#then hunt down Prompto and made him confess it was Iggy who asked for the pictures
elinska · 5 years
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Ardnis Modern AU - Hair Problems
One of the reasons Ardyn never let Ignis get back on her motorcycle. The second one was because it was Ignis who send the damned picture to Regis. 
The Fluff of Ardyn’s hair is 
a lie. 
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ffxvficrec · 3 years
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You can also check out the collection here:
We’ve listed the archive warnings and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
Dad Bod by Nixxi
No Archive Warnings Apply
Mature Rating
Age and years of desk work have changed Ignis—but they haven’t changed how Gladio feels about him.
I want you for a lifetime by PumpkinSoldier
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Gladio sighed in frustration and angrily shoved his phone into his pocket. He wished there was something more he could do for Ignis, but he would only be getting in the way at the Citadel.
The nurse gave him a small smile as she left the room, and tilted her head in Ignis's direction. Gladio immediately took the seat by his bedside.
He reached out, laying his hand over Ignis's ice cold ones, trying to warm them. He kissed the back of Ignis's hand, like Ignis was hurt because of some fairytale curse, and True Love's Kiss would break it.
Let's Conspire To Ignite by Akumeoi
No Archive Warnings Apply
Explicit Rating
WYD when you're in the shower and your hot acquaintance comes up and says that he's your soulmate? Oh, and also he has your tattoos?
Washboard abs by SophiaHoppia
No Archive Warnings Apply
Explicit Rating
Although Ignis is always the voice of reason of the group, he is also a man in love. Traveling around Eos with his three lovers and lying closely together in the narrow space of their tent every night fills him with desires. Lately, all he can think about are Gladio's muscular abs. He wants to stare at them, feel them beneath his fingertips, run his tongue over them, rub his-
He manages to hold back until Prompto pushes him in the right direction one night.
The Care And Feeding Of Your Werewolf Boyfriend by AlphaWolfAl
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Explicit Rating
Gladio and Iggy have known each other since they were little, since he went by she, and she went by he. Best of friends, sometimes each other's only confidante, they always danced around the idea of being anything more. A drunken evening, unwinding after a day's sleep following the full moon, leads to confessions, and an attempt at sex that goes wrong when Gladio reveals he's never been with a partner that made any effort to please him, and that some of his partners were outright abusive. Iggy's anger at this statement, and Gladio's resignation to it as what he deserved, causes the first real fight they've had since they were little.
For All the Magic in the World by KageYuuki
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Ignis Scientia is a mage of no small repute. Normally, he prefers to keep to himself and study the various planes of existence while honing his magic. Only one other person has access to his library, werewolf Gladiolus Amicitia. The two have been together for years now and consider each other their closest confidant.
While on a hunt with his pack, Gladiolus encounters a monster unlike anything he’s ever seen before. They’re able to bring the creature down, but not without wounds. Wounds that should heal in a matter of minutes but don’t. Wounds that weep black and send ichor creeping through the veins.
Watercolor Feelings by Sushi Jinko (catatonicInflection)
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
In this world, everyone has a fated partner. Each person is created so they are never truly alone and have at least one place where they could sincerely be honest. Most people lived half of their lives in wait just for their soulmate. One who could never show.
It didn’t make much sense to Ignis, how could someone complete him? How could someone become an existence in his life more important than his duty? The idea was completely preposterous and he wanted no part of it. Ignis lived his life covering his hands, wishing to the gods that there would never be a day when he saw colors swirl like water on his skin.
Mutter by Swordy
No Archive Warnings Apply
Mature Rating
It’s a classic love story: Boy meets Boy at work. Boy thinks Boy is the single most annoying person he’s ever met. Boy naturally then fantasises about Boy when he's alone in his bedroom. So far, so dysfunctional.
When Ignis sees a journalist's request on a popular social media site for people who masturbate thinking about people they don’t like to get in touch for an article they’re writing, he decides to tell his story. What he doesn’t intend to do is to send it to Gladio by mistake...
For Dancing Soon Becomes Romancing by DistractedDream
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
Teen Rating
Faced with the task of teaching Noctis how to dance before his birthday ball, Ignis agrees to let Gladio help out. Can Ignis keep things professional or will his crush on Gladio get in the way? And could Gladio possibly return his feelings?
Love in the Stacks by SaiTheWriter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
Teen Rating
Ignis spends his time helping others, and is content with that until his goals are met. Until he realizes in helping Gladio, he's helping himself to happiness.
Yhprum's Law by BossGoose
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
Teen Rating
Gladio has finally worked up the nerve to ask Ignis out, but when the day of their dinner date comes, nothing seems to be going right. It starts with their reservation being lost, and things only compound from there. Gladio just can’t seem to catch a break. Will things work out in the end, or is their first date destined to also be their last?
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Book Four: War (Gladiolus x Reader) Chapter Thirteen
A/n: This chapter is just a filler one and takes place mainly on the boat. I tried to cut down on the dialogue, but there's still tons of it in this chapter. Feel free to skip it! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
A couple days later, the royal retinue returned to Cape Caem. They'd taken on a handful of hunts while they were in Lestallum in order to get some more gil before heading to Altissia.
Arriving back at Cape Caem, the group decided to rest for the remainder of the day and depart for Altissia in the morning. Gladio ate the lunch Iris offered him and his friends before heading upstairs to one of the vacant rooms. Recently, he'd been needing more time to himself due to what transpired in the nightmare. Ever since the moment he was about to kiss (Y/n) two days ago in the nightmare, it hadn't returned and his sleep was peaceful.
Every now and then, Gladio would check his pocket to make sure he still had the summoning orb. Even more often, he would try to summon (Y/n). Unfortunately, she heeded none of his calls, but that didn't stop him from trying. He wanted to apologize for his careless question and reestablish the bond he had with her.
Gladio eyes the summoning orb in his palm just as the door to the room opened. Iris entered and noticed what her brother's attention was fixed on. "Hey, Gladdy. Noctis told me (Y/n) wasn't with you guys anymore. What happened?"
"I wasn't thinking and opened my big mouth," he confessed. "I wanted to explain, but she stormed off before I could. Haven't seen her since."
"I know (Y/n) has a temper, but she's usually good about listening to others. What you said must've really made her mad."
"I pretty much deserve a punch to the face for what I said."
Iris sighed, "Well, at least you're honest. I'd gladly punch you in the face for (Y/n)'s sake. You really don't think before you say some things, Gladdy. And now, you've hurt someone because of it."
"I know..." Gladio mumbled sorrowfully. "I want to make this right, but (Y/n)'s ignoring me."
She patted him on the shoulder. "Give her some time. I'm sure she'll come back."
"Hope you're right about that, Iris."
"You know I am!" She smiled confidently.
Gladio followed his sister out of the room and walked down the stairs. He walked out of the house and froze when he saw Ignis chatting with an ivory-haired girl. He sauntered over, wondering who the mysterious girl was.
Hearing his footsteps, the girl spun around and offered him a smile. "Ah, you must be Gladio. A pleasure to meet you."
The shield glanced between the two and noticed how polite the girl was when she spoke. He grinned, crossing his arms. "Didn't know there was a female version of Iggy out there."
"Gladio," Ignis chided.
"It's all right, Ignis," the violet-eyed girl said. "I am Pestilence. War asked me to check in with your companions when they went to the Vesperpool while you sought to fight against Gilgamesh."
Hearing she was one of the Four Horsemen, Gladio asked about the redhead. "Think you could send (Y/n) my way?"
"She told me what happened between the two of you," Pestilence stated. "However, I believe she needs more time to clear her head. She will come when you call once she's settled the turmoil in her heart."
"Damn..." Gladio scratched the back of his head. "I fucked up royally."
"Time is what she needs most of now, but please do not give up on her. Ever since joining your group, she has changed for the better. She is more lively and joyful."
"Trust me, I won't give up on her."
Pestilence nodded. "Thank you for understanding, Gladio." She them clapped her hands together. "Now then, I should be leaving. I've still my own target to hunt. I wish you all well in Altissia."
"We do appreciate your assistance," Ignis said.
"I'm glad I could be of service. Farewell."
Gladio and Ignis watched the girl as she vanished in a puff of smoke before heading back to the house to recuperate from their many hunts for the rest of the day.
Once morning rolled around, Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were ready to depart for Altissia. They ride the elevator in the lighthouse down to a basement area in a seaside cave. They exited the elevator and made their way to the hidden harbor where the boat waited for them.
In the makeshift living room stood Talcott, Iris, Cid and Cor. The little boy shouted excitedly as he addressed Noctis. "Look, Prince Noctis! Even the marshal came to say goodbye!"
When Noctis and his companions reach the bottom of the stairs, Cor spoke up. "Something I gotta get off my chest."
"What's that?" The raven-haired boy questioned.
A somewhat melancholic expression washed over the marshal's face. "I'm sorry. Sorry I wasn't there for your father. I swore an oath to protect the king, but I wasn't strong enough to uphold it."
"Ain't nothin' nobody could've done to stop what happened," Cid interjected himself into the conversation.
"Yeah, I realize that," Noctis said.
"But you need to realize just what you mean to the boys by your side."
He nodded. "I do."
Cid glanced towards Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. "Even if they can't solve your problems, you can't hide what's goin' on from 'em. It hurts like hell. Remember-those ain't your bodyguards, they're your brothers. Trust in 'em. Always."
Noctis looked towards his closest friends in silence, clinging to what Cid said. He kept those words in mind as he, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis boarded the boat. Cid followed shortly after, heading towards the helm and starting the engine. Gradually, the sea vessel pulls away from the dock.
From the dock, Talcott and Iris watch the boat leave. The young boy suddenly shouts out to Noctis. "Hey! Your Majesty!"
Noctis walks toward the railing of the boat and met Talcott's gaze. "What's up?"
"Please come back soon! We need our king!"
Noctis nodded with a faint smile. "Yeah. Count on it."
Talcott and Iris wave goodbye and Noctis waves back.
The boat leaves Cape Caem and soon entered open waters. The gleaming water of the vast ocean greeted them, the sun's warm rays bouncing off the surface. Prompto, who was sitting on the cushy bench, sighed in content as the wind blew through his blonde locks. "Y'know, I've always wanted to go sailing like this."
"Not many opportunities living in Insomnia," Gladio stated.
"Out here, it's just us and the horizon! It's amazing-it's life changing!"
"We've quite a ways to go until we reach Altissia, so keep gushing to your heart's content," Ignis said.
Prompto leaned back against the bench. "When we step off the boat, we'll be in a foreign country."
"The anticipation alone is a foreign sensation."
"And to think this is where we were headed to begin with," Gladio chimed in.
"We've been through a lot," Noctis stated.
"And there's still more to come," the advisor added.
"So next on the docket is Leviathan," the blonde said.
Gladio turned his gaze out towards the sea, remembering the image of Leviathan from the nightmare. "A giant serpent, huh?"
"How'd you know that?" Noctis asked.
Realizing his mistake, the shield turned around and tried to keep from explaining the nightmare. "Have you already forgotten? (Y/n) was a queen who was once in the same position as you. She might've mentioned a thing or two about Leviathan."
"Oh, right..." Prompto muttered. He looked away from the brute with a knowing expression. "Too bad we can't ask for her help because a certain someone chased her off..."
The shield glowered at him. "I didn't chase her off."
"Hey, you said something that made her mad," Noctis said. "So, you kinda did chase her off."
Seeing no point in arguing, Gladio crossed his arms. "Even if she was here, you'd still have to face Leviathan on your own."
"She could've given me a few pointers."
The conversation continued on as Prompto changed the subject from (Y/n) to Lady Lunafreya. Noctis and Ignis also chatted of the Oracle while Gladio casted his gaze back out across the sea. When hearing the subject of their conversation move to the Ring of Lucii and how Lunafreya got her hands on it, he wondered how War was able to control the Crystal of Vanaheim. Unlike her kingdom, Lucis used the ring to harness the Crystal's power. Now he had even more questions he wanted to ask her.
"The ring is important, and so is Leviathan-but Luna comes first," Noctis said.
"You know, I was thinking back to our encounter with Ravus," Ignis confessed.
"Hmm?" The raven-haired boy hummed.
"Do you recall an apparatus in place of his arm?" The strategist asked.
It was then Gladio rejoined the conversation. "Yeah, I remember."
"Seems he lost his old one in the invasion. But in its place, he seems to have acquired new power."
"Power?" Noctis parroted.
"That would help explain how a son of Tenebrae suddenly came to command Niflheim's army," Gladio said.
"Now that you mention it, his strength did seems sorta...supernatural. I just chalked it up to the Oracle lineage," Prompto stated.
"His ancestry may be part of it, but that alone wouldn't account for his freakish strength."
Noctis' eyes narrowed as he mumbled, "I wonder what could've happened to him?"
"There's a disturbing rumor about. Lord Ravus has taken to brandishing His Majesty's sword," Ignis informed the group.
"My dad's?"
"And what's the big idea behind that?" Gladio inquired with a faint growl.
"That his power's the same as the power of kings?" Prompto wondered.
"I cannot say for sure, but I have my doubts. Ravus wears the sword, yet does not wield it," the strategist answered.
"For all his newfound powers, he's still the chancellor's lapdog...holding on to the enemy king's sword like some badge of honor," Gladio spat in disdain.
"It might help if we knew what he was after." Prompto's eyes widen as he recalls what (Y/n) told them after encountering Ravus at Aracheole Stronghold. "Hey, didn't (Y/n) say something about the empire wanting to control the monsters from the Inner Sanctum?"
"Yeah. What about it?" Noctis asked.
"Do you think the two are connected? Y'know, the sword and the monsters."
"It's difficult to say," Ignis stated.
"We probably would know more if (Y/n) were here," the blonde sighed.
"Seriously," Noctis groaned.
Gladio glared at the two younger boys. "You two aren't gonna let this go, are you?"
"Never," Prompto cackled.
Gladio rolled his eyes, tuning out the conversation once again. He pulled out the Vanaheim coin from his pocket and admired as the crystal reflected the sun. Even the black symbol engraved on the coin was shiny. Unbeknownst to the shield, the others ceased talking when seeing what was in his hand.
Noctis was the first to ask. "What's that?"
"A coin from Vanaheim. (Y/n) said it was the currency her kingdom used." Gladio lifted his gaze from the coin and tossed it towards him.
Noctis caught the coin and examined it closely. "Damn, this is what they used to pay for things?"
Prompto peered down at the coin with sparkling eyes. "It's so pretty!"
"Where did you get this?" Ignis pried.
"Gilgamesh had it. Apparently, some of (Y/n)'s ancestors sought him out to test their own skills," Gladio explained. "He also said the queen and this coin are all that remains of Vanaheim."
"Well that's...sad," Noctis muttered.
"But what about the second Crystal?" Prompto asked. "It's gotta be in one piece if (Y/n)'s still able to use its power, right?"
"If you wanna try and find it by swimming to the deepest parts of the ocean, be my guest, Blondie. But I don't think you'll make it far," Gladio said. "Y'know, with the water pressure and lack of sunlight."
"Although the Crystal of Vanaheim is still actively being used by (Y/n), it is out of reach. No one could possibly reach the depths and claim it," Ignis claimed.
Noctis gave the coin back to Gladio and all went silent for a few minutes until Prompto began to whine. "Are we there yet?"
Gladio arched a brow in bewilderment. "Didn't you just say you always wanted to go sailing?"
"Yeah, but all this ocean gets kinda bland after a while."
"Last time I checked it was "amazing" and "life-changing.""
Eventually, Cid spoke up after being silent since they left Cape Caem. He kept his eyes focused on the ocean ahead while sparking up a conversation with Noctis. "So, soon you'll have yer old man's ring back."
Noctis nodded. "Yeah. When we arrive in Altissia."
"Good thing. To him, it was his heritage."
"Is that what my dad said?"
"Carrying a royal line ain't a task to be taken lightly. For a small thing, that ring can sure weigh heavy. After he became king, I only ever saw his face in the paper."
"Wait-weren't you at the coronation?" Gladio asked.
Cid shook his head. "Nah, I was long gone from the city."
"Must've been invited at least," the raven-haired boy commented.
"Had a fallin' out o' sorts with your old man. Right at the end of the trip."
Prompto blinked in shock. "You did?"
"I was given to understand you stayed in touch," Ignis said.
"We buried the hatchet years later, but never talked face to face again. Shoulda paid a visit while I had the chance. Well, no use dwellin' on it now. Got the Regalia in the hold, but y'all gonna stay in Altissia for a good while, right?" Cid inquired.
"Yes, we believe so," the strategist replied.
"In that case, I'll tune her up for y'all. Not that I'll have much to do, though, what with Cindy lookin' after the old girl."
"If you say she's good, she must be great," Prompto stated.
"She was never afraid o' hard work. Heaven knows she had a hard childhood."
"A hard childhood"?" The marksman reiterated.
"He means her parents," Gladio clarified.
"Lost 'em both when she was little. Was big enough to understand, though...an' to hurt. But ya wouldn't guess that, seein' her now," Cid explained.
"Not at all. She's always so cheerful," Prompto said.
"Well, that oughta tell ya how far she's come."
Another silence befell the group. Gladio, wishing to slay the tranquility, spoke to Cid. "Man, you must have seen your fair share of Altissia by now."
"Yeah... Only done been the once. Stayed a good while, though," the old man stated.
Prompto was curious about the city and asked, "What's it like?"
"Big ol' city."
Noctis was slightly amused by his response. ""Big." Okay."
"Well, it ain't the Crown City."
""Different." Got it."
"You'll see for yourself: foreign lands seldom lend themselves to trite explanations," Ignis said.
"Change o' scenery oughta do you good," Cid claimed.
Gladio crosses his arms with a huff. "Well, I'm all talked out. Can't be far to Altissia now, right?"
"We'll be there in no time. Nice having the wind at our backs."
"Lodgings are our first order of business," Ignis stated matter-of-factly.
"All work and no play..." Prompto began.
"Makes Ignis a dull boy," Noctis finished.
Gladio glanced between the two younger boys. "Someone has to babysit you two."
"And you're welcome to sleep in the wild," the advisor added.
"Ain't no hotel, but I know a fella has a place," Cid spoke up. "Weskham-ran with Reggie and me way back when."
Prompto's curiosity blossomed. "Oh, was he the other one in that photo at the garage?"
"Yep. Runs himself a diner or café or somethin'. Go and see for yourselves."
"Sure," Noctis replied.
"Does the place have a name?" Gladio pondered.
Cid thought for a few seconds before a few names came to mind. ""Magee"? Or "Magoo"? Or-"Maagho," that's the one."
"Nice," the raven-haired boy commented.
"You can count on ol' Wes. He'll chew your ears off."
Suddenly, the radio turns on as the boat enters the waterway leading into Altissia. "The government issued a statement promising that the reasons behind awakening the Hydraean would be clarified in the ceremonial address. Delivering the address will be Lady Lunafreya, who was previously reported dead. This will mark her first public appearance since the violence that befell the signing ceremony."
Prompto had been listening to the broadcast. "Lady Lunafreya's gonna give a speech?"
