#she has an ltw to become media magnate but i got her a job as an EMT in the meantime because it didn’t show up in the paper
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
The sims 2 is so funny because you can do everything right, you can make your sims study cooking and go to work on time and micromanage everybody so that they don’t die in stupid ways, and then the goddamn nanny burns your house down
#AN NPC CAUSED THE FIRST FIRE IN MY NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS#so i’m playing the prosperity challenge right. which is basically where you randomise some families and play them in rotations#i’m on the third family atm and it’s a single mom with a teenage son; child daughter and twin toddler boys#she has an ltw to become media magnate but i got her a job as an EMT in the meantime because it didn’t show up in the paper#and hired a nanny to take care of the kids while she and the oldest son were out#nanny was fine at first. she just made sugar cookies and made sure the toddlers didn’t get taken away by social services which i massively#appreciated. but then my sim came home from work and immediately got a promotion#to paramedic; which meant she had to switch over to nights right away. so the nanny came again a few hours later and immediately proceeded#to set my kitchen on fire#thankfully they have a smoke alarm but she sent the two older kids into aspiration failure. SHERYL WHEN I CATCH YOUUUU#bizarrely the person who is absolutely coming in clutch for this family is none of the family members and nor is it the nanny#it’s gerald who is the grandpa of a different family i created in the neighbourhood. he works with the mom (although he’s an intern now)#and she brought him home from work and he has just been here all night#it’s 4:20am and he’s sat playing with one of the toddlers helping him learn words with his bunny 🥹#gerald we looooove you. platinum aspiration for gerald. GOOD THINGS FOR GERALD#the most annoying people in this challenge so far are sheryl the nanny who burns stuff down and jackson; a kid in one of the other houses#who keeps calling everyone at 2am even if he barely knows them. and also at 10am on school days#jackson’s mom also irritates me because she came to pick her daughter up who was just playing chess on a porch at 8pm; bothering nobody#but doesn’t stop jackson from spamming everyone with calls. where is the logic#personal
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tamtam-go92 · 6 years
Pleasantview with a Twist Recap Spring 1
So, yeah I actually only played one season of Pleasantview with a Twist but it might be one of my favorite saves ever (Go download it here, if you don't have it already)! Read the recap under the cut (probably huge).
Goth Family Part 1:
Bella (Romance/grilled Cheese – Become Media Magnate; bisexual +Logical, Creative -Fatness; OTH Tinkering; Cancer (7/3/5/3/7) – Hopeless Romantic, Perfectionist, Neurotic, Disciplined, Good) returned to her family
Cassandra (Family/Popularity – Own 3 first-class Businesses; straight +Swimwear, Jewelry -red Hair; OTH Tinkering; Virgo (7/2/5/7/4) – Cat Person, Nurturing, Techie, Neurotic, Neat) and Don (Romance – Marry off 3 kids; straight +gray Hair, Charismatic -custom Hair; OTH Fitness; Leo (1/7/8/5/4) – Romantic, Loves to Swim, Slob, Adventurous, Self Assured) got married and moved to Don's Condo.
Mortimer (Knowledge/Fortune – Become Captain Hero; straight +Hats, Creative -Perfume; OTH Nature; Cancer (4/6/4/7/4) – Mooch, Genius, Green Thumb, Easily Impressed, Outgoing) and Bella decided to renew their vows now that she was back.
They hired a butler.
Mortimer joined the Garden Club
Dina (Fortune/Romance – 3 Pets reach Top of Career; straight +red Hair, Charismatic -Great Cook; OTH Nature; Sagittarius (2/8/1/8/6) – Born Salesperson, Flirty, Eco Friendly, Couch Potato, Slob) didn't take it so well that her old nemesis Bella has returned.
She kept coming over to kick the bin but the butler always greeted her so Mortimer had the chance to apologize to her and they are on okay terms again.
Caliente Family Part 1:
Dina and Nina (Romance – Graduate 2 Kids from College; bisexual +Stink, Good at Cleaning -black Hair; OTH Sports; Great Kisser, Vehicle Enthusiast, Adventurous, Loner, Disciplined) headed out to Downtown with some townies.
