#shawn dashboard
istherewifiinhell · 3 months
okay. heres what were all here for. tell me why the fuck im supposed to suck the dick of these uk comics
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[ID: A man holding up an aged looking paper, with a medieval style drawing of a giant metal fire breathing man. He leans forward serious asking his son "... Did it look like this?" END]
marveltf story line, MAN OF IRON, 9-12 in the UK, or.... 33-34 in the us. alright lol do whatever i guess. first published in 1985
new vibe same procedure: Script: Steve Parkouse art: John Ridgeway (9-10) Mike Collins (11-12) Colours: Joise Fermin (9-10) Gina Hart (11-12) Nel Yomtov (US)* Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna and these caps are from the UK classics idw book so: Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee (<- hey i know his work from turtles!)
*so the uk comics were part in colour and part B&W, to save costs... including the american reissues? printing costs i guess. but when reprinted in collected books, they would get the full colour treatment. whats not clear to me is WHO did those colours, its not listed anywhere i can find. ill simply have to assume its the same artists... and hope im not discrediting anyone....
AND ALSO the last page in this reprint apparently uses the US comic page, and i have a cap of that last page, so. Yomtov's in here too..... tf franchise the way u treat ur sacred texts breaks my turtles fan heart.
and lastly! the keen eyed may notice, we are back to toy accurate art, the character model designs haven't and wont make their way over until much later, I'm told.
well with all that perfectly convoluted business out of the way, lets explore what tfs is like across the pond.
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[ID: The same man, Roy, driving as he thinks to himself "What kind of bozo would want to bomb the castle? The Saxon Liberation Front? The mind boggles…" END]
[spluttering laugh] so the humours a little different!
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[ID: The boy, Sammy, climbing a tree, hand outstretched reaching for the arrow he lost. Standing, with his in the canopy is Jazz. Sammy yells in fear. END]
OKAY. so the vibes are little different
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[ID: Caption Box: And the apparition was fearful, being a Man of Iron of great height and girth, seeming unheedful of quarrel, spear or sword…" The robot from the illustration, clearly transformer, but blockier, more retro scifi, standing in the middle of a medieval battle, men with chain-mail and swords looking at him with trepidation. Caption Box: The Man of Iron forded the stream at Eldric's Cross, making great strides for the abbey… and some brave souls followed, though none dared come too close…" Two of the fighters shown following him, a body shot with an arrow lays at the other side of the river. END]
damn okay. so the vibes are ALOT DIFFERENT
(no 10) sammy dreams
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[ID: Sammy stands on a house rooftop, in his PJ's, looking down at the cobble street, where a seeker in alt mode rests. END]
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[ID: Dark and moody art, a barely seen figure towers in the shadows over the residential houses. From a higher angle, its shown to be Mirage, he stands taking up the entire street, backlit and casting shadows. END]
WHAT THE FUCK. that is terrifying
(something about beautiful black inked art + toy model makes them so CREATURE)
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[ID: Roy speaks to a man in army uniform. Roy: How large? Soldier: Well… ahh…at a rough estimate? About the size of an ocean-going liner. Roy: Whaat? Roy with a hand to his head in dismay: Well, for god's sake what is it? Solider: We don't know. I've called in extra men and we're going to excavate… END]
somethings! buried under the castle... gee well one wonders what it might be
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[ID: Close on Jazz's alt mode dashboard, its filled with lights and screen of alien language. Hes saying: But I'm not a stranger, Sammy. Deep down, you know… don't you? You've been wanting an adventure all your life… Besides. I have something to tell you. Sammy looking doubtful. Jazz continues: Something really important. Sammy has a hand on Jazz's open door: Why not just sit for a while in the front seat? Just pretend you're driving… END]
really get a kick outta this note in the printed version
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(no 11)
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[ID: Jazz speaks to Sammy on the road, a blue and white F1 car pulling up. "My name is unpronounceable in your language… so just call me Jazz! And that's Mirage right behind us!" Jazz takes a exit to a low road, a black camper truck driving alongside. "This is where we rendezvous with Trailbreaker. All set Sammy?" All three driving along, Sammy responds "Sure thing Jazz!" END]
[guitar riff] THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN. im so glad all my good friends are here.
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[ID: An fiery explosion engulfing Trailbreaker with a "Whaamf!". Wheels coming off, glass shattering, the truck top blowing to bits. Trailbreaker veering off road, a trail of fire and parts behind him calls out "Jazz! I'm hit... I'm hit BAD! END]
TRAILBREAKER NOOOO. who could have seen this coming...
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[ID: Jazz narrowing swerving a missile. Exploding behind him, and speedlines trail him, and a wreath in flame around him. The colours are almost delicate, and a reflective glow in his paint. END]
wha. this just looks so cool.... what the hell....
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[ID: Bluesteak, smiling speaking to comms "Autobot Bluestreak to patrol leader +++ Just brushed something off your tail, Jazz+++ try to be more careful in future, hmmm? Bluestreak out+" END]
being a cunt in the work slack. king
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[ID: Jazz in profile, lit under the starry night sky, soft line-less colours defining the planes of his head in blue greys, and pitch black. To Sammy he says "Not really. It's a shuttlecraft… now stand back…" To comms "Autobot Jazz To Autobot leader+++ Approaching shuttle with Surveillance Subject+++ Request permission to board+++" END]
Wuh. Huh. Jazz u look so fucking cool right now?? And handsome.....
okay whats going on back at the castle (no 12)
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[ID: The army soldier half sitting on a desk, holding a phone to his ear, the rotary cradle held resting on his leg. He's saying "IT's not just a question of scale, sir. We simply cannot identify it. END]
whys he kinda... apparently this style of uniform is called temperate barrack dress?? that answers none of my questions im just kinda... whyd u draw him like that tho...
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[ID: A seeker, drawn in blues, walking between the ruins of the castle. Off panel someone says "It just seemed to appear from nowhere!" END]
bigfooting it up... AT A CASTLE. oh lads. im done for [blah blah he telePORTS and thats skywarps power but hes blue so WHO is it. dont worry abt it man. dont matter. they apparently change in the various times its been coloured, which is objectively funny imho. keep em guessing]
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[ID: Moody and still illustrations of a robot identical to the Man of Iron in stasis, plugged into a bed of sorts. The ship around him is dark but for strips of coloured computer like lights in the walls and floor. Caption boxes narrate: Deep beneath the Autobots feet, in a sealed chamber, a special Autobot lay waiting… He was navigator, warrior and guardian of Autobot destiny… In his long, slow, machine world, a million years were as fleeting seconds. Human history had passed over him. Small inter panels. Mid on the Guardian: Locked in his dormant brain was the location of the planet Cybertron. He waited only to be re-activated, re-integrated with his mission… Restored to life. Close on the Guardian: His attendant was no more, the link between them severed. Laying in profile, just barely defined in the pitch black: Alone in the darkness he patiently beamed his signal. The same pattern of impulses… Waiting. END]
What the actual fuck (its even more somberly dramatic than just that)
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[ID: Sammy, from a distance, staring at the castle. Caption Box: Autumn came, leaves fell. Sammy was a year older and a year wiser. He never saw Jazz again… Sammy asleep in bed, moonlight pouring through his paneled window. "But on clear, sharp nights, when stars glittered like needles and the night winds rattled his window… Then he slept a fitful, fearful sleep…" Sammy sleeping, with his dreams projected above him. "And the Man of Iron walked once more through his dreams." The End]
um well. okay! thats. fucking crazy. and this is the only tf comic this dude ever did. okay... can u tell he was from the dr who comics...... it ALSO means this doesnt actually speak at all for what the rest of tfuk will be like. which is damn funny. LIKE WOW! THAT WAS CRAZY. anyways.
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yorshie · 10 months
Okokok but if there had to be a song that the Bayverse boys sang or just played for their S/O (either to serenade them or just to share something he thought was neat) - what would it be and why?
Oh! Ok! I’m sorry I guess I thought way too hard on the first one lol. I get what you mean now!
(Yorshie used growl. Yorshie is confused. Yorshie hurt herself)
Snort. Let’s see let’s see~ (thinking outside the trash box) god there’s so much music. Oh my god where do I go~
Michelangelo - Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional. (If you’ve heard of this and are trying to block it out. I’m sorry. But! If you haven’t, I hope you’re ready to cry lol) but my reasoning is it’s a song about love, and it’s a song about two people existing outside the expectations of others. Also it’s super sweet and I can hear him singing while dancing with his S/O around the room. I think Mikey would really serenade his S/O with anything under the sun though. Turtle would try with Elmo’s World if it came on the tv, probably switch it up and make it “Mikey’s World” or something.
Donnie - Believe by Cher. OR OR OR take me home tonight by Eddie Money. Yes. I said that with a straight face. You can be mad. You can hate me it’s ok. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that Dee is a major Dorkasaurous Rex. (Or would be be a Doyouthinkhesaurous?<- haha. Reference for the win) He would serenade the pants off his S/O with this song. He’d wait til everyone else was asleep and crank up his Lab’s speakers, that’s it new headcanon unlocked new music genre to associate Donnie with ok people we’re done here pack it up~
Leo - when I first got into the fandom, there was this one shot by memes-in-a-half-shell called “All I Wanted Was You” and I. Fell. So. Hard. For Leo over it. I cried over it. And now I can’t ever get him completely free from Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall because of it. Everytime I hear it I just imagine Leo swaying his S/O in his arms, humming into their hair. Yeah. Imma go cry now. (Yorshie is confused. Yorshie hurt herself once again). Another one I could see is She Lit a Fire by Lord Huron. If his S/O’s not fem, he’d change the She accordingly I’m sure.
Raph - ooooo big red might be the hardest. Give me a moment~ ok. Whew. Gave it a little bit. Can I say Señorita or Mercy by Shawn Mendes? Cuz I feel like that’s about as soft music wise as Raph’s capable of. I feel like he falls more towards the “seduction not serenade” end of the music spectrum. Like. If this turtle starts playing music for his S/O or a song comes on and he looks over at them. Haha~ Nice knowing you hypothetical person. Good luck and all that.
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 6)
(Trigger warnings: drinking as self-medication is briefly mentioned/shown, more mentions of Shawn's neck wound being Very Bad, blood drinking, murder.)
“I’m starving.”
Something about Shawn’s voice makes all three other inhabitants of the car freeze.
