yo) - orange tabby tom
Brindleleg(4yo) - cream tom with ginger legs
Tigermoon(32mo) - brown tabby tom
Bumbleshiver(21mo) - brown and white she-cat
Snowshadow(21mo) - white and grey she-cat
Misty(33mo) - sleek blue she-cat
Firewhisker(32mo) - fluffy ginger tabby she-cat
Dappledbush(32mo) - tortoiseshell she-cat
Icekit(0mo) - dark grey tabby she-cat
Adderkit(0mo) - ginger tabby she-cat with black and white spots
Leafkit(0mo) - white she-cat with brown tabby markings
Shrewkit(0mo) - blue and ginger tabby tom
Minnowkit(0mo) - sleek blue tom
Leader: Dewfur(7yo) - white tom
Deputy: Whisperblaze(4yo) - brown and white she-cat
Medicine Cat: Leafsneeze(6yo) - cream tom with darker legs and muzzle
Sparrowspring(18mo) - light brown tabby she-cat
Littlefall(7yo) - ginger she-cat
Marigoldpetal(4yo) - brown tabby she-cat with a white leg
Smokeclaw(4yo) - lilac tom
Copperspots(18mo) - orange and brown tabby she-cat
Fawnclaw(18mo) - brown tabby she-cat
Maplepool(7yo) - light calico she-cat with amber eyes
Tinyleap(12mo) - small white tom with a black paw
Coneburr(12mo) - tortoiseshell she-cat
Lilackit(2mo) - nimble lilac she-cat
Leader: Pinestar(8yo) - grey tabby she-cat
Deputy: Hawk Song(6yo) - brown tabby tom with a white paw
Medicine Cat: Smokewish(6yo) - black she-cat
Hollowcave(6yo) - cream and brown tom
Hawk Song(6yo) - brown tabby tom with a white paw
Spottedfur(39mo) - brown spotted tom with a flat face
Pricklefur(36mo) - gray and gold tabby tom
Jay's Eye(7yo) - lilac she-cat with a flat muzzle
Treepool(31mo) - brown tabby tom
Mothbriar(12mo) - dull golden tabby she-cat with blind eyes
Boulderkit(1mo) - grey tabby tom
Dovekit(1mo) - stocky grey she-cat with white spots
Bee(10yo) - golden tabby tom
Leader: Cowstar(6yo) - cream and brown she-cat
(Apprentice - Sunpaw)
Deputy: Ashenglow(6yo) - white and gray she-cat
Medicine Cat: Ivycreek(6yo) - tortoiseshell she-cat
Honeyfur(6yo) - golden tabby she-cat
Goldenfur(4yo) - fluffy golden tabby tom
(Apprentice - Sharppaw)
Badger's Coat(5yo) - white and black tom
(Apprentice - Riverpaw)
Coral(4yo) - ginger she-cat
Pastanose(4yo) - handsome ginger tom
Raspberrylight(2yo) - bright red-ginger tabby she-cat
(Apprentice - Podpaw)
Sparkhaze(15mo) - curly ginger tom
(Apprentice - Fluffypaw)
Petalspring(4yo) - cream she-cat
Riverpaw(9mo) - calico she-cat
Podpaw(9mo) - white tom with brown spots
Sunpaw(9mo) - golden tabby she-cat
Sharppaw(9mo) - black and white she-cat
Fluffypaw(9mo) - fluffy black and brown tom
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The devil works hard, but I work harder, here’s a list of Wordweaver’s descendants so far
Bloombriar (daughter)
Smokefeather (daughter)
Beestripe (grandson)
Rottail (granddaughter)
Sharppaw (grandson)
Twigdusk (granddaughter
Oakbristle (great grandson
Rainfall (great granddaughter)
Shellear (great granddaughter)
Stoneriver (great grandson)
Burrtangle (great x 4 grandson)
Quickfern (great x 4 grandson)
Shallowsong (great x 4 granddaughter)
Robinclaw (great x 4 granddaughter)
Rosytail (great x 4 granddaughter)
Spindleleg (great x 4 granddaughter)
Sweetcry (great x 4 granddaughter)
Badgerburr (great x 5 grandson)
Bearpetal (great x 5 grandson)
Cloudflower (great x 5 granddaughter)
Flamethistle (great x 5 grandson)
Grasspelt: (great x 5 granddaughter)
Jasperpaw (great x 5 grandson)
Tornpoppy (great x 5 grandson)
Wormkit (great x 5 grandson)
Vireopaw (great x 5 grandchild)
Yewheather (great x 5 grandson)
Bayshadow (great x 6 granddaughter)
Cinderjaw (great x 6 grandson)
Deerspot (great x 6 grandson)
Foxshade (great x 6 granddaughter)
Marshjay (great x 6 grandson)
Pinekit (great x 6 grandson)
Steammoss (great x 6 grandson)
Blinkkit (Great x 7 granddaughter)
Daisykit: (Great x 7 grandson)
Flashfire (Great x 7 granddaughter)
Jackalclaw (Great x 7 grandson)
Marshpelt (Great x 7 grandson)
Gullyfur (Great x 8 granddaughter)
Grebeface (Great x 9 granddaughter)
Valerianpoppy (Great x 9 grandson)
Dewfur (great x 10 grandson)
