#she got all dressed up to butter up to Griffin and got a trip on his ship for it
zonerobotnik · 5 months
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Another picture I apparently forgot to post before, it's Galra Ina, who's a Beta, and Pidge, who got captured at Space Mall after she went looking for Keith, who had disappeared with Officer Griffin. I'm not quite sure about this size difference here, Ina might be a bit big. I'll have to redraw it sometime, but for now you get this one. I should draw more of this AU. And actually write for it. I have a half-written prologue I need to finish and then actually write more of it.
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retroateez · 4 years
Prophecy - Chapter Six
wc; 1957
You had never been so overwhelmed in your entire life.
Standing in the middle of a packed market, glued to Yeosang's side. Ateez's market was probably 5 times the size of the one you routinely stole from not so long ago. Atinians bustled around you, some behind stalls piled high with goods for sale, some rushing past you in muddy, floor length cloaks.
Children play amidst the adults doing their daily business. You didn't know what they were playing, but judging by the sticks in their hands, they were pretending to be wizards. Or maybe they were imitating the guards? You pitied them, knowing that the young children most likely idolised the figures who were supposed to 'protect' them. Realistically, the guards didn't give a shit. About any of them.
"Come, follow me." Yeosang mutters into your ear, tugging your sleeve.
You follow him obediently, accidentally tripping him up a few times from how closely you stick by his side.
Yeosang brings you to a small building a few streets away from the market. The glass windows are completely filthy, but the plants underneath it are freshly watered and bursting with colour. Yeosang pushes the door open and a bell tinkles to indicate your arrival.
"Morning!" a voice calls out from the other end of the shop. "Welcome to the Ateez Apothecary! What can I help you with?"
Behind a wooden counter, stands a tall man with a sweep of curly, gingerbread coloured hair. He smiles at you, and you're positive his grin could melt butter. As you get closer, you're also convinced he holds the entire galaxy in his eyes. Even the most expert astrologer would have difficulty telling apart this man's eyes and the glittering stars in the sky. His cheeks fill out when he smiles wider (if that was even possible), recognising the mage you were accompanying.
"Yeosang? It's been ages since I last saw your face around here! How's it going?" His accent  is rougher than Yeosang's, still soft but possessing a twang you couldn't quite put your finger on.
Yeosang nods, offering a small, slightly awkward smile in return.
"Nice to see you again, Yunho."
Yunho peers over Yeosang's shoulders to look at you. Which isn't hard; you don't think you've seen anybody as tall as him before.
"Who's this, eh? Finally got yourself a girlfriend? About time, 'Sang!"
Both you and Yeosang flush an angry red, mortified at the thought of having that kind of relationship with each other.
"No!" Yeosang counters quickly. "She's my... student."
Yunho nods, looking at Yeosang expectedly.
"Yunho, this is Iris. Iris, this is Yunho. He runs the apothecary here in Ateez, he's also their main doctor."
"Nice to meet you!" You reciprocate Yunho's giant grin with a short, polite smile of your own. The unsettling feeling in your gut hadn't weakened in the slightest, and this incredibly tall, baby-faced medic wasn't  going to change that.
You hung around by the door while Yeosang bought all the ingredients he needed, not wanting to get in the way or interupt a conversation you knew little to nothing about.
The shop had rows of ceiling high shelves placed in the middle of the room, the only empty space being a straight passage from the door to the counter where Yunho stood. You peeked into the glass jars on the shelves, recognising plants such as lemon balm and chickweed that Yeosang grew himself at home.
Further down the shelves were much bigger jars containing suspicious things you couldn't make out, although some of the questionable things floating around in the jars of water looked like body parts of small animals, so you decided you would rather not know.
You watch as Yunho retrieves various items from the cupboards behind him, placing them into a worn, cloth bag and tying it with a small cord of rope. You notice his hands were large, probably the same size as Yeosang's. They were more careful than the mage's though, littered with tiny scars across his fingers. A skilled doctor's hand, you guessed. Yunho picks things up gently, putting a handful of griffin feathers into the bag as if they were made of the finest Yirelian crystal, whereas Yeosang practically flings bowls of porridge at you during breakfast.
You wave goodbye to Yunho once Yeosang had purchased everything he needs. He waves back, flashing his signature grin that you couldn't help but show a similar smile of your own.
