#she also filmed a vlog once when we were doing a film studies group project.
alexhasalotofthoughts · 9 months
There is a girl in my school that films vlogs in the sixth form common room and I often think about how Alex wearing comfortable (very ugly) clothes and drinking a travel mug of hot chocolate has probably been posted on YouTube many times.
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-8
FIRST OFF! A special thanks once again to @hair-in-the-air/AutumnalTroll for drawing my first ever fic fanart of the couch cuddles from last chapter! (Link down below)
Uggg, I hate when writing trickles out because then it feels icky even though I know it's just me that feels that way. Anyway, felt I needed a little inbetween chapter after the last one before I get to one of the scene's I've been wanting write so that's where this chapter comes from.
Hope you enjoy!
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3/FF.net
@writerofberk Got some Branch and (part of) Snack Pack interaction for you! And Bridget!
It was once again Tuesday night as Poppy trotted across the university's campus toward the library. It had been agreed upon that the nights study session needed a scenery change so she and the pack had decided to use the vast collection of novels to their advantage. Another advantage, at least to Poppy, was that she could help save her roommate some bus fair later as she knew he was hiding somewhere within finishing his own essays. He had been complaining again about how her singing wasn't helping him concentrate, the spoil-sport.
Bridget was also joining them for the night which Poppy was thrilled about as it felt like she hadn't seen the sweet woman in forever. Grinning, she sped up her pace as she approached the large building and saw said pastel haired woman waiting on the steps. She waved enthusiastically all the while trying to balance the books in her arms.
“Bridget! Hey!”
“Hi, Poppy.” Bridget greeted, hopping down the stairs to offer her friend a hand with her books, “Thanks again for letting me join in tonight.”
“Of course! The more the merrier, right?!” She giggled, “So how's Gristle?”
“Oh, he's good. Said he was going to take the opportunity to play that spooky video game I'm not fond of while I'm gone.”
Poppy giggled at that before asking Bridget how she had been and that it felt like she hadn't seen in weeks. The two young woman continued chatting as they weaved around tall bookcases, Poppy leading the way toward the sitting area with the comfy chairs. She told her friend that both she and Gristle should come to her next party, as it had been a while since they came to one, and that she wouldn't take 'No' for an answer. Bridget giggled and said she'd do her best to be there.
Arriving at the predetermined meeting spot, the two pinkettes found Suki and Smidge waiting for them, books and paper already set up. After dumping her books on a table, Poppy claimed a nice cushy chair and nestled into it.
“So where's Guy and Coops?” She asked, reaching for her bag and pulling out her thermos of chocolate milk, “I thought they'd be here with you guys?”
“Guy texted about five minutes ago, said he had to work overtime.” Suki answered.
“And Cooper said he had to take over a co-workers shift tonight.” Said Smidge.
“But Biggie and Creek should be here soon.” The DJ said happily.
“Aww...” Poppy sighed, she hated it when her friends unexpectedly couldn't show up, “And the twins said they needed to finished a project for their sewing class.”
“Don't worry, Pops'. We'll still have a good time.” Suki comforted.
Smidge nodded, “Yeah! And we can always have a party to make up for them missing tonight!”
Poppy giggled, “You're right~ And I can make cupcakes for everyone!”
“Oh!” Bridget exclaimed, “Do you think you could help me make some for Grissy, Poppy? I've been needing to ask and almost forgot.”
“Of course! What's the occasion? Something...romantic~?”
The chubby woman blushed, “No, no. Nothing like that. He asked for some new ones I haven't baked before and I wasn't sure how to do them.”
Poppy giggled, “Oh! Well, no problem~ Just tell me a time and date and I'll be there.”
The conversation moved on from there, going from baking and cupcakes to plans for that weekend. The Snack Packs usual club was going through renovations so they had been discussing alternate locations, the current vote being for one that was a bit swanker than they were used to. Guy swearing he would be able to get them in. Somehow that turned to Poppy excitedly mentioning the new mini golf park that was almost done just out of town and how much fun she thought they could all have going together.
That's when Biggie finally showed up, “Sorry, I'm a little late, everyone.”
A chorus of hellos greeted him back as he took a seat next to Poppy. She looked around before asking him, “Where's Creek?”
“Oh! He got a call right as I was picking him up about helping to host a late night yoga class from his mentor. Said he's sorry he couldn't make it.”
“Oh...” Poppy let her shoulders droop for a moment, she had been looking forward to seeing him as she hadn't all day, “Well, that's a great opportunity for him, I guess.”
