#people are entitled to their stupid ass opinions
niobiumao3 · 10 months
Claims of 'it's forced' every time a black woman is in proximity to a white/light skinned blorbo in canon when nothing has even fucking happened yet is my villain origin story.
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simpingforthemm · 3 months
Hello angel face 🌷
I fell so head over heels in love with your writing ^-^
I was wondering if I could request a headcanon on dating Isaac from My life with the walter boys?
Sending you lots of love ♡
~ 🧸
dating isaac garcia headcanons
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a/n: omg not you making me blush 🤭❤️ thank you so much ❤️❤️ and ofc! I really enjoyed writing this since Isaac is so asfjlskjk 😍 I hope you enjoy!
words: 1.4k
summary: what it would be like to date isaac garcia
• as we all know, Isaac is a total ladies man and he has girls all over town crushing on him
• but he's not searching for anything serious with any of them
• if he were to really get into a relationship, his girlfriend would have to stand out
• he wouldn't want to date someone who blindly falls for him without really knowing him
• he wants that slow-burn enemies to lovers typa shit 😌
• me personally I think Isaac would go for an outsider girl who's kinda mysterious
• also probably someone who has a good sense of style and an interest in fashion
• he wants a girl who doesn't just simply agree with everything he says or does, he wants her to call him out on his bullshit, scold him if he's being an asshole etc!
• bc even tho he loves all the attention he gets from girls and he loves when they swoon over him, that stuff can get boring real quick and he just wants someone to be real with him!
• when you first meet, you don't think much of Isaac
• you are of the opinion that he's arrogant af and extremely entitled
• he's the popular guy and you're just chilling with your small friend group, away from all the high school drama
• it's only when you're paired as lab partners in chemistry and have to sit next to each other that you're forced to talk more (forced proximity y'all 😌😌)
• you bicker for a few weeks, exchanging snarky comments
you: "you really have no idea what the periodic table is? fucking stupid ass himbo"
Isaac: "oh so you're saying I'm good looking? can't even insult me properly huh?"
you: "oh stfu"
• it's only until both of you burst out laughing at some stupid video the teacher showed you in class
• and both of you are looking at each other like ????
• "I didn't know you had a good sense of humor too?"
• then both of you find yourself more often than not laughing at the same things
• you start making jokes to each other in classes, still bickering with each other but the bickering turning more into play fighting??
• also now you don't despise having to work together as lab partners anymore
• sometimes you also purposely sit next to each other in different classes just because it's more fun together
• yet both of you would never admit that
• lots of people from school are surprised about your new acquaintance with Isaac bc what is this popular guy doing with this outsider girl?
• but Isaac doesn't care about what other people think bc you're actually really chill and fun to be around
• one day, Isaac decides he's sick of conversing with his admirers and finds that your bickering with him is far more interesting and also more intellectually stimulating (yes 😂) than just having a bunch of girls stare at him with heart eyes swooning over him and just nodding at everything he's saying
• so at lunch he goes over to your friend group's table (actually just you and your two friend's table 😌) and asks if he can sit with you
• your two friends are like : 🤨🤨🤨him?
• but you're like: nah nah guys he's cool
• so you guys are just chilling together for lunch and he realizes what he's been missing out on!!
• he actually gets along with you and your friends so well bc y'all are also fashion mfs like him and not football ppl like his other friends lmao (tho he mostly hangs out with his cousins)
• after lunch he asks you if you want to hang out after school sometime and chill just the two of you, which surprises you but ofc you say yes
• on your first hangout you go to get matcha 🍵 and talk about art (I could imagine that also being one of Isaac's interests) and fashion, also like your fav brands and stuff and how both of you want to model/design/study fashion etc. in your future
• you also deep talk about his dad a lil and how Isaac mostly grew up at the Walter's house bc his dad is in the army
• your hangouts get more frequent and soon you realize it's more than friendship for both of you and that you actually are like in love with each other
• both of you used to always chat during class and laugh together which you still do but now it's just with a little bit of tension and awkwardness bc you're now crushing on each other
"hahaha...yeah that was um... really funny😅haha"
• and somehow Isaac can't flirt with you like he does with other girls bc with the other girls it was never genuine, he didn't really care about them but with you it's like...