"Bye Yeosang! See you later, little lady!" Yunho winks at you as you leave his shop, leaving you wondering if he's that friendly to all his customers.
Yeosang spends the next couple of hours showing you around Ateez, leading you back through the market and up through the streets, past packed taverns and a fairly run-down school, ushering you past what appears to be a brothel in the dingiest parts of the town. He doesn't take you up the steps to the highest parts of the kingdom, explaining that only the rich live up there, and you'd probably be thrown straight back down them by the guards if you even tried it.
He takes you to the plaza at the base of the staircase, cautiously eyeing up the armoured guards who are just dying for a commoner to try legging it up the stairs so their jobs are a little less dull. In this area of the city, the cobblestone streets are filthy, horse shit packed into the cracks of the stone by carriage wheels and people's shoes; you could see why the wealthy had their own part of the kingdom, you don't think you'd want to live here either.
Yeosang points up just past your shoulder, towards the staircase.
"You see up there?" he asks you. "That tower with the fire in it?"
You nod, seeing a giant stone tower, glowing a salamandrine orange at it's peak. It's the highest building of the royal court and the only part of the grounds you can see from your lowered position.
"That's where the King lives. And all his pretentious staff." he spits.
You wonder how many people live on the royal grounds, just how many staff the king has. You wonder what the king is doing right now, surrounded by luxury, riches and everything anybody could ever want while you and the commoners of the city make do with what you can within eye view of his castle.
"You don't seem particularly fond of him, Yeosang." you chuckle.
He laughs bitterly in response.
You wonder what the king is like; is he as insufferable as Yeosang makes him out to be? In your mind, the king is a fairly old man, strong but frayed around the edges with time and wisdom. He's dealt with enough shit to last him mutiple lifetimes, in your fantasy he's fought in epic battles, maybe he even has a scar running through his eye like fairytale kings do.
"Like I said, we tolerate each other. Anyway, we should be getting home."
You retrace your steps, hurrying back past the brothel, which now as it's getting dark has strumpets filing out the doors, ready for a nights work. The women are beautiful, dressed in almost nothing to accentuate their curves and entice customers. You frown, wondering if they enjoy what they do. You hope those who don't find a career they love. They smile at you though, and you smile back. Something inside you yearns to look as gorgeous as they do; face made up and an outfit that looks flawless on your body. For now, Yeosang's oversized hand-me-downs will have to suffice.
As you near the market, Yeosang notices a sizeable crowd gathered around a small collection of stalls. Which just so happens to be right in your way. The blonde grabs onto your hand tightly, instructing you to not let go.
He drags you towards the gaggle of people, muttering 'excuse me's' and cursing people who refuse to move out of his way. Helplessly, you allow him to pull you along, not sure what you could even do to help with your small stature, attempting to stab the strangers with your narrow shoulders nonetheless.
You're in the thick of the crowd now, and you overhear the arguments of angry Atinians around you. Their anger continues to grow, and the furious merchant shoves one of his former customers over his table of goods, sending him sprawling into the crowd.
You just manage to avoid being sent flying yourself, but in the madness you discover you're no longer clutching Yeosang's palm in your hand.
Maybe it was the horde of angry people around you, or maybe it was the panic of losing Yeosang. It could have been the dread that had been slowly rising up inside you since you laid eyes on this stupid kingdom finally engulfing you like flames, the burning fires licking at your skin and furiously spitting heat in all directions. Whatever it was, it hit you like a sack of bricks, causing you to grab onto the nearest table to lean on and catch your breath.
Unfortunately,  with your vision blurred, you completely miss the table,and  instead your arm lurches out and sweeps all the produce onto the street with an unmissable crash.
You can't see, you can't breathe, and your head feels like a horse is stomping on it over and over again.
"Y-yeosang-" You call out weakly, but the enraged yell of the merchant drowns out your cry.
"What's this?" He spits at you. "A fuckin' thief? You scummy little bastards never fuckin' learn do yah?"
He grabs you harshly by the back of your neck, hauling you up off the ground towards him and your back crashes into his chest.
"Guards!" he screams. "Caught another one of the filthy street rats!"