There’s a desperation to it, but something else, too. Some underlaying quality that feels wrong, the way the air in the house was Choked with Nothing and the way seeing Shawn bloodied and motionless and devoid of life was inconcievable and the way that-
The car is silent until Lassiter speaks up. “How’s his neck, Guster?”
“I cleaned it up, but-” Gus glances over, and his entire stomach leaps into his throat. It’s horrible, it’s mangled, and it’s Shawn. “Oh my god, I can’t look at it-”
“Do not throw up in this vehicle!” Gus wants to argue that Lassie and Jules are the ones getting vampire ashes and rotten blood all over the seats, but he’s too busy gagging. He tries to look at Shawn just out of the corner of his eye- Shawn is slumped in his seat. He looks like he should be breathing raggedly. He’s not breathing at all.
“Carlton, that’s not the priority right now!” Jules twists in her seat to look back at Shawn and Gus, and when Shawn laughs- quiet and raspy and in a way Gus would almost describe as rapturous, she softens.
And then the ghost, the ghost- Gus can’t handle the ghosts. Sitting in the seat between him and Shawn is Shawn’s grandma, which is freaky enough, but now Shawn’s grandpa is here too sitting inside the passenger seat and probably phasing a little into Jules as well and both ghosts are holding Shawn’s hands looking at him like he’s the dead loved one.
… He kind of is. Gus doesn’t want to think about that. The thought won’t leave him alone.
The ghost of Shawn’s grandpa, right after Shawn laughs, says in an almost scolding tone, “Didn’t your grandmother tell you to stop that kinda thinking?”
Gus wishes he’d been paying attention to the conversation Shawn had been having with his grandma before- or maybe it’s better he didn’t. He hopes he doesn’t know what Shawn was thinking, because his theory is-
Too much. Too much to handle right now.
The car is silent as Shawn talks in weak mumbles to his grandfather, as they start to play a game, as Shawn’s body language goes from limp and tired to limp and relaxed. It’s only then, when he seems completely disconnected from everything, that Lassiter once again breaks the silence.
“I’m driving to the hospital.”
“Carlton, he’s– he’s not–”
“He’s hurt.”
“Hospital can’t help him now, Detective.”
Lassiter, Jules, and Gus all scream in unison as Mary Lightly pops out of the dashboard like it’s a Whack-A-Mole game. Lassiter nearly swerves right off the road, Jules having to reach right through Mary’s head to yank the wheel back the other way at the last second!
Mary is unphased- mentally. Physically, he’s phasing through quite a lot. “You saw what was down there, Detective. You know what happened to him.”
Lassiter grips the steering wheel so tight Gus could swear he hears something crack- a knuckle or a car part, it’s intimidating either way. “He needs medical attention.”
“He needs a coffin.” Mary’s ghost angles his head to look at Shawn, but gets a stern and upset glare from Shawn’s Grandma instead. “That was insensitive. It’s true though. He’s going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow…”
“Can it, Lightly,” Lassiter growls, looking a little green. “Unless you want to tell us what the hell happened in there I don’t want to hear a word.”
“You know what happened down there.”
“No, we really don’t. Mary, please tell us what Shawn was onto, why they had him tied up, why any of this happened!” Jules is pleading, but demanding- she’ll get her answers nicely, or she’ll get them unpleasantly, but either way she will get them. “Why did they do this to him?”
Mary looks at her, and nods once. “Because–” Mary looks Gus in the eyes. “-- he’s psychic.”
Gus closes his eyes. He remembers his lamaze breathing. He prays to god it’ll keep his heart and brain from exploding.
“They needed a psychic because of us. This.” Mary raises a see-through hand out of the air conditioner control knobs and gestures at himself and the other two ghosts. “Spirits congregate around psychics and other undead do not… like our presence. Though they didn’t expect quiet as explosive an ordeal as what went down.”
“What, they knew you’d be there and just didn’t plan for it? Bull.” Lassiter grips onto the story, the ability to poke holes, the ability to be skeptical and analytical and distracted.
“Exactly, Detective. Most psychics don’t do what Shawn does. Most spirits feel neutral at best towards those they follow. But Shawn… he actually uses his gifts to get justice. He’s haunted by fondness more than anything else.”
“They were all repaying him for solving their murders.” Jules’s voice is soft.
“He’s a favorite among the lingering dead. Psychics aren’t just people who can see futures, pasts, or spirits, Detectives. Shawn is one of the living connected to the world of the dead… or he was. This… upset the balance.” Mary gestures at Shawn’s whole body. Shawn himself is still completely disconnected– staring with unblinking, wrong-colored eyes, mumbling nonsense stories to his encouraging grandparents.
“And it let you all into the world?” Jules twists to look back at Shawn again. “Is this permanent?”
“No. In fact I’d say we have…” Mary licks his thumb and sticks it out, looking around at seemingly nothing before nodding to himself. “The rest of this car ride to stick around. Then it’ll be back to the invisible overlapping planes, giving Shawn snippets, and leaving what gets through to him up to the universe’s whims. Be patient with him after this, Detectives. His abilities are going to be… like a whole new experience.”
For a while no-one has anything to say. Mary stays risen out of the dashboard, just watching them all.
“... Is he going to be… Shawn? When this is all over?” Gus knows his voice doesn’t actually sound like when he was a child, but that’s what he hears. He hears himself, young and confused and scared, asking if his best friend is going to be okay.
“Of course he will, which means it’ll be a mixed bag. You know that, Gus.”
Jules swallows. “But will he be different? Himself, but… different? I mean, in the movies it always–”
“Exatrabates the worst traits, makes a spawn a manipulative mess, drains away all self-control in the internal battle for their eternal soul?” Mary finishes for her. “There’s not many former vampires among us, Detectives, so I can’t say for sure what will happen to him. Even the dead don’t know everything.”
“Right. Right. … So we should approach this with… caution. I know, we were going to already, but–”
Shawn’s head makes a thunk sound as it falls down from the glass onto the plastic interior of the door. Gus sits up and starts to reach over, heart pounding as images of Shawn lifeless and pale on the floor of a horrible basement flash to the forefront of his mind-
Shawn’s Grandma grabs his hand before he touches Shawn. “He’s just asleep dear. Best not to touch him yet. Just in case.” She pats Gus’s hand comfortingly. “Let him rest.”
“He usually snores.” Gus’s voice clogs in his throat, coming out thick and hard to understand. Shawn isn’t snoring now. He’s silent. Nothing moves, or makes the faintest hint of noise, or shows life. Because there is no life.
Shawn’s Grandma rubs his hand again. “I know. It… it’ll be difficult to get used to.” 
More silence.
“... One the bright side, he was bitten by daywalkers,” Mary says just as they turn onto the street of Shawn’s latest apartment. 
“Now’s not the time for puns,” Lassiter growls.
“I agree, did I make one?”
“Actually, I think Shawn’ll find it pretty funny. I’ll tell him… when he wakes up,” Gus says.
Because Shawn, Shawn, has to wake up. It has to be him, he has to, because if he doesn’t or if-if something else does–
He just… has to.
The ghosts fade away entirely moments after Lassiter parks. Shawn’s face twists in his sleep for a moment, confused, as he reaches out restlessly to find the now-missing hands on his.
He gets Gus and Lassie hefting him up by his shoulders and legs instead, somehow staying asleep through the ordeal of getting him inside his apartment and dropping him onto his bed. He lays splayed out, arms and legs staying wherever they fell as Lassie and Gus heaved and tossed him. He’s still ashen, and still, and silent. 
He looks like a corpse.
“Excuse me a second.” Gus runs into the bathroom and lets loose little more than bile. He retches until he can’t, and then some more, and by the time he stumbles out Shawn has shifted and is now cradling a pillow to his chest. Lassie and Jules stand over the bed, whispering harshly to each other.
“-- give him a chance! Mary said–”
“That he doesn’t know, O’Hara.” Lassiter swallows thickly. “I don’t like it either.”
“You’ve been talking about shooting him for four years.”
“I don’t mean it! Not lethally, anyway. Usually. … Only half the time.”
“Oh, hell no.” Gus puts himself between the detectives and the bed. “You two are not debating staking Shawn while I was throwing up!”
“No, we are not.” Jules levels Lassiter with a glare. 
“Yes, we are.”
“You just risked your life to save him, now you wanna kill him?! You’re messed up, Lassie.”
“I don’t want to kill him! But look at him, Guster!”
Gus looks. He sees Shawn, hurt and vulnerable and tired.
“Look at his teeth.”
Shawn’s mouth is slightly parted in sleep, even though no breaths are drawn or exhaled. Gus doesn’t want to see them. He doesn’t want to, but they’re unmissable. Peeking out from the corners of his mouth, sharp and gleaming and dangerous.
He knew they’d be there- he knew what was happening, he was even told outright, but somehow seeing the fangs makes it hit all over again like it’s a surprise and this whole night- no, these just past couple of hours are too much, too much, too much and he collapses.
“He’s Shawn!”
“He could kill someone.”
“He could always kill someone, anyone can kill someone!”
“We did not go through all of that to not even give him a chance to prove he’s capable of staying himself.”
“What if he ends up like them, O’Hara? That’ll be on us.”
“Oh my god, Carlton, that is the most selfish-”
“Not because of that, O’Hara, because we let it happen! Those other ones almost drove us to declaring three murders a cold case.”
“But Shawn caught them! He saw through it!”
“And now he’s also a bloodsucking demon spawn!”
They’ve been going in circles, over and over. Gus passing out didn’t stop them, just paused the argument long enough to make sure he didn’t hit his head and then pick it right back up. 
And Juliet knows. She knows why her partner is saying all of this, even when he doesn’t want to, she knows he doesn’t want to say it. But he’s right. If Shawn wakes up, and it’s his face but not him, what can they do? He was already a whirlwind, a force of nature in plaid shirts and jeans, and unstoppable force and immovable object meshed into one. What would he be without a sense of morality? What could he do?
… But it’s Shawn. He has fangs and skin colder than ice and no heartbeat but he’s also cuddling a pillow, and mumbling Gus’s name in his sleep, and he was laughing in the car and it’s him.
“Fine.” Juliet looks around and finds a broken bit of a fence among Shawn’s seemingly entirely random collection of belongings. She shoves it into Lassiter’s hands. “Do it, then.”
He’s visibly taken aback by the sudden change. “Are you serious?”
“Are you?”
They stand in that impasse for a moment, staring each other in the eyes, Lassiter’s hesitant and unsure and Juliet’s hardened and blazing– those red-eyed bloodsuckers could only wish for a glare like hers.