Garliclarch (Great x 10 granddaughter)
Longjump (great x 10 grandson)
Wildshade (great x 10 grandson)
Ashblaze (great x 11 grandson)
Newtfur (great x 11 grandson)
Birchkit (great x 11 grandson)
Amaranthkit (great x 11 granddaughter)
Quillpool (Great x 12 granddaughter)
Storktail (Great x 12 grandson)
Wordweaver: here are my descendants!
Wordweaver: *INHALE*
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SkyClan : Fire and Ice
Leader : Mintstar — sleek black molly with yellow eyes and a heavily scarred pelt
Deputy : Fennelfang — cream-colored tom with brown paws, brown ears, a brown tail, and a brown face
Seer : Sagetail — mottled brown molly with amber eyes
Guardian : Mothshade — small gray tom with a white throat, a white chest, and white front paws
Healers :
Cloudsong — pale gray tabby tom with an entirely white underside, green eyes, and tufted ears
Nutleaf — tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white chest, one white paw, and a plumy tail
Assistant Deputies :
Jaystrike — silver-gray tabby tom with a white throat and a plumy tail
Rockclaw — dark gray tabby tom with a scarred muzzle and spiky fur
Apprentice : Coldpaw
Swallowheart — dappled tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes
Warriors :
Quickstep — long-limbed red molly with a white throat, a white chest, a white underbelly, and a white-tipped tail
Icepelt — silver-gray tabby molly with a white throat and ragged ears
Finchbelly — dark brown tabby tom with a lighter brown underside
Acornspot — brown tabby molly with a creamy throat and chest
Apprentice : Sharppaw
Beetlewatcher — dappled golden-brown tabby tom with wide paws
Birchfoot — dappled golden-brown tabby tom
Crowstrike — sleek black tom with amber eyes
Juniperleap — dark gray tabby tom with a white throat, a white chest, white paws, and a white tail-tip
Apprentice : Sparrowpaw
Sandclaw — pale brown tabby tom with a scarred face and one blind yellow eye
Scorchwing — sleek black tom with green eyes
Redfrost — dark red tabby tom with a white throat and a plumy tail
Poppystep — dark red tabby molly with large paws and a plumy tail
Bramblewhisker — golden-brown tabby molly with spiky fur
Apprentice : Leafpaw
Sunsong — golden tabby molly with a white throat, a white chest, and dark blue eyes
Ashfall — large dappled gray tom with yellow eyes and torn ears
Stormshade — long-limbed dark gray tom with amber eyes
Apprentice : Tinypaw
Feathermist — silver-gray tabby molly with green eyes and an entirely white underside
Sedgescar — dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Flamefeather — tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white chest, red patches, and amber eyes
Littleblaze — small gray tom with a white throat, a white chest, one white paw, and a nicked right ear
Pebbleflight — dappled dark gray tom with a heavily scarred left shoulder
Apprentice : Cherrypaw
Briarpounce — dappled golden-brown molly
Vinespring — dappled golden-brown molly with a creamy underside
Brindlepatch — tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Apprentice : Snowpaw
Slatepool — sleek dark gray tom with blue eyes
Graybird — gray molly with a white throat and blue eyes
Lionface — small cream-colored tom with red paws, red ears, a red face, and a red tail
Spiderstorm — long-limbed sleek white tom with black patches
Darkflame — long-limbed sleek white rom with black patches
Blossomwing — dark tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white muzzle, and a plumy tail
Dusktooth — dark red-brown tabby tom with a snaggletooth
Flowernose — dark red molly with a plumy tail and a pink nose
Rainfur — sleek gray tom with spotted tabby markings
Apprentices :
Coldpaw — silver-gray tabby tom with a white throat, a white chest, and tufted ears
Snowpaw — silver-gray tabby molly with an entirely white underside and blue eyes
Tinypaw — small dark red tabby tom
Sharppaw — dark red tabby tom