"Sounds like it," Gladio said.
"Lord knows-this world could use some wisdom," Cid sighed.
"Won't be much longer now, Noct," Ignis stated.
Noctis nodded with a small smile. "Yeah."
The boat pulls up to a guard who stands along the waterway. Cid shows him the entry permit for the vessel and the guard approved. He then drives the boat on ahead and heads towards the dock. There, he carefully docks the boat and everyone hops off. They make their way toward the city, but were stopped when arriving at a customer queue. Noctis walks up to where some gatekeepers await and was stopped by one. "Sir! What is the purpose of your visit?"
Noctis was taken aback. "Purpose? Uh..."
"They're with me," a cheerful voice proclaimed.
Prompto recognizes the voice immediately and beamed happily. "You're here!"
The gatekeeper let them through while Cid returned to the boat. Famine smiled at the marksman once they entered the city. "War told us you'd be arriving in Altissia soon. Knowing what the empire is planning, we put our hunts aside to help you."
"Uh, "us"?" Noctis parroted. "Does that mean..."
She nodded. "Death, Pestilence, and War are also in the city."
"You four sure are everywhere," Gladio commented.
"Well, nice to know we won't be alone," Noctis said.
"I'm quite familiar with Altissia," Famine said. "What's your first course of action?"
"To secure lodging," Ignis answered.
"Then let's head to the Leville first."
The royal retinue followed the Horseman through the bustling streets of Altissia. It was a short walk to the hotel and Ignis was able to secure a room for them. Once they settled in their room, they headed to the lobby where Famine was patiently waiting for them. Prompto was the fastest out of the group to make his way over to the emerald-eyed girl.
Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis saw him ask her something, but they weren't exactly sure what until they pried. "What're you two plannin'?" The shield questioned.
"I-I was simply asking her if she could give a me a tour of Altissia later," Prompto responded with a faint blush.
"Which I happily agreed to. But for now, where do you all need to go next?" Famine inquired.
"You familiar with a place called Maagho?" Noctis responded with his own question.
"Yep! Follow me!"
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere! Ignis Scientia- No One Can Keep Me Away (Part 2)
Warning- Killy stabby, yandere goodness!
“Thank you Y/N!” the street vendor took the bundle of bright yellow flowers wrapped in newspaper from you. “How did you find these!”
“I’ll never tell.” You winked. “You know that I never reveal my secret spots.”
“Oh I know.” She waved you off. “May I just say you seem so much more different than when I last saw you. What’s your secret?”
You couldn’t really say, especially since you weren’t so sure yourself. You had realized you had been in a much different mood over the course of the last several days. “I’ll let you know.” you chuckled to yourself. “Well, I’ll see you later!”
“Of course! Thank you for the flowers!” she called as you skipped off. With one last wave you had turned around the corner. You only had one stop left! You clutched onto your flower basket, walking down the steps to get into the other parts of town.
“Gladio come on! We already have enough cup noodles!” you overheard.
“5 IS NOT ENOUGH, NOCTIS.” you heard again. You turned your head to find Prompto, sitting on the hood of a car, and Noctis trying to drag Gladio by the collar. You tried to find the fourth and final member of the team but he was nowhere to be found. You were kind of hoping you would see him.
“Looking for me?”
You whipped around and found Ignis standing there, arms crossed.
“Oh! Um-...H-hi.” You tried to act nonchalant. “I was just-..I mean...yeah, I was looking for you.”
“Hm, well in all fairness, I was looking for you too, Y/N.” Ignis said. That statement alone almost made your heart flutter. “I am met by an amazing sight indeed.” he chuckled.
“Thanks, Ignis.” you stared down at your shoes for a second. Just as you looked up, you noticed how close Ignis was to you.
“Still thinking about that night, are you?” He smirked. He raised his hand up to graze your cheek, trail his fingers down your neck. “ I can’t get the image out of my head. Of you, aching and trembling under my body-”
“ignis.” you whisper yelled. “What if someone heard that.”
“I wouldn’t care. That didn’t stop many from hearing our activities before.” he chuckled. “ I fear my comrades were made very aware of the noise we were making.” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Oh...” you shook in your shoes as Ignis moved his hand to tuck some hair behind your ears.
“Hm...If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were ready for me again.” he chuckled. “Hm, maybe we’ll have the chance to play together a little later.”
“Ignis!” you flicked his shoulder. “You shouldn’t say this things out loud.” you groaned. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Yes,” he replied. “ Important matters. Why? would you find yourself missing me?” he asked. “I’ll return soon, I just have some matters taken care of.”
“Like what?”
Ignis had to think of a lie. What could he have possibly said to make you believe him? If he had told you his true intentions, you’d for sure be scared or try to stop him.
“A hunt.” he found himself saying. “We’re on our way to complete a hunt for some gil.”
“Oh. Be careful okay?” you looked up. “I heard those hunts can get pretty intense.”
“You have my word. There’s no better man for this job.” he assured. “Until we meet again, My sweet Y/N.”
“A-alright.” you nodded. “Before you go-” you cut yourself off. Did you really want to do that? How would he react?
You stepped forward and quickly pecked his lips. Not even two seconds. Before you could pull away, Ignis held onto your cheek, returning your affections. You stepped back, inhaling sharply.
“...I’ll see you later, Iggy.” you stammered.
You skipped off, hoping no one could see the embarrassment on your face. Ignis smirked in your direction, which was soon followed by a determined scowl. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper, reading over it.
“Now...where are you?” he scowled.
You were in the hotel lobby,flipping through a book. You were sure you were going to spend the night here again, mostly because your family wasn’t back home and you didn’t feel like being alone.
You couldn’t help but hear whispers from behind you, You turned around to see two older women, pointing at you and whispering, “I think that’s her.”
“Damn, she doesn’t look like she makes much noise.”
“I’ll have what she’s having to be honest, they woke me up with how much banging there was”
“And that’s my cue to leave!” you mumbled to yourself. Before you could get up though, you noticed Gladio bursting through the doors, looking like he’s seen a ghost.
“Has he gone crazy!?” he mumbled to himself, walking right past you.
“Hi Glad-...io?” you raised an eyebrow. Prompto was next in pursuit, mumbling something about how “someone wasn’t gonna like this.”
“All for a bracelet, are you kidding me?” you heard Noctis next. That could only mean.
You turned your head to the door and saw Ignis charge in, throwing whatever amount of Gil was in his hand at the man behind the desk. He was hunched over so you couldn’t really see him, but you recognized his hair anywhere.
It was like he was completely oblivious of you standing there, worry strewn across your face.
“Y/N! Excuse me a minute, I must clean up. I look a mess.” he said quickly before practically running off before you could say anything else.
Wha-Okay, now you had to go after him.
“Ignis? Are you okay?” You asked outside the door. “You’ve been in there a long time. Is everything alright”
“Y/N!” you heard Ignis’s surprised voice. “Um, when did you get here?” he asked from the other side of the door.
“Just now, it’s been a while. Are you good in there?”
“I’m fine, thank you. Do not worry about me.” you could hear rumbling and rushing from the other side. “I’ll be out on a minute.”
“..Ignis..open the door.” You said.
“Y/N please just...wait a moment.” What was he trying to hide? Why was he trying to keep you out.
“You open the door...or I will.” you hand was already on the doorknob. You heard silence. “Fine then.”
You threw open the door, taking several steps inside. To say you were taken aback was an understatement. Ignis’s clothes were soaked in blood, blood that obviously was not his own.
“Y/N! I told you to stay outside!” he looked as if he was caught doing something he shouldn’t have been. “It’s an absolute mess in here”
“I can see that. What happened in here!” the smell was too strong. “It’s e-everywhere.” You took note of the familiar looking bracelet on the coffee table. Also stained in blood. It’s was a rare one of a kind bangle. You knew who it belonged to. “Is that...” You walked past Ignis who had rushed up to you.
“Y/N please, it’s an absolute mess in here.” Ignis shut and locked the door. His eyes locked onto you as you picked it up.
“It’s Sennen’s bangle.” you said, carefully studying its decorative edges.
“You mean your bangle.” Ignis said from behind you. You turned to look at him.
“What?” you were confused. “What do you mean my bangle.” You asked in confusion. What was Ignis talking about, you were too confused to notice the guilt written so obviously on his face. “I never said-”
“You didn’t have to...she admitted it herself. She said I’d have to rip it from her cold dead hands before she even thought about returning it to you. So...I did what I had to do.” he confessed. He obviously couldn’t lie, so he had to be honest.
“Wait, what? You said you were going on a hunt today.” You raised an eyebrow confused.
“I didn’t lie Y/N. I did indeed go on a hunt, but not for an animal.” he replied.
“Y-you.... You hunted down Sennen?” You took a step back. “You killed-”
“NO!” You snapped back. “Why would you do that? What did she ever do to you?!”
“She hurt you is what she did to me!” Ignis snapped. “You can hide it all you want but I know she’s the one responsible for way more than that scar over your heart!”
“....I never told you that.” you stammered, putting a shaky hand over your chest. “I didn’t tell you that much about my past.”
“You didn’t have to.” Ignis took the bangle from you. He twirled the bangle in his fingers. “I forced her to tell me, she eventually led me to many others who’ve....taken from you.” he growled lowly. Just thinking about it, infuriated Ignis to no end. How dare ANY worthless piece of flaming shit even think about laying a finger on someone as wonderful as you.
“Ignis...You didn’t.” You shook your head. You refused to believe it.
“Oh but I did....” he nodded in response. “I had no choice.”
“What the hell do you mean you didn’t have a choice!” you found yourself screaming accusingly. “You do have a damn choice!”
“Do you not understand?!?!” He snapped. “I do all of this for you!” he growled. “Everyone who had ever been a problem, an issue...an annoyance I’ve gotten rid of. For you!”
“...When you say ‘get rid of’...” You trailed off. “You don’t mean.”
“Oh but I do. I don’t kill or main for my own enjoyment if that’s what you’re going to assume.” He snarled. “I have my own reasons. Those of which are personal.”
You had realized it too. Those who have either done wrong to you, bullied you, or so much as even annoyed you had either went missing, or didn’t even look you in the eye. Over the past few days, it’s like some people were even terrified to do so much as look at you.
“That doesn’t change the fact that you killed her!” you replied, pointing accusingly at him. “You’re a murderer!”
“But you’re safe...are you not? That’s what I do, protect. If that woman’s intent was to hurt you as you said...then you should be content that she is no longer around.”
“I said she I didn’t want her finding me, not that she should die!” you fired back.
“Oh no, Even I know it’s much deeper than that and even for that, she simply must pay...” he replied, using what was left of her clothes to wipe the blood off his blade. You wouldn’t ask where a patch of her shirt came from... “You can try and lie all you want, but I’m not an idiot. I know about the others...I know everything.”
Your head was practically spinning. He had seemed so different before, not murderous and crazy. “....You stay away from me.” You said weakly. Your voice began to crack. “P-please just-”
“Wh-what...” Ignis’s face fell. When you backed away again, he suddenly realized it. You thought he was going to hurt you. Or worse. “No...No Y/N I would never. “
“How do I know that.” your voice got weaker. When You first had met Ignis, you impression of him was way different, but now you didn’t know how to feel. “I don’t...”
“Yes you do!” he put a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N I would never even do so much as dream about laying a finger on you you know this.”  
You hesitated, still refusing to get close to him.
“Look at me.” he slipped his glasses off his face. “Look into my eyes, Y/N...and know that I would never hurt you on purpose...”
“I c-can’t.” you shook your head.
“D-do you remember that night? Our first night together... Remember what I told you?” he asked.
“Of course I do.” You said warningly. “Pretty hard to forget given the circumstance.”
“I said that whatever it took, I would protect you. My blade is for anyone who tries to do you harm, NOT to do harm unto you. You must believe it.”
“...No...I-” you weren’t sure if you could believe your own words. You wanted to trust him, trust what he was saying. It was kind of hard to when he was covered head to toe in the literal blood of your enemy.
“Please.” his voice wavered. He sounded as if he was on the brink of tears himself. You finally looked up and almost gasped. Ignis’s eyes were red. You hadn’t noticed it before but it looked as if he barely gotten any sleep for a while. Did he always look like this? You followed every feature of his face, the green of his eyes, the curve of his nose, his jawline. The way his lip quivered as he tried to assure you he had no intention of hurting you in any way.
“I just-.....Ignis...Ignis, you’re hurt.” since his sleeves were rolled up, you noticed a cut going up the length of his arm. It was deep. Sennen and whoever else must have put up a good fight. “Ignis...” you breathed, watching his blood dry up.
“I’ll be fine.” he shook his head, but you had already bolted for the bathroom to grab the conveniently placed first aid kit. You soon returned. Ignis studied your every move. Even in the face of potential danger, some part of you trusted him enough to help him. Not that you were in any danger.
“Sit down.” You yanked off your jacket, not wanting to get it dirty. Ignis sat on the edge of the bed, holding out his arm towards you. He didn’t want to protest in fear of you leaving.
Neither of you spoke a word, nor said anything as you cleaned up his wound. You were too focus on making sure all the blood was cleaned before you wrapped it up. Thank goodness it didn’t need stitches, any deeper and it would have. You couldn’t help but notice how Ignis clenched his fist as soon as the alcohol soaked cloth touched his wounds. You jumped a little, ceasing your movements. He didn’t look at you, in fact he made it a mission to look everywhere except you.
He was beating himself up inside. He had let you see the worst of him at the worst time. His intent was to do it without a hitch. Kill her, then clean up the body. You were never meant to see it obviously. But you did. It was literally ‘a bloody accident’
You silently cleaned his wound, not speaking. It was a little awkward to. Ignis finally looked up once he was sure you weren’t gonna turn your head. Your eyes were narrowed in pure concentration despite the tears he could see streaming down your cheeks. You were still scared, but why would you help him? Why didn’t you run away or tell him to get lost?
“Y/N...” Ignis finally said.
“What?” you snapped harshly, looking at him. He used his good hand to gently caress the side of your face.
“Y/N...” Ignis’s fingers trailed down your cheek. Your face softened, feeling your lip quiver again. Slowly, with shaking fingers you brushed a stray hair from his face.
Were you trusting? Believing? A complete and total idiot? Did you really believe him? Call it stupid, but yes.
“Come to me, into my arms.” he whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. His leather gloved hand ran through your hair as you nearly went limp. “Hush...don’t speak.” he cut you off just as you opened your mouth. “Just let me-”
He could heard you trying not to make a sound, well...trying not to cry. You weren’t made or scared of Ignis, it was just too much. You felt his lips touch your cheek.
“No more killing.” you said after a while.
“No. Ignis...if you want me to stay in your life, no more killing, no more bad things.” you pleaded. “I can’t handle it, and I won’t.”
“You have my word my sweet.” he sighed. “I promise.”
All you could do was nod in response.
“...May I?” his forehead touched yours. His thumb feathered over your bottom lip. He felt at ease when you nodded. Despite being covered in blood, you wrapped your arms around Ignis’s neck as he kissed your lips. Your heart felt as if it was about to give out any second.
You made it a mission to just be alone today, you were just...not feeling it. It felt like you were running, but in reality you were just....healing.
“Y/N L/N!”
You raised an eyebrow. Brenna was Sennen’s younger sister, who also just so happened to hate your guts as well. She was standing there in the flesh, with some guy behind her. Both of them were glaring at you.
“What did you do to her!” she snapped.
“Excuse me?” you raised an eyebrow.
“We know you had something to do with Sennen going missing!” she snapped.
“Excuse me! In case you didn’t know. SHE ATTACKED ME!” you fired back. “Or does everyone just forget that there’s two sides to every fight.” you seethed. “I won’t argue with you about this.” you huffed. “Her disappearance has nothing to do with me. Is that all you people do, is blame others for your dumbass mistakes.” you scoffed.
Well...it was technically the truth. YOU technically had nothing to do with her disappearance.
“No, you’re gonna tell me where she is, or I’ll gut you like a fish.” the man threatened, dawning his sword. Brenna held up a large blade, a scowl painted on her face.
“You can try, but I assure you it won’t end well for you.” you reached behind your back to wrap around one of your daggers. They hadn’t left your side since you had received them.  You knew her trick, she was repetitive in her movements. It was her weakness. She charged for you, sword high above her head at full force. You simply took a step to the left out of her attack range which sent her stumbling to the floor. Ha, idiot.
“Listen Brenna, you don’t want to do this.” you tried to reason with her, but she wasn’t hearing it.
“Oh, really and why is that?”
“Because it wouldn’t end well for you.” a voice that was not your own spoke.
Another angry male stormed from the shadows of the bushes, fury very evident in his eyes. “I wouldn’t do anything stupid if I were you.”
“Ignis? What are you doing?” you asked in confusion.
“Getting you out of trouble, love. You shouldn’t have left without telling me.”
“And just who are you?” Brenna barked. The man who had been standing there walked up behind Brenna, obviously ready to protect her, should things go south.
“The last face you’ll ever see if you lay even a pinky on Y/N.” He snarled sinisterly.
“Ignis no!” you stood up. “You promised!”
“ARGH!!!” Brenna was stabbed with her own weapon, multiple times, and you saw everything. Gross.
Ignis picked up the guy by the neck, lifting the shorter male off the ground.
You took the time to rush to Brenna’s side.
“Listen, I know you hate me but-” you dug in your pocket and found a tiny potion bottle. “Here.” you put it in her good hand. “If you don’t run, like right now. He’s gonna-”
“BRENNA!!!” you pained heard screamiing.
“ADAM!” she screamed back. Hm, so his name was Adam...interesting.
“You have to go.” you helped her to her feet. “Before he’s done with-”
“Y/N....” you heard a low voice call your name. He sounded upset. “What are you doing?”
“GO!” you snapped, pushing her good shoulder.
“Sennen said you weren’t to be trusted.” Brenna whispered.
“We can talk about that later, NOW RUN YOU IDIOT!” you snapped, watching her disappear in a cloak of black smoke, thanks to that potion you had given her.
You turned around, seeing Ignis’s clothes (once again) smeared in blood.
“I-is he?” you motioned to that Adam character.
“No.” Ignis shook his head. “He isn’t. You got very lucky Y/N.”
“I can take care of myself.” you crossed your arms. “B-but thank you.” you found yourself saying.
“Hm, you’re welcome.” Ignis gave you a slight smile. “You shouldn’t have came out here on your own.”
“Like I said, I can take care of myself. I don’t need a protector.” you shook your head. 
“Hm, but you do.” Ignis denied your claim. “You can’t go anywhere without me.”
You raised an eyebrow and looked down at Adam. He was still breathing. “Shouldn’t we heal him?”
“He’ll be fine.” Ignis shook his head.
“I don’t know.” you walked towards him. “He looks-OH MY-”
You were taken aback with Adam grabbed your leg and attempted to stab you. Lucky Ignis was there or he would had succeeded. 
“I was going to leave you alive but you leave me no choice.” Ignis growled.
“Ignis no!” You scrambled to your feet. “You promised!” But it was too late. Ignis had finished him off. You had no idea what else to do but runaway and bolt into the forest. He promised you. 
and he lied.
