#she didn't bother to try and find gladio cause she knew it wasn't him
elinska · 5 years
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Ardnis Modern AU - Hair Problems
One of the reasons Ardyn never let Ignis get back on her motorcycle. The second one was because it was Ignis who send the damned picture to Regis. 
The Fluff of Ardyn’s hair is 
a lie. 
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor leonis,Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Gladiolus Amicitia.
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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He woke up to the sound of a woman's moaning and screaming. He raised his head from the steering wheel and stared around. His breath was a little faster than usual, so he tried to get them back to normal with deep breaths! He raised his hand and took the drops of sweat from his forehead, raised his head, and looked at the car clock. He had lost time, 2 hours of sleep was too much when Laura was there! His blue eyes lit up and he turned on the car again. He has to go to Shiva Mountain himself. Laura's pain was getting worse in his sleep, he only hoped that he would get it sooner! he got to the point where the car really couldn't go anymore. He got out of the car, filled Laura's backpack with food and potions. Even if he doesn't get the potion, he must take the food, Laura eats more when she was in pain! When she ate, she regained her energy and became refreshed. He locked the car and walked towards the mountain. Not slow, with long steps and close to running. It was not long before the deadly cold that he covered his coat. He put his coat's furry hat on his head and wanted to go higher, but his phone rang. He stood up and replied:
" Is there a problem, Gladio?"
" No! you don't know where is princess, not only can you handle it! Let me come with you"
"I don't need help, take care of them Gladio! If they make a mistake, kill them."
Gladio's eyes were fixed on Aurora and her brother, and Loqi were plugged in like a cell phone connected to a charger! nodded slowly:
"watch out!"
He cut off the call and returned his cell phone to his pocket. Slowly he sat down next to Loki on the edge of the bed:
"You don't tell that you have a twin sister!"
Loqi's teeth were still tied together. He closed his eyelids and slowly lay down:
"I can't tell everything I loved, to my enemies!"
Contrary to Loqi's expectations, Aurora broke his word:
" I grew up with your enemies, do you remember?"
"Don't force me to remember it!"
The smile painted Aurora's lips. She gently kissed his brother's head with love and pulled the blanket over his tension. Gladio stood up so that the girl could do her job more easily! When Aurora's work was completed, her thin arm was in Gladio's hand. She turned her head towards the tallboy to see why he was doing this. There was no opposition from Aurora, but she went after Gladio. Somewhere away from the tent, he stood around the table. There was a plate of food on the table. For Aurora as well as Mr. Amicita! It was disrespectful to him if Aurora started eating earlier and without permission, so she raised her head to see if he would allow it. It was a half-bright look. There was a special charm in Gladio's look, which was sewn at sunset!
"I have never seen a Cor so scared!"
Aurora's eyebrows slowly raised up in surprise! She tilted her head slightly and rested his hand on the table:
"what do you mean?"
Gladio turned his head to Aurora:
" I knew it was a time when he had a relationship with Laura, but that he was in such a hurry and alone."
For a moment, Aurora's face took on a thoughtful gesture. She picked up the flask and poured some tea for herself, but gave up on drinking only tea, so she took the cup to Gladio and looked at him:
"How much do you know about the history of your attacks on test sites of Nifs?"
Gladio's eyes widened in surprise. He took the cup from her and stared at her:
"Well, once my grandfather attacked, my father once too, but ... Why do you ask?
"How much information do you have about the princess!"
"I'm sure more than you!"
"If you knew more, you wouldn't be surprised why Cor went alone! It's not a matter of interest! The problem is another thing!"
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Tea steam raised from the cup slowly and gave a happy smile to Aurora. She grabbed her cup and stared into Gladio's eyes! He loved their color! The color of the tea is dark. He ate some of the contents of his cup and continued so that Gladio's curious look on his face would not make laugh:
"Your princess was a perfect example of Verstael testing that a man named Clonus Amicitia stole her!"
Gladio's frowns opened, showing how surprised he was:
"Is she a Nif?
"No! She was a modified copy of King Regis! It's weird that you don't know !!
"Surely king Regis did not consider it appropriate for this issue to be widespread!"
"Exactly Mr. Amicitia. And that's why Cor went alone! Because he didn't want anyone to know Laura's secret! Plus, it might be too late and Laura wouldn't be Laura!
"what do you mean!!!"
"Laura was supposed to be created to fight you with your own magic! She is so powerful! Something I'm not even sure she even imagines! She doesn't know at all !! As I told you, if Cor arrives late, he will die! And then it's our turn!"
"Do you want to say .. will she be controlled ?!"
" It wasn't supposed to be, but yes, they have to clear her mind to control her, otherwise, she didn't give her power to them!"
Aurora's words made Gladio regret why Cor went to her alone! Of course, if they were better and faster together, they would reach Laura. He sipped his cup of hot tea and moved his head to the sides:
" I hope the situation is right."
Aurora's face slowly grew sad and she drank some tea:
"me too."
The night had arrived, a cold, heavy, dark night. So deep that it penetrated your being. The laboratory was silent. The researchers were all in their dormitories, relaxing in the dark. The silence was so deep and heavy that it created illusions. Illusions for a girl in a cylinder.
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Her two-colored eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly, she could hear sounds she didn't remember much about who their owners were, she had lost herself as if a big black hole that was formed in his mind and the voices were rising from the dark end of it.
Slowly she opened her eyes, she was so immersed in the liquid that his eyes were used to it, she took a deep breath, she was so calm that nothing came to her until a few hours ago she was trying to escape and was boasting. She doesn't remember at all! She slowly turned her eyes to see those around her so she could forget those sounds. But something new was added to those sounds, obscure images that could not be ignored!