Sparrowpaw — brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Leafpaw — small brown tabby molly with a white throat, a white chest, and amber eyes
Cherrypaw — small tortoiseshell molly with a white throat
Helpers :
Clovertail — cream-colored molly with brown paws, brown ears, a brown face, and a brown tail
Thrushsong — dappled brown tom with a creamy throat and chest
Tawnyfang — tortoiseshell molly with a plumy tail and tufted ears
Brownpelt — mottled brown tom with amber eyes
Queens :
Silverspeck — sleek silver-gray molly with an entirely white underside and green eyes
Mate : Ashfall
Kits : Petalkit, Echokit
Kits :
Petalkit — dappled silver-gray molly with a twisted front right paw
Echokit — silver-gray tabby molly with an entirely white underside and green eyes
Elders :
Oatspots — sleek brown tabby tom with a lighter brown underside; retired early due to weak lungs and intermittent illness
Twigtuft — golden-brown tabby tom with spiky fur
Sweetrunner — long-limbed cream-colored molly with brown paws, brown ears, a brown face, and a brown tail
Rowaneye — dark red tabby tom with a white throat, white paws, a white tail-tip, and yellow eyes
Spottedfur — dappled tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white chest, ragged fur, and a scarred muzzle
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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snaill-dragon · 2 months
Ohh just had the idea of all time for a Sundapple and Sharppaw mini-comic. Gods. Yall.
I am RUNNING to make this rn
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runningwolf62 · 4 months
“He probably would,” Demon agreed softly, and he gave Orangestripe a sad look, “but he would want the same thing that Firebirdstorm wants. And Sharppaw is gone, Orangestripe.”
“I know.” Orangestripe’s chest hurt as he said it, but it was true. The cat before him wasn’t Sharppaw, not anymore. “But I don’t think you’re Demon anymore either. And he’s asked me about you a couple times when I get back to camp. I’m not saying go now. Just… think about it.”
Demon flexed his paws against the ground, “and what about you Orangestripe? Who are you, these days?”
“Follow your heart. Wherever it might guide you.”
Orangestripe didn’t have any better answer for Demon than he had for Spiritstar and settled for, “hopefully, someone I don’t regret being.” StarClan knew there were parts of Orangepaw he regretted.
I am chipping away at Dirty Paws, promise!
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clangenthriftclan · 10 months
Moon 23
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Cherryclaw: "Can I ask you a question little one?"
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Cherryclaw: "If you don't have anywhere to go, I could train you as a warrior of Thriftclan, if you'd like to?"
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Sharppaw: ...
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Sharppaw: YEAH!
Cherryclaw: "We'll start your training right away, Sharppaw"
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Wishstripe: "Why are you still here Cavespider? You were here to help Cloud and he DIED. I wasn't good enough to save him."
Cavespider: "I'm here for you Wish. And Cherry. Sharp too. Even Cloud still."
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Cavespider: "You've all become this old wizard's family. You're enough Wish, you've proven yourself 10 times over."
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undead-nothosaur · 8 months
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uh oh... warriorcat spam incoming, going to post them in chunks to make this more bearable
the cursed apprentice ocs, Harborpaw(f) the main character and chosen one sort of, Saltpaw (M) who was born without eyes but is still definitely bigger and stronger than the average cat, then Sharppaw (?) and Softpaw (?) two medicine cat apprentices who seem to function like one cat with two bodies rather than two cats.
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