“Y/N!” you heard Ignis’s voice follow you. You ran as fast as your feet could carry you. “Y/N, Get back here!”
Why were you even running in the first place? You were a coward, simple.
As you ran, your shoelace got caught on something and send your plummeting to the ground. You groaned in pain, rolling over on your back.
“Y/N!” Igis had found you trying to crawl your way through the forest.
“No! You get away from me!” you snapped. “You promised me!” you accused, pointing at Ignis. “Ouch!” 
You stared down at your leg. great....You sprained your ankle.
“Y/N...” Ignis sighed, kneeling down in front of you. “Do you see what happens when you try to leave and run away?” Ignis hugged you closer to his chest tightly. “You are too fragile...too important. You can’t be away from me, not even for a second without getting into trouble.”
“Y-you...” you found yourself choking on your own sobs. Sure, Adam had tried to stab you first but it was the principal of the thing. “You’re a murderer! I hate you!” You sobbed. “I hate you!” You repeated. Despite expressing your hatred for Ignis, and calling him a dirty murderer, you clutched his shirt tightly and buried your face in his chest, taking in his comforting scent. “I hate you.” you cried weakly. “I fucking hate you.”
“...Do you really?” Ignis whispered, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
You wordlessly shook your head. You didn’t hate him, you couldn’t. But you now knew just how far he’d go...
Could you really accept that?
Hello!!! How is this going so far? Should I do a part three? 
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hardnoctlife · 5 years
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Oh, hey, it me, dropping another drabble based off of @mysteriousbean5′s fanart because I have no life and somehow have been waking up at five am completely awake for the last week (which is prime writing time for me, apparently). So here you go, because I’m a slut for angst. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19820089
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caelestis-aurumxv · 5 years
FFXV’s One-shots: ‘When they sleep next to you...’ Gladio ver.
—Are we really doing to drink today?—you asked descending from the gondola.
               They had reached Maagho’s bar. Cid had recommended winning them there, where they would meet Weskham and receive information about Altissia, its places, beast hunts and the best dishes of the capital. But it was the third day they had been in Altissia, they dad arranged a meeting with Camilia in two more days, so… You were sure that this visit to the bar was not for work.
               And that left you uneasy.
—Come on, we’re in Altissia, in a floating bar…—Gladio began to say with a smile—It would be a complete waste.
—But…—you were tryging to find an excuse.
—It’s fine for me.
               And when you turned to see, it was Ignis who was now taking the place in front of the bar, where he could chat with Weskham.
—WOH! IGGY HAS ADVANCED!—Prompto said totally energetic.
—Do you want to drink, _________?
               The king of Insomnia grabbed your shoulder and gave you a smile, you shrugged.
—At this point, when almost everyone is already seated… I can’t do much, right?—You sighed.
—Let’s drink!—Gladio and Prompto raised their arms, following you in the direction of the bar.
—Wesk, please… forgive them—you said, lowering your head.
                              The bar man just gave you a friendly smile; it was obvious that it wasn’t the first time he had problems with men thirsty for a relaxation.
—Noct, you’re the king of Insomnia, so you are forbidden to get drunk—Ignis murmured, looking at the drinks menu.
               The boy’s question was immediate, giving the impression that he had returned to his teenage age, where Ignis claimed everything before.
—Imagine Lunafreya seeing that news—Gladio added with a low laugh.
—Goodbye second wedding—Ignis evaluated.
—No one wants to marry a drunk—you confessed.
               The boys let out a couple of laughs, Noctis just grimaced, looking for something to drink. Taking care that it wasn’t going to be something lethal to his sanity.
               The atmosphere of the tavern was pleasant, although it was an open sector you didn’t feel cold when you met your friends, enjoying the trip, the time that passed slowly and the smile that took you with their jokes. You were situated between Gladio and Prompto, enjoying seeing how the King of Insomnia and his butler were discussing what was better… You couldn’t ask for anything else to be at ease. Being with them was the best, it was your treasure.
Weskham brought you out of your thoughts, beginning to hand out the drinks one by one, which had to be a beautiful presentation.
—We have a cosmopolitan.
—Thank you…—Ignis replied with a smile, receiving the cup with his hand.
—A beer.
—Worse it’s nothing… —Noctis laughed receiving the glass.
—That way you won’t get drunk so fast—you said, getting a menacing look from the king.
—A blue Hawaii.
—It’s so colorful!—Prompto exclaimed.
—Sometimes I wonder if you’re really an adult or a child…—critics Gladio looking at his youngest friend.
—The truth is that is sweet, and the sweet drinks get you drunk faster—Weskham added to the big man’s comment.
—Oh, you also asked for the same one…—Prompto said, looking at the glass that Weskham now left in front of you.
—Yes, so… We’ll be laughing nonstop in a few more minutes—you said with a laugh, looking at the gun boy.
—And an unfiltered beer.
—Thank you…—Gladio smiled, receiving the big glass.
—Wow, I’ve always thought Gladio drinks too much, when he does, of course—Prompto added at the end.
               Gladio shrugged and only devoted himself to drinking from the big glass, tasting the bitter taste of beer, shaking his head and then snapping his tongue.
—It only takes a little meat to make it perfect—Gladio commented smiling.
—We already ate—Noctis laughed.
—And it was a pretty blunt dinner—Ignis also said, all against Gladio.
—It’s okay, okay, I got it—the big man grumbled.
—Do you remember when Gladio wanted to give a different flavor to the noodle soup…?—Prompto asked, taking a sip of his drink—Oh, it’s so sweet.
—We ended up going after a Behemont!—You exclaimed after taking a drink from your glass, simply delicious.
               Then you began to remember the battle, as the story spread each began to empty the glasses, asking Weskham for another round of drinks of the same species, because mixing was a problem at the end of the day, but…Drink more than one glass it was also a problem.
—It’s my third glass already…—Prompto commented, watching as his glass was emptying again, but his cheeks were filled with a red color.
—No more drinks for you—Ignis said, he had already taken off his glasses and gloves.
—I wasn’t going to drink more either…
               The blond boy responded, leaned his head against the bar, turned to see you and gave you a soft smile.
—__________ you look pretty when you’re blushing.
               And he closed his eyes and then began to snore, ha had fallen asleep.
—Oh no—Noctis sighed, rising from his seat in the bar and approaching behind his friend—Ignis, Prompto feel asleep.
—Well… We’ll have to take him to the hotel—Ignis sighed.
—Are we leaving now?—Gladio asked, drinking the contents of his beer completely.
—Prompto, Ignis and I…yes—the king of Insomnia said with a smile, looking at you now—Does it bother you to go with Gladio?
—N-No, not at all… —You smiled shaking your head, your cheeks were flushed, but not as much as Prompto’s.
—We can go with you…—Gladio said, rising from his chair.
—Calm down, we can with Prompto—Ignis smiled, Noctis carried one arm and he carried Prompto’s other arm.
               A movement of Ignis’s head caught Gladio’s attention., but then he dismissed that gesture again taking place next to you at the bar, looked at the menu and asked for something to eat.
—Are you really hungry?—you asked, interspersing glances between Gladio and your other friends, waiting for them to leave the bar without scratches.
—You don’t want to eat something?—the boy asked looking at you, smiling halfway.
—…Y-Yes—you answered nervously.
               If you hadn’t noticed the gesture of the head by Ignis you wouldn’t have understood why they were not allowed to leave with them a few minutes ago, but you knew very well why they had been left you at the bar; Ignis knew about your feelings towards Gladio. Obviously, the big guy wasn’t very aware of it, because you weren’t clear. You haven’t even tried.  
               But Ignis’ eyes and glasses saw your eyes on the big man while he read in the car, while he slept or while enjoying a good noodle soup. In addition to that, you saw how every time before going to sleep you earned yourself along with Gladio, using the excuse that he served to block the cold at the time of opening the tent.
—Then…—Gladio began to say, looking at the meat dish in front of you—You were at the same institute as Prompto and Noctis.
—Yes, I endured them for a long time—you said, laughing.
—Hahahaha, I only knew about you when you started training with me—Gladio commented.
—Cor trained me, he’s a great man…—You said with a smile, stroking your glass—He had a lot of faith that I would become a great crown guard…
—Mh, you seem to cherish him very much…—Gladio stretched his mouth in a kind of beak, looking sideways at you.
               For a moment your stomach clenched, you were going to drop everything suddenly, but you managed to silence your mouth with a piece of meat. It wasn’t the time or the way to declare everything in front of Gladio.
—It’s…like a father—you said, blushing and looking down.
—Mh… Are you sure of that?—Then the big man’s voice was more pungent.
—It doesn’t seem, ____________.
—Yes, I tell you, Gladio.
—Why are you blushing?
—…The drink.
               And all this happened as the boy began to get closer to you, causing your body to tense with every inch that the big guy gained by approaching you. You felt your cheeks were going to explode from the heat, you closed your eyes trying to calm yourself down, but you were aware of how close the big guy was from you.
—______________—Gladio pronounced your name.
—I don’t like Cor—you said in a serious tone, without looking up in Gladio’s direction.
—It’s not that—Gladio whispered, he was feeling some of your face, but you didn’t look him straight.
—So…?—you asked without turning to see him.
—You really look pretty flushed—the boy whispered in a huskier voice.
               You turned from one moment to another with your eyes open, the mixture of alcohol closeness, Gladio’s tone of voice and everything that his person covered had made a mess. You looked at those amber eyes and your lips were trembling, you knew you wanted to kiss him, that you wanted to tell him strongly that you liked him.
               You quickly remembered how the boy helped you get up after each workout, how he charged you when you were tired after some hunting or battle, when he smiled at you saying you were great… When he was simply Gladio by your side and trusted you.
—Gladiolus…—you called his name.
               Then the boy made a small sound, as if he was attending your call, raising his chin a little, without breaking the connection of glances between you, he was staring into your eyes, trying to decipher what you were hiding. Buy you had forgotten that those eyes, besides trusting you, knew women.
               A womanizer, you thought.
—_____________!—Gladio exclaimed your name.
               You had risen suddenly with that idea in your head, but the balance vanished from your body leading you to faint suddenly. That was the reason why Gladio had shouted your name.
               It’s true, you had never stopped to think that Gladio would probably have a couple of girlfriends around here, another little there, because that was his essence. Gladio was someone friendly, funny, but he was also flirtatious, so it was silly to think he would never have had a girlfriend or some love mess.
               They were not jealous, it was probably envy, of not being able to become enough for Gladio, of not meeting his standard of ideal type of woman. But then when you convinced yourself of not being someone ideal for him, you remembered the times that you comforted him on the battlefield, when you helped heal the deepest wounds, when you trained around the camp along with Noctis and he always yelled words of encouragement when you were losing, you couldn’t refuse to want to be with him, he knew how to get the best out of you, he knew how get your inner strength, that force that led you to protect Insomnia and the king.
—Hey, __________.
               You made a sound similar to a groan, opening your eyes slowly, finding a different scenario, the walls had the wallpaper you had been seeing two nights ago, but this was not your room because then in a corned you noticed that there was a big sword.
A greatsword.
—Shit—you murmured, reincorporating yourself tightly in bed, looking next to you and discovering Gladio who was next to you—Igh, no… don’t… agh.
               Your head hurt because of the effect of the drinks and when you thought about what nonsense you got to do while in that condition.
—T-Tell me please, we didn’t have sex—you pleaded, looking down.
               Gladio said nothing.
—Gladio…—you murmured, opening your eyes slowly to turn to see him—w-what?
               The boy’s eyes were wide open, looking at you with a blush on his cheeks, thinking maybe how it would have been intimate with you, unfortunately… that had not happened.
—N-No…—he replied.
—Is something wrong?—you asked, with a grimace on your face, your head bothered a little.
—W-Wait, I think I have a remedy on the other side…—Gladio said, settling in bed and stopping for a moment—Eh, unless you want me to pass over you, there are aspirins in the furniture there.
—…T-Thank you—you whispered, moving your body away from his to go to the night table.
               Your heart clenched to feel that the boy was getting out of bed, turned to see him and now he was going to the bathroom. Since you woke up you had a thousand and one questions in your head, but you knew that what you said recently had made a small difference. It could have been true that, you already have sex, but now you would have to reject it, or it could be that you didn’t make it and now you would have to explain why exactly it should happen.
—Can I ask you not to question me?
—Well, if you want, then I won’t ask anything—Gladio shrugged, bringing a glass of water, which he finally gave you.
               You drank the water, feeling as if that sip was something viscous that you never managed to consume. You wanted to ask what happened, how exactly you got there and what you had done after that.
—How did I get here…?
—If I can’t ask, neither do you—Gladio said, now folded, looking at you from the archway of the bathroom door.
               You were cornered in this situation.
—You choose.
               You took a breath of air.
—Why do you think we had sex?
               You opened your mouth to let it all out.
—Because I like you, Gladio—you said, cutting the silence of the room.
               You didn’t notice, but a small smile was drawn on the big man’s lips. What you already noticed was the sound of his steps approaching where you were, again your body was tense, your heart was pounding and your eyes didn’t want to face the boy. However, Gladio sat abruptly on the bed in front of you.
               Your name on his mouth sounded beautiful, but you were afraid to look up and get rejected, but at least having answered their question, you could ask more questions about what happened. You gathered courage, like the one needed to fight a demon in the middle of the night and there in front of you again were those amber eyes.
—You are beautiful when, without saying it in words, you declare that you like me with your eyes.
               And that phrase caused your heart to stop beating for a second, taking the rhythm again quickly. That was what he was doing at the bar when he looked at you closely, he was deciphering what your eyes were screaming without you noticing.
               You couldn’t look away, you didn’t want to do it, because now those eyes were being hidden by the eyelids of a man who approached you, who broke all the leftovers away between you to taste your lips for the first time. First it was a little touch between you, then his hand reached out with his fingers to take your chin, inviting you to trust him and his kisses. After you closed your eyes you agreed to reciprocate that invitation, kissing his lips, both giving each other mutual caresses as their lips danced slowly.
—Gladiolus…—you whispered.
—Needless to say, but I like you—he whispered, leaving a short kiss on your lips.
—…You too—you smiled at that kiss.
—You’ll stay to sleep… but only to sleep.
               You let out a laugh and those big arms hugged your inviting you to lie on the bed, letting him to kiss you on the face, on the neck, on the arms and then back to your lips. The smile on your lips was drawn from one end to the other, you just let yourself be loved by that boy, who now looked at you again.
—Damn, you’re beautiful… —said the boy, falling to the side of you—By the way, we haven’t had sex… yet.
—Gladio…!—You exclaimed, now leaning on your side to look at him.
—It’s true.
               He shrugged, which you covered with the blanket of the bedding and then he took care of breaking the distance to surround you with his huge arms, Gladio’s body emanated heat, you already knew that for a long time, but the fact that now you could be closer to him, it made you check it even more. Without claims, you curled up in his chest, he took you in his arms and left a kiss on your forehead. You could feel his aroma; you could feel that the world was yours for a moment…
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thedarkrose17 · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Eventual Relationships, Accidental Baby Acquisition Summary:
The first thing Prompto wakes up to is concerned voices and someone fussing or whining.
It takes a few moments to sit up, adjust in the tent and glance around. It’s just Ignis, Gladio and a fussing baby. He blinks and looks again. The baby wasn’t here last night. ☆ ☆ ☆ A.k.a The astrals get tired of Prompto and Noctis' pining and decide to try and get them together
Update yay!
Read it on the link or under the cut :)
Prompto wakes up later than usual, he must have been exhausted he figures. He yawns and opens an eye to find Solis fast asleep against him and Noctis practically snoring against him due to his sleeping position.
He blushes and gently brushes some of Noctis’ fringe from his face with a soft sigh. He smiles, tempted to kiss his forehead. He almost does before he gets too nervous and quickly retreats from the bed, baby son in tow.
“Afternoon.” Ignis speaks up as Prompto steps outside still in his pjs. He practically squeaks at Ignis and Solis smiles before jamming a fist into his mouth.
“W-What time is it? I should have ran today.” Prompto asks, securing Solis in his arms.
“Two in the afternoon.” Gladio replies, glancing up from his book. “You sick? You’re usually up earlier than that.”
Prompto pales and groans.
“Noct woke me up super early with the baby. Just tired I guess. Why didn’t anyone wake me up?”
“We tried several times.” Ignis replies as Prompto sits in on of the plastic chairs outside the caravan.
“You was cuddling up to Princess.” Gladio adds making Prompto choke on his own breath.
“Perhaps you should change.” Ignis states, quickly changing the subject matter to save Prompto from choking.
Prompto glances down noticing his vest and boxers and turns crimson. How he’d forgot he wasn’t ready was a mystery.
“Um...Yeah can someone take Sol?”
“Bring him over here.” Gladio says with a smile. He’s always been a natural with kids, he’s had experience with his little sister after all.
Prompto carefully gets up, handing the baby blonde over to Gladio before heading back into the caravan.
“You’ll be lucky if they confess before you turn five.” Gladio mutters to Solis who grabs his hair and tugs.
* * * Prompto changes quickly and heads back out to the others and after a few minutes a groggy but dressed Noctis comes out and joins them.
Ignis gives them their late breakfast which is as expected cold but the boys don't mind. Solis watches them from Gladio’s lap, beaming when one of his parents looks over at him. Yep this baby was going to be the death of them.
Gladio adds to that by smirking and attempting to make Solis wave at them, the duo soften and play the game right back as they wave to their baby boy. Said baby smiles brightly and wriggles excitedly making the boys laugh a little.
* * * All of them need a bath.
Noctis showers first then after he's done he waits until everyone else is done to offer to bathe Solis. Mostly because he has no idea how to go about it.
“He's far too small for the shower. Use the bowl.” Ignis says, gesturing to the empty washing up bowl in the sink.
“With dish soap?” Noctis asks, holding Solis.
Ignis sighs and Gladio rolls his eyes.
“Plain water for now.” Gladio replies. “Warm. Not too hot.”
Noctis carefully heads over to the sink, running the water.
“We'll get the proper supplies later but this will have to suffice for now.” Ignis says glancing over at Solis.
Noctis checks the water and turns it off. He glances over at Ignis and looks lost. Ignis heads over and helps prepare Solis for the bath before Noctis carefully places him into the bowl.
Solis whines looking unsure of his first bath at first but Noctis calmly talks to him trying to reassure him.
“Ok what do I do?”
Ignis hands over a washcloth and carefully dips it into the water before gently helping wash the squirming baby. Said baby wails, still unsure of his first bath so Noctis decides to do something he knows Prompto would do, sing.
He sings a Lucian lullaby to Solis who slowly begins to stop crying and starts to stare at him in awe almost. Noctis is oblivious that the others are too and that a freshly showered Prompto is staring too, jaw dropped.
Noctis continues before booping Solis on the nose with a smile when he finishes before he realises the others are staring. He blushes and looks awkward.
“Nothing. Just surprised is all.” Ignis mutters, finishing up helping bathe Solis.