• he really likes you and he doesn't wanna f it up
• I think he would get a lil more touchy tho as he realizes he likes u
• for example: you're out at the cinema watching an indie movie together and he puts an arm around you
• you're like: you've never done that before 🤨🤨🤨
• but then you have to hide your blush bc omg!! 😳 he just put his arm around you
• I feel like Isaac is a scaredy cat so he tells you he loves you over text 😭
• he doesn't even tell you he likes you first, bro just goes all out with the L word
• you've just woken up, it's like 6am on a Sunday and you see a text from Isaac from like an hour ago 💀💀
• "I think I'm in love with you lmao"
• and you immediately call him bc wtf???
• you ask him: "is this one of your jokes?" bc ain't no way are you gonna confess too only to be told it's a prank
• "no, no... it's true"
• "and you decided to tell me this over text?? literally wtf Isaac"
• then you're silent for a while and just say "I can't believe I'm about to say this on the phone but...I feel the same"
• then you meet up that same day and the second you meet you're literally laughing saying: "literally wtf Isaac"
• "sorry I, uh.. didn't know how else to say it..", he says awkwardly, looking away bc he's blushingg
• "well, it's fine because.. I love you too"
• Isaac literally perks up even though you've already said you feel the same, it's different hearing you say it in front of him
• then you guys have your first kiss which is literally life changing for Isaac because so far he's only ever kissed girls like for fun and not because he's fallen for them
• so this is a very new experience for Isaac
• you show up as a couple at school the next day and walk the hallways holding hands 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
• everybody is confused and asks Isaac: "really? her?"
• he answers: "yeah, why? she's cool af?? and I'm literally in love with her??!!"
• so let's talk about your relationship
• you both match fits often and are basically the most stylish couple at school
• you also go thrifting together!
• you guys have a very strong emotional bond and talk about anything and everything literally
• you're his rock and his best friend, he tells you everything
• and by that I mean literally everything
• he also tells you about every prank he plans / has done and he also tells you about the putting bleach in Jackie's shampoo bottle prank
• which you immediately scold him for bc why is he putting that poor girl through this when she's literally still adjusting to the new life in the Walter's house after having to leave her home because her parents died?
• at school you go to Jackie to apologize for Isaac's behavior and offer to help with her hair, which she gladly accepts
• this leads to you and Jackie becoming best friends and to her joining your little friend group with your 2 friends
• (you guys are a better influence on her than Skylar and Grace)
• you also get invited to Walter family events, for example Will's wedding or Thanksgiving
• you can be a bit shy so you always cling to Isaac and Jackie whenever you're there
• But Katherine makes you warm up quickly with her good-hearted nature and you find yourself feeling comfortable in the Walter's home pretty soon
• you get along with Lee pretty well and you just fit in perfectly with the whole bunch
• your parents also love him bc he's literally your prince charming 💕
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minothtime · 10 months
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hello tumblr people this is my opinion on the prisoners
YUNO/KAZUI: yeah yeah the social themes and consequences of their actions blah blah blah. afaik they didn't kill nobody ms yuno had a secretive risky abortion and mr kazui told his wife he's gay and then she presumably killed herself is that his fault? no she should've reacted better next
FUUTA/SHIDOU: afaik neither directly killed anyone, shidou just pressured families into offering bodies for science so he could use them for his personal purposes which while shitty and a crime not murder, and fuuta was a stupid teenager + wracked with guilt over his actions. both were shitty but not as bad as [bottom two tiers].
MAHIRU/ES: Need to learn more about Mahiru's entire situation bc i genuinely don't know what's going on at all (mutually abusive relationships don't exist bc abuse comes from power imbalance). I'm just v nosy about Es like what's their whole deal why did they break down when kotoko said they were being a bad warden are they also a prisoner in here what's going on
MIKOTO/AMANE: Fuck if i know how to handle these two people. Mikoto's whole ordeal is NOT for me to talk about and it's a MESS and same w amane it just feels that whatever we vote her it's bad i just want her to be happy :(
KOTOKO: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU little ms hypocrisy she tries to put milgram's psychological violence and her physical violence at the same level when one is unavoidable and the other one is PERFECTLY AVOIDABLE. she believes to be some kind of angel of retribution when she's now shown her true colors and is going DOWNNN idc i kinda liked her at first but she's fallen off HARD. her ass needs a fucking muzzle and some more restraints bc it's clear she's delusional as FUCK
Muu/Haruka: muu's case is she's a bitch and when she was served her just desserts she broke down and killed someone like fuck her entitled ass. Haruka's thing is he's neurodivergent and a minor well guess what i too am neurodivergent and when i was a minor i suffered more than jesus on the cross and i didn't kill SHIT not even ANTS so maybe he should get it checked. buh-bye.