“Alright.” Lassiter squares his shoulders, then shakes them, then rolls them. He clears his throat, and raises the “stake”. He steps closer to the bed, over Gus’s unconscious body, and just above Shawn.
Juliet’s heart pounds.
Lassiter stands over Shawn, The dim lights, in deperate need of replacing, glint off of the fresh fangs in the corners of his mouth. He mumbles something unintelligible in his sleep, lips drawing back to show them in full. His eyes flutter open for just a second, bright red and–
And glazed, unfocused. He reaches out for something, and doesn’t find it, and his face crumples. His eyes shut again, and for the first time since Lassiter laid eyes on him in that basement Shawn draws breath- just to heave a sigh and fall back into breathless sleep, clutching the pillow closer to his body.
Lassiter stands there, holding a stake above Shawn, trying to see the danger here– the fangs and eyes and bloodless skin. He tries to summon up some of the fury, the irritation, the desperate pleas to the universe to just remove Spencer from his life already. It’s usually available in spades, when Shawn is running around like an idiot and making stupid declarations just to undermine him and cracking jokes at the worst times and encouraging Lassiter to go down completely untrodden paths of nonsensical hunches and trying to give him credit to The Chief and helping him primp for a date and–
“... Dammit.” Lassiter lowers his arm, and then chucks the broken fence into a pile of other random stuff. “Damn it to hell!”
Juliet lets out a breath she’d been holding since Shawn opened his eyes, putting her hand on her partner’s shoulder. “We’ll see what the situation is first,” she says softly. “And I have no doubt Shawn will be his usual self when he wakes up. He always is.”
“... You’re probably right.” Lassiter looks down and kicks Gus lightly in the thigh, waking him up. “Spencer’s too much of a stubborn ass to let anything change him anyway. Even death.”
Gus groans and sits up. “That was the weirdest dream…” He looks up at Lassiter and Jules, and then at Shawn on the bed, and the blood drains out of his face. “Oh my god. It wasn’t a dream.”
Jules helps Gus stand back up. “Not a dream, but, Carlton and I came to an agreement. We’re going to make sure Shawn is fine before we do anything rash.”
“Oh. Good, ‘cause, I would’ve hated having to whoop Lassie’s ass.”
“Please. You couldn’t even beat me in a thumb-wrestling contest, much less and actual fight.”
“I could too.”
“You and Spencer fight like toddlers. Even before all this he was a biter, that’s the lowest move available to a grown man.”
“No, the lowest move is a knee to the- you know.”
He and Lassiter both wince just thinking about it. Jules rolls her eyes, and looks at Shawn. “So are we just… waiting for him to wake up now?”
“Seems like it.” 
There’s a beat of silence.
“I’m seeing if he has any whiskey.” Lassiter walks out into Shawn’s “kitchen”- if it could be called that. This particular apartment used to be a small yoga studio, which means lots of open space and nowhere for a stove. The fridge is barely even a minifridge, and all it has is half a leftover burrito. Instead of cabinets there are plastic tubs, and they’re mostly full of non-perishable junky snacks.
“Great. As if tonight isn’t the biggest reason to get drunk I’ve had in my entire life, including my separation.”
“I think he’s going to be out for a while,” Jules sighs, coming into the “kitchen” as well. “Gus even pretended to use his hair gel and he still stayed asleep.”
Lassiter looks at the door. “... I think we need to go to a bar.”
“A bar? Carlton, we’re covered in ash and blood and Shawn could wake up any time.”
“I know, O’Hara. I just–” Lassiter brings a hand up to smooth his hair, and it’s shaking. “Could use a drink.”
“... Yeah. I could too.” Jules sighs. “But we can’t just leave Gus here. I know I said… but he was mumbling about being starving before…”
“And even if Guster gets away…”
“... But I can’t even imagine that. Can you? Shawn just… attacking someone?”
“O’Hara, before tonight I didn’t even believe Spencer was psychic.”
“Right. … Still, it seems genuinely impossible that could ever happen. Shawn just doesn’t…”
“... It does seem pretty impossible. Spencer and Dangerous don’t even feel like apart of the same language when put together.”
“... What if we put a cross in front of his door? To hold him inside?”
“... Actually…”
Gus would have bet his entire 401K on the certainty he’d never go to a bar with Lassie and Jules without Shawn before tonight. And he almost hadn’t, until Shawn rolled over and Gus caught sight of his neck again and had another fit of gagging and crying that ended with Jules helping him nurse a cup of warm tap water while Lassiter tried and failed to find non-stale crackers.
So now he’s nibbling at peanuts, drinking more heavily than he has since he got married in a sweater vest with a goat as his best man, and trying to forget that he saw his friend dead on the ground less than four hours ago.
He’s not succeeding at it yet, and it looks like Lassie and Jules aren’t either- so another round of shots are called for, and maybe this time it’ll be enough to make his hands stop shaking.
The sound of breaking glass doesn’t get him up. Nor does the unsubtle hiss of pain, or the thump of clumsy boots against the ground.
The smell of blood is what makes him open his eyes. Not quite awake, though- not really. He’s in a haze, and he’s dreaming, and he’s hungry.
“Stupid window,” he hears a voice mutter. “Wh- since when is this- aw hell, how outdated is my small businesses map? There’s nothing worth more than fifty bucks in here.”
He’s not sure when he got up- isn’t that the most disorienting part of dreams? Things just Happen, and there’s no trackable reasoning for it. One second he was on the bed, the next he’s crouched low in his doorway, out of immediate eyeline, just like it was drilled into him to do…
“Does this heap at least have band-aids somewhere? Sss, ah, crap. Right through my glove, this is- ah, shit, if anyone’s home I’m toast. … Nah, nah, someone woulda woken up by now.”
It doesn’t smell quite as good as… actually, he’s not sure what he’s comparing the smell to. Is he comparing? This is a weird dream. His stomach hurts. His mouth hurts just as bad. When he takes a deep breath, he can taste iron in the air. The breath holds in his chest. Doesn’t he usually have to breath out? His chest doesn’t hurt though. It doesn’t matter anyway. How hasn’t this wannabe burglar noticed him? He’s practically getting a piggyback ride from the man.
Bum-bum. Bum-bum. Bum-bum.
It’s still missing something. He doesn’t know what. But it’s still good.
“Not a single band-aid, who lives like thi- mmmph!”
Warm. It’s warm, tangy, a little sweet. It coats his throat like a pineapple smoothie after hours of pouring over a stubborn case without a break. Dry, cracked, raw- it all goes away, smoothed over as it flows down his throat. His neck starts to hurt less- had it been hurting the whole time? His stomach was. It’s finally calming down. He bites harder. What is he biting? He doesn’t know. What a weird dream. It’s all gone so, so soon. He drops something. Something big hits the floor. He turns his cloudy vision away and stumbles back to bed. He collapses onto it, grabbing a pillow and curling loosely around it. He’d woken up feeling cold, stiff, but now he sinks into his mattress. The breath finally leaves his lungs, a deep sigh, as he drifts back into a more restful sleep than he ever had in his life.
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mismess · 6 months
Me at work in my mind: Giving Monk carbon monoxide poisoning
Random tumblr user who happened to be on my dashboard today in the window of time I actually spend scrolling on my dash: Giving Shawn carbon monoxide poisoning
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xxx-ashhazard-xxx · 1 year
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old ass art post lol))
hot dog sauce and sick ass beats lol
I dunno what I was doing here but I drew Shawn just vibing to some sick ass emo tunes. I wonder what he's listening to??
Probably Taking Back Sunday or Dashboard Confessional lol. XDD
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winking-owl · 1 year
tagged by @protectoroffaeries to shuffle on repeat and list the first 10 songs, so here you go (I cheated a bit and shuffled my likes on spotify, I can’t find a damn thing on the new dashboard)
Concerto -Arcane OST, Ray Chen
Oh My Dear Lord- The Unlikely Candidates
The Future- Mystery Skulls
Broken Horses- Brandi Carlile
Cosmic Girl-Jamiroquai
Halfway Tree- The East Pointers
Burn the Witch - Shawn James
Providence- Poor Man’s Poison
Perfume- Annelle
Rabbit Heart - Florence and the Machine 
i choose @booksandwildthings @wingdinger @potatoesandsunshine @life4pokemon @number1mongrel if you wanna
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autistpride · 1 year
pick a song for each letter of your URL and then tag that many people (or as many as you can??)
Aww hell this is hard for me. I can't just pick one song. I basically am always listening to music. I guess I'll go with songs I've been listening to a lot lately.
Also no clue who to tag. 🤷 Thank you for thinking of me @chace-vito
Yes I know I have weird taste in music. I like a lot of genres.
A- Am I Missing Dashboard Confessional, Again Flyleaf, Addicted Saving Abel, Afterlife Holding Absence, Apologize One Republic
U- Una Mattina by Einaudi and Uptown Girl Westlife
T- Train Wreak James McArthur, Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran, and There's Nothing Holding Me Back Shawn Mendes
I- I Will Not Bow Breaking Benjamin and In The End Linkin Park
S- Strawberry Wine Noah Kahan, Summer Child by Conan Grey, Somebody told me the killers, say something a great big world
T- Titanium David Guetta, Torn Ednaswap, Taste of Regret In Fear and Faith, Tital Noah Kahan
P- pirates the sequel in fear and faith, Pompeii bastille, past life Maggie Rogers, pride Noah Kahan
R- revolution the score, radioactive imagine dragons, reason hoobastank
I- It's Not My Time Three Doors Down, I write Sins Not Tragedies Panic at the disco, Idle Town Conan Grey, I'd do anything Simple Plan, I'm Yours Jason Mraz
D- don't stop believing journey, defying gravity Idina Menzel, demons imagine dragons, demons by starset, dance with the devil breaking Benjamin, dangerous buisness walking out your front door underoath
E- eat your young Hozier, experience Einaudi, everywhere Fleetwood mac
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rawdatabyp3 · 3 months
Is Power BI a Gateway to AI, or Vice Versa? w/ BARC US CEO Shawn Rogers
Dive into an intriguing exploration with Shawn Rogers, CEO of BARC US, as we delve into whether Power BI is a stepping stone to mastering Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), or if it’s the other way around. This episode isn’t just about technology—it’s a deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between business intelligence tools and the latest advancements in AI.