There was a man standing in front of her who liked his seriousness and look, a man who was smiling at her and his green eyes were shouting that he was interested in her. Maybe she'll remember if she focused on those eyes. "Daddy " was the voice of a little girl running towards the man. Her distant eyes were familiar ...! She closed his eyes for a moment and stared around again.
She recognized blue soft light. The crystalline particles around the cylinder moved gently and gathered together. And that beautiful light grew bigger. It was wonderful and strange and interesting for someone who doesn't remember, especially the appearance of a man standing between the lights and shining! Nobody can see them, man but Laura. And that was nothing but a real illusion, that blue light seemed sacred to her ... that blue light ... as if it was penetrating inside her and causing that deep black hole in his mind to slowly lighten up.
Memories were clear to her that had either tormented her or made her deeply happy. Her gaze was staring at the blue light and she was slowly remembering the pain, the calm, the pain .. All those who came to her mind were men, men who It's like having a lifetime in front of her eyes once again! The joy of a little girl who was now clear to him as her childhood, next to those men made her remember more ... and at the end of that blue light ... Snow dots were associated with her, the image of a teenager who quickly distanced herself from him. He would go and laura would drown in her own pleas! A painful memory of a failure that was not for herself!
That blue light was the spirit that had listened to Laura's pain for years. The spirit that could have made that little girl a real fighter. But now he had to leave Laura alone. He had already sent her to sleep for protected her of a dangerous situation, but now he was helping her remember her memories. With Somnus gone, Laura closed her eyelids and read her name in her heart, because it was the only word that came to mind. It was .. the name that had been the same since childhood as Laura's lonely companion:
"Somnus ..!"
Her eyes suddenly opened as shone with the same bright blue light, but it didn't take long. She clenched her fist and hit the glass body of the cylinder with all her might. Once .. twice ... the skin above the bones of her hand was bruised, but with each blow, she struck a crack in the cylindrical cracks. With a stronger blow, the cylinder broke beforehand and Laura fell to the ground with the object that surrounded her!
She removed the mask from her face and threw it away. The red warning light was seen throughout the laboratory. A flashing light that was the only light illuminating that demonic place. A place that had to be destroyed. Not to Laura's own hands! She was pulled out and gone for the door. It was tied up in front of her and could not open until It received the code. Laura put her hands on the door and with a few deep breaths crumpled it in his hand. Performing this magic in a forbidden place was so heavy that Laura had no choice but to scream in anger.
The iron gathered like dough in her hand and then pressed against the sides. The way was open for Laura. She went forward with force, and every soldier who attacked her and quickly disarmed with her, she used their weapons and killed all of them. The whole laboratory was facing a crisis, a crisis called Laura! A killing machine that attacked people who were in the service of her creator!
She was right in the hallways that there were human and monster specimens! It didn't take long for the force absorbed in killing her opponents to become a sword in her hands. A sword made for Laura. She forcefully beat her blade on the glass that was the prison of monsters! She did not intend to destroy them! She wanted to throw them at the lives of their creators! Mean Verstael .. and the whole base! After releasing those monsters, she was able to distract the soldiers! Not just soldiers but all researchers! And that was the best opportunity for Laura that she can escape and take refuge in the mountains.
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The wind and cold could not bend his back or force him to retreat! His skin was partially burnt, and the snowflakes were streaked between his brown hair. He was holding his katana in his arms to control his anxiety a little by squeezing it. He knew Laura was no longer at the headquarters. Before infiltrating the base, he heard from the wounded that Laura had escaped! But where was she now that she had escaped? She was fine or not! He stood up in his place and called out the name of his beloved Laura in a loud voice!
"Laura !!"
He paused for a moment to hear a sound, but no sound was heard! He continued walking again. It wasn't long before he heard a faint sound! It was difficult to tell the direction of the sound in that wind. He turned his head to see the owner of the sound, but the only thing he saw was Gentiana! He was a little surprised, but his face did not show his feelings. He looked at Shiva and followed the path marked with diamonds, realizing that the reason for Gentiana's presence was only to keep Laura because he was sure that Laura would not be second in this cold! The wind suddenly blew away, and the snow fell slowly. He dropped his backpack and followed the path that Gentiana had shown him. Just above the hill! He stood up and stared at her, poor laura, she has crumpled herself and shivering from the cold! Hope flooded Laura's heart when she saw the Marshal. She smiled briefly and from the place where she was standing, she takes a point warp to Cor! She was frozen and couldn't talk! She knew that Cor's embrace was hot and that it was somewhat cold! But she appeared in exactly one step of cor, her thin body unable to withstand the pressure of point warp and she fainted.
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Cor's hands quickly wrapped around Laura's body, it was heavy in his hands and this was not a good sign, his eyes were full of anxiety and he could not breathe freely. He couldn't turn Laura back in the wind though! He was happy to see the mouth of a cave. He hugged Lara, showed his dagger in his hand, and hurried it to the cave. he takes a  Point Warp and then down on Laura on the floor. He took off his coat and threw it on Laura's body.
" Laura? Can you hear me?"
Cor,s voices could be clearly audible for Laura. But she could not answer. She hadn't lost consciousness yet, but she couldn't stop Cor from worrying. And Cor horror had already increased. He took Laura on the ground and went a little further into the cave. He was sure he would not find a wood that could be burned! He sat down and keeps Laura in his hug, all his work was done quickly and anxiously. He presses Laura firmly to his body to warm her. He put his breath in her neck and put his hands on Laura's frozen body to warm her. That was all he could do to save her:
" Stay with me, Laura! do you hear me?? Please open your eyes!"
