#she doesn't want his protection she wants to be by his side
startanewdream · 1 day
I've always wanted to write a scene of mutual agreement and support (friendship is a strong word) between Ginny and Romilda Vane, so here's around 1600 words of something that might have happened during Year 7.
They wait until after dinner to round on her.
Ginny is mildly surprised; she'd guessed they would question her as soon as she got off the train, but perhaps they thought that Snape's speech—not the Headmaster's, she'd never consider him so—might terrify her enough to make her betray everything she has ever believed on. If so, they were very mistaken; seeing Snape in the middle of the staff table, with Death Eaters by his side, only infused her Gryffindor spirit.
"Weasley," calls Alecto Carrow. She has a mind to pretend to ignore her, but the mass of students climbing the stairs seems to freeze with that call, and Ginny has no choice but to answer it, all eyes on her as she walks to Alecto Carrow.
"Yes, Professor." She puts as much spite in that word as she can. Neville and Luna suddenly materialize next to her, and Ginny almost wishes they would stay away, as if there is any protection to be found this year.
Alecto looks her up and down. "That's it?" Her voice is mocking. "That's Potter's girlfriend?"
By her side, Crabble and Goyle nod; their gazes are not as unappreciative as Alecto's. With a shudder, Ginny thinks she will favour disdain any day.
"I thought Potter had better taste."
She buries her nails into her palm. Don't answer, she tells herself, and tries to keep a look of disinterest.
"Where is your boyfriend?"
Her rehearsed answer comes in a bored tone. "I would know if I had any." It feels more than ever that everyone is staring at her.
Alecto doesn't seem convinced, nor do her cronies.
"They were dating," says Goyle, in a whisper that everyone can hear. "Everyone saw it, they were snogging all around the place."
"It's what happens when you are dating someone," snaps Ginny. "We've broken up." She hesitates for a tiny beat. "He dumped me."
This time her rehearsed line doesn't sound credible, despite being the truth. Everyone's gaze seems to burn, evaluating her answer, and, for a moment, Ginny waits for someone to question this, to raise the absurdity of her words: they were in love. As Goyle had noted, anyone could see how they felt about each other; Harry had been beaming the whole time they were together, all those few weeks of sunshine and happiness and hope. Harry wouldn't just dump her—
And then Alecto Carrow laughs.
"I guess Potter already got what he was after, then?" She mocks. "Blood traitors aren't a good value if..."
"Perhaps the girl is lying," another voice pops in, and Ginny turns to see Amycus Carrow joining his sister. His gaze upon her makes Ginny shiver; she remembers all too well duelling him. "Perhaps she knows more than she's letting on—"
"I wouldn't think so," Luna says, her voice as dreaming as ever. "If she knew, she wouldn't be here."
"Harry always kept his secrets," Neville adds, crossing his arms.
Amycus and Alecto share a look before Amycus takes a step forward.
"I will be the judge of that. If we have Potter's precious girlfriend—"
"I am not even his girlfriend anymore!"
It doesn't seem to matter, though. Terror floods her, not so much for herself; there isn't anything that she can share with them, but if somehow Harry finds out that they've got her—their breakup will be for nothing—he is too stupid and too noble to do something reckless—
Amycus grabs her arm; Ginny dives her hand into her pocket, but before she can take out her wand, many things happen. Professor McGonagall appears, Neville points his wand at Amycus, and Romilda Vane laughs nervously.
"Please," she says. "Weasley was his girlfriend, so what?”
That makes everyone draw their eyes to her. Romilda tosses her hair out of her face, seemingly enjoying the attention, but Ginny can see a thin layer of sweat breaking through the girl's careful makeup.
"Harry was always smiling at me, flirting unashamedly, even when he was dating her. I wasn’t the only one either. Everyone knew he wasn't good business. A ladies' man, that one."
Ginny blinks; she is not alone. The year before, when Harry was at the height of his popularity at Hogwarts, everyone's favourite Chosen One, he had drawn many eyes. Ginny had found it bothersome, but she could understand what everyone was seeing: that gorgeous young man with messy dark hair and green eyes, tall and fit, with the added benefit of seeming oblivious to his own charm, almost shy. It had been endearing.
That also was one of the reasons why, when Harry and Ginny started dating, everyone wanted to talk about it. It had been huge news for Hogwarts' standard.
There was no way anyone would believe that Romilda was telling the truth.
"Potter never had any other girlfriend," Crabbe mumbles.
Romilda laughs derisively. "I wasn't his girlfriend, haven't you heard what I just said? He just liked to flirt." She nudges her friend. "Do you remember, Lisa? I told you Harry never took his eyes off me."