Everyone agreed with her and soon the group of five began working on their homework in earnest. With everyone working as diligently as they could, Poppy constantly doodling in her margins as she read the next section for her English class, it was no surprise that a hour passed by quickly. Smidge was currently muttering about stupid history essays and Suki was deep in her Japanese homework when Bridget groaned and buried her face in her arms.
Poppy was instantly out of her seat and beside her friend, “Bridget, what's wrong?”
“I hate Calculus! No matter how many times I try to do it, it just keeps getting more and more confusing. I don't even know why I have to take this stupid class!” She cried, “I should just quit and drop out.”
“Bridget, No!” Biggie exclaimed, “Don't do that! I'm sure whatever it is, we can help you out.”
“Yeah!” Suki agreed, “Just cause things are a little tough now, doesn't mean they won't get easier.”
Smidge nodded, “And once you're done with it, it's over! Don't have to take it again, like this stupid history class!”
Bridget frowned, “I don't know...I mean, you're right, I guess. It's just...”
Poppy pursed her lips and thought for a moment before sitting up, “I got it! Just wait right here. I'll be right back!”
The others watched her hurry off towards the other side of the library, wondering what idea had come to her to help Bridget with her problem. They were all a little surprised when ten minutes later, Poppy returned towing a frowning Branch behind her. She grinned and proudly presented him to the group.
“Ta-dah! Help has arrived!”
Rolling his eyes, Branch went to sit beside Bridget, dropping his backpack on the floor, “Same section as last time?”
“Yeah... You don't have to do this, Branch. You can go work on your own stuff, I-I can figure it out.”
He shook his head, “Nah, I was done with this weeks stuff anyway. It's no problem. Also-” He gently knocked a knuckle against her forehead, “No quitting. Gristle wouldn't like to hear you talking like that.”
She smiled shyly, “Right...I know.”
Poppy giggled proudly to herself, she just knew Branch wouldn't let Bridget struggle and quit because deep down he cared. If only she could convince him that it was okay to show that more often maybe he wouldn't act like a jerk all the time. She knew deep down -maybe even deep, deep down- he wanted to be happy and she'd do whatever she could to make that happen. Shifting back into her seat, she happily hummed and entertained the idea of how nice it would be to have Branch hanging out with them more often, laughing and smiling like when they were kids. Maybe she'd even get him to sing again, with her even!
“You can't be serious?! Status effect moves are so useful in battle!”
It was a few hours later and somehow Branch's presence had gone from surprisingly helpful for the others with his different opinions to talk about video games and the usefulness of status effects in Pokemon battles. Branch was apparently of the opinion that status effects were useful in battle while Smidge and Poppy were trying to convince him that they were virtually useless. Biggie and Bridget were staying out the argument, as they preferred to just collect and coo over their Pokemon, where as Suki was on Branch's side and once again was trying to explain their place in battle.
“Believe me, Dude.” Suki sighed, draped over her chair, “I've tried telling them this for ages, but Pops' is little Miss I'm-Gonna-Blow-You-Up.”
“I know!!” Branch proclaimed, “Do you know how many time I've tried to explain how helpful it is to be able to paralyze or put your opponent to sleep?! She doesn't listen and just goes about fighting willy-nilly!”
“I do not!” Cried Poppy, “I just think it's way easier to just beat any challenger when I'm ten levels higher and a type advantage. My team's too amazing to make up for any status effects I don't use. You two are just mean.” She then stuck her tongue out at them for good measure.
“Yeah!” Agreed Smidge, “You two just put way too much thought into battles.”
“Says Miss I-Only-Use-Fighting-Types.” Teased Suki.
“Fighting types are epic!”
“And easily beaten by Flying, Fairy or Psychic types.” Branch said, crossing his arms. He wasn't sure how they had even gotten on this subject, or how he had let himself get involved, but he wasn't going to back down. “It's a good strategy to have a well rounded team.”
“Oh really? Care to put your money where your mouth is?” Poppy smirked.
Branch frowned, he hated it when she used that tone of voice, “Where are you going with this?”
“Epic Death Match when we get home! 6 on 6 battle, best Pokemon. Whoever wins owes the loser twenty bucks! And we have to film it for my vlog!”
“No! No way am I getting involved in that!” He crossed his arms, “I'm right, just accept it!”
“Never!” Poppy laughed, “And fine, fine, I get it. You're just too scared to battle me. Can't prove your method is right when challenged so you just refuse.”