* * * They drive up to Lestallum fairly soon after, Prompto curled up fast asleep in the front, Noctis and Gladio are on baby duty.
Solis clings to Noctis, sometimes wiggling a little in Noctis’ arms making little noises to himself as he wiggles.
Today Solis is wearing a onesie with a hood and his feet covered, it’s a rather adorable black Chocobo one Prompto bought and dressed him in, Noctis can’t complain.
His tiny foot kicks gently Noctis’ arm making Noctis glance down at him, asking if he’s ok. Solis yawns in response and bleps moments later making Noctis smile.
Gladio glances over and smiles before looking up at Noctis moments later. “So far he’s more behaved than Iris was. She kicked me and wailed whenever I held her for a month.”
Noctis snorts and gently rocks Solis. “I’d cry if some giant loud eight year old was holding me.” he jokes, Gladio flicking his forehead moments later with a smirk.
“Like you would have held her. You were five and thought girls had germs.” Gladio replies. “Still not out of that phase yet.”
Noctis rolls his eyes and looks at Solis. “Just never really liked girls or got why people liked sex. I used to think something was wrong with me in high school.”he mutters.
“Oh yeah Iggy found you in tears in your apartment.”
Noctis pouts a little and sighs. “Not my proudest moment. I never thanked him fully for dealing with that. We just figured out I was ace and gay then I just passed out against him. I think the whole thing drained me.”
“You did thank me.” Ignis pipes up.
“I did?”
“You was half asleep when you said it.”
Noctis blinks. Honestly that would explain why he doesn’t remember.
“Still thanks for that.”
“No need to thank me.” Ignis smiles softly.
* * * They fall into a comfortable silence the rest of the drive, just listening to the music and Prompto quietly humming along to it.
Prompto gets up and turns around to speak to Gladio and Noctis and also coo at his baby. They’re talking about Kings Knight when Gladio sneezes loudly making Prompto and Solis jump.
Solis’ makes a startled expression which honestly makes Noctis laugh by how funny it looks. Said baby ends up crying seconds after making Noctis quickly stop.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” he says quietly to Solis, stroking his cheek and looking guilty. Seconds later he hears a rather loud noise, glancing up at Prompto before speaking up.
“Prompto!” he cries, pulling a disgusted face.
“It's not me!” the blonde cries, looking over at Solis. “It's him.”
“Oh yeah blame the baby.” Gladio adds.
“I swear it's not me! It’s coming from the back!” Prompto huffs, looking over at Solis again when it stops, the baby looks startled, blue eyes turned a shade of pink and filled with tears. That makes Prompto pale and stare but he doesn't want to draw attention to it, maybe he's hallucinating. “Yikes how can someone so tiny make a noise that loud?”
It takes Noctis and Gladio a little longer to believe it. Calling bullshit before said baby starts to wail immediately after.
“Ew....Could you wait until I'm not holding you next time? ” Noctis mutters making Prompto snort.
You’ve changed his diapers and this is gross?” Gladio asks in disbelief.
“Aw don’t make him feel bad dude, he’s probably gassy...Blame Gladio’s monster sneeze for jumpscaring it out of him. Plus could be waay grosser just saying.” Prompto gently tickles Solis and coos at him. “Aww It’s ok my little bean…It's just you….Um...Random question but do babies normally get scared over their own gas?”
“Never call our son a bean again.” Noctis says, sounding offended making Prompto snort.
“Not like you've done it loads in the car...Can't decide if it's worse with the roof up or down.” Gladio pauses before nodding at Prompto's question. “Some do.”
The royal turns crimson and huffs. “One time! Plus he’s like right on my arm! I've never done it on anyone!”
“He’s wearing a diaper.” Gladio replies. “Babies do this.”
Noctis grimaces.
“You've been his age once Princess.” Gladio mutters. “You've been this “gross” once.”
“Plus I mean you've made the air unbreathable in the car more than once. Just no one knows it's you unless it's a SBD or they look at your face. You're not subtle. Sol seems to be the complete opposite.” Prompto says.
Noctis looks mortified, trying to sink into the leather of his seat, his face pure red.
“Guess Sol takes after you then.” Noctis replies still a little embarrassed, making Prompto turn red. He feels a tad smug for making the blonde blush honestly.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You woke yourself up once with yo-”
“Can we please change the subject matter to something less juvenile?” Ignis pipes up with a sigh, reaching for his can of Ebony and taking a drink.
Prompto quickly turns back around and sits down before speaking up again.
“Ok soo what’s our plans when we get to Lestallum?” Prompto asks quickly changing the subject.
“We’re meeting up with Iris.” Gladio replies. “Stocking up and staying in a hotel.”
“We’ll have to do hunts and stuff for money at some point...Right?” Prompto asks.
“Certainly but for now we should be ok. If we have to, we’ll see if Iris can babysit Solis.” Ignis replies.
“...You sure that’s ok?” Noctis asks. “We don’t know what he’s like without us.”
“Fortunately we won’t find out immediately.”
“Yeah.” Noctis replies, relief easy to hear in his voice. He glances down at Solis, finding him yawning. Long car rides make him sleepy too.
The duo decide to take a nap for the rest of the journey moments later.
* * * By the time they reach the hotel, Solis is in a makeshift baby sling around Noctis’ chest. Noctis and Solis are just about awake maybe more so when someone rushes at Gladio.
“Gladdy!” a familiar voice yells lunging at his waist and cuddling the shield. Said shield grins and ruffles her hair.
He practically lifts her off her feet when he hugs her making the teenage girl laugh a little as she hooks her arms around his neck.
“Missed you kiddo.” he says with a smile.
“Missed you too.” she mutters.
Gladio carefully puts her down after a few moments and she dusts off her skirt despite the fact that it's clean and doesn't need it.
She then fixes her hair the best she can before welcoming the others with a hug. She goes to hug Noctis before pausing the moment she spots the baby.
“Aww~” she coos with a smile on her face, glancing at baby Solis. “...You didn't steal a baby from someone...Right?” her face drops, looking worried.
“Long story but no.” Prompto replies. “He's Solis...Solis...We didn't talk about last names.”
“Argentum-Lucis Caelum.” Noctis mutters to him, Prompto blushes a little and nods. It feels special hearing their last names together, it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He didn't expect a double barrel name and boy is it a mouthful but he feels like it fits Solis.
“Hi Solis~” Iris coos, gently offering a finger for Solis to grab which honestly he grabs the moment it's in reach. “I'm Iris, Gladdy's sister.”
Solis coos and kicks out a foot against the sling he's in before releasing Iris’ finger and yawning. Noctis smiles when he hears Iris gasp out how that was so cute and goes to stroking Solis’ cheek.
“I'll go secure us a room.” Ignis speaks up, heading into the hotel lobby.
“Ask if they have any cribs.” Noctis adds as Ignis walks in.
“Oh em gee, it's gonna be his first hotel stay.” Prompto mutters, glancing over at the little blonde baby.
“Where have you had him?” Iris asks.
“Camping and a caravan. He's not been around for long.” Noctis replies and Iris looks horrified.
“We didn’t steal him.” Noctis huffs.
* * * Iris stays with Noctis, Prompto and Solis in the hotel room while Ignis and Gladio head out for supplies.
Prompto’s had to change Solis into something cooler which seems to be sleepwear. A little black babygrow with gold text on the front saying nap king, along with a tiny crown. Iris coos at the sight and Noctis smiles softly muttering about how he is actually the nap king.
Noctis has the windows open but unfortunately it doesn’t help much. If anything everyone except Solis is suffering.
Prompto’s taken to wearing sleepwear consisting of a vest and pj shorts littered with comic book sound effects wrote on them and Noctis quickly follows his lead.
Iris meanwhile unfolds a pink hand fan and quickly fans herself with it, Prompto sits on the bed with Solis trying to steal a breeze as Solis is trying to steal the fan.
“I’m dying.” Prompto whines stopping Solis from grabbing the fan. Noctis leans closer and gently boops Solis’ nose as a distraction. Solis looks at him with his tiny mouth open.
“Same” Iris and Noctis reply.
“Jynx.” Prompto tiredly mutters, looking down at Solis. “How are you ok?” he asks his son who’s currently trying to grab Noctis’ hair.
“Hopefully he’s feeling a breeze.” Noctis says, offering Solis a finger to grab, he smiles when Solis grips onto said finger.
“So what’s the full story here?” Iris asks. “It feels like you two are a couple and somehow got a baby.”
“Not dating.” Noctis replies, blushing a little. Prompto covers his own red face and Noctis for a second thinks he looks disappointed by that fact.
“Really?” Iris asks, she was certain they finally confessed to each other but she was wrong.
Prompto and Noctis look at each other, taking a breath before trying to explain it all to Iris and by the end of it she understands, thinks it's a blessing even.
“Are you happy with all this?” she asks them both. The duo nod and smile, they gained something wonderful from this, how could they not be.
A single tear leaks down Prompto’s cheek causing Noctis and Iris to look at him.
“Prompto? You ok?” Noctis asks, brows knitting together, he leans over and wipes the tear away and Prompto's breath hitches.
Iris feels sorry for him, glancing at Noctis as the blonde breaks down.
“Maybe give us a moment.” She mutters to Noctis and the Prince nods, taking the baby and heading out on the balcony with Solis. He looks worried honestly.
Iris waits until the balcony door closes and speaks up, hugging Prompto close.
“Are you not happy?” she asks quietly, gripping onto his shirt.
“N-No. I'm super happy. Happiest I've ever been.” Prompto sniffles, resting his chin against her shoulder.
“Are you sure? This doesn't look like happy tears.” she mutters.
“I-I love Solis. I'd die for him Iris, I’d kill for him and honestly that scares me but that's not what's up.” Prompto replies.
“Then what is?” Iris asks, rubbing his back.
“I really love him.”
Prompto nods and sniffles.
“I really fucking love him...A-And it hurts.”
“Why?” Iris asks, pulling away slightly to look up at him. “Why does it hurt?”
“Cause...I-I know I'm not good enough for him. I'm just a pleb, I don't care about the fact he's a Prince...H-He could have nothing and I'd still love him. Just I keep falling for him more and more each day, even seeing him with the baby makes me fall...It hurts cause someone like me doesn't belong with him.”
Iris bites her lip and breathes out softly before speaking up again, hoping she doesn't get emotional.
“I think you're good enough for him.” she says, resting a hand on his arm, offering him a soft smile.
Prompto chuckles and sniffles, pulling away and wiping his eyes.
“Funny...He pretty much said the same thing too...Just different situations.” he glances outside at Noctis and Solis and sighs softly. “I should go calm him down. He's probably stressed out there, maybe worrying to the baby.”
Iris looks up at him as he carefully gets up.
“Are you sure you're ok?” she asks and he nods with a soft smile.
“Yeah...Sorry I got like….That.” he winces a little thinking back and she shakes her head, getting up herself.
“Nah, you're good.” She replies, pulling him into one last hug before leaving the room and deciding to give the boys their privacy.
* * * Prompto heads out to Noctis, speaking up before wrapping his arms around his waist, resting his chin against his shoulder.
“Hey.” Prompto speaks up.
“You and Iris done?” Noctis asks.
“Yeah...I missed my boys.” Prompto says.
Noctis snorts and startles Solis accidentally, before speaking up. "We missed you too."
“Ah you just broke so many girls hearts with that and scared the baby, you heathen.” Prompto jokes.
Noctis smiles and rolls his eyes. “Shut up.” he mutters with a smile making Prompto laugh.
“So...How was Solis?” Prompto asks.
“Ok this might sound weird but...I think he can summon...Or will be able to when he's a little older.” Noctis says making Prompto raise a brow.
“Why do you think that? Can you like sense it?”
“Nah I've seen his eyes glow pink one night and tonight.”
“What happened?” Prompto asks palling a little.
“ He got stressed out and he tried to summon someone to help comfort you but yeah nothing happened other than eye colour change. He got a little fussy and annoyed after that didn't work. I've never seen a baby look so grumpy.”
“That explains the eye change in the car.” Prompto mutters and gently stands on his tip toes, reaches over Noctis’ shoulder to soothe Solis via gently rubbing his cheek with a finger. “It's ok buddy, you don't need to make grabby hands at the astrals for me.”
Noctis smiles and agrees.
“Plus I think they're only interested in gossip on us. Can't see Ramuh coming down to hug any of us.”
They fall into a comfortable silence moments later before Prompto speaks up.
“Sorry.” Prompto mutters.
“What for?” Noctis replies.
“Worrying you both I guess, just emotions got the best of me. But I'm ok now. Don't worry.” he smiles softly and gives Noctis a gentle squeeze.
“You sure?”
Prompto makes a sound of agreement and glances down at Solis.
Their baby is clinging to Noctis, he looks up at Prompto and stares, drooling a little. Prompto is glad that Solis has nothing to stress about in his young life so far.
Prompto finds himself glancing at Noctis or as much as he can see of him as he cuddles him from behind and makes a decision, he slowly lets go causing Noctis to turn around and Prompto bites his lip as he does, seeing his boys fully and feeling happiness wash over him. He catches Noctis’ eyes and smiles softly, Noctis copying said smile.
The duo move closer, eyes glancing at each other's lips, then back up at each other. They continue it for a few more seconds before attempting to lean in, they're meer inches apart before the balcony door opens and startles them apart.
“Did I interrupt something?” Ignis asks and the duo shake their heads nervously.
“N-No.” Prompto replies, Noctis seems too awkward at this point to even speak up.
“...Just came to tell you we got supplies, lunch should be ready soon and we acquired some baby supplies. We found a product that is basically a three in one: shampoo, conditioner and body wash specifically for infants.”
Noctis nods and glances at Solis in his arms. The blonde baby sneezes and whines causing Prompto to gently wipe his nose with his shirt. Noctis’ heart thumps against his chest at the sight. It's weird such a gross thing can make him fall more for Prompto but it does. Both Solis and Prompto will be the death of him. His two rays of sunshine.
“So round 2 of actually bathing him this time?” Prompto asks, looking up at Noctis.
“...Huh?..O-Oh Yeah. Totally.” the Prince replies.
“Use the bathroom sink. I don't feel confident with him being in the bathtub with one of you just yet. Far too small for that.” Ignis says, handing Prompto a bag.
“I thought you only got that magic three in one stuff?” he asks the chef.
“I took the liberty of getting him a washcloth or two along with a couple of towels.”
“Oh em gee! You are a lifesaver!” Prompto almost yells, rushing over and hugging Ignis.
Ignis smiles and gently hugs him back.
“I wouldn't go that far, he did need the supplies.” Ignis replies before glancing over at Solis. “He appears to be distracted.”
Solis is staring up at who knows what and Prompto is reminded of himself looking at Solis, wide eyes and mouth slightly open. Noctis has photographic evidence of Prompto making that exact face when he's seen something of interest.
“He's either super focused or zoning out.” Prompto says.
Noctis glances down at Solis and smirks before looking up to where the baby is looking.
“Holy shi-....He's staring at a huge bird on the roof.” Noctis says, eyes wide. They've been near a bird that Prompto once said was three halves of different things and this one is tiny compared to that but it doesn't stop Noctis staring and holding Solis closer.
Prompto follows Solis’ line of sight and startles a little. Astrals. It looks like a bird of prey and honestly makes him feel terrified, it's not the one from Gladio's tattoo but it’s got talons that Prompto doesn't want to mess with.
“Magnificent creature.” Ignis mutters.
Prompto currently looks like an angry Chocobo as he stares at the bird of prey. “I don't trust it.” he huffs. He's terrified it'll try to get their baby and looking at Noctis, he feels the same.
He almost screams as another flies over with food but softens when he hears noises. Tiny calls.
“They seem to have offspring.” Ignis mutters, smiling a little when he spots a couple of smaller grey chicks.
Noctis agrees and points the chicks out to Solis, Prompto is sure he hears said Prince say “They're babies, like you.” to their son and honestly Prompto melts.
Prompto gasps when he catches sight of one and rushes inside to get his camera, almost running into the balcony door.
* * * Prompto and Noctis do baby bath time that night. Prompto on holding duty while Noctis lathers up Solis’ fluffy baby hair.
They switch come wash time and attempt to make Solis distracted enough as to not wail. The baby so far isn't found of his sink bath, teary eyed and whiny.
Distraction comes in the form of playing/singing themes from animes and video games they like. Solis just stares at them in awe before blessing them with his first ever giggle. It's an adorably bubbly giggle, honestly it makes Noctis think of Prompto in a weird way.
His laugh makes him feel warmth and like laughing himself, this tiny giggle from their sunbeam has a very similar effect too.
The duo may gasp and yell for Gladio and Ignis after said adorable moment but also make the duo swear not to tell another soul how they got Solis to giggle for the first time.
“My little sunbeam~” Prompto coos at Solis when they dry him off and honestly Noctis agrees with the nickname. It fits perfectly, so much it kind of sticks.
* * * Come night time, Prompto carefully lies Solis down in a cot the hotel provided. He looks anxious to put their baby in it.
“What if he gets scared?” he asks, looking over at Noctis.
“We'll be right here ready. Prom his crib is right near our bed. Easy access if he needs us.” Noctis says, honestly he's unsure too but he's just quiet about it.
Prompto swallows and carefully leans into the cot, kissing Solis’ head before climbing into bed, he smiles when Noctis does the same, he notices Noctis put something in the cot and raises a brow. He should ask about that.
Everyone wishes each other goodnight or everyone who can talk that is. Prompto practically beams when they all wish Solis goodnight.
Prompto leaves a light on for Solis before whispering to Noctis.
“What did you put in his crib?”
“Carbuncle.” Noctis yawns.
“Carbuncle?” Prompto sounds lost.
“He's kinda like something that goes into dreams, protects you from nightmares. He's a little fox thing. Sol will love him.” he mutters to Prompto and doesn't miss the blonde smile.
“I hope he gives our baby safe dreams.” Prompto sleepily mutters before drifting off surprisingly before Noctis.
“Yeah, me too.” Noctis yawns, joining him moments later.
* * * Prompto wakes in the night to check on Solis. Solis starts coughing and Prompto panics, scooping him up and patting his back gently.
Solis sniffles and Prompto realises his baby has a cold. Poor Solis' nose is all stuffy and his eyes are wet probably because said cold is bothering him.
Prompto rubs his back and sighs, he shouldn't worry over a cold but he is. His little sunbeam seems irritated by the cold. He wishes he could take it away from him.
“Why didn't you wail?” Prompto asks quietly carefully climbing back in bed with Solis in his arms. Solis whines and Prompto tries to soothe him. “I know buddy. Colds suck.” he mutters, kissing his head.
Solis is fussy the rest of the night and Prompto stays awake trying to soothe him, unfortunately that means he’s still awake by the time the others wake up, as is Solis who sniffles and cries which honestly breaks Prompto’s heart.
It makes sense the baby would get a cold at some point but Prompto had no idea it would be so sucky for Solis. Honestly he feels like crying for him honestly, he can handle lacking a few hours or more if it means he can be there for his son but he can't seem to handle his baby having a common cold.