JACKALOPE: he's cute but i lowkey hate him. where the fuck is he now. why is he here. too mysterious too cryptic i need him GONE.
Once again this is my vibes and how I think things went so "oh but I think x and y and we don't know z" ok maybe you don't but I personally am omniscient . Skill issue
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rogerzsteven · 6 months
Okay, I need to get this off my chest and say that some people in this fandom needs a serious reality check.
You're not the savior you think you are. No one is going to give you a gold medal or relieve your consciousness, or pat you on the back. This isn't the way to validate your 'woke'ness or proving you're a good person. This shouldn't be the only accomplishment in your life.
You're lacking empathy and common sense for the sake of getting some brownie points on this stupid site and causing damage, thinking a half ass apology will fix it and go on with your day.
Are you suspecting something? Talk with that person first, then listen and try to understand. Find some solid, undeniable proof. Don't just make a callout post online and block the person or play the victim. Guess what? Sometimes you're in the wrong, or sometimes there is no one in the wrong to begin with, and it's just a difference of opinions (this goes for fandom's different ideas on characters/matters, not discriminatory subjects).
Some of you are going so far to the point of accusing people of color for something you don't even understand or have the right to speak to begin with, bandwagoning on the subject without making sure of it to save your faces, and then backtrack. You look like a clown and your unwillingness to understand cultural differences shows your entitlement.
I'm not saying people of color can't be racist/ableist/discriminatory in general, what I'm saying is know your place. Don't accuse people so easily. Think before you act. This place isn't yours only and you're not as pure as you want to be. The world doesn't revolve around you. Get a fucking grip.
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kamiko1234 · 3 months
Hi yeah I just started chapter 14 and- am I the only one who sort of HATES how Thalia's being handled? And also Percy to some degree? Like- Thalia and Percy had just had this a conversation about Luke and ngl? Thalia sounded like such a selfish and entitled BITCH like!? The way she talked about "Luke's bad decisions" and that "they all have tough things to deal with" !? JUST NO! YK WHAT THALIA!? FUCK YOU! Like is she for real here? Really!? REALLY!? Like I get that Thalia is angry at Luke, and that the guy did some stupid and bad stuff but- TO ACT SO APATHETIC TO IT ALL!? LIKE HE'S ACTING UNREASONABLE OR SOMETHING!?
This isn't solely "Luke's just being a brat about something we all had to deal with". Luke's mother went INSANE. He was stuck with a mom having MENTAL FITS TO THE POINT OF HIM HAVING TO HIDE IN CLOSETS. The boy had to run away and live on the streets ALONE.
For the love of GOD Thalia! Way to show you have the empathy of a STONE. And that guy was supposed to be your friend!? Not going to lie Thalia doesn't feel like someone who knows Luke in this book, even if she way mad at him. AND THEN THE COMMENT ABOUT HIM SUPPOSEDLY BEING AT FAULT FOR THEM NOT GETTING TO CAMP IN TIME 'CAUSE OF "PICKING FIGHTS WITH MONSTERS" LIKE??????? Like is the author for real right now? THAT'S what the consense is????? Last time I checked monsters were a bunch of blood thirsty LITTERAL GOD DAMN MONSTERS whose number 1 hobby is hunting and killing demigods. EVERYONE ELSE litteraly fights them ALL THE TIME.
And then the way she PHRASED it!? "Picking fights" implies that LUKE was the one who started the confrontation when i know DAMN WELL he didn't. Those were MONSTERS, they are KNOWN FOR ATTACKING DEMIGODS. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LUKE IS AT FAULT FOR THE FIGHT FOR SOME REASON! NOT THE BLOODTHIRSTY CREATUREAKNOWN FOR ATTACKING DEMIGODS!?
But I guess defending yourself is bad now! Sorry dude you heared Thalia, you should have just laid belly up and let yourself get killed^ Ands then that stupid ass line about Hermes loving Luke as if somehow made up for something????? LIKE BE SO FOR REAL THALIA WE BOTH FUCKING KNOW THAT HERMES "LOVING LUKE" DOESN'T MEAN JACK SHIT. I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH HE LOVED HIM HE STILL WAS A SHITTY ASS FATHER WHO DID FUCK ALL FOR HIS KID.