Cor's worries bothered Laura so much. She didn't want cor to feel that he was losing his love, so she answered in a weak tone and a two-tone voice:
"I'm just tired ... I'm fine!"
Laura's voice suddenly calmed him. He gave up the fight and hid his head in Laura's neck, takes deep breaths to calm down! He thought he was losing Laura. Hatred of crying data in his throat, but he was Cor and he could control it. He kissed Laura's wet hair and held her in his arms, so worried that he didn't want to get away her from himself even a little. It was a lot of fun for Laura, but she might have bothered him anyway, and she didn't want to. So she spoke
slowly again:
" That's how you get annoyed, Cor .. !!"
"You're cold, I can't put you on the ground!"
Laura's frozen eyelashes parted and her eyes opened slowly
"How long have you been in the mountains? Your face is burned!"
Created a faint smile on Cor lips. Meeting. He gently pulled Laura's wet hair from her face. He took one of Laura's hands between his fingers and breathed a little to warm it:
"One of them says that healthy skin is not left on his face."
He kissed Laura's blue fingers, her look turned to the lips that kissed her fingers. She laughed softly and closed his eyes again:
" I'm so tired, otherwise, I would have answered you!"
Cor's smile faded and the frown comes on his forehead :
"what did you want to say?"
" My mind doesn't work, I don't know how I should react!"
Again a smile sat on Cor's face. He caught fire in his hand, held it in front of Laura, and clung to her more than ever. He stared at her face, his hands weren't free so he could caress her face, what's wrong? Laura was the only woman who had Cor's heart, the experience had shown her that it was not bad to express his feelings at times. He lowered his head and placed his forehead on Laura's forehead and kissed her on the nose. A faint smile settled on Laura's lips, but it soon faded, her eyelids opened, and her face stared at Cor by a little at the anxiety or discomfort or any other negative feeling. Her voice became quieter because Cor was beside her and did not need to expend energy to speak louder:
" I had a fantastic dream, Cor ..!
Cor's cold but lovely face wiped away the smile and replied more seriously:
"In awaken??
" In the lab, when Verstael wanted to wash my mind!"
"What did you see?"
There was a moment of silence on Laura's lips. She looked at the waiting eyes of Cor and stared at an unknown point:
" You have to help me, my Immortal! I don't trust anyone but you!"
Surprisingly, the only reaction that Cor was shown. He frowned and lit the flame in his hand! He forced Laura to sit down, and while pulling her bag forward, give her some of the food she had brought with her:
" You know, I don't like this secret mode of you ! it is dangerous!! So clearly say what you saw!"
Laura's gaze fell into the bag, she had no appetite because her mind was so busy. But to alleviate his weakness, he grabbed a packet of chocolate biscuits that Cor take it for her, opened it, and took one out of the package. She paused the biscuit front her mouth and continued:
"I have to open the crystal. Without anyone realizing it!"
She chewed a little of the biscuits and then looked at her Cor:
" I don't want them to think that I want to betray my king .. You know that these words have always been behind me! So you have to understand."
Cor was frowning! His look, which was a little angry, directly targeted Laura:
" Do you want to kill yourself? You just ran away from the nifs right now!!
The princess's will was not only shaken but more determined than ever:
"Before that, I have to go to Lunafreya. I don't want Noctis to smell this!
"What do you want to do, Laura !!"
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There was a moment of silence on the princess's lips. She raised his head and looked at Cor with a tired but strong look:
"I want to stand against Bahamut! I want to save Noctis and the rulers of yore. I can't shake hands so that they ruined!"
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Dariolus Amicitia(my oc) Noctis lucis Caelum, Ignis scientia, Crystalcrown Leonis ( @yutauke28 oc )
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
I can't find a good name for my story and probably changed its name.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Part: 2
Cor's voice opened my eyes slowly. I saw that it was a bit blurry and I couldn't see his face clearly! I took a deep breath and tried to sit in my place. He put his hand on my shoulder to oppose me, but I was sitting! I put my feet on the ground and rested my hands on the edge of the bed:
"I'm fine!"
He stood for a while and then sat down next to me. His movements were doubtful because he did not know much about socializing with a woman. He did not expect more from a 45-year-old man who had fought or practiced all his life! I lowered my head and broke the silence with myself:
"I ran away!"
I heard a cold, calm voice:
"This is nothing, Lara! You did what your father wanted!"
My voice was calm and my tone was heavier than ever:
"He kept his promise... he was right!"
I turned my gaze slowly to his blue eyes. His face was cold and serious. It didn't make any sense, and that's why our relationship ended. I didn't know why I came back to him! I took a deep breath and got up to leave the camp:
" I'm sorry I won't take your time."
Before I could even walk away from the bed, he grabbed my wrist and prevented me from leaving. I slowly stood up and turned to face him! His eyes were full of words, but his lips weren't moving, he slowly let go of my hand and got up from his place:
"Rest here. You have just arrived, your body is not strong yet!"
This behavior really bothered me. I couldn't stand it, especially through:
" I'm human .. I sow the death of my loved ones .. My father disappeared, I only lost my companion! I took refuge in you! Isn't that enough to show my feelings?
He was standing quietly before reached his work desk. His thoughts were dumb and silent to me. I couldn't read anything from his look or demeanor. He took a deep breath and I could feel it moving his shoulders. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, laughing so much in my mental anguish that no one thought it might be something that bothered me. I had accepted this, but I needed to embrace someone I loved !! Cor's silence was nothing to me except he was unimportant to me, he never said he wanted me. never! While I was trying for years to restore her soul, he ignored me .. and even now .. !! The headache forced me to sit down. I sat on the bed for the second time and held my head in my hands:
" Do you know about Noctis"
"Not yet!"