“...-Ompto,is everything alright?”
“...Huh?” he glances over to the source of the voice to see Ignis looking concerned. He must have zoned out.
Prompto sighs and gently rocks Solis, glancing over at Ignis.
“Sol’s got his first cold.” Prompto replies. ‘He’s been awake for hours and really fussy...I think it's really bugging him and I don’t know what to do. I want to fix it for him.”
Noctis heads over, feeling Solis’ head. The look of relief on his face is instant when he realises Solis doesn’t have a fever.
“He’s too young for pills so I think we just have to wait it out.” Noctis says with a sigh, Prompto whines tiredly and Solis copies which would be cute if he wasn’t grumpy from his cold.
“Just keep him hydrated.” Ignis replies. “And away from crowds.”
“But that means we’ll have to stay put until he feels better.” Prompto yawns. “How do we get breakfast?”
“Room service.” Noctis adds, reaching for the phone causing Gladio to sigh.
“We have a stove y’know. Iggy can cook for free.” the shield mutters.
“Plus it would save funds.” Ignis adds causing Noctis to sigh and lower the phone back down.
Noctis sits next to Prompto and puts an arm around him, Solis sniffles as Noctis pulls the duo closer.
“He’ll be ok, I promise.” Noctis mutters.
“But what if-”
“If it gets worse we’ll go see someone. But he doesn’t have a fever, he’s not throwing up or anything. We’ll monitor him, I swear.” Noctis mutters.
Prompto rests his head against Noctis’ chest. “He’s so grumpy right now, I feel bad for him.”
Noctis gently strokes Solis’ cheek trying to soothe him.
“Sleep it off...Sunbeam.” he mutters continuing to stroke Solis’ cheek until the baby falls asleep.
Prompto yawns and Noctis changes positions so he’s lying down with them both, he carefully takes Solis from Prompto and holds him close.
“Prom. Go to sleep, your eyes are bloodshot.” Noctis mutters trying not to disturb their son.
Prompto nuzzles his side and yawns, he falls asleep fairly quickly after, hoping Solis doesn’t feel as bad later on.
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yuu-be-good · 7 years
Tending to Wounds
Final Fantasy XV
Gladnis  | Gladiolus Amicitia x Ignis Scientia
3,830 words
The never setting moon hung high in the sky, letting its rays peek through the dark clouds. Gladio let out a small sigh as he parked his truck on the side of the road. His thick eyebrows rose at the dense forest that was where his supposed target was. Usually, he was against night hunting, but in Eos’ situation, what choice did he have. Moments later, he exited the vehicle and hopped over the low wired fence, slowly making his way into the forest. Gladio had let the moonlight be his guide as he carefully maneuvered through tall trees. The sound of small rocks being kicked and the shifting leaves in the wind were the only sounds that filled the night air.
“A Yojimbo huh?” Gladio voiced to himself as he grew closer to a clearing. “Shouldn’t be too hard.”
As the shield managed to push through the last thick bush, his amber eyes thinned in disbelief. His legs carefully shuffled closer before ducking behind a large rock to watch the daemons. The flyer failed to mention that the Yojimbo was accompanied by annoying little goblins. Gladio immediately regretted taking up this hunt. He began contemplating whether to turn and cancel but he needed proper food and a place to stay. Gladio mentality groaned until his thoughts were interrupted by a giggling goblin that alerted the rest of his presence. A single drop of sweat trailed down his forehead when the Yojimbo looked his way.
“Guess I gotta take you out first.” Gladio flatly said as he materialized his greatsword.
His eyes never leaving the katana-wielding daemon as he cut down the nearby goblin. He began attacking and defending against the opposing group, still regretting not taking his chance to run. But each goblin he cut down a few more managed to find their way there and replace the fallen. Gladio saw that the Yojimbo had waited a bit before attacking him head-on.
Sounds of various punches and kicks along with blades clashing against each other echoed through the forest. His gaze ever watching the Yojimbo that clutched its sword before crouching down close to the ground. Gladio’s eyes widened when after a mere blink, their blades crossed and was surprised he managed to block the attack. A heavy grunt escaped Gladio’s lips as he glared intensely at the faceless daemon, struggling to overpower the other. With a single sweep of his sword, Gladio managed to parry the swordsman. Before Gladio could be amazed or deliver a counterattack, a pang of immense pain emitted from his side as the Yojimbo distanced itself. Gladio touched where the pain came from and grew concerned when his finger felt warm and wet. His eyes darted to the blood spilling onto the ground from his wound. Cursing silently to himself, he quickly swallowing a potion to dull the pain before facing off with the daemons around him.
Gil coins bouncing against his shield was becoming to be the most annoying sound Gladio’s ears heard. After a while, the shield grew tired as it seemed he was stuck on the defensive side. He growled in annoyance when he felt the goblins’ claws snatching away his items. Some even took the liberty of scratching at his side injury, just to spite him. He was in trouble and there was nothing he could do about it. Instantly regretting not buying a lot more potions, but still, he had lost count of how many potions the tiny daemons stole from him as he tried blocking the larger one.
Gladio flinched a bit when the Yojimbo took a step back and started charging his katana with the dark energy. The goblins danced around him as the sword rose higher. Gladio quickly planted his feet down and tucked his head behind his shield, bracing himself for the upcoming attack. A sharp metallic sound emitted moments later causing the daemon swordsman to groan in pain. The noise caused Gladio to peek over his shield at the now crouching daemon in confusion. There was a spear lodged into its chest before it disappeared into a blue mist. His eyebrows knitted close together as his attention was quickly drawn to a few dying screeches behind him. His tired eyes were greeted to the sight of a familiar advisor skidding behind him and his shield.
“I-Iggy?!” Gladio stuttered as he stared at Ignis’ back over his shoulder.
“Gladio.” Ignis said before throwing daggers at the remaining goblins. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Ignis quickly threw a hi-potion at the larger man before turning his attention to the only enemy left in front of them. Gladio felt his breath hitch at the sight of the advisor staring down the staggered daemon. His body went numb from the potion and he felt refreshed. Gladio’s eyes darted back to rising swordsman who quickly shook its head and lunged at the two. The duo made quick work of the daemon with Ignis’ instructions and well-timed distractions to make good use of Gladio’s brute strength. After dodging the Yojimbo’s blade countless times, Gladio struck it from behind as Ignis threw a flurry of spears at its body, it casually stuttered a few steps away before collapsing dead on the ground.
Ignis’ weapons were first to disappear causing Gladio to follow suit and high five the smaller man’s back. Gladio took a few steps away as he placed a hand on his shoulder and wrang out his tired muscles. A smile etched across the shield’s face before he rested his hands on his knees and let out a deep breath of relief. Gladio slowly stood upright to readjust his messy ponytail as the advisor dusted his clothing of any possible specs of dirt. He smirked at how Ignis managed to look the same in the years. He saw that the advisor had replaced his glasses with larger dark visors. They blocked any proper view of his eyes. His hair was much longer but still pulled out of his face, with the exception of a few strands. The scars on his face were healed nicely, despite the scar on his left eye still tugging at the shield’s heartstrings. Gladio was unaware that he was staring at Ignis from head to toe, until Ignis flashed him a knowing smirk.
“It’s rude to stare, Gladio.” The advisor chimed in jokingly.
“It’s been a while, Iggy.” Gladio nervously chuckled. “Sorry.”
“5 years is indeed quite a long time.” Ignis responded quietly.
“Glad to see you’re okay.” Gladio confessed as he scratched his cheek. “I’ve missed you.”
“The feeling is mutual.” Ignis responded after a short pause.
“I see the years have been treating you well.” The shield grinned as his hand moved to the back of his neck.
“I would say to same to you..” Ignis noted in a concerned voice. “Seeing as though you reek of blood and look like hell.”
“No I’m fine.” Gladio quickly responded, earning a raised eyebrow from the latter. “W-wait you can see?”
“Very well.” Ignis responded with crossed arms. “Not quite but only to a certain degree.”
“That’s better than nothing.” Gladio cheered before letting out a sigh. “I’d better get a move on, there’s a hotel nearby with my name on it.”
Gladio softly joked as he turned to leave in the direction of the road, shortly pausing when he felt Ignis gently take hold of his arm and began walking with him. Confusion filled Gladio’s heart at Ignis’ actions, but it made his body feel at ease. But by the way he fought and what he said, Gladio had assumed he didn’t need help walking anymore. The shield turned to ask the advisor but despite merely glancing at Ignis’ face, it still managed for the heat to rise to his cheeks. The heat made his head feel groggy causing him to stumble over his own feet. Quickly letting it out a reassuring grunt to the man at his side, he felt the latter tighten his grip on his arm. Moments later, Gladio had made it to his vehicle and guided Ignis to the passenger seat before hopping in himself. A sigh escaped the shield’s lips as he began driving to Lestallum without a problem or a word.
It’s been 7 years since Noct was trapped inside the crystal. The first few years were hard and heavy for the group. They slowly began to drift apart, feeling as though they had very little reason to work as a team. Especially without their young leader. Prompto was first to drift from the group. He felt the loneliest out of them and decided to stay near Hammerhead. The gunslinger had been thinking that Hammerhead would be Noct’s rendezvous point when he returned so he stayed nearby, either helping out Cindy or taking hunts around there. Gladio had stayed with Ignis despite the latter’s objections. Gladio’s feeling of wanting to keep Ignis out of harm’s way but not wanting him to feel useless lead to them spending the first few years together. Often lodging together to do a few harder hunts and conserve enough gil for the both of them. However, after a few hunts, Ignis went off in the middle of the night and never came back. Where he went, who he was with was unknown to everyone but the gods. But wherever he had gone, it was for what he wanted.
As Gladio parked the truck in the open lot, the heat from the city made the shield’s head feel spin once he stepped out the car. He felt as though he would throw up but quickly swallowed the feeling. Ignis had already exited the vehicle and took hold of Gladio’s forearm once again. Leading him up the stairs, he began wondering whether the smaller man was doing it from habit or just because he wanted to. Either way, he was proud of the advisor for overcoming his disability. He was just glad to see him again. Gladio was surprised Ignis was here. He thought they would have split up already. But even now, Ignis was by his side.
“G-Gladio!?” Ignis’ voice rang through the shield’s deafened ears.
Before Gladio could shake himself out of his thoughts, he felt dizziness take over his body. He stumbled over the steps of the Leville and landed on his forearm when he tried to regain his balance. Ignis’ grip on his arm managed to keep him from falling face first into the ground. A hiss of pain escaped the shield’s lip when his forearm and side began screaming out in agony. Gladio clenched his teeth as he slowly turned to stand, as Ignis begin to struggle to prop him against the hotel wall behind him. Resting his gloved hands over the tired man’s tattooed shoulders.
‘Gladio!” The advisor softly called out. “Gladio, can you hear me?”
The Lestallum citizens began whispering and made unheard comments about the scene he had caused. His tired amber eyes glanced upwards at the confused but worried man in front of him. It eased his heart a bit but his body was still drowning in pain. Gladio could feel the cold sweat trickle down his back and noted that the city’s natural heat didn’t help. Heavy gasps of air escaped his lips as he tried to calm his heart and speak.
“Iggy, I-I’m sorry.” Gladio breathed out. “Imma mess right now.”
Gladio could feel Ignis frantically search his body for any possible injury to cause this. His thin eyebrow furrowed when his fingers brushed over a tear in his tank top. Ignis’ face twisted slightly when he felt a deep side gash on the shield’s abdomen. Lightly pressing against it in disbelief and earning a deep groan from the larger man in response.
“Why Gladio?” Ignis mumbled before raising his voice a bit. “Why didn’t you inform me of this!”
“It slipped my mind when I saw you.” Gladio honestly answered with a lopsided smile.
Ignis quickly but carefully filtered out a spare potion from his jacket and held it up to Gladio’s lips. His gloved hand rested on the shield’s scruffy cheek, causing the larger man to instinctively push against it as he carefully drank the bottle’s contents. Moments later, Gladio’s side wound stopped bleeding, his head stopped pounding and his eyes steadied themselves on the man in front of him. Ignis began brushing his thumb across Gladio’s cheek, accidentally smearing the dirt and sweat with each swipe. His face grew hot and Ignis flashed him a concerned look.
“When was the last time you’ve had a decent night’s sleep?” The advisor voiced out. “Or at most, a proper meal?”
“I honestly don’t remember…” Gladio trailed off before slowly standing up. “A few weeks?”
“Are you positive you’re in a position to move?” He asked as he lent his hand to support Gladio’s back.
“Hey give me some credit, will ya.” Gladio spoke up. “I’ve managed without you for all these years.”
“Quite poorly I might add.” Ignis berated in a low voice. “I’ll do you a favor and stitch you up.”
Gladio could hear just a tinge of hurt in Ignis’ voice. He placed a hand on the smaller man’s shoulder before lifting a hand to the crowd near them, signaling he was alright. When the crowd dissipated, he walked inside the hotel and booked a room for the night. The shield and advisor climbed the stairs and headed to the room down the hall. Gladio had closed the door behind them and turned on a lamp next to the bed in the middle of the room. Undoing his ponytail, he watched as Ignis carefully made his way to the bed and sat on the edge of it. Gladio let out a short yawn before he disappeared into the bathroom, washing his face before coming back with a first aid box.
Ignis hesitantly took off his visor, setting it on the bedside counter. A sharp pang hit Gladio’s chest as he had a clear view of the advisor’s silvery-green eye. He could see that Ignis hadn’t been getting enough sleep either. Probably still awaiting their young prince’s return, even more than the rest of us. Gladio chewed on his bottom lip as he averted his eyes to the first aid kit. He carefully picked up the needle and threaded it as Ignis lifted the ends of his tank top. The shield’s thick eyebrow twitched when the sting pain of an alcohol soaked rag made contact with his injury.
“My apologies.” Ignis spoke up and continued cleaning the gash.
“And here I thought I was doing good at taking hits.” Gladio joked as he cleaned the needle.
“You are but your heartbeat begs the differ.” Ignis stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
Gladio grew a bit embarrassed and confusion about if Ignis was telling him the truth. A knowing smirk danced across Ignis’ lips, inadvertently captivating the injured man in front of him. Ignis soon lifted his head slightly, holding out his hand for the needle. Once the advisor got his hands on the needle, his index finger traced the wound before slowly piercing the two ends. Gladio accidentally let out a low growl as Ignis pulled the threaded needle through his side. The duo sat in silence as Ignis finished stitching up Gladio’s wound. The latter had grown used to the needle and had been staring out the glass door leading to the balcony. Hearing a new sound fill his ears, he saw Ignis had pulled out the bandages. Eyes trailing over the stitching, amazing the large man on how Ignis had gotten better at his medic skills as well. He began staring at the smaller man’s nimble fingers as he carefully cleaned the stitching before bandaged his stomach. Ignis soon gave the man a light tap on the back before repacking the kit and closing it.
“Thanks Iggy…” Gladio praised the man as he rid himself of his torn shirt. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“Next time, do be wary of your hunts.” Ignis suggested as he put his gloves back on. “I trust you’d be more careful.”
“Iggy, you could stay with me.” Gladio offered light-heartedly, forcing a smile on his face.
“No, I’d better be on my way.” Ignis declined in a low voice and stood to his feet.
“Wherever you’re going can wait.” Gladio unknowingly reached out to the now leaving man.
“That may be.” Ignis mumbled as he turned to grab his visor. “You’re doing fine on your own regardless.”
“Is that why you left, Iggy?” Gladio’s tone shifted to a serious but somber one. “Because you think I don’t need you?”
“No… I didn’t want to be useless.” Ignis confessed after a long pause, forgetting the visor.
“You’re far from useless.”
“Just be frank, Gladio… I was.”
“Ignis, that’s not-”
“I know full well how you felt about my predicament…”
Ignis cut off Gladio’s words before trailing off and lowered his head, untightening the fist he had unknowingly made. The advisor slowly drifted off toward the balcony without a word. Gladio’s eyes widened in surprise when he realized why Ignis left. It was for the reason he had done the same. Gladio knew the way he did it was selfish. Leaving the ones he was supposed to protect alone. His heart grew heavy at the possible burden he left on Ignis. Even having Aranea pick up his slack as a missing member made his stomach flip. Ignis left because he had nothing left to protect, he wanted to be stronger upon Noctis’ return. He wanted to be selfish for once. Gladio felt worse as he thought about how his selfish sense of his duty affected others. Hooded amber eyes shot up as the man pause at the balcony door.
“You wanted to leave me behind.” Ignis’ voice cracked a bit. “Despite how I felt about it.”
“It wasn’t like that, Iggy.” Gladio pleaded. “I was worried about you getting hurt.”
“I was already hurt.” The advisor retorted. “I lost my bloody vision and that got in the way of everything.”
“I didn’t want you possibly dying…” Gladio mumbled as he lowered his head.
“As you said before…” Ignis scoffed lightly as he walked onto the balcony. “It was a big risk and we ALL had to be ready.”
Gladio’s chest tightened to the point he felt as though he was suffocating. His eyes not leaving the floor underneath his feet. He didn’t know his words were that destructive. He hurt the person he was trying to protect. Protecting Noct was their priority. But that didn’t mean the rest of them didn’t need protection too. His head slowly rose and stared at Ignis’ back as the latter leaned against the balcony railing. Gladio quietly lifted himself from the bed and approached the man before he could turn to face him. Gladio could hear Ignis’ breath hitch into his throat when he rested his forehead on his shoulder. He slowly wrapped his large arms around the advisor’s waist and nuzzled his cheek between his shoulder and neck. Ignis couldn’t say a word as the larger man’s warm breath brushed across his skin, causing him to shift slightly. Ignis soon rested one of his hand on his forearm and the other in his hair. They stood there in silence, neither wanting to break it.
“What good is a shield if it can’t even protect the one he loves.” Gladio mumbled softly.
“Gladio…” Ignis felt a tinge of heat on his cheeks.
“All I wanted to do was keep you safe.” The larger man said, biting back tears.
After a few moments of silence, Gladio had quickly lifted his head when he felt Ignis’ hand leave his hair. Reluctantly releasing his grip around the smaller man’s body, allowing him to turn and face him. His watery eyes meet with a glossy silver eye. A sad smile stretched over Ignis’ lips before Gladio felt a tear fall from his eyes. The smaller man quickly looked to the ground and rested a hand on Gladio’s shoulder before going back inside. Gladio gently grabbed Ignis’ wrist before he could pass the threshold, turning the man to face him with his back against the wall.
Large hands gently cupped both of his cheeks and lifted his head up. Gladio had wiped tears that rolled down Ignis’ cheeks with his thumbs. The shield slowly leaning down to him and stopped to where both of their foreheads were touching. Ignis’ eye widened when Gladio placed a gentle kiss over his scarred one. Lips slowly trailing down to his cheek before Gladio tilted his head and kissed him. The larger man’s fiery eyes closed when he felt the advisor kiss him back. Their light kisses deepening as Gladio ran his tongue over Ignis’ bottom lip. Ignis slowly opened his mouth, allowing his tongue to dance with the man in front of him. Large hands softly gripped the back of the other’s neck, pressing them closer together and causing Ignis’ knees to grow weak. The latter unconsciously started to slide down the wall till he hit the floor while Gladio followed him. Before Gladio knew it, he was kneeling in front of a sitting Ignis when he broke the kiss. Heavy pants for air escaped their now swollen lips and hearts pounded loudly against their chests.