Lisa looks terrified, but she nods. "Yes," she confirms in a small voice. "And you—you shared chocolate once."
"Harry dated Cho," someone from the Ravenclaw crowd says, and there's a murmur of agreement.
"I went with Harry to a Christmas party last year," notes Luna. She skips the part where they went as friends.
"I think I saw him snogging a girl behind the greenhouses," Hannah Abbott says.
At her side, a boy nods. "I saw something in the library once."
People start adding comments, their voices mingling in a cacophony. The weirdest part is that Ginny knows no one is lying; people are telling about the times they saw Harry with a girl — only she was this girl, this only girl, but no one specifies that.
"Quiet, quiet!" Alecto sounds annoyed. She looks at Crabbe and Goyle. "Is this true?"
They shrug, lost.
"I saw Potter with Chang at Madam Puddifoot's," Pansy Parkinson confirms, distasteful. "And he went with Loony Lovegood to Slughorn's party."
"That would be Professor Slughorn, Miss Parkinson," chides Professor McGonagall, taking a definite step ahead and placing herself between the Carrows and Ginny. She raises her arm and, almost without a second glance, lowers Neville's still extended arm. "I do not see why a student's romantic life is under scrutiny at this hour of the night, especially a student who is not even here at the moment, but the others have class tomorrow morning."
"This is more important than classes," Amycus spats.
"I remind you this is still a school," Professor McGonagall says coldly.
Amycus' answer is cut by a bored voice. "What is this?" Snape walks, easily opening his way between the students gathered at the door.
"We are trying to interrogate the Weasley girl," Alecto says. "To find out the whereabouts of Potter. She was his girlfriend."
Snape rolls his eyes. "You heard the others. Potter was a lover-boy; that is not surprising considering how his father behaved with his fans." He regards Ginny coldly. "Weasley is not special. I doubted Potter ever shared anything more than a snog with her."
There's an underlying truth in his words that stung her, but before she can react, Snape is already addressing Professor McGonagall.
"Take your students to bed, Minerva. It would not be advisable to be out of the bed at this hour."
Professor McGonagall, who had been frowning at Snape as if trying to figure out something, bristles; there's nothing but repulse in her eyes as she nods.
"Of course, Severus." She turns to Ginny and the others. "Go to the Common Room, now."
And she casts a warning glance at Ginny, who runs to meddle between the other Gryffindor students climbing up the stairs. Her heart doesn't stop beating painfully until she enters the Common Room, and only then she looks back; the Carrows aren't in sight. She doubts this is the last time they will try to question her, but for now, she can breathe easily and give Neville a feeble smile when he looks at her.
"We will watch your back," he whispers.
"It will be fine," she says, with a confidence she doesn't feel. Nothing about her experience at Hogwarts so far gives her any faith that things will turn out well.
And then she catches a mop of black hair.
"Romilda," she calls. Romilda pauses on her way to the stairs.
Ginny waits until they are alone to whisper: "Thank you."
Romilda nods. There’s a moment of silence, during which Romilda eyes the stairs as if considering fleeing the scene before she asks: "Did he really break up with you?"
Ginny gulps. "Yeah."
"Oh, I thought—"
"No, it was true."
She waits for some remark; Romilda was truly determined to get Harry the year before, and she had pestered Ginny when she was dating Harry.
"He never actually flirted with me," Romilda says in a rushed whisper. "And you were special to him, I—I spent a lot of time watching him and trying to get his attention, but he never glanced at me... because he was too busy ogling at you."
Warmth spreads inside Ginny; she cannot help her smile. "Harry didn't ogle."
"Yes, all the time. He had it hard for you. Still has, I'd bet." Romilda smiles awkwardly. "Not very womanizer of him."
Ginny's eyes wide. "About that—if anyone finds out that you were exaggerating—"
"I'll talk to my friends. No one is going to say anything."
"I know. I trust you." They look at each other; it suddenly occurs to Ginny that Romilda has no idea, not really, of what could happen if anyone suspects her lie. Romilda never faced a Death Eater. Ginny hopes she never does. "It will be fine."
It's the same thing she told Neville before, but now there's a promise in her voice.
Romilda nods one last time. "Night, Ginny."
"Night, Romilda."
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ckret2 · 1 day
Ya know, as someone who suffers from a physical disability myself who read your recent post, i'm sorta curious for more details on how both Scalene and Bill viewed their shared condition. Scalene in particular, by your post, seems to have had a weird combination of pride in it (how it made her exotic and all) but also, being ashamed of mentioning it and going out of her way to medically correct it in her own child...How would you describe her, and, for that matter, Bill's, feelings?
(For anyone arriving late, this is a follow up on this post here.)