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at its screen. I wanted to call Noctis, but ... what was I told him! I left my phone on the bed and stared at cor again! His gaze was fixed on the map on his desk, and he was looking at it calmly. Sometimes I felt that he had no feelings, but ... I pressed my eyelids tightly and a thick frown settled between my eyebrows:
" I'm tired .. can you calm me down only once ??"
I couldn't believe I asked him to do that. I slowly raised my head to see him, standing right in front of me. A faint smile sat on his lips. Pale and very calm, but the same smile was very unexpected for someone known him. Slowly he sat down on his knees in front of me and hugged me. The touch of his hands gave me a soft feeling, I felt like someone who was addicted to drugs for a long time, and now it has suddenly calmed down using the drug it loves! Cor was an unattainable but lovable drug for me, he was Unattainable, but he has worth it. Slowly, I raised my hands and circled the tension. Hatred of crying puts pressure on my throat and I have no choice but to break it. I put my eyes on his wide, flat shoulders and pressed myself against him. I used to take refuge in it because of the loss of half of my family. Cor always made me happy and I feel like a free girl by him. but now, at the age of 39 ... could I still be happy? While there was almost nothing left of my family ??
"I don't know this confession .. right or not but .. I love you cor..for a long time .. !!
This sudden confession of mine seemed to be very unexpected to him, maybe he thought I wasn't interested in him, but ... his hands sat on my shoulders and he pulled me away from himself. That smile was gone from his face. His face was cold, but his icy eyes injected a certain warmth.
"I didn't think this interest would still exist!"
His words made me laugh. I wiped away my tears and tilted my head to some extent and answered him while my tone was a little warm:
"Can i don't want these eyes ?? You are more bitter than snake venom and more unbearable than a cactus trunk !!
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He laughed softly. He laughs a little, but when he laughs, it feeds my heart with calm and love. From his laughter, only a faint smile remained, he lowered his head for a moment and looked at me again. I grabbed his collar and put my face close to his face. I kissed him gently on the lips. I stared into his eyes. The surprise was clearly in his eyes, and I could feel it! I laughed and raised my head, my smile slowly disappeared, my tone was sad:
"There is no other kingdom .. You no longer need to hide your interest because I am a princess!"
He hugged me again and stroked my hair. I couldn't read his thoughts, but I knew it felt good. He was so proud that he didn't say it, but well, I didn't have that pride. And I was at the forefront of expressing interest in him! Nap pressed on my eyelids, and the warm embrace of Cor made my body lighter! I laughed and separated myself from him:
"I am sleepy!"
He laughed softly and got up from his place. He picked up a gray blanket and threw it over my head:
"Sleep, I'll get to work too!"
I took my tone seriously and pulled the blanket down over my head:
"Sit down and do your works! what I have to do with you !! You act kind of like you hate it so much! It's my fault that I kissed you!"
I took off my boots and threw them on the other side, opened the blanket and threw it on my feet. I opened my hair and continued to growl in front of his benevolent gaze:
"I hope you have a fever that you can't do anything! I hope that the gods your enemy's incurable pain. I hope a green wart is the size of an apple on your nose !!"
He laughed softly and stood behind his desk. I lay on the bed and slept while my back against Cor. When I was sure that my face would no longer see, I dropped into myself. I used all that sorrow to empty the heads of the Nif soldiers. To calm me by shedding their dirty blood. Although .. this bleeding did not revive my loved ones.. it calmed my heart!
As Laura fell asleep, Cor's look was drawn at her. He breaths caught softly, and his eyebrows twitched in a sad frown. He had received the news from Monica in all the details, he didn't bring anything to Laura so as not to make her feel bad. However, He saw Laura stronger than talking about the death of her loved ones. Now Cor had lost his friends, his legendary king, as well as his old master! He took a deep breath and lifted his hands from the desk, Slowly he walked towards Laura and stood over her head! He was happy that she was still alive, and this made him thank Cor of his gods for the second time. Now that he knew Laura was still interested in him, he decided not to miss this opportunity to have her! Years ago, not knowing what he was doing, he felt dependent on Lara, and all this distance had not only made him feel weak but more than ever. he didn't know Laura so much while she was trying to cure him as a child. SHe didn't look at Cor like other people, he didn't hate them and he understood them, maybe because she had a difficult childhood, maybe she also understood the meaning of hating others well. He has been with Laura for a long time, he knows how much Laura suffers! Laura, who, in spite of all this mental pain, was called a bastard and humiliated others, was smiling again, and was happy! That's what made those around him ... especially Cor, remember that he was a continuation! He gently raised his hand and stroked her black and gray hair with a delicate hand. He didn't even cut his hair short because of his knowledge of Cor interest, he put his hand on his arm to pull his fingers and he grabbed them between his hands !! Seven-year-old Laura calmed the pain of Cor failure with these hands so that Cor realized how difficult life is for him without Laura's presence !! He pulled the blanket over her shoulders and kissed her head gently and briefly. He didn't do much of it, so he finished it quickly. They had to do their mission and get the key to noct! He went out of the tent to eat something instead of breakfast!
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Ignis' green look was on Gladio and the prompto that the wanted them that left Noctis and himself alone. He stood behind Noctis, raised his hand hesitantly, and pushed it into his delicate hair, and caressed it. This brief action by Ignis caused Noctis to turn and look at him with tears in his eyes, the news of the death of his loved ones had greatly disturbed him. So hard that he could hold back his tears, now only his friends are with him. He put his hand over his eyes to wipe away his tears and spoke in a voice that was muffled by crying:
"Everyone dies ..!"