“Ignis, I’m sorry.” Gladio could feel the lump in his throat grow. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“You have every bit to be sorry.” Ignis mumbled, shielding his mouth with his fist. “But spending a night together should suffice.”
Gladio’s mouth opened slightly as he looked at Ignis in confusion as he watched his eyebrow furrowed in embarrassment. His thick eyebrows rose when realization hit him like a truck at what Ignis hinted at. A big grin soon etched itself over Gladio’s face as he hooked his arms under the advisor’s knees and swooped Ignis into his arms. Brushing his stubbled cheek against the advisor’s, earning a soft breath to escape the latter’s nose and a subtle smile. The shield eagerly carried the man in his arms into the room, closing the balcony door with his foot. Gently laid Ignis on the bed before taking off both of their shoes and the advisor’s gloves. His amber eyes softened at the sight of Ignis casually laying on his side before carefully reaching over him to turn off the lamp. The shield quickly crawled beside the wrapped his arms tight around Ignis’ waist before burying his nose in the crook of his neck. Ignis soon wrapped an arm around Gladio’s neck, letting his fingers get tangled in the shield’s messy hair. A hum from Ignis filled the room as Gladio pulled him closer to his own body.
“Please don’t leave again.” Gladio pleaded softly as he placed a kiss on Ignis’ collarbone.
“I wouldn’t plan on such.” Ignis placing a kiss on his forehead as he closed his eyes.
“I love you, Iggy.”
“I love you too, Gladio.”
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
A Family Of Three
A kind of follow-up of either Let’s Put A Ring On It or Wind Against His Shield. Can be read separate from either pieces, but it will give some nice backstory. 
Summary: Gladio and Aranea get news that Noctis has been released from the Crystal, and take their little Alexius with them for him to meet his Uncle Noctis. Aranea recounting the time she found out she was pregnant.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Gladiolus Amicitia / Aranea Highwind
Rating: SFW
Words: 2333
Tags: Established relationship, unplanned pregnancy, alternative universe - everyone lives/nobody dies, mentioning of sexual relationship, parenthood, confessions, worries, return of the sun, some fluff, tiny bit of angst. 
Tagging:  @thefriendlytonberry @hypaalicious @angelic-guardienne@stunninglyignis @cupnoodle-queen @chocobruh-art @insomniacapples @insomniasix @fieryfantasy@ladye11e @mp938368 @theprinceofchocobos  @theyearofdiamonddogs @sonsoflucis @mywritingbox @indigochocobo @ffxvhoe @tales-of-a-fallen-star @atlerion
Aranea laughed softly as Alexius bounced on her lap, playing with her silver hair. This little scrap of innocent humanity. She helped creating him, it took her by surprise still almost every day. Her boy stared at her with big amber eyes, a wide grin. He was a bit pale, his tan having a bit of a greyish-undertone, but that was to be expected seeing no one had seen the sun for ten years now. It squeezed her heart to know that her son had never had the chance of experiencing something as important as the sun. And maybe never would.
The ringing of a phone made the two look up, watching Gladio pulling the device from his pocket as he had been standing by the window - leaning against the wall and watching them with a serene smile on his face. His eyebrow arched when he saw the caller ID, and picked it up immediately.
"Yeah, what's up Iggy?" He rumbled curiously, shooting Alexius a smile and waved at the little boy. Alexius giggled in delight and hid his face against his mama's chest. Aranea smiled amused as her fingers played with his silver wavy hair. Her adorable precious boy.
Gladio became as quiet and still as a statue, his focus fully on whatever Ignis Scientia told his friend. Aranea narrowed her eyes with concern as she watched him. Weird tingles spreading through her torso.
"Yeah, I'm on my way right now." He hung up and became like a human tornado through the small apartment they rented in Lestallum, a feverish light in his eyes.
"Gladio, what's going on?" she asked as she put Alexius on her hip and stood up, following him into the bedroom as the little boy chomped down on one of her ponytails. Watching his dad as curiously as his mother did. Gladio threw clothes into a duffle bag, before turning around and cupping her cheek softly.
"Noctis is back."
The words were like a punch to her gut. Her widening startled as she looked up in the eyes her son had. Gladio's eyes. Her hands tightened as she for a moment didn't know what to feel, or think. Let alone say. Then she snapped into action, nodding firmly.
"I'll pack Alex's things," she told Gladio calmly and moved away. But his hand on her arm stopped her. She arched her eyebrow at Gladio. The smile on her lips almost mocking with an edge of danger. "Don't you dare tell me we are staying behind, Gladiolus Amicitia. Don't even dare."
"Aranea....." he sighed, shaking his head with a laugh as he seemed to relaxed when she glared at him, not going to waver from her spot. Alexius mewled confused but beamed when Gladio picked the little boy up so his mum could pack their things. The large man knowing better than to argue with his small but lethal wife.
Araena's heart beat rapidly, her hands becoming a bit clammy as she packed a duffle bag rapidly. Getting ready as fast as possible as they had no time to waste.
The King had returned.
// Hammerhead //
Noctis stared at the little boy who looked shyly at him from Aranea's neck. Trying to wrap his head around the fact that Gladio and Aranea were parents. Gladio with Aranea. He had thought maybe she would get together with Ignis. Or that Prompto would finally win over Cindy and have a little one with her. But no, it was Gladio with one of the toughest and scariest women he had even met.
"How?" he managed to get out, Gladio laughing as he swung his arm around his friend's shoulders. Aranea smiling amused as well. “You…a father? With Aranea Highwind?”
"That's a story for when we have tucked the little one in....but I'll gladly tell you, my friend. By the way, it is Aranea Amicitia." The choking sound Noctis made caused them all to laugh hearty.
// Years Before //
She looked back at the last few months, wondering how things could have gotten where they were right now. It was almost beyond belief. After their first time together, they started to hang our regularly. Quickies behind buildings in outposts. Snog parties in one of their cars. Just...moments together. Mostly just sexual, physical, not much emotions involved. Scratching each other's itches. Then...she slowly started to learn his body language.
How he liked her nails on his back. Or when she collared his throat. When he had to wrestle with her to get her under him. How he liked meat the most with his noodles. Or the little furrow he got between his brows when he was particularly invested in a story he read.
He seemed to pick up on her tell-tale signs as well. When she was tired and would get a bit of a vacant look in her eyes. The way she would come undone if he did that thing with his fingers and tongue. The way her eyes lit up when she saw star fruit or a kitten.
As time progressed, she started to find his clothes in her drawer. Or a few of his books on her shelf. A growing stock of Cup Noodles. Or a new little clay ornament added to her silly collection. Just small apparently insignificant things.
Then he was just there. Every day. Falling asleep next to her, with his arms always finding a way to get around her and hold her close. Just there.
They never talked about it. Never said it out loud. But she wasn't stupid. He had moved in with her and done so in a hella sneaky way. Little bit at the time so she wouldn't feel pressured or cornered. It felt natural and right. Her...their apartment started to become the meeting point for his friends as well. Ignis and Prompto dropping by from time to time. And it all went smoothly. Too smoothly.
And today the other shoe had dropped. Happiness and joy were never permanent fixtures in her life. She knew something would go wrong. Something would happen that would shatter the little good she has created in her life. And her relationship with Gladio was good. A precious flower that they had nurtured. But so damn delicate. She kept expecting for him to walk out. Find himself a little sweet housewife instead of a dangerous hunter. That he didn't have to worry about if she was coming home after a hunt - and oh boy have they had some fights about that....and incredibly hot angry and make-up sex.
The pregnancy test glared at her. Mocked her. Laughed at her. The little plus telling her that she wasn't alone anymore. Literally. Something even more delicate than her relationship growing inside of her. And it terrified her. She was a hard woman. A warrior. Never had she imagined herself to be a mother. But she would become one now.
What worried her most would be Gladio's reaction to the news. He was an Amicitia, practically blue blood right there. Surely he would want to continue his bloodline, but not with some mercenary-gone-hunter woman who knew nothing of her lineage. Dumped on the steps of an orphanage hours after she has been born.
"Babe?" The knock on the bathroom door startled her. Blinking rapidly and washing her face clean as she tried to get her emotions in order. "Babe, you okay?"
No. She wasn't okay. Cursing herself for her oversight. Knowing precisely the time she must have gotten pregnant. A few weeks back, she had gotten the stomach flu and spend a lot of her time hunched over the porcelain throne. Gladio had been so sweet though. Holding her hair back, rubbing her back. Gone out to the market for fresh ingredients for soup. Just been this sweet teddy bear rarely anyone saw. Her pill must have weakened then. She should have told him to use a condom. It was too late now.
"One sec," she called out to him, feeling his presence radiating through the door. Pocketing the test and drying her face, she took a deep breath. You could do this, Aranea. Opening the door, she looked up in the worried face of her...boyfriend...no that sounded too juvenile. Her partner. Yes. That was what he was. But for how long?
He cupped her face carefully in his hands, the rough callouses almost soothingly against her softer skin. His amber eyes moving over her face as if he tried to figure out what bothered her. "Stomach flu coming for a round two?" He rumbled, and she couldn't help but smile at him. He always tried to make her smile. With him, she was always softer. Less prickly.
"Gladio...I..." she exhaled as she looked away, trying to figure out how to tell him. He didn't push or prod, just giving her the time to figure out what she wanted to tell him. One of the many things she loved about him. Loved. Her heart squeezed with that word. She had tried to lie to herself for so long, but she couldn't any longer. Somehow, she had fallen for this big scarred teddy bear.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. His heat seeping into her cooler body. She loved to just curl up on top of him like a cat on a heated pillow. His fingers combed through her silly silver hair, a soothing rumble coming from his chest. "Whatever is bothering you, Aranea, we will get through it."
"I'm pregnant," she blurted out. Just like that. Blunt as always. She sucked in a breathe when he felt him freeze. Not looking at him when he pulled back, his stare so intense as anxiety - something she didn't feel often - coursed through her.
He stood there for what felt like hours. Not saying anything. Her eyes starting to burn a bit. Then he sunk down on his knees, and she could see the absolutely delighted look on his face. His hands moving to touch her still flat belly, and he stared at it as if it was the answer to all his prayers. "You sure?"
"Without a doubt." The tests were 99.9% accurate. And she had been experiencing other symptoms: odd cravings, emotional outbursts, and stronger sense of smell.
He looked up at her before pressing his lips against her stomach so gently. All the anxiety started to leech out of her as she moved her hands into that thick dark hair of his. Holding him close to her as she could breathe again. He wasn't mad or against the baby. He wanted just as much as she did. Even though it was far from planned. Far from expected.
"I love you, Aranea." Well that wasn't expected either. She started laughing as he smiled back up at her, his hands resting possessively on her behind, squeezing softly.
"I love you too, you big brute."
/// Hammerhead ///
Aranea watched Alexius babble softly to his aunt Iris, the young woman chuckling amused and ruffling her nephew's hair. The poor lass had rushed as fast as she could back to Hammerhead when she got the news Noctis was back. But she had missed him by half an hour, he and his retinue having set out for Insomnia already. Aranea had hugged her as Iris whispered how she wanted them to all come back alive. And she hoped too. So much.
But seeing what Noctis had told them all. That he had to die for the Starscourge to go away. For Ardyn to be finally defeated. The chances seemed to be small. Small...but not impossible.
She smiled to herself at the stunned look Gladio had when she had handed him the Mega Phoenix Down she had saved all those years for a true emergency. Handing him a Mega Elixir as well.
"Bahamut said he had to die so the Scourge can be destroyed."
"But Bahamut said nothing against bringing him back alive."
He had laughed surprised at that, kissed her deeply before thanking her. Finding loopholes was always one of her strongest suits.
"Mama? When will Papa be back?" Alexius crawled onto her lap as they sat on the roof of the restaurant. Staring in to the direction of the ruins of Insomnia. Iris leaned against her, and she wrapped her arms around them both. Protective and refusing to give into her worries and fears.
"Soon little one. Papa will be whining for noodles when he's back," she joked, trying to keep their spirits up. Time had started to become so slow. Hours. A day. It felt like eternity as they waited for any news. Any sign that they were alright. Alive.
She had wanted to come with them, but she knew she couldn't. She had Alexius to worry about, and she wasn't part of the retinue. This was their battle. And all she could do was wait for them.
"I want noodles too." She and Iris chuckled at Alexius' deadpan comment. Aranea pressing a soft kiss on his forehead. Then, something caught their eyes. Something...at the horizon. Colours changing. A hint of purple...flowing into red...orange...and then almost a yellow white.
"The sun," Iris’ voice sounded fragile as she held onto Aranea's hand so tightly. Knowing what that meant. Noctis had fulfilled his destiny. But was he alive? Were they all alive? Alexius babbled excitedly as he for the first time saw the sun, Aranea putting sunglasses on his face to protect him from the sharp light. Even she and Iris but them on as their eyes weren't used to the sun anymore after ten years of darkness.
Her heart jumped when her phone finally buzzed, unlocking the screen quickly to see who texted her. Hoping it so much to be Gladio. Of course others would text her to celebrate the return of the sun. But there was only one person she truly wanted to hear from.
Teddy Bear: It worked, he is alive...see you soon, my heart
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amidalogicdive · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Noctis!
Birthday Fic 2017: This is a fic for the nyxnoctocalypse birthday event!
Title: Scavenger Hunt
Pairing: NyxNoct
Ao3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11784495
Summary: Nyx doesn't know what to get Noctis for his birthday, but a suggestion from Crowe gives the glaive a great idea. Now Noctis is off on a scavenger hunt full of wonderful (and one, not so wonderful) memories to find out what surprise Nyx has waiting for him at the end.
The Plan
This thing had started a little over a year ago.
Nyx had met the prince many years before, and he’d always considered him pretty, beautiful if he was being honest with himself. That said, he hadn’t expected anything but a friendly camaraderie with his future king. The night of Noctis’ twentieth birthday had changed that. It was obvious that the heir had way too much to drink that evening and had caught Nyx alone, confessing his attraction to him. Days later, when the embarrassment had worn off, the two had met up and cleared the air over a few drinks. Seeing a mutual attraction between them, they decided to give this thing, whatever it was, a go.
A year later, and they still found themselves navigating through a relationship that they hadn’t put a name to. But, that was not the issue he was having and why he’d called Crowe to met him.
The Prince's birthday was approaching and had no clue what to get him.
“Haven’t done this in a long time, and I’m just lost.” He continued to play with the beer bottle in his hands that had kept him occupied the last half hour. Crowe sat across from him, munching on skewers. “Seriously, what do you get a guy who literally has everything?”
Rolling her eyes, she gave him a pointed look and waved a piece of meat at him. “He doesn’t have everything.”
“He’s a fucking prince,” This whole thing was making him nervous, pale eyes looking down as he picked at the beer label with a nail. “what can I give him that he would want?”
Crowe tossed one of the bamboo sticks down on the table, which caught his attention. Nyx watched her as she started sucking the sauce off her fingers, a far off look in her eyes. “Mm,” The sound was accompanied with a shrug as she pulled a finger from her mouth. “What you need to do is think outside the box. Stop expecting to fail and realize that you can give him something he doesn’t have. When it comes to shit like this it’s always the thought that counts and you have an advantage, dumb ass. Why don’t you cook him a nice dinner, have a cuddle night on the couch, maybe a romantic walk? Then afterward you can fuck his brains out.”
Nyx nearly choked on a mouthful of beer, “Shit! Are you trying to kill me?” He snapped, coughing a few times.
“Just trying to help.” A little smirk pulled at one corner of her mouth. “Anyway, your boyfriend would come after me if anything happened to you on my watch.”
Pointing the bottle in her direction, Nyx shook his head. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Oh, I forgot.” Her eyes rolled as she picked up another piece of meat. “We are in a ’no labels’ zone, even though it’s been a fucking year.” Holding up a hand, Crowe’s eyes closed as her head shook. “No, don’t say it, I know. He is the prince, and you’re just his glaive. A glaive that pounds him into the mattress at least three times a week.”
“How do you even know this shit?” The look she gave him was just conniving, and he decided at that moment he didn’t want to know. “Nevermind. But, I do like where you’re going with this. You’re right, I can give him something no one else can. Simple and romantic, nothing over the top.”
“Scavenger hunt!” Giving her a look, she dropped the food back on her plate.
“Isn’t that a little childish?”
“Hell no! Write cute notes, leave them with a little gift, like his favorite flower. Leave them at important places like where you first met, first kissed… he’d like that. Have them lead somewhere, maybe a picnic, or dinner?” She watched as the idea sunk in, and the glaive started to smile.
“Crowe, you are perfect!” Standing, he tossed a few gil on the table and kissed the top of her head. “I gotta go.”
“Yep, have fun~!”
Good Morning
Noctis was still asleep when Ignis entered his bedroom, which had come as no surprise. He’d come home late last night, having been out with his father overlooking the final details of his birthday celebration at his request. Ignis knew that the prince would have preferred a small, private event, with friends and family. Unfortunately, as royalty, his friend wasn’t allowed much privacy and the nobles expected a gala for the future kings birthday. After all, it wasn’t every day that a prince turned twenty-one. Seeing the expectations placed upon his shoulders lately, he hoped that this little surprise that they had orchestrated would bring a bit of happiness to the prince.
“Good morning, Noct.” Carrying the tray over to the bed, he watched as the prince popped up from under the blankets and stretched. A moan of relief fell from his lips and he opened his eyes glancing over at the bespectacled man.
“What’s this?” His voice was still rough with sleep as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Smiling, Ignis sat the tray on his lap. “This would be breakfast in bed.”
Arching a brow, Noctis watched his adviser and friend for a moment. “I’m not sick.” Midnight pools fell to the tray on his lap and widened. This was no normal breakfast, it was a Galahdian breakfast. Specifically, one that Nyx tended to make for him when he stayed over. The rich spices filled his senses and he couldn’t help the smile that pulled at his lips. “Did Nyx bring this over?”
A quick nod was his answer. “Along with a note and the flower.” Noctis had started to take a bite when the sylleblossom caught his attention.
“It’s my favorite flower… Luna would bring them to me when I was healing.” He looked thoughtfully at the purple and blue blossoms, pale fingers brushing across the delicate petals. His fingers moved past the flower to land on the note that sat below. “Is he planning something, why all of this?”
“Afraid I have no answer for you. I was simply asked to bring you the breakfast with these two items. Seeing that he has been a loyal glaive for many years, I did not see an issue with the request.”
Humming lightly, Noctis opened the note and instantly chuckled. “I should have known.”
’Good morning little prince and I hope you enjoyed the breakfast. I’m sending you on a bit of a scavenger hunt for your birthday so humor me. When you have eaten and are ready for the day, I want you to go where we first met all those years ago.’