And now before anyone comes at me about this. I do not give a CRAP about that rule Hermes mentioned of gods not being allowed to meddle with mortal affairs because A) YOU GUYS ALREADY FUCK MORTALS TO PRODUCE CHILDREN WITH THEM!? THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU "AREN'T ALLOWED TO MEDDLE WITH MORTALS" AND
I swear to the heavens above the way people act like it was SUCH a surprise that Luke went bad are a bunch of fucking clowns, No wonder did the guy start a war WHEN THAT WAS HIS MOTHERFUCKING SITUATION. And then GOOD GOD THE COMMENT PERCY MADE WHEN HE MET ETHAN UNDER THAT TRUCE!? WHERE HE MENTALLY CALLED KIDS OF MINOR GODS UNIMPORTANT!?
Say what you want but it takes BALLS to first be mad at them for switching sides and then pull a line like THAT.💀 Percy needs to be HUMBELED real fucking quick omfg, and Thalia too. "Luke's old friend" my ass, I'm just gonna assume she was used as the authors mouth piece here since she was handeled MUCH better in TTC. God that just made me furious, especially Percy's hypocrecy concerning minor gods. (Hopefully I understood or misheared something at that part, otherwise Percy would just be a straight up biggot.) Way to get too deep into something, please don't spoil me. Thanks.
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ellewod · 1 month
Here’s the thing, everyone wants to act like Rhaneyra is so innocent and only doing what she needed to, but let’s not forget she literally had innocents burned by a dragon simply to weed out who could be a dragon rider. It doesn’t matter that they knew what could happen, she manipulated and convinced them it needed to be done. Then watched as it happen without any remorse. Aegon never hurt the small folk, in fact wanted to help them. Even when it came to war he said we’ll meet the soldiers, not innocent people which she is willing to do for the greater good. To me that’s dangerous because it means she will do whatever it takes to achieve what she believes is for the best. How can you root for that?!
ok honest opinion? it’s insane to pretend that either party is “innocent”, and i hate how they have been trying to paint rhaenyra as this strong girlboss who can do no wrong and gets usurped solely for misogynistic reasons.
aegon is capable of cruelty and so is she! i hate this whole “but he did this, but she did that”. at the end of the day, i personally root for aegon because i truly believe him to be a better ruler and because i feel for him and believe his character is more interesting and complex.
and yes, i also don’t see the same amount of cruelty carried out on his order. the cruelest thing he did in season two? have those stupid ass ratcatchers hanged after the murder of his baby boy.
he didn’t demand aemond’s head after he literally crippled aegon and left him for dead (which he should have). he didn’t have his momma, who showed him zero sympathy and belittled him all the time, removed from the small council (which he should have). he only had otto removed as hand of the king — after his grandpa continued to make him feel small, unworthy, stupid, and showed him no respect at all. aegon was king, otto was his hand.
rhaenyra never did “just what she needed to do”. she doesn’t have to rule, she can renounce her father’s decree. but she wants to rule, she thinks she is entitled to and better suited. she decides that she must kill her brothers, because she wants to silence those opposing her, those who believe aegon to be the true heir. she always knew this to be a necessary choice, but now she can hide behind the reason that they dared usurp her.
she is willing to make cruel choices to reclaim what she believes is rightfully hers. like you said, her watching the dragonseeds burn to death, just so she can find a few dragonriders or perhaps only one at best? idk how some people saw this as empowering and badass. to me it was disturbing. just like rhaenys killing all those innocents in season one. but i guess this is the showrunner’s idea of badass feminist actions.
same goes with starving the smallfolk, so they start rioting, and she can be their saving grace. twisted af. but that’s war i guess?
i just don’t want to read people blindly rooting for her, pretending she is a pure soul. she doesn’t have to be? let her be interesting! and don’t defend her choices while shitting on aegon whose cruelest actions were written solely to make him a despicable character everyone feels guilty rooting for. just so the viewer’s would cheer once “he gets what he deserves”.
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that-starry-freak · 1 month
Welp the one of these last night (that I wrote like half asleep) was decently received so im taking this as a sign to rant more about how I dont trust Old Moon-
Or at least this time its how Solar had every right to immediately be suspicious of Old Moon and his intentions.
I mean, look at it this way? You have a best friend for like a year, who took you in from his abusive doppelganger, and cared for you and loved you. Who trusted you so much, and screamed and cried when you died. Who was known to have an infeority complex with his "old self", feeling like he isn't good enough
And then when you come back from the dead and he's gone? He's "evil"? All of a sudden? And he's replaced by that old self, who you've been told abused Sun just like your Moon abused you? Yelling and hitting and calling you stupid?