Ignis was silent because he could not find the words that were appropriate for Noctis's pain relief, which, of course, did not last long. Noctis 'voice echoed in Ignis' ear. He cried freely and sobbed:
"I can not believe it..!"
A girl's hands gently grasp Noctis' shoulders. Touching those hands, Noctis turned his back slowly, wiping his ocean eyes from the tears. Crystal's hands wiped Noctis' tears from his face. Her face was sad because she seemed to have lost her family too!
"Do you know that you are not alone?"
It didn't take long for Ignis's voice to be heard. He gently put his hand on his friend's shoulder and continued his words seriously:
"We always hold your back. Only death can separate us from you."
Knowing the strength of Ignis' will, and of course, his perseverance and endurance made Noctis's pain somewhat relieved. The touch of crystal caresses also calmed him. His friends were always by his side and that was enough for Noktis ... and all he wanted to be was for him not to lose them either. Crystal hands wrapped around Noctis's waist and led him to the car. At the same time, all three returned to the car to get to their seats. Noctis thoughts were filled with sweet memories of the past. His father's nightly tales of her travels and adventures, Laura's petty mischief to entertain him .. Halloween celebrations and New Year's Eve together .. Laura's sinister plans and his father's opposition to surprise Cor or Clarus. There was nothing left of that family except Noctis. He thought that Laura was also alive because Cor had not given him any information about Laura. he was no longer crying, but his chest was heavy because of this mental pain !! All this time along the way, Noctis stared sadly and frustratedly at the floor of the car .. Even this car was full of memories .. his father's car .. he took a deep breath and frowned at his hatred ... leaving him all alone .. lying to him, Lying next to him, lying with him, staying with him, lying that everything is under control .. Lying behind lies .. !! All the time Noctis's grief and selfishness locked his friend Prampto's eyes on his eyes. Seeing this, his friend had nothing but torment. He had never been so quiet. Unlike Prampto and Ignis, Gladio was disappointed that King Regis had sacrificed his life to save his worthless son. However, he was respectful and did not tell him anything. This was the only sympathy of Gladio!
She was standing outside the garage, leaning against the wall. Her head was down and her gaze was fixed on the ground from behind the irregular strands of her hair. Cid's words about King Regis break his daughter's heart. Slowly she raised her hand and placed it on her chest, took a deep breath, and walked slowly into the garage. The sound of his strong footsteps broke the silence created by Cid's departure. The first look she turned to the princess was Ignis. The gleam of happiness in his large, green eyes was easily recognizable to Laura. As expected from Ignis, he stood respectfully and straight in front of the princess and bowed:
A smile wiped the Cleared her red lip from lipstick. It was as if Ignis's voice had caught Noctis' attention. Because he slowly turned his back and was shocked to see his sister. Perhaps out of joy and perhaps out of surprise, Noctis's inner sense was a positive and joyful one. He took a step away from his place and came to Laura:
"Laura !!"
Laura quickly painted her lips and hugged her brother and squeezed:
"Is my Kitty good?"
Laura's survival was hope for Noctis again. He was not alone !! Her sister was here, by his side! He laughed softly and kissed his sister's cold cheek. This coldness of Laura's body worried her to some extent. Slowly he pulled her away from himself and looked at her with a worried frown:
"Your body is .. cold !!"
As prompto came forward, the sentence that Noctis uttered was forgotten. He stood in front of Laura and happily put his hand behind his head and leaned back a little:
"Wow, Laura, being alive is a miracle !!"
Laura's gentle laughter responded to Prompto's warm, friendly tone:
"I also didn't get well."
The next person was Crystal. She ran happily to Laura and hugged her tightly! It didn't take long for her tongue to open and he began to speak sharply:
" You are alive, Laura, you are alive !! I can not believe it!"
A kind smile sat on Laura's lips. She caressed crystal's red hair gently and kissed her head. The pain was so severe that she did not want to think about the past and the place of that sweet and kind girl!
"No one dares to kill me my strawberry !!!"
Crystal's gaze was fixed on Laura's face and her:
"You are a badass, Laura you know?"
Gladio's gaze was looking for a bigger level than his own. The fact that Dario is not with Laura ... gave him nothing but a negative feeling. He turned to Laura and stared at her smile. If Dario was dead, Laura wouldn't smile !!
" Where is Dario? Is he eating ramen again?
Not to mention that Dariolus took a smile from Laura's lips and made her face look very serious. Laura's silence and her gaze fixed on the unknown corner, made Gladio regret his words. Her guess was correct, Dario was dead! Laura's grief was quickly reflected in her audience. Her deep breath saddened Prompto's kind face. He spoke in a worried tone to find out why Laura was silent:
"He is all right...right?"
A short, faint smile opened Laura's lips, but she couldn't stand it, and the smile went away again. Her emotions erupted subconsciously, and a stubborn drop of tears tried to break the barrier of her eyes, and finally, she quickly dripped and fell on her cheek The slip of that crystal drop made everyone understand what Laura was doing to control herself. However, Laura quickly wiped away the tears and said in a trembling voice:
Her hatred of crying prevented her from continuing. Hardly pressing her lips together, and tried to complete the answer:
" He is gone.. with pride!"
Crystal's sad face was sewn as a good friend. Laura was like her mother, but Crystal loved her more than anything, seeing her suffer so much hurts her kind heart. Noctis' sad look stared at the ground for a moment, again in the form of his sister. He pressed the corners of her eyes so that she wouldn't cry, Laura was that. She hated expressing her sorrows so much !! For the second time, he gently hugged her and kissed her hair. A smile came to Laura's lips and with the help of Noctis, she was able to control her emotions again. Slowly he turned his back and separated herself:
"I'm fine!"