You know how some disabilities end up with a public perception where they're adored for certain "positive" aspects but people still don't understand (and are ableist about) the less positive aspects? Like how depression is romantic when it's "brood romantically like a goth heroine" but gross when it's "can't get out of bed, shower, or meet social obligations"; autism is cute when it's "hand-flapping stimming and getting super interested in a topic" but annoying when it's "noisy stimming & body rocking, won't stop talking about a topic I'm not interested in, and poor social skills"; or the face of albinism is "supermodel with porcelain skin, snow white hair, and crystal blue eyes" and never "cross-eyed sunburned dude perpetually squinting in the sunlight"?
I imagine that her condition is like that, and that she zealously latched onto the positive perception of her condition and worked that for all it's worth; but she wants to be perfect, she wants to be admirable, she wants to be beloved, so the parts of her condition that aren't "popular" have to get hidden and dealt with privately as much as possible. The pageant stage is for showing off her curves; standing funny to try to relieve her side pain is for when people aren't watching.
It's okay to have a disability, but god forbid you look disabled.
Though I wouldn't characterize the medical treatment she got for Bill "going out of her way" to try to correct it. For the most part, things like braces & physical therapy weren't for aesthetics or public perception, but actual quality of life improvements. Without that early intervention, he'd be dealing with serious chronic pain & mobility issues before adulthood.
It's like how if you have significant scoliosis as a child, wearing a back brace during your puberty growing years helps protect you from getting such a crooked back as an adult that you need spinal surgery for the pain. Even if you have no negative feelings about having scoliosis, avoiding a major invasive surgery in 30 years is probably a sound medical decision.
... It just turned out with Bill that more benign issues got swept in with the actual problems.
For Bill's part, the condition is something he'd been led to believe as a child would be a much bigger problem in his life than it ended up being. For one thing, the way the condition presented in him made him a squishy baby, but not as flexible as his mom as an adult. (Though she also worked to increase her flexibility, against every single doctor's advice ever.) And for another, he got turned into an energy being more or less at peak health, after all his childhood medical interventions did their job and before his condition inevitably started to decline in adulthood; and when he doesn't age, doesn't change, doesn't even have a physical body, the condition doesn't progress. He got the best possible outcome, and he feels weird about it.
He'd never claim he's unhappy to not be dealing with chronic pain—that'd be a dumb thing to be unhappy about, and anyway Bill is sooo happy and mentally healthy and nothing ever bothers him ever!!!—but, unspoken, he has a strange sense of loss around it. Another thing missing from the life he "should" have had. Caught in a perpetual limbo where Health Problems™ are always looming 10-15 years in front of him, and have been looming 10-15 years in front of him for a trillion years.
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clonecaptains · 2 days
Jake memorizing all of shy!reader's coffee shop and/or bar orders so he can grab her drinks for her 🤭
PLEASEEEEEEEE i think about this a lot. him being the "uh she said no pickles" kinda man for his shy girl if she's uncomfortable <3
alsooo i think about him encouraging her to be a little bolder and promises to make it worth her while ;)
i have a couple asks in my inbox about this that i'm gonna go into further depth on later - but this goes nicely here - i love the protective side of jake paired w/ him loving to get shy!reader flustered so much it's one of my favorite things about it.
HE likes to be the one to invade her space and get her flustered. his pride in knowing her heartbeat just picked up a little bit cuz of something he said / did
but he knows she's shy - and anxious - he doesn't want her uncomfortable. he's a safe tease - and her protector when she's needs an extra little safety net.
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Guarded Desires: Part 8
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Padawan!Qimir x Princess!Reader
Summary: After an assassination attempt on your mother, she’s asked a favor from the Jedi Council to watch over you and your family until the assailant has been caught. As a result, your mother’s old friend, Master Vernestra, has her padawan, Qimir, be your bodyguard. Based off my imagine here.
Series Masterlist
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Qimir did his best not to let anger settle within him, but he couldn't help it. For the first time in his life, he felt...alive. Being with you set him aflame, it awakened a desire within him that he didn't know he could feel.
The Jedi aren't supposed to feel things like desire. The Jedi aren't supposed to form attachments. Such feelings were looked down upon, like they were bad. And yet...they made Qimir feel more alive than he's ever felt before. Only for you to be ripped away from him.
He got a taste of what it was like to hold you, kiss you, and...love you.
Qimir had never been in love but he was sure that's what he felt for you. He thought about you every day since he met you. He protected you, stayed by your side, worried about your well being. He learned about your likes, dislikes, your desires, your goals. He saw you at low points and high. In just a few weeks, Qimir had fallen for you. You made it so easy to do so with your kindness, your sass, your fire, and determination.