With his extensive background in analytics and business intelligence, Shawn unravels how Power BI can serve as both a platform leveraging AI capabilities and a beneficiary of AI-driven enhancements. He discusses the dynamic interplay where AI not only complements but also extends the functionalities of Power BI, transforming how businesses interpret and act on data. Listeners will gain a nuanced understanding of how to strategically prepare their Power BI setups to both utilize and enhance AI technologies.
Tune in and see firsthand how Power BI and AI are reshaping the analytics landscape together. Whether you're deep into data or just starting to see its potential impact on your business, Shawn Rogers brings a wealth of expertise that bridges the technical with the practical.
Are you looking for a podcast that cuts through the noise? Raw Data by P3 Adaptive breaks down complex data topics into business value you can use. From business intelligence and dashboards to AI and digital transformation, we make it simple and relatable. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review on your favorite platform!
Check out this episode!
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silverloke · 9 months
UFFF OKAY up to speed with the Shawn sideblog (still haven't listened to the podcasts from the last month or so though 😨), fully updated on the music sideblog. need to make new polls but ughhh so tired already 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and also so stressed that i've missed out on basically the entire month's worth of my dashboard 😨
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nadijahp · 2 years
“Kakak, dedek, doakan ayah ya, semoga kuat,” he said. Then he slept.
I and my sis listened to him. We listened in silence, busy with our own mind. I tend to overthink, but I was only enjoy the moment to avoid the overthink triggers the trigger.
I saw his body. Tired. Weak. No energy. His bone is dominant rather than his skin. He had done doing spinal cord test to check leukemia. Mom said, tomorrow he will do a blood test. I still don’t what kind of test.
The Mustang 88 FM Radio still on the car dashboard. It plays some legendaric songs:
- Justin Timberlake - Mirror
- RAN - Dekat di Hati
- SZA, Travis Scott - Love Galore
- Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber - Monster
- Eclat Story, Kaleb J - Berakhir Sama
- Keljoo - Jangan Katakan Cinta
And the list still go on, unfortunately I have short-term memory.
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scottdixon · 4 years
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hbk + undertaker // wrestlemania 25 + 26
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brunonianscoves · 7 years
Buon compleanno a una delle donne più incredibili che abbia mai avuto l’onore di conoscere di persona. Spero di poter presto pronunciarli di persona e magari accompagnarli da un caloroso abbraccio. Ma fino a quel momento, mi limito a farlo virtualmente.
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marlahey · 5 years
honestly if that video came from chrissy and john or vanessa and austin, two couples that i adore and think are so sweet, i’d still feel uncomfortable watching. i appreciated the joke, it was just a lot lmao. i think the reason why everyone is so enraged by this is because they’re caught off-guard. they’ve been so secretive and wouldn’t even say each other’s names to posting a (joke) video of them “making out” on an insta account with over 50 million followers.
That’s fair, anon. I wouldn’t watch anyone put their faces together like that again, as funny as Andrew and Emma’s SNL skit is lol. But being surprised and being angry are too completely different emotions? What are people so mad about? If I was S or C I’d be pretty irritated. First everyone demands outright confirmation that they’re dating – because we’re entitled to that, or something?? – which they’re not obligated to do, and then now that they finally feel comfortable being together publicly and on record and doing something a bit silly and weird, everyone’s yelling at them again. Like, whatever they do people are gonna be mad so they may as well have fun and not give a fuck. They don’t have to answer to people who hate them. Why should they? 
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930club · 4 years
At this point, do you even remember the last time you went to a concert? Hearing and seeing live music is one of the best feelings and experiences that you can have, and during a time like this, it makes me feel like I’ve taken it for granted. This is just a collection of a few songs from live albums that I found can make you feel as close to a show as you can, starting with Beyonce (who, by the way, has an incredible full live album of her 2018 Coachella set), and ending with Nirvana. Turn up the volume, close your eyes, dance around your kitchen, or listen during your morning exercise. Music can really change your entire mood and get you through tough times like this.
— Karlee Pigg
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femmetay · 5 years
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forjongseong · 2 years
mi reina // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut, crack at some point idk, office!au // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; mentions of Hwiyoung (SF9), Taehyung (BTS) and Lia (ITZY); hyung-line makes another appearance; mentions of body image (getting fit); making out; cunnilingus (twice!); unprotected sex // wc: ~10.2k
summary: in this sequel, you spend more (intimate) time with your secretary and you're starting to notice how deep your feelings for him are.
previous chapter:
part 1 - carmesí
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
author’s note: it took two to three days for me to wrap up writing this, after writing carmesí I really thought I would never be writing another 10k-word fic again but oopsy! here is the sequel.
I appreciate all the feedback I've been getting for carmesí, some of you even took the time to go in my ask box as anons, recommending scenes and telling me the parts you like the most. I truly appreciate it! also, if you're reading this and you recognize the scene being something that you've mentioned to me before, then it probably is! I take people's feedback very seriously and I am happy to mold the story into something that not only satisfies me but also caters to your needs.
I decided to title this one mi reina and you will find out why towards the end. It's part of the lyrics to KESI by, as you guessed, Camilo (ft. Shawn Mendes! omg).
happy reading and feel free to recommend this fic to other people! you can find the rest of my work here.
taglist: @hee-pster @duolingofanaccount @jaylaxies (send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
It was an unusual day at work—you had to go to the office alone since Jay was out of town with his parents. He chose to take his paid time off during the week of his father’s birthday, and you decided that you can manage to go through seven days without him. It was chaotic on the first day, you admitted, having called for Jay several times only for you to see Hwiyoung, your second assistant, peeking inside your office.
Hwiyoung had been working for almost as long as Jay had, but he always had to deal with the affairs that did not concern you directly. When Jay told you that Hwiyoung would cover for him, you almost did not recognize the young man because of how long he grew out his hair. And now you’re beginning to think if one of the reasons you’ve been hiring your staff is because they all look good.
You were in your car, sitting in the backseat as Mr. Lee swiftly drove your Benz. Fixing your hair, you waited as Jay picked up your video call on the other side.
“Hey, Boss,” he chirped as soon as he appeared on the screen. His honey skin was glistening under the summer sun, his eyes squinting as his white tee almost reflected all the light. “Looking gorgeous as ever.”
Your eyes widened and you eyed Mr. Lee, wondering if he had heard Jay’s spontaneous compliment. Jay, noticing what he had just said, slapped his hand over his mouth.
“Did he hear?” Jay was now whispering.
You took a moment to observe Mr. Lee and noticed that he was so focused on the navigation on the dashboard. “I don’t think so,” you say as you reached in for your Buds, not taking any chances and making the conversation private.
“You really didn’t have to send me the meeting prep, I got it covered,” you said, holding your iPad on your other hand, scrolling through the slides Jay sent you a day before.
Jay waved his hand, dismissing you. “It’s my job.”
“You’re on a break,” your eyes glance at Jay on the screen. He looked dreamy with the wind blowing through his hair.
“Well, yeah, but,” Jay put on his orange-tinted sunglasses. “I still wanted to help you.”
You merely smiled at his comment and without looking, you knew he was smiling too. “Where are you by the way?”
“We’re just on a small boat about to cross to another island,” Jay answered, raising his voice. “I don’t know if I can still get service.”
“I don’t want to keep you from your holiday,” you diverted your attention from the iPad back to your phone. “Give your mom and dad a big hug for me.”
“I will,” Jay was looking to someone behind the screen, smiling widely.
“Do they know?” you asked, fixing the position of the Buds in your ear.
Jay took a second before putting his phone closer to his mouth, his face taking up the whole screen in your view. “They know I’m seeing someone,” he then lowered his voice into a whisper, “but they don’t know it’s my boss.”
You snorted and laughed softly. Jay had this really wide smile where you can see the wrinkles in his eyes and smile-line. “You should go,” he said, keeping his smile. “I’ll call you again later.”
You nodded and waved at him, while he blew air kisses and made smooching noises on the phone. You chuckled and shook your head, taking your Buds off.
“We’re here, Miss.”
Taking a glance at Mr. Lee, you noticed the car had stopped and it was time to go to work.
You’ve grown accustomed to Hwiyoung’s assistance and a week flew by. You checked your phone and saw that Jay would be home tomorrow. It was Friday and you decided to wrap things up early.
“Can you push back the two appointments I have to Monday?” you asked Hwiyoung as you stepped out of your office, your bag in your hand. “And let them know that Jay will be back.”
Hwiyoung tilted his head.
“I mean Park. Park Jay. My PA,” you cleared your throat and forced yourself to calm down, wondering why you forgot to call him the way the other staff do.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Hwiyoung smirked, making a scribble in his iPad before closing it and bowing to you.
“Miss is fine,” you chuckled. “Always so formal.”
Hwiyoung smiled and brushed his hair back as he waved you goodbye. “Enjoy your weekend, Miss.”
His tone sounded awfully cheery and you thought that he might have felt relieved that his work shadowing you was over. You didn’t give it much thought as you head down to the lobby, Mr. Lee already waiting for you outside.
“Where to, Miss?” Mr. Lee asked, opening the door for you. “Home?”
You shook your head and told Mr. Lee to drop you at your favorite café, refusing when he offered to wait for you someplace else. You wanted to disconnect and de-stress, to balance your emotions after the busy week you had and to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You were determined to welcome Jay home in the best mood possible because only he and God knows how many breakdowns and tantrums you’ve had that were caused by work.
After ordering your usual drink, you sat in a corner of the café, burying your nose in a new book you’ve been meaning to get into for weeks. When the lights around you turned on, you noticed that it had gotten dark. You saw people walking by the café, some were getting off work, some were already on a date, and some looked like they were in a rush.
Deciding to just walk back to your apartment, you put your book in your bag, your half empty drink in your hand, and stepped out of the café. The barista nodded and waved at you as you left, and you immediately feel the evening breeze hit your face. The scene was so serene and almost like something out of a movie.
When you started walking, however, you cursed yourself for wearing the wrong shoes. Your black Jimmy Choos were digging into your heels and you could feel your skin starting to get blisters. You knew that your walk couldn’t go on for longer, and you were almost home anyway, so you pushed through. Seeing a bench, you opted to sit and put on band-aids before things get worse.
You sat down putting your drink aside and just as you were about to reach into your bag, a pair of hands carefully reached for your feet, taking your heels off.
You would have screamed if you did not notice the young man kneeling in front of you.
“What did I say about wearing stilettos?” Jay tutted. He put your shoes aside carefully and started observing your feet.
“What,” you were too surprised and in pain to comprehend what was happening. “Jay, you’re supposed to come home tomorrow.”