She put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him for a moment, then stared at Noctis' friends:
"Cor in the tomb is waiting for you!"
She looked back at Noctis:
" Well, listen to Cor's words! He has a lot of experience."
" Aren't you coming ??"
Noctis's short sentence didn't put Laura's lips on for a few seconds, but that silence disappeared with a soft smile:
"R u sure?"
"Well, you go, I'll come myself. Because I have to go to Lestallum!"
Noctis stared at his sister's face. He took a deep breath and shook his head once:
Just one word from Noctis' tongue caused Laura to turn back. She slowly distanced himself from him and turned her back on them to go to her car! The brown look of the Gladia was radiant. Like his father, he is jealous of Dario's station. They were both proud to be dead. Calmly breath caught and he walked slowly towards Regalia:
"Let's go."
Ignis's hand calmly sat on Noctis' shoulder and gently led him to the car.
Laura's gaze was fixed on them. Also to the reflect that Regalia had. She smiled softly. The girl was alive because her father loved her. She couldn't even get close to Regalia. She just saw her reap! She slowly put her hands on her car's steering wheel and took a deep breath to control herself as her car window slammed. She turned his head slowly, saw Cindy, lowered the glass, and waited with a warm smile to hear her words:
Cindy's always warm tone made Laura's smile. She cautiously put her hands on the roof of the car and leaned toward Laura:
"Your car is fixed, your highness! I hope you enjoy it!"
This confirmation of Cindy led Laura to turn on the car. She turned it on, and when she heard a bass voice, her engine was overwhelmed with pleasure:
"Great, Cindy! Like always !!"
She turned her head towards her and blinked at her! Laura's blink made her laughed. Suddenly she stood up straight:
"A trivial thing, my lady!
She put her hand in her waist bag and took out a little packet of envelopes, pausing at Laura's side:
"This is what you wanted!"
Deliver Laura's delicate fingers from Cindy's hands. She slowly opened it and stared at her bank cards. She turned his head towards Cindy and smiled at her again:
"Good job Cindy! Let me know if there is a contest again! I need to rebuild my soul!"
Cindy's reaction was to laugh. She leaned back a little and then locked her hands on her chest and leaned to the side:
" There are always competitions! For example, tonight ... at two o'clock ... the mountain route!"
Laura's gaze was fixed on Regalia, that going away. She took a deep breath and then pointed to Cindy:
"Take your time free for sunset, we have to go and check the track"
Her two-colored gaze was fixed on the ground, touching her brother's pain with all her might! She took a deep breath and turned his head slightly toward the tomb, and the light of Noctis's armiger was even thicker than their father's light! What was expected of the chosen! She took a deep breath and took her baton from the stone wall of the tomb, put her hand on the iron door, opened it with pressure, and went inside. Her gaze was on the ground, and she was slowly walking toward the tomb of King Optimus, where her brother was standing:
"You are persecuting Dad when you call him a liar!"
Noctis was still staring at the ground. He felt that Laura did not understand him, he thought that he was more dependent on his father than his sister and that there was more love between them. At that moment ... he couldn't be kind to Laura, anger, and sadness were two feelings that Noctis had no ability to control, quite unlike Lara !!
"I don't think this not better for you than it was better for me !!"
Cor's gaze sat on Noctis with a week frown, unhappy with his behavior. That's why he frowned and looked at his dear Laura. Contrary to his Cor, Gladio came to the surface from this behavior of Noctis, he saw him as a child who has no supply to raise his nose! he didn't keep quiet so that Laura could answer for herself, and while his voice was full of anger, he hit Noctis whit his word:
" He wasn't only your father, Noctis, understand this!"
Noctis's voice was been loud with anger and trembled with hatred and tears:
"Because of this, his dear girl left him to die ??"
There was a heavy silence between each and everyone present. Noctis 'behavior was so difficult that no one could answer, although it wasn't just because of Noctis' harshness that it was to respect Laura. Everyone's eyes turned to Laura's pause to see her reaction. Pointing to Laura's hand, she went out of the tomb one by one, and she was left alone with Noctis. After a long period of silence, a grin settled on Laura's lips, well she could have united Noctis' pride with the soil at that moment !! She could hit him and tell him everything that came out of his mouth, she could tell Noctis and his mother to take his father's attention away from him, she could tell what pain she suffered in the court from Noctis and his mother! She could have emptied his knots, but ... it wasn't in Laura's presence! Laura wasn't weak enough to grab herself by grabbing others! Noctis loved her, even though she was not happy with her mother, she pressed her lips to suppress that hatred so that Noctis would not hurt her wound and break her tender heart, although Noctis didn't care about Laura and was fine with her feelings. Without even noticing the rest! Finally, she spoke in a calm tone:
"As he kept you away from Insomnia, he also wanted to keep me away!"
She walked slowly to the door, feeling the weight of Noctis' gaze:
"Don't think that he was your only father, Noctis .. I touched his pain even more than you ... I realized better than you that he collapsed."
Slowly, stood and turned to Noctis, her gaze tied to Noktis's tear-filled gaze, a kind smile that showed the bitterness of sorrow more than the sweetness of kindness:
"He took me away from Insomnia .. I realized, but I arrived when everything was over! If I stayed, I would die! However .. you are right! It would have been better for me to die. Not ready..!