His heart aches being so far from you now.
Master Vernestra still remains on Nerathos Prime as she continues to lead the investigation on the palace attacks and the assassination attempt on your mother.
She occasionally checks in on him and his answers are the same. He's still training and working to be one of the best Jedi Knights he can be. However, the more he says it, the less it rings true to him.
He's not sure if being a Jedi is what he wants to do anymore. His faith is wavering as he doesn't understand how something that makes him feel good and warm inside is seen as something bad.
That's when he starts hearing a voice. There's been a poking in his mind. A voice whispering in his ear that the Jedi are wrong. That love and desire aren't a bad thing. That his affections and desire to be with you should be acknowledged and accepted, not swept under the rug like a dirty secret. You don't deserve to be a dirty secret.
Nira was...nice. She was professional and was very keen on keeping the professional boundary between you and herself. She never shared too many details about herself. Only vague facts. It frustrated you, but you also understood.
You suddenly felt so alone now.
You took your frustrations out on training, kicking down any and all of the Knight's Guard that became your partner. Orin could see that something was wrong, so after a grueling session. He pulled you off to the side.
"What's going on?" He asks in concern.
You roll your eyes, "Nothing."
He scoffs, "Don't lie to me. We all see something is wrong. None of the others will say something, but I'm your friend. I care about you, Y/N. Whatever it is, let me help," he places a hand on your shoulder and you shrug him off.
"You can't help me," you mumble, looking anywhere but at him.
"At least let me try."
"Why? So you can be in my father's good graces?"
"No! I told you, you're my friend! Y/N, we've been friends for years. You know I'd never do something like that to you."
You run a hand down your face, "You're right. I'm sorry. It's-It's complicated."
"It's about him, isn't it? The Jedi," Orin whispers. You nod and he continues, "Had a feeling. Noticed he was replaced. Did-Did something bad happen?"
You sigh, "Yes, and no. We confessed our feelings for each other and-and we kissed. But then Master Vernestra looked into his head and saw what we did. He was sent back to Coruscant shortly after."
"Jedi aren't supposed to form any sort of attachments. I was too much of a distraction and temptation. So he was sent away."
Orin nods in understanding, "I see...I'm sorry, Y/N."
You shrug, "I'm tired of other people being in control of my life. For once, I was doing something for me. Not for my father's approval or for the good of our people, me! And it was stripped away at an instant."
Orin immediately pulls you into his arms. His hold was tight but also comforting. And for the first time in a while, you let yourself break down. You're heartbroken and feel so stuck. Knowing Orin is there for you really seemed to strike a chord in you.
So you wrap your arms around him and let yourself cry. You cry until there are no tears left.
You wake up to hearing waves crashing. There's a slight breeze and you smell salt water.
You open your eyes to brightness. The suns of Nerathos Prime beaming down at you. You're laying in the sand. You slowly sit up and look around. You're at the beach you and your family visited a week prior.
But you're confused. Why're you here?
"Enjoy your nap, princess?" you turn to see Qimir sitting beside you, a soft smile on his lips.
"Qimir? What-Where-"
"You're dreaming."
You shoulder slump in disappointment, "So you're not really here?"
His face scrunches up in a sorrowful look, "Unfortunately not. I'm still on Coruscant, but...I think our bond is so strong it's linked us. So we can be in each other's dreams."
"Why now? You've been gone for a week and now you're appearing in my dreams?"
"I've been trying to get the link to stick and I finally got it," he places his hand on top of yours, "How are you?"
You snort, "Miserable. You?"
"Just about the same. I, uh, I got into a fight a few days ago."
Your eyes widen, "What? Why?"
"Another padawan heard about why I came back. Started spewing off a bunch of fodder and wouldn't shut up, so I punched him."
"What did he say?"
"It doesn't matter," he shrugs trying to brush off the subject, he pulls his knees up and rests his arms up on them.
"Was it about us?"
He slowly nods, looking out to the sea, "Said I was stupid for ever thinking a princess could fall for me."
You snort, "How could I not fall for you? You're funny, kind, strong, understanding-"
Qimir blushes, hiding his face in his arms, "Stop it."
You giggle, "No! It's true! I-You're different, Qimir. You see me for me and not some princess."
"And you see me for me," he reaches out and pulls you closer to him. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his head on yours.
"Can we stay here forever?" you whisper with desperation.
He sighs, "No, but I'll do my best to visit you as much as I can. But this is my first time actually succeeding and I don't know the toll it'll take on me after."
"Okay. Just take care of yourself, alright, Qi?"