Handing the note to Ignis, he started to eat. “Ah, a birthday scavenger hunt. He’s quite creative.”
“Yeah,” Taking a bite of the food, he glanced back up at his adviser. “So… what is a scavenger hunt, exactly?”
Hearing those words, Ignis couldn’t stop the thoughts that rose within him, wishing that Noctis had been allowed a proper childhood. But, it made him appreciate the moments like this even more and he was happy that Nyx had come up with such a clever idea. “You may look at it as a form of hide and seek. One is given clues to a location, and upon finding said location another clue should be waiting. Shall I accompany you on this little hunt of yours, Noct?”
“Nah, I’ll be fine and I have my cell phone if I need you. But, can you put together an outfit for me while finish eating and shower?”
He nodded, making his way to the closet. “I shall make sure you blend in with the citizens of Insomnia.”
“You’re the best, Specs!” He finished up the breakfast and crawled out of bed, making his way into the bathroom to get ready. Exiting the room a short time later, he noted a simple outfit placed on the bed for him consisting of dark jeans and a gray shirt. The tray had disappeared but note and flower were lying beside the clothes and Ignis had disappeared. Dressed for the day, the prince grabbed the two items and made his way out of the Citadel.
He didn’t notice the figure watching him from a few floors up. Hitting a contact on his phone, the man smiled. “Phase one is complete, the little prince has left the Citadel.” Aqua eyes watched as the figure made its way around the side of the building towards his next clue.
First Meeting
Glancing down at the note again, Noctis made his way past the side entrance, and towards Crownsguard building. They had met a few years back when things had gotten a bit heated between the two branches. Feathers had been ruffled and tempers flared so his father had requested a tournament pitting the two factions against one another in combat. In the end, the Glaives had won, but they had blown enough steam off that the two had been cordial by the time they had finished.
Turning the corner, Noctis noticed that the grounds were empty except for one man that he knew very well. “I’m guessing you’re a part of this little adventure that Nyx has planned?”
The Shield turned, looking a bit disappointed in the Prince. “About time your ass got out of bed.” Pointing over to a low wall, Noct saw another flower and note waiting for him. “I was given those and told to wait for ya, so I got some training in.”
Grinning, the prince trotted over to the waiting gifts and grabbed the note. “Another clue!” Gladio glanced over his shoulder as Noctis opened the envelope.
’Hey there, little prince. I knew you were as smart as you are beautiful. Now, I need you to go to the place you first introduced me to your friends. You remember don’t you, that little shop? Good luck!’
“First place he met us?” Gladio frowned. “I’ve known him since he became a glaive, but you didn’t introduce us..”
Biting his lower lip, Noctis reread the message. “Yeah. He’s being specific, the first place I introduced him to my friends. Could it have been a random run in like… oooh!” Turning, he looked back at Gladio. “The coffee shop! You had gone out with Iggy that afternoon, and Prompto happened to run into you two.”
“Yeah, I remember that now. You showed up with the glaive and that was the first time we met Nyx as a group.”
Folding the note back up, he stuck it in his pocket and grabbed the flowers. “Thanks, big guy, see ya later.” With that, the prince jogged off.
Smirking, he pulled his phone from his pocket and hit one of his contacts. “Hey,” He paused for a moment, chuckling. “yeah he got it. Helped him figure it out like ya asked, you know? Making sure he had the right answer. Yep, phase two is complete.” With that, he hung up and walked off to find Ignis.
Your Friends
He knew where they had first met his friends as a group, but Noctis had forgotten where the exact spot was. After twenty minutes of searching, he found the little coffee house nestled near a small park. He remembered it had been a cold day, early evening and he had been on a walk with the glaive. Nyx had been the one who’d suggested stopping for a drink to warm them, and they had ended up here. It was only after they had gone in that Nyx and himself had run into his three friends.
“The first place I introduced him to my friends.” He couldn’t help smiling at the memories, entering the quiet shop a moment later.
“Noct!” He didn’t have any time to react when a flash of light went off in his face. He glared at the blond sitting at the small table, making his way over. “Oh nice, you always look so good when I catch you by surprise! Come on, I ordered you a hot chocolate.”
Walking over, he took a seat and saw the flower and note laid on the table. “For me, right?” He nodded. “How did Nyx plan all this?”
“Hey dude, I’m just the messenger. Don’t ask me how people come up with stuff. He called and asked, I said yes. I’d do anything for my buddy, Noct!” Grinning, he pushed the flower and note over to him as the waitress sat down a hot chocolate.
“Thank you.” It was an automatic response, seeing his attention was firmly on the two items Prompto had been guarding. Setting the two flowers down on the third, he took a sip of the drink and then opened the envelope.
“So, what does it say?!” The blond was on the verge of bouncing in his seat. “I’ve been waiting here an hour and the suspense has killed me!”
“Calm yourself,” The words came off amused as he unfolded the note and laid it on the table so his best friend could see it.
’I see you remembered, it was a tricky one and I’m proud of you! Don’t drink too much hot chocolate, I have plans for you later. Seeing that we have met your friends, I need you to go where you first met my ragtag family. This should be easy for you, little prince.’
“Met his family?” Leaning back in the chair, Prompto gave Noctis a look of confusion. “Isn’t he from Galahd?” Noctis nodded, putting the note back into the envelope and grabbed the hot chocolate. “I’m so confused…”
“He doesn’t mean his blood family, Prom. He’s talking about Libertus, Crowe, and Pelna.”
“Ohhh, so… where did you first meet them?
”Kingsglaive compound. Dad sent me to them for training twice a week for a few years. Nyx was helping me learn how my warping ability worked, and surprise - he’s a great teacher.“ That made the blonde chuckle. ”Anyway, it was about a month in that he introduced me to the other three, said they were his family.
“But, ragtag?”
“A joke.” Was the reply as pale fingers played with one of the flowers. “Crowe said it: we are just a ragtag family, a bunch of fucking misfits playing with magic and working for the king.” Dark eyes met his friend’s violet-blue. “It was meant as a joke, but I’ve seen how people treat the immigrants here… I want to make this a better place for them.”
Prompto patted his hand, leaning back. “Well if anyone can do it, it’s you.”
“Thanks, Prom.” Standing, he put the note in his pocket with the others and grabbed the flowers and drink. “Well, Nyx is waiting on me so I should go. Let’s hang out Saturday night at my place?”
“You got it, buddy, I’ll be there! Have fun.” Smiling, the Prince made his way towards the door of the shop and back into the streets. Prompto watched him go for a minute, pulling his phone from his backpack and hit a number. “Hey! Oh, dude, it went perfectly. Gave him the note and he’s on the way to the Kingsglaive compound now. Phase three was a success!” Pausing, he stood. “Yeah no prob, glad to help. See ya!” Picking up his drink and camera, the blonde was out in the crowds a moment later.
My Family
It was just past noon when he reached the glaive compounds and knew the arena would be empty at this point. That had been where he’d met the others, and wondered if anyone would still be waiting on him for this little adventure. Entering the side door, Noctis’ skimmed the enclosed area and sure enough, a uniform caught his attention.
He was quick to make it across the packed earth of the arena and smiled when the man turned. “Pelna.”
“Highness,” He was smiling and looked relaxed as he held out the two items that Noctis had expected to receive. “I’m sure you know the drill by now, so I won’t hold you up too long.”
“How many of you did he talk into doing this?” He saw the dark haired glaive shrug and opened up the note. “How did he even come up with this plan?”
Pelna snickered, crossing his arms across his chest. “What do you think? A little bird that you know quite well gave him the idea. But,” He motioned to the note and flowers. “everything else is all him. I gotta give him credit for thinking all this up for you.”
“I agree, and I should have known Crowe was involved somehow.” Opening the envelope, dark eyes glanced over the slanted writing of his lover.
‘That shouldn’t have been too hard, and we’ve spent a lot of good times here. Haven’t we? Next, I want you to go someplace special. It was the first place we kissed, and you know I don’t count the one when you happened to be drunk. The first time we really kissed, after we decided to give this thing a go.’
“You were drunk the first time you kissed him?”
Blue eyes widened as a flush crossed his cheeks. “You did not read that, and will never breathe a word to anyone!” Pelna held up his hands in surrender, nodding lightly. “It was the big birthday party at the palace. I hated it and snuck off, he found me… and I kissed him.”
“I see, so that’s what started all this.”
“Pelna, you swore…”
“Yeah, not to say a word, lips are sealed. So where is this kissing place?”
The nervousness left the prince, but the blush remained. “He took me to a bar at the edge of the Galahdian district. We sat in a corner booth, had a few drinks and talked everything out.”
“Then he kissed you?”
The prince nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. “We agreed to give…whatever this was, a try. It was nice, really really nice.”
Watching the man put the note away and stick it in his pocket, Pelna handed him the flowers. “He cares about you a lot. I’ve never seen him like this with someone, and I know I haven’t known him forever but Libs said the same. He’s got a lot of issues,” He paused and let out a breath. “We all do.”
“I know, I’ve been there when he wakes up. The nightmares, or a sound that triggers him. I’ve seen him panic, and it’s not always pretty…” The glaive gave him a thoughtful look as the prince smiled at him. “but I…”
“I know what you’re gonna say. Maybe you should tell him those words first.” Noctis blinked, nodding. “I think he would like to hear them.”
“Yeah… thanks, Pelna.”
“Get out of here, he’s waiting.” He didn’t need any more motivation than that. Giving the glaive a parting smile, Noctis made his way out of the training compound and back into the streets. Once he was out of view, Pelna tapped the comm in his ear. “Pelna here, phase four completed. Yeah, talk with ya soon.” His finger tapped the comm again, walking off.
Then We Kissed
It had started raining as he made his way out of the Kingsglaive’s headquarters and the prince found himself jogging most of the way to the next location. It wasn’t that long of a walk and by the time he got there the sudden burst of rain had stopped. Stepping into the small business, dark eyes glance around the establishment but he saw no one.
For a moment he wondered if he’s got the place wrong until the bartender took a drink to the back corner. Noctis skirted the floor, trying to peek into the booth without looking suspicious and his eyes widened when he saw who it was. “Libertus?”
“Finally! Nyx thinks I have all day ta sit here and wait for ya.”
Running a hand over the back of his neck, Noctis made his way over to the table. “I’m sorry to put you out like this.”
Libertus had been the last person Noctis had expected, and it wasn’t that they didn’t get along. There had always been tension between them due to what he was, and where Libs was from. They had been civil enough during training, but it had gotten worse since this thing with Nyx had started. Too many old grudges that Libertus had tried to bury and couldn’t, so many things that Noctis couldn’t understand because he wasn’t like them. It had all come to a head one day when the glaive had voiced his dislike for the crown in front of Noctis. That had lead to the inevitable fight and ended with Noctis leaving the compound. He hadn’t seen Libertus since that day and had no desire to see him now.
“Sit, and stop acting like I’m gonna bite your fucking head off.” Taking another drink, the prince slowly lowered himself into the booth. “Want anything?”
“I’m good.”
“Yeah,” They sat there for a few minutes in awkward silence before the glaive cleared his throat. “Ya know, whatever you and Nyx got going on here, it ain’t none of my business. I know I haven’t always been… nice…”
“That’s one word for it.” He muttered, seeing the look the older man shot him. Frowning, he met the look with one of his own. “You know what, this is fucking stupid.”
“Look, kid…”
“No, you will listen to me. You might hate me, but I have a right to speak. I have tried really hard to make some kinda connection with you for Nyx’s sake. Tired to understand the situation you came from, and I know I’m just some fucking spoiled prince to you. But I don’t live in some fairy tale world. You think I like that my father keeps this wall up to protect everyone?”
“Noct, I didn’t mean…”
“It’s killing him Libertus, and the glaives are no better! Sucking his magic from him for your own use, I have to sit here every day wondering how long my father will live. Then when he’s gone, I get to do the same thing. My life for the protection of my people, my power so the glaives can fight. You hate the crown, I get it. But are we really all that different, you sacrificed and we sacrifice still… and I understand I’m not an immigrant and I will never understand everything your people went through.” He shook his head, looking at the table. “I think you underestimate me if you think I can’t see what’s right in my face. It’s everywhere, when I’m with you, with Nyx, how people are treated.”
Snorting, Libertus took a drink. “Yeah, and nothin’s been done.”
“Change takes time. I can’t magically snap my fingers and make all of this go away, but I have been trying. Did you know I brought up the conditions that your people and all the refugees face here? That I petitioned the Council for more funds, better care, homes, tax breaks for businesses?” The man said nothing, fiddling with the glass in his hands. “You never asked, and you didn’t care. I may be a prince to you, but my place is at Nyx side and I’m smart enough to see injustice when it’s in front of me.” Sighing, Noctis sat back into the bench. “We have no common ground to stand on and we may never be friends, but don’t play me for a fool.”
Sitting there, the two men remained silent as the world around them went on as if nothing had occurred. Noctis had nothing left to say, and honestly, he felt better now that he’d actually got a word in with the older glaive but it still hurt that they would never be friends.
“We got Nyx.”
“Huh?” Midnight eyes raised to look at the man across from him. “What about Nyx?”
“A common ground, we got him.” The comment clicked into place and Noctis understood what he was saying. “Now, I ain’t sayin’ we are gonna be the best of friends. But the way he is with ya, haven’t seen that in a long time and I’m grateful for it.” He nodded in understanding, playing with the flowers that he held. “Ah fuck it…” Reaching down onto his own seat, Libertus sat the note and flower on the table. “Ya turned him into some sentimental fucker, ya know that kid?”
Noctis could only smile as he placed the other flowers on the table. “Yeah, he’s great, isn’t he?” The glavie almost choked on his drink, shaking his head. “What?”
“He’s a bastard, and you’re stuck with him.” He finally said after a moment. “Take good care of ’em ok?”
“I can do that, I promise.” Opening the envelope, Noctis looked down at the note.
’I hope you and Lib’s were able to talk shit out because I gave him a small fortune to sit there and wait for you. If ya got this, don’t worry I think you won him over a bit. My little prince, charming as ever. Your next clue is our favorite place to eat, I took you there on our first date, no veggies but good food and good beer.’
Folding up the note, he stuck it back into the envelope and placed it in his pocket and grabbing the flowers. “Don’t drink too much, Nyx will kill you if he has to drag your ass home.”
“Tch, tell him to mind his own business. Get outta here.” Watching him a moment longer, the prince turned and missed the small smile that pulled at his lips. “Little brat, you sure won him over, didn’t ’cha.” Pulling out his phone, Libertus dialed a number and waited. “Hey,” Shaking his head, he listened for a moment. “Nah, I was mostly nice to the brat but he chewed my ass out.” Snorting, Libs glared at the empty seat across from him. “What the hell ya mean good for him? Ya know what, I don’t wanna know. So number five, or whatever, is done.” Setting down his glass, eyes narrowed as he pulled the phone away. “I’m not drunk, go fuck your boyfriend!” Hitting the end button, Libertus pushed himself up from the booth.
₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎
Our Favorite Place
“Crowe!” The prince ran down the stairs and over to the table where the dark haired woman sat with a very familiar companion. “Pelna, you beat me here?”
“I knew where she was, you still needed to get through Libs.”
“Don’t remind me.”
Chuckling, Crowe pushed over a cup to the younger male as Noct sat down across from them. “So how was the hunt so far?”
“Nice, I suppose. A lot of good memories, and I’ve gotten to spend a bit of time with everyone today.” Setting down the flowers, he sniffed the contents and made a face before taking a drink anyway. “Ugh, tastes like gasoline.”
“As if you’d know.”
Pulling the cup from his lips, he gave Pelna a pointed look. “You drink this shit and tell me it doesn’t taste like gasoline.” Waving off the offer, the man laid his chin on Crowe’s shoulder as she chuckled. “Why do we drink this stuff?”
Crowe looked at him from over her glass. “Because it gets us drunk fast?”
“Because Nyx likes it?” Pelna offered, hearing his girlfriend make an unidentified noise.
“These are not good reasons.” Lifting the glass once again, Noctis shot the rest back and made a face of disgust. “Ok, I think I just killed myself, can I have the note.”
“No note.”
That caught the prince’s attention. “Wait, what? But the last note, this is our favorite place. I know I’m not wrong, so there has to be a note. Why are you here?”
“Uh, because I’m fucking hungry? Pelna and I decided to meet up here when he was done. No note, Nyx didn’t give me anything.”
Noctis was confused, so confused that he grabbed the last note from his pocket and reread it. “Your next clue is our favorite place to eat, I took you there on our first date, no veggies but good food and good beer.” Biting his bottom lip, Noct tried to think back but came up with nothing. “No I’m right, this is it. We were here for our first date so one of you have to have the note for this scavenger hunt!’
Shrugging, she looked at Pelna. ”Hey, don’t get me involved. I did my part back at the compound, and I’m done for the day.“
All three turned to look at the cook behind the counter. ”Order’s up.“
”Yama-chan… I didn’t order…“ Jumping up, he went over and took the bag, seeing the flower lying inside. ”You…"
Smirking, he started on another order. ”Pretty sure you know where to deliver it, kid.“
”Yeah I do, thank you!“ Grabbing the other flowers, he quickly made his way up the stairs but stopped half way. ”Ah yeah, good seeing everyone. I’ll talk with you soon.“ After that the prince was gone, Yama could only chuckle as Crowe pulled out her phone.
”Hey, yeah package delivered. The order is heading your way, good luck with whatever you have planned.“ Closing the phone, she leaned back against Pelna and kissed his cheek. ”How about we take the rest of this to go, and make our way to my place?
“Sounds amazing.”
♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °��
Our Home
Nyx paced in the small apartment, waiting for the knock that he knew was coming. About five minutes and fifty laps around the damn place, the knock finally came. Wiping his hands off on his pants, the glaive made his way across the room to open the door and when he saw the prince all his nervousness left him. “Hey.”
“Hey there yourself.” Holding up the bag, a tender smile crossed his face. “So I guess I know what’s for dinner, huh?”
“Do you mind?”
Noctis shook his head as Nyx took the food from him, and entered the apartment. “I don’t mind at all, it is our favorite.” He sat the sylleblossoms in a vase near the door while Nyx took the food into the kitchen. After a moment he was back at Noctis’ side and pulling him close. “Just like you’re my favorite.”
“Mm, I feel so special.” Leaning down, he felt the prince’s arms wrap around his neck and kissed him. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, for the most part.” Nyx gave him a look, and he just sighed. “Well, at first I could have smacked you for making me go to Libertus… but I think it helped. I mean we are never going to be the best pals ever, but I think he understands I’m not some spoiled brat who can’t comprehend what’s going on. I seriously wanted to hit him a few times, and if you ever make me…”
He was cut off when Nyx kissed him once again, pulling him closer as the smaller male moaned and buried his fingers into his hair. Grabbing his ass, he hoisted him up as Nyx felt his legs wrap around his waist and carried him over to the bed. “So beautiful.” He whispered as they pulled from the kiss.
“Flattery gets you everywhere, glaive.”
