#she got the same shit when FAWS came out
niobiumao3 · 10 months
Claims of 'it's forced' every time a black woman is in proximity to a white/light skinned blorbo in canon when nothing has even fucking happened yet is my villain origin story.
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faffreux · 2 years
Can I share something from my childhood? I was about 7 years old when I had my last birthday party. Not many kids came which was fine by me. Anyway I got a really cool gift (a pokemon poster in a glass case). I was grateful and happy. Well my mom told me that she thought I would scream of happiness when I saw it and I was like. "I'm supposed to scream?" To myself. I kept that in mind and the next gift (another poster in a glass case though I forgot what it was) I screamed. It hurt my ears and felt unnatural. But my mom seemed happy at that. I dunno, I wanted to share it with you because I get the impression that Fawful or Jolligig would've done the same thing if they were in my shoes.
LMAO I GET this. 
I have a somewhat similar story to share now... when I was about the same age my mom noticed I didn't react strongly enough to gifts during Christmas so she decided to give me a sit down talk about how I was supposed to be really excited about gifts I got from people no matter how I ACTUALLY felt about them. ex. "even if it was a boring pair of socks you still have to be grateful!" and so on. I thought I WAS being excited about gifts but other people have always perceived me as being less so than I actually am.
Anyway, I took my mom's advice to heart and for my birthday the next year after my grandma presented me with what I thought was only box of tissues as a present... so of course, doing what my mom told me, I start freaking out and being all "THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG I really needed this box of tissues!! Now I'll have my own in my room when I get a cold! I won't have to go down stairs anymore to get them!!"
My mom and grandma proceed to lose their shit laughing bc as it turns out my grandma used the tissue box as a prop and the real gift was INSIDE the tissue box and here I am faking excitement over a box of kleenex for NOTHING
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