Nina met Daniel Pleasant (Romance/Fortune – Have 10 simultaneous Lovers; straight +Workaholic, Good Mechanic -Great Cook; OTH Tinkering; Virgo (6/3/6/4/6) – Snob, Non Committal, Black Thumb, Never Nude, Active) there and they got along pretty well. But Mary-Sue (Fortune/Family – Become Sports Expert; straight +custom Hair, Charismatic -Stink; OTH Music; Gemini (5/8/6/3/3) – Workaholic, Jealous, Virtuoso, Good Sense of Humor, Evil) was also around so they had to be careful.
Nina got a job as dancer and was fired the first day due to a bad chance card.
Dina tried to befriend a wolf.
The twins went Downtown again with Brandi Broke (Family/Romance – Become Captain Hero; straight +Jewelry, Charismatic -unemployed; OTH Arts; Aries (3/6/4/6/6) – Commitment Issues; Family Oriented, Artistic, Slob, Cheerful) and Nina met Daniel again, but jet again Mary-Sue was also around (I'm pretty sure she's controlling him).
Burb Family Part 1:
The Burbs moved back to Pleasantview and got a nice house.
John (Family – Have 10 Dream Dates; straight +Fatness, Swimwear -black Hair; OTH Nature; Aries (4/4/4/7/6) -  Family Oriented, Sailor, Inabrobriate, Cheerful, Unlucky) and Lucy (Grow up, OTH Movies; Cancer (6/4/3/7/5) – Bookworm, True Slacker, Proper) wanted a dog so Jen (Fortune – Have 10 first Dates; straight +formal Wear, Full-face Make up -unemployed; OTH Music; Gemini (4/7/6/3/5) -  Materialistic, Dance Machine, No Sense of Humor, Outgoing, Adventurous) took her daughter Downtown to buy one. They brought little mixed breed Amigo.
Lucy also met Justin Kim (Grow up; OTH Fitness; Aries (4/7/6/4/4) – Dog Person, Good Sense of Humor, Mean) and befriended him almost immediately.
John and Jennifer are desperately trying for a second kid.
Lucy is quite lazy with her homework and doesn't do so well at school.
Lothario Family Part 1:
Don finds out that he's pregnant. He's not sure why, but he has an idea...
He still tells Cassy he was abducted by aliens and Cassy is super excited to finally see alien hybrids herself.
Cassy is a Cat Person so when she's at work Don drives downtown to get her a cat. He buys the fluffy kitty Belinda.
Cassy finds herself pregnant too and it's a real struggle to keep two pregnant Sims alive.
They hire a maid to keep the house okay and it's Remington.
Don gave birth to twin girls, Annabeth (Loves to Swim (Don), Night Owl (Kaylynn) and Bianca (Adventurous (Don), Brooding (Kaylynn)). Cassy is a bit disappointed that they don't have alien skin, but at least they got alien eyes.
Broke Family Part 1:
Dustin (Fortune/Family – Have 10 best Friends; straight +Glasses, gray Hair -formal Wear; OTH Nature; Aries (3/6/4/6/6) – Ambitious, Angler, Slob, Self Assured) is struggling with his aspiration but it gets better when he had his first kiss with Angela (Popularity/Family – Have 10 first Dates; bisexual +Stink, red Hair -Hats; OTH Nature; Aquarius (4/3/9/7/5) – Dog Person, Family Oriented, Loves Outdoors, Shy) .
He taught Beau (Grow up; Gemini (6/7/4/3/5) – Star Quality, Social Butterfly) how to talk.
Brandi finds herself pregnant by her late husband.
She tries to maintain a friendship with the Caliente twins.
Beau grew up into a child (OTH Music; new trait: Mature) .
Brandi started painting, to get another small income.
Oldie Family Part 1:
Herb (Romance/Pleasure – Raise 10 Puppies or Kitten; straight +Make up, Athletic -red Hair; OTH Nature; Libra (2/8/1/8/6) – Commitment Issues, Party Animal, Technophobe, Coward, Slob) and Coral (Family/Fortune – Become a Rock Goddess; straight +Charismatic, Artistic -Athletic; OTH Movies; Virgo (6/3/6/4/6) – Ambitious, Nurturing, Dramatic, Socially Awkward, Mature) live in a nice small apartment with charming neighbors like Mr. Big, the Diva and the (female) date-able slob.
Coral invited the family of her daughter and tried to get through to Lilith (Popularity/Family – Reach Golden Anniversary; bisexual +Full-face Make up, black Hair -Hats; OTH Sports; Aquarius (2/3/8/5/3) – Equestrian, Match Enthusiast, Slob, Athletic). Herb was more successful.