Branch sputtered, “I'm not scared! I just know how easy my victory will be!”
“Prove it!”
“Prove it~”
“I'm not battling you, Poppy.”  
“Bwak, bwak, bwak!”
“I am not chicken!” Branch practically screeched, “Fine! We'll battle when we get home! Happy?!” He glared at her, “Just don't cry when I beat you!”
“Yes~” Poppy giggled.
Biggie laughed a little nervously as he began stacking his books together, “And I think maybe that's our queue to go home. That was just a little bit loud and I don't think Mrs. Dewdrop would appreciate us getting any louder.”
Bridget nodded, “And it's getting sort of late. I wouldn't want to worry Grissy by coming home any later.”
Suki suddenly let out a large yawn, “Yeah, dudes. As fun as it is to talk Pokemon tactics, I got an early class tomorrow.”
“Right, of course!” Chirped Poppy. She wouldn't want to keep her friends out any later on a weekday. Plus she had a roommate to destroy.
Everyone quickly picked up their things and packed it away before going toward the door. Poppy waved a good night to the librarian as they past the front desk and then cheerfully skipped down the stairs after her friends. She gave each of them a tight hug as Branch looked suspiciously around the empty courtyard, trying to find some hidden mugger who wasn't there. He was about to insist on walking Bridget to her car when he heard Biggie offer as he was apparently parked close to her.
“Night, Poppy. Night, Branch.” Bridget bid goodbye before walking away with Biggie.
“Night, Bridget! Night, Biggie!” Cried Poppy, waving, “Be safe and text when you get home!” She then turned to Suki and Smidge before they walked away too, “Same to you guys~”
“Of course, Pops.” Suki winked, “Night, guys.”
“Let us know how bad you whoop his ass in that battle, Poppy!” Smidge smirked before walking away with the DJ.
Poppy giggled and ignored Branch's affronted look, “Will do!” She then turned to him with a smirk of her own.
“What?” He asked, suspicious of that look.
“That wasn't so bad, was it?” She giggled before latching onto his arm, “You joined a study night!”
He shook her off with a scowl, “I did not! I was just helping Bridget.”
“And then you stayed and studied with the rest us and even helped Biggie and I with some of our work!” She bounced happily, “And then you got so into video game discussions with Suki for the last hour and now we've got an Epic Pokemon Battle to commence when we get home!” Poppy excitedly punched the air with fist before smirking at Branch, “Which by the way, I'm totally gonna wreak you at!”
The raven haired man scoffed, “Fat chance.”
Poppy tsked and wrapped her arm around his again, leaning her head on his shoulder to cheekily say, “Admit it, Branch. You liked hanging out with other people for once.”
He shook her off again, trying to fight the rising blush on his cheeks, “I did not. Now can we hurry up?! I just know we're gonna get jumped if we linger any longer.”
“We will not,” She rolled her eyes, “But since you're so eager to lose. Let's go~” She then grabbed his hand and gleefully started running toward the parking lot.
“Poppy! Poppy, let me go!” Branch screamed.
Admit it, Branch, you enjoyed yourself a little there. Also Poppy, honey, you keep clinging to him like that and he may start to think you like him....Then again this is Branch XD
Chapter 7 Couch Cuddles Ft. Fuzzbert 2
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impvlved · 7 years
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❛ Is THAT what you call tact ?  You're as subtle as a  B R I C K  in the small of my back so lets end this call, and this conversation. And is that what you call a   G E T A W A Y  ?  Well, tell me what you got away with. ‘Cause you left the frays from the ties you severed and when you say BEST FRIENDS means  FRIENDS FOREVER .  ❜                                                                                    — Seventy Times 7, 1757 (2013)
yo yo yo, it’s linc comin’ at you with another muse because I am trash and cannot contain myself. This is my pop punk (don’t call his music pop punk to his face tho) baby Phoenix Henry! I have yet to write up his official bio but you can find his about page with some essential facts HERE and I’ll list a summary below!
Nix plays Jeremiah “Shooter” Schuman on Suburbia, so he’s been in acting for about three years now and he adores it. God. Anything involving creating and emotion? Sign him the FUCK. UP.
Once upon a time, two hella rich, hella famous Hollywood film producers had a child named Phoenix, and they just let him chill. He went to school in Burbank, California and a lot of the kids in his classes had parents in a similar position of fame, so there was never anything abnormal about his life. He’d go to class, return home to his mansion, and overall experience childhood just like anyone else -- except with added glitz, glam, and luxury. He discovered from an early age that he adored music. 