“Everywhere, huh?” Grinning, he tossed Noctis onto his bed, laying over him as Noct giggled. “I think I like everywhere.”
“What about the food?” He asked, hoping that it could wait til later.
Shrugging, Nyx nipped at his jawbone. “It reheats. I’m glad you had fun, but there was a point to this and I really need to tell you something before we go any further.”
“Noct, I just…”
Dark eyes watched the man lying over him as a pale hand rose to cup his cheek. “I have something to tell you too. Maybe if we say it at the same time it will make it easier?”
Chuckling at the idea, he nodded. “Ok, then. On the count of three?”
Nodding, the glaive counted down as they both blurted out their words at the same time.
“I think I love you.” and “I can’t do this anymore.” filled the silence and ended with both staring at one another in a mix of shock and confusion.
“Wait, what can’t you do anymore?!” Pushing Nyx up, Noctis rose up from where he laid and glared at him. “You can’t do me anymore?”
But Nyx wasn’t paying attention, his mind was too focused on the words that Noctis had said. “Did you just say you love me?”
“I said I think.” He snapped, crossing his arms. “Are you leaving me?”
“What? No! Why would I do all of this, just to fucking leave you?” The room fell quiet as the two watched one another, it was obvious that they were trying to process what the other had said. In all honesty, neither of them were making any sense at the moment. “Can I finish?” Shrugging, the prince leaned against the wall and arched a brow, waiting for him to continue. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do this thing, I want more.” Realization dawned in midnight depths as Nyx spoke. “I want to be more than a thing, I want you to be my boyfriend. I want us to actually mean something, and I don’t want anyone else to take you away from me. So, do you really love me?”
“Yeah,” Moving closer, Noctis sat up on his knees and met the others icy depths. “I really do and I don’t want to be a thing either.”
“I’m a piece of work you know, got a lot of issues. A lot of scars… and I’m not talking physical, baby.”
“I don’t mind. As long as you don’t mind some prince who really doesn’t know much about your culture butting into your life.”
“I can teach you,” He whispered, rubbing his nose gently against his lovers. “be more than happy to teach you.”
“I really want to learn.”
Nyx broke into a grin, pulling him close again. “So are we doing this, are we boyfriends?”
“I’ve never been one for labels, but I honestly don’t mind that one, my love.”
Leaning down to kiss him, he couldn’t help but whisper. “Neither do I, little prince. Happy Birthday.”
♡〜٩( ˃́▿˂̀ )۶〜♡
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Happy Birthday, Noctis!
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icenineporcupine · 8 years
“Lonicera Paellax”
Ignis/Aranea (FFXV) | 3.2k words | I’ll tag it M but it doesn’t really deserve it
Authors Notes: Oh god, there wasn’t enough content for this ship so I made some??? Have 3,000 words of Ignis over-intellectualizing the entire universe, and Aranea being her generally sassy self. Pre-Altissia. Canon compliant where there’s actually canon to be had. Vague musings of Iggy’s backstory. Allusions to Aranea/Ravus. 
“So what is this plant we’re hunting for, again?”
“Lonicera Paellax.”
“Great. Got anything more helpful than that, Ivory Tower?” Aranea’s voice was a taunting barb a few paces behind him as they picked their way through the beach rose and scrub pine of the Vannath sea-cliffs. “I’m not writing a dissertation. I’d just like to be able to spot the damn things before I’ve crushed them all to hell. These boots aren’t exactly ballet shoes, you know.”    
Ignis smirked. Of course he new that the scientific name was useless in their current context, but he liked the sound of the words… and maybe the sound of her frustration.
“Colloquially, it’s better known as the Dawnshy Honeysuckle,” he clarified. “It’s a small flower of white, blush, or yellow—long and thin as a bugle, with five pointed petals resembling a star. Its season spans mid-April through late July, but it only blooms at night. I expect we’ll have some competition from the fruit bats.” 
“Better bats than demons,” remarked Aranea, dryly. “It must make one hell of a syrup, if you’re willing to lose sleep to hunt for it.” 
“The prince enjoys it with his breakfasts. And I can think of far less savory—or sweet—reasons I’ve lost sleep of late.”
She didn’t reply to that, and he hadn’t exactly expected her to. Still, any opportunity to bait her for information had to be taken. He couldn’t make heads or tails of their current situation: a seasoned dragoon on Niflheim’s payroll, and the chief advisor to the Lucian heir, making idle horticultural chitchat on a midnight hike.
He endlessly replayed the last half-hour in his head as they climbed. They’d left the others back at camp. Noctis and Prompto had more-or-less been asleep during dinner, and they’d quickly passed out afterward without lifting a finger to clean the dishes. Gladio had at least tidied up after himself, but after that he’d quickly retreated into his latest reading material. It was some pulpy spy-thriller they’d picked up at the last convenience store, but he seemed to be enjoying it, and Ignis wasn’t one to look down on a man for reading. So, with a soft sigh, he’d stooped to pick up Prompto’s overturned drinking glass and a plate of Noctis’ overlooked vegetables, and begun the task himself.
Aranea easing in beside him and reaching for the dishrag had been unexpected. He’d figured she would leap at the opportunity to remove herself from Prompto’s constant and adolescent flirtations. Frankly, he wouldn’t have blinked if she’d slipped off into the trees and abandoned their party entirely.
But there she’d been, drying the dishes as he washed them, and they’d fallen into an unexpectedly comfortable silence. She’d removed the heaviest of her armor, retaining her boots and belt atop a simple black leather ensemble, and Ignis couldn’t help but notice how much smaller she seemed without all the freakish spikes, and perhaps softer, too—but no less cryptic. As she’d taken each plate and cup from him, he kept glimpsing a jewel on her wrist: polished amber with some bit of flora or fauna trapped within. Something about it unsettled him—he felt like he was noticing for the first time, every time he’d spotted it.
“You own more cookware than weaponry,” she’d goaded. “Do you plan to fight the empire with forks?”
“A well-fed warrior is a better weapon than any blade he or she might wield,” mused Ignis. “Surely you’d recognize that.”
“Of course I would, but you can feed just as well by shoving a pig on a spit and tearing off chunks with your teeth. No cutlery required.”
“If you’re into that sort of thing…” he’d allowed, carefully.
“I’m into all sorts of things, specs,” she replied, opaquely, but when he’d risked a glance in her direction she didn’t return it.  
When they’d finished with the dishes, she’d dropped casually into a chair across from Gladio and resorted to wiping the day’s blood off her lance. He’d belatedly realized she was still using his dish towel, and he must have sucked a breath through his teeth, because she’d met his eyes and seemed to know exactly what she’d done to distress him. But she’d made no move to apologize.
He’d spent a few long moments staring into the fire, restless in his rolled shirt-sleeves, and wondering if the atmosphere felt as tense to either of his companions. Finally, maybe out of desperation, he’d announced his plan forage for culinary garnishes on the hillside.
Gladio had simply nodded with a grunt, turning the page of his book. But Aranea had cast the now ruined rag to the ground, gripped her weapon with renewed resolve, and rose from her chair, asking if he’d mind a little back-up.
He certainly didn’t mind. It helped that Aranea was a great deal more than a little back-up. Three days ago she’d taken them by surprise while they were already being taken by surprise by demons near Costlemark. He’d wanted to be furious with Dino for even suggesting they visit the cursed ruin, but he grudgingly accepted that there was likely a royal weapon within, and Noctis’ need for the Lucian Armiger outweighed the danger of the jeweler-journalist’s ulterior schemes.
Ultimately, he’d only been furious with himself for not preparing better for the inevitable fight.
But she’d bailed him out of his miscalculations, descending from the sky like some Valkyrie of ancient myth, and driving her pole-arm swiftly through the largest demon’s throat. As it fell thunderously face-first into the dirt, Noctis had whooped in glee, and Prompto had squealed like child in admiration. Even Gladio had uttered a hearty hell yeah! But Ignis hadn’t taken the time to gloat. They’d needed to finish off the rest of the demons while they had an advantage. 
That didn’t mean that the image of her arrival hadn’t burned itself upon his mind, though. Every so often it would occur to him again, like an unexpected flash of something that strangely resembled hope. 
“You spoil him, you know.”
Her comment shook him from his meditation. He slowed and turned to face her, and the lamp on his belt tossed its lurid, green-yellow glow upon her. She threw an arm across her face with a curse at the sudden brightness, but then slowly lowered it, squinting at him as she met his gaze.
“Prince Noctis has suffered much in his short life, and if the current circumstances are any divination, he still has many more trials to survive. Cooking is one of the few ways I can grant him respite from that destiny. You didn’t have to accompany me.”  
“I wanted to,” she replied, simply. Her eyes were the misdirecting, mossy green of garden stepping-stones, and her face lay as passive as the moon casting its light across Angelguard to the east. If she’d been chastised by his words, she didn’t show it, and any ill-will he might have fostered toward her seemed to hang in the air, suddenly unsure where to aim itself. 
Why. His mind screamed. Why are you here? He had to know, but he knew better than to ask. A tactician never admitted to the question in his mind; the question was a weakness, to be concealed and mitigated through other means. 
Something swooped between their faces, shattering their stalemate and sending them both ducking. She grabbed hold of his wrist to steady herself, and it shocked him so much he nearly stumbled himself.
“The hell?” she hissed. 
“Fruit bats!” said Ignis, and right then he’d never been so relieved to see them. He righted himself and sent a hand through his hair. “We must be close! Let’s follow them.” 
“Ugh,” she said. But she met his stride as they pressed on through the brush, chasing the barely-there silhouettes of tiny, winged devils against a carpet of constellations.
“So, who taught you to cook?” she asked, after awhile, “You’re very good at it.”
“My mother, originally,” he replied, “And eventually the royal chef and his staff.” He ended the sentence with a full-stop, careful not to sound wistful or uncertain, to leave no vulnerability exposed, and yet—
“What happened to her?” she asked, instantly, and he grit his molars.
“She was among the casualties of Niflheim’s original invasion of Tenebrae,” he said, “—as was my father, before you inquire further.”
“Didn’t mean to pry,” she said, “I’m sorry…” and she sounded so completely genuine in her apology that he nearly shuddered. That couldn’t possibly be right. Of course she’d meant to pry. He huffed a sharp sigh.
“There’s not much for you to be sorry about. It was before your tenure with the Empire, after all.” He made the comment lightly, but he thought he caught her grimace from the corner of his gaze. Maybe he was just fooling himself. “And honestly, aside from the recipes, there’s not much I remember of either of them. I fled Tenebrae with my Uncle, a diplomat, and we received asylum from the late King Regis. I’ve trained in his court ever since. A simple story, really.”  
“Nothing juicy to tell the Emperor, you mean?”
“I mean, it’s a simple story—and a very simple sentence, in fact.”
She laughed, and it was a surprisingly soft thing—nearly a silent thing, like the flutter of the bat wings they followed.
“I was orphaned too—well and truly orphaned at that; no extended family,” she confessed, after a beat, “though I’m sure you’d already worked that out in that brain of yours.”
I haven’t worked out a single thing about you.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said.
“Are you?” she asked, almost amused at the thought. And for a moment he was struck with a vision he hadn’t prepared himself for. Aranea Highwind, as she might have been were she raised in the same halls as he. Fierce and free-spirited, but dressed instead in Kingsglaive fatigues, she vaulted recklessly off the top of the Insomnian citadel, only warping to her lance just before she hit the ground. She landed perfectly before him, and pushed the spectacles up the bridge of his nose with a fingertip, grinning wickedly.
He mimicked the imagined gesture with his own fingertip, and frowned.
“I am. I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m sorry you were fostered by a furnace so foul as Niflheim.”
“It wasn’t all bad. At least not at first,” she shrugged, but she was hugging herself a bit as they continued, and he didn’t think it was because of the evening chill.
“All the same,” he said.
After some time, they finally found what he’d come for: a cluster of rocks near the top of the hill, bursting with honeysuckle vines. The blooms were easy to spot in the moonlight, and a hint of fire—trick of Lucian elemancy Ignis had tucked away in his satchel—soon made short work of their Chiroptera competition. 
With the last of the magic, he lit and handed Aranea a torch to keep the bats from returning, and knelt to pluck a bloom from the vine. He unstoppered a glass phial and drained the nectar into it. But instead of immediately reaching for the next specimen, he paused, and spun the little flower between thumb and forefinger.
“If you’re contemplating giving that to me, you should know I’m not a flowers and candy kind of woman,” Aranea teased over his shoulder. 
Ignis smirked, pulling a small burlap sack from his satchel and depositing the flower there instead. He hoped the fire wasn’t bright enough to reveal the way his cheeks had burned at her words. 
“They brew a decent cup of tea,” he explained, moving along with his harvest now, meticulously collecting the dewy liquid and leftover petals. “And if you aren’t wooed by flowers, what should I make of the cuff on your wrist?” 
The fire flickered abruptly, as though she’d recoiled her hand in surprise.
“What do you make of it?” she parried, and his stomach took a slightly sour turn. He continued his work as he spoke, flatly:
“A single sylleblossom, embraced by amber and framed in embroidered leather. Sable leather. Lovely, but contrary to the rest of your aesthetic. A well-meaning yet misguided gift, I should think -- from a well-meaning yet misguided Tenebraen suitor. Tell me, how long have you been seeing Commander Nox Fleuret? And what is the true nature of the errand you’re running on his behalf?” 
Almost definitely too bold. What's gotten into you? He half expected her to drive her lance through his neck, just as she’d done with the demon. Some royal strategist you are. 
“There are a hell of a lot of Tenebraen boys besides the High Commander,” she laughed, instead of killing him. “You, of anyone, should realize that.”
“Perhaps, but not many Tenebraens would encounter you, in your current occupation, and fewer still possess the assets required to negotiate with you.”  
She huffed a defeated noise, and he chanced another glance over his shoulder. She was looking out across Galdin Quay, toward the place where the sky met the sea. The breeze licked at the flames of the torch in her hand, and her pale pewter hair. 
“You’re a sharp one, specs. I gotta give you that,” she said, after a moment. 
“It’s my job,” he replied; it was almost a reflex. 
“Oh, I know. But not everyone is competent at their job,” she said. “It’s actually pretty rare.” 
“If you think that flattery will—” 
“For the record, I saw Ravus for maybe a year,” she cut in, turning back to him. “You pretty much summed him up: well-meaning but misguided.”
“And yet you still wear the bracelet.” 
“Harder to misplace it if I keep it beneath my bracers,” she shrugged, snuffing the torch in the dirt beside her feet. Apparently she’d decided it was no longer needed. “I thought I would give it to Lady Lunafreya, after I see Noctis safely to Altissia, as a show of good faith from estranged brother to sister.” 
“You expect me to believe--”
“I don’t expect you to believe anything,” said Aranea. “You’re way too smart for that.” 
His head was spinning. He put the stopper back on the nearly-full vial of honeysuckle nectar and tucked it away in his jacket, for fear he would drop it. 
“If that’s been your motive for accompanying us this whole time, why not just say so.” 
“Who says Ravus is the only person I answer to?” 
Ignis took off his glasses and squeezed his eyes shut until he saw stars. 
“You think I’ll just wait around, with Noct’s life in the balance, with the fate of the world in the balance, until Ravus and Ardyn Izunia conclude their bidding war for your allegiance?” He replaced his glasses and his free hand crept to the hilt of his dagger, easing it inch-by-inch from its sheath. “That’s not a risk I’m comfortable with.” 
“Actually,” she said, so close behind him that he nearly flinched. So much for those boots not being ballet shoes, he thought, absurdly. His knuckles ached for how hard he gripped the dagger, but a moment later her fingers found his -- a soft, cool caress -- and coaxed him to abandon his defenses. “I was hoping you’d outbid them both, and settle things outright.” 
Her nose brushed his earlobe as he turned his head toward her. 
“Me,” he said. He hoped he sounded skeptical and not stunned silly, which was closer to how he felt right then. “With what funds, exactly?” he laughed, “I am Noctis’ advisor, not his treasurer. And the majority of Lucis’ wealth lies lost in the rubble of the Insomnian citadel. I have nothing to offer you.”
She laughed, and it sent lightning through him, head to foot. “Ignis Scientia, born of the lofty spires of Tenebrae, sharp as his daggers, wise-beyond his years. In the war rooms of Niflheim they whisper that he carries the weight the world and the life of the future King upon his shoulders, yet he never dreams of slouching. They claim he’s a master of history, military strategy, astronomy, anatomy, medicine, and the culinary arts. And yet he hasn’t the damnedest idea why I followed him up this hill in the middle of the night...”   
“To be frank, I’d been betting on murder,” muttered Ignis, his mouth suddenly very dry. She slid her hand around his bicep and he was turning toward her in spite of himself. “Although, I hadn’t ruled out sheer boredom --”
“Shut up, Stupeo,” she whispered, and kissed him.
And oh, for the love of Etro, he’d had the damnedest idea. He’d known the entire evening, since she’d met his eyes across the fire, since she’d hovered at his side as he’d cooked, since they’d first pulled into camp. He’d known since she fell from the sky three days ago, backed by the afternoon light like an angel. He’d known and he’d insisted that he didn’t. Because this was madness. This was outright stupidity. Outright treason. He couldn’t trust her. 
But he’d taken one look at her when they’d first skirmished, weeks ago, and for the first time, his mind had dared begin a sentence with I want, instead of Noctis needs. And right now, with his lower lip caught in her teeth, and her fingers toying with the buttons of his shirt, his entire body had resolved to finish that terrifying sentence as swiftly as he could.
“Seducing the strategist would be the best way to ensure Niflheim gets what they want from Noctis,” muttered Ignis, darkly, nosing through Aranea’s hair. At some point they’d wandered back down the hill to the campsite, but they’d opted for a spare quilt and the embers of the fire over the crowded comfort of the tent. The stone was hard beneath Ignis’ back, but it made the press of her body seem all the softer. “You’ve made a fool of me—are you pleased?”
She hummed idly, pressing a kiss to his throat and smoothing her hand against his chest.
“You know, I’ve never actually said I am working for the Chancellor. That’s been you.”
“Right,” said Ignis, yawning. “Of course. A completely baseless assumption on my part, I’m sure.” He was tired, but not beyond the capacity for sarcasm.
“Maybe I just have a crippling weakness for Tenebraen accents kept on short leashes by heads of state.”
He snorted, and brushed his fingers down her spine.
“We’ll see which of us winds up crippled from this whole affair,” he replied.
“Are you always this morose after you get laid, or do I need to try harder?”
“You’re welcome to try anything you like,” he admitted. “Short of putting me on a spit and tearing into me with your teeth, if your earlier comments are to serve as a benchmark.”
He pinched her thigh, and she squawked a curse and swatted at his hand.
“Quiet now,” he teased, “Don’t want to wake the children.”
“Make sure to keep telling yourself that,” she laughed, and slid down his body beneath the blanket. She left a trail of tiny kisses across his stomach, followed swiftly by the sensory deluge of her hair against his skin. If this is what all the philosophy texts meant when they said keep your friends close and your enemies closer, then he felt he’d done pretty damn well for himself.
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