Coral got a part-time job in a record store.
Mr. Big and the Diva became a thing.
Herb has a small thing going on with the date-able slob.
Pleasant Family Part 1:
Daniel tried his best to restore the relationship with Mary-Sue.
It didn't help that he was nauseous all the time.
Mary-Sue went bowling with her parents and Daniel found out he was pregnant.
He talked to Kaylynn (Family/Knowledge – Become Minister of Education; straight +Glasses, Jewelry -Good at Cleaning; OTH Tinkering; Aquarius (6/1/7/4/7) – Genius, Nurturing, Perfectionist, Brooding, Night Owl) when his wife was at work and she told him, that she didn't know she was a Pollinator until Don Lothario turned out pregnant too and she got herself tested. Daniel had no idea how to explain things to Mary-Sue.
She didn't believe him being abducted, they don't own a telescope so they argued the rest of the round.
The twins were around too, Angela loves taking care of the garden and Lil' started smoking...
Dreamer Family Part 1:
Darren (Knowledge/Family – Become Criminal Mastermind; straight +black Hair, custom Hair -Hats; OTH Nature; Aries (4/4/4/7/6) – Computer Whiz, Family Oriented, Gatherer, Clumsy, Friendly) was invited Downtown by Mortimer Goth. He agreed to go, I the hope Cassandra would be there too, but she wasn't
He started a fire and painted.
Dirk (Fortune – Become Captain Hero; straight +brown Hair, custom Hair -Hats; OTH Tinkering; Virgo (6/3/6/4/6) – Frugal, Handy, No Sense of Humor, Good) actually has a career centered LTW so he got a part-time job and will go to College soon. His grades sadly dropped since he never had time to do his homework.
Darren still mourns Darleen and accepted that Cassandra choose an other man.
Frat Household Part 1:
Joshua Ruben (Fortune/Romance – Woohoo 10 Sims; straight +Fitness, Full-face Make up -brown Hair; OTH Sports; Leo (1/8/6/5/3) – Frugal, Flirty, Soccer Player, Slob, Daredevil) started dating Tiffany Sampson (Knowledge/Pleasure – Become Space Pirate; straight +Swimwear, brown Hair -custom Hair; OTH Nature; Aries (4/5/4/6/6) – Perceptive, Party Animal, Angler, Erratic, Cheerful).
Ashley (Romance/Family – Become Criminal Mastermind; straight +Hats, brown Hair -Logical; OTH Sports; Leo (2/9/7/6/1) – Dislikes Children, Family Oriented, Footballer, Can't stand Art, Charismatic) made a bet that he would get Allegra Gorey (Knowledge – Become the Law; straight +Fatness, blonde Hair -Glasses; OTH Fitness; Pisces (5/2/9/2/7) – Computer Whiz, Healthy Lifestyle, Brave, Shy, No Sense of Humor) into bed before he graduated and instantly went out on his mission.
Castor Nova (Knowledge/grilled Cheese – Become Mayor; straight +Fatness, Fitness -Underwear; OTH Arts; Virgo (4/4/6/5/6) – Genius, Photographer's Eye, Unlucky, Athletic, Good) made out with Heather Huffington (Romance/Knowledge – Become Hall of Famer; straight + Glasses, blonde Hair -Jewelry; OTH Nature; Sagittarius (1/7/2/9/6) – Supernatural Fan, Great Kisser, Eco Friendly, Slob, Absent Minded) on a toga party and made every other girl on the campus hate him.
He also had his first woohoo with Heather on a party.
The boys lives revolve around dating, studying and parties really. Oh, and Pizza.
Sorority Household Part 1:
The girls reconciled after they were mad at Heather for getting Castor.
Heather and Tiffany are outdoor girls, so the got a small garden extension.
They also threw some parties.
Brittany Upsnott (Popularity/Fortune – Have 10 best Friends; straight +custom Hair, Logical -Glasses; OTH Sports; Capricorn (7/7/8/2/1) – Dog Lover, Mooch, Basketball Player, Diva, Mature) got a basketball court.
As with the Frat Boys, their lives are all around dating, studying, parties and Pizza.