"I'll do my best," he replies, pressing a kiss to your head and letting the sound of the crashing waves fill the silence between you.
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backjustforberena · 2 days
Corlys in the middle of the night, deciding that he wants his ship to have a statue of Rhaenys as the new figurehead of his ship. Maybe he knows he's already going to rename The Sea Snake or maybe that's part of it. But with quick and cutting clarity and a fire of ambition he's not known since she died, he knows she's got to be there. He's got to have her with him, because it's all for her and who knows what will happen to him or when he'll be close to her again (even just the idea of being in their home, as he's shipping out).
He needs her as a guiding light. Because figureheads mean a lot to a sailor. They are meant to represent the ship, they are meant to send a message to those who come across her. The crew is meant to take courage and feeling from it. There's a big significance to a ship having a figurehead and so to have that figurehead be Rhaenys means a lot. There is such an implication there.
And he designs the figurehead himself. He's no artist, but he's got form designing ships, he knows them, he's good at that. The technical side of it will be easy - the measurements, the idea, the analytical parts. But he's got to design her face. He knows her face. He's got to get it perfect.
Maybe the new name is drumming through his head: The Queen Who Never Was, as he draws. He's got to get all that she is or was into this. But as the moniker drums in his head like the rhythm of oars in the ocean, pushing on a boat, the first drawing he does of her face is an expression he's held on for over 25 years in his mind.
The expression that only he saw, when she became that Queen Who Never Was - the heartbroken, discarded woman in Harrenhal. In that millisecond after the verdict, before she shut away the pain forever. The expression and depth of feeling he'd been trying to make up for, or punish others for, all throughout his misguided ambitions.
And it's all wrong. He doesn't want that. He doesn't want that to be her legacy. That's not her. So he draws again. He draws (I'm picturing charcoal) portrait after portrait of her.
A new expression. A new face; how he wants her to be remembered and how he wants to remember her. Peaceful yet formidable. Unwavering. Strong and graceful.
The Queen Who Never Was not as a woman cast aside by the realm, but a woman forged. A woman who lived and died by her principles and who should have been the Queen. Who held a crown but never coveted it. Who protected it, even though she never wore it. Head held high, fierce and fearless.
That's his wife. That's what it means.
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theyjusthowl · 1 day
Tidbit Tuesday
I'm doing tidbit Tuesday this week because Monday kicked my ass.
Short and sweet today.
Allison is the first to break the silence. “Maybe I could ask my dad,” she suggests. “Yeah,” Scott says. “Deaton hasn’t been very helpful on this one…” Derek is fuming. These idiots are going to start a war on his territory and he’s going to have to sit back and watch helplessly because he’s not in charge of his pack anymore.
“Here’s an idea,” he says. “This thing is not being outright hostile. Maybe we could wait it out.”
Scott frowns. “But it hurt my pack! We need to do something about it, protect those who–”
Derek cuts him off. “You can stick to your code but I'm gonna stick to mine, too. This is my territory. That hasn't changed.”
Scott scoffs. Allison wraps her hand around his arm. “Maybe we should listen to Derek, Scott.”
Derek doesn't dignify that with an answer. "Maybe we could all listen to Stiles. Or don't. I don't think he wants to share with the class what he's doing upstairs."
Scott was about to say something, but the words don't make it out of his mouth. Derek watches as Scott turns his head upwards, trying to tune in his ears.
Crying. Stiles is crying, and from the sounds of it, probably punching the pillow and screaming into it.
Derek pats Scott's shoulder this side of too hard. "I'll handle it."
His eyes flash blue for a second, but Scott stands there, small and red faced, the shame rolling off him in waves, like the petulant child that he is.
Derek takes the stairs two at a time and tries the door. It gives way with a soft click.
Stiles doesn't turn to look at him. "Go away," he says, his voice raw from screaming.
Derek closes the door behind him.
"Derek I mean it go the fuck away," Stiles repeats, raising his voice slightly.
Derek stays.