And he got a new house and just completely erased your old best friend after he left? There's no trace of him, not the house that he bot, or any of his stuff probably. But you find out that he left because he went crazy because you died? But you know he would never hurt the family, he wanted to protect it, and of course you don't trust this Old Moon because all you've known about him is that he was the abusive one, the one that your best friend had to be better than.
Thats Solar's situation. He has every single right to be suspicious of old moon, and tbh i hope his ass yells at him. Old Moon tried to deny the idea of a virus in Nexus's systems, even telling Solar that Nexus wasn't crazy by the end. What do I think of that? Bullshit. I dont trust Old Moon one bit. Because he benefits from Nexus being gone. If he's not there, there's no other Moon to share Sun with. If he's not there, you can get close with his ex best friend. If he's not there, no one can see how he's so much nicer and always was so much better with social interaction.
And he rules out the virus, even though he knows dark sun has something to do with Nexus leaving. Like??? You're supposed to be the smart one Moon, stop being fucking stupid.
Also im pissed Solar is getting close to Old Moon, and hope he calls him out on his bullshit.
Anyway, I feel like the stupid ass, awful dialogue thing I made for the two a few weeks ago when i was like half asleep summarizes it pretty well:
(cw, mention of suicide at the end)
"You left him to rot! He was mourning me, he was hallucinating! And you've thrown him away like he's trash!"
"Sun has-"
"IM NOT TALKING ABOUT SUN! Sun and Earth have too much shit to deal with! Im talking about you! You left him! You didn't try to help him! And you've encouraged Sun to not forgive him, ever! And I know why. Because without him in the picture, you can be the perfect brother, right? If hes not here, they can't notice how he was so much nicer! How he cared about Sun so much more! No, you came back and you bought a new house and tried to get rid of Nexus as much as you could because he's your replacement and you're scared of people leaving you! Go to he'll, Moon. Fuck you"
"Listen here you-"
"No, you listen here. Go kill yourself again- Actually, no, because then you'll just hurt Sun again. Because that's all you do, hurt people! Now fuck off, I'm going to find Nexus and fix things."
(This also ties into my last post about old Moon)
Anyway yeah, as much as I love him becuase he's charismatic and sassy and sarcastic and funny (and I was raised to like sarcastic humor), I cant stand the bitch when I really thing about it for more than 2 seconds.
Next I honestly may just rant why I hate him- the last 2 things have also been about Solar and Nexus and that sutuation, but I genuinely may just make a whole post talking about how I hate him-
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aurevoiralways · 5 months
what is up with anti posts saying the same things and then people having to debunk or explain the same point over and over
Dude I wish I knew. Anti Snape mental gymnastics are an enigma to me XD. I swear a lot of them love to pull things out of their ass and claim its canon 😭. Or make the biggest stretch possible from like 2 lines in the books. It's honestly kind of funny but also exhausting to watch. Cus like you said it is always THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER 💀🤦‍♂️.
Slight tangent but I am so sick of the endless "Snape wasn't a good person" debate as a whole. I'm sick of Snape antis thinking they can somehow change everyone's opinion by "proving" he's bad or something (half the time using stuff they just pulled out of their ass or misinterpreted from canon)😭. It's just stupid. I don't know why they care so much what other people think of a character they supposedly hate. Everyone has their own opinion and interpretation of him. Personally I really don't care what other people think of him as long as they don't try to convert me to their side. Like it's common decency idk. I don't go around trying to "prove" things to people who are entitled to their own opinion, and I expect others not to do the same to me 💀. I try my best not to engage with antis entirely because I do not have the mental energy to argue in circles about things neither of us will ever change our opinion on.
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vivithefolle · 2 years
Hey its me who left a comments on your Quora, and bc im a negative hater of Hermione that will make her worshippers cry, i wanna just copy and repeat my unpopular opinions here to yours in order to spread my negativity :p
I think its kinda funny how Rowling self inserted into Hermione but forgot herself is a adult woman, and Hermione is a teenager sometimes, but like only sometimes.
A lot of Hermiones rule bendings and actions just sounds like what an 20s or 30s something would want to do, and would have full conviction as well as planning ability to carry it out. Sorta like the way you cant file a lawsuit and WIN if you are 10 but can if you are 21. Rowling wishes she could do what Hermione can do but forgot she was writing a teenager, then went "oh its ok. She settled it all in the end off pages."