He glanced at you and smiled before attending to your feet again, taking the band-aids that were already poking out of your bag.
“I was going to surprise you,” he calmly answered, ripping out a band-aid and putting it on the back of your heel. “I texted Hwiyoung and he told me you were leaving early.”
“Does Hwiyoung know?”
Jay shook his head. “I said it was a work thing to do,” Jay answered, carefully putting your feet down, done with the fix. “Anyway, I also texted Mr. Lee and he said he dropped you off at the café. When he said that, I knew you didn’t want to be disturbed so I just walked around until it was dark.”
You saw the duffel bag sitting beside him as he continued to kneel in front of you. “You came here straight from the airport?”
Jay nodded. “Like I said. Surprise.”
Tears started forming in your eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. You had everything planned, you were going to see him when everything is perfect.
“I hope those are happy tears,” he said as he noticed a tear drop down your cheek. He moved closer to you and wiped it away with his thumb before turning his back towards you, squatting.
“Hop on,” he instructed.
Jay took his duffel bag and hung it over his shoulder, putting the bag in front of him, making room for you on his back.
“I’m carrying you home. I’m not letting you walk in these,” he tilted his chin towards your Jimmy Choos.
“I can walk barefoot,” you claimed, already taking your heels in your hands.
“Yeah, I’m not letting you do that either,” Jay said, stern. “Come on, now.”
You sighed, noticing he wasn’t going to let you go that easily. Caving, you snaked your arms above and around his shoulder, your heels secured in your grip and your bag already on your shoulder. He then placed his arms under your thighs, pulling you up with ease.
As he started walking, you rested your head beside his. “Thank you,” you murmured. He replied by nudging your head with his, chuckling. “Can’t remember the last time I got a piggyback ride.”
“What happened to the Chanel shoes?” He inquired. “Is there a reason you’re not wearing them?”
“They’re being cleaned,” you sighed.
“Why didn’t you just wear sneakers?” He asked.
“And just leave my collection of heels as décor at home? No way.”
Jay chuckled and lightly pinched you under your thigh. You winced and playfully smacked him on his chest. As you both arrived at your apartment’s lobby, you made Jay put you down, claiming that the floor is fairly cleaner than the outside which means you don’t mind walking barefoot. You said hello to your doorman, who eyed you carrying your shoes and offered to help you carry them, to which you of course declined. Jay smiled at the doorman too and couldn’t help but notice how he was looking at you both until you entered the elevator.
“Does he know?” Jay asked as soon as the door closed.
“The doorman.”
You snorted and shook your head. “I don’t think so? Would it matter?”
“I mean I come here a lot,” Jay said, staring at the number on the elevator screen.
“Yeah, he knows you’re my assistant.”
“Oh yeah,” Jay said with a sudden revelation, almost forgetting that you’re his boss. “All good then.”
When you reached your floor, you walked out the elevator and intertwined your fingers with Jay’s, leading him to your place. The moment you both walked in and closed the door behind you, Jay dropped his bag to the floor and you did too, also throwing away your heels in the process.
You leaped into him and he caught you, grasping your thighs firmly as they wrap around his waist. You were nuzzling his neck, taking in his scent and just appreciating the fact that he was there in the flesh.
“I’ve missed you,” you said, almost a whine, lifting your head to look him in the eyes.
He looked at your lips and leaned to kiss you. You felt his hot breath in your face as you reciprocated, your hands finding their way to cup his cheeks. He kept kissing you until you feel your feet graze the sofa.
“I’ve missed you more,” he finally replied, laying you down on the couch. “It was torture.”
You chuckled as you caressed his face, seeing him kneel beside you on the floor. You pulled him by the collar of his flannel, inviting him to lie with you. He hovered on top of you and pushed your hair away from your face before leaning in, brushing the tip of his nose to yours.
He kissed you again and you sighed. He wasn’t even touching you anywhere else, yet you already feel so needy. You tugged his flannel shirt and helped him take it off, only to reveal the white sleeveless tee he was wearing underneath. Your hands travel to graze both his biceps, and he was just smiling at you while you run your hands over the surface of his skin.
“I don’t remember you being this buff,” you said, your voice low from fatigue and thirst.
“I’ve been working out,” he confessed, leaning in to peck your cheek.
“What’s the target?” You pulled him by the nape to kiss his lips.
“Look good,” he said into your mouth.
“For who?”
Jay stopped hovering above you to sit back, taking his tee off. You propped yourself up with your elbows, now seeing him topless and sitting just inches away from you. He sat up straight, muscles flexing and you almost moaned at the sight.
“Do I really have to answer that?” He teased, his fingers now fiddling with the buttons on your shirt.
You let him undress you, keeping your eyes on his hands throughout the whole process. He pulled your shirt off and then your hands, to make you sit on his lap. He got comfortable and leaned back as you straddled him, kissing his lips before peppering his cheeks and jawline with butterfly kisses.
“The whole time I was away,” Jay whispered as he looked into your eyes, his fingers stroking your hair. “I kept thinking about coming home to you. I was already planning to surprise you, you know.”
You pouted and he raised an eyebrow. “I wanted to pick you up tomorrow at the airport. I had the whole day planned. You ruined it.”
Jay chuckled, bringing you closer to him by gently pulling your waist. “I ruined it?”
He then secured a hand on the back of your head and pushed you into him, kissing and nibbling on your lips before forcing his tongue inside your mouth. You whimpered, palms flat on his chest as he continued to abuse your lips, eliciting obnoxious wet sounds.
As Jay pulled back, he ran his thumb over your lower lip, noticing how plump it had become and how your lipstick was gone completely. “Did I ruin it? Or did I just make it better?”
You shyly bit your lip at his question. He had this power over you, the power you basically have on everyone else, making you listen.
“Better,” you replied in a whisper. Jay smiled proudly before running his hands around your body and pulling you into another kiss. As both his hands roam down your waist and up to your chest, you noticed his fingers fumbling in the front, and then towards your back.
“Where the fuck is the clasp??” He asked in pure confusion when he pulled away and you buried your head in his neck, silently laughing. Your body was shaking and by then Jay was grunting impatiently, his head looking over your shoulder to see if he could still unclasp your bra.
“This is a sports bra, you genius,” you said as you grabbed the band of your bra, tugging and then pulling it over your head like a t-shirt. “It has no clasps.”
Jay sighed, almost like he was relieved to finally see your tits on full display. “Please don’t wear that again,” he pleaded, looking up to you.
“I won’t if I’m with you,” you smiled, touching his nose with your finger. “Promise.”
He was quick to leave a kiss on your hand before he dove into your breasts, inhaling your scent and placing kisses everywhere. You could feel his hard-on against your fully clothed core, and when he started sucking on your nipple, you were sure your panties were already drenched. He massaged your waist as his lips and tongue made themselves busy around your chest. He was squeezing you with his hands, sucking your soft skin and leaving love marks around every part that was previously covered by your bra.
“Jay,” you called for him sweetly, already aching to feel more.
“Hmm?” He was always quick to reply, no matter how busy he was, and in this case, your nipple was encased in his lips. He was sucking you a little too hard that you had to tug on his hair. He groaned and looked up at you.
“Take me to bed,” you whispered, “…please.”
Jay knew that you had always been assertive. He had also noticed that no matter how assertive you may be, you always insisted on the importance of politeness too. Hearing you say ‘please’ so sweetly melted his heart, but it ignited something else too.
You and Jay had made love countless times, yet every time you feel like it’s the first time. Jay was always trying something new, if not doing something new he would be fucking you someplace new. There was nothing specifically grand or extreme, and you love how most of the time he likes doing it the way you do—classic vanilla.
Jay picked you up in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands around his shoulders, as he carries you to your bedroom. He lays you down and stays hovering over you, caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he muttered under his breath. “In detail.”
You were already breathing heavily from the anticipation. You gulped before you opened your mouth.
“Undress me completely.”
Jay leaned to kiss your neck passionately and you whimpered, running your fingers through his hair. Your hands are soon empty as you find him traveling downwards, his fingers unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off slowly. You licked your lips as you fixed your gaze on him, seeing him so focused. He then hooked his fingers on the sides of your panties and pulled it down, discarding it completely.
“Done,” he hummed. “What’s next?”
You were not used to him asking for directions in every step of the way, and you were slowly getting impatient.
“Touch me.”
Jay chuckled at the sense of urgency in your voice. He really wanted you to be specific, but you were just so aroused that words were jumbled up in your head.
“Hands,” you brought your own hand to cover your eyes, frustrated. “Your hands. On my thighs.”
You almost yelped when you felt him grip your thighs a little too tightly. “Eat me out,” you say in a whimper. “Please.”
Now how could he refuse when you were being so polite?
You already felt yourself dripping in your core, and Jay was quick to lap up your juices. You flinched when the warmth of his tongue came into contact with your folds. Jay felt you jerk your legs and he quickly rested your thighs on his shoulders as he continued to suck on your cunt. For some time, the only sound in the room was your gasps and heavy breathing, interspersed with the wet and lewd noises coming from Jay’s mouth.
“Stop,” you say, denying yourself of the orgasm building up.
Jay pulled away in an instant, his head shooting up to look at you, waiting for your next instruction. You could see his chin tainted with a mixture of his saliva and your wetness.
“Let me taste your lips,” you reached out your hands, ready to welcome him in your embrace.
With a smirk, Jay crawled upwards until his face was above yours. He was holding himself up with his forearms beside you, and you snaked your arm around his neck to pull him into you, smashing his lips into yours. You could taste yourself and you moaned, his tongue wrestling with yours to make sure you don’t waste a drop.
You moved one hand down his chest, all the way to his abs, grazing them ever so slightly. When you reached his cock, which as you predicted was already rock hard, you squeezed it and Jay almost lost his balance.
“Tell me what you want next,” he said, almost breathless.
You continued to stroke him through the thick fabric of his black joggers and it took everything in him to stay up. As he waited for an answer, he started bucking his hips into your touch.
“Y/N,” his tone sounded demanding. “Words, please.”
“Get naked,” you say, tugging his pants down. “I want your cock inside me.”
He pushed himself away with a grunt, hastily undressing completely before hovering over you again, his dick in his hand lined up to your core.
He looked at you for confirmation and you nodded. When he slid the tip inside, your stomach tensed, and when he was completely inside of you, you sigh in relief.
“I’ve missed you,” you said, voice almost breaking. “I miss you inside of me.”
Jay shushed you, brushing your hair back and kissing your cheek.