Embarrassed and hidden in Laura's words, Noctis regretted what he had said. The boy was more emotional than a two- or three-year-old boy, but at that moment he didn't even dare to apologize to his sister! He never understood why Laura suddenly withdrew from the Crown Prince and took refuge in Kingsglaive academy! He never knew exactly why Laura dropped them. Nobody knew that! And that's why Noctis thought Laura didn't want them and her father's death didn't matter to her, but:
"Don't forget the point that I was born of dady. He raised me, he was both a father and a mother to me, unlike you, who had your mother for a few years! Dad, everything was mine and I lost everything. Your thoughts have no truth .. If you can't turn your back on me, I don't want you to see me as your enemy!"
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She put his delicate hand on the door to take refuge in the sleeping music in her car, but her arm stopped as she was captured. She turned his head slowly towards Noctis and looked at her! The fact that Noctis lowered his head meant only one thing! He was ashamed of his sister's feelings. But before he could speak, Laura's embrace settled inside her. Laura couldn't bear to see Noctis 'grief. Laura was the second and last person to know Noctis' fate! She hugged her little brother and squeezed herself. Smell his soft hair and kiss his head, this kindness and gentleness of laura calmed Noctis. He was sure he could trust his sister because he regretted what he had said. He didn't know what he would do if he were there !!
"I just..."
"Shush kitty !! Don't think about it, go with your friends and complete your strength, we have a lot of work to do !! Don't forget that Dad is Healthy and fresh now! OK?
A faint smile settled on Noctis' lips as he let his sister's fingers wipe away his tears:
"Don't ruin a king with the word prophecy!"
Laura's reaction to Noctis was this: she punched him in the shoulder and laughed:
"A kitty always is a kitty! Eat your vegetables!"
And again, this was a good laugh. With his gaze, he chased Laura and was alone in the tomb. He took a deep breath and his hands clenched for a moment:
After the departure of Regalia, Adamentuis finally started. Laura's gaze was still fixed on Regalia's empty place, and she smiled softly and walked away."Do you remember Cor? How much trouble we had in sitting in that car!"
Cor's gaze was fixed on the front, remembering the past, he just pressed his lips together and leaned his head against the back of the chair:
" I just remember that you stood in the trunk to go with your dad !!"
Laura's short laugh was a little loud and open again .. Silence! The squeezed the Car steering wheel in her hand and took a deep breath:
"Apparently, you are the only one who knows how dependent on my Dady!
"Me and cid ..! I guess."
Remembering Cid, it was still a smile that was the guest of Laura's lips, she tilted her head left and right and leaned back in her chair:
" young heart cid! No?
She laughed and cor watched without that laura understood it. Cor's gaze was still fixed on her face, no one was curious about his past, because no one cared about him, but Laura ... He was sure that all the time he left her and didn't want to see her, the worst things happened to her, like Mors's death. ! Cor was the one who knew what a heavy defeat that sudden death was for Laura, and after that ... the suicide of the former queen, means Laura's grandmother. He regretted that he had rejected Laura, he was ashamed of her, as he was still ashamed of his harsh behavior and manliness, he looked at forward, he tried to talk about his feelings once again, he felt ashamed and Sorry:
" Um ... I don't usually talk about these things, but ... I'm sorry!"
At that moment, the only thing that could be seen on Laura's face was a surprise! She turned his head toward Cor for a moment and looked at him, but as she had to watch out for the road, she takes her gaze on him again and stared at the road :
"For what?"
After a thoughtful pause, Cor's cold tone greeted Laura's curiosity:
" I shouldn't have just let you go! You saw me as your trusted friend ... In those circumstances, maybe I wasn't right!"
" I shouldn't let you alone Cor!
Cor's gaze once again focused on Laura to hear the rest of her words, and Laura didn't wait long for him:
"You weren't in a good mood, I shouldn't leave you alone!"
" The one who was released was not me, Laura, it was you!"
"It doesn't matter for me, man! I'm not sad! You wanted to be alone, too !!"
"Don't try to fool me laura!"
" That you left me alone all that time was nothing to hurt me ... did you notice? I had bigger problems. So much so that I never saw my grandfather's death!"
The faint, permanent frown becomes between Cor's. Slowly he leaned back and stared at Laura:
"I want to know what the problem was!"
Laura's deep breath reflected the faint wave that had crept into her being:
"I'm not used to talking about problems that no longer exist!"
"But you have to tell me about them !! However, you have to solve your problems that year !!"
Deep breath again, only Laura's calmness was captured. She kept the car on the side of the road and turned it off, turned completely to Cor, leaned one hand on the car seat, and stared into those eyes that she loved so much:
"Since when has the past of others become so important to you!"
Cor's strong, cool tone was nothing but pleasing to Laura:
"You are not in others, you are the only woman that I have always had in my life and I have and will have!"
Laura's gentle smile caused Cor frown to lose their strength and move away from a little:
"Stop laughing!"
Just one word was enough to break the barrier of Laura's lips and make her laugh! He clenched his fist tightly, hit Cor's arm, and then pulled herself back:
"You have made great progress! I didn't expect it at all! Does Cor know how to talk about this?"
There was nothing but shame in Cor's heart, they had been together for several years, not they want it to be officially, but they fell in love and were in a relationship. But without saying a word about his feelings, Laura, no matter how strong, was a girl anyway! And because she was strong, she didn't burn herself at the feet of someone who didn't feel it !! But at that moment, Cor's face became very empty of feeling, because he felt that Laura was bolded, while Cor's poker face made Laura laugh more. The resistance to self-restraint was useless, and he laughed alone:
"enough! Just tell me what your problem was !! Don't go under it!
"Do you really know my problem?"