Rowling will be like "Hermione is me and so mature and i wanted to do that to people i hate all my life" when it comes to time traveling - to take more classes than her peers because its fair where? - and "punishing" a bad journalist who spread stupid rumors and "punishing" the students and teachers she hated, or erasing her parents out of her records. Because only adults could break big rules like that and maybe deal with consequences. But then in the same books same chapters she will be like "Hermione is forever 13 year old and hates defying rules" when it come to the characters emotional development. And worse, after that couldnt write all the messy logical backlashes and consequences that this teenagers actions left.
Coupling with Emma Watsons casting and all the Mary Sue script changes influencing later books, the result is the worse, most self entitled, inconsistent, sloppily written female character ever created among all the real, logical teenage characters. Some like Harry is Mary Sue-ish, but hes at least consistent and logical to a teenager. Hermione is a Sue and couldnt even be a decent one that makes a lick of sense.
we like to dunk on Movie Hermione, and her looks and the Ron bashing can make us dislike her because thats not book Hermione, but in terms of being a Mary Sue , movie Hermione is actually a much better written character than book Hermione. One is at least consistent and is a character despite "perfect". Movie Hermiones lines and moments are still things a , very perfect, schoolgirl can know and do. Book Hermione cant decide if shes a teenager character with emotional flaws or a 30 something 4th wall goddess with super meta powers that can solve every characters romance problems. Like you cant choose both of these, Rowling.
its so frustrating bc this is actually why its so hard to convince Hermione lovers and criticizers on points from either side on her personality and her relationships with others. Because a very blazen competent girl that could "punish" teachers and students and new reporters alike on the basis of very adult, very real LAW and ORDER can not act like an jealous, immature 15 year old that also cries all the time with no handle on her emotions, is "book smart" and stick for rules, and vice versa. Which is she?
i now dont really care for Hermione and Ron. She ruined the couple for me. its not that she could be an asshole to him, but because shes not a character. Shes a vessel.
Vivi's commentary: Well darn that is a brutal assessment! I do believe that what the things that make Hermione feel so disconnected is the lack of consequences. I mean, the way she "punishes" Rita and Marietta is totally the way a teenager fantasizes about punishing the people who hurt them, but the fact that Hermione manages to do it without ever having it bite her in the ass is the part that's really making her a Mary Sue for me.
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acuar-io · 6 months
People are entitled to their opinions, but when did people just decide that Naveen (from Princess and the Frog) was a shitty man? Did we not watch the same movie? 😭 Tiana and Naveen both had issues that needed to be solve in the movie. Also, we had a vague ass ending to the movie so assuming he doesn’t do shit is so fucking stupid considering he changed his whole life for her to be with her because…HE LOVES HER HELLO?
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a-moment-captured · 1 year
Let’s get a few things straight:
If your intent is to bully people and shame them then leave. No one wants to deal with that kind of energy on a daily basis and it’s become reoccurring the last 3 months.
Jack Harlow is a grown ass man and doesn’t owe any of his fans anything. Why? Because you chose to be a fan.
There are always going to be moments where someone does something or gets something from a celeb that you don’t. That’s life. I advise you to get the fuck over it now because it won’t change the older you get.
This is why we can’t keep nice things. There are those who get all bitchy and in their feelings because they think they are ENTITLED to get whatever they want from Jack or whoever.
Since Elvis there have been favorites. Always has been and always will be.
Being so jealous and rude to others on here because they got to go to a private party is beyond ridiculous and fucking stupid. Grow the fuck up!
Instead of being happy for the content, you bitch about it because you weren’t there. So was 98% of the fan base but do you see them complaining? No!
Jack is always gonna have his favorites. Hate to break it to you, all artist do! The fact that he genuinely cares enough to do stuff like the texting, sending flowers, or the private event shows he does care about his fans. He didn’t have to do it at all.
It was uncalled for any blog to post anon after anon that complained, bullied, and shamed anyone that got to go and then disguise it as “having an opinion.”
STOP BRINGING STAN BEHAVIOR IN A PEACEFUL TAG! I hate that kind of shit and so do most fans. It’s ridiculous! Jack doesn’t owe me, you, or any one else a fucking thing!
The entitlement as of late is insane as well as the prying to get more info. If you wanna gossip about who this man is with then take your ass on over to Lipstick Alley. It’s also non of your business but…
Act like an adult. Act like you have some respect. Act like you got a damn brain in your head.