“Move, please,” you continued. “Make love to me, fast.”
And like any other errand you had made him do, Jay executed this task perfectly. He started slow, letting you readjust to the size of him, and when he felt your hands on his biceps, he knew you were ready for him to go fast. And, my God, he did.
The time it took for you to cum was a lot less than all the foreplay. In between his thrusts, you told him you were close and he kept his pace until your walls squeezed around him. He made sure to help you ride out your high before he pulled out and finished himself with his hand, staining your stomach with his load.
Jay collapsed by your side and when you turned your head to look at him, he raised his hand, his pointy finger asking for one second to catch a breather. You smiled and leaned to kiss him on his temple before carefully slipping out of bed.
“Wait,” he said, breathing heavily. “I haven’t cleaned you up.”
“You’ve already done so much, Jay,” you said, blowing a kiss at him before disappearing into the bathroom. It took you less than five minutes to clean yourself but when you walked back into your room, you found Jay asleep, his naked body completely exposed, his dick gone flaccid, and his hair all messed up and wet from the sweat.
Only then you realized how tired he must have been, returning from a long flight and going straight to where you were, having to carry you on his back all the way home, and completely indulging yourselves in reunion sex.
You took a clean towel from your bathroom and walked to his side, gently wiping away the sweat and leftover cum around his crotch. He wasn’t a light sleeper, so you knew your movements were not going to wake him up. Still, you managed to quietly tuck him in, pulling the covers up to his chest. He stirred in his sleep but quickly found a position he liked, continuing to dream as he lies sideways.
After staring at the serenity painted on his face, you came to realize that there was absolutely nothing you wouldn’t do for this boy.
You agreed to go for a Sunday morning run with Jay after a week of him being back at work. His fit physique made you slightly jealous, and you vowed to get in shape to boost your own confidence. Jay was supposed to pick you up early in the morning, but after not hearing from him for an hour, you decided to go check on him.
Standing awkwardly and not knowing who will answer the door, you shifted your weight as you waited. The door to Jay’s flat opened, and you were greeted by a guy with silver hair, his head tilting to the side like a curious puppy.
“Hi?” He greeted you, sounding more like a question.
You smiled. “Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m supposed to meet with Jay.”
The guy’s eyes widened in wonder, but before he could reply, he was interrupted by a taller, black-haired guy who snuck up behind him as soon as he heard your name.
“You’re Y/N? Come in!” He said, gesturing for his friend to make way.
“I’m Heeseung, and this is Jake,” he said once you were inside. “We have another flat mate, it’s Sunghoon. I think he’s in the bathroom.”
“Am not,” you heard Sunghoon’s voice from behind you and you turned to see him in the kitchen. “Nice to meet you,” he nodded at you, chewing his cereal.
“Are you going out for a run? Is Jay supposed to pick you up?” asked Jake as he observed Heeseung getting busy, finding an appropriate mug to serve their special guest a drink.
“Yeah, is he still asleep?” You asked, aware that that would be the only reason for him not answering your calls.
Sunghoon took a peek inside Jay’s bedroom and looked at you nodding. “I’m gonna try and wake him up.”
You were about to stop him but then Heeseung held up a mug in front of your face. “Hope you like orange juice,” he said with a smile. You happily accepted his offer and immediately he walked away, following Sunghoon.
“Waking Jay up is a two-man job,” Jake explained, sensing the confusion on your face.
You took a sip of the orange juice before holding the mug tight in your hands. “By any chance, are you Australian?” you asked Jake who was now by the kitchen counter, standing across you as you sat on the stool.
He was surprised at how you guessed his accent correctly. “I spent all my school years there. Are you Australian too?”
You shook your head. “I did live in Brisbane for a couple of years though.”
“No way,” Jake gasped in disbelief. “I’m from Brisbane!”
Your face lightened up as you witnessed Jake’s expressive reaction. The two of you proceeded to share stories of your stay in the same city, Jake’s eyes sparkling and his lips curling up every time you mention a place that he recognizes. You must have been talking for a while because by the time you were done, Jay was already up, pouting and rubbing his eyes.
“I told you guys to wake me up early,” he said, annoyed, looking at his three roommates.
“Believe me, mate,” Jake raised his voice. “We tried.”
Jay staggered towards you and when he finally reached you, he rested his head on your shoulder. You tensed at his affectionate gesture, unsure if his roommates were aware of your dynamic, but Jake smiled at you and gave a reassuring nod.
“Boss, meet Jake,” Jay mumbled, clearly still gathering his thoughts. “Jake, this is my boss.”
You giggled and covered your face with one hand, hiding your embarrassment.
“I know,” Jake replied, already shuffling backwards to leave the premises. “And I like her. She’s cool.”
When Jake left, it was just the two of you in the kitchen, and you shook your shoulder to get Jay off of you. You see him with his eyes half-open, mouth still pouting.
“Are we still gonna run?” You asked as you gently tapped his cheek to wake him up. “You told me you were gonna help me get fit.”
Jay yawned before nuzzling into your touch. “I have other ideas for you to get fit.”
Your eyebrows furrow, wondering what type of work out agenda Jay would come up with. “Like what?”
He stepped closer to you, pulling the bar stool you were sitting on, making a dragging sound on the floor. As he closed the gap in between your faces, you closed your eyes only to be startled by the voice on the other side of the room.
“Get a room!” Sunghoon shouted, his face looking half-annoyed, half-jealous. Jake merely chuckled beside him, patting his shoulder and encouraging him to walk away.
Jay sighed in annoyance and you could feel his breath on your cheeks. You laughed softly and gently nudged him away.
“I’ll go get changed,” he said as he stretched his arms out. “Sorry I made you wait,” he leaned in for a quick peck on your cheek before rushing back to his bedroom.
Heeseung appeared from the bathroom, his face looking brighter than when he invited you in moments before.
“It still feels weird seeing him like that,” he said to you as he opened the fridge, scanning the inside for something to drink.
“Like what?”
“All smiley and shit,” Heeseung settled on a small box of chocolate milk. “He never shuts up about you. I think you really make him happy.”
You were stunned at Heeseung’s sudden confession, thinking that the overwhelming joy that you felt was one-sided.
“Let’s go,” Jay suddenly rushed past you, his outfit changed from pajamas to workout. “Before any of my flat mates keep talking to you and fall for you.”
Heeseung scoffed and you cackled, almost embarrassed at how the boys have been throwing you compliments since you arrived. You saw how Jay immediately intertwined his hand with yours and you looked back at Heeseung, waving goodbye and mouthing ‘thank you’ to him.
The door closed and Heeseung finished drinking his milk as Jake and Sunghoon rejoined him in the living room.
“She’s seriously so cool,” Jake confessed. “Jay really got himself a keeper.”
Heeseung nodded. “We didn’t really talk much but I really like her vibe.”
Sunghoon was staring blankly at his phone, mindlessly scrolling the screen. “Do you think she has any single friends?”
Heeseung and Jake exchanged glances, shook their heads and walked out of the room sighing, leaving Sunghoon alone and confused.
You fulfilled your promise of coming back to Taehyung’s jazz club after its grand opening. You admit it took you literal weeks to go back, but your excuse was valid—you own a company and work gets hectic sometimes.
Jay sat at the booth waiting for you as you went to the restrooms. He took a sip of his drink as he glanced at the band playing live music. It was a whole other atmosphere compared to the opening that he attended with you. It was much more quiet, with people talking softly and the warm lighting shining bright enough for everyone to see everything going on.
“That’s a really nice leather jacket.”
Jay turned to face the source of the voice and found Taehyung, getting a seat beside him. “Wait, I know you,” he said to Jay, eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
“Stop harassing my man,” you appeared behind Jay, protectively putting your hands on his shoulder as you slightly pulled him back. You were too distracted to notice the stupid grin forming on Jay’s face after he heard you call him your man.
“Oh, right!” Taehyung clicked his fingers. “You’re the handsome personal assistant!”
Smirking, Jay held out his hand. “Jay is fine,” he said, shaking hands with Taehyung.
Taehyung then looked at you. “Did you just call him your man? Are you guys dating?”
Jay looked at you and you didn’t know why he needed to ask your permission. Taehyung clicked his tongue and chuckled.
“Okay, ignore my question,” he said as he fixed the collar of his silky button-up. “But if you are then I am happy for you. You deserve love after everything you’ve gone through.”
“Here we go,” you said as you take Jay’s drink from his hand, chugging it down. Jay just stared at you, concerned, as you winced from the burn down your throat.
“You know how it goes, Noona,” Taehyung leaned in to speak in a lower volume. “I need to screen the man you plan on dating.”
Jay decided to lean back and watch the conversation in front of him unfold.
“Yeah? Where were you when I was about to date my last ex?” You challenged Taehyung who was now fully committed to either debate you or give Jay a whole lecture.
You and Taehyung started going back and forth, recalling events and stating facts like you were in a legitimate argument. Jay merely blinked as he sat between the two of you, patiently waiting for the fire to be put out.
“Point is, Noona,” Taehyung cleared. “You need to tell this lovely man about your ex.”
“What’s the point?” you asked, glaring at Taehyung. Your eyes soften as you felt Jay’s gaze on you.
“I just think he deserves to know,” Taehyung nodded, acting wise. The band finishes a song and Taehyung quickly turned his head. “My cue to leave!”
You and Jay stared at Taehyung as he made his way to the stage, seemingly performing a routine where he would sometimes sing for the club.
“You don’t have to tell me, you know,” Jay finally spoke after minutes of just being the listener.
“What?” You looked at him, doe eyes questioning his statement.
“About your ex. Your past is the past and you’re not obliged to tell me anything,” Jay moved his fingers to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
Moved by his gesture, you decided to do the exact opposite.
“My ex was famous,” you confessed. “Is, famous, I mean. He still is.”
Jay nodded and went to his usual stance of listening—turning to face you with his legs slightly spread open. “Okay?”
“What Taehyung was trying to say is that,” you looked at Taehyung and can’t help but admire his singing voice. “I dated him for a while, and we didn’t even start on a good note. The point is, I broke up with him and it was really hard to do.”
“Because you both loved each other?” Jay inquired, starting to guess.
You shook your head. “He didn’t want to break up so I had to be the bitch. Eventually we did, but Taehyung says that he still asks him about me sometimes.”
Jay pouted as he nodded, looking at the stage. “So we’re dealing with an obsessive ex?”