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twistedtimeline · 2 days
Twisted Timeline AU
This Alternate Universe starts off the same as canon. Ford and Fiddleford became friends in college. The former calls the latter to come work with him on the portal. The memory gun is built and Fiddleford uses it on himself a bit. Fiddleford does get pulled into the portal when they test it. The poor engineer is deeply disturbed by what he saw in the portal. They end up having that fall out and Fiddleford leaves Ford to his devices. Of course Stan comes to see his brother. The fight goes like canon until Stanley pushes Ford. Fiddleford had come back and saw what was going to happen. Adrenaline filled, he managed to push Ford out of the way into safety while getting himself sucked into the portal a second time. Yet this time he went through completely. The portal was destroyed when this happened. This further causes a rift between Ford and Stan. Stan felt guilty and tried everything to make up for it. It doesn't do anything to fix the rift though Ford can't handle being alone this time. The cabin is gradually turned into the mystery shack that we know. Since Stanley faked his death, they share an identity. The guilt Ford felt because Fiddleford saved him from the portal began to eat away at him. The regret that he never listened to his friend and lab partner. He copes with this by becoming obsessed with anomalies. He of course doesn't attempt to bring back Fiddleford as he feared causing the end of the world according to his old lab partner. Ford wants to know everything. He accidentally started a cult that also becomes obsessed with knowledge and anomalies. The society of the all seeing eye. Ford's sanity and mind deteriorates. He and Stanley are both called Old Man Pines by the time thirty years has gone by. They are used to Stan and Ford by then. Assuming Stan is Old Man Pines good days and Ford is his bad days. They brush Ford off as a crazy old coot with conspiracy theories. Going into Fiddlefords side of things. The poor guy was also hunted down by Bill. The dream demon hated him so he wanted Fiddleford to likely torment him to his heart's content. The poor guy survives by stealing scraps of technology and making versions of the shame bot, gobblewonker and the pterodactyl for self defense against Bill and the henchmaniacs. He survived all that time in different dimensions, shockingly getting through it all without major injuries. Bill still bothered Ford in his dreams. Leaving notes to encourage him to work on the portal but it doesn't work as he doesn't have leverage. Until thirty years later. When Mabel and Dipper come and begin to mess with them. Ford protects them from Bill. What causes Ford to build the portal? Fiddleford got caught by Angie. Bill's friend. She's not a dream demon nor was she evil. Fiddleford was the first human she had seen. She shows Bill the human she found. Unfortunately for the dream demon, Angie had become fond of Fiddleford and treats him like a living doll. Dressing him up and feeding him. Taking care of him. Unfortunately Bill now had the leverage he needed against Ford. He tells Ford that his friend was now in danger if he didn't fix the portal. Poor guy was a bargaining chip. Out of guilt, Ford agrees. When he does finally gets out operational again, Fiddleford is sent into the portal with two unexpected passengers though only one makes it through. Bill tried to get through by holding onto Fiddlefords arm. The force caused the poor engineer to lose a limb in such a painful manner. Though this also meant that a little piece of each other was left in the other. Fiddleford makes it through the portal in pain and in need of medical help. They hadn't noticed the strange cloud that followed after Fiddleford. Fiddleford is angry, not because of what happened all those years ago but because Ford opened the portal now. Almost letting Bill escape into their reality. This raises more questions for the young pine twins.
Headcanons I used were made by my friend and Angie is her OC as well not mine @melodythebunny
These are drawn by her as well.
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diyasgarden · 2 days
friendship jealousy: fear of being replaced
LOL I always feel replaceable so this one was fun to write.
In general, Tashi does not struggle with this. She has good self esteem and knows her value. Although, I imagine if you're very very close with her, she'll be slightly afraid you'll leave her. She knows her bluntness can be a little much to handle and that she has a large presence that could push someone away. Again, she would not usually care about how people respond to this, but she loves you deeply. Losing you seems painful, so she worries about it. It's just a thought that pops up every once in a while. Luckily it goes away quickly enough, so it's not something major. If you struggle with these feelings, it takes her sometime to deal with it. She does not really understand it (she thinks it is silly), but she does her best to reassure you. She does this by being direct about it. I do believe after her injury she was constantly afraid of being replaced, mostly because it was actually happening. She would see new female players go pro and have amazing careers, and she always feels like she is being left behind. Mostly because she knows she is. It's less of a fear and more of her reality.
Art struggles with both, and can get really jealous. He always wonders if you'd replace him if you found someone better to spend time with. Although his friendship jealousy manifests in a subtle way. Really he becomes a little more quiet around you and when he speaks he becomes slightly more blunt. At first, this is confusing because he usually is direct when he is upset, but this time all you know is that something is wrong. It takes you sometime before you realize, and once you do you try to address it. Actions speak louder than words when it comes to Art, so just reassuring him does nothing. You have to do things to show much how much you value him, and it takes a day or two before everything is back to normal. If you feel this way, it may take him sometime to realize. But once he does he does whatever he can to make you feel better. Usually more so through actions than words, because that's what helps him.