And with that, have a blessed day! 😘
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esmarelda · 15 days
Yesterday my friend whose mother is an immigrant was talking about how “they” (the government) is flooding the country with “illegals” (disgusting, inhumane ugly ass word) and expected me to agree with her that most immigrants are terrorists and in gangs and it’s like I’m just sitting there in awe like this is the most retarded shit I’ve ever heard in my life. And I wish Americans knew how stupid they sound telling an Indigenous person, a sovereign citizen of Cherokee Nation, their political views and I’m not talking about just ignorant people that are so stupid they’re evil but even the well meaning political activists who want to be and do good sound so stupid and entitled and retarded. Listen. Me and every single Indigenous person on earth is living in a post-apocalyptic world. Our land, our culture, our ancestors, family members and languages were all taken from us and what we have left is still being taken til this day! By people who brought fucking politics and bibles to us dude like that is some heavy, dark, disgusting shit to have to live through. Americans love to forget that genocide is ongoing and American politics will always support genocide of Indigenous people all over the world and it’s a terrible feeling to have to survive genocide and feel terrible and helpless for ourselves, our loved ones and every Indigenous person on earth who is suffering and needlessly dying because of politics because Americans and most white people value having their opinions and religions and power and control over actual human lives. Life is so sacred and I am proud to have a culture and ancestors that know life is sacred and all life is valuable and worth protecting and loving. My politics is this: whatever saves the most lives is what I get down with but I don’t want to talk about it anymore today. I’m tired. This is all just so sad. And you know what I’m just gonna say it- the next time you wanna speak politics with and Indigenous person, if you’re not just listening and asking questions about their views than just shut the fuck up and go talk to a colonizer cuz we have been through enough Bitch.
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joyswonderland1108 · 2 years
I’m sorry Jimin
If Jimin ever takes a few steps back again and closes himself up after doing his best to open up to ARMY. I blame y’all motherfuckers who failed to see the symbolism in his Album. You don’t have to be a genius, you should just be willing to educate yourself on a matter you don’t fully understand, leave being a genius to our boys who are able to place deep and meaningful words, visuals, etc.. In their songs. 
If after all the effort Jimin did to be able to share a message out there for y’all ignorant asses, he decides to recoil back into his cocoon because of your entitlement, i hope Karma actually bites off your head. Not only you failed miserably at understanding him, you also failed to be open to accept that he has a deeper meaning to thing, you also failed to encourage him and support him, you failed to see things from his pov, you failed to recognize the steps and hints he has been dropping for a while now, you failed to understand K-army’s humor and turned it into a whole entitled ass argument and case of shock.
Today i learned how many people are tasteless and have no sense of understanding or willingness to learn. Art is hard to understand for everyone, but when people try to explain to you yet you’re entitled to your pover opinion and refuse to see difference faces of a full of expression art.. Shame on you. 
Ever heard of contemporary dance? a simple google search says :  “Contemporary dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet. Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements”
Why did i bring that up? Because dancing or performing are very expressive, not everything has to be sexual, not everything has to be dirty, not everything had to be just fun and freestyle, in contemporary dance for example it’s a whole story narrated through dancing, they don’t really connect touching to motherfucking sexuality it’s the goddamn symbolism of it.
If you knew damn well that in the MV the woman was supposed to be Jimin’s reflection but failed to realize that his performance NEEDS female dancers to interact with him to express what he means then i feel sorry for you and i feel sad af for Jimin for trusting a miserable fandom to understand him. I know y’all bitches aren’t that smart but not only you aren’t smart but you’re also entitled to staying stupid. 
I really hope Jimin really REALLY decided “fuck y’all” and won’t care about your narrow-minded ass opinion and continues to move forward. That Album is supposed to be him throwing away his dark and toxic past, letting it out of his system, talking about it, FACING IT, to be able to move on, so i really hope none of you rats make him regret his decision go back to the Jimin who’s afraid to share anything with us.
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mightypurplethunder · 8 months
Your anger is directed at the wrong person. If they call out to support the strike their employer isnt going to go "wow this is the support Palestine. Everything will change now". They will get fired. How does someone calling out of work help? How does not spending money at a local business help?
Please let me be clear so I don't get more asks of this kind; I don't give a shit about where you think my anger should be directed at. In fact I don't give a shit about you, that other user, their employer or any other whiny usamerican's minor inconveniences and opinions about how to do or not do the revolution.