His parents had gotten him his first guitar and piano when he was four, in an effort to get Nix out of their hair, without realizing that their little ploy would lead to something so much greater. Nix began jamming out with his friends after school when he was ten, and slowly but surely the group of boys evolved to find their sound -- they competed in their first Burbank Battle of the Bands in 8th grade and won over three high school bands, which was a HUGE deal! The pressure was on then -- the group of boys chose their first name, The Switch, and began playing at middle school and high school dances, even landing a gig for the high school senior prom! Nix and his pals did this under their parents’ noses for a while, until they all turned 15 and they’d become “local celebrities” among Burbank’s youth.
Once Nix’s parents caught wind of the band, they ate it up. Mrs. Henry’s response to her son’s talents wasn’t to congratulate him, but rather tell him to work harder, push more -- she placed a call into her friends at Columbia Records and the boys landed a recording deal with one caveat: their name had to go.
Nix came up with their new band name the night before a world history test, when the group of boys’ attempts at a study group capsized. Playful banter and small food fights began (a deviled egg here, a mini hot dog there), but Nix found himself buried in a book of poetry his grandmother had given him for his 15th birthday. The poet? William Blake, one of his all-time favorites. After reading a particularly intriguing piece, Nix looked up, precisely when a small tea sandwich hit him square in the forehead. “1757,” he mused, closing the book. The other boys were silenced and immediately agreed. It wasn’t until later that they realized the name was a result of Nix’s love for poetry -- and the birth date of a one William Blake. In interviews with the band, the boys would tease Nix because of it, but his response would lack no confidence. “If you don’t roll with my boy Billy Blake,” he’d state, eyebrows lifted in defiance, “Then you can’t roll with me.”
So their first record was released in late 2011! And it just   e x p l o d e d   . Within 24 hours they had three songs in the U.S. Top 10 and 6 in the Global Top 50. In 2012, they toured for the very first time, and it only solidified their position at the top of the new punk movement. Suddenly, Nix’s parents took an interest in his life and wanted everything to do with him. They became the band’s managers and pushed the boys to their absolute extremes. Over the next few years, they’d release four singles and three albums -- and any time they weren’t in the studio, they were touring, headlining their own shows and appearing at festivals like Boston Calling, Warped Tour, etc. In 2014, 1757 was one of the Coachella headliners. 
Being the frontman of the band, Nix received the majority of fan enthusiasm -- of both the amazing and... creepy variety. Girls plastered his face all over their walls, fans recognized him even when he tried to go incognito. The fame invaded every single aspect of his life. And, unlike other big stars, the boy found it difficult to face it. In interviews, Nix let his bandmates do the majority of the talking. When he was asked about things, he’d offer nuanced, intelligent answers, but other than that he let his bandmates speak. This gave him the reputation of the “broody, sexy one.” Which, alright, could be kind of true, but he didn’t appreciate how everything about him was idealized and perpetuated as some sort of unrealistic romanticization of his character.
Nix became overwhelmed. His fans didn’t notice unless they really squinted but he began to look exasperated in interviews and backstage access videos. “Is it just me or is he getting hotter?!” was featured in a lot of YouTube comments on their music videos, but only Nix’s bandmates knew the truth -- the lifestyle was eating away at his resolve. And his parents pioneering their every move? It got tiring. They started imposing their opinions on Nix’s songwriting, discouraging experimentation, discouraging change. 
And then Zenith posted an audition for a new TV show, Suburbia. Nix slinked off to the auditions on a day they were supposed to be recording, and got the call about the role the morning after 1757 debuted one of their new singles on Saturday Night Live. Filming for season one aligned with their recording schedule, so he took on the role after consulting his parents, claiming it would be just a one-season gig. He’d record while filming, and finish just before the band’s summer tour would kick off.
After the first season aired, it became apparent that Suburbia was a hit and his character wasn’t going away. Nix fought to balance his two gigs and managed for a bit, until Zenith reached out and asked if he’d be willing to put in more time for Jeremiah’s role. Music had become a chore. The touring process started to toll him. Shortly after returning from a short Northeastern tour in 2015, Nix’s grandmother passed away -- and that was the last straw, the last thing that he needed to know it was time to quit.
The band understood; they’d all grown tired of how vigorously they’d been working. Some had dreams of going to university, others just simply wanted to live a normal life. So, while Suburbia filmed its second season, they worked on producing their fifth and final album. As the second season aired, 1757 kicked off their final world tour. They broke news of their hiatus in January 2017, and their final tour was extended for three months to accommodate for higher ticket demands. They parted ways victorious, and their fanbase still remains hopeful that a 1757 reunion may be underway in the future.