Patrick also struggles with both, but it is more of a side affect from his fear of being abandoned. Like he does get a bit jealous when you're spending more time with others, but really it's because he is afraid of the possibility of you just leaving him completely because you found someone better. He's always more or less felt this way. It first formed when he felt like his parents wanted nothing to do with him, and it just grew as he got older. He fully processed that it is a major concern for him when Art and Tashi left him. While he is aware he feels this way, he doesn't know how to handle it. This is why he feels like he may be abandoned he ends up becoming a little more distant and argumentative with you. It's his way of trying to protect himself. If he pulls back first, then is it really you leaving him? He views himself as replaceable, but he doesn't want to watch you replace him. When he feels this way, you have to be the one to reach out and show how much you value his presence, both through your words and actions. After sometime everything goes back to normal, but this does happen every couple months. If you feel this way too, Patrick understands it and is able to pick up on it. He isn't good with discussing these feelings, but he does whatever he can to reassure you throughout his actions.
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"Let me help."
"NO! You can't get involved. You can't!"
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happyk44 · 3 months
percy needs to be haunted by bianca's ghost more
#percy jackson#bianca di angelo#she doesn't even have to do it herself#he is just trapped in the horror of watching someone die and never recovering from the guilt that follows#like i thin we should talk more about how she was the first permanent death of the series and the first death he really witnessed#i think he should be more deranged by it tbh#painfully devoted to nico's health and happiness in a way that skips the border of unhealthy and jumps straight into fucked up#even better if bianca doesn't care. and nico has moved on. so the only person who is stuck in this void of misery about it is percy#and he can't emerge. no matter what he does no matter the time that passes she is always there in the back of his mind#a reminder of the first time he failed to protect someone else.#a reminder of his selfishness. his inability to follow through on promises. of his powerlessness. his uselessness.#in tbotl he finds out that nico doesn't care about him or his soul. he doesn't want percy dead. and percy is weirdly gutted by this#he needs nico to hate him and it freaks him out that nico doesn't. he's clearly upset but percy isn't centered in it the way you'd think.#nico has his own mission and percy is barely a side note in it and he's so bothered by that. it drives him up the wall#how selfish is it to be upset with someone for not hating you because you got their sister killed?#he hates himself so much. he wants to die so bad. but he can't. he has to keep going. for nico. for bianca. he doesn't have a choice#happy talks pjo#okay it is 3:36am and i am. going to try to sleep now
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astersofthesky · 2 months
Misa's debut and the second kira reveal arc is so badass, now i want to find a fic where Misa threatened Light instead of offering herself up as his tool. The 3D mind games between Light, Misa, and L would've been so cool
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jeremiahthefroge · 2 months
Every appearance of the red-haired menace that is early Laurence forces me to sit here and stew upon how I will fix his introduction in the rewrite. As a coping mechanism. Unfortunately since I can't remember the parts where his character isn't just harassment so I can't cook with the themes the way I'd like to. Like the way he calls Aph "my love" after she very explicitly in the text of the game tells him not to do that... bad vibes. I think I could rock with his character if he'd done the same sort of approach in hitting on Aphmau as heavily, but the moment she lays down an actual boundary, he backs way the hell off. I could even fuck with her trying to be subtle about the boundary and him not getting it and continuing to make her uncomfortable before she snaps at him and he apologizes, saying that he truly didn't mean anything by it, and he respects the boundary she lays like his life depends on it from then on out. It would create some immediate complexity in his need for explicit communication, and backs up the sort of deeper character hinting they seem to try to do when he's talking about Castor and Cadenza, this idea that he deeply cares, if being a bit pushy on accident. It would also make a good detail fueling the conflicts later on with the love triangle that can sort of prevent Laurence from looking like TOO much of a dickhead (him being unaware or misinterpreting situations, and the delicate nature of it making him uncomfortable asking questions, is a compelling reason to see somebody hurting his friends' feelings, and makes him significantly more sympathetic, opening him up for feelings of remorse and guilt).
#mcd#minecraft diaries#jeremiahs mcd notes#laurence mcd#i want autisic/adhd king laurence and im not even remotely joking#i think it would add a lot to his character to give him those struggles#if i'm recalling his character right anyways#i am still very early in the series#But i do recall vaguely there being conflicts where I was absolutely not on his side#and i had a very strong sense of justice as a kid so i imagine that i'm not making that up#but also its been 8 years so who knows#but i think he can still very much get off on the wrong foot with aph and it can still be good#i think honestly having him get off on the wrong foot and then work to make it up to her would be good as hell#bc it's a situation in which she sees him be willing to work on himself without much prompting#(aka as soon as he's told there's an issue he starts to work on it and she doesn't have to ask)#and she goes oh actually. you know what. maybe hes not a dick.#and she starts to be more comfortable around him over time#It might create this dynamic where it feels like he's always trying to catch up to her level#Always apologizing always being the wrong one#and then eventually when she does something that he can't just smile and bear#(as all friends hurt each other on accident one time or another#it is unavoidable we are but human and i believe Laurence would let a lot of things slide bc he knows how much she's had to forgive him for#And I can see as well it not going over well bc aphmau is not used to the idea of being the wrong one#and she had a reason for what she did and she gets defensive#Causing an uncomfortable moment of tension#I also think that there could be a good spot where Garroth is being more controlling as to try to protect aph and she is bothered by it#feeling in that moment very robbed of control and like he's not listening to her#and then here's laurence#who is willing to build himself anew brick by brick with her input#Like this is how I would overthink it if I wanted a true love triangle conflict introduced to the plot here
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amelikos · 4 months
Thinking about how similar Friede and Liko's brands of growing strong are (ie, being strong enough to protect the people they love).