The merchant snarls behind you, but you can't focus on him. The crowd has partially dissipated, allowing you to see the clear figure of Yeosang, a few metres behind the mob. You blink furiously, not believing that Yeosang was just... standing there?
Staring at you, frozen in place.
You open your mouth to shout his name, properly this time, but a cruel hand clamps over the lower half of your face, and your arms are yanked behind you. You're surprised they didn't pop your shoulders out of their sockets.
"Another thief, eh?" The guard has a vice grip on you, his voice teasing but still dripping with malice. "The kingsguard really isn't going to be impressed."
"Fifth one today!" Another guard speaks.
"Maybe he'll kill you himself!"
The guards begin to tug you away from the market, their patronizing comments falling on your deaf ears, as you focus only on  Yeosang in the distance through cloudy eyes.
He raises his right arm slowly, not too large of a movement to attract unwanted attention, but enough for you to spot it. He mumbles something, you being too far now to hear or even lip-read, but you know he's about to do magic. You've spent enough time with him, watching him perform the smallest feats of magic which leave you in awe.
You begin to guess what he's about to do; unleash an enormous kinetic blast to send these pathetic civilians reeling? Invoke the gods of chaos themselves and bring down a fireball storm to make everybody scatter?
Your heart drops into your stomach when you realise Yeosang does none of those things.
Instead, he turns his head away from you, bringing his right arm down forcefully and and fast as you can blink, he's gone.
With just an instant, blinding flash of white light that leaves you momentarily blind.
Leaving nothing but a faint cloud of yellow hued smoke in his place.
Chapter Seven
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ritacaroline · 5 years
Starshine Ch. 52 Jimmy Page Fan Fiction
The next morning, Jimmy opened his eyes and realized Jill was pressed up tightly against him, with the covers held tightly around herself, up to her neck. Unusual, he thought. He carefully pulled himself out of the tiny space that she
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had backed him up into, during the night. He went to use the bathroom and shower, while allowing her to rest longer.
As he reentered the bedroom, Jill’s eyes were open and she was rubbing them and stretching too.
Jim : Good morning my beautiful girl. How are you this morning ?
Jill : Well, could be better. I had a crazy night.
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Jim : Really ? What was wrong ? By the way, it smells like smoke in here !
Jill : Ha !  So it does.
Jim : Why ? Did you notice it too ?
Jill : Oh my goodness. Yes. Yes I did. I do. That’s just the beginning of it. .
Jim : What ? Beginning of what ?
He walked toward the window to look out at the weather for a moment. Jill’s eyes followed him, in his towel skirt,  as he approached the window. 
Jim : (while looking/touching at the window ledge.) Hey. There are tobacco ashes here on this window sill. Also, these blinds are totally closed. I left them partially open for light. Did you close them during the night ?
Jill : (smiling, shaking her head.) Nope. But I’ll tell you all about it. At breakfast. 
She rose and put her arms around her love and kissed his luscious lips. Then went in for a shower. Left him standing there smiling.
Once they were dressed and ready, they joined their group at their table in the dining hall. As they settled into their spaces, drinking some fantastic brewed coffee, Gary approached. He faced Jill and spoke, “ Ms. Gartenhaus, I’ve shared your story from last evening with the other staff people here. And may I say, they were all astonished and in sheer awe of your experiences. The chef, particularly was fascinated. As a result, some aging baking recipes have been located in an unused cabinet this morning. The chef immediately directed the kitchen crew to prepare the old blueberry scone recipe for this morning’s meal. And by the way, the entire ancient book of recipes are now being reprinted and added, staggeringly, to our current menus.”
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Gary handed a basket of baked goods to Jill. And low and behold - it smelled heavenly and filled with the scones.. Jill was astonished as she lifted one out of the basket, with a soft smile on her face. She noticed there was some letters carved into the bottom of each one. “Hmm. Z.G. ….that’s for Zach ? Zach Griffins ?” she asked. 
Gary : No. For our chef. Her name is Zoey Graham.“
Jim : What an amazing coincidence. Z.G.
Gary : Coincidence ? Or fate ?  And by the way, an elder staffman here mentioned that Mr. Griffins was buried on the grounds here. Of which I had no idea. Just near the entrance to the bridge, maybe 50 yards into the woods. You are welcome to visit his grave, perhaps, before you leave, if you like.