Bright Household Part 1:
Turned out that Martin Ruben (Knowledge/Pleasure – Become the Law; straight +Fitness, Workaholic -blonde Hair; OTH Cuisine; Capricorn (8/3/2/5/7) – Supernatural Fan, Unstable, Natural Cook, Hydrophobic, Proper) was the mom of the group.
The all went downtown with Allegra and Ashley and all of his friends.
After some drinks Jane (Family/Fortune – Become City Planner; straight +Fitness, Workaholic -Swimwear; OTH Tinkering; Cancer (72/7/3/6) – Born Salesperson, Jealous, Technology Lover, Never Nude, Mature) and Martin kissed (without my doing!).
Jane was insecure about the kiss and the next day she asks Martin if he was serious about this or if it was just out of a mood. But it seems, that Martin really likes Jane.
They all are real nerds and spent most time reading, or in front of their PC. But Allegra and Martin also have to work out quite a bit.
Martin and Jane finally fell in love before their exams for the second semester.
Jane wanted an orchard tree, but Martin is the one to take car of it.
Kim Family Part 1:
Cynthia (Popularity/Family – Have 10 dream dates; straight +Fitness, formal Wear -Stink; OTH Music; Aries (4/7/6/4/4) – Cat Person, Jealous, Colorblind, Charismatic, Supernatural Skeptic) got a job in Politics and Robert (Fortune/Knowledge – Become Hall of Famer; straight +formal Wear, black Hair -Stink; OTH Sports; Gemini (4/7/7/3/4) – Snob, Computer Whiz, Boxer, Disciplined, Self Absorbed) as an athlete.
Cynthia and Bella Goth befriend over the welcome wagon.
She's also really popular with her colleagues and tried to help her son with his school work.
Goth Family Part 2:
Bella helped Alexander (Grow up; OTH Nature; Cancer (4/6/4/7/4) – Animal Lover, Loves the Heat, Excitable) with his homework and started a fire.
The next day her and Mortimer celebrate their second wedding and she congratulates her daughter on her pregnancy (in fact she's absolutely horrified at the thought of being a grandmother).
Only seconds after their wedding Alexander grows into a Romance teen (Romance/Popularity – Have 10 Dream Dates, straight +Stink, Great Cook -Workaholic; new trait: Irresistible).
Mortimer and Bella go on a second honey moon to Takemizu Valley. Mortimer wanted to go there since forever.
They experienced a lot there but it almost always ended with them being chased by bees.
Back home Alexander's room got a little big boy makeover and he got the computer he wanted for his birthday.
He breaks the computer on the very first day and Bella almost dies trying to fix it herself.
Alexander is surprisingly popular with one of the exchange students and he experienced his first kiss.
Only thinking about this made him struggle with school.
Caliente Family Part 2:
Dina invited Brandi over and the twins were excited to become godmothers.
They also invited Goopy in, but none of them was really turned on by him.
There was a bad storm that ended with a burning palm tree and Goopy being stuck by lightning in the hot tub.
Nina invited Don over to woohoo.
Dina got a job as an architect.
Nina cut her hair short.
Dina really wanted a Dog and so the girls went to buy a proud rottweiler called Chino. And Nina ran into Daniel Pleasant again.
Nina got a Job as an Adventurer.
Nina invited Daniel downtown to go clubbing. The were only dancing, started to slow-dance, when they were captured by Mary-Sue. I'm telling you, she's spying on him! That was the dagger hit for their marriage.
Nina and Daniel still had a pleasant date and plan to see each other again.
Burb Family Part 2:
Jennifer is pregnant!
She uses her new free time to help Lucy with her school work, but that pregnancy is really draining her so they don't get far.
John loves his wife even more now that she's carrying their second child.
Jennifer invites the family over for Lucy's birthday. She has no idea, that her brother is pregnant too, and he's hiding it well (He's wearing an outfit without preg-morph).
Lucy grew into a knowledge teen (Knowledge – Become a General; straight +Hats, red Hair -blonde Hair; new trait: Perceptive).
She is finally able to catch up on her homework with her mother's help.
Lothario Family Part 2:
Living with twins and a pregnant wife drives Don crazy!
At night during a thunder storm their son, Christian Goth-Lothario is born (Self Assured (Don), Neurotic (Cassandra))!
The next day Cassy invites her family to meet the new family members.
Once the guests are gone, they head to practice for the next nooboo. Well Don enjoys the practicing, and Cassandra enjoys the thought of an other baby.