“I wouldn’t say obsessive,” you sighed. “Well, I did block him everywhere on my social media.”
Jay chuckled and took your hand in his. “What are you trying to say?”
“I don’t know,” you said, frustrated. “I don’t know. I just don’t want you to think of me differently.”
Jay saw how fidgety and uncomfortable you got just seconds after talking about your ex. He pulled you by your waist and tilted your chin up to face him.
“Enough about exes,” he said, rubbing his hand on your sides, comforting you. “If you do still want to talk to me about anything, though,” he kissed your cheek and moved his lips towards your ear. “I’m your man.”
You blushed, feeling Jay’s breath tickle your ear as he pulled away, looking at you.
“You really are,” you said, affectionately brushing his hair back.
In the privacy of Taehyung’s exclusive jazz club, you weren’t worried how people might find out about your relationship with Jay. You accepted all his advances and displays of affection, and when you leaned in to kiss him, Taehyung continued to sing his song, now serenading the lovebirds in his club.
Jay was sitting on a bench by the basketball court, watching as Heeseung and Sunghoon play against each other. Jake came running to him, two bottles of water in his hands. He gave one to Jay and happily sat beside him, the two of them catching their breaths.
Basketball on Thursday nights had been a thing for the four flat mates ever since they moved in together. Heeseung was only a year older than the others, so it didn’t take much effort for them to become close friends. They really were the closest friends Jay has ever had, to the point that he shares his concerns with them, and they listen to him with open arms.
“Does Y/N Noona play basketball?” asked Jake.
Jay raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his water. “You call her Noona now?”
“Well, she’s not my boss, what else would I call her?” Jake averted his gaze to the one-on-one happening in the court.
“I don’t think she does,” Jay responded, trying to think of things you might be interested in.
“It would be fun if you ask her to tag along,” Jake fiddled with his bottle as he said this.
Jay chuckled. “Why are you so fond of her? You’ve only met her once.”
“Exactly. And the first impression was so good. She’s so nice and smiley and so good at initiating conversation. Was that why you started liking her?”
Jay pondered over Jake’s question for a while. He started asking himself why and when exactly was the moment he fell for you.
His mind started to travel to that one TED Talk you attended last year. You were invited to give a talk because the theme was about women in power. The day of your talk, you were dressed in an all-grey fit—a loose grey blouse, high-waisted straight pants, and stilettos. Jay held your long coat the entire time you were there, and when it was time for you to go on stage, he found himself a seat in the audience.
He had been to many meetings and presentations with you, and he knew that public speaking was one of the skills that you had mastered. Whenever he asked if you were nervous, you would only say ‘just a little bit’, and then completely ace whatever presentation you were supposed to give.
That day, however, you weren’t there as ‘the boss’. You took on the role of a mentor, and you delivered your speech in a way that was so engaging, so mesmerizing, without it being intimidating. You even took the time to do adlib jokes, out-of-the-script ments that even Jay did not see or prepare in the slides he designed for you. He saw how the audience never took their eyes off of you, a smile plastered on their faces throughout the whole talk. When you were done, Jay almost jumped from the thunder of applause the audience gave you, and he then sprinted backstage to meet you there.
On the ride back to the office, Jay was seated beside you in your car, as usual. He was rechecking your schedule for the rest of the day on his iPad when he started asking you stuff.
“I’ve never seen you like that before, Boss,” he said, eyes glued to his iPad.
You glanced at him. “Like what?”
“Being in control of the whole room. It looked like you were teaching,” he continued.
You smiled as you looked out the window. “I used to teach.”
Hearing this, Jay paused the scribbling he was doing and looked at you. “You did?”
You nodded and proceeded to tell him how, after you graduated college, you immediately took a teaching job and found joy and satisfaction in how the students would pay attention to you in class, and how they would express their gratitude to you at the end of each semester.
“It was the most rewarding thing I have ever done,” you ended your story. Smiling, but still looking outside the window.
“Why did you stop?” He asked, completely immersed and intrigued in this past history of yours he wasn’t aware about.
You shrugged. “Took a pause in the middle of teaching, noticed that the university didn’t need me anymore. I pivoted and took interest in daddy’s business,” you explained. “Fast forward, now we’re here.”
“Did you ever think of going back to teach?” Jay asked full of genuine curiosity.
“In a way I’m always teaching,” you noticed your car approaching your office building. “Why do you think our staff is so good at their jobs? Why do you think I insist on everyone calling me ‘Miss’?”
Stunned by your words and still in complete awe of you, Jay didn’t notice that it was time to go.
“Are you gonna open the door?” You said, tilting your chin.
“Jay,” Jake was waving his hand in front of Jay’s face. “Don’t zone out like that, mate, you’re scaring me.”
Jay blinked and saw Heeseung and Sunghoon wrapping up their game. Jake threw them both their towels as they made their way to the benches.
“Glad you two are done. I tried having a conversation with this guy and he just started daydreaming about his boss girlfriend,” Jake giggled, eyeing Jay and elbowing him in the ribs.
Jay scoffed and awkwardly started brushing his hair back, thinking how he had let himself go just by the mere thought of you.
“You said there’s this fundraiser thing you have to go to with her tomorrow, right?” Heeseung asked, sitting next to Jay. “Do you already know what you’re going to wear?”
Jay’s eyes widened as the sudden realization hit him. Sunghoon cackled and pointed at his funny face.
“You really need to get your shit together,” Sunghoon chimed in. “You’re keeping her life organized but your own is a mess.”
Heeseung chuckled and gave a pat on Jay’s shoulder. “It’s alright. It happens. Love makes you dumb sometimes.”
You stand by the entrance of your apartment, having small talk with your lovely doorman as he keeps you company, waiting for Mr. Lee to pick you up. You told him to pick Jay up first since your place was closer to the fundraising event, and to make sure Jay gets ready on time.
“Your car is here, Miss,” your doorman said as he walked past you, approaching your Benz that was pulling up. He opened the door to the backseat to let you in.
“Thank you,” you smiled and touched your doorman’s arm, appreciating the time he took to talk to you while you waited.
“Right on time, Mr. Lee,” you greeted your driver before turning to look at Jay, who was now pouting.
You furrowed your eyebrows in question and he quickly typed on his phone before showing it to you.
Really? You’re not greeting me first? The doorman, the driver, and then me?
Smiling, you leaned back on your seat as you kept an eye on Mr. Lee. “Looking sharp, Park.”
“Thank you, Boss,” Jay replied awkwardly as he typed another thing in his notes. And then he showed it to you.
You look ravishing.
You couldn’t contain the smile creeping up your face and by now you were certain you were blushing. Jay proudly put his phone back inside his pocket, knowing that he just bumped up your confidence level by a hundred.
A week ago, you were already planning the outfit for the fundraising gala. The moment you received the invitation, you knew you were going to attend it with Jay, and you wanted to show up with the best outfit possible. You had asked Jay for his measurements and he gave them to you without asking any questions. You had your bespoke tailor make an all-black suit for him and shopped for gold cufflinks so he could match your planned outfit. You opted for a full-length black mermaid dress with a plunging neckline, and you had picked gold for all of your accessories.
With the help of a hairstylist friend, your hair was done up in a textured chignon, giving you the ideal look between effortless and well-prepared. Your friend even added gold hair pins here and there to match the rest of your look, and you did your own make up, sticking to your signature shade of crimson red for your lipstick.
Your doorman had complimented you repeatedly earlier, so you knew Jay was going to do the same, but you weren’t aware how much of an effect his three words had on you. And he didn’t even say it out loud.
When you arrived, Jay was quick to open the door for you and help you out. This was the one night he didn’t lecture you on wearing stilettos because he knew you weren’t going to leave his arm and he would be there to support you if you ever get tired. The two of you enter the hotel and if a someone sees you, they would think you were a celebrity couple.
“Is your lipstick transfer-proof?” Jay asked, as he led you down the empty corridor, on the way to the ballroom.
“This gala involves drinking and eating, of course it’s transfer-proof,” you answered, your hand secured in his arm.
Jay took a quick glance around the area and quickly pulled you into an empty hallway that leads to the parking lot. You didn’t even have the chance to say anything before he checked one last time and basically slammed his lips into yours.
Your heart was beating fast, and you moaned into the kiss from how fervent he was, his hands firm on your waist and his lips doing the absolute most on yours. After a couple of seconds Jay pulled back, his eyes glued on your lips.
“Wow,” he said in between breaths. “It’s not ruined,” he grazed a thumb over your lower lip.
You frowned. “You dragged me here to test out my lipstick?”
Jay took out his phone and checked his reflection on the self-camera, making sure he didn’t have any stains. “I wanted to pounce on you the moment you got in the car.”
He looked at you and asked you to smile with your teeth, and then he brushed his finger over your front tooth.
“It didn’t get on me but it’s on your teeth,” he said, facing his phone to you so you could check your face. “All good?”
You merely looked at him and wondered when on earth he gained the confidence to act so bold and at a place so public. You were scared you were going to get caught, but you cannot lie that it was making you feel a rush that you had never felt before.
Jay led you to the ballroom once you both were sure you looked as neat as you were before, and once you entered, you had to separate from Jay to talk to the other people in the room—mainly CEOs from different companies, men and women in power just like you. Jay was worried that you were going to forget some names, but you took the initiative to go through the guest list last night and memorize each name to make sure you did not offend anyone.
You kept walking around the room, greeting and talking to the people you meet, and Jay shadowed you from a distance, keeping his hands occupied with a glass of sparkling water. He had his eyes glued on you that he didn’t exactly pay attention to where he was going, so he bumped into a young woman in a pale yellow dress.
“I am so sorry,” Jay said as he checked if he spilled anything on the poor lady. “I wasn’t looking. Entirely my fault.”
The woman smiled sweetly and brushed it off. “It’s okay, I wasn’t paying attention either. Are you with Vesselsoft?”
Jay shook his head. “L/N Tech.”
“Ah,” the woman nodded in acknowledgment. “I’m Lia. From Song Enterprises.”
Jay accepted her gesture and shook her hand, smiling. “You can call me Park.”
“Executive Manager?” She guessed as she flicked her long black hair back, standing comfortable and leaning in closer.
Jay shook his head and chuckled, looking down to the floor. “I’m just a PA.”
“Alright good, because I am also a PA, and you need to be more proud of our jobs.”
Jay started talking to Lia and the two of them shared their trivial concerns about secretarial work. Both didn’t want to reveal who their bosses were, so they stuck to topics that are unrelated to the jobs. Eventually they began talking about galas and rating the events that they had been to, both claiming that their bosses could make an event that is much better.