They all tried the blueberry scones, with butter. Which were as delicious and moist as a baked treat could be. Gary was then called away, which gave Jill a chance to share with the table and Jimmy, the events of the spooky encounter in their room last night. Jimmy‘s mouth was agape and he looked as though his now glassy eyes were about to pop out of his head.  
Jim : Jill, I can’t believe you didn’t wake me for this ! But, truthfully, honestly could it have been a dream ?
Jill : No, how could it have been ? Especially keeping in mind, that you saw ashes on the window sill this morning, and smelled smoke. Probably from his pipe. And the blinds were fully closed when you got up. And I swear I didn’t touch them.
Everyone was tingling with a touch of fright and intrigue. Chills travelling up their spines. After their meal, the entire group treaded off toward the bridge. The air was crisp and fresh. The colorful leaves were still covered in droplets of water from the night. It had just rained and the sky was still dark and cloudy. As they arrived at the bridge, Percy spoke, 
Percy : Hey. Look. There’s a small plaque here. Nailed to the rail of the bridge here. It reads : This bridge honors the life of Zacharias Griffins. Sea Captain of the Royal Navy. Died here in a hunting accident 1935. Rest In Peace.
Peter :  Well, the poor guy. He lived a strong honest life but died too young. And he still provides his services to this very day !
Jill spotted a gravestone standing in the distance, among some trees. They all ventured over. The group gazed at Zach’s gravestone and said a silent prayer. Jill pulled from her jacket pocket, a lone blueberry scone she had wrapped in a few napkins. She placed it atop Zach’s granite grave stone. “Bless you, friend.” she said. And they all traipsed back to the castle to pack up and head homeward.
The day so far had been grey, dark and heavily overcast. The castle concierge loaded the group’s luggage into the van. Jimmy, Jill and Percy sat in the very back seating of the van, peering out the back window as they prepared to take off. Suddenly, as he gazed toward Griffins Bridge, Jim spoke out in an excited voice, and pointing, “People !  Look, there by the bridge.” Jill and Percy viewed to where he pointed.   A dim grey figure stood spookily at the foot of the bridge, holding a lit lantern. Motionless. His arm up in the air as a silent farewell, to probably the first people he’d spoken with, in the last 43 yrs.  He was in the far distance, so no other details could be seen, just the figure. All three received a sharp strike of electric jolt through their bones at the site of him.
“What a trip.‘ announced Jill. “Hope he enjoys the scone !
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Next chap 53 : https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/188329663376/starshine-ch-53-jimmy-page
Chapter Index for “Starshine” is located at bottom section of Ch.1 ,  click here :
Link to “In The Light” - (original fan fiction)     https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/173286165501/in-the-light-jimmy-page-fan-fiction
JimJam Mistresses :      @tremble-and-shake @ledoftherings @gimmeeshelter @adonna1964 @justanotherzosofangirl @starchild0985 @girlofthemoon75 @bonscottintheimpala @12909168 @jjullz @cherryfloyd @tenementcrazylittlefruitcake @save-me-from-the-gallows-pole @soy-laprincessa @marauderofworlds @ultrabitchystudentperfectionus @satanspizzadeliveryguy @misspenylane @zi-zidane @catherine0627 @pagingpage-the-original @amythesticon @strangerspassinginthestreet @ thezeppelinbeatles @pour-some-sugar-on-mee @carryfire18 @j-james-thlk @70shoney @strange-broo @page-daddy @nadianad1337 @yerawizardjimmeh @jimmyypagey @magnetacuddles84 @rock6880 @ledxzeppelin @kinkyspice @thelandofnevermore @my-golden-lion @itsblackbetty @luvejimmy @palenickelsaladparty @jennmarieetn @honeydewgroupie @how-many-more-times-blog @loveinher-eyess @rocknrollababes-blog @princesssofpeace @frauweide @dontyouhearmecallingyou @zozjaa @miniaturewinnerwonderland @http-jinx @chennington @venicebeachx @wanna-be-groupie @where-the-hot-springs-blow @basementmermaid @crying-over-rock-legends @cherrrywitch @scarletrossetti @sixpackonthefrontseat @miamorjimmypage @jimmypageismylife @pennylane1968 @jlmmypage
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