And what you so easily catalogue as "anger" is not quite that, It's a more complex feeling I don't think you'll be able to relate to and it's actually closer to exhaustion. I'm tired of the United States of America, I'm tired of it's rainbow washed fascist goverments disguised as left-wing historically breaking havoc absolutely everywhere in the world and facing 0 consequences for it. I'm tired of the inherent hopelesness I carry for having been born in a country that was completely fucked up by the US decades ago and still has to deal with the consequences of that. I'm tired of the "american" people and their passive compliance towards their fucked up governments, I'm tired of all the "americans" that are aware that they live in a country that is the literal root of all evil, but are too lazy or stupid to do anything about it so they just shrug and shake their heads and hope the next democrat they vote for doesn't bomb too many countries, and I'm tired of having to write in your language how fucked up your country is so you understand. Yall are so programmed to believe you are the center of the universe and the whole world is your backyard and its exhausting for the rest of us, and sometimes, yes, infuriating.
So let me be clearer, I don't give a fuck if you or that other user (I'm kindly assuming you're not the same person lol) strike or don't strike. I absolutely get that losing work is not an option for a lot of people so I haven't even gotten into that, we all have our reasons to do or not do shit. What I fail to understand is the amount of entitlement you need to have in order to see a post made by a PALESTINIAN calling for action against the genocide of their people, and decide that an apropiate response is to reblog it complaining about how inconvenient the date is for you, and how "some people work on sundays". Who the fuck cares?? How is that helpful?? How is that supportive?? The call for strike was made by a palestinian woman, currently in palestine, who somehow found the time and the means to upload a video in the middle of running for her life in actual hell, and the fact that anyone could think that complaining about the date is a reasonable response to that is shocking to me. Bitch strike or don't strike, work or don't work, just please shut up, sit your ass down and stop wearing it as a damn hat.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
oughh hi black and white anon here sorry did I piss off an other anon I’m sorry
yes, I am aware it is an issue but it’s difficult for me to fix partly because I don’t know how, and also because of my autism, I know black and white thinking is a symptom of that. and I am okay, I have not been really affected by it in a while, because most of the stuff I like now is very niche, or just not that popular any more or is objectively quite good (big one is hollow knight yes I am the grimm anon too)
but yeah, it is a problem but I make sure it is only my problem and no one else’s, because I know better than anyone what a pain in the ass it is and I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone because of my stupid mentality, and I am a very un-confrontational person
AND YES of course, Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and to share them!!!! If they bother me then that is my problem. I do know I should work on this but at the very least I am not bothering anyone
For what it's worth, I think you're doing better than a lot of people. "This is my problem to deal with" is a dying skill and I think about half of what's wrong with everything would be fixed immediately if it weren't.
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Peter Pan tier list!!!! (Don't get mad at me btw these are just my opinions 💀) (also just a disclaimer, I hate NONE of them!! I just like some more than others)
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Let's start from bottom to top, shall we?
D tier:
Tiger Lilly: I don't hate her, it's just she isn't really that much of a character I care about 💀
The mermaids: their so annoying bruh they get on my nerves 💀 idk if it's the high-pitched voices or the fact that the animators and artists knew what they were doing 💀
C tier:
Tik-Tok the Crocodile: I definitely like him more than the stupid octopus in the sequel 💀
Mary Darling: she's fine but she doesn't really play that much of a part in the story (well the Disney version, anyway) 💀
Mr. Darling (Jeorge): same reason above why I rank him lower, however he does make me laugh LMAO (I can relate to his clumsiness, my sister leaves her toys around and I CONSTANTLY trip and fall on my ass cuz of them 💀)
B tier:
John: he's fine, I don't really mind him that much, hes just kinda boring (doesn't mean I don't like him though!!)
Michael: he's fine as well, just boring
Wendy: I like Wendy more than them, but she still is kinda boring as well
A tier:
Peter Pan: I like him a lot!! He can be rude throughout the movie but he's still really likable!!
Captain Hook: y'all know I love Captain Hook so I'm kinda biased with that one 💀
Nana: cute puppy :D
Tinker Bell: she's entitled but I still like her LOL (also for some reason in the sequels she becomes nicer 💀 I don't understand it 💀💀)
The Lost Boys: their really cool, my favorite out of the group is Slightly :) (mostly cuz I can relate 💀)
S tier:
Mr. Smee: y'all are gonna scream at me but he deserves the S tier in my opinion 💀 Bro is constantly getting abused 💀💀 plus y'all know I'm biased 🤓
People are gonna be screaming at me in the comments 💀💀
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