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brionysea · 6 months
this man is pissing me off
#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#first it was with his annoying ass thoughts about the superiority of the capital and the dehumanisation of the districts#but now he's having like. NORMAL thoughts. that would be EXPECTED when living in a dystopia#he's seen two classmates die and realised it could've been him and that sejanus saying the capitol not protecting its citizens had merit#and he started acting like a decent human being about lucy gray's situation#forgetting about his own bullshit in the face of her suffering because it's clear that hers is more immediately concerning#the parallels between katniss and coryo drive me INSANE#they've both impoverished young adults who've been in survival mode trying to keep their families from starving to death#forced to actually acknowledge the real world and decide on their own sense of morality#with good influences trying to push them towards the right side#eg. katniss having gale and peeta's voices in her head when she makes a stand for rue#but i KNOW snow doesn't listen to lucy gray and sejanus#i KNOW he doesn't#i've seen the ending! so the possibility of him getting over himself and becoming better is pissing me off because i know he doesn't!!!!#it would be so much easier if he was pure evil. it would be so much less infuriating and so much less horrifying but he's not#he had the potential for goodness and instead he murdered countless people#including thousands of children and any political opponents who got in his way#AND ALSO LUCY GRAY AND SEJANUS#(lucy gray's fate is a mystery but he still chose to kill her and that at least changed HIM)#i hate this. these books are so good i HATE IT#but also some of these lines are so ironic#his tendency towards obsession is likely to kill him one day if he doesn't learn to outsmart it#almost like an obsession with the mockingjay#and calling dr. gaul crazy for her extreme measures to ensure he doesn't lie to her#when he ends up doing the exact same thing to katniss#maybe minus the overt show of violence but like. he doesn't have to. he's in her house threatening her loved ones#it's so fascinating#i want to eat it#but i won't cause i haven't finished reading yet
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dramarants · 1 year
don’t even look at me if you wouldn’t consider sealing yourself in an ice coffin with me to stay by my side should I suffer an untimely death 😩
#till the end of the moon#tteotm#ranting#luo yunxi you fucking GOD - the way he speaks to and holds her corpse in both scenes. denial. desperation. fear. disbelief. the trembling.#his face walking up to her coffin and subsequent rage and protectiveness with qingyu over both her and their relationship#no matter how many times she said her purpose was to kill him he still believes they loved each other and refuses anything else#the bracelet sequence the face nuzzle the mirthful laughter#he can’t bear to lose her and he has no idea where to direct his overwhelming pain and sadness despite their conflicts#after all what’s grief but all the love still left to give. he has lost ppl before but not like this#there’s prolly a fair amount of guilt and self hatred underlying everything too#all he's done these last eps is try to hold on to her in every way - with every shred of his being - but none of it worked#‘just say one word please’ ‘you’re really hateful’ AAHHHH#his injured hands shaking her as if things are normal. later tucking her hand in gently as if not to wake her despite the truth.#he's lost all sense of self and purpose. his grasp on reality is hanging by a thin fucking thread#he will gladly live in his delusion & try to stay by her side. even in death. even when she didn't want it.#he can't go on w/o her anymore - doesn't know how. she has fundamentally changed him.#(so much that he even fights the devil god voice in her defense 🙏)#it’s scenes like this that bludgeon you with humanity amidst all the unreal fantastical elements and bring you back to these shows#omg I’m remembering his fixation on her not looking at him with ttml before - boy was already going insane w/o her when she was still there#healthy attachment and coping? ttj doesn't know her 😌#like idk if he fucks her corpse in the novel but props to lyx I’d fucking believe it#and once again nian baiyu is not paid nearly enough for any of this
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grilledkatniss · 1 year
I think we're pushing her towards overexposure territory again with our unhingedness. Let's just tone it down a bit. We don't want another 2016.
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I was gonna leave all of that in the tags alone but I think it's gotten a bit more relevant than a footnote at this point
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