They have to move houses before the next round starts.
Broke Family Part 2:
Brandi gave birth to a third boy, David Broke (Commitment Issues (Brandi), Nurturing (Skip)).
Dustin is really good at school and brought an A+ home!
He is also really popular with all the young guys in his criminal field, his best friend is Loren Teens.
Brandi invites her friends to visit Club Dante were Dina meets Malcolm Landgaab.
Oldie Family Part 2:
Coral could talk Herb into adopting three siblings that lost their parents in a car crash. The children will arrive one after an other since the oldest is still hospitalized.
They make use of the elixir of life to be there for their new children long enough.
The next day they welcome the first of the three kids at their home: Baby Elizabeth (Nurturing (Coral), Coward (Herb).
When Coral is at work, Herb tries his best being a good new Dad to Liz, but he still maintains his affair with the date-able slob.
The next morning they welcome the second sibling, toddler Katja (Grow up; Mature, Slob). Her crazy real parents even died her hair blue!
Pleasant Family Part 2:
Once Mary-Sue is home from work she finds that Lilith invited her boyfriend Dirk and his father Darren over. Darren is a really handsome man to her...
She has enough of Daniel and his cheating. She senses that something is odd with his alien pregnancy and the twins of Cassandra's husband Don. They probably got involved with the same person and Mary-Sue really doesn't want to be in the center of this.
Angela is devastated about the divorce of her parents, so Mary-Sue buys her a small schnauzer called Dana.
Angela brings the same exchange student home, that Alexander Goth shared his first kiss with and she has to admit, that she's really cute...
The Burbs and the Dreamers are over and Mary-Sue and Darren REALLY get along well!
Dreamer Family Part 2:
Darren invited Mary-Sue over and well, things went well between them.
Dirk didn't take it that good and went outside to cry at his mother's grave.
Finally Mary-Sue and Darren fall in love and they have their first woohoo together.
Langerak Family:
Now that Mary-Sue kicked him out, Daniel is forced to move in with Kaylynn. She has a nice apartment with all her colleagues living in the same building.
Kaylynn is thrilled to be a real family. Daniel not so much. He always rolled wants about Nina Caliente.
He gave birth to twin boys, Fritz (Genius (Kaylynn), Active (Daniel) and Gunnar Langerak (Snob (Daniel), Perfectionist (Kaylynn).
Kay wants to be a teacher but yet she's stuck with her underpaid maid job.
Frat Household Part 2:
Joshua invited Tiff for a romantic home date and they experienced their very first woohoo.
There was more partying and woohooing.
After another wonderful date Josh proposed to Tiff.
Kevin (Family/Popularity) – Become Game Developer; straight +Fitness, Good at Cleaning,  -Logical; OTH Arts; Leo (3/5/6/5/6) – Cat Lover, Nurturing, Avant Garde, Slob, Friendly) feels extremely left out with all his brothers dating steadily.
Ash can convince Allegra to kiss at a party and later invited her for their first real date. He starts to take their relationship serious and almost forgot the bet he did with his brothers.
Al and Ash have their very first woohoo, too.
They all are doing well at school.
Sorority Household Part 2:
Heather's and Tiffany's parties are always a blast.
Brittany wanted to throw a party too, but that one was a total disaster so she went into aspiration failure.
I brought them a bubble blower to raise her aspiration and now all the girls always do is blow bubbles, even Tiff.
Bright Household Part 2:
Heather came to visit her friend Martin and Allegra and her got into a fight.
Jane is really focused on her studies as she's graduating soon.
Shortly before her last exams Martin asked her to marry him once he's older and she agrees!
They go on their first real date and while I initially wanted them to wait until after their wedding, they did it in a changing booth...
Jane graduated with honors and threw a great graduation party.
Life goes on for Martin and Allegra as always, studying and taking care of the house. They hope to move in a third roommate soon though.
Kim Family Part 2:
Cynthia climbs the career ladder at an amazing speed.
Robert is about to get Justin into private school and after getting the house ready on his day off, they invite the headmaster over.
Cynthia makes Comfort Soup and Justin is accepted into private school!
Stacks Family:
Jane moved Downtown and rented a small very green house. Her neighbors are Brandi LeTourneu, Goopy GilsCarbo and  Arcadia Bradshaw.
On her first night as an adult she went out with Castor Nova and some of his friends.
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