“Listen, I have to get your number,” Lia said as she pulled her phone from her purse. “I have a couple of vendors that might be useful for you so I can send you them. And in turn you can give me your list?”
Jay was hesitant at first, but he decided to type in his email instead. Lia waited patiently beside him until he was done typing and gave his phone back to her. He then scanned the room and found you looking at him, from a distance, while you talk to three different men in a group. You held eye contact for two seconds before you turned to the man on your side, smiling and continuing the conversation.
The gala went on for hours and as much as Jay wanted to shake off his new acquaintance, he couldn’t sacrifice his politeness for his bluntness. He eventually lost sight of you, and he felt like you would need him soon, so he finally excused himself.
He found you in the center of a circle of men, giving them a piece of your mind on their business ideas when you saw Jay walking towards you.
“Ah, there you are, Park,” you said in the most formal way possible. Jay almost scowled. “Gentlemen, if you would please excuse me. Leave your card with my assistant and I will be sure to give you a call.”
You turned away just as Jay arrived and the men immediately greeted him, surrounding him as he smiled and struggled to keep the name cards shoved into his hands. He matched their names with their faces, shook their hands and quickly bolted out of the room to look for you.
He saw you walk down the corridor towards the entrance of the hotel. You were walking slowly, partly in pain because of your stilettos.
You did hear Jay call you but you were too tired to even stop and turn around, so you let him catch up to you.
“Hey,” he said, gently touching your arm. “Is something wrong? Is it okay to leave now?”
“Yeah, I met everyone I needed to meet already,” you continued to walk without holding on to his arm. “I’m tired.”
“I’ll go get Mr. Lee.”
“I called him already.”
“Oh,” Jay was stunned and unsure of what to do. He had never seen you in this mood, he couldn’t put a finger on what you were feeling. He had seen you mad, upset, sad, hungry, and you did say you were tired, but he thought that this wasn’t it.
Your Benz pulled up at the lobby and you got in without waiting for Jay to open the door for you. Jay jogged to the other side of the car and got inside. You stayed silent the whole ride home and for the first time, Jay was too afraid to ask. He did keep an eye on you, though, and he noticed how you felt your eyelids get heavy and you eventually slept, your head resting on the side of the door.
The car was almost at your place and Jay noticed Mr. Lee looking in the rearview mirror, noticing that you had fallen asleep.
“Mr. Lee, you can get off here and I’ll just drive around until she wakes up. You can come back on Monday to get her to work. I’ll cover for you over the weekend.”
“Really, Park?” Mr. Lee’s eyes widened, happy about the idea of getting a whole weekend off when he would usually drive you around for your errands. “Alright then.”
Mr. Lee pulled up at your apartment lobby, got off, and was replaced by Jay. He thanked himself for not drinking any alcohol that night, so he drove slowly around the block, occasionally checking on you to see if you were up.
Jay hit a speedbump a little too hard and you bumped your head on the door. Jay winced as he saw you wake up, confused and rubbing your forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and you felt disoriented seeing him driving. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“Yes,” you answered. Your voice croaked and Jay made a mental note to make you something hot to drink later.
Arriving at the parking lot, you waited for Jay to open the door for you. He was about to offer his arm but you started walking without him, into your apartment. His mind started going into overdrive, wondering what went wrong during the gala for you to ignore him like that.
You arrived in front of your door and you almost did not want to let Jay in, but he was the one who entered the passcode and opened the door for you. You came in and took off your shoes while Jay went straight to the kitchen to fix you a drink.
“I saw you with someone,” you claimed as you walked to the kitchen, barefoot, not bothering to put on your house slippers.
Everything then clicked. You were waiting to address the issue at home, refusing to cause a scene. You saw the whole conversation between Jay and his new acquaintance, and how half the time he was smiling and just laughing to whatever she was saying. He was now able to identify what you were feeling—jealousy.
“I know you like people to be straightforward,” he said, putting down the mug he just got out from your cabinet. “So I’m just gonna ask, are you jealous?”
“Yes,” you answered, not missing a beat. “Can you tell?”
Jay sighed and rested his palms on the kitchen counter. He decided to explain everything before you even ask him to.
“The girl you saw me talking to is Lia, she works for Song Enterprises. She’s a PA too, so that’s why we started talking,” Jay stated calmly, as if he was doing a presentation.
“Uh-huh,” you stood straight, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “And when did you realize she was throwing herself at you?”
Jay frowned. “What?”
“The pretty lady was flirting, Park.”
Jay tilted his head and started to put the pieces together. He also noticed that when you’re mad, you tend to address him by his last name.
“I’m pretty sure she wasn’t?” Jay responded, in a manner that was contrary to his statement. “We were talking about office events and vendors and other stuff.”
“Did she ask for your number?” You were now leaning on the counter, chin resting on the back of your fingers.
Jay paused. You smiled.
“Did you give it to her? Were you not aware that in your jacket, I put several company cards for you to give out to people in the gala?”
You swore you could see Jay gulp, not knowing what to say to you next.
“Were you just so enamored in the conversation that you forgot to do your job?” Your tone was now condescending at this point. “Park?”
“Listen,” Jay pushed himself back and shuffled towards you, standing right in front of you and looking into your eyes. “I didn’t give her my number, I gave her my email. I accidentally bumped into her when I was keeping an eye on you, and she just started talking and I couldn’t stop her, and by the time she was done you already wanted to leave.”
You calmly stare at him as he babbled his explanation, almost panicking like he did something bad. He did, you thought. He made you feel ignored. He was supposed to shadow you and he didn’t.
“I’m sorry. I was supposed to shadow you,” he said, the speed in his speech slowing down. You were surprised, thinking he just read your mind.
“I’m very capable of networking on my own,” you said, hopping on the counter to sit on it. “I was just bothered because she was all over you.”
“Trust me,” Jay sighed. “All I wanted to be tonight is over you.”
You squinted your eyes and Jay chuckled nervously, looking down. “You know what I mean.”
“What do we do now?” you asked, a question you often raised whenever you were in a staff meeting and you were demanding your team to fix a mess they made.
“Punish me,” Jay chirped. For some reason his voice was slightly higher than usual.
You almost burst out laughing so you smirked and bit your lower lip. Jay looked at your face and sighed.
“Use me, I don’t know. Do whatever you want with me.”
He was getting frustrated and you shushed him, pulling him in closer to stand between your legs as he buried his face in your neck.
You stroked his hair a couple of times and felt him kiss your neck. At first it was a soft, chaste kiss but then he switched to open-mouthed, wet kisses as he started to grope your thighs. You tugged his hair and made him look up at you. He winced from the slight pain.
“I didn’t say you could do that,” you whispered. He closed his eyes, regretting his actions. “Go sit on the floor.”
He did as you asked him to, and you quickly followed him, pulling your dress up as you straddled him, making him sit with his legs straight and his back leaning on the sofa. You pulled him by the nape and started kissing him aggressively. The poor boy didn’t know where to put his hands, so he sat there helplessly as you initiated a tug-of-war with his tongue. He groaned when you pulled on his hair, finally raising one hand to squeeze your hip.
Your lipstick had been on for hours and it finally gave in, staining Jay’s mouth and chin, reminding you of the first time you made out with him. You leaned into his neck, sucking his birthmark, careful not to leave a bruise. His breath hitched as you moved down to his collarbone, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. His head was now resting on the sofa cushion, looking upwards to let you gain more access to the surface of his skin, and you kissed him everywhere.
Jay felt like he was on cloud nine with your lips all over him, and his eyes were closed shut. You then gripped his chin, tilting his face down to make him look at you and planted a kiss on his now swollen lips.
“You’re going to make me cum,” you demanded. “With your mouth.”
Jay’s mouth was slightly open as he nodded enthusiastically. You smiled, patting him on the cheek before taking your dress off, knowing that the amount of fabric would get in the way when you sit on Jay’s face.
Taking your panties off and leaving yourself with only your nude strapless bra, you fixed the position of Jay’s head, making sure he wasn’t going to strain his neck in the process. You then placed your legs on the sofa, looking down to see if you had aligned your cunt perfectly with his face.
“Give me your hands,” you said, and Jay immediately held both his hands up for you to intertwine your fingers. You lowered yourself and you could feel his hot breath tickling your core.
When his lips came into contact with your folds, you moaned and tightened the grip of your hands. He started kissing and licking your cunt, and his pointy nose was tickling your clit. He licked a stripe and you shivered, looking down while you struggle to hold yourself up. He squeezed your hand as he pushed his tongue inside of you, and you moaned his name loudly.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath. “Keep going.”
Jay started lapping up your juices religiously, occasionally squeezing your hands for reassurance. You started grinding on his face, feeling the delicious friction of his nose on your clit. You started moaning even louder, and that only served as motivation for Jay to make you cum faster. He let go of your hands to grab your ass, guiding you to grind better on his face, which only helped you reach your high sooner.
You came on his tongue, your thighs completely shaking as you let your upper body slump on the back of the sofa. Jay licked your cunt dry before squeezing one of your thighs. You threw your leg to the side, hopping off of him, sitting helplessly on the sofa, almost buck naked.
“Are you okay?” Jay sat up, immediately going to your side to check on you. For someone who just got his face sat on, you really felt like you should be the one asking him that.
You nodded and let him lean in to kiss you, tasting a hint of yourself from the remnants on his face.
“That felt more like a reward than a punishment,” he whispered, face just inches away from you.
You chuckled and lightly slapped his cheek. “Your punishment is that I’m not letting you cum.”
“Yeah,” Jay smiled with his teeth awkwardly. “I wish you had said that earlier.”
You frowned and you looked at his crotch, the area damp and his pants basically ruined for the night.
“You came?” You asked in awe. He nodded sheepishly. “Just by eating me out?”
“I love doing it and the sounds you made were… otherworldly.”
“Oh my God,” you buried your face in your palms and Jay immediately chuckled, trying to pry your hands away.
“Come on let’s wash up,” Jay said, starting to undress himself, collecting the pieces of clothing to put in your laundry room. “Maybe we could recreate the first time you invited me into your shower.”
“Oooh,” you replied, intrigued. “Does that mean you’ll give me a massage?”
“Of course,” Jay leaned down towards you and picked you up bridal style. “My queen,” he whispered before capturing your lips in his for a soft kiss.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
SECRETARY!JAY will return...
read the next chapter: millones
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