Nix is well aware he can’t outrun the fame he’s garnered from the band -- he’ll always be Nix Henry, 1757′s dreamboy, but now he feels that he can start anew. While venturing further into his acting career, Nix has begun recording a solo album to be released in late 2017 -- but this project has been kept top secret from most people in order to keep his parents from meddling with the project. Nix still runs his YouTube channel he started for the band, but its focus has become more geared to Q&A’s, vlogs, and snippets of original songs he’s written.
He loves words. (So it’s no surprise that he’s got quite the knack for them.) Often, when he’s not working, Nix can be found with his nose buried in poetry collections and the classics. He’s a prolific writer, often writing poetry double the rate at which he pens lyrics, which is perhaps why 1757 went down in the books as one of the most musically and lyrically nuanced bands of this generation.
You can absolutely expect me to pull songs from All Time Low, Blink-182, Brand New, The All-American Rejects, Sum 41, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, New Found Glory, Good Charlotte, The Wonder Years, Taking Back Sunday, Panic! at the Disco, Yellowcard, etc. and say they’re works of 1757. I like the idea of having tangible songs of theirs, and I’m legit pop-punk trash, so. Yes yes yes. If you ever have any recommendations/thoughts on songs that should be in their repertoire, hit me up! I’m always looking!
Nix is a gentle soul. He’s quite the flirt, but he’s quiet -- if he doesn’t see a reason to say something, he won’t. Music is his outlet and that’s where his emotions and thoughts are channeled. If he’s got an issue, he’s more likely to write a song about it than address it directly. See Seventy Times 7 (lyrics above the cut), a song he wrote about a girl who backstabbed him by cheating on him with one of his bandmates. Another example would be Soco Amaretto Lime (also stolen from Brand New), a song about refusing to grow up. See the lines: I’m gonna stay eighteen forever, so we can stay like this forever. And we’ll never miss a party ‘cause we keep them going constantly. And we’ll never have to listen to anyone about anything. ‘Cause it’s all been done and it’s all been said. We’re the coolest kids and we take what we can get. It’s one of their slower songs, more wistful, a bit melancholic. At the time, he was dating another musician he met at a festival, and his parents didn’t approve, hence the repeated lines of: You’re just jealous ‘cause we’re young and in love; you’re just jealous. 
Another example (I promise this is the last Brand New rant I go on, I just love them) is The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot, written pretty shortly after a breakup and -- more notably in his life -- his grandmother’s death. They were close, so his feelings about the situation kind of bled into the song’s original purpose. It was also a disguised letter to his parents following some conversations about toning down the band’s commitments -- It’s cold as a tomb, and it’s dark in your room when I sneak to your bed to pour salt in your wounds. So call it quits or get a grip. You say you wanted a solution, you just wanted to be missed. Call me a safe bet, I’m betting I’m not. Glad that you can forgive, only hoping as time goes, you can forget. He knows he’s a disappointment, he knows he’s letting them down, but this song was written on the cusp of his realization that he really couldn’t do it any longer.
Expect some song posts with lyrics and headcanons or self-paras of his writing process because I’m invested. Wooooooooo.
He’s got tattoos! A lot! And he wants more! Because the world is his canvas, honestly.
Talk to him about words. Tell him your favorite word. He will legitimately be so in love.
Heterosexuality? What’s that? The media’s convinced Nix is some type of ladykiller but he’s just... nope. It makes him laugh.
He has this inherent intensity in his gaze and expression. Like, he could be thinking about rainbows and puppies but fans will be like ‘omfg he’s obviously thinking about the implications of human existence right now’. But like..... also not a lie? He’s quite existential. His lyrics have been known to induce lots of crises, while simultaneously helping people out so it’s like... a huge paradox.
His lyrics are   A B S O L U T E L Y  the ones superimposed onto wilderness photographs on tumblr and reblogged as RP musings. Like, yes. Mhm.
There’s a live acoustic version of the band’s song, You’re So Last Summer (@ Taking Back Sunday, wooo) that brought his fanbase to tears? So yes. That’s kind of the direction his solo album is going in. Words still severe, abrasively true, but... The sound’s less loud and more subtle. Raw.
If I keep going I’m gonna like, put you all to sleep. So! That’s Nix in a nutshell! I want any and all the plots so please feel free to hit me up!! xoxo thanks for reading this long ass post
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