#she failed her home ec class tho
odysseys-blood · 1 year
so im always the first to be annoyed by school aus bc well 1) half the time theyre just so meh
2) another half the time ppl use adult chars which easily could be in college????
anyways i think tales of the abyss should have a like spinoff school special just bc i think tear and ion should get to have lunch together and be friends snd hang out during choir practice :]
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lilrooroo · 6 years
Headcanons for Human AU were the sides are all in school and its has classification.
Patton Bunker
19 years old senior
Got held back in kindergarten for being emotionally unready (Like Brain from Arthur)
No one was surprised when he was classed as a caretaker, they were surprised when he was classed as a Caretaker with Little tendencies (which means he sometimes regresses but rarely)
Head Cheerleader. President of the Volunteer Club, and Lil Buds Club. Part of the Red Cross Club, and Key Club
The founder of Lil Buds Club, which is where Caretakers get partnered up with Littles in the school who needs a Caregiver to help them out.
Met Virgil though this program
Everyone adores him he adopts all the littles he meets. Not uncommon for a little to go find him
Comes from a loving home with 2 dads and a mom (His dads and mom are poly) One of his dads (his bio dad) is a little, his mom (a caretaker) got pregnant before their testing
His favorite class is home ec or Cooking / Baking class
Defends anyone from bullies
Logan Hubert
16 year old senior
Skipped 2 grades, chose to stay an extra year to take some of the interesting electives Not because he’d miss his friends
Comes from a line of lawyers
Everyone was extremely shock when he got classed as a toddler little. His mother demanded him to be retested in which he got toddler little again.
Parents are disappointed but accepting of Logan’s little status
The kid with a million clubs member of the DECA Club, Foreign Film Club, Speech and Debate Club, Computer Club. He’s also the Vice President of the Robotics Club and Coding Club. He’s the President of the Student Council and Science Club
He tries his best to prove that just because he’s a little doesn’t make him lesser than anyone!
Despite having such a book schedule his whole life is scheduled and he takes amazing care of himself
Still ends up regressing and ending up really annoyed and upset because it’s not his assigned time to be little!
Patton and Logan are close friends
Virgil Picani
15 year old Juniors
Was mentally and emotionally abused by his birth parents
Ended up being adopted by the school counselor, “Dr. Emile”
Emile is the one who signed him up for Lil Buds after he was tested as a toddler little
While Virgil wasn’t happy about his classing Emile was extremely supportive, and Patton, who Emile personally requested to be his buddy, helped him get more accepting of his status
Not in many clubs, will visit Patton at his clubs sometimes
Has never missed one of Patton’s “games” despite hating football and sports because he likes seeing Patton cheer. Will also come watch practice
Hates Roman Prince with a burning passion.
Deceit Picani
17 year old Junior
Held back due failing Freshmen year the first time (Not because he was dumb but rather because he wasn’t in school enough
Was adopted by Dr Emile before Virgil
He was physically abused by his mother and neglected by his father
Almost got killed for coming out as gay after being classed as a Caretaker
To this day no one believes this punk who hates littles is a caretaker
Doesn’t hate littles afraid he’ll end up being like his mom and hurting someone tho
Has burns all over his body his primary ones are the ones on his face
Yellow eye is fake (He’s missing that eye)
Emile signed the forms to let Deceit get green color snake scales tattooed over his burns due to the sheer pained memories it brought to him seeing his burns before.
No one knows his real name, well Emile and the teachers do, but they refer to him as Mr. Picani (and before adoption Mr. Sigmund)
The students call him Deceit (which he LOVES)
He’s not in any clubs because clubs are for losers. He just happens to spend a lot of time in the auditorium when Drama Club is using it, and he happens to mock them, but they think he’s part of their club. Yea… but he’s not… totally not.
Ended up finding out Roman Prince was a little and currently keeping his secret along with trying to help him out of his home situation without revealing it (Because it would break Roman’s trust)
At first it was about Blackmail and then he developed feelings for the boy
Roman Prince
15 year old Sophomore
Just got tested at the beginning of the year as a baby little
Keeping this hidden from his family and everyone, is utterly afraid of what would happen if it was to be found out
Rich kid most people hate or try to use. Has no friends because of this
His parents are very homophobic anti little people. Who are terrible people.
He was just their trophy, to the point their nicknames for him are “Our golden boy” “Our prized son” and so on.
Very extremely emotional abusive on top of physically abusive. Resulting in Roman believing he deserves their abuse.
Part of the football team, but is terrible at it (even his teammates hate him) the only reason he’s still on the team is due to his parents funding the school’s sports funds as Roman is part of it
Hates football wanted to be a cheerleader
Secretly he’s genderfluid or trans. He rather dress and look like a girl, but his parents have ingrained male titles so most them feel weird to him and he likes being called male, no one knows he wants to wear dresses
He’s also very gay / male attraction only. However his parents want him to marry Britney Kingsley, the daughter of a very wealthy man. The two families want to do a merger
Refers to her as the “Dragon Witch” and has known her since he was a baby. She’s 26 years old and very willing to marry Roman, because he’s perfect and she wants the perfect husband. She’s a creep and Roman tries his best to stay away from her
Takes pills to help block the hormones that causes littles to act little. These are very dangerous drugs that is technically against the law. They are only normally used on Littles during times like when they are a witness in a trial or in hospitals if the little is too distress or little to tell them what’s wrong
He gets them off the black market. It has a lot of negative side effects that have been effecting Roman
Deceit found his pills when he ended up knocking Roman over in the hall during classes (Roman was going to the bathroom, Deceit was going to his dad’s office)
At first Deceit was just blackmailing Roman, but soon he started to learn Roman’s life wasn’t that perfect. His parents were just better at hiding it.