"You can don't say it if you don't want!
Laura's laughter was nothing more than a smile, a smile that slowly settled in the corner of her mouth to let her know that Lara was insignificant in the past:
"It's a complicated execution!"
She took a deep breath and continued:
"The many problems of the daughter of the husband and stepmother, that's it!"
"Did she bother you? You were such a great girl!"
" she did a lot of things without looking at my position and age! Anyway, she's dead!"
The fact that the matter was closed secretly made Cor not insist on opening the case! Laura's suffering was not pleasant for her, so he didn't ask anything anymore, but the previous discussion that had taken place in the middle was also against Cor ... Laura didn't allow silence! Although she was not used to talking about her pain, he was Cor. She believed that Cor was the only reliable person she could talk to about her pain and she was sure that no one would understand them, sometimes it was very good to talk! Even the strongest might need to talk:
"When you imprisoned yourself in the academy and you didn't want to see me, I fell silent. I was no longer so passionate and motivated! As my father said, i have been an ashamed girl !!
She laughed softly and ran her finger over a brand that had settled on the car's roll!
" Aulea got married to my dad when I was 14 and 15 years old! Adolescence is a sensitive period for every person, girl, or boy! At that time, maybe I wasn't even strong, I was very emotional!
" I do not accept this! At that time, you were more strong than even me!"
"Right compared to others ... Well, I easily accepted how I was born and why my father is so young!While this can be painful for anyone! No, I had accepted myself, it was not a problem for me until ... Aulea been my father's life!
"Do you mean Queen Aulea?
To confirm Cor, Laura only raised and lowered her head once and leaned her head back against the leather seat of her car. She raised her hand a little and shook her wrist, and then continued:
"Every woman wants to have power! It was the same! In good looks and intimate, but in secret. The bite of her tongue was more painful than the bite of any snake! These problems are not obvious! Until she became pregnant noctis!!
She took a deep breath, stared at Cor, and continued with the same faint smile:
"Threat behind the threat. She was pulling dad towards her and she was staging it in such a way that it would take me out of my father's eyes! That person was of no value to me! I didn't count on her !! But when Dad believed her words ...
Cor's gaze was still staring at Laura, listening intently! He hears what is happening in the court, big and small. He had even heard from Clarus many times that Laura's behavior was weird, or even annoyed by the queen. But hearing these words from Laura's tongue showed that she wasn't too involved in a joke with the queen, and all this was to make Laura look inferior to the others! Laura's words continued in a colder tone, her gaze still fixed on an unknown point:
" I have slowly lost our supporters, and you know that if one of the royal families does not have a faction behind it ... its power will be reduced! Well, at that time, almost all the people who were my allies fell apart. Every day, the wounds of my tongue and words and the fact that I did not have the authority to be a crown Princess ...for this reason I travel alone you completed my power, even without Dario !! It was just to prove myself .. remember?"
Cor's gaze was still fixed on Laura, and his eyes shone with surprise. She remembered, but he didn't know she had traveled alone !! This was impossible for almost any monarchy:
"I just remember that you were lost for a while, so at that time ... it didn't matter much to me!"
" I wasn't lost .. I was traveling! I was 20 years old, so I managed to join 25 of the weapons of the kings in my armiger ... This trip is dangerous in itself, but it was not the only danger ..!
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Laura's pause was long! Long and long! She turned the opposite side to Cor and slowly loosened the edge of her black shirt. She was sitting with her back was toward Cor! He raised her shirt to her shoulders and tilted her head slightly so that she could see Cor:
"This is the souvenir that the woman gave me! She sent many men to kill me !!"
Cor's look was on the wound that was still visible after even 19 years, the wound that had covered Lara's entire back. Her hand was clenched into a palm and her jaw was clenched:
"Why didn't you say anything!"
Laura's wound was hidden under her shirt again. She turned slowly and leaned back in her chair:
"Noctis had just been born .. I loved that little one in front of the hatred I had for his mother, I didn't want Noctis to grow up without matters kindness. That woman also had the right to want her son to be the Crown Prince!"
"That's why you gave the Crown Prince to Noctis?"
Laura's head moved slowly to the sides. She slowly put his hands on the steering wheel and squeezed it a little:
" When Noctis was born, I wanted to visit him! But when I got to his room, I heard Gentiana's voice. She was talking to my father. Noctis was the king of light, and I was his servant. How could I be the crown princess when he was the true king! I wanted to do this at the same time, but my father objected. He told me to wait until he was five years old.
Finally, Cor's blue eyes parted from Laura and he stared ahead, breath caught Slowly and he opened his fists:
"This is the real king's point, but you shouldn't have kept quiet that day! You should have said what the queen did! You were reprimanded by your father!
"My father had the worst suffering on his chest in those years! Telling the queen of what betrayals only made him even angrier ... It was enough for him to hear the fate of Noctis!"
"fate.. of... Noctis?"
" He is supposed to sacrifice his life for light !!
They both stared at each other. Cor's gaze was startled by the frown, and Laura could feel no emotion on her face!
"next, going to die ??"
" By my father! With my father's sword! But you don't have to talk to anyone about it, Got it?"
Cor shook head up and down. When he accepted something, there was no need to worry! After a short silence, the start-up sound of Adamantoise (herwas the only one that could be broke silence!
"Yes, sir immortal sir!
A half-smiling smile sat on Cor's lips:
"When you call me IMMORTAL, I hate my nickname!
A deep smile sat on Laura's lips:
"Immortal? Immortal! Immortal Immortal !!
And she laughed, the laughter that warmed Cor's heart, of course, secretly! A military man was not used to expressing his feelings!
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