Roman has 2 very large burns on his back that cover almost all of it, with small scars all over his body. He even has scars that form words
All results of him failing at being perfect. He had threaten / warned Deceit if he tries to tell anyone about the abuse that his parents would end up getting rid of him. Just like how they got rid of his male nanny after he tried to report their abuse to the police. He ended up going to jail for being a pedo. (This was not true though)
Deceit managed to get him stop taking the pills and takes care of him when he’s regressed.
To leave this on not a sad note, Shortly after Deceit’s 18 birthday, Roman’s parents found out he was a little and disowned him as well as revealing on accident that they had abused him. They got sent to jail after months of hard work and Deceit took custody of Roman.
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ihadnotyetlived · 7 years
Modern Fem Au
-Niels name would be Nielia or smth like that -Todds name would be Tara or smth idk -Charlie would be the same (Charlie is nonbianary as well) -Meeks would be named Stephanie -Pitts would be Geraldine -Pitts and Meeks are still called by their last names tho bc why not -Knox still likes to be called Knox -Cameron is called Rita (I guess) -Neilia is diagnosed with ADHD and her parents tell her to s i t t h e f u c k d o w n and be a “lady” but she c a n t - At the beginning of the year all cell phones have to be turned in and since Charlie’s parents get them so many gifts to “make up” for the neglect they give out devices to their friends -Neilia’ s parents are also incredibly controlling and want her to marry some dude bc they want grand kids. They’re okay with her becoming a doctor or something like that, but they’d rather her marry someone instead -Nelia wants to act and sing and write music instead -Mrs. Keating is lit (and gay: language was created to woo women) -Instead of old white men (but Whalt is still used) Keating teaches them bad ass women poets and the school gets pissed -Keating is still all about free thinking and becoming your own person -The school is pretty old fashioned, so the administration told Mrs. Keating not to say anything about her wife -The girls classes consist of math, science language English and mainly home ec kind of stuff - The dead poets don’t really enjoy it that much tho -Instead of wearing the school designated skirts, Charlie wears pants instead and gets in trouble with Mrs. Nolan all. The. Time. -In the “no” scene Tara and Neilia fall and their faces are so close together they could kiss but don’t bc the other girls in the hallway start coming in -Even though Neilia is p good at writing, Tara is incredible. Like Neilia literally fell head over heels for Tara when she whipped that poem from nowhere -Every poem Neilia writes for Keating is about Tara -Knox is still straight in love with Chris and tries to get him away from his gf (or bf male au Chris could be bi) -Theres some local musical Nelia wants to do - Charlie brings boys to the cave and the girls (except Cameron) don’t really care -I mean Meeks is jealous af and in an inbetween scene you can hear Charlie apologize to Meeks over and over telling her that she’s the only one for them -Anderperry is cannon -Their first (and only) kiss happens after the flying desk set scene -Everyone in the DPS are super chill with is (as meeks and Charlie are dating) Cameron isn’t cool with it but she doesn’t say anything -We get more backstory with Tara- how her parents prefer her sister over her and they see her as worthless but Neilia makes her feel like she’s worth something -Mr. And Mrs. Perry hear about the musical and tells Neilia to drop it and after school she’s marrying some dude -Of course she’s in love with Tara so she freaks out -She tells Mrs. Keating about everything; the musical, the dude, Tara and Mrs. Keating tells her to tell her parents how she feels about the musical, and try to wiggle her way out of marriage by saying that she needs a few years to get to even know him -Neilia actually takes her advice, but her parents don’t care but she’ll be dammed if she doesn’t do this musical -She does the musical and of course her parents show up. - As they’re pulling her out of the theatre Tara’ s band brushes hers and her eyes communicate nothing but worry and fear but of course Neilia reassures her - Charlie is LITTERALLY about to fight the Perry’s -We get a shot of Neilia’ s diaries seeing that she’s considered thos before -Neilia writes Tara a note hoping her parents will be kind enough to give it to her. They don’t -Afer her death, Tara takes Neilia’ s sweater she left and wears it all the time even if she’s dress coded for it -She writes so many poems for her and puts them on her grave -She breaks down and Mrs. Keating tries to calm her for hours with no success -Tara shuts down after Keating leaves,not even Charlie can bring her back (Charlie sneaks on campus every weekend) -When the Perry’s came to collect Nelias things the DPS (minis Cameron) were in Tara and Neils room and Tara litterally lunged at them -“Where are her final words?! She wouldn’t leave without telling us anything! What did you do to them?!” The girls have to pull her back and apologize (halfheartedly and not meaning it of course) - Charlie was on the outside of the campus and spat at the Perry’s as they left - At night she cuddles the pillow like they used to so, two bodies too big for one bed, limbs intertwined and breaks down crying -She wails so loud that Meeks, Pitts, Knox and even Cameron try their best to keep her quiet - The school does not give a shit about the way the girls feel -Tara got demerits for not being able to get out of bed for a week -Meeks got in trouble for sneaking food up to Tara so she didn’t starve -Pitts can no longer focus and is failing all his classes -Knox cries in every class and gets detention -Camerons grades are fine, just her emotions are out of whack -She tries her best to make it somewhat right and the girls appreciate her -Even though Meeks is strong throughout the day, she cries until the early hours with no one to hold her -Tara keeps the book and re reads the poems over and over again for memories
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